#MKR video games
shidouhikaru15 · 6 years
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A collaboration between Magic Knight Rayearth X Gothic wa Mahou Otome mobile game will start this September 19th to September 27th. Voice actresses Hekiru Shiina (Hikaru), Konami Yoshida (Umi), Hiroko Kasahara (Fuu) & Megumi Ogata (Princess Emeraude) will come back!!
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planetarduino · 3 years
The DIY force is strong with these 10 Arduino Star Wars projects
Hokey religions and ancient weapons might not be a match for a good blaster, but Arduino Star Wars projects certainly are. To celebrate May the 4th (also known as Star Wars Day), we’ve put together a list of inspired builds from a galaxy far, far away that you can make yourself.
So I Fixed a Broken Hasbro Lightsaber
It’s a rite of passage for every Jedi to build their own lightsaber. That goes for Arduino Jedi, too.
Alan Wang expertly upcycled a broken lightsaber toy by adding a Nano, an MP3 player module and a NeoPixel ring. The result is a Jedi weapon that’s far superior to the original toy.
Star Wars Mouse Droid with Hidden Payload
One of the first droids we meet in Star Wars is a mouse droid. The quirky little bots that zoom about the floor of the Death Star, getting under Stormtrooper’s feet.
They never actually appear to do all that much. But this zippy little droid by PotentPrintables has a hidden LED matrix that lets it deliver messages. And lots of terrible Star Wars puns, of course.
Imperial March on a Toaster
If you’re looking for sci-fi toasters, Red Dwarf is usually the first choice. But this hilarious video from Device Orchestra brings the dark side to your devices.
An Arduino controls the electromagnet in this toaster to turn it into a tuneful buzzer. Accompanied by toothbrushes and a typewriter, we get the immortal Imperial March played by droids.
Mini Arduino Star Wars Shoot ‘Em Up
A game that’s as simple as it is small and cute (like R2!), all run on a Nano on a breadboard.
And just consider how its graphics are comparable to those of the Death Star’s display as it moves into range of Yavin. Talk about human-cyborg relations!
Build a Life-Size BB8 Droid (Phone Controlled)
It was a pretty big deal when it turned out Lucasfilm built an actual droid for Star Wars Episode VII. It would have been easier to make BB8 in CGI. But we’re glad they went the practical route, as the cool ball droid has inspired a lot of makers.
Not least of them being Angelo, who built his very own amazing life-size BB8 using Arduino.
Recreating the Death Star Trench Run Scene with LEGO
As much as Wani Kim’s recreation of the iconic trench run is an incredible feat of LEGO engineering, it wouldn’t be complete without Arduino. The whole diorama is embedded with a galaxy-full of LEDs, bringing the scene to life.
That’s no moon. It’s an Arduino project!
Laser Shooting Game (Star Wars)
As Han told us, there’s no match for having a good blaster at your side. Ismail took that quite literally, and built a Star Wars laser shooting range that lets you take out those pesky Stormtroopers with a homemade blaster.
Arduino-Based Lightsaber with Light and Sound Effects
A great lightsaber build isn’t just about the colorful blade. It’s about the audio combinations, and the lighting effects when the blade makes contact. Bring all these things together, like Mad Gyver did, and you have an elegant weapon, of a more civilized age.
Prank Your Friends with Talking Darth Vader
Perfect for Halloween, as well as Star Wars Day, this motion activated Darth Vader head is just as creepy as its inspiration. It can be programmed with as many voice clips as you like, and wouldn’t it make a great option for a dark side Alexa?
Droid Build D-O
To be honest, D-O didn’t get nearly as much screen time or plot involvement as he deserved. But the latest addition to the growing line-up of Star Wars droids has been lovingly recreated by Matt Denton using a MKR WiFi 1010. No bad motivators here!
We want to hear about your Arduino Star Wars projects, so tell us all about them in the comments. May the force be with you!
The post The DIY force is strong with these 10 Arduino Star Wars projects appeared first on Arduino Blog.
The DIY force is strong with these 10 Arduino Star Wars projects was originally published on PlanetArduino
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colitisandme · 3 years
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Self care, don’t care.
