#MEEEEEEEEE me too bestie me too
ghostfanwriter · 9 months
I find threesomes incredibly boring and so overdone 🙈🙈
Bestie nooooo, don't do this meeeeeeeee 🥺🤧
You can't say you don't like a good threesome fic before reading @milla-frenchy's amazing fic with Joel and Javi Peña. It's literally the hottest thing I've ever read!!!
Below the cut I'll give you a tiny little taste of what I have on threesomes and after reading them you can put me in the corner of threesome shame if you still think it's a bad idea. But know I'LL BE IN TEARS!!!
First reader asking Tess to join her and Joel.
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Then Dave and Joel making me do things I think no man deserves, but Dave and Joel...
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I feel like especially with ffm it's kinda hard to not make it too objectifying of the girls involved, but I'd still like to try.
I'll work on them, and I hope to PROVE YOU WRONG!!!
Just kidding, I hope you like it when I post them, thanks for responding, ily 🩷🩷
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year
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answering this portion of the q from earlier-
There’s honestly plenty of potential ‘bad’ takes about SE and the story’s characters that anyone out there can make- maybe they make assumptions based off the trigger warnings or themes, maybe they see my little doodles and mini comics about just how fucked up these characters are and it’s not their cup of tea, etc etc. Weirdly enough tho, that’s something that i’m looking…forward to seeing? Like just the potential drama and arguments over certain things/plotlines/characters in this story sounds like it’d be juicy. I can see a future me holding a glass of wine laughing maniacally at the computer screen all giddy with excitement over it. or something idk-
BUT specific takes….here’s a rough list (ALL COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICAL):
“Lack of wholesome queer characters and plotlines” or something along those lines. Something to the tune of “i’m using fiction to escape reality so i don’t want any queer stories to be edgy and dark and violent, i want all the characters to be pure cinnamon rolls who’ve never done anything wrong EVER”, and just make assumptions about SE over the majority of the cast being queer AND horrible people. Like if SE isn’t your thing, that’s fine. But if someone were to say that its shit for including darker themes then I’d feel like they’d need to retake some highschool english classes or something
“This story puts queer people in a negative light” Shocking development at 1am EST…QUEER PEOPLE CAN BE EVIL AND DO HORRIBLE BAD THINGS!!! THE HORROR
“Why isn’t everyone’s identity and pronouns spelled out for me from the moment they’re introduced” cause immmm lazyyyyy and don’t really consider their identities as super ultra mega important in a way-
“WHY ARE THERE SLURS!!! WHY ARE SOME OF THE CHARACTERS RACIST!!!!!! THIS IS CONDONING-“ the world ended in the 1960s and everything got worse from there. the door is that way 👉🏼
“Everyone in this story is fucked up. Nobodies normal, all of these characters are just terrible, horrible people, how do i root for them” then i’ve accomplished SOMETHING that i’ve wanted to do FOREVER-
“Why is the protagonist such a crybaby”. He’s 14 and a little bit fucked up okay. and he IS a baby so THERE
“Why is the protagonist boring” Cuz i’m tired of the ‘uwu powerless softie turns out to be the son of fucking GOD all along’ trope in a way. Dez is important in his own way and this just makes the story more interesting when cosmic forces are pushing down on him and his bestie and he kinda has to go a little loco to deal with it
“Why is the protagonist chubby/fat, it just isn’t realistic for the setting and type of story” what if i killed you violently with a rock
“The Martians aren’t realistic and their biology/culture/behavior is confusing” yes it’s meant to be. They’re artificially created, their eyeballs function as ovaries, their blood is literal oil and they go off like nukes when they die. It’s meant to be kind of stupid and self indulgent and their origins are a mystery to themselves
“The Martians do incest? That means you SUPPORT incest!!!” No, absolutely not. The story doesn’t even make it in a positive light, it’s very much a product of their oddly misogynistic, mysterious culture, and isn’t touched upon too much in the story. Also they’re aliens and don’t follow the same biological rules as humans at ALL.
“Francis is terrible trans rep” SHE’S MEANT TO BE TERRIBLE
“Francis’s alcoholism is condoning underage drinking” Okay man
“Everything is way too convoluted and there’s just too much going on, who would want to read this” MEEEEEEEEE!!!! I WANNA READ THIS
“This story glorifies child abusers cuz of the existence of a character like Thursday and how he’s often portrayed-” Are you hearing yourself rn. stop and think. for a Moment ✋🏼🛑
“I can’t believe you’re trying to paint Friday/Hammond as a good person for-“ when. When did I say that. I’ve been explicitly saying that they’re both wrong this entire time-
“Having the man-eating Martians and Chimera be brown skinned is racist” shore thangggg buddy
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head rn…tbh i think the fake ones from before are a lot better than these ones LOL
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 210
Black/The Time of the Doctor
Plot Description: Sam’s frantic search for his brother takes him down dangerous paths. Meanwhile, Dean lives it up with Crowley, and Castiel faces his own mortality
First of all, that’s A LOT to saddle a season opener with…JESUS. Second, we may now be in uncharted (by me) territory when it comes to supernatural
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: the only thing that would keep me alive is not being a demon.
