#MAU: Desiderata Valley Round 1
malvernsims · 4 years
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Next up the Curious family moved into 1050 East Leisure Lane, I actually had some fun renovating this house once I figured out how to split the top floor into bedrooms.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Violet Jocque
Family/Popularity | LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren
(+) Fitness & Lycanthropy | (-) Fatness
Leo (4/7/8/3/3/)
Social Butterfly (from Sophia), Inappropriate (from Marcel), Adventurous, Excitable
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Sophia Jocque - Desiderata Valley Mayor
Fortune/Popularity | LTW: Become a Prestidigitator
(+) Fitness & Athletic | (-) Fatness
Gemini (5/8/6/3/3)
Over-Emotional, Ambitious, Unlucky, Absent-Minded, Social Butterfly
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malvernsims · 4 years
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I just noticed that Lazlo has dinosaur pajamas and I thought that was fun.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Vidcund gets the same stupid chance card again but didn’t fail it this time and gets promoted after. Pascal comes home sick and is swiftly sent inside to avoid spreading it to the neighbourhood.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Lazlo tried to befriend a wolf and is debating if he wants to become a werewolf. I want somebody to become a werewolf because I’ve never played one before.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Vidcund missed the birth of his nephew but he got a promotion!
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malvernsims · 4 years
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And it looks like they’re expecting a baby as well!
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Violet brought Justin Kim home from school and he ended up staying for dinner.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Violet: Hey Rick thanks for coming over.
Rick: No problem Vi, it feels good to get out of the house and away from my parents.
Violet: Surely it can’t be that bad you got to move Downtown I’ve heard there’s tons of cool places to hang out there.
Rick: I guess. I haven’t had a chance to check them out though. You should come over sometime we could check them out together. Unless you’re too busy looking for that special someone.
Violet: Hey just because my aspiration is family oriented now doesn’t mean I can’t still kick your ass. Come on I’ll even give you a free shot, punch me as hard as you can!
Rick: I know better than to challenge you to a punching contest but hey if you’re giving me a free shot I’ll take it!
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malvernsims · 4 years
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At some point Marcel changed into his underwear but that didn’t phase anybody.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Marcel Jocque
Popularity/Family | LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends
(+) Great Cook & Plantsimism | (-) Vampirism
Aquarius (2/3/9/7/4)
Inappropriate, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, Unstable, Unflirty
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malvernsims · 4 years
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First up the mayor’s home: 250 Main Street. Former home of the Aspirs now it is home to the Jocque family.
I didn’t make too many changes to the floorplan, mostly knocked down some walls. I decided the guesthouse would be a workout area when they can afford to furnish it.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Next up is Desiderata Valley, the first rotation is actually fall I just forgot to take the overview shot until after I’d played the first household’s round so its winter there now and thus the neighbourhood view has snow.
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malvernsims · 4 years
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Not sure what happened but things took a turn and suddenly Carlos and Dora were insulting each other. In his defense I think Carlos was annoyed he wasn’t getting any privacy and ending up peeing his pants.
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