maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Request: None
That about all I was feeling right now. I had just found out that I was pregnant, and not that it was very unexpected, as Damiano and I aren't the greatest at keeping it safe, but now it was a reality, and that made things scary.
I had bought a few pregnancy tests the week before, because I had my suspicions about missing my period and the fact that I was throwing up a lot more then usual, but I ended up scaring myself out of if, because I was scared of the inevitable.
Damiano and I had always talked about kids, but of course we didn't want any until we had been in a relationship for a while, and now 6 years later, here I am, pregnant with my fiancés baby. We hadn't really spoken about kids since we got engaged, but I can only hope that he will be a little excited.
I have my first appointment in two days, so I plan on telling him after that, as I'll have the sonogram pictures to show him after that.
So, after going to the doctors, it is now a fact that I am pregnant, even though that's not a complete shock, I just thought that maybe it wasn't true, as the fear was slowly setting in.
"Damiano, I'm home." I called out as I entered the door. Taking off my shoes and undoing the jacket I was wearing.
"In here sweetums." I hear a high pitch voice, that definitely wasn't Damiano.
"Shut up, dude. I'm in the living room." The real Damiano calls out.
I walk into the living room, and am met with the 3 other band members who seem to always be over.
"Oh my, what a surprise, the guys are here. Again." I say deadpanned, pretending like their existence annoys me, when I'm reality, I love having the band over, as there was never a boring moment when they're around.
"I'm sorry, you know that no matter how hard I try, they will never leave." Damiano comes up to me and gives me a hug hello.
"Oh, don't act like you don't love us." Vic says, sending a kiss our way.
"Yes, because I love caring for 4 adult children, so fun." I walk toward the kitchen, feeling the sudden need for some tea.
"Hey, you're not actually mad that they're here right?" Damiano walks over to me, and wraps his arms around me, from the back.
"Of course not, I like having them around, just don't tell them that." I laugh.
"So, how did the appointment go." My whole body freezes at his words. I never told him about it, I simply said I would be gone for a few hours. "You left your calendar open on your desk." He whispers into my ear.
"I'm so sorry, I was going to tell you today, I just wanted the pictures to make sure." I turn around in his arms, and shove my face into his sweater.
"Are you?" He asks, I look up at him and for a second I see hope flash in his eyes, making me a lot more confident with my words.
"Yes." I smile slightly.
He doesn't say a word as he stares ahead of him, his arms still wrapped firmly around me.
"How far along are you?"
"The doctor said it's around 8 weeks." I whisper to him.
"I'm gonna be a dad." It's at that exact moment, that a tear runs down my cheek, as all the nervousness rushes out of my body.
He wraps him arms firmly around my waist and spins me around, while putting his face in the crook of my neck.
"What's got you so excited." We hear a voice at the archway to the kitchen. Ethan stands there with Thomas and Vic draped on his shoulder, with confused looks on their faces.
Damiano looks at me, silently asking for permission to tell the boys about the baby.
"Go for it." I smile at him as he screams "IM GONNA BE A DAD!"
All the guys seem confused for a minute before finally the sentence clicks in their heads. They all run to Damiano and push him around in celebration, before they each come up to me and congratulate me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Now, if you all would go away, I would love to spend time with my kid and my fiancé." Damiano says bluntly.
"Usually we would ignore you, but because of the reasoning, we'll see you tomorrow." Vic salutes before walking out the kitchen, and out the front door, making Thomas and Ethan follow him, after they wave goodbye.
We were both laying in bed later that night, I was reading a book, while Damiano was staring at my stomach.
"If you wanna touch it, just do it." I say, keeping my focus on my book.
"I don't wanna touch it, I wanna talk to it." I look up from my book, giving him a confused look.
"Then talk?" I say, posing as more of a question.
"But it's embarrassing, you'll be here to listen to what I say." He says honestly.
"My dear, you have done a lot of things that are way more embarrassing then talking to your baby, besides, I'm reading, not listening. I promise."
"Okay." He agrees and I quickly turn my Attention back to the book, hoping to create some kind of privacy for him and the baby. "Hi baby." I feel his fingers slowly lift up his shirt that I was currently wearing. "I'm your dad. I know you probably can't hear me, because I don't think you have ears right now, but you should know that I'm really excited about you, I've wanted kids for a while, and now I have you. No matter who you are, I think that you'll be amazing, and I know that I'll always love you, no matter how much you annoy me or even if you and I have nothing in common, I promise to always be the best dad that I can be. And I also promise that I'll be the best parent ever, your mom won't stand a chance."
"Hey!" I say to him, making him smirk.
"I knew she wouldn't give us the privacy we need, she'll always spy on us, making sure we don't do anything dumb." He winks at me as I giggle, remembering all the times I've had to get him out of trouble. "But seriously, I can't wait to meet you, I hope you know that I love you beyond belief, and I promise I'll talk to you with every chance I get." He gives my stomach a kiss, before kissing me, and going to turn off the bedroom lights, knowing that after his sweet words, I wasn't going to read anything else for the rest of the night.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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TW - if you aren't comfortable reading about miscarriages please don't read this, there aren't any majorly graphic scenes but just in case
your POV: (you're 17)
The moment I found out I was pregnant, my whole world pretty much ended.
I was shocked that it was a reality, but honestly, I expected. Damiano and I are not the best people for the whole safe sex thing, which now has ruined our lives.
The day I told Him was the worst thing that could've happened at that time. I was already an emotional mess when he told me to come over, but the fact that after I told him, he just stared at the floor for nearly half an hour, all while not saying anything, really screwed with my head. The whole world seemed to stop for however long we sat in silence for. The first thing that he said to me, after he snapped out of his trance, was "Please go."
And I knew that if I said no, it would have made him more upset and potentially caused more fighting, then what it was worth. The thought of him possibly never coming back to me, kissing me, loving me, killed me.
After about a month of not having any contact with him, I broke down. I let the stress of it all get to me, and bad.
A few days after my breakdown I was feeling worse than I usually do, without hesitation, I asked my mom if she would drive me to the GP to get a 'routine checkup'. My mother didn't know that I was pregnant, neither did she ever find out. When I went in for a sonogram, the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat, and that's when I knew that the stress and worry, that had been tormenting me for the last month, had won.
The idea of me being an independent mom raising her child to their full potential, without the help of a man had been growing on me over the last month. Although, now knowing that I warmed up to the idea for nothing, just made loosing the baby a whole lot more challenging on me, physically and mentally.
~Later on that week (about 5 days)
I was home alone as usual in my room - I had stayed there since I found out about the baby and luckily my family didn't asked too many questions - when I heard the front door bell ring.
I thought that if I left the person ringing the door long enough, they would go away eventually. After about 25 minutes of nonstop ringing that was coming from the doorbell, I finally got up and made my way toward the door, with a very annoyed face. I quickly swung the door open.
"Can you please stop ringing the fucking bell, nobody's home." I screamed in the persons face, without checking who it was first.
But I soon realized that the person at the door was Damiano, holding a bouquet of roses.
"And what do you want now?" I spat at him.
"I just came to say that I am sorry for how I reacted. I'm aware of how much you're going through and I want to be there for you and the baby. I know that this wasn't only your fault, I mean, I'm the one with a dick." He chuckled at his end comment but I just looked unamused.
I wasn't staring at him because I couldn't believe what he just said. I was staring because I didn't know how to tell him that, there is no baby to be there for.
"Can you please say something, even if you don't forgive me and won't let me into the baby's life that's fine but you have to know that I'm really so-"
"There is no baby to be there for." I said in just a little bit louder than a whisper.
"What?" he asks in disbelief.
"I had a miscarriage. All the stress and worrying caught up to me about a week ago. I couldn't help it, I'm sorry." I say, as I break down in tears.
I knew that as soon as I let my first tear fall, Damiano was a goner.
He clung to me for dear life as I returned the action. After losing something that was apart of you for such a short time, you just need someone there who you can talk to and cry with. I had no one until now, so I just let it all out.
He was clearly worse off than me. He was shaking so hard as we spoke. He finally came forward and took responsibility for his actions, but there was nothing there to take responsibility for and I hated myself for it. I knew by the look on his face, when I opened the door, that he was ready to be a father.
It was my fault, I know it was, but I would never say that to Him because I know he still blames himself.
He always says, "If I hadn't reacted that way we could still have had a baby." and I reply the same every time, in the only way that I know how.
"Everything happens for a reason"
I can still remember that day that he came to the house, how much we bonded over our shared pain. We were both stupid teenagers at that time, we didn't know what bringing a life into this world really meant. We didn't understand how precious that feeling is.
