sadserotonin · 2 years
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so you’ve got your murder husbands wires crossed... aka a comprehensive method to our madness @lewistan
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 4
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ー The scene starts in front of the wagons
Ayato: Is it ‘round here...?
Yui: Uhm...Ah! Ayato-kun! Couldn’t it be that one?
( It was rather deserted earlier, but now it’s swamped with customers! )
Ayato: Oh, that one! ...Wait, there’s a hella long line!
Yui: Seems like it really is a popular store.
Ayato: Ahー ...So I can’t have some unless I get in this queue, huh...? But I really want it...!
Yui: Fufu, correct!
But I’m sure that when you finally get your hands on some after a long wait, it’ll taste extra delicious!
Ayato: ...You think so?
Yui: Yeah!
Ayato: I don’t really get it...
Yui: Uhm...Look!
→ Try thinking about my blood (☾)
Yui: ( I have somewhat mixed feelings about using this metaphor but... )
Uhm...Say you’ve been holding back on drinking my blood for a couple of days.
If you had some afterwards...How would you...feel?
Ayato: ...It’d obviously taste delicious!
Yui: Right! I’m sure it’s similar to that.
Ayato: Hmー... Gotcha. Lookin’ at it like that, it might taste good.
→ Try thinking about when you’re hungry 
Yui: Food tastes the best when you’re hungry, right?
Ayato: ...I don’t really know what bein’ hungry feels like, to be honest...
Yui: Eh...? But, you crave blood at times, right...?
Ayato: Yeah, but at those times...It’s more so thirst rather than hunger...
Yui: I-I see...
( Hmm...Seems like this metaphor failed... )
Ayato: ...Hah...! We don’t have time for this now!!
If they’ve run out in the meantime, I’m blamin’ it on you, Chichinashi!!
Yui: Eh...!? Ayato-kun, no matter how you look at it, that’s just...
( ...Eh...? )
Ayato: Hm? What’s this?
Yui: ( Somebody’s...running our way...? )
???: Aah...! Aah...!!
Ayato: O-Oi, what’s your problem...?
Yui: ( One of Ayato-kun’s acquaintances...? Doesn’t seem like it though. )
( I wonder what’s wrong...? They ran right up to him and knelt down in front of his feet... )
???: ...Ayato-sama! You’re here to try the food, right!?
Ayato: Haah...? The fuck you sayin’?
Yui: Do you know this man, Ayato-kun?
Ayato: Nah...Never seen him...
Takoyaki stall owner: You obviously would not remember.
I served your family at the castle as a Familiar in the past.
Yui: Uhm...Which means you were Ayato-kun’s...Familiar?
Ayato: Seems like it. That bein’ said, I had a bunch, so I don’t remember all of their faces.
Yui: But why is that person selling takoyaki...?
Takoyaki stall owner: Thank you for asking!
Ayato: Wah!? T-The fuck are you doin’ all of a sudden...!?
Takoyaki stall owner: If you were to ask why I - a former Familiar to the Sakamaki family - is now making takoyaki...
The answer would be Ayato-sama.
Ayato: Me!?
Yui: Do you have any idea why?
Ayato: No...
Takoyaki stall owner: It happened back when I was still serving the Sakamaki family.
I grew curious after seeing how Ayato-sama, who had brought some takoyaki over from the human world, would happily indulge in the treat.
Yui: You’ve liked takoyaki since all that time back, huh?
Ayato: I’d visit the place every now and then even before we started livin’ at the manor in the human world after all.
Takoyaki stall owner: After quitting my job as a Familiar, I wandered around the human world.
That’s where I had a fateful meeting! With takoyaki...
I remembered Ayato-sama would eat it.
And put one in my mouth out of sheer curiosity. And then...!
Ayato: ...It was good, huh?
Takoyaki stall owner: Yes...! Very much so!
Yui: ( Who would have thought...Ayato-kun lies at the roots of what would become a famous takoyaki stall of the Demon World... )
Ayato: So that’s what you meant when you said I was the trigger...
