ocemsemlci · 1 year
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Stanislav Novotný se ptá Kateřiny Zvěřinové, které stomatologické výkony zbytečně platíme v zubní ordinaci, přestože jsou plně hrazené pojišťovnou, což je nám záměrně zamlčováno https://ocemsemlci.cz/o-cem-se-mlci-katerina-zverinova/?feed_id=1188
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amaelya · 1 year
Coucou ! Voici la solution des dialogues ! Vous avez aussi la version anglaise ❤️
2 illustrations possibles : une avec Lysandre et une avec Castiel et Lysbaby (NSFW)
1° Castiel : C’est pas croyable. On te changera jamais, hein…
A. Oui, un jour, il oubliera sa tête ! 
B. C’est pas faute d’avoir essayé…
C. Pourquoi on voudrait le changer ? Il est parfait ! (+5 avec Lysandre)
2° Castiel : Du coup, je t’ai même pas fait la bise ! 
A. T’inquiète, c’est pas la peine. (-5)
B. Et ben, qu’est ce que t’attends alors ?! (+0)
C. Comment ça ? J’ai pas le droit à un câlin, moi aussi ? (+5)
3° Castiel : Même si dans ton cas, Sucrette, t’as pas vraiment le choix de refuser je crois…
A. C’est pas comme si je pouvais te mettre dehors maintenant que t’es là… (-5)
B. T’inquiète pas, je n’aurai pas refusé même si j’avais eu le choix (+0)
C. Tu plaisantes ! Tu peux rester autant de temps que tu veux. (+5)
4° Sucrette : (Je n’avais pas beaucoup travaillé… J’étais occupée à le regarder en rêvassant…)
A. (Une pensée en entrainant une autre, mon regard a glissé vers Lysandre) (POSSIBLE ILLUSTRATION AVEC LYSANDRE)
B. (Je me demande comment Castiel s’en sort…)
C. (Mais cette fois, ils sont deux… Deux fois plus de raisons de laisser mon regard s’égarer (+5 avec Castiel) (POSSIBLE ILLUSTRATION AVEC LYSANDRE ET CASTIEL)
5° Castiel : Si jamais ça redémarre pas avec Crowstorm…
A. Je suis sure que Lysandre serait ravie de t’avoir à la ferme ! Il a des plans pour l’avenir… (+0)
B. Tu veux en reparler ? (+5 avec Castiel) 
C. Ce serait cool que ça reparte pas ! (-5)
6° Castiel : Pour voir, si ça te plait, si ça te tente qu’on refasse des choses ensemble…
A. Ça ne t’engage à rien, Lysandre : ça peut être marrant d’essayer… (+5 avec Castiel et Lysandre)
B. Je pourrais le faire, moi ! 
C. Tu ne crois pas que ça serait plus simple de trouver quelqu’un qui est déjà motivé ? 
7° Castiel : Donc c’est l’occasion idéale de remonter sur scène tous les deux ! 
A.  T’aurais peut-être du commencer par là…? (+0)
B. C’est vrai que c’est l’occasion idéale… (+5 avec Castiel) 
C. Mais t’as un peu essayé de l’arnaquer en le prenant par les sentiments, là ? (-5)
Avant d’aller au Salon pour aider Lysandre et Castiel à préparer une chanson pour le concert, allez dans les Prés ! Tata vous donnera un mignon homme en paille ! 🍁
8° Castiel : C’est un peu…bizarre ? De mettre le nom du groupe dans une chanson ?
A. Je trouve pas. Au moins, c’est cohérent (+5 avec Lysandre)
B. Personnellement, je trouve ça un peu bizarre aussi, oui. (-5 avec Lysandre)
C. Ça s’est déjà vu…Pas souvent, mais ça s’est vu (-5 avec Castel) 
9° Sucrette : Attends, j’ai peut être quelque chose…
A. I hope Zack dies…So does Leo (j’ai tellement rigolé à celle à mddr SAVAGE)
B. I broke my ties…From a storm of crown
C. I heard the lies…But I kept my oath (+5 avec Castiel et Lysandre) 
10° Sucrette : (L’ambiance est complètement folle, la foule est déchainée) 
A. (Je ne peut pas détacher mon regard de Castiel.)
B. (Mon regard va sans cesse de Lysandre à Castiel) (ILLUSTRATION POSSIBLE AVEC CASTIEL ET LYSANDRE)
C. (Je suis incapable de lâcher Lysandre du regard) (ILLUSTRATION POSSIBLE AVEC LYSANDRE)
11° Castiel : Au final, j’en suis très content, quand je vous vois tous les deux. 
