#me on my way to tag all the verses correctly now LMAO
sadserotonin · 2 years
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so you’ve got your murder husbands wires crossed... aka a comprehensive method to our madness @lewistan
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viviskull · 3 years
Rules tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @bluescarfvivi​
Tagging: This is out to the people who are fans of my work but are silent most of the time on my content! I SEE YOU!!
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Name: Phoenix (I also go by Lina, but thats for my close friends. You can go nuts with it, but I might not always respond to it at first tho lol)
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 5′ 3″ 
Middle name?: Grace
Put your itunes/spotify/youtube on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
1. Firage - The Grim Reaper Blows the Horn
2. Electric Swing Circus - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat - Electro Swing
 3. Electric Swing Circus - Bella Belle - Electro Swing 
 4. Never Sleep Again (Dark Rooms vs. Mystery Skulls)
 5. Shoot Him Down
 6. Everybody Talks
Grab one book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17?:
"He would happily take a stomach bug or a bad cold over how bad he felt.”
Ever had a poem or song written about you: Closest I got is some random birthday rock song from the early 2000s that involved my birth name a bunch of times.  I remember listening to nothing but that song for four straight months, and I distinctly remember breaking my Disc player with how many times I played it.  I don’t know if it was a common where everyone else lived, but back then there was a time where a bunch of CDs made involving that same song (but with different names added in, if I remember correctly) and I vaguely remember going to a store buying one of those things back then with my parents.
When was the last time you played air guitar: Never played it
Who is your celebrity crush?: Unless ya count Jessica Rabbit? Ya won’t catch me simping over an IRL celebrity.  They all suck anyway lmao.
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?: Whistling at high pitches just hurts my ears (people joke I have the ears of a dog with how much I can hear someone talk through a wall).  For a sound I like, I like when I tap my fingers on my desk.
Do you believe in ghosts?: Sure.  My house makes weird sounds all the time and I think the ghosts that live in it are just my weird roommates at this point.
How about aliens: Hey, if we exist?  There might be a chance we got brothers out there, somewhere.
Do you drive?: I’m still working up the courage to drive on a highway, but I’m getting there!
If so have you ever crashed: Not yet, and I’ll try to keep it that way.
What was the last book you read?: I’m still working on getting my last FNAF book over and done with. 
Do you like the smell of gasoline: It’s not pleasent, but I don’t hate it either.
What was the last movie you saw?: Coco
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: When I was really young, my dumbass though that using a knife in the place of scissors (I couldn’t find them apparently) to help open some sandwich packet would be a good idea.  When you take this in and add with having poor motor skills (at the time).. ya boy managed to cut open a deep gash in their left thumb.  I did have to go to the ER for it to be glued shut (there was no need for sewing luckily) and had to wear a thumb cast for a straight month.  It was not fun to deal with, let me tell you.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: Idk man.. *is currently holding MSA tightly in my clutches* .. I got some hobbies here and there.  But fr tho, I love MSA with a deep passion.  If you ever need something on MSA or are rather new to it?  I’m always usually the first to hear anything related to the MSA verse and its video updates.
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