We stayed together after that incident, waiting for the day when we would both be ready to start a family that we had lost so many years ago.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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It was a normal day in our house - we didn't really have anything to do, as neither of us had to work today. Although I was nearly 5 months pregnant, Ethan decided to invite the other boys over, and have a pool party, as it was deathly hot outside at the moment.
Ethan and I put on our best costumes and put shirts on, just for now, so we don't burn, and made our way outside to set up for the group of energetic band members that were about to arrive. We set out chips, dips, drinks and candy for the guys to snack on, as we were planning on making some burgers for lunch.
"You know," Ethan starts, leaning against the snack table I was currently organizing, "you look absolutely stunning in that."
"It's just one of your shirts, it can't look that amazing." I giggle, knowing he loved it when I wore his clothes.
"Maybe to you, but to me, you look fantastic." He wraps his hands around my waist and starts kissing up my neck.
"Okay, the boys will be here soon, keep your hormones in order please." I push him away as he lets out a seemingly dramatic battle cry.
I laugh as I make my way inside, and retrieving the cold meat from the fridge.
Soon enough, the band make their way through the front door, making themselves the human embodiment of a tornado, making a mess with every step they take. They all hug me and say a quick hello to baby Torchio, before moving on to say hello to Ethan.
"So what are we eating?" Damiano comes up to me, as I start cutting up some tomato's for the burgers.
"Ethan's gonna grill up some burgers for us, but it'll only be later, can't have you boys getting sick because you ate before you swim." I focus on cutting the tomato's, not wanting to chop off a finger.
"Such a great mother you are to us, but speaking of mothers, how is the baby Torchio?" Damiano smiles, as he was the only other member to have a child, he can relate to our emotions right now, which is amazing because Ethan needed someone to talk to about everything, and Damiano was more then happy to help.
"They are okay, not a lot has been going on really. Have you told Leonardo about it yet?" I ask, knowing that he's been asking Damiano for a baby for a while now.
"I'm telling him this weekend, I was hoping that I could bring him over, and introduce him to the baby?"
"Of course, I haven't seen him in a while, so it'll be nice to spend some time with you two, besides I need all the practice I can get."
"What are we talking about?" Ethan enters the kitchen again, wrapping his arms around my waist, and kissing my head.
"Damiano gonna bring Leo over this weekend, so we can introduce him to the baby." I explain.
"Everyone wants to meet baby Torchio and they haven't even been born yet." Ethan laughs, as he puts his hands flat on my stomach. "You hear that, you're famous baby Torchio."
We all laugh, but that all comes to a complete stop when a sudden kick to my stomach stops us in our tracks.
"What was that?" Ethan asks, sounding scared.
"I think they just kicked for the first time." I say, not really believing the words I said.
"Oh my god, can I feel?" Damiano jumps down from the counter, and as soon as I nod, he pushes Ethan's hands away, replacing them with his own. "They aren't doing anything." He pouts.
"Ethan, say something." I say, Ethan gives me a strange look but complies anyway.
"Um, hi baby, I'm Ethan Torchio, I'm a drummer in a really cool band, nice to meet you." Another jolt to my stomach makes Damiano squeal, as he removes his hands and runs outside to get the other two.
"I think they likes your voice." I say to Ethan.
"I would hope so, they're stuck with it either way."
"Right, where's my godson or goddaughter?" Vic screams as she walks into the kitchen. I step away from Ethan, knowing that for the next hour the boys will try make the baby kick, but I knew that the only person that they would kick for, was their dad.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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"So, we've been hearing a lot of romantic ballads from you guys recently. Is there a particular reason why?" The interviewer asked.
I watched from the sidelines, as the band was being interviewed for their newest album, that was bound to release any day now.
"I think we're maturing a lot, especially over the last year or so. So turning from the rock/pop rock sound to a more ballad, slow song sound - is something that we've just adapted to doing over the last few months." Damiano answers with confidence. While Damiano is answering, Thomas, Ethan and Vic are looking at him with such confusion.
"Why are you three pulling those faces?" The interviewer laughs, which causes the audience to do so too.
"While we do appreciate Dam's attempts to cover the truth, that isn't gonna work with us." Vic explains, giving Damiano the side eye, every so often.
"Dude, you don't gotta be so mean about it." Damiano crosses his arms and pouts at his band mate.
"What would the real reason be for the sudden change?"
"Damiano and I are the main writers in the band, and I've learnt that he writes from his emotions and experiences. The reason he's writing ballads is because he's in love." Vic finally admits for Damiano. This confession makes Damiano blush - but he puts his hands on his face to hide this.
"So mr, David?" Damiano looks at the interviewer with a smile. "Who's the lucky person?"
"Unfortunately we aren't ready to reveal to the public who the person is yet. But I will say that I am very happy and eventually we will be revealing the person, it'll just take some time."
"Nobody can rush you for that, so take your time. Now I've also heard that you guys got to work with Harry styles?"
The interviewer seemed to go on forever, but eventually the band was able to leave - meaning that Damiano and I could finally go home.
"How was I?" He wraps his arms around me, when he enters the dressing room.
"You're not very sneaky when it comes to your emotions, or secrets for that matter."
"Hey that wasn't me, blame Vic for that one."
"I just pointed out the obvious, don't hate the player, hate the game." Vic sticks her tongue out at us, before walking out to go to the other guys dressing rooms.
"You did well in covering it up though. I wasn't expecting you to hide it, if I'm honest." I sit down on the sofa, where Damiano follows me to - and lets me put my feet on his lap.
"We said we weren't going to reveal unless we were both ready. I don't think either of us are ready."
"Couldn't agree more. So, can we go home now?" I plead.
"We still have the meet and greet after the show, but I promise that we'll be home before you know it. But also be prepared because Ethan's sleeping over again."
"Again? Are you serious?" I'm kinda angry that he didn't ask before hand but oh well.
"I'm sorry." He takes my feet off his lap and kneels down in front of me. "I promise I won't let him sleep in our bed. Again."
"Good, I can't deal with his cuddling all night."
He stands up and kisses me, before walking out to go complete his meet and greet, so we can go home and be a normal couple for once.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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"Come here, you little nugget." I jokingly shout at Harry, my two year old. I'm currently chasing him around a park.
"You know if you just stay in place, he'll run to you." Damiano says, leaning against the pole - that was holding up the gazebo.
"Since when do you know about kids?" I ask.
"Mommy, come play!" Harry runs up to me and holds onto my legs.
"Why don't you go chase Damiano? I'm sure he would love to play with you." I suggest. I look toward Him, already giving me a glare.
"Oh Dammie?" Harry sings to Damiano, obviously very prepared for the chase.
"I don't like you." Damiano says to me before he starts running away from Harry and I.
I laugh at how well they get on. It's not often that Harry gets attached to people so quickly, so I'm surprised that Damiano was the one he got attached to, especially with him being my boyfriend.
I walk over to our cooler box and grab a drink, before I sit down on the grass, and watch the two special boys in my life. I watch on as Dom slows down, so that Harry can catch him, which leads to Dom throwing him in the air.
Suddenly, I hear the annoyingly familiar sound of cameras clicking.
This is probably one of the biggest downsides to having a famous partner. No privacy what so ever.
I quickly pack up our picnic and head to the car, where Dom is carrying Harry behind me. Luckily we get to the car with no problem.
"I'm sorry this always happens. I really didn't want today to end up like this." Damiano says.
"It's not your fault, besides it feels like a at home movie day to me anyway." I smile at him as I start driving back to my house.
After we finished our 4th movie yesterday, Dom decided to just stay over so it's easier for us both.
I go on Instagram as I start making myself some tea, and see that I have a lot more Instagram notifications then usual. I do a little digging and find out why there are so many. Turn out people didn't know that Harry is only my kid, and now all Dom's fans think that he's the dad.
"Hey there." He says as he walks into the kitchen.
He goes for a kiss but I shove my phone in his face, making sure he sees it. He takes the phone from my hand and reads the article.
"So Harry's mine?" He jokes.
"Definitely, I mean I didn't even know you when he was conceived but yes, he is yours." I sarcastically say.
"Don't worry about this, I'll clear it all up." He kisses my head and goes back upstairs.
A few minutes later, I get a notification on my phone saying that he posted something.
The picture that I took on Christmas last year.
Underneath the caption read;
"Hello fellow internet users. Today I'm going to be addressing a rumor. Yes, I know that I should stray away from rumors but this one is another kind of personal. Yesterday, I took my two favorite people to the park - where we were bombarded with paparazzi only a few minutes after arriving. Because of this, there were a lot of pictures out there, of me and the mystery kid. I'm here to tell you that the kid I was with, wasn't just someone random, his name is Harry. He is the best kid in the world and no amount of words can tell you how much I love this kid. However, Harry is not biologically mine, my partner had him two years ago - while in another relationship. Although he may not be mine biologically, he will always be a huge part of my life. Thank you for all the concerns about yesterday, but everyone is okay.
