pinkpuffballdude · 2 years
me before rigging a vtuber: aw man $200? that's probably reasonable but I don't have that kind of money :(
me, now having drawn and rigged the Same Fucking Model three times: two hundred dollars is not enough. you should be charging five thousand per parameter.
#live2d#vtuber#this shit is so fucking hard and to make it look GOOD???? skill. talent. practice. fucking blood magic.#true story#if I see anyone ever complaining about how much comissioning vtube riggers costs I will personally eat their kneecaps#you've lost your knee privleges. sorry! my kneecaps now#I tried to tell my dad about the Fuckin Bullshit live2d was putting me through and he had to stop me#because AND I QUOTE. I just sounded like some sifi insert technobabble here nonsense#and honestly. he's right. I barely understood what I was saying.#literally how do people make this shit Good. tell me your secrets.#MAKING A MODEL WHO CAN BLINK AND ALSO SMILE IS THE BANE OF MY FUCKING EXISTANCE. HELL ON EARTH.#I plan on making a youtube video documenting my journey for educational purposes because Holy Fuck#like. like. absolute Bare Minimum. how do you draw a model for live2d.#there's a ton of (really good!) videos about how to navigate the basics of live2d but. but.#I couldn't get anything about How To Draw It.#cause that's like opening an animation program and explaining how the pen tool works#except!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#anyone who already knows how to use it will Know and it's Basic and Obvious#but for someone just starting out that is a HUGE hurdle!!!#my first tip is to draw it like a paper puppet if you've ever made those#make sure EVERY moving part overlaps in a way that let's you rotate/shift it to the fullest degree#including things like The Nose or any scars/birthmarks/coloration#so that when you rotate the head/body/arm/Whatever *you can have those move seperately*#and not have to spend two thousand years carefully warping the texture to make it look like it's moving#I learned this. the hard way.#also don't make your first model with Cool Textures you will regret it#I used the watercolor brush cause it's pretty. never again. not for a Long time.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Yay!! New chapter!!! 🥳🥳
I'm so happy!!!
Ok, let's do this...
🤭 sexy times ahead 😈
-Magnus only knows five things about Raphael.
You already know too much about him Magnus back off 🤣
Raphael gives me Rosa Diaz vibes... King!
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Is this Model Magnus origin story? 😍
-“I’m hot,” Magnus notes. “I could be a model.”
You can be anything you want to be you're Magnificent Bane!!
-“You know how we have sex?”
-Magnus can’t help but smile at that. “Yes. I know.”
-“But we haven’t, like, uh, had like sex sex?”
Why is this so cute??? 🤭
“Because you are beautiful,” Alec replies. “And you’re brilliant and your bright and-”
Alec blinks.
Alec knows. Magnus had told him the very first day they had met.
“I thought you were just saying words in B,” Magnus grins.
Beloved is another B word, which you also are 🥰
“We are doing an experiment,” Magnus says and then grins. “No. A sexperiment!”
🤣🤣 this whole scene is 🔥
“Magnus,” he says, and his name is a whisper. “Will you make love to me?”
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Magnus has never been anyone’s baby before.
Why do I feel like this is the B word that's gonna makes us cry in the future 🤔😔
They're already divorced...
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Magnus at the MET gala I can't wait 😍🤩
It is done now.
It had been one of the hardest things Magnus had done in his life. He had to sit in a room across from Alec and figure out how to live their lives separately when he had dreamed of the opposite for many years.
But it is done.
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Yes, I know this exactly what I signed up for, yes, I remember asking for more... but it hurts!!!!
But neither Max's yelling nor his cruel jabs hurt as much as Alec’s silent treatment.
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We're going to L.A? 😮
OMG the gang is getting together again!!!
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Magnus as a fallen angel is going to be epic 🤩🤩
Disneyland here we gooo!!!
I want to be in that chat group
Alec chuckles at that and then looks at Magnus.
A nod.
Magnus doesn’t really know what to do. 
A smile. 
Ouch... this hurts a lot!! 😭
Wait!!!! Max is having threesomes 😳
Who thought that leaving this two (Alec and Max) together was a good idea? They're going to starve themselves 🤦🏻‍♀️
The conversation between Magnus and Max is too sad, I can't 😭😭
David is there too. He is standing close to Clary, who is on her phone. The blonde boy’s blue eyes are fixed on Max, who is talking to Simon and Georgia.
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I love them so much 😍😍
They're so precious!!
The thing about taking time for yourself is that it eventually has to come to an end. And going back to normal life and making up to the people you had abandoned usually comes with an apology tour.
This hit me hard 😔 I've been there
Donald Duck in the cake 🤣🤣
This fic is taking me on an emotional roller-coaster... Disneyland could never 😌
Lexi's gay panic is the cutest thing ever, I might have a weakness for characters that are named like me 🤭
They're going to dress up... THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!!
David is always a prince charming he's just wearing regular clothes 🥰
Magnus as Aladdin 😍
Alec as captain hook has unlocked something 😳🙃
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“I know,” David nods and then holds up the white rose. “For you.”