A. (Il y a eu un silence. Je devrais peut-être sortir) (ILLU CASTIEL/LYSANDRE)
B. (Bon, j’en ai assez entendu.) (ILLU LYSANDRE)
11.1° Si réponse A à la 11° : 
A. (Même s’il est hors de question qu’il se passe quoi que ce soit avec Castiel, évidemment) 
B. (Je n’aurais rien contre un rapprochement contre un…rapprochement. Si ça tente Lysandre…) (ILLU CASTIEL/LYSANDRE) 
11.2° Si B à la 11.1°  
A. (L’impression que c’est le moment idéal pour tenter quelque chose de nouveau ;  une nouvelle expérience) (ILLU CASTIEL/LYSANDRE)
B. (Mais ça me met un peu mal à l’aise aussi, il vaut mieux que l’on aille vite dormir) 
A. (Et l’idée ne lui plait, pas, mieux vaut faire machine arrière)
B. (Et l’idée lui plait, et ça m’excite encore plus) (ILLU NSFW)
Lysandre : Je m’en souviens comme si c’était hier… Tu te souviens de ce que je t’ai dit, à ce moment là ? 
A. Tu m’avais dit quelque chose de particulièrement mémorable ? 
B. Tu m’as dit que tu étais ravi de me rencontrer (ILLUSTRATION LYSANDRE)
C. Tu m’as dit que tu n’étais pas un fantôme.
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roamnook · 18 days
"Varonis: #1 Data Security Platform delivering automated outcomes with deep data visibility, classification capabilities, and automated remediation for data access. Rated #1 overall in three Gartner Peer Insights markets."
Polarizing Facts: Unveiling the Power of Data Security - RoamNook
Polarizing Facts: Unveiling the Power of Data Security
Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the world of data security, bringing you hard facts, key information, and concrete data. In this informative content, we will explore the importance of data security and how it impacts individuals and organizations alike. Get ready to be amazed by the sheer power of data security solutions in protecting critical information from threats and cyberattacks.
The #1 Data Security Platform - Varonis
When it comes to data security, one name reigns supreme - Varonis. As the leading provider of data security solutions, Varonis offers an all-in-one SaaS platform that automatically identifies critical data, remediates exposure, and stops threats in the cloud and on-premises.
Automating Data Security Posture with DSPM
Data security posture plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information. Varonis' Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) solution takes data security to the next level by improving your organization's data security posture automatically. Through advanced algorithms and machine learning, DSPM identifies vulnerabilities, enforces access controls, and detects and responds to threats in real-time.
Enhanced Security with AI
In the digital age, threats evolve rapidly, which is why Varonis has developed AI Security solutions. With secure AI copilots and LLMs (Limited License Members), Varonis leverages the power of artificial intelligence to detect abnormal activity from APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats) and insider threats. This ensures that organizations stay one step ahead of potential cyberattacks.
Discover, Classify, and Label Sensitive Data
Accurately discovering, classifying, and labeling sensitive data is paramount to data security. Varonis' Data Discovery & Classification solution utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to accurately identify sensitive data, enabling organizations to take the necessary steps to protect it effectively.
Monitor Cloud Data Activity and Prevent Exfiltration with Cloud DLP
As more data is stored in the cloud, protecting it becomes increasingly important. Varonis' Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution monitors cloud data activity and prevents exfiltration. By continuously analyzing data access and usage patterns, Cloud DLP detects and alerts organizations to potential data breaches, enabling swift action to be taken.
Automate Compliance Regulations with Policy Automation
Compliance with regulations and frameworks is a critical element of data security. Varonis' Policy Automation solution ensures organizations achieve and maintain compliance by automating the enforcement of least privilege, labels, and secure settings. This not only streamlines the compliance process but also enhances overall data security.
