ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Y/N’s Guide of a Snapping Turtle Mutant
Rise! Raphael x reader
Fluff! :D gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Raph stumbles upon your documentation on himself.
Donnie Leo Mikey
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∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup???, meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror), hot (specific) soup???, wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add sear ejectors)
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic”), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet), “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?)
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job)
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough)
Raph sighed with a big, swooning smile, setting your paper down on the counter as he finished reading it for the 5th time over. It just made him misty-eyed to see that you, someone so perfect to him, cared so much about him, a big scary mutant. (Even though he’s really not all that scary.)
It made his heartbeat quicken and his chest feel tight, but in a good way. In the best way.
Obviously he knew it wasn’t right for him to read through your personal notes, but I mean, hey. The folder had his name on it, so that basically made it his too.
Still, he didn’t want to seem like a jerk. He had to make it up to you somehow…but making his own gifts was never his strong suit. But…he could add to yours?
∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup??? ? I mean it’s ok, I guess., meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror) Sorry. What size you want?, hot (specific) soup??? You have got to watch Lou Jitsu. , wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add seat ejectors) I’M SORRY
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic.” What does this mean?) it means exactly what it sounds like (I blame Donnie), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet) Who, me? Naaah, “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑 WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?) STOP TALKIN ABOUT MY FEAR STINK I TOLD YOU IT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job) Yes, he does.
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough) HEY. That’s …so fair.
sorry this took a hot second
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nevergenders · 5 years
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@ShrineLA: We’ll carry on. #MyChemicalRomanceReunion
Photos by Steve Rose
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blackevermore · 5 years
[ Taz x Mikey ]
Summary: Mikey feeling that insecurity about not being human and Taz is there so paint him back to himself.
Genre: Wholesome
Warning(s): Slight mention of nudity but that’s it.
Word count: 1,815
A/N: Can I just love him? Like, smother him in kisses and just AHHHHHHH....yeah? I was also inspired by this imagine .
"Michelangelo, did you draw a sun across my chest?" Taz looked around Mikey to the standing mirror beside his bed. There was, in fact, a heavily detailed sun starting from the side of her left breast to the other side of her right. Without looking back towards her boyfriend, she could tell he had a very cocky smile across his face. Proud of his work, he turned his head to look at her reflection, giving a thumbs up. They sat on the floor in front of his bed facing each other, Taz's legs were over Mikey's as she sat in between his legs.
"Babe I'm trying to use my killer art skills to display a wicked symbolism of you being my sunshine," Mikey explained closing his eyes and making a stereotypical Italian gesture. Taz felt the sudden urge to pick up the bottle of red paint next to her and slash it in his face. However, she reframed herself since they would need it for the rest of the session.
Today was Wednesday which means naked art therapy, which meant Mikey's room was completely off-limits, which also meant no one was allowed to bother the couple until they emerged from his room. They started doing this on a whim after an awful mission which left Mikey to feel very much not like himself for a week. No one knew what exactly to do to make Mikey happy. Raph offered to battle him in NBA 2k19 but Mikey turned it down. Leo offered a skateboarding battle with Donnie topping it off with allowing Mikey to order whatever ungodly combination of pizza but he turned those down as well. They all knew it things were terrible when Mikey turns down pizza. Donnie was ready to push the emergency button, but their father put a halt to it quickly. He told them that it wasn't platonic love that needed to reach him, for he always knew he had that, but rather romantic reinsurance. Having friends and family accepting you was strong, but the bound of romantic and intimate acceptance was greater.
With that in mind, Donnie video called April to get her cousin to come over. Taz made it in ten minutes, ran past everyone shouting a single 'hi' and straight to Mikey's room. She had an idea on how to cheer him up.
This was their thing now, it wasn't meant to be sexual, just therapeutic with having them both at their most valuable states. Painting whatever they wanted on each other and talking things out.
"You say that, but I can clearly tell you just wanted to paint my boobs." Taz turned back to the paint tray and dipped a finger into the yellow and booped him on the nose. For a moment, Taz was laughing along with him but then stopped to look him over. Mikey was wearing the disguise bracelet beta that Donnie had invented. Mikey originally didn't suppose to have it, of course, he took it out of pure curiosity. Donnie tried to snatch it back, unsure if the bracelet would actually work or not. There was a high chance it would blow up when Mikey pressed the activation button. Before Donnie could catch up with his much faster brother Mikey had already pushed the button, and a bright white light flashed scanning him from head to toe.
"Oh my god it worked," Don said dumbfounded.
"Bro!! I'm a dude!!" Mikey yelled, causing Raph and Leo to stop sparring and peek their head out of the garage.
