klonoadreams · 4 years
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A commission done by @wingbladeweaver1357!! Thank you so much for your hard work!!
Yuu (ewe) and Cater look especially lovely, and I’m honestly glad that I was able to get this commissioned!!
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
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[Image Description: A digital artwork detailing a “pint-sized” Chunin visiting his Genin teammate in the hospital after a troublesome Chunin Exams, bearing an apple. End Description.]
A commission I asked for from @wingbladeweaver1357/Wing-chan, this is based off one of my favorite chapters from Catch Your Breath. @langwrites has been a constant presence in my life for the past three years, and since she was around a lot during my rather chaotic finals period, I wanted to give something back. And hey, I could support two of my friends by asking for the commission, so it works! :) 
Thankie for the hard work, Wing-chan. This is amazing. 
And, Lang? Thankie for writing a wonderful story. KeiKashi is a ship I happily support. :> 
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paintedwithapalette · 4 years
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Presenting a lovely commission I recently received from @wingbladeweaver1357​ of Naminé and Kairi from my Memories of You fanfic where they’re twin sisters! I’m absolutely in love with it! 
Decided to write up a quick snippet to go along with it as well that may or may not show up in the future of Memories of You itself! Enjoy! 
Memories of You:  Naminé and Kairi 
Word Count: 1,383
"Knock, knock," Kairi called. "Dinner is served."
Kairi backed into Naminé's room with her hands preoccupied with a tray of grilled meat and curry rice. Naminé sat at her desk, lost in her own world as a zest of inspiration compelled her to look over her work with a great amount of scrutiny as she scribbled into her sketchbook. 
"Thank you," Naminé replied, her eyes unmoving. "Smells great. On the bed is fine."
Kairi paused. Did she hear right? For the first time in weeks, Naminé’s voice didn't sound like it was desolate of all life and energy. "So, I suppose asking you to come downstairs and eat at the table with us like a normal family for once is out of the question?"
"What was that?" Naminé asked, not tearing her eyes away from her drawing.
"Never mind," Kairi said tiredly, complying with her sister's earlier request and set her dinner on the mattress. "Just promise me you'll at least touch your dinner this time?"
"Don't worry, I will. And I'll be at breakfast in the morning. Promise," Naminé assured her offhandedly. Kairi couldn’t claim to be convinced. She had heard it a million times before. "If I don't show up, I'll do your chores for a month."
"Deal. I’ll hold you to that, you know.” 
Before leaving, she stole a stealthy glance at Naminé and took note of her seemingly more animated posture. It was far from the first time she had seen her sister absorbed in her own world. But this time, something seemed different; whether it was the way her pencil scraped against the paper sharply, or the way she chewed her lip, or the slightest bounce etched in each of Naminé's movements. It was a subtle something that only a sister of sixteen years could pinpoint.
Kairi peered over Naminé's shoulder to get a glimpse at whatever kind of artistic spectacle was in the works. "Soooo, whatcha drawin'?"
"H-Hey! Do you mind?" Naminé was quick to press her sketchbook against her chest. "You know I don't like when people look."
Kairi raised her hands in a show of no ill will. "Sorry, are my unrefined commoner eyes tainting your latest masterpiece?" 
"Why, yes. Yes, they are. Glad you understand."
Kairi scoffed. "No need to get uppity. I was just curious because you seem a bit more excited than usual."
"Excited? What do you mean by excited?" Naminé chuckled nervously. "I'm not excited. Who's excited? Are you excited? Can I not just be immersed into the wonderful world of art without arousing baseless accusations of this so-called excitement?"
Kairi snickered at the transparent façade. "Subtle."
Naminé frowned. "Don't you think your food is getting cold or something?"
"Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you." Kairi giggled at the dirty look from her sister and headed for the door. "Fine. I can take a hint. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." 
When Kairi turned towards the door, Naminé gave a look of gratitude and returned her focus to her sketchbook. However, when Naminé was least expecting it, her sketchbook was quickly swiped from her work station. With eyes on the brink of popping out of her skull, Naminé looked over to find Kairi making a mad dash towards her own bedroom with a most evil cackle trailing behind her. 
“Kairi!” Naminé cried, immediately rushing out of her room to give chase. 