Much love, Damiano David ♡
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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"I'm off to band practice!" I hear Ethan shout from downstairs.
I groan in frustration, not being able to answer him because of the almost unbearable pain.
"Hey, I said I was leaving." I didn't look toward the door of my bedroom, but I knew he was standing there, probably annoyed at my lack of communication.
I reach my arm up, and give him a thumbs up, all while still groaning in pain.
I hear something drop onto the floor, and his footsteps coming closer to me. The bed dips slightly, next to me, so I open my eyes slightly - to see Ethan sitting there with worried eyes.
"What's wrong with you?"
"I have female anatomy Ethan, you can guess." My voice was a lot deeper then usual, and it definitely made my harsh tone sound even worse then it was supposed to be.
"Are you on your bleeding days?" He asks with a slight giggle.
I give him a glare, before shoving my head back into my pillow.
"I'll take that as a yes."
The bed springs back up, as Ethan gets off of it, he walks out the door and down the staircase. I assumed that he left for band practice, but I'm proven wrong when I hear the faint sound of him on the phone.
I couldn't exactly tell you what he was saying, but I think he was canceling band practice, which is stupid because him being here isn't gonna help my cramping, unless he has drugs, then he can stay.
"Alright moody pants, how can I help you."
I hadn't even realized that Ethan had arrived in my room again, until he gave me a shock that knocked me out of my bed.
"What about band practice?"
"It can wait for today, besides I didn't really feel like it anyway."
I watch as he walks over to my bed, and flops down onto it, clearly making himself at home. After a few moments - he peeps his head over the edge of the bed, to look at me sitting on the floor.
"Why are you there, this bed is so much more comfortable then the floor."
"I have a bed bug infestation currently." I stand up, trying to think of how I can get some quiet to deal with my pain alone.
"I brought everything except bug spray."
I quickly turn toward my door, trying to find out where the voice is coming from, when I see Ethan's three band mates standing there, with chocolate, a hot water bottle, movies and snacks.
"What are they doing here!" I shout toward Ethan, showing him that I was angry that he just told his three friends that I'm on my period.
"I needed backup." He shrugs.
"Don't worry, we are all here to help you and spread love and rainbows." Damiano runs up to me and gives me a tight, and unwanted, hug.
The other three people laugh, at the interaction.
"Right, we need to set up downstairs, Damiano, nobody leaves this room until we're done okay?"
"Yes boss!" Damiano's arms were still firmly around me, making it hard to move - which was clearly Ethan's plan all along.
Damiano and I stood in complete silence, for about 15 minutes after the boys left the room. Finally they yelled for Him to let me go, which I was extremely glad about. I barely knew the guy, and I feel physically closer to him then anyone else that I know.
When I run downstairs, I see that Ethan, Vic and Thomas have pushed all the sofas together, and created a bed/fort for us, filled with pillows and blankets.
"Your castle awaits, your highness." Vic holds out her hand to escort me into the fort, but I just slap her hand and walk there on my own.
"So, I'm guessing this is a group thing?"
"You guess right, Torchio." Damiano swings his arm over my shoulder and smiles at me.
They all navigate me to the middle of the bed, and two of them are on either side of me. Vic presses play, and I get passed a hot water bottle by Thomas.
We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies - we also got our hands on a new movie called "Eternals" thanks to Vic.
Maybe Ethan recruiting the boys wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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"Do you even know what any of this does?" I ask Ethan who is currently sat across from me.
"No, but I'll have to figure it out at some point."
"Why did I agree to this?"
"Because you love Ethan and would do anything to make him happy." Thomas says, he is sitting on my bed. I glare at him with a sarcastic smile.
"I know Thomas is right, but why can't I do it too? I think makeup is fun." Damiano complains once again.
"Because it's Ethan, he might accidentally stab me a few times, but he'll actually try make it look good, you on the other hand would make me look like a clown."
"A very pretty clown." Damiano corrects. I roll my eyes and bring my attention back to Ethan, who is staring at the makeup in front of him, with wonder and confusion.
"You start with this." I grab the primer and give it to him.
"Oh." He smiles and opens the cap, squeezing a large amount onto his hand. Rip my pores.
"You really don't need that much, even I could've told you that." Thomas comments.
"Well, you're not the one doing the makeup are you?" Thomas lowers his head, probably trying to hide his laugh, at Ethan's attempted comeback.
"What next?" He asks.
"Next you have to wipe some of this off, it is literally coating my skin."
"And that's not a good thing?" I sigh and wipe off some of the primer with a face wipe.
"Okay, now that my face isn't covered anymore, this goes on next." I hand him the foundation and he looks at me very confused.
"How do I open this?"
"It's already open just push it down." He places the tube on the floor and pushes his hand fully down onto the bottle, making the foundation spill all over my floor. "Not like that."
"I didn't know the floor wanted it's makeup done too." Thomas teases.
"Alright, that's it, out! Now!"
"What did we do?" Damiano questions.
"You're making him nervous, he obviously wants to do a good job to show you guys that he can actually do it, but you're being rude to him, so get out and I'll show you when He's done. Maybe." I slam my bedroom door in their faces and lock it.
"I'm sorry I messed." Ethan says quietly.
"It's okay, I do this a lot. I'm not exactly a clean makeup artist." I smile at him, hoping that it will calm his nerves.
"What next?"
"I now present to you, me with beautiful makeup on." I shout as I walk to Damiano and Thomas, with Ethan trailing behind me.
They both inspect my face with such confidence that they'll find something wrong, but obviously they didn't find anything.
"No ways he did that." Damiano says.
"Don't be like that dude, he obviously tried hard, well done Ethan, it looks good." Thomas compliments Him.
"Thanks Thomas but, it's not that good."
"Dude, this is better then what I've seen people do." He turns and looks at me, "I hate to admit it but Ethan does a better job at makeup then you."
"Usually I would wanna kill you right now, but right now, I fully agree with you." I say to Thomas. I walk up to him, and pinch his cheek, a little harder then I should, just so he knows I'm a little mad at him.
"Come on Ethan, lets go clean this off my face before my pores are blocked forever."
Two things that I've learnt today, 1 - Ethan is surprisingly good at makeup, and 2 - My pores will never be the same.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Today was Thomas's birthday, and unfortunately it was also a day that the baby I was carrying, decided to kick the shit out of me since 3am this morning. I didn't say anything to Thomas, as I wanted him to feel special today and not have to worry about his pregnant girlfriend fighting with his unborn kid.
At 12am, we had planned to go out with the boys and their partners for a birthday lunch at one of Thomas's favorite restaurants. It was a fancier restaurant, so we had to make sure that we all looked a bit more formal then usual. I decided on a baby blue flowing dress, knowing that it was probably the only dress that would fit over my baby bump. Thomas wore black suit pants, and a baby blue shirt, just so he can match with me. We headed out the door, and made our way to the restaurant.
All throughout the drive baby Raggi was killing me from the inside, she definitely would become a soccer player if she kept up all the kicking, but I stayed silent, and made small conversation with Thomas, knowing that the restaurant was close to our house, and we didn't have much time to talk.
When we arrived, we found everyone was already there, and they all greeted us with cheers and hugs. The girls all came over to me after saying hello, and hugging Thomas, wanting to check on me and see how the baby was, while all the boys hugged me, and said hello to baby Raggi before walking over to Thomas. As soon as the girls put their hands on my stomach, their faces filled with pity, knowing that I was very clearly in pain from all the relentless kicking going on inside of me.
We all sat down after getting our greetings in, most of the attention being on Thomas, but I saw how the girls kept looking over at me, making sure that I was okay.
"So what did you get for your birthday so far, Thomas?" Vic asked, knowing that I had gotten Him a guitar wrapped in a lime green colour - something that he's always wanted but he could never find.
"Well, the most amazing woman, ended up getting me a lime green Gibson Les Paul guitar, and some of my favorite snacks." He smiled proudly.
"A Gibson Les Paul? Aren't those really expensive?" Damiano asks me.
"Yeah, but Thomas has always spoiled me, so I don't see any harm in returning the favor." I smirk at him as he touches his nose.
We all end up ordering our food, and making some more light hearted conversation, and the day is going pretty well, until I end up yelling at the fact that I think Thomas's kid just fractured my rib.
"You okay, baby?" He asks me, I try to answer, but the fact is that I'm in too much pain to do anything.
