#MIHAI'S NONCHALANT REPLY TOO PLEASEBSHDJDJJDND he looks so good in his own blood. I'm cheering Mioara on as we speak ‼️‼️
yeonban · 1 month
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i prommy i'll stop spamming but i wanted to draw them at work o/...did not intend for mihai to be nakey but im working on very small paper and itd turn into a smudgy mess. this is also supposed to be fighting but i realize now that it can be interpreted in. other ways.
Somehow this got swamped by other asks and I just now saw it bUT HELLO??????????? YOUR STYLE IS GORGEOUS??????????? This artwork has fr changed the chemistry of my brain. I don't even know who to focus on more, Mioara, Mihai OR the way you've portrayed their dynamic
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