Uncover Abnormal Activity with UEBA
Abnormal activity can often be an indication of a cyber threat. Varonis' User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) solution leverages advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to detect abnormal activity from APTs and insider threats. By analyzing user behavior patterns, UEBA helps organizations identify and respond to potential threats quickly.
24x7x365 Data Detection & Response with MDDR
Varonis' Managed Data Detection and Response (MDDR) solution provides round-the-clock data detection and response with a guaranteed SLA (Service Level Agreement). MDDR performs continuous monitoring, proactively identifying and responding to potential threats, and minimizing the impact of data breaches on organizations.
Fix Critical SaaS Misconfigurations with SSPM
Software as a Service (SaaS) applications are a common target for cyber threats. Varonis' SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solution fixes critical SaaS misconfigurations and third-party app risks, helping organizations enhance their overall SaaS security posture and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
Automate Compliance Regulations with Compliance Management
Compliance management is an essential aspect of data security. Varonis' Compliance Management solution automates compliance regulations and frameworks, making it easier for organizations to achieve and maintain compliance. With Varonis, compliance becomes streamlined and more efficient.
Lock Down Sensitive Mailboxes with Email Security
Email is a common attack vector for cybercriminals. Varonis' Email Security solution locks down sensitive mailboxes and prevents exfiltration. By monitoring email activity and analyzing attachments and content, Varonis detects and alerts organizations to potential email-based threats, safeguarding critical information.
Detect Attacks on AD, Entra ID, and Okta with Identity Security
Active Directory (AD), Entra ID, and Okta are essential components of an organization's identity infrastructure. Varonis' Identity Security solution detects attacks on these systems, helping organizations identify and respond to potential security breaches. By leveraging advanced analytics and threat intelligence, Identity Security helps keep identities secure.
Athena AI - Your AI SOC Analyst and Search Assistant
Varonis' Athena AI is a game-changer in the world of cybersecurity. By using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, Athena AI offers AI-enabled security operations center (SOC) analytics and natural language search capabilities. This innovative solution empowers organizations to quickly detect and respond to the most complex cyber threats.
Platform Overview - Powering Digital Growth with Varonis
At RoamNook, we are proud to partner with Varonis to offer cutting-edge IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing solutions. As an innovative technology company, our main goal is to fuel digital growth. Varonis' powerful platform provides the foundation for organizations to achieve their digital transformation goals, with data security at the forefront.
Unveiling the Real-World Applications and Importance of Data Security
Data security is of paramount importance in today's digital landscape. By leveraging Varonis' advanced data security solutions, organizations can protect critical data from cyber threats, ensure compliance with regulations, and enhance overall data security posture. With automated processes, AI-driven insights, and continuous monitoring, Varonis empowers organizations to stay one step ahead of potential threats.
Conclusion: Reflecting on the Power of Data Security
As we conclude this insightful blog post, we invite you to reflect on the power of data security and its impact on individuals and organizations. How does data security affect your daily life? What steps can you take to enhance your own data security posture? Varonis provides the tools and expertise needed to navigate the complex world of data security. Reach out to us at RoamNook to learn more about how we can help you unlock the full potential of data security.