Takoyaki stall owner: For an immortal being such as myself, takoyaki is my passion in life! (1)
Ayato: Your passion in life...
Well, I guess that just proves how delicious takoyaki is?
Yui: ( Takoyaki’s...amazing... )
( However...It’s true that Ayato-kun always looks happy when he’s eating takoyaki... )
( This might not be an exaggeration. )
Takoyaki stall owner: Come on, Ayato-sama! Since you’ve come all the way here, I’ll make sure you’re in for a real treat!
Yui: Ayato-kun, are you ready?
Ayato: ...Yeah! Ready when you are!
Yui: Ready, set...
Ayato: I’m diggin’ in!
Yui: Thanks for the meal!
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Ayato: Uwah...! Looks hella delicious!
Yui: ( As to be expected of the Demon World...These are rather big...! )
Ayato: Hwot...!
Yui: A-Are you okay...!? You have to let them cool off a little first...
Ayato: Shut up! They taste best when eaten hot!
Yui: Well, that’s true...
Ayato: Nom...Nn...Delicious!!
Yui: Nn...You’re right! They’re good!
Ayato: Nn...Nom...
Yui: ( Fufu, Ayato-kun’s chowing down... )
( But this takoyaki really is delicious. )
( Although I didn’t think I’d eat this in the Demon World. )
Ayato: You’re done already? In that case, shall I eat yours?
Yui: Ah...!
( Ayato-kun ate mine... )
( But...Spending time like this with him might be nice once in a while...! )
Ayato: Whatcha laughin’ for? It’s creepy...
Ahー! That was good! I’m totally stuffed.
Yui: ( In the end, Ayato-kun finished my share as well... )
( But he seems happy so...I guess it’s fine... )
Ayato: That being said, that former Familiar...was kinda off.
Yui: The owner of the takoyaki stall? You think so...?
Ayato: No, his takoyaki was good though...
But he suddenly dropped the term ‘passion in life’ with a serious face.
Yui: Hmー I think that’s pretty valid though...
Ayato: ...Ah?
Yui: Don’t you think that having a passion which you enjoy and you can make a living out of is a good thing?
( Although I may only feel this way because I’m human... )
Ayato: ...
...I don’t really get that sorta stuff.
Yui: I see...
But...I think you have a passion in life just like that shop owner as well.
Ayato: Che...Don’t talk as if you know me.
Yui: ...Eh?
Ayato: Who cares if I do or not!?
...All of these bastards keep goin’ ‘round actin’ as if they’re damn humans...!
You too...You’re bein’ way too cocky for a Chichinashi!!
ー Ayato suddenly grabs her
Yui: Kyah...!?
Wait...! Ayato-kun...!!
Ayato: What?
Yui: You can’t do this in such a crowded place!!
Ayato: Too late. Who gives a damn ‘bout that!?
ー He bites her
Ayato: ...Nn...Nn...
Yui: ...!?
( How could he amidst all these people...!? )
Ayato: You really think I’d stop...!?
Yui: Ah...!
Ayato: Nn...Nn...!
Yui: Ayato-kun...The people around us are watching...!
Ayato: Ah...? Hmph. Don’t pay attention to it. If you just focus on my fangs, it won’t bother you.
Yui: ...!
Male Vampire D: ...No wonder I thought I smelled something nice...What is such high-quality blood doing here...?
Male Vampire E: Such a lovely scent of blood...Aah~ I’ve never smelled something quite so sublime...!
Yui: ( Other Vampires...!? Could it be...Because of the scent of my blood...? )
Ayato: Hmph...Seems like your blood really is top quality...Chichinashi.
Look at all these Vampires who have gathered around us...? Hehe.
Yui: ...!
( I’m scared...! )
Ayato: Well...Don’t worry. I won’t let a single one touch you.
Male Vampire D: Your blood...Even if it’s just a little, let me suck it...!