Before I start this blog post, I want to say last month was probably one of the most exciting months of my life as I became a finalist at the Wego health awards 2021 for Rookie of the year category. I could not and still cannot believe that my blog, Social media page and general posts resonated so strongly with you lovely lot and is recognised so highly by Patient leaders across the world. So thank you. That night and the excitement I felt throughout the whole of the month is something I will never forget. I love you all. 😊
So, the reason that I have not posted a full blog for a few months is … well honestly like I have felt like over cooked spaghetti. You know when pasta is cooked to long, and it all gets sort of mushy and stuck together, people avoid it, make appreciative noises when you bring a plate of it out, and when your back is turned, they stuff it behind some sort of pot plant or when it becomes so claggy you could use it as some kind of DIY alternative for tile glue. Well yeah, like that. I think the thing that started it was the realisation that I would have to go out into the world after lock down – back to work, seeing people, whilst still trying to stay safe and well and not feel like wallpaper paste. It was also the scary realisation of how Phyllis has very much become a permanent fixture in my life and how my mobility and general staying ‘uprightness’ has got worse in a year. Suddenly the safe cocoon I had built for myself, and my husband was obliterated. I suddenly became very wary of others, especially large groups of people with faces. The walk that I could complete which would take me to the bus stop a year ago became this game of Russian roulette to see how impossible it would be to carry myself, a bag on wheels and walk in a straight line on a 60mph road with no pavement, and I was pretty sure there was a higher than likely chance, if I fell over, I would get rolled on by a vehicle or 6 coming in the opposite direction and I would spend the rest of my life in 2D. Pre fibro, I used to be able to hop in a ditch with care free abandonment, waving merrily to all the passengers in the cars going past, letting the cars whizz past me in the knowledge that I was safe and sound (albeit muddy) but oh Mama those days are long gone. Since Fibro makes me feel like my legs are tied together with bungee cords and my reflexes are not up to par, hopping anywhere would require me to be lifted up on a trampoline by a team of 4, said team pressing me up and down in unison in some kind of bouncy motion, then hoisted up by winch, until a team of workers could create some kind of solid landing platform for me to land on. However I fear the reality of me trying to leap out of the way as a car comes screaming towards me, would cause me to losing my footing and end up arse over face, in a ditch covered by twigs, moss, grass and last nights remnants of KFC, then trying to scrabble out of said ditch, swearing, removing, chicken wrappers out of my hair, apologising to the squirrel I have just rolled on. All whilst some twat face leaned out of a car window, absolutely wetting themselves at the sight of this mad Stig of the dump like creature covered in mud and tears, stopping only to take a video of me for their social media page. Then once I had managed to dig my way out of said ditch and on two feet, I would have to drag my poor bruised, hair straggled self to a bus stop filled with suspicious people all wondering why I look so dirty and smell of chicken and suddenly have 3000 views on you tube. That thought is stressful. All those tasks I didn’t have to worry about whilst safe in my little bubble, became now something extra to worry about and I have to admit I have not coped with the change very well. As well as that my darling husband, (yes we still like each other after a year of us both working from home) suddenly started a new job, a better more shiny job, and I didn’t see him as much. I missed him, in fact I still miss him. I lost my lockdown buddy and suddenly the world became much more difficult to navigate with chronic illness, and I retreated into my shell like a sad turtle, not sure how to re-integrate myself back into society. 
I know I have not been alone in my thoughts. I met up with one of my darling friends a few weeks ago, and she confessed she had been struggling over lockdown. Her feelings very much echoed my own, except I felt all the things she was feeling now the world was opening up again and so I wondered why? Why now when we have the choice to go out more and explore and be free, dance in the sunflowers with our hair blowing in the wind, why now am I feeling like the feeling of going out fills me with dread and anxiety? I think it’s the feeling of losing control. In my bubble, I had complete control of my own actions. For one whole year, I went out about 6 times throughout the pandemic. I created this lovely, safe, nest for myself and my husband. It was comforting and familiar. Now I feel like I have lost that. I have returned to the office where I work, I know because I am alone in my house I need to do things to upkeep my own mental health and now feel like I have to go out. Its this horrible catch 22 situation where I feel nervous leaving the house but then sad if I stay inside. There’s no safe space for me anymore, plus I had to fully confront head on the effects of fibro and the chronic fatigue syndrome a year on.. One person asked me ‘ So, why were you able to do….. and not able to now?’ and my answer was ‘BECAUSE ITS BEEN A YEAR SINCE I HAD TO AND PHYLLIS IS NOT HAPPY WITH THE NEW ARRANGEMENTS’ followed by ‘Please by all means if you have any grievances, take it up with her I am sure she would be delighted to answer any complaints you have to why I am suddenly not able to walk without looking slightly drunk/ lob sided, speak without repeating myself, and losing the words for toast but be please be aware she likes to swear and bite’ …. and that’s why I feel like over stretched cheese. 