"Is she seriously kicking that hard?" Giorgia rushes out of her seat and kneels down beside my chair, putting her hand on my stomach, making sure that her suspicions are correct. "Thomas, I think you might need to take her to the hospital, that baby is kicking like mad, and I don't know if she'll stop anytime soon."
As soon as Giorgia suggests this, I snap out of my pain filled haze.
"No, don't be silly, I'm fine, she just kicked a bit to hard on that one."
"How long has she been kicking like this?" Thomas puts his hand on my stomach, and his eyes widen as he feels the baby kicking his hand.
"Since 3am." I say quietly.
"3am? Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."
"I just didn't want to ruin your birthday, I'm sure she'll be okay soon, she just excited." I sigh.
"Y/n, I don't think Thomas would mind if you told him that, especially if you're in pain." Ethan furrows his eyebrows at me.
"I would never mind." Thomas says.
"Then I guess I should be honest, she's been kicking me relentlessly and I'm pretty sure that she fractured one of my ribs with that last kick."
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Thomas asks, worry filling his face.
"If it's not too much to ask." His worried face turns into happiness as I finally accept the help that he's been offering for months.
"Right, sorry to cut this short, but I promise we'll do this again one day. Got to get my lady to the hospital, here's some cash for our lunches, if one of you can just get it in a take out box, I'll fetch it later and we'll have it then."
"Go dude, I'll pay for your meals," Damiano says, waving us off, telling us to not worry about what would happen with our food.
Unfortunately, the rest of Thomas's birthday, was spent in the hospital, fortunately, he ended up getting a newborn as the result of the hospital visit.
"Hi baby, I'm your dad." I watched Thomas talk to the baby in our room, as he slowly picked her up from the crib they had brought her back in. "You've made today quite exciting for me, it's my birthday today, although you probably knew that, you were so excited for me that we had to let you into the world so we can all have a big party for your dad. I promise next year we'll party like there's no tomorrow."
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Request: None
"Come on, it'll be fun!" sings Ethan as he looks at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Noooo, I know you'll just ditch me anyway, there's no point." I pout at Ethan, trying to prove to him that I was right.
"But the band will be there."
"Yes, because I definitely wanna hang out with my best friends' friends who I barely know." He lets out a groan, knowing that I'm probably not gonna budge from the decision that I had made.
"Okay, you win, I'll see you tomorrow?" He stands with his hands on his hips in front of me.
"Of course." I get up and wrap my arms around him, making sure that he knows that we aren't on bad terms. "Call me when you get home tonight." I shout as he walks out my bedroom door.
"Got it!" He shouts back, completely out of sight.
For the next few hours, I mostly just spent some time on my phone, and did a little homework, nothing too extreme.
It was about ten o'clock when my mom knocked on my door.
"There's someone downstairs for you." She says with a smile. Although I'm confused, I instantly go to see who the person could be.
As I walk into our living room, I see Ethan looking at one of our family pictures on our mantle.
"Ethan? What are you doing back here." He finally turns toward me, allowing me to see his bloodshot eyes. Instantly I walk toward him, wrapping my arms around him, and not letting go until he does.
"She cheated." He whispers, sniffing slightly after. I had to control my rage, I needed to focus on being there for him, and not on some girl who I didn't really like anyway.
"You'll be okay." I say to him, hoping he can find some kind of comfort in those words.
After He finally pulled away, I took his hand and led him to the spare bedroom, across from my bedroom. I made the bed how he likes it, and got him some sweats and a shirt that he had left here, from the numerous times he's slept over.
"Do you want anything else?" I lean against the headboard and look at Ethan, who was currently tucked into the many blankets in bed.
"Can I borrow one of your books? I don't think I'll be able to sleep, and light reading always seems to help." I smile at him and jog to my room, retrieving the Prisoner of Azkaban from my self before returning and hating it over.
"Don't stay up to late reading it, okay?" He gives me a thumbs up, as I finally leave the room for good, allowing him to have some space to himself right now.
The next day, I wake up almost entirely forgetting what had happened the night before. I brushed my teeth and made myself presentable, before venturing downstairs, on the way there, I remembered that Ethan had slept over, which made me change my desired destination. I slowly opened the door, trying not to wake Ethan, but when I popped my head in, he was nowhere in sight, and the bed was made.
He had left before even saying goodbye? That definitely wasn't like him. I pull out my phone quickly, and type a simple message, before putting it back in my pocket and making my way downstairs.
After eating some breakfast, I checked my phone, hoping to get a simple 'I'm not dead' message from Ethan, but still nothing. I carry on with my day, trying to not let Him cloud my mind, but unfortunately that was no easy task when he's acting so unlike himself. I tried texting the other guys, but they all said that they hadn't seen him.
The next three weeks played out exactly the same. No contact at all from Him, his mom had called a few days after he disappeared and told everyone that he was okay, he just needed some space, which I understand to an extent, but he left with no warning, not only leaving his best friend in the dark, but he let his band down, as they had to pause their entire schedule until he finally decided to come back.
The only positive about this whole situation, is that I've gotten a lot closer with the other 3 - with them coming over almost daily to see if Etgan was back, it was like we were all forced to be best friends, even though none of us were opposed to it.
"Anything from Ethan?" My mom asks at she walks into the kitchen, joining me on the island.
"Not yet, he's gonna get his ass beat when he does show up, he's made me so stressed these last few weeks." I put my head in my hands, as my mom rubs my back, trying to comfort me.
Suddenly our bell goes off, I look to my mom, who was wearing a hopeful facial expression.
"It's just the guys, I told them I made cookies last night, and they're animals." She smiles at me as I get up to open the door.
I swing the door open, and suddenly I'm frozen.
"Where the hell have you been?" I shout at him. He whines at the noise but smiles shyly, as he opens his arms for a hug.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went. I just needed time away." He says after kissing my head.
"Just because you got your heart broken, doesn't mean you get to disappear for three weeks." I pull away from him, "it's not fair on me, or on your band, we were all worried sick about you."
"It wasn't just the heartbreak that I needed to get away from." He looks at his feet.
"What else was it?" I fold my arms, trying to make it a point to tell him that I wasn't impressed with his behavior, no matter what his excuse was.
"I had feelings that I couldn't decipher, I needed to figure that out before I could come back."
"What kind of feelings?" I soften up, hoping that he will tell me the secret he's been keeping for the last few weeks.
"Romantic kind." He puts his hands in his pockets and shuffles on one foot slightly.
"You're in love with someone?" I say In shock.
"I wouldn't say love, just yet, but yeah I like someone." He smiles.
I grab his hand and pull him up to my room, hoping to get more privacy then what we had before, as I knew my mom was listening in the kitchen.
"Who is it?" I excitedly scream at him as I throw him on my bed.
"Why do we have to have this conversation?" He groans and shoves his face into his hands.
"Because you're my best friend and I wanna know who you're in love with." I sit across from him, with my legs crossed, waiting for the story.
"I'm not in love, and I don't wanna have this conversation because if I do, then it becomes real and I don't know if I need that right now."
I can't help but frown at his words.
"Why would it be a problem for it to become real?" I use a mocking tone, not understanding why he would not want to be with someone who could make him happy.
"I just got cheated on, that does something to your head, I don't think that if I get into a relationship right now, I'm gonna be able to trust that person."
"You have to realize that not everyone is like that. Just because one person cheated on you, it doesn't mean the next one will too, it just depends on the persons morals. Besides, I've made it my mission, as your best friend, to figure out if a person is good enough for you or not, before you start dating. Gotta see if their standards and morals are good enough for my best friend. But in all seriousness, I think you just have to trust their word, if they say they won't treat you the way your ex did, then you have to believe them, give them a chance to prove that they're different." I ruffle his hair, making him chuckle.
"What are your views on cheating?" He surprises me with his question, but I assume it's just for closure.
"I think it's dumb, if you consider cheating, then your relationship is doomed to fail. I would never even consider it, if I'm honest, my continence would kill me if I did, and I know I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt." I say honestly, I watch his face for any sign of a reaction, but there's none.
"So, your morals are pretty good?" Ethan asks with a cocked eyebrow.
"I would like to think so-" and just like that I'm cut off my his lips on mine.
It comes as a shock, which leaves me frozen in my seat, but soon enough I'm kissing back. After a couple minutes, he pulls back, leaving us both breathless.
"If you couldn't tell, I was talking about you. I've had feelings for a while, but I always avoided them, or just entirely pretended like they're not there, but they are, and I can't ignore them anymore." I look into his eyes, seeing that he was being completely honest with me. I give him a smile, and pull him in for another kiss.
"Well, thanks for letting us know that Ethan is back." I hear at my door. Quickly Ethan and I pull away, and stare at the visitors, who have interrupted a very special moment.
