#MC's strange premonition
mvalentine · 2 years
send me a ‘!!’ & ill talk about an oc
thank you so much for sending this in! let me introduce to my hot mess express mc for fernweh saga by @lacunafiction (seriously everyone needs to check this if out it is top tier <3)
meet isabella vaughn:
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basically fernweh’s plot is that the mc’s parents died in a house fire & since then their grandpa was taking care of the mc. the mc & their grandpa used to be super cute but over the years he started to get more & more distant. he started having these weird premonitions, and started descending into a state of paranoia. he sent the mc away, and the mc hasn’t visited the small town of fernweh since. until now, almost 6 years later- for their grandpa’s funeral. but fernweh is a strange, strange town— and nothing is as it seems.
anyways, enter isabella! resident party girl, resident takes nothing and no-one seriously girl. her parents death & the subsequent death of her relationship with her grandpa really fucked her up, left her with abandonment issues that she can’t seem to shake off. she’s sarcastic, she’s flirty, she’s aloof- she takes absolutely nothing seriously. except when it comes to james. james was her childhood best friend, the one she left behind, the one that could have been. she was in love with him & he was in love with her, but neither knew of this fact. & then she left fernweh, never looked back, never contacted him. it was all too much, and she just wanted to run away from her past and her pain. but now she’s back, and she’s faced with the one she’s still somehow inexplicably in love with. the one she never forgot. he’s been there all these years, now a detective for this small town. and their relationship is awkward & stilted, all those letters he sent her over the years left unanswered. and her normally flirty façade dissipates in his presence, suddenly morphing into something shy, something solemn. she thinks he hates her, and why shouldn’t he? and she mourns for the love that could have been.
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Final Destination headcanon
So the mc always has some kind of premonition of the horrific deaths that are about to occur. Iirc, they never explain how/why. The best thing I could think of was divine intervention. So Death is shitty at God, and that’s why the new dying designs are so elaborate. “Oh you wanted to save these poor souls? Well I’m gonna make some crazy shit happen and they’re gonna suffer more. Bitch.”
But then a while ago I realized, with few exceptions, even the survivors of the previous movies end up dying eventually. Be it off screen, being involved in the next movie, or dying at the end after a time jump, still with a seemingly random occurence. So all the work to cheat Death again is for naught. So those premonitions are useless in the long run. Yet they still happen.
My HC is that Death is a troll that wants to flex some Rube Goldberg skill. So he/it is the cause of the visions to get some people to that point. How else do you explain most of these survivors escaping the new design and still dying in crazy random instances? I feel like 5 is the most evident of this. All survivors end up dying from the plane explosion from 1! Are you kidding me?! 😂
...That's not a headcanon they actively make the point that attempting to cheat death is impossible. The only time it could even be argued vaguely that it was possible was Mary Elizabeth Winstead dying and being revived acting as a loophole in the system since she is never explicitly stated to have died but like
Yeah that's just the text of the film: The characters attempts at cheating death are doomed to fail and die later in a new strange way because you can't cheat death.
That's the premise of the film it's like saying your headcanon is that Jigsaw is a civil engineer that kills people.
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my-love-jake-love · 4 years
MC's strange premonition
* a week after talking to Lilly*
MC: No, I can't just sit there. I have to do something, but what? I need to think about everything. What if he's already been caught? No it can't be that way… What should I do? Think, think ... I've made up my mind. I'll go to Duskwood.
* MC writes Lilly*
MC: I need your help
MC: Can you book me a room at the hotel where you work? Only anonymously
LILLY: What's the matter?
MC: I've bought tickets to Duskwood and I'll be flying in tomorrow. Just don't tell anyone
LILLY: Okay, but why anonymous
MC: I don't want the whole town to know I'm here. I'll be arriving tomorrow night so I hope no one notices me.
Lilly: Then let's at least tell our friends about it
MC: No way, it's dangerous, do you understand me? Can I trust you?
Lilly: Yes of course, he, what are you going to do here?
MC: I don't know, I'll come up with anything, it's just that I'm suffocating here, I can't sit here anymore, the walls of my apartment are literally devouring me…
Lilly: All calm down, I'll do everything you told me ...
MC: Thank you
Lilly: Then I'll meet you at the airport entrance
MC: No, we might get noticed. I'll come to you myself just send me the location of the motel
Lilly: Okay, I'll send it, then see your tomorrow
MC: See you tomorrow Lilly
Immediately after talking to Lilly, MS quickly packed her suitcase and went to bed. But she couldn't sleep, just thinking about what might have happened to Jake. And eventually she fell asleep.
* alarm rings (9 am) *
MC: I always said good morning to myself when I woke up, but now I don't want to say it, but why? Come on, there's no time to think about it, I need to warn my friends I'll be gone, perhaps days, perhaps weeks., i'll tell them that I'm going to New York, they know that I love this city, so they won't doubt it. During this week, they felt that something strange was happening to me, of course they were worried about me. And in truth, after the incident with Jake, I became less sociable, did not go to parties, did not talk to friends, just sat with my face buried in the phone waiting for at least some news about Jake. Okay, it's all over now. I'll tell them the whole truth someday.
MC warned everyone and told them not to worry about her. Then MC went to the airport and sat and waited for her flight.  
An hour later, MC was on the plane. She couldn't help wondering why she was going there. Why is she so drawn?
MC: Maybe Jake? No... I don't even know where he is. Hannah? Maybe I want to solve the riddle there? In the end, there is no choice. I'm sitting in the airplane, which is sent to Duskwood. But a strange premonition does not leave me, why? Okay, the most important thing is that no one notices me. Thinking about everything, she didn't notice how she fell asleep.
*after 4 hours*
MC was awakened by the voice of a flight attendant saying they had arrived at Duskwood. At the airport entrance, she called a taxi and went to the motel. Lilly met her at the motel.
Lilly: Finally, I'm starting to worry about you. How was the flight all right?
MC: Hi Lilly, I'm fine. Were you able to book a room anonymously?
LILLY: Yes of course here you go. Now tell me all about it
MC: Thank you, but I want to be alone right now.
LILLY: Okay then we'll talk tomorrow
MC: Don't forget, no one can know I'm here
MC went to her room. She sat down on the bed and suddenly a message came on the phone she looked at it and saw that this text message was from Jake. She was thrilled.
Jake: Hi MC, I'm fine, I only have 5 minutes to text you. I wanted to tell you that your idea of #IAMJAKE helped me they stopped "hunting" me. But I just found out they found out about you, they think you're in Duskwood. It's a good thing you're not here. That makes me happy. But this does not mean that you are safe, it is better not to leave your apartment. I'm really worried about you. But I'll think of something. I won't let them hurt you because of me.
MC turned pale from reading it, her hands shaking. She froze. Until her got another text from Jake.
Jake: MC what did you do?! Run there faster!!! They were going to the hotel… MC write anything... are you okay?
*out of the window can be heard the sound of a siren*
MC: Jake I hear the sound of a siren... I'm scared, I'm really scared Jake…
Jake: Get out of the motel quickly!!! Vega in the direction where there is no FBI!!!
MC: Late, Jake... they've surrounded the hotel... they're going inside…
Jake: Don't worry, I'll handle it, it's all my fault… What I've done... You don't know me remember!!! You came here to surprise your friends
MC: I'm sorry Jake
Jake: I'll fix it, I promise you!
* The MC phone disconnects by itself*
Chief FBI: Is that you * * * MC?
LILLY: What's going on here?
Chief FBI: You don't interfere! I ask * * * MC is that you?
MC: yes. This is me
* MC answers in a trembling voice*
Chief FBI: You'll have to come with us. Put her in handcuffs. And search this room
FBI: I understand you!
Lilly: At least someone will explain to me what's going on here?
Chief FBI: don't be afraid we'll deal with you all too, but for now we only need MC
Lilly: MC…
MC: Don't tell anyone Lilly
LILLY: But....
MC: Lilly please
MC is taken out of the hotel and are taken away for questioning.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Season 1 Plot Review
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This fan-made summary was written by 冰苏打桃 and 恋与剧情侦查站 on Weibo, and I have translated and reposted it with permission!
🍒 Warning: As of 22 June 2021, Volumes 9 and 10 have not been released in EN. If you wish to avoid spoilers, please stop reading at that point! 🍒
[ VOLUME 1: Ch 1 - 10 ]
MC’s company is facing imminent closure. After obtaining an investment from LFG, the company is rescued from bankruptcy
MC meets the four male leads
Time Folding Incident (Planned by Black Swan. Gavin saves MC)
Bullet Incident at the orphanage (Planned by BS. Gavin deflects the bullet while MC is with Lucien)
Kidnapping Incident in Loveland High (Planned by BS. Gavin saves MC, then continues investigating in STF)
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Hacker Consortium Incident (Planned by Lucien to awake QUEEN and obtain the Solomon Key. MC escapes with Kiro)
Lucien’s Dream Experiment (MC sees Lucien’s childhood experiences)
HBS Escape Room Incident (Planned by BS. MC escapes with Victor)
BS plans to stimulate the QUEEN Evol in MC in order to gain access to Black Cabin
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[ VOLUME 2: Ch 11 - 14 ]
MC is attacked while in the hospital (Victor stops this)
MC enters Grandpa Chuck’s special dimension for the first time
Greenwood Hotel Incident (Planned by BS. Gavin and MC escape from the strange dimension)
Gavin loses control of his Evol
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MC and Lucien investigate the out-of-control Evol incidents, and discover that the source of the disturbance comes from Loveland TV Tower
Lucien discloses his true goal to MC. In order to obtain the trust of BS, he injures his right eye
MC and Kiro head to the TV Tower to switch the controller off
Kiro is taken away by BS. MC successfully switches the controller off. MC and Gavin fall from the TV Tower
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[ VOLUME 3: Ch 15 - 18 ]
Victor loses control of his Evol and is sent to a Loveland City ten years in the future
A flu infection spreads in Loveland City (Hades’ “Reset Plan” commences)
Gavin follows his convictions. He leaves STF and accepts the NW Modification Project
Hades traps MC and Lucien in a dream world. They escape, but MC forgets everything that happened in the dream. On the other hand, Lucien is able to retain his memories because of a pill
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Kiro returns to BS in the capacity of Helios
Shaw and MC meet for the first time
MC meets Helios while investigating the hospital, and he rescues her from people clothed in black
John uses MC to force Helios to hand over the “key”, and reveals that the car accident MC’s father was involved in wasn’t an accident. Helios deals with him
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Black Queen appears and repeatedly attempts to induce MC into following her
MC realises that she’s unable to change the future. A woman she had once rescued ends up dying in an even more cruel way
As a member of NW, Gavin arrives at the site of the celebration to control the chaos
MC manages to see through the fake “Victor”. The real Victor returns from ten years in the future
The Quarantine Incident. In order to stop Black Queen, Victor “kills” MC, sending her away through a time rift
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[ VOLUME 4: Ch 19 - 21 ]
MC enters a dream world created by Cyril. Cyril continuously tells MC about the beauty of this world, encouraging her to remain in it
MC summons her courage to face reality. She decides to leave the dream world
However, MC does not return to her original world, but a parallel world - the world of Eternal Winter
In this world, MC never existed. As such, nobody recognises her, including the four male leads
Gavin has joined the NW Organisation, and Kiro has become Helios
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MC meets Shaw, and finds that he actually remembers her
MC has a premonition about an explosion at the bridge
The existence of Evolvers has been revealed, and they are termed “EVIL” by the people. Even the bridge explosion is blamed on Evolvers
A mysterious person behind the EVIL Incident kidnaps MC, but she is rescued by Helios
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[ VOLUME 5: Ch 22 - 24 ]
MC uses the alias that Shaw gave her, “Mary Sue”, and enters STF as a cover while Shaw steals intel
Shaw and MC’s operation is discovered, but they manage to escape
Cyril gives MC two tickets to his piano concert
On the North Mountain, MC and Gavin discover that the person behind the Eternal Winter Incident intends to use satellite signal coverage to radiate the entire world with the eternal winter affecting Loveland City
Gavin loses control of his Evol and is brought back by NW
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With less than 24 hours till the satellite is used, MC decides to get Shaw’s help to infiltrate STF and investigate further
In STF, MC meets Helios, who is there to steal a black box i.e. the key to Black Cabin. After getting injured by anti-Evol gear, MC helps Helios flee from STF, but they get into a car accident
Lucien saves MC and Helios, and takes MC to the BS Headquarters
With Lucien’s help and guidance, MC enters Black Cabin and sees another version of herself - Black Queen, who had lived and died in another world
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Lucien disguises MC and brings her into a meeting with the Twelve from Black Swan. From the meeting, MC learns that the person behind the Winter World Incident has the alias Hypnos, and he is a rebel with the name Cyril
MC also discovers that the satellite is out at sea. The address on the tickets Cyril gave her is the HMS Victoria
Hades offers a partnership with Victor but is rejected. While planning to get rid of Victor, Victor kills him, which alerts members of BS
Victor uses MC as a hostage, and the two leave the BS Headquarters
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MC boards the HMS Victoria and tries to stop the satellite. However, she loses consciousness after hearing the sound of Cyril’s piano. Fortunately, Helios wakes her up in time
Just as Cyril is about to pass the controller of the satellite to MC to decide the fate of the world, MC successfully enters Black Cabin, consolidating the other world lines and leaving MC’s original world as the final world line. She manages to stop Cyril’s plan
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[ VOLUME 6: Ch 25 - 28 ]
With Kiro’s help, MC returns to the original world, waking up at Twin Leaves Orphanage
The four love interests retain fragments of their memories from the Winter World. Shaw retains all of his memories
In the half year that MC wasn’t around, a name list of the Evolvers in the original world was disclosed by the STF
The STF takes away all the Evolver children from Twin Leaves Orphanage, claiming that they have to manage Evolvers who are minors
MC tries to use her Evol, but realises that she has lost it
Cyril appears in this world. He has also lost his Evol and is now an ordinary person
STF’s Commander Leto publicly announces the existence of BS, and calls for the arrest of Hades, who had created the flu. At the same time, he expresses that STF already knows the identities of the core members in BS
Lucien manages to produce a vaccine for the flu, resolving the Flu Incident
Lucien sets up the Ultima Bioresearch Centre
Over the past half year, Lucien has been experiencing hallucinations of MC because of how much he missed her. He even decorated his house to look like MC’s