Yui: ( ...!? )
Male Vampire D: Uguh...!?
Ayato: No way in hell anyone but me can lay a hand on her.
Hehe...Have fun envying me from afar! (2)
Ayato: Say, Chichinashi...Let’s continue where we left off?
ー He continues sucking her blood
Ayato: Hah...Nn...
Yui: ( ...This is just... )
( I don’t like this... )
Ayato: Aah....? Wait...Chichinashi...You...
Fuck...Why are you cryin’!?
Yui: ...
Ayato: ...
Che...What’s your problem? Fuck it, I’m done...
ー Ayato steps away
Ayato: Come on, let’s get goin’, Chichinashi.
Yui: ...
ー The scene shifts to the living room in the castle
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. How long you gonna be weepin’?
Yui: ...Because...
( Ayato-kun dragged me back to the castle after that but... )
Ayato: ...I’ll go get you a drink, so stay put here, ‘kay? ...Understood!?
ー Ayato leaves the room
Yui: ( I wonder why Ayato-kun’s mood went so sour. )
( On top of that, he sucked my blood in front of all of those Vampires... )
( Should I have not said those things after all...? )
( I do think it is good to have something which motivates you in life though... )
( I’m pretty sure he mentioned before that living can be very dull to Vampires. )
(  Is that why...He thinks it is weird to fuss about something like a reason to live...? )
...I wonder what Ayato-kun lives for...?
( Judging by the looks of it...He might not have such a thing... )
But, if he does have something...I’d love to hear it...
ー A Vampire walks up to her
Male Vampire C: ...Finally found you.
Yui: ( ...Eh...? )
Yui: ...! Hey...! Let me gーー
Yui: ( Huh? ...For some reason, I feel faint... )
( Ayato...kun... )
ー Yui collapses
ー The scene shifts to the dining room
Ayato: Nn...Pwah...Fuck...What’s her damn problem...
Talkin’ all high and mighty ‘bout this ‘passion in life’ thing...
On top of that, she suddenly burst out in tears.
I really don’t understand how humans think after all...
For one, I don’t have...such a thing...
Wait...Ahーー! Fuck!! Why am I this irritated...!?
Geez...Screw thinkin’ ‘bout this. I’m done!
For now, guess I’ll return to her side...
ー Ayato steps out into the hallway
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! I got you somethin’ to driーー
...Where did she run off to!?
Don’t tell me...!?
...I shouldn’t have left her alone...!
...Hm? What’s this...? A letter...?
Ayato: ‘What is most important to you?’ ...?
...Fuck! Makin’ fun of me!
ー Ayato runs off
Yui: ( Nn...Huh...Where am I...? )
( I was at the castle up till now... )
( But, right, I was kidnapped by someone...And then... )
( W-Where’s Ayato-kun...!? )
ー Yui opens her eyes in the ballroom
Yui: ...!? Where am I...!?
( A prison cell hanging in the air...No, a cage...!? )
( Why am I here...!? )
Male Vampire C: Have you awakened...?
Yui: You’re...the guy from earlier...!
Male Vampire C: I did not simply kidnap you just now. I have been altering my appearance this whole time, interacting with you.
The first person you talked to, as well as the guy who attempted to kidnap you in the haunted house, all of those were me...
Yui: N-No way...! W-Why would you do such a thing...?
Let me out of here!
Male Vampire C: ...A single man will make his appearance here soon...
Yui: Eh...?
Male Vampire C: If that man reaches the ‘correct’ answer...You will be set free.
Yui: ( A certain man...? Also an answer...? What is he talking about? )
Male Vampire C: If he fails to do so...That man will...
Most likely lose you forever.
Yui: Lose...!?
( That man, could he be talking about Ayato-kun...? )
ー Ayato arrives at the scene
Ayato: Yui...!
Yui: Ayato-kun...!?
Ayato: You ‘kay, Chichinashi!?
Oi...You’re the bastard who left this letter, aren’t you...?