Source: https://www.varonis.com/blog/azure-virtual-network&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi_kM-g4smGAxWZEmIAHV0tAL4QFnoECAEQAw&usg=AOvVaw3TM0wDtIXWRhwp3902OGfN
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plumeopiacee · 27 days
ma meilleure amie c'est la meilleure au monde, toujours avec elle qu'il m'arrive des trucs improbables mddr
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ericvanderburg · 5 months
Varonis MDDR helps organizations prevent data breaches
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kb85lazy · 5 months
rate hkt nin omme cut body part hg gtvld
Hing nt nature rj mddr kn gn kal hkv
Istu hing evnl mdbrd
Straight fwd irbek
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danceofthedruid · 8 months
Coucou tout le monde, je vous oublie pas, je vous réponds dès que possible, juste un peu compliqué pour le moment avec le passage des tempêtes Ciaran et Domingos, qui font beaucoup de bruit (au vu de l'isolation merdique de mon appart + mon volet cassé MDDR) bref je vous réponds dès que j'arrive à me reposer un peu ♥
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raum-e · 1 year
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demianblog · 2 years
Aumento "inquietante" en la actividad del estado nación, informa Microsoft
Aumento “inquietante” en la actividad del estado nación, informa Microsoft
Ha habido un aumento “inquietante” en la actividad cibernética agresiva del estado nación en el último año, según Tom Burt, vicepresidente corporativo, seguridad y confianza del cliente en Microsoft, discutiendo el Informe de defensa digital de Microsoft (MDDR) de 2022 durante una rueda de prensa virtual en 3 de noviembre de 2022. Impacto de la Guerra Híbrida Rusia-Ucrania El nuevo informe mostró…
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faverinfairy444 · 2 years
2 ko en un soir c drole hein mddr
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SEPTEMBER 13, 2022
Averting a Healthcare Crisis 
While 15,000 Minnesota nurses walk off their jobs and others consider following suit, delivering quality U.S. healthcare is increasingly challenging.  Administrators and front-line workers are at odds.  According to Dr. Hodgson, “Provider dissatisfaction is at an all time high. Chronic workplace stress has caused over half of U.S. healthcare workers to experience burnout. This crisis was predicable but also solvable. There are readily implementable solutions to the increasingly hostile, isolated, and uncomfortable healthcare environment.”  In Dr. Hodgson’s newly released book, Healing the System: A Prescription for Rejuvenating the Hearts of Healthcare Providers, healthcare dysfunction is tackled head-on, root causes identified, breakdown ownership identified, and the prescriptive cure for U.S. healthcare dysfunction is presented through straightforward, actionable processes.In Healing the System, Dr. Hodgson asserts that reenergizing the entire system without a major overhaul or financial ruin is possible. He is confident his recommendations can return healthcare culture to its original missional purpose of compassionate care for the sick and injured. Dr. Hodgson contends that creating an environment and culture where everyone, including administrators, thrives, and health, balance, and fulfillment are returned to the practice and practitioners of medicine is not optional - it is urgently necessary.  A complimentary chapter of Dr. Hodgson’s book is available HERE.About John McB. Hodgson, MDDr. Hodgson is no stranger to the dysfunction of the American healthcare system. As an internationally recognized cardiologist who has served in academic and community hospitals, multi-city systems, rural and foreign hospitals, private practice, and academic employed practice, he has a unique perspective on what is working and what is not in today’s systems. As CEO of Hodgson Leadership Solutions medical consulting firm, he works to improve healthcare systems and strengthen healthcare providers to rejuvenate both. Dr. Hodgson is a practicing cardiologist, CEO of Hodgson Leadership Solutions medical consulting firm, a tenured professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve University, entrepreneur, inventor, certified life coach, and change agent.  More information about Dr. John McB. Hodgson is available at www.hodgsonleadershipsolutions.com.Please contact Vickie Isaac, M.Ed. President/CEO, Elevate Marketing at [email protected] for interviews and speaking engagements.
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maleikk · 2 years
Des fois j’ai envie de poster des trucs mais j’ose pas parce que je sais que je fait pleins de fautes et tout donc souvent je fait rien parce que j’ai honte de pas savoir écrire correctement mddr🥲😭
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ryangorji · 2 years
Title: Patient Satisfaction with Video Telemedicine HDA Question: Is patient satisfaction with video telemedicine primary care visits comparable to face-to-face office visits?Ryan Gorji MDDr Ryan GorjiRyan Gorji Chicago#Ryan_Gorji_MD#Dr_Ryan_Gorji#Ryan_Gorji_Chicago
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lesbian-and-alone · 4 years
Here is the first chapter of my fic inspired my @merpisi 's Maladaptive Daydreaming! Roman!
Stuck in a Daydream!!!!
I'm so excited to work on it more, I have so many ideas, lol!
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jusdekiwi · 4 years
Qui savait que Tchoupi cetait un penguin/manchot? Parce que pas moi et je suis entrain de questionner toute mon enfance
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pasulya · 5 years
Au chantier quand on se fais chier mddr #Cap #Apprenti #PlombierChauffagiste #P, Cap ,Apprenti ,PlombierChauffagiste ,PumPlastique ,MétierDuBatiment
Au chantier quand on se fais chier mddr 😂😂 #Cap #Apprenti #PlombierChauffagiste #PumPlastique #MétierDuBatiment , Cap ,Apprenti ,PlombierChauffagiste ,PumPlastique ,MétierDuBatiment
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