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Following the address given to her by Shaw, MC heads to an abandoned warehouse to investigate. She meets Litton and learns that Gavin is currently in a facility meant for evolution, and is part of the first batch of subjects to undergo experiments
To rescue Gavin, MC takes on a fake identity with the assistance of Litton, pretending to be a male and successfully entering the facility
MC and Gavin discover that nobody has survived the pre-experiments, suggesting that Evolvers are unable to withstand the final evolution
Gavin and Litton coordinate, causing an explosion and a power cut in the facility. Gavin and MC seize this opportunity to escape and head to the evolution accelerator. When they reach the base, they realise the accelerator has already been taken away
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MC finds a design for an intricate machine part which resembles the black box
Black Queen and Leto are working together
In the Observation Centre, MC hears about a mysterious organisation called “No Man’s Island” which helps Evolvers with nowhere else to turn to
Through a flyer, MC finds the location of “No Man’s Island”. She boards a cargo ship, and discovers that the Boss behind the organisation is Victor
Leto has grown suspicious of Victor’s cargo ship, and often conducts surprise investigations. Fortunately, the Evolvers on the cargo ship leave in time and evade the STF
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MC receives Kiro’s text and heads to the amusement park as arranged
On the outside, it appears that the amusement park was blown up by BS. In reality, Leto hid explosives underground
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The STF publicly declares that Hades has been dealt with, and Eli volunteers to enter the evolution accelerator
Through intercepting a live broadcast, Helios announces that he will be formally challenging the STF
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[ VOLUME 7: Ch 29 - 32 ]
“Kiro�� suddenly announces that he will be returning from retirement with a concert
MC rushes to BS to look for Kiro. Since Helios is there, it is revealed that “Kiro” is simply Anole disguising himself using Evol. The concert was also organised by Anole
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MC learns from Helios that the evolution accelerator had already existed 17 years ago. However, it’s unable to operate without the QUEEN gene. Because MC’s Evol has been obtained, the accelerator is able to function
Anole flees in defeat, and Kiro performs on stage
A kidnapper from Trio-Stars pretends to be a writer from “Entertainment Weekly”, drawing MC away from the concert venue. MC is knocked unconscious and brought away by the kidnappers
From the conversation between the kidnappers, MC discovers that she was mistaken to be a chemist of devo serum (i.e. Black Queen)
Shaw appears and saves MC
As a condition to participate in this matter, MC has to assist Shaw in completing a mysterious transaction in Agio Street. The buyer is willing to pay handsomely for the devo serum and the chemist who formulated it, and the seller is a local gang that had been established in Agio Street for many years - Trio-Stars
Shaw disguises himself as an informant from the Trio-Stars, and MC disguises herself as a drug manufacturer
In a bar in Agio Street, MC bumps into members from the Trio-Stars who are looking for MC. Shaw joins in the scuffle, and the two of them flee
MC ends up at a fortune teller’s, and finds the medium very familiar
The medium is actually Black Queen, and Cyril is there too
To continue the investigation, MC pretends to be an informant for the Trio-Stars and heads to the location for the mysterious transaction. She meets the “buyer” - Victor
The boss of Trio-Stars exposes MC’s disguise. Fortunately, MC and Victor work together and manage to escape
MC learns from Victor that the devo serum might be related to her loss of Evol
In the Ultima Bioresearch Centre, Lucien’s research on the devo serum shows that it is unrelated to MC’s genes. While her genes have a stabilising effect, it doesn’t have the ability to cause Evol devolution
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Kidnapping Incident at Twin Leaves Orphanage (Dr Song). Lucien and MC rush to the scene
The head of the orphanage steps out to explain that the missing kids were actually playing hide-and-seek, and they weren’t kidnapped. Dr Song, who has lost her Evol, is taken away by the STF
From the kids, MC learns that “MC” (i.e. Black Queen) had invited the kids to a game of hide-and-seek
MC and Lucien meet Artemis at the bridge, and she forces MC to hand over what Dr Song gave to her. Lucien uses space folding to send MC away
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Along the way home, MC bumps into Gavin, who is investigating a murder in Agio Street. The victim is an Evolver, but the autopsy report showed that the victim no longer had Evol
MC and Gavin discover that the victim used to be an equipment caretaker in Loveland High, and they head over to investigate
In Loveland High, there’s a sudden earthquake. MC is responsible for evacuating people who are still in in the building, and meets Eli who is leading the Special Operations Team in a mission to apprehend an Evol criminal. In fact, Eli’s true motive is to find Gavin (and to retrieve the experiment report for the accelerator)
Gavin and Eli engage in a fight. In the end, Eli leaves a weakened Gavin trapped in a classroom. The building collapses, and Gavin manages to push MC outside the building
While searching for Gavin, a second collapse occurs. MC enters a time subway created by Cyril
Gavin manages to escape from the building
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Based on MC’s consciousness, Cyril created his final work - the time subway
MC boards the time subway and sees the experiences she shared with the four male leads as the subway travels forward. She also “meets” the four male leads during their younger days
MC starts running in the opposite direction of the subway in order to break free from this cycle. The time subway becomes a gift from MC to Cyril - he has always craved for a perfect world
After leaving the time subway, MC awakes in the hospital and is told that she had fainted along the street. Cyril bids her farewell
At the convenience store, MC meets a youngster who escaped from the Observation Centre. The other escapees are attempting to search for a place which can give them the devo serum. MC claims to be an Evolver who escaped from the Observation Centre, causing the escapees to accept her into the group. She boards a truck with them
MC gets a premonition of the youngster’s future, and realises that her Evol has returned
While on the bridge, the truck meets with an accident. In order to stop another sedan from tumbling into the ocean, a middle-aged man in the truck uses his Evol, revealing his identity as an Evolver
Because of the Evol energy waves, STF captures the escapees, resulting in a brawl between the two sides
One of the Evolvers loses control of his Evol, and accidentally sends a bullet and car flying towards MC
Victor appears and stops time, rescuing MC. However, he collapses because he interfered with the laws of nature
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MC reveals the truth of how Evolvers in the Observation Centre were being used as experimental subjects for the evolution accelerator
Gavin leads the NW squad to investigate, and announces that he will take responsibility for everything that happened in the Observation Centre
After locating the evolution accelerator, he sends the coordinates to Helios, who heads over to destroy it
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The four male leads meet
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[ VOLUME 8: Ch 33 - 34 ]
Miracle Finder discloses the truth about STF
Leto invites Evolvers to a party, including MC and the four male leads
MC attends the party with the four leads (split routes), and discovers that the invitees are all influential people in society
At the party, Leto uses a sound wave manipulator to influence the brain waves of Evolvers using music. By controlling these influential people, there will be less objections to Leto’s plans
MC and the four male leads successfully resolve this incident in their split routes. Unfortunately, Leto escapes
Leto’s misdeeds are exposed
Gavin becomes the new Commander of STF
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MC receives a text from Shaw, who tells her to bring her father’s notebook to Twin Leaves Orphanage
MC learns from Lucien that the replication Evol he lost was stolen by Leto
Through Shaw, MC learns that Leto used the replication Evol to kidnap the kids in Twin Leaves Orphanage, and also installed explosives in order to threaten the STF. Leto requests to see QUEEN, and MC heads there with Gavin
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Under Leto’s request, MC enters the orphanage by herself, but meets Shaw in the dilapidated building, who tells her to look for the kidnapped children first
MC meets Leto in one of the rooms, and he has a black box which can be used to steal Evol. He has copied the Evol from the four male leads, and plans to steal MC’s Evol too
MC tries her best to fight against Leto, but ends up unconscious
Upon waking up, Black Queen and Anole have also appeared in the dilapidated building. They have not only taken away the notebook, but have also ended Leto’s life. The black box is also broken
The kids from the orphanage are rescued by Shaw
Victor and Zero return to the Space and Time Administration to fix his Evol
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[ VOLUME 9: Ch 35 - 36 ]
With a recent spate of unnatural disasters occurring in Loveland City, a Relief Centre is built to house Evolvers who are discriminated by society and have nowhere else to go
MC chances on Shaw in an alley, who is severely wounded due to an overuse of Evol. She sends him to the hospital
Before he loses consciousness, Shaw returns her the notebook (belonging to her father) that Black Queen took away from her
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In the hospital corridor, a youth hands a black card to MC and tells her to head to the address written on it in order to get rid of her Evol
MC learns from Shaw that these black cards were specially made by Black Queen, and they contain Evol which can influence their consciousness. Whoever touches the cards will think that Evolvers are the prime reason for the unnatural disasters, and that only by getting rid of Evol can the disasters be stopped. Shaw’s Evol has also been damaged by Black Queen
MC also learns that Black Queen’s Evol is the ability to cause a deterioration of Evol. The more she deteriorates Evol, the more powerful she becomes
When MC asks Shaw about which side he’s on, Shaw expresses that he is someone who walks among history, and hence does not belong to any side. He simply wants to find the truth, and push for the truth to be discovered
MC and Minor pretend to be siblings and head to the address stated on the card. They bump into Gavin, who is there to investigate
Under the guise of wanting to get rid of their Evol, MC and Gavin search for Black Queen. In the process, they are pulled into a strange dimension behind the North District Waterfall. MC realises that her pretence of being siblings with Minor was discovered early on
Gavin uses his Evol to destroy this strange dimension, and they leave it together
Gavin tells MC that there are many spots in Loveland City where Evol can be removed. Through the strange dimension of the North District Waterfall, Black Queen has been able to create even more of such spots
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Lucien takes MC to a space where MC can see where Black Queen is, but not the other way round
MC witnesses Black Queen failing to use her devolution ability. Lucien tells MC that as long as MC’s strength grows, Black Queen’s strength will weaken, and she may even become powerless
The reason why Black Queen still exists is because MC left out one world line while consolidating them. Black Queen is urgently harnessing power to destroy MC in order to bring these two world lines together
There’s a sudden uproar at the Relief Centre, and Lucien uses his new Evol to calm everyone down
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Shaw tells MC that Black Queen intends to become the world’s true QUEEN the next day
Victor returns to Loveland City from the Space and Time Administration
During Black Queen’s coronation ceremony, Kiro uses his Evol to command Black Queen to return the strength she stole
Black Queen seizes an opportunity to escape. MC looks for Black Queen and they engage in a final battle
MC falls into Black Queen’s trap, and the latter absorbs a large amount of Evol
Victor suddenly appears. Through turning back time, MC regains the Evol she had lost
With Victor’s help, MC defeats Black Queen
The people who were influenced by the black cards begin to return to normal
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Through Black Queen’s memories, MC sees how Black Queen had experienced the deaths of the male leads in other worlds (but these images may have been falsely created by Black Queen to make MC feel fearful about the ending awaiting her)
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In Black Cabin, Black Queen closes the world line that belongs to her, and starts to disappear
The STF, Ultima Bioresearch Centre, LFG, the hacker KEY and BS’ leader Helios work together, initiating a “New World Plan” in order to deal with the unnatural disasters and conduct rescue efforts
[ VOLUME 10: Ch Ch 7 ]
The X1917 comet cluster will reach earth after a month, and the world will be destroyed
MC discovers that one new page has appeared in her father’s notebook. The ambiguous words tell MC what she can do in the face of the incoming comets as QUEEN
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With Shaw’s guidance, MC uses her Evol to look through his Dragonfly Eye, enabling her to read the words hidden in the notebook
At the very last moment, MC will be called to “the other place”
MC spends her final moments with the male leads. She bids them a proper farewell and make a promise to reunite with them in the future (split route)
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MC is brought to “the other place”. In the world behind the door, she meets a mysterious person
MC sits on the throne belonging to QUEEN, and wears the QUEEN’s crown. The world begins to shift backwards to 17 years in the past
When MC opens her eyes and pushes the door before her, she enters a narrow corridor. The scent of disinfectant is in the air, and she sees a signboard saying: Research Room.
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Official S2 Plot Reviews: here
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[ Permission to translate ]
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冰苏打桃: Thank you for liking it! 😘
冰苏打桃: Of course you can 👌🏻
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rachelbigpeep · 4 years
This is an answered reply, please don’t be mistaken.
This is for @treasureplcnet​ bc I deleted your super sweet message LIKE AN IDIOT 😭 For context, I was asked about my idea for It Lives 3 and HOOOO DUDE this is going to be WAY MORE INFO than you ever asked for but YES. I WOULD LOVE TO. I even named it because I have nothing better to do with my time.
I call it, It Lives Among Dreams.
After witnessing an unsettling encounter that ends in tragedy, you find yourself having strange dreams that seem all too real. When the horrible events in the waking future mimic those in your dreams, will you have the courage and the allies to face to the evil that only manifests at your most vulnerable?
I really want to explore that idea from in the first scene of ILITW with dream golem Dan trying to strangle mc. Can The Power™ be so powerful that it can affect people in their dreams and how?
(It’s pretty much A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors meets Final Destination meets It Lives.)
See under the Read More for specifics on setting, characters, etc. :D
        The setting would be a small city near the towns from ILITW and ILB, with the mc’s home being on the edge of the woods that some corporate tycoon is trying to industrialize.
        For some reason that I’m not bothering to figure out because this isn’t a legitimate story I’m making, The Power™ has given mc the ability to see the future in their dreams. Probably in some attempt to protect itself and use mc as its advocate.
        The MC’s default name is Lane.