There is very little funnier than JPad’s acting some days. Him yelling “WHERE’S MY BROTHER” was…god…awful
After a whole season of Sam insisting he’d let Dean go, he’d let Dean die…he sure is reading the “Sammy, let me go” note a lot, calling a lot of hunters for signs of demon activity, checking the internet for supernatural signs a WHOLE LOT. Seems like SOMEONE was a BIG OL LIAR
Noooo, Cas. You sound TERRIBLE. That’s NOT GOOD
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Sam’s gonna go it alone…or maybe not (but probably)
Omg everyone hating Demon Dean’s karaoke 💀 and still somehow getting laid.
The thing about Demon Dean though is that his hair’s grown out a little and it looks good
Did…did the cop just call Dean “Porn Guy”?! 💀 this show is so unserious
Oooooo, now Sam knows Dean’s a demon
Who’s this guy now?? Some other hunter? A marine turned hunter? But he has a family??
Hannah’s such a good friend to Cas. She’s looking out for him when he won’t do it for himself 😭
This dude probably makes minimum wage, no, he didn’t ask the guy repeatedly stabbing another dude right in front of him a whole lot of questions. He doesn’t get paid enough for that, it’s not in his job description, SAM
OH! Crowley, that is CUTTING!! Saying you and Dean were wondering if Sam had hit another dog??? (Like when Sam dated Amelia instead of trying to find Dean in purgatory)
It will never fail to amuse me when Crowley insists Dean is his best friend. And like….it’s kinda true right now. He manifested that shit
I forgot what Cas and Hannah’s mission is. Right…an angel killing (like, a DIFFERENT angel killed another angel)
Wait wait wait. Dean doesn’t know he’s a demon?!
Omggggg everyone’s so in love with Dean. Crowley wants to rule hell WITH DEAN. BESTIE. He is not the love of your life. He is literally just a guy. Hit him with your car
Is…that marine guy? Now beating up Sam? Who somehow put a bomb in Sam’s car?? (Hey. Hey, phone? Why did you wanna autofill head or mouth where I typed CAR?!)
Someone…cut Dean off. Omg thank you, blondie
Dean Winchester, that was WHOLLY uncalled for. You don’t call the woman who you slept with, who THANKFULLY cut you off at the bar, who made sure you got somewhere safe, and then got you water and advil a skank
Maybe Daniel should be speaking to Hannah. Of COURSE Castiel knows what the dude’s talking about. He was FULLY HUMAN for a while
Look, the ideological differences are cool and all but can we NOT have the female angels getting into a physical altercation while the male ones are like “but TALKING. Please stop fightinggggg”
Oop. Spoke too soon. Cas just fully stabbed Daniel dead
Yeah. Same, Sam. I don’t know who this dude is…who THE FUCK ARE YOU?? You are not fully prepared to deal with Dean, my man
Honestly, from Hannah’s perspective…that…makes sense. She’s seen what chaos does to the structure of heaven and hierarchy of angels over and over first hand. It’s awful. And, somehow, she’s still fighting side by side with the angel who always seems to be standing in the middle of that chaos
Oooo, are we finally finding out who this guy who kidnapped Sam is??? Apparently not…PLEASE JUST TELL MEEEEEEEEE
“The Time of the Doctor”
Plot Description: The Eleventh Doctor takes the controls of the TARDIS for the last time
This doesn’t feel possible…the end of Eleven felt SO FAR OFF before. WHAT THE HELL. HOW ARE WE HERE ALREADY?!
Always nice to see the Daleks
Doc just has the WORST luck right now. He’s unwittingly gone into TWO places carrying detached parts of the enemies there AND Clara’s begging him to pretend to be her boyfriend for Christmas
Clara’s home decorated for Christmas is so charming…why’s the Doctor have to ruin it by forgetting to make it so his holographic clothes are visible to people besides Clara
She…uses the TARDIS to get to restaurant reservations on time and cook and … wtf. The planet is Gallifrey??
Wait. Wait. Wait. The Silence are back?? Of course they are, this is when Eleven regenerates
Mmmmmm. So like. Clara’s clearly uncomfortable with this holographic clothing thing but she’ll apparently forget about it just long enough for the Doctor to hug her from behind and hang on? Come on. That’s just bad writing
Omg what aliens AREN’T going to be in here?? The Daleks, cybermen, silence, now weeping angels? And all quickly escaped from…which is boring
NOT A COMMENT ABOUT MATT’S EYEBROWS. It’s one thing for tumblr to make jokes in the fandom, it’s another to make Clara ask if the Doctor shaved his eyebrows off
“How can a town be called Christmas?” “I don’t knows how can an island be called Easter?”
The crack in Amy’s WALL IS BACK?! Actually I do kind of remember this
Omggg the planet wasn’t Gallifrey. It was TRENZALORE?!