So I have had to regroup…. and quite honestly, I am not there yet. It is hard. I am falling into a rut where I am struggling to leave the house or get out of a very stale routine. I have become reliant on my ‘comfort things’ to help me get me through my rough days…. An abundance of tea, MasterChef Australia, MKR, Disney and pyjamas (whilst at home) and I feel like I have lost my Jess spark and not sure how to get it back. I know I am going to have to put a lot of work into self-care to get me back on an even keel, drastically reduce my tv time drastically, start arty projects again, go and see real people with real faces, stop glaring at strangers not wearing masks, follow a routine, say my self-affirmations once again, listen to mindfulness exercises, complete more meditation…. Its going to be hard work. But I refuse to lose myself again. So, if I am quieter than usual, or seem a bit lost, It’s because… because well I am a bit lost. This new world is hard to navigate whilst juggling fibro and LC and CFS and sometimes I just want to drop all my juggling balls and quit the circus. So, for a little while I am going to focus on Jess. And gently supporting myself to feel like me again, one step at a time. I know Phyllis is going to hate me and with all the change I have spent more time on the toilet than recommended dealing with Colins ever changing habits and demands…. But its something I need to do, and for others trying to step back into the world after all this upheaval and unease, I just want to give you a big hug. You got this. Whether you struggled through lockdown, or are struggling now out of lockdown, please be gentle with yourself. One step at a time and if you need to regroup and recharge, then you do that. I am going to try and speak about the way I am feeling and encourage you all to do the same. After all, with this ever-changing world of chronic illness, symptoms, medication, appointments and this new normal, then its important we all support each other because we are all in this together.
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So I’m possibly getting my first tattoo in October or the beginning of November and I’m so so SO excited. The tattoo artist is incrediblely talented and nice so to have this opportunity is very wonderful and I’m very thankful. I’ve been wanting to get some tattoos for a long time, partly because I want to cover some old, fading self harm scars, but also to have things I love as a reminder that I can keep going no matter how difficult it gets. So this first one, is a leg one, specifically for my thigh (planning on eventually doing a bit of a leg sleeve thing with magical girls and Disney). It’s a Magic Knight Rayearth themed one that will have all three of the Magic Knights (Fuu, Umi, and Hikaru) in a heart shape. I wanted to for sure have all three of the girls together. And since I wear shorts and skirts a lot, I like that the position of the tattoo would also mean that I could see the lovely Magic Knights all the time (at least when I’m not wearing tights or jeans or something). I’m totally nervous but super excited. But MKR has meant so much to me over the years; from the original book series, to its anime adaptation, and the video game on the Sega Saturn. Its gotten me through some of the most difficult times in my life and the endearing, unbreakable friendship these girls share continues to inspire me today.
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amboato · 8 years
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 I cannot believe that Caldina and Umi are havinga frank conversation about Alcyone’s breasts in the bath. But the cake has to go to Hikaru’s innocent and naïve question about men liking big breasts, bless the innocent little child. 
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bitcofun · 2 years
Source: AdobeStock/ Kevin Carden The market might be on the up as the week wanes, however crypto chaos reveals no indications of easing off. There are more goings-on at Three Arrows Capital( 3AC), Celsius( CEL) remains in the spotlight once again-- and the Voyager journey continues. Here's a round-up of the current happenings in the area. Courtroom beckons for Celsius? The yield farming leader Jason Stone, the CEO of KeyFi, has submitted a suit versus the ailing crypto lending institution Celsius. Stone's legal group declares that Celsius has actually stopped working to honor agreements and has actually asked a branch of the United States, New York Supreme Court to compensate him for a quantity that would "be figured out at trial." The filing declares that Celsius utilized client funds in a quote to "control cryptoasset markets," and declares that Celsius "stopped working to set up fundamental accounting controls," which "threatened those exact same deposits." Wrapped payments While Celsius will wish to prevent legal battles such as the previously mentioned case, it has actually likewise been hectic attempting to constant its monetary ship. Data offered by Nansen appears to reveal that Celsius transferred USD 500 million worth of covered bitcoin (WBTC) on the FTX crypto exchange's platform extremely quickly after Celsius paid off its financial obligation to the lending institution Maker( MKR)-- recovering USD 450 million worth of WBTC security. On Twitter, Nansen quipped that there was "absolutely nothing to see here." 3AC funds should be 'secured', judge guidelines Everyone with skin in the 3AC video game has actually been following occasions in the British Virgin Isles with eager interest. The country's Supreme Court's newest judgment in insolvency procedures consists of an