        The gang in ILAD would be new, but the whole book would be around 22 chapters long so there’s time near the end to get to see some cameos from ILITW and ILB, along with nods to the first two throughout.
        The four allies in ILAD are Tanith Shirazi, Neil Hong, Paisley Ruiz, and Eldie Morcos. Disclaimer: they’re some of my ocs that I stuck in as placeholders. Here’s some rough sketches of how three of them would look in those character portraits in-app. (Guys, I’m way too deep into this, but I need to channel this energy into something.)
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        Throughout the beginning chapters of the book, the mc starts dreaming about the deaths of four persons. During these dream segments, the player plays as the new character introduced to get a feel for their personality and discover how they die. Then the chapter continues with mc waking up, trying to find out who the victim was from the information they got from the dream, and save them.
         The new characters will live no matter how your mc reacts when in the real life-or-death situation because the mc intervened, but how the allies are saved determines their starting nerve score
        Each ally is romanceable and independently bisexual, not playersexual
       Throughout the story there will be situations you can approach in different ways (Stealthy, Aggressively, Flirtatiously, etc. a la Endless Summer). The ally whose plan mc chooses receives an extra nerve boost. Each plan has different flavor text.
        Similar to ILB, there will be certain spots when everything’s GOING DOWN where your allies’ nerve will be tested. If their nerve isn’t high enough, they will end up dying in the same way they died in the mc’s dream premonition, though in a different situation.
         For example, one of the characters — Tanith Shirazi — dies in mc’s premonition dream by being shot while protecting someone during a convenience store robbery. If her nerve isn’t high enough for her check, she’ll get shot trying to protect the mc during a fight and die.
        There might be an inception-like plan to fight evil in their dreams. Idk how but it sounds cool.
        There would be purchasable items unique to each character like in ILB, which would help certain situations but aren’t necessarily weapons.
         For example, buying Paisley Ruiz a new bass guitar after hers breaks would result in a nerve boost, a way to get into an exclusive club, a special potentially romantic scene, etc. because I don’t like one-and-done purchases.
And that’s it for now! I’ve honestly gone deeper into this more than any sane person should, but it’s here now so we might as well enjoy it. Who knows, maybe I’ll develop it enough outside of IL that I’ll just make the game myself 🤷‍♀️ Thanks for the question though dude!! It was SO MUCH FUN to write all of this out! 
And if YOU have any ideas for IL3 ... 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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atomic-nori · 4 years
🔴Spoilers ahead!!! 🔴
OK. I finished the prologue and I have a few things to say.
First, I keep wondering if they are gonna make modifications to the character's routes because, in Julian's case, he straight up tells you he doesn't remember killing Lucio when in fact, when you play his route, he admits missing those memories AFTER he kind of realised he had a strange connection with you. I mean the man had to save you from vampire eels, give you a flower that could kill you, let you press his wound, and run away from the guards to actually tell you he doesn't remember.
Secondly : One of the reasons I liked Muriel so much was because he was kind of like a russian roulette. You saw this guy, had no idea how he was like and through a fantastic character development you realise he's a cute cinnamon roll. I'm not as upset about the dialogue in the prologue than to him blushing while talking. I liked the mystery, and now I feel like he lost something. Like at the beginning of his route he's super cold towards you and even harsh, but in the prologue he becomes a soft cute ball? I don't get it. How are you gonna explain him being kind of an ass with you after you helped him?
I liked that Nadia appeared and actually identified the apprentice as the one she saw in her dreams because I always thought she mistook me for Asra and then someone told her and she was like: Oh... Well, I invited them anyways. But it's very out of character of her just openly talk about Lucio's murder there, at a shop, not knowing who might me listening.
I actually liked that they showed us the relationship Portia and Nadia had, because I felt like it was missing. But Pasha seemed darker? Somehow.
Then we have that entire thing with MC dreaming of that hall where Lucio's room is located. It's all very fine, but... Care to elaborate in his route the connection? They simply dreamed of it because now they have premonitions? Because their body was supposed to be his?
And lastly, and trust me, I don't say this because I hate the character, but Asra used to be super hurt about leaving, and the apprentice shyly asking saying things like 'Why you never answer my questions?' was kind of cool, it meant there was so much to uncover. Also, and regarding his route in general, it would have been nice for them to explain Asra's feelings further. Not towards MC, that bit is quite clear, but everything he's feeling. I often I think of Asra as someone rather toxic, and MC just going along, not really asking questions or pushing subjects. Like in the Lazaret when MC learns that they died and they're like: Oh OK. Like.. Ask him why he left. Be angry. You just find out you died for God's sake. Explaining Asra's weaknesses, like his fears to let people be close to him, to be this mysterious and often distant... Make him seem like less of a toxic person. More human, more open to MC. Not just 'let me just adore you and not answer anything you ask' I feel like he shares nothing with the apprentice and I would love to see the reasons of why he's the way he is, for the sake of his character development instead of having us making theories and being like someone who just madly in love with you and that's it.
That's it. I said it. Now I feel better.
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100 Days Princess King Byron Wagner Route Epsiode 02 (Translated)
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Gacha Side Story 01 - “Premonition of Love: The Moment His Feelings Began” (His POV of Episode 02 Part 04 and Part 05)
Episode 02 Part 05/10
MC: “First, let me apologize.”
MC: “When we first met, it was very rude of me not knowing that you were Byron-sama.”
Byron: “Don’t worry about it.”
Byron: “We’ve never met face to face. It can't be helped.” *Top Left Picture*
(...Byron-sama had already known that I was the princess at the time though.)
(But it is true we’ve never met before.)
MC: “Byron-sama…why didn't you tell me your name at the time?”
Silence fell for a moment, and his low voice echoed.
Byron: “I was invited here as the ruler of my country.”
Byron: “It’s only more polite for me to introduce myself to you in public.” *Top Middle Picture*
My neck got hot with embarrassment.
(That makes sense if I think about it.)
Byron: “...What’s wrong?”
MC: “Nothing, I apologize for asking you such a strange question.”
Byron-sama breathed deeply in the silence of the night.
Byron: “Go.”
Byron: “I'm sure everyone is waiting for you back in the ballroom.” *Top Right Picture*
MC: “Yes.”
Byron: “Farewell, princess of Wysteria.” *Bottom Left Picture*
As I bowed deeply, I heard his footsteps go down the stairs.
Shortly after, I raised my head and Byron was no longer there.
MC: “What am I doing…?”
The night breeze blew from the door where Byron-sama went out.
(I wish we could meet again. But...) *Bottom Middle Picture*
I saw how he was in the ballroom.
And now, the more we exchanged words, the more I felt the distance between us.
(...The worlds we live in are different.)
(He’s as far away as the stars.) *Bottom Right Picture*
Episode 02 Preview (Second to Last Picture)
Even after a few days, all I could think about was Byron-sama.
I received an invitation from Byron-sama…?
[Giles] “Shall I leave the decision up to you, Princess?”
Letter Received for having 20 Princess Points (Last Picture)
From: Byron
Subject: “Let’s Meet Again.”
I'm glad I met you tonight. As the Princess of Wysteria, we will have more opportunities to meet each other from now on.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in the future.
If you have any problems, say the word.
I shall help you at any time you need.
-Byron Wagner
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tartagilicious · 5 years
Can you write a Lawrence/MC after his ending where he leaves one day to go supply hunting and the MC is finally able to escape but she sees him getting attacked by a couple of guys and decides to save him because she ultimately does still care about him then when she gets him back to safety and is taking care of him he asks why she helped him instead of leaving and she just says something like "because I'm not you" then maybe he can reflect. Sorry if that's too detailed lol
I really like this prompt you gave me, personally, though I did change it slightly. I had a fun time writing this. It turned out better than most of my requests usually do!
* no editing on the second half because 😔✌️im sick and I don’t feel like it that’s all lol so I apologise for any mistakes
You shudder when you hear the basement door slam shut, suddenly leaving you alone in the all-but-homey basement yet again. When Lawrence had initially saved you from the horde of zombies, he had made sure to mention that there was enough food to keep both of you going for a while — almost as if it was supposed to be equal to a sort of incentive for coming with him and leaving your other friends to die.
But, in retrospective to the virus, it wasn’t necessarily a bad promise.
You had liked Lawrence at one point, and as hard as it may have been to know that, your opinion of him couldn’t change that fast. He was smart, empathetic, and even if you didn’t like it, he always knew what he was doing. There was no choice but to trust in him then, especially when his iron grip on your wrist unfairly startled you into it.
Yet, ironically, it was the last straw when his calculations ended up being wrong.
Supplies dwindled faster when he thought you were comfortable enough to being doing so, but he was stuck when he realised how close you were actually cutting it. You suddenly had to worry about your food again rather than the man in front of you, and it was scary. It really was.
To be so young and stare despair in the face isn’t something you ever pictured yourself doing, but now, you do it helplessly everyday in the reflection of circle framed glasses.
You flip on the light switch again when you’re sure that Lawrence is gone, and immediately sink to the floor. Emotions pour out of you in the form of stagnant breaths, leaving you choking on the musty air. This happens often — you bottle up the very emotions Lawrence encourages you to share, and let them out when he can’t see.
Maybe it’s petty of you. But you don’t care.
Because the last thing you want is for him to see you break down. You’re powerless enough around the boy as it is.
But this time, the swirl of complicated emotions in chest isn’t just from the usual; it’s fear. You had forgotten about the crushing reality of the apocalypse outside, and how hard it really was to survive. No matter how cunning Lawrence pretended to be, life always had the last laugh.
You sit slumped against the wall for god knows how long, trying to find peace in the messy cracks on the walls. But you give up when they begin to blend together, and only finally avert your eyes when you begin to see them shifting.
It has taken you a long time to learn that reality is altered in the place you’re forced to call home. Dark days are filled with pleasant treatment from your so-called admirer, but leave deep scars on you no amount of love can fix. You sadly think that not even your eyes know what to see anymore as you try to blink away your confusion, adjusting to the room around you instead.
The basement had become unfavourable in almost no time flat, with its lonely walls and industrial scheme — and especially the twisted safety inside of it. It was moments like those that you looked at the stairs leading up to ground level and wondered what would happen if you just decided to leave everything behind.
If I left Lawrence, would he hunt me down again?
That thought keeps you grounded every time.
But your intrusive thoughts already have a streak of zero to one, and before you can stop it, your curiosity leads you up the basement stairs implanted deep in your memory and onto the ground floor.
He’s not here, he can’t do anything about it. Stop worrying.
Then you realise that you have no business worrying about Lawrence, someone who is god knows where, when such a mess is in front of you. The hallway’s routine scent of old blood fills your nose faster than you can react, immediately calling up tears. Your memories of the friends you’d lost burn brightly in your head — and the memories of seeing their faces for the last time makes you sick.
In a daze, you turn away and pinch your nose. Tears catch in your lashes and make your vision blurry as you open your eyes while you walk away, but you don’t care. You just want to get away.
Cautiously, you hug your jacket tighter around you as you get closer and closer to the doors. It’s been months since you’ve been let out of the basement, much less outside — and you have no idea what to expect. Did the government make any progress? Or, assuming the worst, has the virus really begun to do lasting damage?
You’re afraid to find out, but with the adrenaline and fear pumping through your veins, you push the doors open without a second thought. It’s a stupid idea, but when you’re stuck between the fear to escape and the fear to stay put, there’s only so many things you can do.  
Sly footed and calm: that’s what Lawrence has always told you to be in the presence of a zombie. But strangely, and thankfully, you don’t see a single other moving thing as you manoeuvre the door to quietly shut.
Time moves slowly as you stand there and think. You’re anxious in the premonition that a zombie will pop out, and because of this your thoughts are jumbled, but you still manage to remember the bare details you’d so scoured over about the safe zone the night before you were supposed to leave with your friends.
It shouldn’t be hard if I don’t stop for anything. You think to yourself. Maybe I’ll prove those men from before wrong and make it there fast.
That would be best.
The fact that you hadn’t thought to grab any weapons alarms you, but you spot what looks like the old remnants of a plank of wood a few feet away and figure it’s good as anything.
It’s slightly heavy to lug along, but you walk fast in your nervousness, so you don’t see the big deal in it as long as you keep pace. And you do so as quietly as possible, scared beyond belief at the possibility of your luck going dry and leading you to encounter exactly what you hope to avoid.
Yet it seems like your luck is about to run out when you hear the unmistakable grunt of a group of zombies. No more than a few, you think, but it’s still a few too many. And like the sensible person you think yourself to be, you’re about to distance yourself from them as fast as possible.
But then you hear something else. Something else distinctly human that you can’t help but stop a second time for. Betraying every nerve in your body that screams for you to move, you stop for the sole chance of finding someone else.
You curse under your breath as you grip the plank tighter in your grip, the pieces digging into your skin as you peek around the corner in front of you — close, and also the very place that the ruckus is coming from.
Though you seriously consider retreating back again when you notice that it’s Lawrence having a hard time. He seems to be handling the small group of zombies around him fairly well, anyway, armed with a short metal pipe and his normal malicious intents.
Still, he’s not superhuman. It’s obvious that he’s getting tired, and might not even last much longer if he lets that get to him.
Would it matter if he dies?
He’s all I have left.
He locked you up.
He doesn’t treat me badly.
He killed your friends.
You have a hard time arguing with the devil on your shoulder on that one. But your good senses, still intact, luckily come back in time to help you figure out what to do in the nick of time.
There’s nothing that will come out of leaving Lawrence to die. As much as you’ve admittedly fantasised about something ripping him away and finally freeing you, you would be at a disadvantage without his guidance. Lawrence’s leader qualities hadn’t gone anywhere, and it wasn’t as if his good traits never existed.
As much as you hate to say it, there’s a part of you that still cares about him.
Gritting your teeth, you rush in and make your presence known. All of your emotion is projected into a hit that knocks a particular zombie back onto the ground, and completely startling Lawrence to an extent that it almost makes you proud.