Omg he MADE A HOME ON TRENZALORE?!?! It’s not just his grave but his HOME?! THAT HE FIERCELY PROTECTS?!?! I’m fine. This is fine.
Oh…right. He kind of had to. He sent the TARDIS away with Clara
Oh his cyberman head assistant is dead now RIP Handles
The way there’s a boy who would wait for the Doctor to take him in the TARDIS
There’s so much and yet so little going on…
He says he’d never send you away. He never said he wouldn’t leave…
Ugh, Clara’s mom sucks. Thank god her grandmother is cool. Dad’s a bit of a nothingburger but harmless
So…was the 12 regeneration cycles a thing before Moffat? And if not why’d he write himself into that? Like…the show’s not really going anywhere any time soon
I can’t lie, whenever Matt makes a yell-y speech to the skies, I do feel emotional
So, does twelve redecorate the TARDIS?? Did they build this whole set for like five episodes??
The difference between Ten and Eleven and companions meeting other companions…CLARA DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT AMY. I hate it. All of Ten’s companions made fun of him together. It was great!
Also, like…what a way to make Clara feel so unimportant. I mean…sure, it would have been equally wrong to not include Amy at all but this is just WEIRD. He had a whole moment with a hallucination of Amy while Clara just stood there
And there he isssss. Hello Mr Capaldi!
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
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[Image Description: A comic of two Hero Department students from UA sharing a smile as their friend sings for them in the second panel amongst flowers. The only message in the comic is, “Thank you, Tomoko.” End Description.]
:)) Wing-chan (@wingbladeweaver1357) gave me permission to post this, and well, with midnight close to dawning, might as well add onto it. Story is under the read-more. For the others, here’s more writing. Cherish it. :p
Note: A thank-you short story to the lovely Wing-chan for the art you see here. You made my day and night, friend. It’s about time I return the favor.
I hate that my birthday had to be overshadowed by real life and politics on the internet side, more so when anxiety makes you think people forget, but oh well. Some things still came through. 
Dandelion’s Glory AU, here we go. Based on this comic from Wing-chan. The theme for this return gift is Inori no Uta, from Yuki Yuna is a Hero. Enjoy!
Before anyone could walk down the stairs and away from the rooftop, a single voice echoed through the wintery air. 
“Hikari-chaaaaan! Shinsō-saaaaaaan! Wait for meeeeeeeee!” 
Shinsō held back the urge to sigh, rolling his eyes fondly. His breath came out as clouds in the cold winter air anyways, sigh or not. “Is she behind us?”
Hikari snickered into her scarf and nodded to him. “Today’s Valentine’s Day, Shinsō, so you should know what that means! The Chocolate Fairy’s here!” With practiced ease, Hikari turned around and quickly intercepted the incoming hug with her own tight embrace, causing the newest “casualty” to squeal loudly. “Hi, Tomo-chan!”
“H-Hika-chan, heeeeeeey!” Tomoko replied in a high-pitched squeak, apparently not minding her nose being squished in Hikari’s blazer before squirming. “H-How did you know I was coming up behind you?”
“Call it instinct, Tomo-chan, instinct,” Hikari smiled before letting Tomoko go, patting her head. “What brings you to our company?”
To no one’s surprise, Tomoko started to puff out her cheeks, smile turning upside down to match her indignant expression. The extra stomp of her shoe against the pavement merely emphasized her mood swing. “You know why I’m here, Hika-chan! Muuuuuuuu, don’t tell me you forgot after all this time! And with the rumor mill!” 
Hikari couldn’t help but snicker, patting Tomoko’s head again. “I know, I know, Tomo-chan. I didn’t forget. What do you have this time?”
“It better not be something poisonous,” Shinsō muttered under his breath.
Tomoko proceeded to round on him with an equally upset look. “Homemade chocolate is not poisonous in my personal dictionary, Shinsō-san! Sheesh, what can a gift-giver do…” she shrugged her shoulders before pulling out a glittery pink gift bag from behind her back. “Which reminds me.” Shinsō took a step back as soon as Tomoko put a hand to her chest, puffing a breath. “Valentine’s Day is not just for lovers! Friends deserve wonderful things too! Sooooo…” Tomoko raised the gift bag in the air. “My first gift goes to—”
Before continuing, Tomoko shot Hikari a pleading look. 
Without skipping a beat, Hikari proceeded to clap her hands together in the closest imitation of a drumroll.
“Arigatou, Hika-chan,” Tomoko said gratefully, turning back to Shinsō before placing a hand in the bag and pulling out a star-shaped package. “The first gift for today goes to Shinsō Hitoshi-san, future Hero and wonderful friend who deserves all the fans in the world!”
It could’ve been like a piano had dropped from the sky with how fast the atmosphere changed temperature. It didn’t even feel cold. 
