#ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ ᴏғ ʜᴀʙɪᴛ—— (verse 001).
maliignant · 10 months
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@in-every-generation (amythest) sent: ∗ 14﹕ sender places their head in receiver’s lap .
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FINGERS LACE WITHIN TRESSES OF HAIR as an instant response, a gentle hum soon to follow like a lullaby. There's a tenderness to the action, regardless of past discretions, treating the woman before her like the little doll she'd always saw her as. It didn't matter that such an action might have been seen in many cases as something to be despised, because in truth, this was Drusilla's language of love and affection. She knows nothing else. Devotion and security, a sense she attempts to display even in the most subtle of notions. Leaning down, she places a kiss to the top of Amythest's forehead while still caressing fingers through her hair in a slow and tender manner. ❝ Darling Dove… ❞ she whispers, ❝ do you see the poppies that grow? They grow for you, my love. Do you see them? ❞
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maliignant · 10 months
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@oneyedchicklet sent: ∗ 2o﹕ sender lifts receiver's chin , invoking eye contact .
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TOUCH — EVEN TO THE SMALLEST DEGREE — WAS ALWAYS SUCH an intimate notion; skin upon skin, that hint of warmth against chilled flesh like a delectable treat. She craves it like the very essence of blood pumping through a child's veins, innocent and wanton with every huff of breath that's now become foreign to her on a personal level. A want and a wish she'll never experience again, but no matter. Her mind is too far gone to care about such tedious things, though deep down she envies them. The finger upon chin forces her head to tilt back with ease, not fighting the action nor the contact of the woman's gaze before her. So pretty, she thinks and for a split second, she wants to touch her as well. Feel the smoothness of skin at her fingertips; is she warm? Like humans. Or cold? The unknowing is exhilarating. A grin plays across slowly parted lips, a light giggle soon to follow as if the notion in itself excited her and in many ways, it did. Tongue pressed between teeth that clenched down for that slight feeling of pain. ❝ You are a wicked one. ❞ She coo's, in a way that signifies delight that perhaps should not be present and yet, she can't help the excitement that begins to boil at the base of her core.
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maliignant · 10 months
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@songbirdsandsugar continued from here.
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IN MANY WAYS, DRUSILLA HAD EXPECTED the woman to flee with fear. It would have been an understandable reaction, to see a loved one in such a monstrous state of being. Regardless of the fact that her sister had been made anew; this form… Lucy, didn't retreat. No, she touched upon her like an old friend and for a second, Drusilla quivers at the contact. Perhaps, out of pure instinct alone, because no one had ever shown her such kindness with a face so distorted. At least, no one human. But she leans into the gentle caress, hand of her own rising to embrace Lucy's in order to counter any moments of doubt that she might strike without intention. And soon, her lips purse as she coo's a soft ❝ shhh…. ❞ eyes slowly coming to close while continuing to push her cheek into the palm of the other's hand. The warmth felt nice against chilled flesh and she relishes in it momentarily. A lullaby begins to stir, deep within the back of her throat and released in a solemn hum as she begins to rock back and forth. ❝ Do you remember the song mummy used to sing? She had the sweetest voice, so tender, like velvet. ❞
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Eyes soon open to reveal the yellowness beneath closed lids and they seem to stare deep into the other, ❝ You look so much like her now. ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@angel-the-taciturn-shadowy-guy​​​​ continued from here
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❝ Come now, is that any way to treat your lil' girl? ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@songbirdsandsugar​​​​ asked:  “Are you… smelling me?”     MEME 
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THE SCENT HAD BEEN INTOXICATING, luring her in as a fish to a worm on a hook. The concept of boundaries clearly leaving her head space as she neared closer. It wasn't just the scent though - no - there was something much more profound which caught Drusilla's attention. A power, a strength, something far more intricate than most. ❝ You... you smell o' poppies. They whisper to you, like me. ❞ Her head cants to the side as both arms rise, hands hovering over either side of the other's face. Hands quivering,  ❝ do you hear them singin'? Even now? ❞  
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maliignant · 10 months
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@sadauroras (buffy) sent: ∗ 39﹕ sender is caught following receiver .
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HOW INTERESTING, SHE THINKS — WHEN PREDATOR BECOMES THE PREY. A continuous circle between vampire and slayer where one feels more superior than the other, always that tender notion like a delicacy laced with an overpowering amount of salt and pepper. Head tilts, knowing that she's being followed but doesn't allow herself to stop just yet. She wants to see how far and how long the other is willing to venture. In a way, it was like walking a pet who refused to lead, wandering behind her with every gentle step but determined none the less to continue. The fact that Buffy was able to keep up was like a love language in and of itself in many ways, or at least, that's how Drusilla was looking at it. An obsession, an interest just waiting to be devoured and consumed in every sense of the word. It was human nature after all, compulsion at its finest. Eventually though, she does stop, quite abruptly. Standing like a statue, dazed and seemingly confused. But she isn't confused, on the contrary, she's well versed in the present even if her eyes do begin to wander like a lost little lamb caught in a field. ❝ Sweet lil' f'ing. ❞ She purrs, ❝ do you remember… the last song your mummy sang to you as you drifted off to sleep? Can you still 'ear it? That tender voice, so calmin', wasn't it? All your fears driftin' away, it's not the same now though is it? ❞
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maliignant · 10 months
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@little-miss-buffy sent: ∗ 28﹕ sender strikes receiver with a pillow .