“What are you doing?” He hisses, but he doesn’t sound angry. His eyes are wild and panicked, but not in the same way you’d seen when he killed that man all those months ago — he just seemed scared. “Why are you here?”
You hold your tongue as much as you can. “That doesn’t matter, focus on what’s in front of you!”
A guttural noise of disapproval makes its way out of his throat, but dissolves upon the movement of his arms swinging the pipe directly into a zombie’s distorted face. You do the same to the ones closer to you, using the piece of wood to slam up to where their chin should be and knock them back a considerable distance so that when they came back, they were easier for Lawrence to deal with.
The system works well with your teamwork, and soon enough, all of the zombies that had gathered are at your feet.
The atmosphere is so tense you expect him to start yelling even there, but surprisingly, he doesn’t.
“Thank you, ___.” He pants, his face slightly red as you just stand there and take in his words. “I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t there to help.”
You nod hesitantly, finally letting the plank rest against your legs as it had grown heavy.
“...But, why did you help me?” He asks this with bunched brows, as if the prospect confuses him. And you’re glad it does, because still, the last thing you want is misunderstanding the way you feel.
“Because I’m not like you.”
Something in Lawrence’s eyes shifts, similar to realisation. If only it was.
“Come on,” You wave a hand reluctantly, motioning for him to follow you. “Let��s go somewhere safer before any more show up.”
He just stares at you, completely uncharacteristically quiet. But you would be lying if you said it didn’t finally make you feel powerful.
Maybe, from now on, things can be different.
read more of my works! ♡
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my-love-jake-love · 4 years
I'll save you (MC's strange premonition 2)
*in the interrogation room*
FBI Chief: How did you meet Jake?
MC: ...
FBI Chief: What do you know about him? What did he tell you?
MC: ...
FBI Chief: who are you to him?
MC: ...
FBI Chief: why did you book a hotel room anonymously?
MC: ...
FBI Chief: SPEAK!!!
* MC is crying*
Chief FSB: well, we have plenty of time... sit here, maybe you'll change your mind…
* The FBI chief leaves the office*
FBI Chief: Is there any information about Jake on her phone?
Programmer: No, just conversations with friends. She told her relatives that they had gone to New YORK. They don't even know she's texting them.
FBI Chief: hmm…
Programmer:  here, it turns out she wanted to surprise her friends, so the room was booked anonymously, here she writes so Lilly.
 FBI Chief: Do you believe that? Why would she book a room anonymously? It doesn't make sense. Only if you don't want to be overlooked by the authorities, do you? Do you still remember Lilly's video? There were MC and Jake's data…
 Programmer: Yes, but it could have been a misunderstanding. Because there is nothing about the hacker, no message, no information that they know each other.
FBI Chief: but how did Lilly and the others meet her then?
Programmer: I can't figure it out. Something is blocking access to her data. Or maybe he'd already deleted all the conversations from her phone
 Chief of the FBI: You try to recover all the messages
Programmer: But nothing happens, her phone is protected from «attack»
Programmer: Yes, of course.
 * The FBI chief leaves the programmer's office*
FBI Chief: Bring in everyone who has corresponded with MC tomorrow. it is necessary to interview them too, if the MC does not tell anything, then someone will definitely let it slip.
 *At this time, all MC friends receive the same text message from Jake *
The text message read: "You may all be taken to the police station for questioning tomorrow. You all have to say that you don't know who I am and MC doesn't know who I am. You met her on the Internet. She wanted to help in the search for Hannah. This is necessary in order to save MC. Be careful when answering, do not blab. After reading the text message, after 5 minutes, your phone will turn off and clear. Don't call anyone, stay at home. You may have someone already watching you"
*everyone's phone goes dead*
Everyone except Lilly: WTF... SO WAIT, MC IN DUSKWOOD?
 *The Chief of the FBI enters the interview room*
FBI Chief: Well, what did you think? Will you answer our questions?
FBI Chief: well, if you don't want it good, it will be bad. Take her to a solitary cell and let her spend the night there.
 * 8 a.m. The FBI takes everyone to the station *
* talking to Jessy*
Chief of the FBI: So Jessy… How did you meet MС?
Jessy: On the Internet, she wanted to help us find Hannah
FBI Chief: Okay, Jessy, do you know who Jake is? Or do you know if MC knows him,
JESSY: Jake? No, I don't know who he is. MS and I are best friends; she would tell me if she knew him.
FBI Chief: Hmm ... Jessy do you know where the MC is now?
Jessy: Probably in his own city. And what?
Chief of the FBI: Look at this…
* The FBI chief shows Jessy a surveillance video of MC lying unconscious. *
Jessy: MC!? What did you do with her!?
FBI Chief: now you understand that every lie you make will be disastrous for MC
FBI Chief: We'll let her go if we find out she's innocent, In the meantime, you can go. Your mobile phones will remain with us    
*In this way, all were interrogated*
 *all friends gather at Jessy's*
JESSY: Did anyone know MC was here? When did she get here?"
RICHY: I didn't know. It's you we should ask, you're MC's best friend
Jessy: Yes, but she didn't tell me anything
Lilly: Now you know everything, so there's no point in hiding it from you.
Jessy: What are you talking about?
Lilly: I knew MC was coming here. She asked me not to tell you. She said it was dangerous.
JESSY: But why did she tell you? You hated each other
LILLY: Yes, but we reconciled a week ago, and I'm sure she told me because she wanted to book the room anonymously so no one would know.
Dan: Yeah… I told her to stay away from this hacker, but she didn't listen to me…
* phone rings*
RICHY: Is that the phone ringing? They didn't take it from you?
Jessy: Taken away
Cleo: The sound comes from Lilly's bag
LILLY: What? I don't have a phone
* goes and checks*
Lilly: And the truth is the phone is here. But from where? It's not my phone.
 *15 minutes ago*
Lilly: I need to get to Jessie's house faster, because it's already dark...
* collides with someone *
 JESSY: Pick up the phone!
Dan: and turn it up
Lilly: Alo…
Jake: I'm... the hacker, Jake ... don't worry no one from the FBI can hear you they won't be able to pick up our connection… How's MC? Is she all right?" I'm very worried about her…
Jake: But…
Jake: I…
* Jake is heard crying; everyone is silent*
Thomas: You said I was just such a crybaby; do you hear your hacker crying too…
JESSY: Give me the phone.
Jake: It's... all... because of me… What have I done... I ... better give up, yes I will! Then they will release the MC.
JESSY: Stop, Jake! Calm down ... MC will be fine… Yes, it's your fault too, but we need you to find Hannah.  During the interrogation, I talked to them and they said they would let her go if it turned out that she was innocent. We did everything you told us to do. So they should let her go soon.
Jake: You're just saying that to comfort me, aren't you?
JESSY : No, I'm telling the truth. Let's wait at least two days... if they don't let her go, then you'll have to give up.
Cleo: What are you saying... a lot can happen in these two days…
Phil: She's right…
Lilly: There's another side to it, if they're doing it on purpose to catch Jake. And if it's a trap, they'll catch you and MC not let you go. We can also go to jail for lying.
Richy: Lilly's right, we just have to wait…
Jessy: Did you hear everything, Jake? We'll let you know if there's any news
Jake: Okay, then we'll wait. Hide this phone so that no one can find it
Jessy: Okay, I know a place like this
Dan: If anything happens to MC, I'll find you and kill you myself, JAKE!
Jake: Don't worry, if something happens to her because of me, I won't let myself live!
*At this time in the police station, a conversation between the Programmer and the Head of the FBI*
Chief FBI: They're all repeating the same thing... it's too suspicious… Did you find anything in MC's phone?
Programmer: No, nothing new. But I found an interesting phone conversation between MC and Jessy.
But the MC didn't have that conversation. So the video shows someone in a mask attacking Jessy. I looked it up on the internet and found out that it was a "man without a face" mask from the legend of Duskwood. From their personal conversations, it is clear that a person without a face needs MC. If we can't find the hacker with MC, we can at least find Hannah!
FBI Chief: Hmm ... good idea
FBI Chief: Bring the MC to the interview room.
Chief FBI: So we'll let you go if you tell us about the man without a face
MС: I won't tell you anything! Don't even dream!
FBI Chief: Don't you want to find Hannah? This is what you wanted, isn't it?
MS: what's in it for me!? FBI
Chief: Freedom... we won't touch you again. And we'll also find Hannah
MC: Okay, if you want it so badly, I'll tell you everything if you stop "hunting" Jake!!!
FBI Chief: So you do know each other. Why do you need it? You're suffering here because of him.
MС: YES, I KNOW WHO HE IS!!! EVERYONE IS HAPPY!!! Either you stop hunting him, or I won't tell you anything.
MС: Then I choose DEATH!!!
* MC in solitary confinement*
MC: Jake, I won't let them hurt you. I promise.
* Jake in his hideout*
Jake: MC, I won't let them hurt you. I'll save you. I promise.
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[💭] 01-19-22.
Took me a while like half of the day to remember that i had a very strange dream when i was asleep last night lmao
First phase.
I am in school, but not the same school im currently enrolled at. From what I remember, I just received my room assignment but then I don't know how to go there because there are literally no stairs, just roofs. So I had to jump from where I was to another roof. It is very weird because on that very place, looks like a freaking covered court built over it.
As I went inside the room, I learned that Levi, yes the one and only, from Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan, was my professor. But apparently, the students there do not call him as “Professor Levi” or whatsoever but “Father/Papa/Dad.” And for some unknown reason, I was very mad at him and he knows it.
There's this lesson where we need to do some sort of freaking parkour and I refused to do it because I was very annoyed but still did it at the end lmao. He was looking at me with like tears on his eyes, that's why. I figured that it was a bit too much so I just let my anger off that time.
Second phase.
Goodness. For some, it could just be some laughable scenario but it really creeps me out, even up to now, wew. So after that parkour, I don't know but I got transported to another leyline of dream lmao. I was in place where anything that is deemed impossible, is actually possible. For example, resurrecting a freaking dead body below the ground.
I don't really know what happened but I end up hearing that there was a sort of spell that could do that and this family of a dictator hired that very person who could cast it who apparently succeeded. But when I shared what I heard in public, they all laughed at me. Then I saw the family smiling creepily, looking like they were enjoying please.
Okay, that's all hahaha. I was scrolling in Twitter contemplating whether I should share this on my account but I figured my mutuals would be annoyed because this will take series of tweets lol. I feel the MC of While You Were Sleeping ( a korean drama ) about a girl whose dreams are premonitions of what's about to happen, except that mine are pure bat shit random series of events from I don't know where lmao.
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tranxendance · 6 years
Must-watch Super Best Friends LPs: A curated list
So, I tried to get a friend of mine into bestfriends when he was in active service and didn’t have much time to sit and watch youtube. While I think you should probably watch all of the bestfriends content, aint nobody got time for that, and there are certain LPs that are just better ones. Here’s a list of what I consider to be the best SBFP lets plays. There won’t be any ‘Matt’s toybox’ or one-offs, only full LPs.
Predator: Concrete Jungle - Originator of Jerry the Predator, the very first bestfriends OC. Also I really like the Predator so this trash game getting ripped to shreds by the anti-hype machine makes me feel good. https://youtu.be/0wF6r-JRTvQ
Eternal Darkness - The climax of the very first Shitstorm of Scariness. Genesis of the Insanity Shotgun, marking out about recognizing Metal Gear Solid voice actors, INSANITY EFFECTS and freaking out about the bathtub scare despite knowing it was coming. https://youtu.be/lYRVeFkTvCM
Silent Hill: Homecoming - First half of the Downcoming series. ‘MY HOUSE!’ ‘Why is the knife the best weapon? Just do knife combos to them, thats survival horror’ https://youtu.be/GLgN5WSiiX4
Silent Hill: Downpour - Second half of the Downcoming series. The first time I saw the guys play a game that was brand new at the time. Pat & Matt getting upset about the downturn of one of my and their favorite series. The famous Axe Throw that launched a career is in this one too I believe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5ofoIeb8wI&list=PLAD720396A1870C8E
Resident Evil 2 - Earliest recorded footage of Pat’s stand CRAZY TALK where he claims to know a thing or be an expert and is proven unequivocably wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cgbuv3cB1Q&list=PLB8826287748EFE7C
Final Fight: Streetwise - What happens when you take a classic beat em up and try to make it cool and modern with lots of Slipknot music? It ages fucking poorly that’s what. ‘I got a receipt for my Tatsu’ ‘I’d like to return this shoryureppa’, Live footage of the bestfriends souls leaving their body in The Stiff boss fight, Some actually decent writing and lines such as ‘Feeling good about potentially feeling good’ which Matt will quote for years to come. https://youtu.be/HnRNyfzKLL8
Man vs Wild - Not so much a must-watch as it’s just the boys in their element, playing shovelware, deliberately failing QTEs to laugh at how pitiful it looks when you do, making fun of people’s accents, and much more. Indicative of the bestfriends style of sort of mst3king videogames. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1NGPAOrE80&list=PL57hJfweW_2s2jyxas78kIib9M3jGduU8
Heavy Rain - The very first game played in the Sadness trilogy. ‘Oh no, I made ze bad game’, more fucking up of QTEs when it’d be funny, Detective Shelby’s PI Gumball technique after shooting thirty rounds out of a handgun without reloading, FUTURE GLASSES, and other classics. Woolie will play this himself on a livestream, many years later, which is also a good watch. https://youtu.be/Qe-SpjInztQ
Indigo Prophecy - The first game of the Sadness trilogy, though it was played later than Heavy Rain. Space kung-fu, zombie sex with a lady you barely know, your choices don’t matter!, Slagging off of David Cage intensifies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YacYbUC_FmQ&list=PL57hJfweW_2sOt01sX9TtQRkzv5RS231f
Charles Barkley’s Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden - Seems to be originally selected as a ‘ha ha, we’re playing a bad and stupid game to laugh at it’ but then discovering it’s legitimately awesome despite being frankly ridiculous. If you can’t play the game yourself, this is a very good substitute. https://youtu.be/xNc9R1zfwM0
Beyond: Two Souls - The third game of the Sadness trilogy. David Cage creeping on Ellen Paige in real life and making her be naked in his game, E MO SHUNS, having feelings but not knowing where to put them, ‘I’ll be your Stand! ORARARARARARA’, Underwater chinese ghost base. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA_VUoePgrc&list=PL57hJfweW_2ulXc25A-LxxHXMPqLOwrsf
Deadly Premonition - Swery65′s magnum opus, if only he could’ve put bicycles in the game. He totally didn’t watch Twin Peaks you guys. ‘QUIIIIIIINT!’, ‘Stinky agent’, radio fast travel stock tire screech sfx, monkey noise squirrels and a weird amount of attention paid to food. Matt named his pet cat Zach due to this game, so it’s an extra important part of the bestfriends lore. https://youtu.be/dsbfmIqP-H8
Disaster: Day of Crisis - Metal Gear Solid except the giant robots are natural disasters. Gotta get revenge on the volcano for killing my buddy. Eating watermelons while on fire. Don’t forget to take your stami-nas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Sx8gqSjkMY&list=PL57hJfweW_2t-vHWWeqjY2SKH4vaqotZ6
Yakuza 4 - My first exposure to the Yakuza game series and actually a good starting point for people that don’t know anything about it. The hype, badassery, and hilarity in all its glory. Who’s ready for a shirtless fight on top of Millennium Tower? https://youtu.be/xOKx_79BEhY
Prison Break - More shovelware where they fail stealth sequences a million times, fail QTEs because it’s hilarious, and can’t show too much violence because it’s a T-rated game. https://youtu.be/TsjGGGSZabA
Resident Evil 4 HD - Get hype for suplexing priests, El Gigante, Doctor Salvatore, Isn’t that Mexican spanish not Spanish Spanish? Commando shit and the RE movie, Oops Ashley is dead again, Pat is bad at puzzles and crazy talk activates. https://youtu.be/qsazQp4VlI0
Silent Hill 2 - Everything is illness, or else its condoms! The nurses are TOO STRONG!, the boys actually just enjoying a game and (mostly) being good at it for once.