Taz could only imagine the happy dance Mikey was for a day straight until the bracelet ran out of juice and he turned back into his turtle self. She didn't mind the disguise, Mikey will always be Mikey no matter what he looked like but she prefered, in more intimate moments like this, he wouldn't use it. This Mikey has human the whole way round. Sun-kissed sun honey brown skin with fields of freckles and birthmarks where his usual turtle spots would be. His tattoos were still there but more prominent. He still had his buff yet slim figure, but his shell was gone, and he also had messy curly shoulder-length hair. His eyes didn't change, which was a blessing because they were already as beautiful as ever. If Mikey was human Taz was sure she would still fall head over hills for the pizza-loving, never so serious, fun-loving turtle-er guy.
She knew why he became insecure at times, he heard the stories from Raph and Leo about their teen years. Since Mikey was the youngest, he had only came out of those years only five years ago. He had a lot of things bottled up that he ever talked about. Even though he was the more emotional brother, he still had his more personal matters. If Mikey could only make one wish for the rest of his life, Taz was sure that it would be to be human and live up top with her. He would totally keep all the cool ninja lifestyle. However, to be able to walk around without getting weird looks or even worse people being afraid of him. Mikey had built up a very tough skin over the years for whatever came his way, but that never stopped his heart from hurting.
This made Taz feel terrible.
Mikey noticed her change in behaviour and stuck a hand up in front of her shaking it back and forth. 
"Baby girl?"
"Mikey, why are you wearing that?"
"Wearing what? We're both naked, that's the whole point of this babe." Mikey winked and dropped his eyes low then back up. Taz's eyebrows knotted, clearly not amused with the joke (which she would have laughed at any other time).
"Mikey seriously-”
"Babe we're fine, come on we're naked and painting and having a good time."
"Now turn around so I can bust out a killer back mural that I've been thinking about. Neon colours always look the best on you if I do say so myself, and I did, I say so myself." Mikey turned to his side and picked up a tray and a few paints as he prepared for his art attack.
"Michelangelo, Michael, Angel!" Taz rose her voice to break his rambling he was trying to distract her with. Even if all his names out of order, it still shook him silent as she gave him a look at told him to shut up and listen. Mikey's smile dropped, and he slowly sat the supplies down. Taz's face softens when she saw the light in Mikey's eyes die down and dull, it broke her heart. Taz took a breath then nodded, she picked up her brush and dipped it into a shade of green that matched Mikey's normal skin tone. She scooted closer than she already was and placed Mikey's hands on her plumped waist. Mikey didn't move and kept his eyes only on Taz's face as she wrote out something across his chest.
"You are Triumphant, Unyielding, Renowned, Talent, Loved, Exuberant. You are a 'T.U.R.T.L.E', and there is nothing wrong with that, there was never anything wrong with you." Taz used her free hand to press the button on the bracelet to deactivate it. Mikey refuses to put up a sign of protest as show his self change back through the reflection of the girl's glasses. He could feel his chest tighten and his breath hitch as Taz moved her hand up his arm then back down to grab his hand and take it in her. 
"You've been spending too much time with Donnie." Mikey cracked a feeble joke relating to the words she used in her acronym. Taz finally gave him that smile he was ever so lucky to be blessed with. He loved nothing more than to see her smile towards him.
"Yeah I have but at least I have a bigger vocabulary to compliment you with." Taz stuck out her tongue then reached up to wrap a hand behind Mikey's neck to pull him down for a kiss. He quickly melted against her lips and pulled her entirely onto his lap with his other hand that was still on her hip. Taz giggled and pulled away from the kiss. 
"Seriously though," Taz fixed her glasses then cleared her throat. "When we are around family and friends, I don't want to see that bracelet on you. When you do that it feels like your hiding from me." Taz gave him a playful, sad face and poked out her bottom lip.
"Hey, that's my puppy face I use on the other! You can't use that on me." Mikey pulled her down for a kiss and Taz happily gave. After a few more seconds of their small make out, the girl pulled away again and patted his shoulder right above his tattoo.
"Mikey stop trying to distract me, I need to know your answer." Taz wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against his plastron. Forgetting all about the paint on both of their bodies.
"Okay okay, yeah, I promise. It's just...a lot, and I know you already know this but-"
"Hey ya knucklehead, I don't care how many times we'll have this talk, I want you to feel comfortable as you are around me. I know what you long for, but we must embrace and love what we have now." Taz cupped his face and pushed his cheeks together. Mikey bubbled with laughed from his baby girl's attack. He nuzzled into her neck and kissed a small trail up and down.
"I love you. I really didn't know love could feel this good." For a moment, the laughter died down, and the tone of his voice was solemn. Taz closed her eyes and rested her cheek on top of his head.