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THE BLOW HAD COME RATHER SUDDENLY — could she really be surprised considering the fact that she'd shown up unexpectedly? ❝ Ow. ❞ Hands to face, though there really was no pain involved, just a surprise if anything. A pout to lips when hands fall, like a child being scolded, her spine and shoulders hunched forward while backing away slowly. A light whine, similar to that of a puppy. ❝ Why? ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@little-miss-buffy​​​ asked:  "I'm listening."         TWO WORDS.
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LIPS CURLED INTO A SLIGHT SNARL, throat emanating a deep growl followed by a quick bark. Teeth snapping before clenching, ❝ you don’t listen. You never listen. ❞ She stated, head shaking. ❝ You react an’ you poke, but you only listen when it suits you. ❞ 
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maliignant · 8 months
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@giftedeath sent: “ we all have secrets, don’t we ? ”
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HEAD SLOWLY AND SLIGHTLY CANTS TO THE SIDE when she looks upon the slayer, hand wanting to rise and reach out to touch her face for a split second though she resists the urge to do so. She's more curious than anything else, wondering why Buffy would say such a thing regardless of knowing how true it is. They all held secrets, yes, and she's wondering what secrets Buffy has specifically. But she knows too that the woman won't be so easily willing to share them, not with Drusilla of all individuals. It doesn't stop her from asking though, ❝ what secrets do you have, lil' dumplin'? What goes on in that head o' yours? ❞
Oh, is she curious. To know the amount of torment that comes with being the Chosen One at such a young age and having that weight layered upon precious shoulders. Dru can only imagine and she's salivating at the mouth just thinking about it. But the blonde is the one who presented this small bit of information in the first place and made its presence known so of course, she can't help but indulge further as much as possible and poke into it like a stick pressing into a dead animal carcass.
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❝ Do they eat away at you? They do, don't they? Just like they eat at me. From the inside, out. ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@ulfhrafnx​​​​ asked:  “ what did you want to tell me? ”   MEME
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IT WAS DIFFICULT FOR HER TO CONFESS, her insides shifted and turned in such a way she felt as if she might vomit - had that even been an option. Fingers danced and moved along the front of her own throat as head tilted back, eyelids fluttering. ❝ They sing songs 'bout you in my dreams.... always dreams. You frequent their melody. Such beautiful songs they sing. ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@taiinted​​​ asked:  “Come again?”       TWO WORDS. 
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A LIGHT CHUCKLE ESCAPES HER AS SHE REACHES both arms towards him, wrists rolling her hands until palms face upwards towards the stars. Hips slowly swaying as she beckons for him. ❝ Dance with me. ❞ She says again, this time a little bit louder than before but still with that soft song-like coo.
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maliignant · 2 years
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@dhampirslays​​​​ asked:  “Come again?”     TWO WORDS. 
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FINGERS CIRCULATED IN RHYTHMIC MOVEMENTS, flowing above her head with slight tension to digits. Head rolling from side to side followed by the tender sway of her body. ❝ They whisper sweet lullabies o’ death... moth wings flickerin’.... flutterin’.... they fear what’s coming. ❞ 
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maliignant · 10 months
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@captainperoxidespike gets a short, random thing.
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ARMS WRAPPED AROUND HIM FROM BEHIND, nose brushing tenderly against the side of his face as she purrs. A light giggle soon to follow until she eventually twirls, shifting herself into his lap while keeping their faces in close proximity. Lips brushing together as she administers a playful sort of growl. ❝ Do you still love my insides? The parts you can't see. ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@taiinted​​ asked:  “Not now.”         TWO WORDS. 
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SHE COULD FEEL HER STOMACH GROWLING, mouth curled into a pout as she whimpered softly. Hand to her tummy, she slouched and groaned. The growl was in fact just of her own doing, but the hunger was very much prominent in the space it might as well have come from. ❝ If not now, then when? ❞ The smell of blood was already lingering in the air, fueling through her nostrils with ease. Lips parting to expose her teeth though she did not let her face shift just yet. ❝ Just a lil' taste before the party? ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@ulfhrafnx​​ asked:  “Don’t touch.”         TWO WORDS.
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THE MORE SHE WAS TOLD NOT TO DO SOMETHING, the more that temptation lingered and flourished. Fingers itching as they reached forward, wanting so desperately to touch the delicate things before her though she resisted with some hesitation. ❝ But why? ❞ 
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maliignant · 2 years
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@fiveslays​​ asked:  “Absolutely not.”       TWO WORDS.
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IF THERE WAS ONE THING DRUSILLA LOATHED, it was being told ‘no.’ The very words of rejection snapped her focus with a glaring gaze, brows furrowed as fingers clenched together. Lips formed a pout, a light whimper escaping her in vast disappointment. ❝ No need to be so crossed, Faithy. I’m sure they miss their mummy. ❞ 
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