Resident evil Revelations 2 - Re vuh lay uh tons!, Wait how’d a non mainline resi game get this good?, MOIRA MC TAGGART MC MURPHY, another co-op LP where Matt’s actual role in the game mechanics is to point out ammo and health items that Pat missed. https://youtu.be/THfgNlcNa98
Resident Evil 3 - Jill Valentine’s not actually last escape, Crazy Talk activates several times, Shitting on Hunter-D’s, being a huge coward constantly like the hero of RE brad vickers. https://youtu.be/G5pXyRhs7FM
Ride to Hell - Legendarily bad game played by canadian losers that make fun of it constantly. Source of just SO MANY bestfriends gifs including casual priest drownings, getting shot during cutscenes, and Qui-gon chi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEw04pKaVs4&list=PL57hJfweW_2srGztN1iedcFd-BV5X1Ram
Parasite Eve - It’s time for Aya Breakowski to GET HOT. It’s a squaresoft game all right, dogs with sniper rifles, finishing downloading arcana heart, and the heroest of hero cops willingly lighting on fire to give you a gun. https://youtu.be/dHY5ZBSHzyw
Danganronpa - Ultra Despair Girls - First recorded instance of being incredibly hype and getting into the cool pop art aesthetic, komaeda memes, and then all hype leaving our body, and out of context shouting KILL THOSE SHIT KIDS! https://youtu.be/qYtYp4oWBhU
Life is Strange - Liam’s rivalry with another wimpy boy, Hotdogman: Who is he?, You sacrificed everyone for your Ship? Are you Griffith?, and rewinding time to fuck with people for kicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XZ7-wFLnfI&list=PL57hJfweW_2u1mKS5UFNgx-voVAvTlkT9
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Built-up hype from over one thousand years of waiting is collectively released. Psycho Mantis is OP, let the legend come back to life, GREATEST SOLDIER IN THE WORLD BIG BOSS, D-dog is the cutest and bestest of boys, and famously awkward jeep ride. https://youtu.be/505vXWYkxcw
Afro Samurai - Perhaps the shovelest of ware ever played on the channel. It’s very short, only 3 parts, about 90 minutes of gameplay, something that everyone should be super hype about but ends up being the most shitted on game since perhaps one of the Sadness games. https://youtu.be/wIXqEulMTIo
Resident Evil Zero HD - Get hyped for Oven Man mk2, math puzzles, getting pissed off at Eliminators, Rebecca! God dammit Rebecca! I love youuuuu rebeccaaaaaa, Leech Man, and playing dress-up. https://youtu.be/Mhnthhluh70
Metal Wolf Chaos - Giant robots and engrish, more than your body can handle! AMERICA!!!! Richard Hawke! OK, Lets PARTEEEEEEEY! Tons of references they’ll be using until the end of time https://youtu.be/Mhnthhluh70
Naruto: The Broken Bond - ‘Wait, this game is actually good?’ and then three parts later oops no its not. Second instance of being super hyped at first and then all joy slowly being sucked out of the boys’ body. Do your rasengan, even when you’re not playing as Naruto! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo92m-rfeHA&list=PL57hJfweW_2uIIqa3HTcbsvM5LO1ObM_5
The Punisher - Rice cookers, My family-family-family!, guessing Frank’s one-liners, violent safety PSAs, and interrogating the boat https://youtu.be/wznGw9fJNCc
Disaster Report - ‘Is this Disaster day of crisis’ sequel?’, The honeycomb-caisonne method, press triangle to HEY!, be mean to your waifu, and abandon your friends like a hero would do. https://youtu.be/UYiwWU8EZcU
Final Fantasy X - Matt talks about Lulu’s boobs a lot, BLEETSBOLL, Wakka the racist, kimahri push, Finding all the memes possible, Hype Cactaur!, ‘I’ll pay you to fuck off, okay?’, and punting a boss over the horizon. A long watch and the boys are kinda bad at the game but good for the patient. https://youtu.be/qpZeMkthdZ8
Omikron: The Nomad Soul - The secret first entry of the Sadness Trilogy, ‘Get in the slider!’, Blackface Boyz, The real final boss is david cage!, getting trapped in bug purgatory, yes this is how you should honor the memory David Bowie by playing this game, Using the power of all three bestfriends to beat the game, and having no consequences for failure right up until THE MOST CONSEQUENCES. https://youtu.be/691RrF9pnaU
Silent Hill 3 -  No talking during the cut scenes, beef jerky, a detective does a Jerry Seinfeld on Silent Hill by accident, and ‘It’s a metaphor for dicks/childbirth!‘
Tony Hawk’s Underground - Woolie lives the skateboarder life he never could for real. ‘Won’t they notice that it’s not Eric Sparrow on the video when they see a clearly black man doing that jump?’, Eric Sparrow is basically up there with Griffith for villains the bestfriends hate the most, and ‘I can do a grind all day’ https://youtu.be/3HLPS_nwHG8
Parasite Eve 2 - More of Breakowski and getting HOT, ‘This is basically a survival horror game’, The dog from Independance Day must survive or else you’re on the bad ending! https://youtu.be/JedQqaXdWLc
LA Noire - The big one, the one I always suggest for new bestfriends watchers as being emblematic of their style and sense of humor and weaknesses as players. Woolie can’t navigate this map, ‘Sometimes you’ve gotta shake the tree and see what falls out’, Shotgun man wrecks your shit!, making noises to go along with the faces that the characters are making, ‘Pedophilia? That’s a free pass in my town sir’, Stealing the worst possible cars because they thought it’d be cool, forgetting the controls for every single fistfight sequence, Cole Phelps super cop!, and LP Funsies. https://youtu.be/-bPqjD_zg5g
Policenauts - Kojima’s game from when he was allowed to work on things besides Metal Gear. It’s definitely white blood and not anything sexual, SHOOTINGU SEQUENCE, Holy crap our main character is a bigoted piece of shit!, Figure out the bomb puzzle!, We’re definitely not Riggs and Murtagh to the point where Woolie says ‘I’m gettin too old for this shit’ about 70 times, and the uncomfortable truth of cloning. https://youtu.be/kWcecAHiOys
Dead Space 2- Notable mostly for me as Dead Space 2 was the first bestfriends video I ever saw back when they were on Machinima, so I was quoting Space Rave and asking Matt if he needed a blankey to fight the monsters. https://youtu.be/1QzY-TjFGFI
Resident Evil 7 - We hate the molded as an enemy type, OOOH GOD DAMMIT JACK, He fucking exploded into goo!, What was your plan?, I can’t shoot the granny, We definitely used a pump action shotgun in world war 2 (Actually yes we did, Matt), Shadow puzzles, that part of a lady is where all the wasps shoot out, and What that guy doesn’t look like Chris Redfield who is this impostor?! https://youtu.be/SyAZ2-nijDE
Def Jam: Fight for NY - The introduction of Woolie’s OC: Rage beats up rappers, steals their girlfriends, and doesn’t understand intimacy, The full might of Matt’s hatred for Bless is brought out, and they talk about the Aki engine’s contributions to humanity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lry0SYYkvas&list=PL57hJfweW_2tWHTvp2ESXbzp1-jh6YJMQ
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mysteryunfold · 7 years
The Arcana New Year - Part III
Asra x MC (Channah)
Setting: 11:45 pm, New Year’s Eve
Word Count: 900 Words
Channah is my apprentice.  ;)
Channah continued to read she laid on the bed she shared with Asra.  Though the lantern's glow casted a warm hue over her features, the spot next to her remained cold.  As she glanced at the smooth sheets, she scowled.  Throwing her book down, she kicked her blankets away.  "Why is Asra up so late?"  She murmured, padding down the stairs.  "He promised he would come up soon."
She entered the darkness of the closed shop, moonlight drifting over counters and shelves.  An amber glow peeked out from the backroom’s door.  Wrapping her robe tight around her body, Channah paced up to the door and pulled it open.
The light expanded before her as she crossed into the backroom.  Asra sat at the divination table, shuffling and picking through his tarot deck.  A strange round object laid near his hands
When he heard the click of the door, he looked up.  Through his swollen eyes, Asra feigned a smile.  He outstretched his hand toward Channah.  "What are you doing up?" 
Channah's tense posture slackened as she touched his hand.  He guided her toward him and kissed her knuckles.  Entwining her fingers with his, she rubbed a gentle hand through his thick hair.  "I'm finding it hard to sleep without my bedmate."  She gave a weary smile as she pulled a chair near him and sat down.  "Are you going to give me a reading?"  She pointed to the tarot deck.
With a groan, Asra leaned forward and rubbed his eyes.  "I've tried to listen to the cards, tonight."  He flipped through the cards.  "Only my fears speak."
Her movements hesitating, Channah placed shaking hands onto the table.  She pulled her feet up to the seat of the chair.  "If it would help, we could talk it through."
A wry smile framed Asra's mouth as he reached out and picked up the circular object.  Drawing it close to her ear, he whispered.  "Listen."
Channah's fingers traced along the object's golden exterior as she took it from him.  As she held the device, her ears picked a steady rhythmic clicking. 
"You hear that sound?"  Asra asked, his voice on edge.
She nodded in response.
With a careful hand circling around her wrist, Asra guided her hand down.  "I got this on one my travels deep into the emperor's territory.  It tells time more accurately than the devices we have here."  Steady fingers squeezed against the sides of the device.  The engraved front flipped open, drawing a startled inhale from Channah.  As the object laid open in her palm, she saw an ivory circle.  Roman numerals followed along the ivory's perimeter.  Two arrows, one shorter, one longer, faced different numbers but laid close together.  A small line moved around the circle, clicking with each mechanical movement.  Once the line completed its course, the longer hand moved.
"When both arrows move up to the twelve, the night will disappear and it will be a new year."  Asra explained gesturing to the top of the device.
"That seems really soon." 
As Channah looked at Asra, his face fell in remorse.  "Yes."  He agreed.  "And with the coming this new year brings the Count's birthday and the anniversary of his disappearance closer."  Taking a shaky breath, he rubbed the back of his hand.  "Tell me.  Why did you come down here to get me?"
As time ticked in her palm, Channah's mouth dried.  "It was my dreams.  Every time I close my eyes there are premonitions and darkness. I…"  Her voice quivered.  "I've even seen him."
Silence gripped Asra for a movement.  His violet eyes swirled in thought.  As his brow darkened in sadness, he kept his gaze downcast.  "He is getting stronger each day, and there is nothing I can do to stop it.  Even if I take you away from here, something will happen to draw us back here.  He will find you matter where we go."  Speaking hushed tones, the light shone brighter in Asra's eyes as they collected moisture.  "We have no choice but to face this and walk through it.  It just terrifies me."  A tear slipped.  Feeling the water touch his brown skin, Asra pulled the trail off with a trembling hand.  "It terrifies me that I could lose you.  I cannot help but wonder if there is something that I could've done to prepare you better."
Tears collecting on his skin, Channah touched Asra's jaw.  She guided his head to rest upon her shoulder.  As she wrapped her arm around him, she brushed her lips against his forehead.  Asra took a deep breath, her scent filling his lungs.  His stare focused on the moving clock face.
"We are facing this together."  Channah said, fingers tracing his strong shoulder.  "We were never meant to disappear from the world, just the two of us.  We are meant to be in this world, together.  We have to face this challenge to be wholly connected to each other and to this place."
Asra leaned a kiss into her neck.  "I know.  And I respect your wish.  I promise that when you reach the end of this magic, I will still be here.  We will be together through the danger and after."
Feeling his soft hair against her cheek, Channah sighed.  "Thank you, Asra."
The pair leaned against each other.  The device continued to click in Channah's palm.  With tired eyes, they watched as the hands aligned at twelve.  They moved closer to each other, not knowing how deep the dark magic that tormented them would go.