Shinsō proceeded to turn a light pink. “Uhhh,” he said intelligently, glancing between the gift and the person giving it. “Thank you…?” With a careful clearing of his throat, Shinsō took the package from Tomoko’s hands, turning his head to the side while rubbing the back of his neck through his scarf. “Yeah. Thanks.” He tucked the gift into the inside of his school blazer. “Thanks.” 
Tomoko and Hikari shared a look before giggling. “Aye aye,” the Chocolate Fairy said gently, deciding not to mention her friend’s pink ears before turning to the other person in the area. “Aaaaand without further ado, my other gift.” It doesn’t even take a second for Tomoko to brush her hair back and pull out a heart-shaped package to brandish in the Keyblade Wielder’s direction. “For one of my besties and a person I love very much platonically, Hika-chan!” 
Hikari blushed and smiled too. “Aw shucks, thank you, Tomo-chan.” The gift was handled delicately in the exchange, and once both Hero Department students were carrying their respective boxes, Tomoko took a step back. “But uh, Tomo-chan? What are you doing?”
Shinsō blinked too. 
Instead of replying, Tomoko smiled and clasped her hands together, closing her eyes.
“I did say that Valentine’s Day is for friends too, didn’t I? So, for the two friends that make my world…”
Tomoko breathed in and out, deeply. 
“One song is good enough, isn’t it?”
With one single breath, the air proceeded to be filled with the inflections of a strong singing voice.
“I'm glad that we met (Deaette yokatta)
In the forest that is bright with the sunlight that falls through the trees (Komorebi mabushii mori no naka.)
The wind is always warm. (Kaze wa itsumo attakakute.)
My heart feels like it is going to come undone. (Kokoro hogureteku.)
Praying that days like these would continue forever…  (Konna hibi ga zutto tsuzuki masu you ni…)
The wide sky is overflowing with love and hope. (Hirogaru sora wa ai ya kibou de afurete.)
I will continue to sing till this voice reaches you. (Kono koe ga todoku made utai tsuzukeru kara.)”
It was the only thing Tomoko could think up on Valentine’s Day. There was too much focus on romance and love reserved for special others when there was more than that. There were the people who were single, thinking they were alone. People who just wanted friends. People who didn’t want to be alone. This applied to UA High too. The split between General Studies and the Hero Department was vast, but that didn’t mean bridges couldn’t be made. 
This moment could may as well be a symbol of such a bridge.
Tomoko put her hopes and efforts into keeping her voice steady, right then at that moment.
“Since the day I was born into this world, (Kono sekai ni sou umareta sono hi kara zutto,)
I clutched onto dreams that filled my hands. (Ryote ni ippai yume wo nigiri shimeteita.)
The future that was drawn would surely come true. (Egaita mirai itsuka hontou ni naru ne.)
A single person is too small to do anything alone. (Hitorija chiisana sasayakide shikanaikedo.)
Our wishes would definitely become a prayer. (Watashitachi nonegainara kitto inori ni naru.)
The wide world is overflowing with love and hope. (Hirogaru sekai wa ai ya kibou de afurete.)
Until this voice reaches you, I will continue to sing. (Kono koe ga todoku made utai tsuzukeru kara.)
Always, always, thank you. (Itsumo itsumo arigatou.)”
The song lasted about 3-4 minutes, but once Tomoko opened her eyes, she met the eyes of her friends and smiled. Hikari and Shinsō smiled back, in their own miniscule ways. 
Tomoko giggled and without much else, took a few steps to jump on the two in a hug. “Happy Friendship Day, you two!” 
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
Posting on ig stories? Are we besties now?
Anonymous said: Harry *cheesing* Me: EW!! DISGUSTING!!!SECURITY!!! CALL 911 MY HEART HAS BEEN STOLEN
Anonymous said: Thank god he did that eat,pray, love shit in japan love that he's glowing
Anonymous said: when did he say i just want to be happy? my brain is a blur rn
Anonymous said: I'm so shocked he admited he was talking about her in the album....... like this is a first
Anonymous said: Honestly? For all my not wanting to hear a song about Camille, I'm also just happy that everyone is finally seeing her for what she is and what most of us suspected.
Anonymous said: I love harry but this is the truth- A relationship ends how it starts usually. If it starts with honest and true intentions, it'll end that way. If it starts from cheating or leaving someone, then someone will end up hurt at the end when it happens again.
Anonymous said: like bitch i'm supposed to believe that they are good friends if she cheat on him???? i don't understand god I'm tired
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so i slept like a baby straight through New Years so here’s my list of good things that happened in 2018 organized by month
got to travel to new york
got to see Hamilton AND Dear Evan Hansen
ran sound and lights for probs the greatest show my college has EVER put on
FINALLY became friends with my fave amelia
reconnected with an old friend
MET one of my long time internet friends for the FIRST TIME
uhhhhhhhhh pirates bled over into this lol but i couldn’t find much it was the start of a new semester!!!!