“Sorry, little sister, but I couldn’t resist,” Kairi called, her eyes running over her sister’s sketch as she sped walked down the hall. It was an impressively constructed piece of Roxas with an insurmountable amount of attention to detail resulting in an insanely accurate depiction of the boy in question. “Aha! Just as I suspected.” 
“Kairi,” Naminé shouted, her voice coming off more whiny than anything. As Naminé chased after her sister, she couldn’t help but remember when Roxas took her most embarrassing doodles of hers when she was little, teasing her all the while. What was with these two and their incessant need to humiliate her? “Give that back!” 
“But this is so good,” Kairi said as she entered her room. Naminé hurried inside soon after and sprinted towards her sister with the intent of tackling her to her bed, but Kairi simply raised a hand to catch Naminé’s face, ignoring her muffled moans and whines as she pathetically reached for her sketchbook. “No wonder you were so focused. It’s like... almost a photograph.” 
“Thank you very much. Now hand it over.” 
Kairi gave it one last look, a wide smile spreading, before handing it back to Naminé. The bespectacled girl held it close to her chest protectively and adjusted her glasses. 
“Look, I know I might look like a bit of a weirdo,” Naminé started, “but it really was just an excuse to practice portraits. That’s all.”
“Mmm hmmmm,” Kairi mummed in disbelief. “If that’s the case, why choose Roxas?” 
“Because, uh...” Naminé stumbled. “I-I like his hair?” 
It wasn’t a lie, anyway. 
Kairi smirked, shaking her head as she set her hands on her hips. “Little sister. Have you not learned your lesson that your lies hold no weight over me, your true evil overlord?” She gradually began to speak in a dramatic tone. 
 “Would you please stop calling me your little sister? We’re only minutes apart.” 
Kairi grabbed Naminé by the shoulders and shook her. “Your meager attempts at diverging the topic of our current discussion do not sway me, woman! I know thine heart hath a penchant for the boy who hails by the name of Roxas and your denies are futile!” 
“And stop talking like that. It’s starting to freak me out.” 
“Just admit it,” Kairi said, her voice returning to normal. “I’ve admitted to you about how I feel about Sora. The least you can do is return the favor. Don’t you trust me?” 
Naminé eyed her up and down with scrutiny. “Do you really want me to answer that question?” 
Kairi rolled her eyes. “Do you like Roxas? Yes or no?” 
Naminé bit her lip as her eyes moved all over Kairi’s room in an attempt to avoid that gleam of anticipation of hers. “I... maybe, okay? Maybe. Now, will you leave me alone?”
Naminé hurried towards the door, but Kairi read her like a book and swiftly stepped in front of her as she blocked her exit. “So, you admit it!” 
“I said maybe.” 
“Which basically means you want to bear his children!” 
Naminé felt a blush sneak up on her at the accusation. “W-What...?”
Kairi snaked one of her arms around Naminé’s shoulders. “Hee hee! You wanna know what I think?” she asked, her voice returning to normal. 
“After that comment you just made, not particularly.” 
“I think you should give it to Roxas as a gift.” 
“Kairi,” Naminé said plainly. 
“I’m serious. You know how much he loves your art. I’m telling you, he’d fall head over heels for you!” 
“T-That’s not really the point,” Naminé said, her eyes running over her sketch. “Isn’t it kind of creepy? Drawing somebody without their permission?” 
“Maybe if you didn’t know the person, but we’re talking about your friend, remember? Our friend. A friend who adores everything of yours he’s laid his eyes on. Also, helloooo? His birthday is coming up next week. The time is now!” 
Naminé’s look of uncertainty didn’t waver much, her eyes repeatedly switching from her sketch to her sister’s hopeful eyes. “So, you’re saying I wouldn’t look like a creep if I gave this to him?” 
“Not at all! You should give Roxas more credit. He’s not some judgemental jerkface, and you know this. He’d be thrilled. Just have a little bit of courage and I’m sure it’ll all work out.” 
Naminé still looked unsure.  
“How about this,” Kairi continued. “I’ll be right there beside you when you give it to him. If you ever get discouraged, I’ll be right there to nudge you in the right direction.” 
“I don’t know about this, Kairi...” Naminé whispered, lifting her sketchbook over the bottom half of her face to hide her quivering lips. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” 
Realizing that Naminé was beginning to warm up to the idea, Kairi noticeably brightened and clenched her fists. 
“I’m positive!” 