Part II : Part IV
14 notes · View notes
Rap Music - The New Frontier?
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Through the early to mid '70s, visionaries like Kool DJ Herc introduced new tips for the way music was played. Like some other music-loving 'bredren and sistren' together with myself, Kool DJ Herc was born in Kingston, Jamaica. Following the footsteps of Jamaicans that came before him, he relocated towards the Bronx, NYC and took root. Using a sound program like no other, there was constantly a celebration when Herc spun records. Folks from all city boroughs showed up, and brought their pals. The majority of them had never ever experienced anything like Herc's thunder inside the clubs or at 'block parties,' where he was a hometown favorite. There'll be extra on these distinctive, social gatherings a little later. Kool DJ Herc was one of these cats that was considering outside the box for a long time, and inspired other DJs to adhere to suit. Everywhere Herc touched down, he left a distinctive mark imprinted inside the minds, bodies, and souls of music lovers in and about the vicinity. Afrika Bambaataa was homegrown within the Bronx. He is best-known for taking the radical, independent factions in the Hip-Hop life-style and organizing it all into an urban music society...and for being the very first rapper, ever. In 1984, he worked on the song "Unity" together with the not too long ago departed Godfather of Soul, James Brown. (We're gonna miss ya, 'Soul Brother #1.') By mixing block parties with DJs and break-dancers, he synergized all of the varying entities of Hip-Hop by way of his Zulu Nation. The Zulus educated inner-city youth about their history and empowered them to become productive citizens. His ears were open to all kinds of music as he became a catalyst for blending rhythmic designs from Africa with Funk, Go-Go, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Salsa and Soca for the very first time in music history. Bambaataa's affiliations included the Rock Steady Crew and Double Dutch Girls. There was also a spray-painting graffiti artist who parlayed his love for 'visual art' into becoming the host of a common show that engaged the minds of America's Black and White youth. It ended up changing Rap music history around the globe. Now using a 'retired' can of spray paint, Yo MTV Raps' Fab five Freddy was also a important player within the classic film, "New Jack City." There'll be far more on that captured moment in time just a little later, just after we finish up with Afrika Bambaataa (& pals), and dig further into the chapter: there's some real meat in thar! That's what's up. Afrika Bambaataa became a major music producer in his own right. He spent a lot of time logged in at Tommy Boy Records between 1982 and 2005. While there, he produced a huge hit for the New York club and radio scene, 1982's "Funky Sensation." To me, that song defined a new era of music for both myself and the City of New York. "Funky Sensation" helped to establish a path that many dance music producers followed, well into the new millennium. Another historical Rap label that Bambaataa put some time in with was Profile Records. Profile was the home of a trio that made music history: Run-DMC and the late Jam Master Jay. Their chronicles defined the next wave of Hip-Hop and fashion by way of brimmed Fedoras, leather pants, blues jeans, and unlaced, Adidas sneakers. Throughout the winter, they sported snorkels with fur around the hood. In New York winters from the 70s, we sported hats like Kangols (still preferred) and 'Robin Hoods'(with side feathers) on the dome. Some folks liked toboggins and ski caps for their 'masking' feature. Brooklyn later picked up a pseudonym--Crooklyn. Our 70s fashion also consisted of colorful silk shirts (Versace predecessors), polyester pants with stitched pleats running down the sides called Swedish Knits, and bell-bottom blue jeans with zippers at the foot. Squares (L-7's) wore no name 'rejects,' but our well-known footwear incorporated Converse All-Stars, red, black and green Pro Keds, Pumas (my favored were rust-colored), PONY's, and shell-toe Adidas. We had interesting acronyms for the latter two brands. "I could tell you, but..." you know the story. Looking back now, I notice that Adidas kept the same body style longer than the Ford Explorer did! My New York winter-wear included snorkels, sheepskins, leathers, 'Maxie' and 'Cortefiel' coats with soft fur around the collar; they have been the rage. People got stuck up (ganked) for them, too. I once witnessed someone grab a friend's hat right off his head - as the train doors closed (this guy was quick!) Some of my 'classic' garments are still intact: a black Robin Hood hat using a now-wilted side feather, a colorful, winged (big collar) polyester shirt with a Disco theme around the front, my sky-blue high school graduation three-piece suit, 'Mack' full-length Maxie coat (it looked good; mom made it), and black Cortefiel coat are all stashed somewhere about Area 51. Don't ask me what I'm going to do with them, but my coats still have fur about the collar. Does "E.T.W." (Extra Terrestrial Wear) sound catchy to you? Let's check in with 'Rush' (Phat Farms), 'P-D' (Sean John), 'J towards the Z' and 'Double D' (RocaWear), 'Fiddy' (G-Unit), and WTC (Wu Wear) for the final answer. I'm getting told to nix the trip down memory lane and stick for the script, so it's back for the original 'bad boys' of 80s Rap. Run-DMC and Jam Master Jay opened up Pandora's box with their classic hit "Rock Box." I got a premonition of what was about the corner for Rock and Rap early on: sampled 'guitar crunches' fused with 'dem phat Hip-Hop beats, boyee!' Then the crystal ball revealed something else to me - up jumped Def Jam Recordings, LL Cool J, Public Enemy and the Beastie Boys, all using overdriven guitar sounds riding in conjunction with the big, deep 808 beat that caused car trunks (and the inside of your body) to vibrate. Run-DMC and Jam Master Jay un-laced their Adidas and went on to re-make Rock group Aerosmith's classic "Walk This Way," then invited the original rockers to get in on it. Along the way, Run-DMC sold a 'few million' records. Inside the background was one Russell Simmons, pushing buttons on his remote control. Then he got a cellphone. But just before groups like Run-DMC made it to the game, there was one of the first major league rappers--Afrika Bambaataa. Oh yeah; together with his group The Soulsonic Force, Bambaataa fired off a ground-breaking shot remembered as being 'most strategically launched' from the annals of New York's urban jungle. When the classic "Planet Rock" hit Billboard's charts (it hit the year 1982 in a BIG way too), the song considerably changed music history. It used a similar robotic, vocoder-like sound as the a single found in Kraftwerk's smash "Trans-Europe Express." "Planet Rock" was a smorgasbord of cool electronic sounds and Hip-Hop beats. Meshed together with samples from other records, it captured the attention of music lovers caught dancing to the non-stop, funky sensation of this incredible new beat. Afrika Bambaataa's Electro-Funk style went on to influence the sound of music types like Dance, Electronic, House, and Techno. If a sound system exists anywhere in the galaxy, I predict that "Planet Rock" will rock it. Inside the meantime, you can listen out for this classic hit on Internet radio, satellite radio, broadcast radio, clubs and dance parties everywhere. 'Nuff said--next! Creative minds of legendary pioneers such as Russell "Rush" Simmons, Eddie Cheeba, Spoonie G, Lovebug Starski, The Juice Crew, Marley Marl, MC Shan and D.J. Hollywood are also among these credited as becoming essential leaders within the surge that brought Rap music and Hip-Hop culture to mainstream society. Many people may think the Sugar Hill Gang was among a few initiating forces in Rap, but there have been actually many other hot acts out there grinding to earn their dues --like these affiliated with Rush Productions. Rush was building a name for itself as a music promotion company to be noticed. I'll expound upon the meteoric rise with the dynamic institution which followed this event shortly thereafter. With affiliations everywhere and credits that include the timely debut of Hip-Hop players like Kurtis Blow, Afrika Bambaataa and the Zulu Nation, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five, Scott La Rock, DJ Red Alert, and countless other faces hidden in the trenches, Rush was on a mission to conquer the planet. The first-generation of Rap and Hip-Hop spawned a godfather, Russell Simmons, in addition to all these other creative talents. Collectively and in unison, they helped to centralize the cultural origins and sound of this music for an evolving planet. The second-generation leaders of this new movement would include Russell's little brother Joseph, who together with Darryl McDaniels and the late Jason Mizell, made up Run-DMC: the initial artists of their kind to go platinum by selling a million Rap records on Profile Records. This was just the beginning; Def Jam Recordings was on the way. Now let's connect the dots with Sugar Hill: Back in 1957, a group called Mickey & Sylvia recorded a Bo Diddley song, "Love Is Strange." Guitarist Mickey Baker and a vocalist named Sylvia Vanderpool established themselves inside the music market as a potential hit-making duo. In 1964, Sylvia married a man named Joe Robinson. Their union led towards the formation of a legacy that wouldn't play itself fully out until the Rap craze hit. In 1973, Sylvia rolled the dice and released a huge hit, "Pillow Talk." This song established a format that would be followed straight into the Disco heydays. Originally written for Al Green, his pass became Sylvia's score when it tallied up a #1 R&B and #3 Pop hit. "Pillow Talk" was a sexy song that featured lots of heavy breathing, whispers, sighs and moans. It's reminiscent of Donna Summer's classic hit, "Love to Really like You Baby." Sylvia Robinson synergized her abilities as a singer, musician, producer, and record executive to take her whole game to another level. As a important player at All Platinum Records, she had a hand in Shirley & Company's 1975 hit "Shame Shame Shame." This became a top dance song, and hit #12 around the Pop charts. By 1979, Englewood, New Jersey's Sugar Hill Gang busted a big move by releasing a classic, "Rapper's Delight." Within the background had been Sylvia, Joe, and their Sugar Hill Record label. Passing their genes on to son Joey, Sugar Hill's West Street Mob went on to release hits like "Ooh Baby" and "Sing A Simple Song/Another Muther For Ya." Other aces in the deck incorporated groups called The Sequence and The Funky 4+1. They scored a few hits with "Funk You Up," "Simon Says," and "That's the Joint," which used a nice sample from my girl Cheryl Lynn's song "Got To become Real." We'll be taking her song apart and putting it back together again in another chapter of this book series, "What Is A Song." Using finance money from Roulette Records chief Morris Levy (you can find out a lot more about this guy inside the book "Hit Men"--a highly-recommended favorite of mine. "I could tell you additional, but..." You know the drill. As Sugar Hill grew, so did its artist roster, with the addition of Grandmaster Flash and his collective unit, The Furious Five. Although the Sugar Hill owners paid up a big balance and purchased the remaining interest in their company by the early 80's, things began to sour for them: a deal with MCA Records died and a fire toasted their legendary studio. The label eventually shut it doors by 1986. Almost 10 years later, retail-friendly Rhino Records picked up the Sugar Hill catalog and resuscitated the masters within the same way that they've done with many other lost or obscure masters. Via creative re-packaging, Rhino went on to revitalize the music (and some careers) of artists that have been probably still waiting on royalties from the previous owners of their master recordings. The Sugar Hill Gang, West Street Mob and Sequence all have been released on various Sugar Hill compilations. An interesting occurrence following the Sugar Hill assault was the massive availability on the sequencer, drum machine, synthesizer, sampler and MIDI about the early 80s. 'Creatives' and 'infamists' among the likes of Russell Simmons, Rick Rubin, The Bomb Squad and producer Marley Marl locked themselves up in 'Big Apple laboratories' coming up with the next lethal mix of sound. When released, Def Jam and the 'Sound of Marl' quickly put music listeners into a 'yoke' as concoctions they whipped up became highly potent chemicals on the proverbial 'periodic music table of elements' upon hitting the airwaves; by means of radio station, mobile and club DJs. I cannot over-emphasize it enough: 'BIG UPS' to these guys! Just after the creative synergy of vocalists, musicians and producers, DJs are credited as becoming one of the most direct pipelines to exciting new music. You should take note that "DJ" makes up the initials of Def Jam. Now let's keep the record playing; teacher's not via with today's lesson yet... Independent labels like Profile, Sugar Hill, Priority, 4th. & Broadway and Tommy Boy scooped up young, talented Hip-Hop artists. Major labels like Columbia, Epic, MCA, Mercury and Warner Brothers got an early jump on the game as they formed alliances with Rap labels and artists. Moves like these were executed through street-savvy labels like Def Jam. It grew into the premier, multi-faceted music conglomerate in the century. Started in a college dorm room, Def Jam is now managed from a corporate boardroom, and worth hundreds of millions. Founder Russell Simmons parted from his share in the company in 1999, immediately after the Universal Music Group made him a $100 million offer that he couldn't refuse. We're not talking pesos here, people! Let's breeze by way of a few landmark events regarding Def Jam Recordings: In 1983, the company was founded by Russell, who was called "Rush" when he was business partners with one particular Rick Rubin. Prior to this form of osmosis occurred, Simmons 'did the business' behind pioneers like Kurtis Blow, the initial Rap artist having a major record deal. He signed on with Mercury Records; it was a part of the PolyGram distribution machine. The label went on to forge a long-lasting relationship with Kurtis Blow, Russell 'Rush' Simmons, and his growing company. In spring of 1984, I began a two season internship with Def Jam's distributor. By fall quarter, I was a college rep. Throughout Def Jam's first decade, I marketed and promoted every record released via the pipeline. This integrated music by the distributor's affiliated Epic label. Epic was born to CBS Records (a division of CBS, Inc.) throughout the early 50s. It was a cute small Classical/Jazz label and grew to become a strong, healthy major label with many active body parts (Rock, R&B, Country). Epic picked up other siblings. Among them was T-Neck Records. An influential Soul/R&B/Funk collective of your 50s, 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond the new millennium terrain, The Isley Brothers ran a music empire tucked inside this fully-functional sibling unit's clothes. And bank account--let's contact it a budget. Another sibling was Portrait Records. By the 80's, Portrait had sold millions of records by major stars like Cyndi Lauper, Sade and Stanley Clarke. Since Epic was the oldest kid, it acquired a firm place in history as the foundation that supported the throne of none other than the King of Pop music, Michael Jackson. As a matter of fact, the former lead singer of Motown's Jackson Five actively participated (in conjunction with wildly colorful CBS Records group president Walter Yetnikoff) in the disbursement of CBS' unwanted offspring (CBS Records, Inc.) towards the Sony Corporation in 1988. By 2004, Sony Music Entertainment had consolidated its monster Columbia and Epic labels, then merged with another major record label: BMG. On the Internet, iTunes was selling millions of digital downloads. But that's a story for later. Stay tuned. Def Jam product began flowing via shortly after I jumped inside the big game to see if I could swim. I witnessed the music of many groundbreaking artists 'rushed' through the technique. Notable executives like Lyor Cohen and Kevin Liles entered the