scenic painting immediately started kicking my ass
also this was when i OFFICIALLY met kelli so yay for that
march was actually p fuckin lit
went to USITT
adventured in ft lauderdale for a day including some dangerous decisions but it was FUN
met william ivey long (which was lit af)
got to be sm for a group of total GARBAGE children
mom came up to visit me for spring break !!! we went to see art and shit
THE DAY OF THE INFAMOUS SPONTANEOUS ROAD TRIP we went to the center of the us (no seriously its in kansas)
shaved my head again!!! lmao
this was also when i was doing my trompe l’oeil and lemme tell y’all that shit sucked
BET it was Life and Times of Tulsa Lovechild time !!!!!
kelli and i are FINALLY fucking friends
convinced amelia to come to my sororities murder mystery party and thats how she decided to join kpy and i love my sister!!!!
yo there was the drag show i forgot about that
finished sophomore year!!!!!
had a MANIC night in the theatre that was fun
met with someone from my way way past
went home and DRANK
had a drunk night with two friends
went to chicago to spend a (honestly p shitty) summer!!!
got to do cool things though like explore hyde park and go to the beach and go to a bunch of museums
saw mies julie!!!!!!!! love that show
saw drum corps in the theatre!!!!! finally talked to some drum corps peeps (im so lonely)
saw a susan lori-parks show!!!!!
celeste came to visit meeeeee in chicago since i was so sadddd
got to work with a second theatre aside from the one i worked with and they loved me and really validated that i was on the right track
GOT TO SEE COLTON TOO that was super fun
we went to the zoo and botanical gardens
i think i saw shakespeare in the park this month too
went to andersonville!!!!
went to see fireworks!!!!
went to garfield conservatory by myself that was fun
oh and the museum and shit that was a good time
LEFT CHICAGO thank god
got my new kittie GIZMO hes such a dumb dumb baby boy i love him
became GREAT friends with kelli im so fuckin lucky they decided to join marching band
worked really hard for the beginning of the year
skyped my bestest besties for brits birthday!!!
shaved my head again
just got to hang out and play around with friends
amelia and kelli gave me the BEST FUCKING BIRTHDAY i wept real tears
kpy mixer!!!
homecoming!!!!!!! we won FIRST PLACE
performing hamilton in the theatre was grade a
parents came to see meeeeeeeee yay
was master electrician for a show yay
went to see big fish with good friends
omnium gatherum my friends are so talented!
befriended a fly in physics bc fuck physics
pumpkin painting with thrive!
became friends with basil again that was good
inducted into academic honor society
midterms and FALL BREAK with my mom and granny in lincoln
went up to see a new business and got some good connections + starbucks
HCLS! drag show!!!!
was designing a show!!!!!
it is the first of november and so, today, someone will die
band tour! actually fun despite my consistent complaints
saw bandstand again and it was WORTH it
started applying to internships
thanksgiving with BROOKE my love
we played drunk pictionary and killed it
decorated for chirstmas
childrens show! i worked hella hard for that show im actually p proud
had that weird party when our show got cancelled that was fun
finals!!!!! passed with A’s!!!!!!!
volunteered at the museum which is always my fave
got DRUNKITY DRUNK DRUNK away from home for the first time!!!!! had a great time!!!!
explored my hometown with an old friend and her boyfriend
visited my best friend and her sister and had a great time
christmas christmas time is here
vietnamese coffee !!!!!
yay for 2018! a lot of it sucked but i got to do a lot of cool things so that’s awesome! here’s to 2019!!
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birth-fic-lover · 6 years
Jade and Claire Part 1 - The one that got away
Everyone has the one that got away and that was no different for Jade, hers was 14 years ago. Well her crush on her best friend had developed when she was only 10 and she kept it close to her chest until she was 16. 
Her best friend was called Claire and they did everything together, from doing homework to going to the movies. This to Jade’s delight included sleepovers where they would share a double bed and whisper until Claire feel asleep. Then Jade would watch her while trying to think of a way to tell her best friend how she really felt. She would secretly hope that Claire felt the say way and was a lesbian too. She knew that Claire had been with boys with the past but she had never been with them for long, and she never seemed that interested in them. 
One sleepover she decided it was time to tell Claire how she felt, but too her surprise Claire said she had something she needed to tell Jade. Maybe she was gonna say the same thing, have they both been waiting all this time? Jade listened to Claire. “Oh Jade what I need to tell you is life changing stuff girl. But you look like you need to say yours first, plus I think mine might take over our evenings chat so it’s probably best you go first”.
Jade’s heart was in her mouth she was so nervous, she had been building to this moment for 6 years. She just hoped it went well. She thought it was best to tell her that she was gay then tell her that she was in love with her. “Claire there’s a reason I haven’t ever dated a guy, I know that you will always accept me so I think you should know that I’m into girls.” 
Before Jade could continue Claire was squealing and hugging her best friend. “I knew it!” she shouted, “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Oh Jade of course I accept you and you will always accept me right. That’s why I know you won’t judge when I tell you my news, I’m pregnant! Me and Danny are having a baby.”