If you’re interested in seeing more of their sisterhood, feel free to check out Memories of You on ff.net! It would mean the world to me! 
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silverstar56 · 4 years
Come to Genshin ;))
Should... should I try on my ipad/phone XD?
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crownofhearts · 5 years
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Decided to practice my traditional inkwork, and got the idea to doodle some other folks' Kingdom Hearts characters as well.
Senna is mine lol
Hikari belongs to @wingbladeweaver1357
Zeamtra belongs to @skyblitzhart
Keashi belongs to @assassinserafina
Hope y'all don't mind me doing this haha.
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blissfulnightrain · 5 years
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Biiig thank you to @wingbladeweaver1357 for this sketch commission of Sora and my OC Amaya, his big sis! I literally can’t stop staring at it *_*
Please go check her stuff out, and I highly recommend commissioning her! Prices are super reasonable and she’s really great to work with!
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amarxlen · 5 years
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Finally getting around to sharing this art I commissioned from the wonderful @wingbladeweaver1357 !! You did such a great job on Natsumi, and I appreciate it so much.
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clairefiredragon · 5 years
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Finally remembering to post this. So this is a random idea I thought to draw a long while back, but I wanted to practice enough before I could do it. These are two different Kingdom Hearts OC’s I know of that are both named Hikari. I know it’s something random, but I just thought it would be fun to draw. 
The Hikari on the left belongs to a old HS friend of mine. 
The Hikari on the right belongs to @wingbladeweaver1357
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echoheart0324 · 5 years
I’m late, definitely late, but happy belated birthday!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
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I did, and thank you!!! 😉💖
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tzufcallsmeshomps · 6 years
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Hope my timing didn’t end up too weird! I’d like to join @yumekochi‘s piece in appreciation of @wingbladeweaver1357‘s Hikari.
Thank you for the existence of this pure goofball
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lolitsleia · 3 years
Art Trades
That I did with my mutuals!
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OCs belong to @laizy-boy @wingbladeweaver1357 @///thenameti on IG!
Thank you, おつかれ!
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danderechansworld · 3 years
Masquerade ball challenge!!!!!!
What's my oc's dress???
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I have the permission from @sunshine-apprentice to do this challenge.
Tagging: @twsted-princess, @diasomnia-insomnia, @mirrored-pomefiore, @noahramschakledorm,@yandere-wishes, @yandere-of-your-dreams, @not-twst-enough, @wondersbeyondcompare, @akemiozawa, @prometheanglory, @pearlwhitecats, @wingbladeweaver1357, @oiseaunoir11, @circuscarnage, @minteasketches, @in-that-deep-blue-sea, @piraticusdorm, @fumikomiyasaki, @ellovett, @choconanime, @sakurablossoms10, @nobarahime, @araminta-lemontea, @animenightmarenation, @anunluckyrabbit and @ppatricia34me
If you haven't been tag it's fine, also I want you guys to do the masquerade ball challenge on what your oc's outfit is like.
You can have your oc to have a hairstyle, types of dress or suit, shoes, accessories,makeup, bag, etc.
So have fun with the challenge!! 😉
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
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[Image Description: A colored drawing of a Keyblade Wielder, stretching her arms out and exposing white-pink-tipped wings that seem to take homage to a certain magical girl-turned-goddess, accompanied by three stars representing the wielders that inspired her. End Description.]
A drawing I meant to do for a long time now, here we are. Leonhart Hikari, as she’s known as in Dandelion’s Glory, for @wingbladeweaver1357. Using three bits of reference and needing about 2 days, here we are. I think I’m on time, at least that’s what Google says when it comes to the different time zones, so yeah.
Merry Christmas, Wing-chan. Thank you for everything you’ve done this year. :)
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pearlwhitecats · 3 years
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Happy birthday to @wingbladeweaver1357 !!!!! THANKS FOR BEIN FWEN 👉🏻👈🏻💕✨💕✨💕
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chessdaze · 3 years
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Got this absolutely BEAUTIFUL commission from @wingbladeweaver1357 !!! I got it for myself and a friend who loves Riddle for Valentines day and she did not disappoint because we both are over the moon for this piece.
And here I thought I couldn’t swoon over my OC more than I already do but she drew Quinn so beautifully! BRB I’m gonna go stare at this for hours
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wingblade1357 · 3 years
Changed my username from WingBladeWeaver1357 to
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