Damiano, Victoria and Thomas all stand there with smirks on their faces.
"I'm glad that we're all in love, but dude where the hell have you been?" Vic shouts at Ethan, just before running at him full speed, and tackling him onto my bed, with each of the others following to jump on Him, making for a very fun ending to a very stressful few weeks.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Request: None
Every teenager is known to look at life with some kind of hatred, while only seeing the beauty in things that interest them. It was a fact that I had tried to ignore for so long, but after getting new friends, and meeting new people, this fact became exceedingly obvious to me.
My days at school were all the same - boring, long and unnecessarily filled with drama. It was a vicious but somewhat calming cycle, as it made me believe that I was in control of what was happening to a certain extent. Unfortunately, my recent choice in friends completely dented this pattern for me, and honestly? I can't tell if it is a good or bad thing.
It's been three weeks since I've started talking to a not so secret, secret pen pal. Our schools were doing these weird activities to get our generation to be more social, because apparently being on your phone all day is a 'problem'.
I signed up for the pen pal drive (we had to sign up for something, and that one sounded the least painful), and ended up getting pared with a guy named Damiano. He was extremely charismatic and excitable from what I've gotten from his letters.
A few weeks ago, Damiano and I had planned to finally meet each other on Skype - our schools were in different countries and it was easier then waiting for his letters - and today was finally that day. Unfortunately I had school, but I could barely keep my attention on the lessons as the day got closer to being over. When the final bell rang, I basically sprinted out of school, and into my car. Even though it was a very short drive back to my house, I seemed to get stuck at every red light and stop sign, making me more impatient then I already was.
I quickly park my car and make my way inside, to my cozy room. My parents wouldn't be home for a few more hours, so I had no trouble with them complaining that I was talking too loud or laughing to much.
I flip open my laptop and click on the Skype icon, ready to finally see my pen pal. It rings a few times before it finally opens to a boy who had long hair and a confused expression on his face.
"So that's what you look like?" I smile at Jack, but he just looks at me funny.
"Do I know you?" He says simply.
"We've been talking for weeks, Damiano." I say deadpanned, hoping that this stranger is Who I thought he was.
"I'm not Damiano?"
I feel extremely embarrassed right now, so I try to make an excuse so I can leave as soon as possible.
"Okay, we'll I'm gonna go then, he obviously gave me the wrong information." I smile at the stranger. He looks like he was about to say something when he is interrupted by a loud shout.
"Ethan! Where is my laptop, I need it!" I hear a door open from behind the strangers screen, and I watch as his eyes widen in realization.
"You're looking for Damiano David?" He looks down at me again, and I quickly nod. "Your friend is here." He passes the laptop over to another boy, who has hazel eyes and brown hair and an adorable smile.
"Hey there stranger." He says with a grin. Finally I get to see him.
"Hey there, for a second there I thought you gave me a fake username." I smile at him.
"Yeah, sorry about that, Ethan is always stealing my things, so I have to forcibly get them back." I watch his background as he seems to go through a few doors and finally plop down on a bed.
"So how was school?" I ask him, getting the basics out of the way before we talk about the juicer stuff.
We spent the next few hours talking about Damiano's band, school, our other hobbies and interests, and everything else in between.
"So, I actually have a surprise." Damiano says randomly. I look at him with furrowed eyebrows and wait for him to answer. "Next week, our music class is going on a field trip to your country, and if you want to, we could meet up and get a coffee or something?"
"Don't you need to partake in school trips?" I smile at him.
"I think I can miss out on this one." He smirks.
"Okay then, but I have to know, would it be considered a date?"
"If you want it to be." I already really liked him, so having the opportunity to go out with him was really a win-win for me.
"Then it's a date."
We spoke for a few more minutes before we both decided that it would be a good time to go to bed, as we both had school the next day.
I wished Damiano a goodnight, and exited Skype. Even though I couldn't help it, I knew that all night I would be dreaming about my penpal, and all the amazing adventures we were bound to go on.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Request: None
It's been a while since the band met for the first time, 5 years to be exact. Måneskin are thriving, themselves. They are pretty much international rockstars at this point. They've recently come out with a new album, which was no. 1 on the billboard top 100 for about 16 weeks.
Recently the band has been planning a 6 month worldwide tour, which is a) a really amazing opportunity for them, and b) a really long time to be away from family and friends. That's where i'm kinda jealous of the band, they get to spend all the time they want together, while I have to wait until their schedules are free to see my best friends.
Not that I'm complaining because I'm extremely lucky to have even met the band, but it's just a silly thing that will play on my mind until the band is over.
Victoria and I have been friends for almost a year now and things have been getting annoying lately. And it's hard to talk to her about things, when she's half way across the world.
"You know i am gonna miss you right?" Vic says while putting his last few items in her backpack.
"Yeah I know, I'll miss you too." I say walking up to her and putting my arms around her, from behind. "Do you think The guys will be mad if I hide you here forever?"
Vic laughs at me and turns herself around in my arms, making me look up at her.
"You'll be fine for a few months. And we can always FaceTime or Skype."
"Vic, you don't know how to do either of those things." I say with a smile.
"That's not the point." She says chuckling. "The point is, I'll make an effort to text you or call you, whenever I get the chance okay?"
"Fine." I pout as she grabs her classic pink hoodie. "No!"
She looks at me confused, but when she sees where my eyes are focused - on the hoodie - she puts the pieces together and realizes what I want. She smiles at me and walks over to hand me the hoodie. I instantly grab it and pull it into my chest.
"You're such a child sometimes." She smirks. Just then a loud honking comes from outside, and I just know that it's time. I instantly look down to try and stop the tears from falling, but when Vic notices my mood change, she grabs me and hugs me tight, as I break down crying.
"I'll be back before you know it." She comforts me.
We walk together down the stairs and toward the front door, when we're about a foot in front of the door, she turns to me and I follow her action.
"So, this is it?" Vic says
"I love you."
"I love you too, don't miss me too much okay?"
"I'll try." I half chuckle.
"Bye bestie."
"Bye." I wave as she walks out.
For a few minutes after she left I stay standing on the same spot I was on when she finally walked out the door. Then a sudden wave of nausea washes over me, which obviously causes me to sprint to the nearest bathroom.
"I think we know what that means." I say sitting down against the wall near the toilet, after I finished my business.
Just to be sure I go to a supermarket and buy 3 pregnancy tests.
When I get home I run upstairs and take all three. While I'm waiting I decide to text the only person, who would be okay with me being a mess in front of them.
"Mama is in the house." I hear Giorgia shout from downstairs.
"I'm upstairs in the bathroom." I shout back down. She and I have become really close over the last few years. Since Damiano is always doing interviews or concerts with the band, Giorgia and I have a lot of spare time on our hands.
"So, what did you call me here for?" She says while standing against the door frame.
I turn around and pick up one of the tests, and hold it out for her to see what it is. Her eyes and mouth instantly widen.
"You're pregnant?" She asks.
"I think so but I just need to make sure, so I got three tests and I'm waiting for them right now. That's why I called you, I needed moral support."
"Well you called the right girl, how many minutes are left?" She puts the toilet seat down and sits on it.
"About two? I think." I stay with a nervous sounding voice.
"Hey, it'll be okay, you know You will be okay if you are, so don't worry about it."
"Still scared though."
We sit in silence for what feels like forever, but finally, the alarm that I set on my phone goes off, signaling that the test is done.
I stand up and grab Giorgia's hand. We look at each other and then at the tests.
"I think you're pregnant." She whispers.
Two months later
So it turns out I was already three months pregnant when I took the test. I had obviously had a feeling that something was up, but in all honesty, pregnancy never crossed my mind.
Vic still has 4 more months on tour and I don't know how I'm gonna tell her about it. In 4 months, I could've already had the baby and then Vic will return home and be like 'woah that's a kid'. I feel like I need to tell her in person but I just can't travel that far right now.
Just as I'm about to think of some cleaver idea of how to tell Her, I hear the doorbell ring.
I quickly hobble down the steps and toward the front door, I open the door slowly, and slam it shut when I see who it is.
"You do know it's me right?" I hear Vic say from the other side of the door.
I open the door slower this time and hide my now, quite large belly, behind it.
"Hey! You." I say awkwardly. She looked at me confused and worried.
"Why are you acting so weird?" She asks
"Because there's something I need to show you, and I don't know if you're gonna be mad. So please don't be mad." I slowly step from behind the door and let Her see my bump. He stares at it, with an emotion I can't quite pin. Shock or excitement? I don't even know.
"You're pregnant?" I nod, "with my kid?"
"Vic, you're a female, of course it isn't yours."