Jade was in shock and pulled away a little so she could look at Claire. Danny? Who was Danny? She had never payed attention to Claire’s boyfriends there relationships were so short it wasn’t worth it and Claire had only dated a couple of guys. That’s why Jade thought she might be into her, because they spent so much time together. But her getting pregnant changed everything, but she still loved her so she would be there no matter what. “I better be the gay godmother” Jade said putting on her most convincing smile.
“You bet” Claire said as she smoothed her Pj’s out, “You better help me get through this pregnancy, at least with me gross and preggo we don’t have to worry about you getting a lesbian crush on me” she said laughing. But Jade didn’t laugh in time and Claire noticed, she then looked in Jade’s eyes. It was like she wanted to say something but couldn’t. So instead she squeezed her best friends hand and give her a kiss on the cheek. “I hope I didn’t offend you” she whispers.  
“You didn’t” Jade whisper back “Your right through, soon you’ll be so pregnant I couldn’t find you attractive if I tried”.
But they was wrong, the more pregnant she got the sexier she was. Suddenly it wasn’t just a school girl first love, as her bosoms blossomed so did this new lust Jade never knew existed. If it was difficult to hide how she felt before, now it was hell. Claire’s boobs were bigger and Jade couldn’t stop watching her stroke her belly. She wanted to be the one to stroke it, she wanted to touch every part of her. 
One time they were watching a movie together and the baby kicked, so Claire grabbed Jade’s hand to feel. Jade just left it there on her orb of a stomach, she couldn’t believe how big Claire was. She was quite short, especially compared to Jade. But Danny was tall so the baby must take after him she supposed. Jade did meet Danny but he didn’t seem that interested talking to his partner’s best friend. That suited Jade just fine, she was jealous that Danny got to have Claire. She would imagine all the things she would do to Claire if she was hers. She would spend hours playing with her swollen breast and wrap her lips round her sore nipples till her breast were uneven, then would happy oblige balancing her breast out with a long gulp. She wanted to then keep moving her lips down all over the giant belly and then feast on her nether reigns savouring every last bit of Claire’s pussy. 
But Jade still invited Claire over for sleepovers and would watch her sleep wrapped around her pregnancy pillow wishing Claire was wrapped around her. Once again at one of these sleepovers was where Jade decided she would tell Claire how she felt. They were in bed together watching TV, but to be honest Claire didn’t seem to be watching it. Probably because she had to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes. After her latest trip she got back on the bed and leaned against Jade. Cuddling up to her while soothing her heavily swollen stomach, her baby seemed to be kicking a storm and making Claire unconformable.
“You know” Claire said “this will be the last time we do this for a while, I’m due next week and Danny wants me to stay at home with him till the baby comes”. Jade wraps her arm round her best friend “That’s a real shame, but I can always come and visit especially once the baby comes. I wanna be there for my godchild”. 
“I have something to tell you” Claire said softly while reaching for Jades hand “it’s why I’ve been a bit clingy tonight”. 
Was this it? The thing that Jade had suspected all along, that Claire was into Jade. She still had her suspicions and knew that if this was the case she would support Claire and this baby the best she could. She didn’t care what Danny said, he never seemed that interested in Claire anyway now she was pregnant. “I have something to tell you too, but I think it’s linked to what your gonna say.”
“Really” Claire said shocked looking up at her bestie, “you knew this was coming all along?”
“Just say it and we can deal with the consequences together” Jade says soothingly. 
“Okay, Danny wants us to move as soon as they baby is born. He wants a fresh start and really give this relationship a go and be a family for the baby’s sake”. Claire squeezes Jades hand really tight. “To be honest I have been having Braxton-Hicks all week so I know labour is going to happen any day now. Oh god this one is really bad”. Her face contorts.
“Wait you’ve been having pain on and off all this time? What if it’s labour?” Jade says panicking.  
“It’s not and even if it is, this is the last time I’ll see you for a long time. I promise if it gets too much I’ll say” Claire promises. 
Jade didn’t know what to do, she had dreamed of being there for the women she loved though labour but she knew Claire should go to a hospital or something. But for the next hour they snuggled and watched TV with Claire tensing once and a while. She even starts doing low moans and jade turns to her and turns off the telly. Jade strokes the usually soft belly but it’s as hard as a rock and Claire releases a long moan. 
Jade wanted to tell Claire she is being ridiculous because she’s obviously in labour, but seeing Claire like this stirs something deep within her she can’t look away. Plus Claire obviously wants to be here with her best friend. Jade gets on her knees and wraps Claire’s arms around her neck. Claire is now on her knees too head against her tall best friend’s breasts as she sways slightly. The tingling continues as she feels Claire’s breath on her breasts.
“Good thing my parents are out tonight. You wanna end up giving birth in my bed?” Jade says teasing softly as they sway.
“Mmmmmmm naaaaaagggg yes, no naaaaaaaaaaa I don’t know ask me affffffffter this contraction” Claire moans into Jades breasts. 