fold, as promoters like Wes Johnson and Johnnie Walker locked down efforts to turn the airwaves into 'Def Jam radio.' Def Jam became certainly one of the hottest commodities in distribution by the other major label within a major label. This record company made its mark by using a red trademark around the product it manufactured. Columbia Records was the big brother of Def Jam: the hottest Rap label within the Hip-Hop market. Def Jam had million-selling acts like LL Cool J, Public Enemy, The Beastie Boys, and later arrivals like DMX, then Jay-Z and Roc-A-Fella Records. Columbia, also known as "Big Red," was owned by music giant CBS Records. By 1991, CBS Records was purchased by the Sony Corporation for some $2 billion that I'll say came out with the 'petty cash fund' (they had OLD money, and plenty of it). CBS Records later became Sony Music Entertainment. If you haven't guessed already (where've you been?), here's a prediction: you'll read about more adventures with 'the firm' as we move along. Between all of this 'promoting' (as a college rep), I managed getting an introduction to Russell Simmons at a Jack The Rapper convention in Atlanta by Columbia's national director of Black music promotion, Miss Mike Bernardo, who is such a sweet lady. At this time, she was next in line for the vice-president of Columbia's national promotion department: Vernon Slaughter and Mike Bernardo had been responsible for the overall performance of Columbia's Black radio and club promotion department. Vernon later became among Atlanta's top power brokers. He was LaFace Record's very first general manager, personally signing artists like Toni Braxton to the label. He later became a key player at a law firm headed up by powerhouse entertainment lawyer Joel Katz, and was the legal muscle behind many artist deals, movie soundtracks and no telling what else! As vice-president and national director respectively, Vernon and Mike implemented the national strategies set forth by Columbia. The staff consisted of dozens of regional promotion people strategically placed in important American cities. Throughout my career at the label Vernon, Mike, and the promotion people I knew showed me plenty of like, and have been first-class players inside the game, too. Not extended soon after Def Jam's arrival, I became an account service rep, then a Black music marketing rep for Sony's southeast regional branch in Atlanta. I doubt if there was any connection. Anyway, Def Jam left Sony for PolyGram in 1994 (also the year that I parted company with Sony and launched a recording studio); that same year, PolyGram purchased 50% of Sony's holdings in Def Jam. By 1996, PolyGram bought another 10%, and in 1998 the Universal Music Group (UMG) acquired PolyGram Group Distribution (PGD) to become the world's biggest record label. Following a series of major operational changes, longtime staffers Lyor Cohen and Kevin Liles severed ties with Def Jam, which by now had grown to include other hot labels like Atlanta-based Def Jam South (headed up by The Geto Boys' Mr. Scarface), Disturbing Tha Peace (Ludacris), Def Soul, Jay-Z, Damon Dash and Roc-A-Fella. Though DMX's product was released via Def Jam, his Ruff Ryders crew got a label deal with Interscope. Within the post Cohen/Liles era, former LaFace/Arista big-wig L.A. Reid re-appeared at the helm in the big ship. Then, multi-platinum rapper Jay-Z became the new chief of Def Jam (now part of Island Def Jam Music Group), proving that he too, could do what Rap music guru Russell Simmons' legendary rapper Kurtis Blow said he wanted to do: 'Rule The World.' The future of Def Jam integrated plans for more affiliations with labels like Atlanta's Slip-N-Slide Records (Ying Yang Twins). Atlanta was now a city on the move, and Simmons made it a frequent stop on his international itinerary. From Rush Productions and Kurtis Blow to Def Jam, OBR and Rush Associated Labels, to Rush Communications and Phat Farms, the Visa 'Rush Card,' a beautiful model-wife and kids, to astronomic amounts of future cash flow, Russell Simmons demonstrated his ability to serve as the Rap game's foremost guiding hand...and 'head of the household,' too. He was the proverbial captain of a ship, navigating by way of those often-bumpy waters on the constantly shifting Rap/Hip-Hop industry. Def Jam Recordings became an extraordinary multimedia company because of a determined visionary's ability to reach out and touch people-- by way of the power of Rap music and the Hip-Hop culture. Simply put, none of these entities could be spoken of without mention from the great and powerful, "Mr. Rush." A valedictorian and contributing author to Bernard Percy's books for the duration of elementary school, L.A. finished high school in Brooklyn, then went to L.A.City College. He graduated in 1987 from Georgia State University in Atlanta. An internship led to 10 years with CBS Records/Sony Music, exactly where L.A. worked with almost every act, implemented sales/marketing campaigns, received numerous gold/platinum albums, awards, and traveled throughout the U.S., Canada and Jamaica to events. As a recording studio owner, AV technician and manager for a global audiovisual company (TAVS), L.A. owns MKM Multimedia Works. In 2001 he executive-produced the Million Mom March?s Atlanta Artists Against Gun Violence compilation CD, featuring top Atlanta acts. In 2002, L.A. secured a commercial using the GAP for Arrested Development?s Baba Oje. L.A. now initiates his ?6 books in five years? plan.
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bestnewsmag-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bestnewsmag
New Post has been published on https://bestnewsmag.com/mc-sports-closing-for-good-after-sundays-going-out-of-business-sale/
MC Sports closing for good after Sunday's 'Going out of Business' sale
MC Sports activities will ultimately close all stores for precise after these days. The enterprise filed for Chapter eleven financial ruin safety in February of this 12 months and days later, one of the companies coping with enterprise’s liquidation sale announced the closure of all 66 MC Sports activities store throughout the Midwest region, inclusive of 24 places in Michigan.
Study more:
Gander Mountain closing? Not so speedy says new proprietor Marcus Lemonis MC Sports documents for bankruptcy will liquidate assets MC Sports activities owe approximately $three.8 million to Nike and $2.4 million to Underneath Armour, with totals in loads of heaps to others together with Adidas, Columbia Sportswear, and Wilson. MC Sports is said to have been a “material of the network” at one factor. The corporation opened in Grand Rapids in 1946, firstly selling Global War II surplus, along with fishing, hunting and outdoor wearing goods.
Click right here to locate places close to you to purchase gadgets in their “Going out of enterprise” sale. A worker of the Plainfield location in Grand Rapids says there isn’t much stock left.
Why Business Owners Need A Web Design Agency
    Going online is one of the best options business owners make to gain better opportunities for their business. But, in order to ensure that online strategies can be effective, it is imperative that you work with trusted web design agencies. Below are some of the reasons why business owners hire such experts.
To improve user experience
One of the main reasons why business owners need a web design agency is to allow to properly improve the user experience. In order to make target audience into clients, it is essential that you can effectively communicate with them using your website. And, the best way to communicate using your website is by helping them to navigate easily on your website. Because of this, viewers can gain better insights about your products and services online.
To create compelling and unique sites
Business owners also need to work with web development and design agencies to help them create compelling and unique sites. Surely, copying other web designs can be the easiest option to gain effective solutions for your business. However, being unique will allow owners to increase their opportunities. This is possible since agencies can provide professional designs that can complement your brand.
To help them boost site speed
Working with web development and design agencies is important to help company owners to help them boost their site speed. One of the main issues viewers can experience when visiting sites is speed. Due to slow loading pages, individuals tend to immediately leave. As a result, owners can lose potential clients. With the help of web design specialists, they can make the site faster by eliminating unnecessary plugins, themes, and codes.
To reduce web development expenses
Hiring agencies can also help business owners reduce their web development expenses. Surely, most business owners wish to create their own web development, team. However, owners need to invest in substantial finances in the team for training seminars, research, and projects. Plus, business owners may also experience risks that can affect their site. Luckily, all of these overhead expenses can be avoided by hiring web design agencies.
To gain better site opportunities
Finally, working with web design experts can help owners gain better site opportunities. Apart from web designs, agencies can also help business owners in creating content. Plus, reliable agencies can also provide other online marketing strategies that can benefit your business effectively.
These are only some of the benefits company owners can obtain with the help of reliable web design agencies
8 Signs of Typical Sunday Night Syndrome
The weekend gives you the respite from the week-long issues of work. Along with this, you also meet a host of problems at the domestic front as well. The beginning of weekend always brings pleasant thoughts in the minds of people who get drained out after a week of hard work. However, the Sunday night would bring back the tensions at the workplace in the minds of people, resulting in the lack of sleep and other tell-tale symptoms like anxiety and stress. The symptoms include nauseating feeling, lack of sleep and the fear of upcoming professional weekdays.
Tell-tale Symptoms
The Sunday night would give you a sinking feeling. Along with this, you also get a rundown feeling through the body due to the fear of facing the higher-ups from next da y  Business onwards on one pretext or the other Sports . It normally takes a heavy toll on the health of the people undergoing the feeling. It could be the emotional, physical and mental toll. People who undergo this feeling on every Sunday night tell you what it would be like. They get a sense of premonition of the coming week and the issues associated with it. The immediate feeling would be to run away from them by taking a day or two off to get extended holidays. You even tend to get frustrated and vent your anger on your family members by scolding them on little things that happen around you. In this article, we would be looking at different signs that tell about your Sunday Night Syndrome.
1. You tend to stay restless and find it difficult to concentrate on things at hand in the home.
2. You feel a melancholic feeling as if you are alone in this world.
3. When you lie down to take rest, you become restless and the sleep starts eluding you.
4. The anxiety generally begins by an evening of Sundays. For certain people, it might even start by Saturday or Friday.
5. Due to lack of overnight sleep, you feel sleepy at your workplace in the morning of Mondays.
6. You will be in the hangover of the weekend activities you had undertaken. As a result, your productivity for Mondays remains on the lower side.
7. Though you are physically at work, your mind would still be at home, savoring the sweet times you had with your friends and family members during the weekend.
8. You tend to feel irritated and become too rigid in your work outlook, forcing your colleagues to interact with you cautiously
Sunday Night Syndrome bug could hit anybody after a happy weekend. It is often characterized by the presence of irritability, anxiety, anguish and high blood pressure. Because of these symptoms, the people cannot sleep peacefully on a Sunday Night. This article talks about this strange syndrome for the benefit of readers. They can
Sports Law in Cyprus
  The sports industry is becoming more and more commercialized and globalized. As a result, athletes, coaches and other stakeholders engaged in the sports industry are seeking a professional legal guidance so that to safeguard their rights and maximize their profits. Sports law is an emerging area of law that is directly interconnected and overlaps with a variety of legal disciplines, such as contract law, employment law, tort law and defamation, corporate law, immigration law and privacy rights.
The assistance of a professional lawyer who has a thorough knowledge of the aforementioned areas of law is essential both for professionals in the sports industry (i.e. athletes, coaches, physiotherapists, etc.) and other stakeholders, such as the governing boards of sports clubs, investors, etc.
Investors: Sports are not limited only to the regulations of the playing field as they are intertwined with society and economy, especially with entertainment and advertising industries. As a result, sports can be a profitable area of investment, through sponsorship and advertisement. On the one point of view, sports launched opportunities for investment in areas such as broadcasting rights, which is related to the area of Intellectual Property Law. On the other point of view, sports established a new area of marketing that develops opportunities for investment in areas such as sports clubs’ shares as the majority of sports clubs have become companies.
Athletes, Sports Professionals, and Clubs: The continuous mobility of athletes and other sports professionals between teams together with the complexity of the contracts includes a variety of legal concerns. As a result, a legal representation of athletes, sports professionals, and clubs is vital. Lawyers are able to assist you on matters related to contract law, breach of contracts, transfers, etc.
Before signing a contract, athletes and other sports professionals should be sure that they are aware of the various clauses and provisions. Note that a contract between a sports professional and a club might be subject to breach. For example, in case a sports club in Cyprus does not honor its engagement regarding its obligations toward the athlete/sports professional, then the athlete/sport professional may submit a claim for remedies and/or damages to Cyprus Courts or FIFA’s Dispute Resolution Chamber. Consequently, the assistance of a professional lawyer is necessary.
Competent Authority in Cyprus:
The competent authority in Cyprus is the Cyprus Sports Organisation (CSO), a semi-governmental organization. According to the Law, CSO can act as the Supreme Sporting Authority in Cyprus.
Why is legal support necessary?
Sports are considered as one of the most profitable industries with prominent investment opportunities and huge revenues. Therefore, the appropriate legal support may assist athletes, sports professionals, and other stakeholders to maximize their benefits and protect their rights. As it has been explained, athletes, sports professionals, and other stakeholders, before appointing a legal representative in the Republic of Cyprus, should ensure that their lawyer has a deep knowledge and expertise in a variety areas of law.
0 notes
my-love-jake-love · 4 years
(Untitled 🙃) (MC's strange premonition 3)
* FBI Teddy approaches the FBI Chief *
FBI Teddy: I ​​don't want to get involved in your case, but do you really want her to die?
FBI chief: what are you!? Of course not. When she'll get worse, she herself will tell us everything
FBI Teddy: But I don’t think so, I don’t want to be clever, but wouldn’t it be better to accept her terms, at least we could find Hannah. If she dies, then we can't find Hannah or Jake.
Chief FBI: She won't die. That hacker is definitely come for her, you saw how much she wants us not to hunt Jake. so they are somehow close.
FBI Teddy: I think it'll be too late before he gets here.
FBI Teddy: Then leave it to me, maybe I can do it
FBI Chief: Do what you want! I'm already tired of this story!
FBI Teddy: I won't let you down! Bring the MC to the interview room.