order for liquidators to "secure the worth of the business's properties from market volatility." This will efficiently indicate liquidators will be provided the power to transform 3AC's crypto holdings into either fiat or a fiat-pegged stablecoin such as tether (USDT) Furthermore, the judgment consists of a list of lenders, consisting of the 3AC co-founder Su Zhu and Kelly Kaili Chen, the partner of his fellow co-founder Kyle Davies. Lenders on the list would be initially in line to get payment, while it's suggested that the duo likely invested much of their own individual fortunes in the business. We're not 3AC, declares TPS The non-prescription ( OTC) crypto trading company TPS Capital has actually transferred to distance itself from 3AC. It has actually formerly called itself 3AC's "OTC trading arm," however required to Twitter to release a declaration calling itself "an independent legal entity" whose "operations are different and unique from those of 3AC." The business discussed: " 3AC was an investor of TPS for a really quick duration right away following TPS' incorporation in December 2020, however it has actually not held any shares in TPS considering that January2021 Su Zhu and Kyle Davies each have an indirect equity interest in TPS." TPS, nevertheless, declared that Zhu and Davies were "passive financiers" who "do not run or have any direct control over [TPS's] daily operations." Voyager problems deepen Customers of the crypto broker Voyager Digital who were wishing for a break from the United States Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)-- which guarantees represent approximately USD 250,000 per depositor in case of a bank failure-- might be out of luck. Voyager's banking partner, the Metropolitan Commercial Bank, provided a declaration on the matter. And the financial expert Frances Coppola, who shared the declaration on Twitter, composed that the TL; DR was "problem" for clients-- as the FDIC does not offer defense versus Voyager Digital's failure. Voyager applied for personal bankruptcy today, however Metropolitan Commercial Bank described: " The Metropolitan Commercial Bank preserves an omnibus account particularly designated for the advantage of Voyager clients.
The omnibus account holds United States Dollars just. It does not hold cryptocurrency or any other possession. FDIC insurance coverage does not secure versus the failure of Voyager, any act or omission of Voyager or its workers, or the loss in worth of cryptocurrency or other properties." Meanwhile, there were even more advancements on the Voyager front-- from Alameda Research, the quantitative crypto trading company established by the FTX chief Samuel Bankman-Fried. The popular software application engineer and crypto trader Eric Wall chimed in on the matter. 5/5 Alameda/FTX having a loan with Voyager is absolutely nothing unusual-- Eric Wall (@ercwl) July 8, 2022 ____ Read More
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shidouhikaru15 · 5 years
This March 20th was released Super Robot Wars T on Nintendo Switch and PS4! This game includes a gorgeous Magic Knight Rayearth collaboration.
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It was released in Japan and Southeast Asia, with the option with English subtitles for this last one. If you are interested in how to get this game, this is a quick guide of where to buy it.
Super Robot Wars T – Japanese version – no English subtitles
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As you may notice, there are two versions of the game available in Japan, the regular edition and the Premium Anime Song & Sound Edition. The difference is that the last one includes all the music featured in the game. So, if you want to listen to this gorgeous soundtrack, this edition is for you!
Nintendo Switch (physical and digital available)
If you want to buy a physical copy of the game, you can buy at these sites:
Regular edition
AmiAmi – Price 8,430 yen - 75.24 USD (shipment not included) CD Japan – Price 8,600 yen - 76.77 USD (shipment not included) Playasia – Price 8,996 yen - 76.99 USD (shipment not included)
You can also check Amazon.
***Notice that prices don’t include customs taxes.
Premium Edition
CD Japan – Price 12,600 yen - 112.47 USD (shipment not included) Playasia – Price 13,086 yen - 111.99 USD (shipment not included)
You can also check Amazon.
***Notice that prices don’t include customs taxes.
If you want to buy a digital copy of the game, you must do some things.
-Go to my.nintendo.com and change your account settings of Country/Region to Japan. -Go to Nintendo eShop on your Nintendo Switch, you will notice that it’s the Japanese one. -If you look inside the NEW menu, you can actually find SRWT game or you can search スーパーロボット -Regular edition (Price: 9,288 yen - 82.87 USD); Premium Edition (Price: 13,608 yen - 121.42 USD)  -You can pay using Japanese Nintendo eShop cards (you can buy them at Playasia) or you can use Paypal (you must have a Japanese Paypal account) -Once the payment is confirmed the game starts to download, and you can enjoy it!
PS4 (physical and digital available)
If you want to buy a physical copy of the game, you can buy at these sites:
Regular edition
CD Japan – Price 8,600 yen 76.77 USD (shipment not included) Playasia – Price 9,113 yen - 77.99 USD (shipment not included)
You can also check Amazon.
***Notice that prices don’t include customs taxes. 
Premium Edition
AmiAmi – Price 11,430 yen - 102.06 USD (shipment not included) CD Japan – Price 12,600 yen - 112.47 USD (shipment not included) Playasia – Price 12,852 yen - 109.99 USD (shipment not included)
You can also check Amazon.