I watch as her face slowly grows into a large grin, before she scoops me up gently in her arms and spins me around, which makes me giggle.
"I'm gonna be a dad!" She shouts with glee.
"It's not your kid!" I shout with the same excitement as her.
"I'm gonna be a dad." She repeats this time with a more scared and serious voice.
"You all good there?" I ask her and just then Vic bursts into tears, which shocks me but also not that much. She hugs me again and whispers into my ear
"We're gonna be parents."
"Still not your kid." J
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Request: None
July 2021
Today was the first day in nearly a year that the girls and I would be together, it just so happened, that today was also Perrie and Leigh's shared baby shower. They had found out that they were both pregnant around the same time, so they really did try and do everything together.
Jade and I were left to do most of the planning - as the appointed godmothers of the babies.
Jade and I spent the whole morning setting up for the other two, making decorations, blowing up balloons, and setting up for the food that was going to be delivered before everyone got here.
"Okay, I've got me wine, what else do I need to do before I can drink it." Jade says, holding her glass high in the air.
"Go sit down, I'll finish up, Vic and the boys should be here soon, so please listen out for the ring." I remind her, she quickly nods and heads inside my house, probably going to make herself comfortable.
I had finished putting out the cupcakes on a tray when a loud voice shouted out.
"Who's ready to shower some babies!" I turn around and am faced with the band that have been causing havoc in my life for the past year, not to say that it was unwanted.
"Hello, Victoria, kindly shut up, I don't need any more noise complaints from the neighbors." I walk up to her, and even with the prominent pout on her lips, I hug her tight, eventually making her hug back.
"This looks sick, the girls will love it." Thomas says as he embraces me.
"I hope so, Jade and I have been working our asses off for the last few weeks, trying to make everything perfect." I hug Ethan as I speak.
"It really does look amazing." Ethan says.
"Yeah, remind us to book you for our birthdays." Vic wraps her arms around my shoulders, as I grab onto herforearms as my form of a hug.
"Unless you're one of my godbabies, you're not getting anything like this." I smirk.
"What about your boyfriend?" I finally find Damiano standing a few feet away from us, I smile at his presence and make my way toward him.
"I think I can make an exception for you." I squish his cheeks together and give him a quick kiss, before stepping away from him, and continuing with my setting up.
I give all the boys little jobs to do, to help them pass the time, and to make sure that they don't eat all the snacks that have already been laid out.
"You know Jade is completely passed out on the couch?" Damiano grabs some of the cupcake holders and starts setting them down, for us to fill them with sweets later on in the day.
"The girls are on their way!" Jade screams as she runs outside, grabs my arm and pulls me inside to get ready, while the boys finish up outside.
"I hope everyone sticks to the theme." I sigh as I take off my sweats and tshirt, slipping on my blue dress.
"I hope so too, if they didn't, we'll boot them." Jade smiles at me, acting like it was a joke, when in reality, I knew she was dead serious.
"I almost yelled at Ethan when I saw he wasn't wearing any blue or pink, but he showed me the pink laces he had on."
"I'm glad they all stuck to it, I didn't need you stressing because one of them decided to wear all black."
We laugh at the usual fashion choices that the guys make, of course they were stylish, but a little more color would do them good.
Jade and I put on our heels before making our way downstairs, only to be greeted by the doorbell ringing. We instantly went to open it, knowing it was the two pregnant members.
"Hello!" I shout as I open the door, revealing Alex, Andre, Leigh, and Perrie.
"We all came in one car. It was a mess." Perrie hugged me first, then Alex, Andre, and finally Leigh.
"So, how are the babies?" I ask Leigh, knowing that she's been having a lot more pain the last few weeks, from the twins kicking her constantly.
"They're definitely footballers like their dad, I must admit that I'm sick of pregnancy now."
"It sure doesn't look like it, every time I see you, you're practically glowing."
"Thanks, babes. Is Damiano here yet?" Perrie perks up at the mention of Damiano, as she was determined to make my relationship one to remember.
"Yeah, he's in the back with the other lads." I point toward the back door, and Perrie takes off running, with everyone else following closely behind.
"Damiano!" Perrie shouts as she runs to him. Since we've been dating, Perrie has become best friends with Damiano, they always seem to be playing pranks together, or annoying The girls and I, and it was honestly refreshing to see.
"Hey, how's the pregnancy?" Damiano asks as he embraces her.
"Absolutely brilliant. Now, where are the cupcakes." He points to them, and Perrie instantly goes for a blue icing one.
"No! Those are for later," I grab it out her hand and put it back, "none yet, you'll get your own cake later, just be patient."
She pouts, and grabs my hand, leading me to the area of chairs and tables, with Leigh following behind us.
"He's acting strange." Perrie says simply.
"Whatcha mean?" I start playing with the table decorations.
"He's not as talkative as usual, did you two have a fight?" Her eyebrows furrow in worry.
"No? I would've told you guys if we did."
"Strange." Perrie looks off in the distance, contemplating life.
Leigh and I make small conversation as Perrie drifts off into her own world.
"Y/n! Guests are arriving!" Jade calls from inside the house, I say goodbye to the girls and head inside, waiting to greet all our friends and family.
Everyone seemed to arrive at the same time, and soon my backyard was flooded with people.
"Hey, Can you please go get the mic from upstairs, the one I have is acting up." I ask Damiano, as he ends his conversation with Andre.
"Yeah sure, the pink one, right?"
"Yes, thank you!"
He walks away quickly, leaving me with Andre.
"Please don't have any more kids anytime soon, I need a break from being a godmother." He just laughs at me as I walk away, trying to sort out the mic and speaker situation.
"Here you go." Damiano hands me the pink mic, and I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek, before I hook everything up, preparing to make my speech that I had been nervous for the whole week.
"Jade!" I spot the girl all the way across the room, but my shouting ends up getting her attention, making her walk toward me. "Will you stand with me while I make the speech?"
"Course." She smiles and grabs my hand as we walk up to the front of the room.
"Hello, can everyone take a seat really quickly." My voice booms out through the speaker, as everyone finds a seat. "Pez, Leigh, we saved you a seat here in the front." I call my girls, making them walk up, while everyone cheers, and sit on the two chairs that jade and I had made into makeshift thrones.
"Right, so hello everyone, thank you for joining us today, I think I can say on behalf of the parents to be, that they are really excited to be able to spend this day of celebration with all of you. Now, being who I am, aka the best godmother ever, I was asked to make a short speech, about the moms to be, with a few baby jokes here and there, but unfortunately, I'm not that funny." Everyone laughs at my honesty. "But I do tend to make better speeches when I speak from the heart, so without any cards or cues, I'm going to try and make a speech from my heart. And just a warning, I will probably cry." Everyone laughs again, Jade let's go of my hand, grabs a few napkins from behind us, and hands them to Pez and Leigh.
"Firstly, I think that we should all acknowledge how amazing it is that you two are doing this together, it's truly inspiring how you two have supported each other through every step of your pregnancies, and I know that the support you two show each other will carry on for many years after your babies are born. Now I'm gonna get a bit personal, obviously as you all know, I am still the new one in Little Mix, and a fear that I had when joining the group, was that I would feel completely left out constantly, I mean you guys have been friends for nearly ten years, and here I am, stepping into your amazing group, not really knowing any of you, other then the information I find online. After literally two weeks of being apart of the group, I felt like I was already apart of the group, we already had our inside jokes, and our daily wardrobe fails, that made every day an adventure. Being the youngest of the group also felt like a disadvantage at the time, but as soon as Perrie started calling herself my mum, I couldn't help but see all three of you from a different light. You really were like my mums, you guided me, advised me, and generally loved me, all while you all showed me what you would be like with an actual child, which is why I can say with everything in me, that you two will be the best mothers, and I know that no matter who, or what your children become, you will always love and accept them. I think everyone here knows how amazing you both are at making people feel welcome, so I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that you'll be any less welcoming to your babies. I really cannot wait to meet your babies, because I know that they'll all absolutely adorable, and I will love them with every inch of my being. I also should thank you, for trusting Jade and I with this party, we knew how much it means to you, and I hope we did it justice. So, can everyone raise your glasses, as we honor our queens, our g-o-d-d-e-s-s-e-s, our amazing mother to be, Leigh-Anne and Perrie. Here's to you guys."
I lift my flute of champagne in the air, as everyone cheers. The two girls come up and hug Jade and I, as they were both crying at this point.
After talking to the girls a little, and their baby daddies, I ended up wondering back into the house, as I needed some air from all the baby stuff.
"You okay?" Damiano walked into the kitchen, making me take my eyes off the wooden floor that I had been staring at for the last few minutes.
"Yeah, I'm good." I smile at him, as he walks closer to me.