FBI Teddy: Hi, my name is Teddy. Now I’m to investigate your case.
MC: ...
Teddy: There's nothing you want to say to me?
MC: What should I say to you?
Teddy: Well ... for example, that it was nice to meet you ...
Teddy: Hmm… Do you want to eat or drink anything?
MC: no…
Teddy: But you don't look like it…
MC: I said NO!
Teddy: Okay, let's continue… We need to find Hannah as soon as possible. Before she gets hurt…
We really need your help… You know a lot about the man without a face, please help us.            
MC: I told you, I'll help you if you stop following Jake.
Teddy:  understand us, he made a very big mistake that cannot just be forgiven, we received an order to catch him, it's all out of our hands…
MC: I promise you, he won't do it again, he won't tell anyone what he saw there, I don't even know what he looks like. Please ... you can do something * MC is crying * or tell them he committed suicide and something like that ...            Teddy: If you don't even know what he looks like, why are you so worried about him? Is he your brother? a relative?
MC: ... he's... my friend. Best friend!
TEDDY: ... okay, I agree. We'll stop chasing Jake. And you will answer all my questions about the loss of Hannah, and follow my orders, ok?
MC: really!? I agree! * MC smiles*
Teddy: * smiles back * my first order: you have to eat something, then rest, otherwise you have no strength at all, you owe us healthy.
MC: can I call Jessy first? I just want to warn her that I'm all right, she's probably very worried…
Teddy: I have to ask first ... although you know, I'd rather take you to her. Only on the condition that you promise to be ready by 8 in the morning tomorrow, I will pick you up from there, we need to make a plan for our future actions…
MC: Are you kidding?!
TEDDY: No. Just so no one knows about our plan, okay?
MC:  Of course!
FBI Chief: Teddy come here
Teddy: I'm coming ... and I'll be right back
TEDDY: No, he won't. I believe her. I saw the truth in her eyes.
Teddy: I know, just let me do what I think is right.
Chief FBI: you have a week to find Hannah, if you do not succeed, then you will be fired
Teddy: OK
Teddy: Come on, I'll take you to Jessy's
MC: Is everything all right? What did they tell you?
Teddy: Nothing interesting, let's go ...
MC: okay
 Teddy:  this is Jessy's house
MC: Thank you so much Teddy, I owe you one  
Teddy: Just don't forget, you have to be ready by 8am tomorrow. If they ask you why I'm picking you up, tell them you need to sign some documents.              
MC: OK, thank you Teddy * gets down from the car*
Teddy: Wait, MC!
MС: what happened?                                                                                  
Teddy: * gets down from the car and opens the trunk* Here, take this, it's your suitcase.
MC: thank you…
TEDDY: I have to go, see you tomorrow.
MC: See you tomorrow Theo *MC smiles*
Teddy smiles back and walks away*
 * knock-knock* *Jessy opens the door*
JESSY: MC?! THE GUYS ARE MS!!! * hugs her*
All: WHAT?!
MC: Jessy ...   I've missed you so much
JESSY: Come in... sit down here...  
Richy: MC... are you all right?
Phil: I missed you…
Dan: Welcome back.
Cleo: MC ...  I'm so glad to see you.                                                                
Thomas: what did they tell you?
Lilly: You were found not guilty?
MC: Guys take turns... I'll tell you all everything… I'm all right…
Yes, they found me not guilt ... only I have to go there for several days in order to sign several documents ...                                                                             Richy: What other documents?
MC: Well ... about what I don't know who Jake is…
Jessy: By the way, Jake, do you think it's worth telling MC about Jake?
МС: Did something happen to him?  What are you hiding from me?
Jessy: Nothing, Jake called us and said he was worried about you.                
MC: Is he all right? But I thought your cell phones were taken away
Lilly: Yes, it was, but this phone just appeared in my bag by itself
MC: Where is this phone now? I need to talk to him!
Dan: Well, no… I won't let you call him... you've already suffered for him…
MC: Jessy ... where is this phone? Give it to me please…
JESSY: Of course ... but he called from an unknown number. We'll have to wait for his call. During this time, we will order dinner and have dinner together!
Dan: great idea
Jessy: and MC will answer all our questions, do you agree MC?
MC: of course!
*at the table, everyone was laughing and asking MС different questions, and MС was most waiting for Jake to call*
* phone rings*
Jessy: MC calm down, here it is…
Dan: Hm... I have to teach him a lesson. MC give me the phone ...  
MC: What do you want to do?
Dan: You'll see... *picks up the phone*  
Jake: Any news on MC?
JAKE: What the hell are you talking about?
Dan:  BUT IT DID!                                          
Jake: I don't believe you!
Dan: If you don't believe me, come to MC's funeral tomorrow. You'll see for yourself
Jake: WHAT?! BUT...*he's crying* What have I done?!
MC: Give me the phone. It's not funny anymore…
Jake: MС?!
Dan: Even that's not enough for him!
JAKE: MC! YOU... YOU'RE ALIVE! I - I was so scared…
MС: with me everything is in order… Don't mind Dan, he's just kidding.
Jake: I don't know what would happen if it was true... * crying* I'd go crazy
MС: Everyone calm down... you have no idea how happy I am... to know that you are safe
Jake: They didn't hurt you?
MС: Don't worry, I'm fine.
Jake: You'd better get out of Duskwood. It's safer that way.
MС: I'll leave when I find Hannah
Jake: You better leave now
MС: But Hannah needs my help                                                                      
Jake: I can't put you in danger because of her quest. I'll think of something. I'll find her myself.
If that maniac finds out you're here, he might hurt you, too. And I won't let you suffer again. I'm going to book you a plane ticket and you'll be on the first flight back to your city!
MС: But Jake…
Jake: And without any, BUT!
MС: Sorry Jake, I'm not leaving until I find Hannah. Bye. * hangs up the phone*
JESSY: Yeah, he's right. You go to your city.
MC: Do you really want me to leave? *phone ringing, the MC rejects the call*
MC: Nothing will happen to me ... trust me. * Jake made it so that he could listen to their conversation*                                                                                     Jessy: You misunderstood me, you have no idea how much I want you to stay, I don't want to lose you too MC, understand…
MC: I can't leave now Jessy... I have to sign some documents don't you remember?  
Jake: What other MC documents? * there is a sound from the phone *
MC: how did you do it?!
Jake: I ask what other documents, MC?!  
Dan: Hey you, stop yelling at the MC!
MC: I just need to sign documents saying I don't know you
Jake: MC, you think I don't know how the FBI works?! They don't do that! Why are you lying to me?! (if in real life need to sign documents, just imagine that in this universe they don't do that, I just couldn't find any information about it 😁)
Thomas: Are you lying?! MC, did you lie to us?
Dan: MC?
MC: No! I'm telling you the truth!
Jake: MC, please tell me the truth, I'll help you. Why did they let you go?
MC: I'm telling you the truth! Believe me! * MC is crying*
JESSY: That's enough! Leave her alone! If she said she was telling the truth, then that's the whole truth! Everyone, it's time for you all to go home. Jake that's enough. Just call back tomorrow.
Jake: I'll get to the truth! *the phone is disconnected*
Richy: Okay, guys, let's go... that's enough for today
Phil: MC, if you want, I'll take you to my place.
Phil: I just suggested it
JESSY: JUST GO! Come on, MC, I'll show you to your room
*Everyone's gone *
Jessy: Do you want to talk to me about anything?
MC: I want to be alone
JESSY: Then good night, MC
MC: Jessy ... thank you for everything ...
Jessy: We're friends, and friends don't leave each other in the lurch * Jessy leaves *
MC: This is all for your own salvation Jake.
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my-love-jake-love · 4 years
MC's strange premonition 4
*7 am* Jessy Good morning MC, how did you sleep? MC: Good morning Jessy.  JESSY: Sit down... I'll make us breakfast now MC: I don't want breakfast, I'd rather go and get some fresh air… Jessy: Then I'll go with you. I won't let you go alone MC: I want to be alone, don't worry I'll be back in 15 minutes JESSY: But it's dangerous! MC: Jessy ... please… Jessy: Okay, just 15 minutes, don't go too far. MC: OK * MC opens the door and goes out*
* Teddy is not far from home Jessy has parked his car and is quietly watching her* MC take a deep breath and tears roll down her cheeks. She's heading towards the woods. Teddy notices her tears and slowly pursues her. Teddy: *MC, what else are you up to? Why are you heading towards the forest? I need to stop her! * TEDDY: MC! * MC doesn't hear him, she's lost in her own thoughts. She doesn't notice Teddy catching up with her* TEDDY: MC, can you hear me? Are you all right? MC:  Teddy?! What are you doing here? TEDDY: Where are you going?  Are you crying? Did someone hurt you? MC: no, no one hurt me... something got in my eye TEDDY: MC? Do you remember our agreement? You have to tell me the whole truth… MC: This has nothing to do with finding Hannah *tears roll down her cheek* Teddy:You don't trust me? MC: No, I'm just ... I'm tired Theo * cries even harder, Theo wipes the tears MC, from her face * TEDDY: Don't cry... Tell me what happened. MC: Forget it, we need to find Hannah as soon as possible Teddy: MC, if you need my help or support, I'm always there for you… MC: * smiles* Teddy: If you're feeling better, we can start our investigation. Come on, MC, my car is parked not far from Jessy's house
* At this time, Jessy was watching them* Jessy: Who is he? Is MC dating him? I need to find out!
*after 10 minutes* MC: Jessy, I'm here and they're picking me up to sign the documents Jessy: Who's picking you up? MC: well, an employee of the FBI, that is, the person who investigates my case Jessy: What's his name? MC: Teddy… Jessy: Is it just me, or are you hiding something from me… MC: What do you mean by that? Jessy: just imagine, a nice man brings you here, takes you too ...                   MC: What are you talking about?! He's picking me up because I have to sign the paperwork, and he brought me here because I didn't know where you lived. 
Jessy: I was just kidding MC: Okay, I'm off Jessy: be careful, suddenly fall in love MC: JESSY! Jessy: All, I'm silent * MС leaves, Jake's voice is heard from the phone* Jake: What the hell is going on here? Jessy: how do you do that? Jake: Who are you talking about? who the MC shouldn't fall in love with?      Jessy: It doesn't matter, I was just joking. Jake: Jessy, the MC is in danger. In order to protect MC, I need to know everything about her! Who she talks to, who she meets, I need to know everything. For the sake of MC's safety, tell me everything you know.           Jessy: If for the sake of MC's safety, well I'll tell you. MC said she wanted to go for a walk alone, but I couldn't let her go alone so I started chasing her. Then I noticed that someone was following her, too. Then the man started calling MC by name. She didn't look back, after which, he caught up with her, and they started talking about something, I was far enough away so I couldn't hear them talking. Then MС started crying and he wiped her tears away and said something that made MС smile. Then I quickly got home, so that MС wouldn't know that I was following her. That is all. And the rest you heard yourself Jake: is it possible that this is a familiar MC? JESSY I don't think so. Why would she hide it from us? Jake: Tell me what he looks like Jessy: Why? Jake: I have to find out who he is JESSY Well, then, about 180 cm tall, his hair is black, SO HANDSOME and so CUTE ... *laughs discreetly* Jake: * angry* I don't care if he's handsome, you better tell me if he has any special features? Jessy: I don't think so   Jake: why do you think МС will fall in love with him?                                              Jessy: Are you jealous?                                                                                 Jake:..                                                                                                            Jessy: so you're in love with her? *phone disconnect* it all makes sense now…
* conversation between MС and Theo, MC has already told all about the man without a face* Teddy: So he's afraid of you? MC: maybe what's our plan? Teddy: According to your guess, Hannah is in the woods, so that he did not guess about our plans.                                                                                       MC: THAT'S IT! Only how? Teddy: we will send one of our snipers to explore the forest, who will be dressed as an ordinary tourist, in his clothes we will hide micro-cameras, because of which we will be able to see everything that happens there. MC: Great idea! * MC's eyes start to shine with happiness* Teddy: You're so cute * says in a barely audible voice* MC: Did you say something? TEDDY: Me? NO! ... MC: If I tell you one thing, will you be offended with me? Teddy: Of course not MC: Can I call you Teddy Bear? TEDDY: I don't mind. I even somehow felt pleased MC: then you are from today, for me like a Teddy Bear *they both laugh* Teddy: we laughed, now it's time to get to work, by the way, here, take it, it's your phone, we don't need it anymore, because now we have you! MC: I won't let you down! Teddy: I believe in you
* at this time, Jake* Jake: So ... so the full name is Theodore, but everyone calls him Teddy. Works for the FBI. So, what else is there about you, let's see, since childhood he does not like to be called Teddy Bear, useless information... Who are you to touch MC?!  But I won't give you the MC!
* That night, Jake calls that phone* JESSY: MC, Jake is calling MC: Don't pick up the phone Jessy: It's too late, he can already hear you. JAKE: Jessy, give MC the phone. Jessy: MC... he's calling you MC: I don't want to talk to him! Jake: MC, this is very important! Please!                                                             MC:OK  I'm listening to you Jake: MC, turn off the speakerphone, I want to tell you something very personal MC: * Turns off the speakerphone* I turned it off, now talk… Jake: MC, I want to apologize to you, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me last night, and Dan's bad joke... I was afraid of losing you. I don't want you to suffer because of me...I didn't mean to offend you, please forgive me... MC: then... I forgive you! * laughs* Jake: Really?! Now you're not mad at me? MC: I was not mad at you. I just wanted you to apologize to me. Jake: * laughs* I've missed you so much, you have no idea how much MC: I'm so glad to hear that JAKE: How's the paperwork going? MC: I already signed a few of them, by the way they returned my phone. Jake: That's good news, so they don't suspect you MC: maybe Jake: I have to go, take care of yourself MC: for now * Jake: this information and the truth was useful, now I will have the opportunity to learn the whole truth*
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