I would have died!!! He's too precious 🥰
Oh no, I have a bad feeling about the bathroom scene 😒 this is not gonna end well...
A white rose lies on the white floor, now trampled and broken.
Magnus looks up and his heart somehow breaks even further.
I KNEW IT!!! 😭😭😭
Ooh we're going to Canada 😍
He's meeting the prime minister 😲 is it Justin Trudeau?? 🥰😍
I don't like Magnus going on dates, fuck Shinyun 😠
“I tried to sabotage the date,” Max tells him the way of hello. “But I think Rafe is onto me.”
Max my precious child, I love him!!
I hate monopoly, I always loose
They're such a cute family, I need to know what happened? 😭
Why hasn't Alec met Tessa? That's weird
Alec puts more pasta on his plate. “Baby, can you pass me the sauce?”
Magnus picks up the sauce and is already halfway passing it when his hand goes still.
Alec freezes too.
I knew the B word was going to come back in a bad way 😭
“I don’t give a shit about Toronto,” Max is all but yelling now. “I get to meet Justin Fucking Trudeau.”
The way I relate to Max 🤣🤣
😠 fuck Shinyun honestly!!
It’s a challenge.
“Good luck on your date, Magnus.”
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Thank you so much for another great chapter... you're amazing ❤
PS: my phone now auto completes Shinyun when I type fuck 🤣
Also not your phone ksdjhcfkjsnfhks. Alec might have the same situation lol.
I love this so much! Thank you!
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skyler-bane · 4 years
I. Leaving
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Up went the sun. All the trees, sidewalks, and cars’ roofs seemed even brighter, still glistening with yesterday’s rain. Another warm morning in New York has just welcomed the residents. But would it be absolutely normal for everyone? Would an undisturbed daily routine be meant for everyone today?
 The walls turned painfully white as the first sunrays peered through the window – now one could also notice how empty they looked; no pictures or photographs, but minimalistic interiors had been pretty common for such a long time it wouldn’t make anyone question the owner’s taste. A large sofa had been waiting for so long to welcome any guests if they ever visited this place, there was a desk, along with some blue rug that looked exceptionally soft. A few shelves with books and CDs on them. Nothing more. No item found on the desk looked strange either and yet, it still didn’t seem to belong to a regular citizen, somehow. If one wanted to know why this room looked rather out of ordinary, the answer could be a couple of weird devices nobody but their owner knew what they were for.
And there he was; having fallen asleep so gracefully, with his cheek pressed against the keyboard, Skyler Bane had proudly managed to get his 4-or-so hours of sleep. Feeling how bad his back hurt, he let out a sigh and tried to make his position a bit more comfortable, slowly getting used to the brightness too. “Well, haven’t you mastered this trick…”, he muttered, blinking fast – still too much sun. But coffee wasn’t going to make itself and magically appear on the desk with a lovely “Drink Me” label… At least Skyler’s last commission wasn’t going to bother him anymore and could be classified as finished, a few days before the deadline. This should bring that… low quality sleep to an end, and hopefully the whites of Skyler’s eyes, along with his transparent and disturbingly grayish tone of skin would stop screaming ‘workaholic’. He finally managed to raise himself from the chair and head straight to the kitchen, where he looked outside the window. New York, how could these all people be so awake, smiling, and full of energy?
Skyler had moved to New York so many years ago, he couldn’t even imagine living in any other city now and every single time he actually tried to envision this move, that imaginary city looked… just like NYC. And 'moved'…? No, not really. He’d been brought to this city by his parents, straight from London where he’d spent his first 6 years of life. Not long enough for any strong bonds or friendships to be missed once they crossed the Manhattan Bridge, yet long enough to say his situation was rather difficult and… unappealing. No child would like to find themselves so far from their parents after all, not even with the loveliest grandparents as their new companions and guardians. New York was where Skyler had come to terms with what his parents had done to him, where his grandparents had managed to show him that the world wasn’t as rotten as it seemed to the little boy. But the reason he’d decided to stay in the city wasn’t as romantic as one would think. He’d simply gotten used to NYC, not bothered by his hopeless attempts at looking for some other place to live in. The message about his parents’ fatal accident and how he could move to their newly bought apartment in London - it all sounded like a joke, but sure Skyler could find some finesse in it. And he was going to move there without batting an eye as if they’d owed him much more than that. Which they certainly had. This one thought kept him going, this one thought reassured him that London was a good idea.
 A loud beep coming from his coffee machine announced that his drink was ready. It should wake him up, along with a hot shower, breakfast, and...- Another loud noise came from his front door this time. Someone was at the door and Skyler already hated them for coming this early, even though he was the one who had turned his phone off and made it impossible for others to contact him. He opened the door energetically as if he wanted to convince himself that he didn't need coffee to function properly. All his hatred was gone when he saw who his unexpected guest was.