"I loved your speech."
"Thanks, I don't remember any of it." He laughs at my bluntness.
"Yeah, I sometimes get that on stage, too much adrenaline I think." He scratches his forearm, something that he only does when he's nervous.
"What's wrong?" I ask, his head snaps up to look at me.
"Nothing?" I smile at him, knowing that he knows I know him better then that.
"Spit it out, something's worrying you, I can tell." I step closer to him, but he turns around, facing the counter now, with my front to his back. I'll admit that his sudden distaste for me makes me feel awkward. "Okay then, I'm going back outside."
I feel his hand around my arm as I try walk away. I look up him, with a questioning glare, but his face seems emotionless.
I see his other hand shuffle around in my peripheral line of sight, which causes me to look down, and stare wide eyed at the ring that he was holding.
"I know it's only been a year since we've been together, but I know what I want, and after seeing you be so vulnerable tonight with leigh and Perrie, it made me realize that I need to push my fears away, so I can take what I really love. I'm not really good with words, so I'll just say it as simple as I can. I love you, and I've tried to show you how much, but I feel like nothing I do will be good enough, but if you let me, I want to spend the rest of my life trying to prove that I'm so incredibly, deeply in love with you. So," he gets down on one knee, " even though this isn't the most romantic thing to happen to us, will you marry me?"
I stand there frozen, I obviously am going to say yes, but for some reason, I can't get the words out. I watch as his face slowly falls into a frown, clearly taking my silence as a no. He gets up quickly and walks outside, leaving me standing in the kitchen, alone.
It takes a few minutes for me to gain consciousness, but when I do, I sprint outside, searching for Damiano, like a maniac.
I see him talking to the rest of the boys, I can't see his face, but I can already tell that he's devastated.
"Damiano!" I yell, making almost everyone turn and look at me, including My boyfriend. "Yes!"
He looks at me funny, "yes?"
"Yes, I'll marry you!" His face breaks into a smile as I run to him, he catches me and spins me around as everyone claps and yells.
This day really couldn't get any better.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
"What exactly am I supposed to do here?" Vic looks at me with a very confused expression as I set out my workstation- ready to birth a masterpiece.
"I don't know, just look pretty, I guess." I laugh as she sighs in frustration over my clear neediness for her company.
"So, what look are you going for?" I quickly grab my secret weapon from the middle of the table, and hand it over to Her. "You're doing Sfx of Voldemort."
"Don't say I never do anything for you." I start prepping my face, hoping that the removal process will be kind to me.
"If you were doing this for me, you would be dressed as Hermione Granger, not moldy voldy." She laughs at my eagerness to cover up the fact that over all this project will just be funny, and holds no real purpose.
"Well, excuse me for trying." I roll my eyes playfully, making Vic lean forward and give me a quick kiss before going on her phone until I was done.
After a lot of spilled latex, and cotton swabs being thrown around, I finally finished my all new transformation.
"So how do I look?" I ask Vic, who has kept her head down for the entire process, not wanting to spoil the reveal.
She turns around slowly, and instantly bursts out laughing at what she sees. She was practically on the floor crying from how hard she was laughing.
"I'll take that as a good sign." I grab my phone and stake a few selfies while Vic tries to calm down.
"Babe. Babe." She was still laughing, but she made a point to get my attention. "Please, for the love of everything, can we do a dramatic photo shoot." The words spill out her mouth, and just as quickly as they came out, they're almost cut off by the thundering laughter that follows.
"Only if you dress up as Hermione granger." That sentence makes her stop dead in her tracks, and hold out herhand. I quickly shake it, leaving Vic to scurry around the house for the next 30 minutes, as she looks for props and outfits for us to wear.
Eventually she hands me a black Slytherin robe, and a Hogwarts uniform, that she seemed to have a spare of, and pushes me into the nearest bathroom to complete the look.
I step out of the bathroom, fully embracing the student Tom riddle x Voldemort look, and see Vic in a Gryffindor uniform, standing in front of a mirror.
When she finishes, he turns to me with a smile, before popping his fake glasses on, and dragging me outside.
"You know she doesn't wear glasses right?"
"Yeah, but I thought they complete the look."
She grabs my hand and drags me outside.
"Stand there, and look scary." She orders me.
As she takes the many photos, I try to really get into the role, and that means making her laugh as hard as I can, with my limited knowledge of the wizarding world.
So far, I've called snape my homeboy, asked Hermione (aka Vic) to be besties, and asked if we could make some lit TikTok's - in the most sarcastic way I possibly could.
"Now, let's get some of you!" I grab her phone, as she protests, but I follow through on making her pose as if she was the brightest witch of her age.
"You know, even though I know you don't really know about Hermione granger, you sure are giving him goo-goo eyes." Vic comments.
"Yeah, she has a cute butt, so I can't help but stare." I wink at her, which causes her to burst out laughing again.
"I just got hit on my Voldemort, Dreams do come true." She holds her hand to her chest and fakes a tear rolling down her eye.
"Shut up." I walk up to her, grab her by the Gryffindor tie, and pull her into a kiss.
"I think you should take that off before we do anything." She mumbles against my lips.
"Okay, that's it, no kisses for you, Voldemort or not, you're cut off." I walk back inside with Vic trailing behind me, whining about the unfair rule I had put in place.
Needless to say, the removal process was interesting with Her there, and after I returned to my normal self, Vic got all the kisses she could want.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
TW: fake blood/fake death.
"Are you sure this will work?" I ask Damiano.
"Of course this will work, if it doesn't then Ethan doesn't have a soul." He puts down more fake blood, as I lay down on the floor.
"Besides, if he's smart enough, he'll know this is fake in an instant." Thomas says to me.
"Don't you think you're going a little over board with the blood?"
"Maybe, but thats how you sell the show." He quickly puts the blood away and walks out of the studio, with Thomas following a few seconds later. I get ready to give my best friend- Ethan - the shock of his life, by laying down, slowing down my breathing as much as I can, and closing my eyes.
"You just need to find a little inspiration when it comes to writing." I hear Vic say from outside the studio.
"I know, I just don't know what kind of inspiration to look for." Ethan pulls the door open, and instantly shrieks. It takes everything in me, to not smile or laugh.
I feel him kneel down next to me and grab my head, I flip around, wanting him to believe that I'm actually passed out, or worse.
I hear him start to sob, and scream at Vic to call 911.
Unfortunately, Vic isn't the beat liar, so when Ethan does scream at her, she ends up laughing loudly.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" He screams again.
Vic just continues to laugh as Ethan holds me close. Because of Vic's very funny laugh, I end up chuckling myself. Ethan makes himself completely frozen when he realized that I'm laughing too.
I open my eyes and hug him tight, telling him that everything is okay, and that I'm also okay and not dead.
Damiano and Thomas make into the studio, to see the aftermath of their prank. As soon as they see the position that Ethan and I am in, they start laughing as well.
"We definitely got him." Thomas and Damiano high five, as they look on to the scene in front of them.
"If Vic hadn't laughed, I would've been able to keep a straight face. We would've completely convinced him." I say, wiping off the blood on my head.
"What are you guys doing? I could've had a heart attack from that. That was just cruel." Ethan gets up and storms out, leaving us laughing slightly, but also feeling guilty.
"I'll go talk to him."
It took a little while to find out where Ethan was, but when I found him, it seemed so obvious that he would be in his parents house - in his room.
"Hey there." I say, leaning on the door frame.
"I really need alone time right now." He mumbles.
"Now, we both know that isn't a good idea."
"I can't believe you would do that to me, it wasn't cool."
"When Damiano asked me to do it, I only said yes because I thought you would realize pretty quick that, that couldn't happen to me."
"We aren't getting into that right now." He says with a pout. Ethan smiles and tackles me onto his old bed. We stay there, play-fighting for a little while. Before we come up with a plan to scare the other boys as revenge.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Request: None
"Just stay with Steve, he'll keep you safe." Damiano says.
"But I don't know who Steve is, why can't I just go with you?"
"Because they'll be pushing to get to me. You could get hurt if you come with me."
"This is why mom said we should just have a movie night at home."
"Don't be mad at me, I thought I would be able to have a normal dinner with you for once."
"You're in a world famous band, you don't get normal dinners anymore, unless they're at home." I huff.
"Just stay with Steve, I'll meet you in the car, okay?"
"Okay." He gives me a soft smile before he walks away - and out of the restaurant, surrounded by security.
"Right. Which one of you is Steve?" I shout. Everyone who is left in the restaurant turns to look at me, and finally one guy raises his hand. "Right Stevie, let's get this over with so I can finally have some quality time with my brother."