Male Vampire C: Yes. So...? Have you found the answer?
Ayato: ...That’s...
Male Vampire C: ...I see. That is too bad...
I thought that you might be able to find the answer but...
...It truly is a shame. In that case...I suppose I have no choice but to do this.
ー The room is set on fire
Yui: W-What...? ...It’s hot...!
( There’s flames underneath the cage...!? )
Ayato: Oi...! What are you doin’...!? 
Male Vampire C: It’s simple. 
She will be punished for your inability to find the correct answer.
Ayato: Wha...!?
Yui: M-Me...!?
Male Vampire C: ...You still do not understand?
Ayato: ...!
Male Vampire C: ...Farewell.
Yui: Kyaaaah!?
( I’m falling...!? )
Ayato: Yui...!!
Male Vampire C: Turning a blind eye to the risks involved, you jumped into the flames...
...Seems like you were able to reach the correct answer.
ー The flames have disappeared
Ayato: Ow...!!
Yui: Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Are you alright, Chichinashi!?
Yui: Yeah...Somehow...
Ayato: You’re not injured anywhere!?
Yui: N-No...How about you, are you okay?
Ayato: Che, who do you think you’re talkin’ to? Of course i’m fine. I’m a Vampire, you know!
Anyway, the fuck was that about?
Yui: I don’t know but...Both the cage and the flames have disappeared...
Ayato: ...!
Which means...This is the right answer...?
Yui: Eh? ...What do you mean?
Ayato: Ahー ...Fuck! I was played!
That bastard...He pulled such an elaborate scheme.
Yui: ( I’m not quite sure what’s going on... )
Ayato-kun, who are you talking about...?
Ayato: He’s the only guy who can pull off this sorta shit...It has to be that Old Fart!
Yui: Eh...!? Your Father!?
But, why...?
Ayato: How should I know!?
For one, things turned out this way, ‘cause you let yourself get kidnapped!
Yui: ( Uu...He’s right...Even though he gave me so many warnings... )
...I’m sorry.
Ayato: ...But...Well...You were fine so I’ll let it slide this once.
...I won’t show mercy next time so brace yourself.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Ayato: Come on...Can you stand?
Yui: H-Huh...?
( That’s strange...I can’t find the strength in my legs... )
Ayato: Oi...Don’t tell me you can’t?
Yui:  Seems like it...
Haah...Guess I’ve got no other choice. ...Heavy-hoh...!
ー Ayato lifts her into his arms
Yui: Wah...!? Ayato-kun!?
This is embarrassing...Put me down!!
Ayato: But you can’t walk by yourself, right? Then pipe down and let yourself be carried.
Also...Don’t leave my side ever again. 
You got kidnapped ‘cause you left yourself wide open like that. Understood?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( Even though he went out of his way to take me to the Carnival... )
( I ended up causing Ayato-kun trouble till the very end... )
I’m sorry...Ayato-kun.
Ayato: ...Ah?
Yui: Even though you told me to be cautious of my surroundings. ...Things turned out like this...
Ayato: ...
...Granted, you did cause me a lot of trouble today but...
...Well, it was fun in its own regard, you know?
...It was an eye-opener as well.
Yui: U-Uhm...I’m sorry, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Aah? What?
Yui: I didn’t quite catch what you said just now, so could you repeat it one more time...?
Ayato: Haah!?
I-I didn’t say anythin’! Come on...We should get goin’ already.
Yui: Yeah!
Translation notes
(1) 生きがい or ‘ikigai’ is a term often used in Japanese culture to refer to the one thing in life someone is the most passionate about. It literally means ‘to make life worth it’ and most people would say their ikigai is something like their family or their lover. Although in Japan, your job/work can be an ‘ikigai’ as well.
(2) 指をくわえて見ている or ‘yubi o kuwaete miteiru’ literally means ‘to watch with a finger in one’s mouth’, implying that someone is feeling envious or frustrated, but has no other choice but to simply watch.
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