"Hey, I brought your games! Sorry I didn't come yesterday, they called my mom and told her I failed that stupid test, so she got mad. I told her it wasn't because of the games or anything like that, but she never listens..." 
Ah, this boy. The list of people Skyler would miss wasn't long, his number one was Max, his neighbor. He was sixteen and lived with his mother and grandmother. Both of them weren't sure if Skyler could be considered a good company for Max, but his grandmother remembered Christine, Skyler's grandmother, and how wonderful a person she was, so eventually, they decided that as long as Max didn't start skipping school or using swear words, the two could hang out together. 
"It's okay, come in. D'you want somethin' to drink?"
"Yeah, some juice maybe? Thanks!"
Max came in and put the games on the table. A little bit too late for Bane to hide his bags and a few large boxes? Definitely. The man mouthed 'fuck' and hid his face behind the palms of his hands, so he could add a soundless, yet angry 'you stupid fuck' too. There was no way he could just disappear without saying a word now and he knew that well, he just had no clue how he was going to do that. Hey, I’m leaving and won’t be coming back. How was your day? 
Skyler handed the boy a glass of orange juice and grabbed his coffee too, leaning against the window sill in the kitchen. He took a sip of coffee and furrowed his brows.
"Why did you use 'fail' and 'test' in one sentence, though?"
"The questions were dumb! I couldn't understand them, nobody could," replied Max, sounding very disappointed. "I wasn't even the only one who didn't pass! The whole class, except for Josh of course, but it didn't convince my mom. She always says: 'if Josh gets good grades, then so could you'." 
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Bane chuckled, ignoring Max's little protest that there was nothing funny about that. "Fuck Josh, he won't get any smarter if he's the only kid who understands dumb questions, yeah?" Max liked this part much more. He grinned at the man, as he drank his orange juice, and promised himself that he would use it next time his mom gets mad at his grades. "Don't worry about it, your grades aren't some kind of a mirror where you can see how smart you are. They're nothin' more than some simplified system and once you've finished school..." Skyler shrugged his shoulders and added; "At a job interview they never ask if you were an A student."
"Exactly! That’s what I tell myself but-"
"But you have to study, comprenez vous? Or your mom's gonna kill me, not you," he said, raising a brow even though he wasn't expecting an answer. And now the hardest part... Skyler inhaled deeply, told himself that he had to tell Max about his decision, then looked at the boy. "I’m leavin’. I'm goin' to London soon, I have to be sure you'll be ok, y'know?", then pointed at the boxes and the bags. “I know you’re probably disappointed and that’s not what you expected from me, but I just have to go. Start anew.”
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Max opened his eyes wider, desperately looking for any signs that would let him believe his friend was joking. No, there weren't any, even the tone of his voice sounded completely different, unlike Skyler. He was going to leave him here. No more games, no more movies... No more silly adventures to keep secret from mom and grandma. Max hadn't felt that lonely in a long time; how else could one feel if their best friend told them something like this? "You're not coming back," he said flatly, avoiding Skyler's gaze for a moment. 
"Not really. I’ve got my stupid reasons... But I will visit you from time to time." 
"Is Aria one of the reasons?"
Some of the coffee he drank went down the wrong way and Skyler started coughing, which probably was the worst possible way of saying 'no'. "I know I said 'stupid reasons' but that's not what I meant," he said in a hoarse voice and cleared his throat once again.
"Ok, ok...- Is she going too, then?" 
"I don't care 'bout her and you shouldn't tell her anything in case she comes here. She stays in New York and I'm more than ok with that. Don't-"
"-talk to her, I know..." Max paused, giving himself a moment to ponder on his friend's words. He couldn’t just turn on his heel and leave, forget about their friendship. Skyler had helped him so many times and the last thing Max wanted was sound ungrateful. "If you have to... Come on, I'd be a shitty friend if I stopped talking to you or left without saying goodbye, right?"
"All I can say is that it'd be my style," he replied with a light chuckle. "Actually, that was my plan until you came here."
Max knew he wasn't joking but still managed to laugh at his confession. The fact that he eventually told him mattered most. 
"And now I better take a shower and get ready to... take care of... this and that." Max didn't have to know all the details about his terribly badly chosen role model - 'computer programmer'. Yeah, sure. 
"Sure," he replied with a small smile. Now he was sure that Skyler wasn't going to leave unexpectedly. 
"Max? Y'know what, I think you should take the games. I'll be far too busy to play them," he said, raising a brow. Skyler watched as the boy quickly went back to the table where he'd left the games and smiled to himself. He knew that it was probably the best apology he could come up with.
"Too bad I'll only get better at them." Max placed one hand on the doorknob and turned to Skyler, adding half-jokingly, "And you said you didn't like losing, Bane?", before he closed the door behind him.
Skyler finished his coffee in silence and headed to the bathroom. He really needed some time to think and as the kind of person whose brain worked much better in the shower, he really needed one right now. There were some things he needed to get done before he left New York, things that didn't necessarily sound pleasant, and he didn't have much time either.
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