Jade laughs softly “so you admit they’re contractions”
Claire relaxes and the contraction ends, “okay okay I’m in labour. I’m just so glad your boob are so big and soft”. 
“There nothing compared to yours these days” Jade said “how about you get in the bath I heard that’s good for the pain”. Jade can’t believe she just said that, if Claire agrees she will be more likely to give birth at Jades parents’ house instead of the hospital. Plus she will then see her sexy best friend naked and in labour. 
“That’s a great idea” Claire said as she crawls off the bed towards the on suite bathroom. As she hobbles with Jades help she stops with a contraction. “naaaaaaaaaaaa go on without meeeeeeeee”.
“You need to come along that the point” Jade says.
“Geeeeeet the bath reeeeeeeday for meee naaaaaaaaa, oh my god naaaaaaa” Claire says moaning.
Jade starts filling the bath and runs back into the room to see her best friend squatting. “Get these clothes off meeee” Claire moans and Jade doesn’t even think twice and get the dress and bra off her and her contraction seems to of stopped. “It’s all happening too quick, I thought births were meant to take hours”.
“Want me to call an ambulance or Danny?” Jade offers and she shakily helps her friend to the bathroom.
“No I just want you, only you. Is that okay?” Claire says as she sits on the edge of the toilet. Those were the words that Jade had been waiting for, but she knew the context was different. Claire slipped off her panties and turned to her friend. “Can you check how many centimetres I am, I know that usually they check with fingers. But you don’t have to do that. Jade dreamed of sticking her fingers there but again not in this context. But before Jade could say anything Claire let out a guttural moan and her waters broke. “Jade” Claire moaned “Naaaaaaaaaaggggggg I think I’ll be having my baaaaaaaaaby heeeeereeeeee”. Jade helped Claire into the bath. “Fuck how many centimetres I neeeeeeed to push noow”. Claire moaned as she started to push.  
Jade started talking “won’t you tear if….”
“Are you a midwife now? Just get your ass in this bath and naaaaaagaaaaaaa help me” Claire exploded. Jade pulled off her clothes and got in behind Claire, she put Jades hands on her breasts and then she rubbed her own tummy doing long moans. Eventually could feel the head. “It’s right there” Claire said before riding another contraction. 
Jade got up and went to in front of Claire. “You are doing so amazing” Jade said as the head came out, “a few more pushes and your baby will be here”. “Naaaaaagggggaaaagggg I love you ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Claire moaned and her baby popped out of her. 
“I love you too” Jade said as the door burst open. Her parent, Claire’s parents and Danny flooded into the room. It seemed Danny got worried when her tried to call and got no response, we must have put our phones on silent. 
Jade’s parents were disappointed that she didn’t call anyone, and weren’t very sympathetic that Claire was moving away. Jade wondered if Claire ever worked out how Jade felt about her and if she felt the same. But Jade didn’t see Claire again after that night, until now 14 years later….
To be continued..
(This was my first time writing one of these hope you enjoyed)
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All from A to Z :)
Oh my Lanta. Really? I mean, I’ll do it, but wowza. Thank you, anon. :D
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m not honestly a huge shipper. I prefer bromance to romance... if I HAD to pick a ship or two? Demitri/Anastasia from “Anastasia”, and Mr. Darcy/Elizabeth Bennet from “Pride and Prejudice”. Always get me every time.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Mmm... Spirk (Star Trek) and McKirk (Star Trek). Damnit, I didn’t want to get sucked into this hell hole, but here I am.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Sherlock/Anyone. I just don’t see romantic relationships there. I mean I can see how people get the Johnlock thing going, but honestly... I don’t ship him with anyone. Again, bromance before romance for this one.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Dean Winchester/Lisa (Supernatural). But that might be because that storyline was pretty weak.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Some of you may well remember that there is a little known one-shot lurking out there inspired by @faragonart‘s Hiccup in Aperture Science drawings from... Jeez, like a year and a half ago? Not sure. But it’s out there. It’s cracky as hell.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Been in the Teen Titans fandom for... jeez uh... 13 years? Harry Potter is closely behind at 12.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Again, not super shippy. When I was a wee tot I adored Robin/Starfire on Teen Titans, but the older I got the more I was like “I just don’t see it.” I do love me some Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter).
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Usually tv shows. Almost always. Sometimes movies. Rarely books.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Tumblr has turned me off of so many fandoms before I ever even saw the show, because I was sick of it before I ever got a chance to enjoy it, including but not limited to: Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Voltron, Troll Hunters, Hannibal, etc.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Supernatural. Honestly had no idea what it even was before I saw it on here, and then of course I got obsessed.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Ooohhh. Sherlock is one of my faves, just watching him become more.. human, is great. Jesse Pinkman and Walter White (Breaking Bad)... there are so MANY.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
John Winchester has a pleasant sounding voice when he isn’t screaming at his children? Does that count?