I grab onto Steve's arm as he leads me through the crowd. However, by the time we get outside, the swarm of paparazzi and fans is so thick, that we can't move, although Steve tries to push us through, we end up getting stuck in the middle of the fan group.
I know this is probably something that Damiano is used to, but for me, being overwhelmed is not a feeling that I can easily control. Nor can I control what my body does in response to that overwhelming feeling.
Unfortunately for me, the way my body decided to react, was to completely black out in a group of about 100 fans - who only cared about catching a glimpse of my brother.
I open my eyes slowly, and luckily the room I'm in, isn't very bright. The shades are almost completely closed, and it looks like it's early morning - so the sun isn't too harsh.
I look around and see Damiano, asleep, in a chair next to my bed. I look down at myself and see that my hand is in a cast, and my arms have bruises all over them.
I try reach out to wake him up, but I can't move much, so I do the next best thing.
I look on the small table next to my bed, and see a bright green apple. I grab it and throw it at Damiano- accidentally hitting him straight in the balls.
He hunches over in pain as I laugh my ass off. Eventually the pain seems to faux away for him, and he stands up - next to my bed.
"How are you feeling?" I can already tell that he feels guilty for whatever happened.
"Fine? I think. Why? Am I not supposed to feel fine?"
"Considering you got a broken wrist and you got trampled, I would say you do have a reason to not feel fine." He smiles and waits for me to process his words.
"I do feel fine. Nothing hurts that blandly, and I'm sure I'll be healed in a few weeks, so don't feel guilty. Cus I know you already do."
"It was my fault though." He sits down in his chair again.
"I'll forgive you on one condition." I look at him with a serious look.
"Anything." He stands again, gripping the side bar of my bed.
"No more going out when you wanna bond. At-home movies and pizza will be more then enough for me."
"Fine, we can try again, whenever you get released from here."
I hold my hand out for him to shake. He smiles before gripping my hand and shaking lightly.
"You know what I just realized?" I say out of nowhere.
"I'm high as hell on painkillers right now." I giggle, which causes Damiano to laugh at my giddiness.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
"I think it's through here." I say, as I turn into a corridor, hoping to find our way to the pit.
"It doesn't look like it is. Please don't let us get murdered." Y/f says, clinging onto my arm as we walk past dozens of doors.
Suddenly we hear a high pitched scream coming from a few meters in front of us, making us stop dead in our tracks. We watch on as one of the boys from the band we were here to see, falls backwards onto his ass, laughing as he goes down. Damiano's head instantly snaps toward us when he realizes we're there. His eyes widen in fear as he runs back into the room he fell out of.
Y/f and I look at each other, extremely confused by what just happened, but also the excitement settles in over the fact that we just saw one of the guys.
All three boys pop their heads out the door, looking at us worryingly, as we stand frozen over the eyes that stare us down.
"Uh, you aren't supposed to be here." Thomas says, making sure he appears tough, so we get too scared to pounce.
"I guessed that." I say loud enough for them to hear. My response earns a snort out of Vic, making my heart beat even faster when I realized they were all looking at me.
"So, are you gonna leave?" Thomas was trying not to be rude, but it was clear that he was slightly freaked out.
"We would, but seeing as we ended up here, when looking for the pit entrance, I don't think we should be wondering around." I explain, making the boys relax over the fact that we weren't deliberately looking for them.
"Do you wanna wait with us?" Damiano says, giving Y/f a smile.
"Yes." Y/f answers and jumps forward, toward the boys before I can decline.
We walk into what appears to be their dressing room, and instantly we notice the mound of candy piled onto the table on the far right side of the room.
"You can have some of you want, there's plenty to go around." Vic says as she puts her hand on my back, leading me toward the table, making me smile.
"Why do you need so much anyway?" I pick up one of the bags of m&m's and tear it open, before grabbing a few and popping them in my mouth.
"They're growing boys you know, don't hate the player hate the game." She smirks, showing her flirting was only teasing.
"That was beyond lame." I say, giving a giggle as she chuckles at my honesty. As Vic and I fall into a comfortable silence, I peer around the room, finding Y/f chatting her life away with Damiano and Thomas, all while playing a round of ping pong, and Ethan looking at me dead in the eye while sitting on one of the couches. His harsh gaze makes me look away immediately, knowing that accepting the offer to join them in here was probably a mistake. I look to Vic, who seems quite content with the massive mound of candy, and decide to start a conversation with her, hoping to forget about the intense death stare that was currently being thrown at me.
Suddenly a loud voice booms in through the speakers, informing the guys that they're on in 20 minutes.
"I think it would be best if we got going." I tell Vic, who's face instantly drops.
"Yeah we should, we still wanna watch you guys!" Y/f squeals.
"But you'll be nowhere near the front of you go now." Thomas remarks. He seems to think for a minute before coming up with his idea. "Just come backstage with us. We can easily get you passes, and you'll skip the big crowds."
I look at y/n hoping to earn a response from her before deciding, and her face said it all. I look toward Thomas, and give a brief nod, making all the boys shout.
"Now, I hate to be rude, but we have to change, so if you'll step outside for a few minutes that would be awesome." Damiano points to the door. "Unless you want a show." He winks at Y/f, making me widen my eyes in shock. I quickly grab Y/f and pull her out the room, leaving 3 giggly band members and a still angry looking Ethan to get changed.
When the band were done, they walked out the room and dragged Y/f and I toward the stage, making sure to grab us some passes on the way there.
We all spoke for a while, until the band finally got onto the stage and performed as if their lives depended on it.
The guys had invited us back to their dressing room after the show, as they celebrated with champagne and candy.
I had spoken to everyone in the band, except for Ethan. He clearly had a problem with me, and even if I didn't understand it, I respected his wishes to keep his distance.
When I had finally checked the time and realized it was way too late to still be here, y/f and Thomas had snuck off somewhere, meaning I wasn't able to leave yet.
I sat down on the couch once more, sighing at the realization that I wouldn't be able to sleep for a while. As I usually do when I'm bored and alone, I went onto my Instagram, and watched a few videos and liked a few posts.
"Hey." I heard a voice say from infront of me, making me look up from my phone. "Do you wanna go on a walk?" Ethan asked me.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion, but followed him outside anyway.
As we walked, Ethan always stayed a few steps ahead of me, and never spoke. I was beyond confused and slightly worried over his sudden attention toward me, but it was better then being avoided like the plague.
We eventually passed through a few doors, leading back to the stage, that sat in the middle of a now empty stadium.
He walked along the catwalk that was attached to the middle of the stage, and I followed behind him, but not too close.
He stopped at the edge of the catwalk, and sat down, before turning to me, and offering me a hand, so I could sit next to him, which I accepted quickly.
"I'm sorry that I seemed rude tonight." He says bluntly. I look at him in shock, not at all expecting an apology.
"It's okay, I get that sometimes people just don't feel like socializing with someone new."
"It's not that. You just reminded me of someone that I wanted to forget." He still doesn't look at me, but I can tell that the subject was hard for him to talk about.
"An ex?"
"No." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "When we started this band, I didn't know if it would be beneficial to me, so I was hesitant for a while before we actually formed. I had heard so many horror stories about bands getting their lives ruined by getting big, and as much as I wanted the recognition, I wasn't willing to sacrifice my safety or the privacy of those that I love."
I look down at our feet dangling off the edge, thinking about how small we must've seemed in the arena.
"A year after the band got together, I started receiving packages that were more then weird. I'm talking dirty underwear, tampons and voodoo dolls of myself being stabbed. It was freaky, but I thought it was just a joke. Then I started getting pictures of my family, out for dinner, at the movies, asleep in their beds. By that point I was beyond creeped out. I didn't have any idea who was doing it, and why they were doing it. So I tweeted out. 'Whoever is doing this, please stop'. It was simple and didn't give too much away, but I hoped that it would make the person stop. Unfortunately, it just made it worse. The person started showing up at gigs, and sneaking into places that you aren't typically allowed to go. When we were doing a show in Vegas, I caught them, and had them arrested, and I filed a restraining order after the evidence was found on their phone. Point is, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you, and I wasn't sure if you were that person, or if you just looked the same. It was why I was so rude tonight. I'm sorry for assuming the worst about you, and I really do hope that you can forgive me, and we can start over." He finally looks at me, and I see the tear stains on his cheeks.
"I would love that." I say genuinely.
"Hey you guys! Can you stop having a heart to heart, I'm trying to focus on Thomas." Y/f pops her head up from one of the seats a few rows back, shouting at us, before vanishing again, to continue whatever she was doing with Him.
"Yeah I don't even wanna know what they're doing." I quickly get up and pull a giggling Ethan away from the stage, making sure that he knew we were okay with each other.
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