"I love you too Micky, no more hiding." Mikey nodded and settled into their position until he saw a sudden glow of light. He shifted a bit, not enough to get Taz's attention, but enough to know where the glow was coming from. He could see it was coming from between them from Taz's necklace. He had seen it do that before. It only happens when she got overly excited about something or if she got upset. Of course, he never said anything about it to her in fear that she would panic, but he did wonder why it did that.
For now, Mikey would leave it alone, they already were having their heart to heart. This wasn't about her right now. Mikey smiled and wrapped his arms around Taz and held her tight, earning him a kiss on the head and a soft hum. Taz, on the other hand, was anything but relaxed, her emotions were everywhere. She was telling Mikey to not hide and to be himself, but yet she was hiding as well.
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crownedbyluke · 6 years
Our Little Family (Part Two)
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Premise: Luke as a dad because we all need it.
Word count: 1,700 (honestly didn’t realize it was that short)
Part one
“Here he is, your beautiful baby boy,” the nurse said handing you your son. There were tears in your eyes when he was placed in your arms. You looked up and saw the same tears in Luke’s eyes. He bent down and kissed your forehead.
“He’s beautiful,” he whispered starting at the baby in your arms.
“I love you,” you said your voice hoarse from labor. You watched more tears well up in his eyes.
“I love you so much Y/N,” he said placing another kiss to your sweaty forehead. There was a smile on his face and it was the one you loved.
“Do you have a name picked out?” the nurse asked you two.
“Yeah. His name is Elijah Robert,” Luke said looking back down at your son.
You had to stay at the hospital for two days so your body could recuperate and Elijah could be checked out. Luke brought the twins with him the day after you gave birth to meet their new brother. Chloe loved him, but Augustus was too worried about you to really pay attention.
“Auggie, Mummy is okay,” Chloe said in an attempt to calm him. It made you smile, but you knew the twins would take some time to really adjust. Alexa and B came to visit the second day, Des and Shamara having to keep the office running for you. They brought blue balloons, flowers, and cards for you. Luke stayed at home to take care of the twins for you that day.
“Do either of you want to hold him?” you asked nodding towards your son. B lit up right away and went to sit in the chair next to your bed.
“What’s his name?” she asked after getting into a comfortable position with him.
“Elijah Robert,” you said, a proud tone to your voice.
“He’s beautiful Y/N,” Alexa said giving your shoulder a squeeze.
“How’s the office?” you asked. They both laughed at you. It had only been two days since you were at the office and here you were wanting to get back in it.
“Everything is fine. The department is running smoothly. Des said there are a few things that will need your approval once you’ve completely recovered,” Alexa said emphasizing ‘completely’. You groaned at it because you still wanted to be working even if you weren’t at full physical capability.
“Oh stop. You get time off to spend with the most gorgeous family in the world,” B said making you smile.
“How’s Ash?” you asked Alexa to change the subject. The blush that spread over her cheeks was adorable.
“He’s good. We’re going to dinner tonight actually,” she said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Have you two made it official yet?” B asked. You smiled when you saw Elijah gripping onto her finger.
“Not yet. I’m not gonna rush him to be in a relationship,” she said with a shrug. You and B could tell that it was bothering her though.
“Well, has he kissed you?” you asked sitting up a bit. You knew Ash pretty well and you knew that if he had kissed Alexa, he’d be making it official soon.
“Um, I mean, yeah,” she said blushing even more.
“He’ll ask. Don’t worry about it,” B reassured giving Alexa a giant smile. They switched so Alexa could hold Elijah for a bit.
“So, how’s Cal?” you asked B wiggling your eyebrows at her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she laughed. The nurse came in to check on you and Elijah for a bit. Once she left, you gave B a look.
“Okay sure. Cal asking me about your favorite foods meant nothing right?” you teased.
“Fine! We went on a date, talked a bit. He was a gentleman,” she said smiling. It lit up her face and you could tell how happy she really was about it.
“And you’re totally going out with him again,” Alexa said. It was nice to have them around and talk about boy stuff. It was so much different than always talking about the kids. It made you feel relief that even though you were at different parts in life, you guys could still talk about the little things.
There were balloons and blue streamers everywhere when you came home with Luke and Elijah. Des and Shamara were holding up the twins dressed in matching blue outfits, the boys all had cards, and Alexa and B had a cake that said “Congrats on you baby making skills” in their hands.
“Welcome home!” the boys said in unison. It made you laugh and you went to hug them, Luke setting the car seat down to take Elijah out and put him to sleep.
“Where’s Crys?” you asked Mikey after pulling away from him.