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls). I want to be her.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Jesse Pinkman character analysis and canon compliant Harry Potter learning to deal with his upbringing.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
“Reflecting Light” by Sam Phillips- Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I actually developed a relatively in depth baby bots AU for Portal in one of @faragonart‘s streams. The idea was more or less that in an effort to tame Glad0s, they scientists desperately tried to bring the human part of her (whatever was left of Caroline) back into control by appealing to her maternal instinct with android baby bots, creating first Virgil (who was too soft spoken and non-assertive, and brushed aside before being reassigned to maintenance) then Wheatley (who was too curious and outgoing, and caused her to become increasingly hostile against him to the point that his memory of it was wiped, and he was left with nothing more than an inherent fear of her), and finally having no choice but to bring in Caroline’s actual daughter: Chel. If anyone wants more than that, I have it all written down somewhere and I’ll hunt it down and share.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Ooooh. LOST. Too weird, my dudes. Far too weird. And Grey’s Anatomy.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Merlin/Arthur, Sherlock/John, Harry/Hermione, this is a looong list.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Hmm... alright, so @orhowfar and I were watching Anastasia a few weeks back and I went dark af and just proclaimed that I think Dimitri was abused by the staff of the palace. He very clearly gets manhandled rather aggressively on a fairly frequent basis, and his self esteem is virtually nothing. So we came up with this whole big thing where his favorite of the nobility was always Vlad, who had kind eyes and a big belly and would sneak him sweets when he assisted, and after helping the princess escape and being knocked unconscious (by a blow to the head from a gun which 100% broke his nose btw have you ever noticed?) He finds himself with nowhere to go. He runs into Vlad and there’s a moment of pure panic because Vlad knows how bad things are right then, but they both just nod, and wind up taking care of each other. Vlad becomes something of a father figure to Dimitri. He notices pretty early on that Dimitri doesn’t like contact unless he’s initiated it, something that carries over into adulthood, despite his best efforts, but it does get better. Vlad just makes sure to let Dimitri come to him as often as possible instead of reaching out first. Etc. etc. it was a LONG thing.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Hiccup’s hair looks the way it does because he won’t sit still for a haircut- he’s always off doing something or other- so his father will just randomly grab a handful of his hair and slice through it with his knife to keep it manageable. Hiccup barely notices until after Stoick’s death when his hair is suddenly longer than it’s been in years and then he remembers and ouch.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Merlin- self sacrificing, intelligent, lovable little dork with immense power.
Dean Winchester- self sacrificing, intelligent, lovable little dork with virtually no self esteem or self preservation skills.
Jesse Pinkman- self sacrificing, intelligent, lovable little dork with virtually no self esteem or self preservation skills who is far too broken and has seen far too much but is desperate for love.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
It varies... I related to Jesse Pinkman more than I probably should have but... given current circumstances.. yeah. I understand Lorelai Gilmore on a spiritual level as well.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
“Bad guy is reformed and becomes besties with the gang”. Get away from meeeeeeeee.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
One character slowly humanizes another through little acts of affection and teaching and both learn from the other and become best friends in the process.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Hmmm... does The Office count? I see a lot of The Office second hand.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
They have never once cast a decent Dick Grayson (Batman) and let me tell you why because when a child is of Romani descent they are not some little pale white boy with dark hair. They have a very specific look and I have yet to see it. Not to mention they never pick the right body type. Dick is an acrobat first and foremost; he just learned to adapt that into a fighting style. He would not be some top heavy bulky af ripped dude with giant shoulders and biceps and thighs as wide as a tire, he’d be lean and wiry and small. He needs to be fast, be able to get and keep himself airborne, and fold into all sorts of weird shapes (the kid is basically a damn contortionist). He’s strong as hell, but it’s not just big ass muscles, it’s... *deep breath* he’s not the body type they keep casting. Furthermore, that kid is definitely his own special brand of damaged and I get very tired of seeing the “so sarcastic and carefree” attitude given to him in movies and tv shows, but I also can’t stand the other extreme: the cold, clinical, calculating, trying to be Batman nonsense. That’s not who he is. He’s smart and capable, and certainly can be serious, he’s been playing a part in public for most of his life, just as Bruce does, but he’s also very careful not to become what Bruce has... I could go on about this for a long time... @cinemamind, help me? 
Thanks for the request, anon, sorry this is SO long...
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
hmm yeah i need those scenes on my screen yesterday
Anonymous asked: yess it’s out today :) three episodes :)
Anonymous asked: How am I going to afford this Besties!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous asked: Tell me WHY I’m out here pricing flights from ireland to LA all because of this man. €800 these flights are EIGHT HUNDRED that’s without accommodation or the fucking concert ticket I swear to god this is mental illness
Anonymous asked: the way he’s evolved since self titled🙁 this is actually his best piece of work so far and it is by far his most cohesive too
Anonymous asked: ok but that shirt that is being released tomorrow in the box set...wth is it?? i've been sitting here staring at it trying to figure out what it's suppose to be lol
Its so ugly his merch person is so awful
Anonymous asked: WAIT SO??? Do all the dates on go sale at the same time like??? I’m so confused that can’t be right
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