mrsbsmooth ยท 2 years
literally everyone in the villa is trash ๐Ÿ’€ who tf are you supposed to pick then??? lmao
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I hated Suresh from Episode 1 & 2. Hated him. But I can tell you right now - I'm getting vibes from this script.
I have a theory, y'all. But it contains spoilers, so it's below the cut.
MrsBSmooth's theory
So, posting this 9th August, 2022.
I think Suresh is about to have one of the most magnificent redemption arc's we've ever seen in LITG.
He's all in for MC from the very beginning. And yeah, he cheated.
So if we're writers, we're thinking - okay, great, let's make him slowly more and more believable and forgivable.
He thinks he deserves redemption.
But he doesn't get redeemed.
In fact, he gets progressively worse through the first 13 episodes.
Hid a long term relationship from the person he was flirting with? Refuses to apologise for it. Says he's already said his sorries.
Cheated after a huge fight (no miscommunication, 'we were on a break' thing, they just had a fight and instead of fixing it with her, he slept with a girl he'd been flirting with)
Cracks on with Dana and kisses her instead of MC.
Tells MC all about how much his family adored her and how sad they are that she's gone (a little manipulative)
Makes you feel like an idiot for wanting to propose to him.
But here's the kicker. There's a line toward the very end that I didn't actually include in my summary.
He says he would've said yes.
Almost as soon as he says this, he properly moves on.
He pulls MC aside and they have a discussion about their relationship. He's all:
'You must've been thinking about it for a long time, and I didn't even know you were ready to make that commitment. We weren't even on the same page before I cheated. Maybe we were never as compatible as I thought we were. It's starting to feel like we might be worlds apart, if I'm honest, MC'
Almost like this is a turning point for him.
It's at this point he realises that he never deserved redemption in the first place.
Kat's words of questioning whether or not he and MC would both just be happier apart is something that's playing on his mind.
So he wonders whether he should just let MC go.
I think this is why, when Arlo and Meera arrive, Suresh is immediately into Arlo. Flirting with her straight away. Which makes zero sense if he's been all in on MC this whole bloody time.
We know Casa is coming this season. In Season 2, we went to Casa on day 13. We know there are forty-something episodes in the season, so it might be soon.
But before that, there's a boy's choice recoupling.
However, I wouldn't be surprised if Arlo and Meera get to go first.
Arlo picks Finn Meera picks ChEddy Alfie... for some reason picks Dana. He's unsure about MC because of how serious she was with Suresh.
That means that:
Suresh has to pick between MC and Kat. And obviously, he picks MC. We're coupled up again.
And then boom.
Casa Amor.
Again, this is just a theory. No one has any spoilers after Episode 13 right now. So I might end up being completely wrong...
I think he's realised that that he has to stop trying to revive what's already dead and gone. It's too late to pick up where they left off.
If he wants her back, he's going to have to start from square one, and that's showing her he's loyal.
Suresh is going to be the only one at Casa who's loyal. And he will be fiercely loyal. No sharing a bed, no kissing girls in challenges, nothing. He's rejecting every other girl, not even a peck, and everyone starts commenting on it.
He's. Loyal.
(Also, MC specifically says that the girl he cheated with has a turtle tattoo. I think that she's going to be one of the Casa girls. Lingering shot right at the end of a turtle tattoo. And yet, Suresh is still going to stay loyal to MC).
This entire season is not us as the MC. It's Suresh's story. He's being tested in many, many ways, not in the least that his ex (in my case, me) is being a colossal bitch to him.
Suresh is sticking around anyway. He loves her. She's it for him, and he's not losing her again.
Just like he's been saying since day 1.
It was at this point I realised I have a kink for unconditional love.
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