“Coming later. Southy had an appointment at the vet for a check up,” he said giving you an extra hug. Petunia came up and sat on your feet once you were seated on the couch, Duke following her.
“Hi there pretty girl. I missed you too,” you said giving her some pets. Duke whines at being left out. B picked him up and you laughed at how he immediately started licking her face.
“Mummy!” Chloe giggled waddling over to you, still not really confident in her walking.
“Hi princess. Were you good for daddy?” you asked as she climbed into your lap to hug you.
“Yeah! Uncle Cal and Auntie B too,” she said smiling at you happily.
“Oh. So Uncle Cal and Auntie B were taking care of you and Auggie?” you asked looking to your friends. They were blushing and avoiding eye contact completely. You just shook your head and smiled when Chloe rested her head against you. Augustus waddled over to join the cuddles, clearly feeling left out.
“Mummy,” he said with a pout on his face. His curls were falling in his face and when you pushed them away, they just fell right back, just like Luke’s always did.
“Hi baby boy,” you said and squeezed him a bit.
“Ashy pick up,” he said sadly.
“Uncle Ash won’t pick you up?” you asked looking towards him. Ashton was staring at Alexa from across the room which you guessed meant that he hadn’t heard Augustus asking to be picked up.
“Ash,” you called and he immediately came over to you.
“Auggie wants you to pick him. Stop staring at her and just ask her to be your girlfriend,” you said with a smile while nodding towards your son. He blinked a couple times, clearly confused on how you knew.
“She’s my friend Ash and I’m not blind,” you said in hopes of explaining yourself. He nodded and picked Augustus up from your lap and walked away.
You didn’t realize that you were tired until you felt yourself falling asleep on the couch with Petunia in your lap.
“Bedtime,” Luke said and you felt him get up from the couch.
“No, no. I’m awake. Our friends are here,” you said sleepily, your eyes half closed.
“Babe, I’m taking you to our room so you can sleep. Petunia, up,” he said, Petunia leaving your lap immediately.
“But Lukey,” you argued. He laughed at the pet name. You only called him it if you were sad or extremely tired. You felt Luke pick you up from the couch and start carrying you.
“So strong,” you faintly heard Augustus’ voice. Luke set you on your shared bed. You curled up the second you felt the soft bed beneath you.
“Best husband in the world,” you said, your words slurred from sleep. Luke laughed and kissed the top of your head.
“She out?” Calum asked when Luke came back down.
“Yeah. She’s really exhausted. This one took a lot out of her. Thanks for helping with the twins,” Luke said running a hand through his hair. Elijah was already asleep in his crib and the twins were doing their best to stay awake for your friends. Chloe’s hand was barely reaching up to play with Des’ necklace and Augustus was sprawled out across Shamara’s lap.
“Hey Cal, B, can you put the twins down for nap? I’m gonna try to clean up a bit and they always love it when you guys do it,” Luke said heading for the kitchen.
“Luke, we’ll clean up. Go upstairs and take a nap with your wife,” Ashton said stopping Luke in his tracks. Luke just nodded and followed Ashton’s orders. He crawled in next to you, wrapping his arms around you and fell asleep almost instantly.
You woke up an hour later from Elijah crying. You went to get up, but Luke stopped you.
“I’ll get him. Lay back and relax,” he said getting out of bed. He had on a pair of gray sweatpants and you had a faint thought about how good his butt looked in them. You watched intently as he picked Elijah up from the crib. He changed Elijah’s diaper before bringing him over to you.
“Your butt looks great by the way,” you said quietly while adjusting your position to hold your son better. You heard Luke laugh when there was a knock on the door. B came in with Augustus, Cal following behind with Chloe.
“They wanted Luke,” B said with a small smile, probably hoping she wasn’t interrupting anything.
“Come here my loves,” Luke said taking one in each arm. You forgot how strong he was sometimes, but seeing him carrying both of the twins in his arms reminded you of that. You appreciated him even more. He came over and laid in bed next to you. Chloe moved to sit between you and Augustus was still clinging to Luke.
“You guys look too cute! I’m taking a picture,” B gushed pulling out her phone. You sat up a bit and looked over at Luke. He was already staring at you with a content smile on his face. He leaned over and gave you a kiss.
“I love you and our little family,” he said smiling even more.
“I love you and our little family too,” you said giving him the giant smile. He kissed you again and you felt happy with the little family you had made with him.
Okay well my feels are all over the place now. Ahhhhhhh. I hope you guys are loving it! There’s one more part left! Also I totally love that I’ve been able to incorporate my friends into this one because it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Tag list: @thruheavenandhighwater @cocobuttercalum @wantyoubackcashton @bbycal
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