***Notice that prices don’t include customs taxes. 
If you want to buy a digital copy of the game, you must do some things.
-Create a Japanese account on PlayStation Network. -Go to PlayStation Store and search スーパ���ロボット -Regular edition (Price: 9,288 yen - 82.87 USD); Premium Edition (Price: 13,608 yen - 121.42 USD) -You can pay using Credit/Debit card or using Japanese PSN cards (you can buy them at Playasia) -Once the payment is confirmed the game starts to download, and you can enjoy it!
Super Robot Wars T – Southeast Asia version – English subtitles
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For the Southeast Asia version, only the regular edition is available. Also, notice that due to copyright and licensing issues, the music featured in this version are new arrangements and not the original music of the series as in the Japanese version.
Nintendo Switch (physical only available)
If you want to buy a physical copy of the game, please check Playasia. Price: 8,178 yen - 69.99 USD (shipment not included). You can also check Amazon.
***Notice that prices don’t include customs taxes.
There is no Nintendo eShop available for this region. So, you can’t buy a digital copy or DLC.
PS4 (physical and digital available)
If you want to buy a physical copy of the game, please check Playasia. Price: 8,672 yen - 74.99 USD (shipment not included). You can also check Amazon.
***Notice that prices don’t include customs taxes.
If you want to buy a digital copy of the game, you must do some things.
-Create an account on PlayStation Network for the Southeast Asia region. I chose Indonesia since its store is available in English. -Go to PlayStation Store and search Super Robot Wars -Price: Rp 780,000 (55.39 USD) -You can pay using Indonesian PSN cards (you can buy them at Playasia) -Once the payment is confirmed the game starts to download, and you can enjoy it!
The game has 20 DLC available. These ones are bonus stages and extra stuff to upgrade your robots. If you want to create an unbeatable Super Robot, all DLC are for you! You can buy the full pack for 3,150 yen (Rp 358,000 - 25.42 USD) or the individual DLC for 150 yen (Rp 17,000 - 1.21 USD). Notice that if you buy the full pack you get the Full Pack Purchase - Present T which gives you more extra stuff. Rayearth characters appear in 5 of these DLC. Once downloaded, DLC are available once you accomplish some progress in the main story of the game.
DLC # 7 - 魔法騎士と聖戦士 - Magic Knights and Battlers (Available after chapter 24 is cleared in the game) DLC # 11 - 妖精達の午後 - A Fairy Eventful Afternoon (Available after chapter 36 is cleared in the game) DLC # 14 - 悩める好敵手たち - Troubled Rivals (Available after chapter 38 is cleared in the game) DLC # 15 - 呪いのスーパーデフォルメ - Curse of the Superdeformed (Available after chapter 42 is cleared in the game) DLC # 20 - 特務三課プレゼンテーション - Special Section 3's Presentation (Available after chapter 50 is cleared in the game)
Oh, BTW. If you buy eShop or PSN cards on Playasia, once the payment is confirmed, they will send you the code right away!
Hope this helps!
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evanvanness · 4 years
Annotated edition, Week in Ethereum News March 29 issue
This annotated version is brought to you by The Cure’s “The Head on the Door” album, playing over my headphones right now in a vain attempt to avoid the work-from-home-with-kids maelstrom. 
Listening to an album helps me mark the time and stay focused when I’m doing something relatively unstructured like newsletter commentary.   It’s somewhat unclear to me who I’m writing this for, but people seem to appreciate more context for the firehose of information, so I try to provide some.
I’ve occasionally read newsletters for other blockchains and I’m always impressed by how little I understand.  I have no context for what X, Y, and Z mean.  Yet there’s still usually something there that I pick up that is worthwhile enough that makes it worth the click and skim.
Here’s the most clicked for the week.  The eternal caveat exists that people click things in the newsletter that they haven’t read
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The annotated roadmap was the top click by a large amount.  
Geth v1.9.11’s eth/65 data propagation has reduced bandwidth 75%
Nethermind v1.7.12 has eth/65 support
Notes from the latest stateless call
Guillaume Ballet on why we switch from hex to binary and how the overlay tree works
Evaluating the proposals to reduce witness size
Eth on ARM updated images to run full nodes on Raspberry Pis: Geth, Nethermind, Parity, Besu.
Bitcoiners would tell you that it’s impossible to run a full Eth node, but you can actually run one on a Raspberry Pi 4.
Ethereum has always had “being honest about our problems” as a core value, so it’s amusing that Bitcoiners never do the work to figure out what the actual problems are.  Right now Geth is the vast majority of nodes, because they keep doing incredible work improving their client - or in this case, networking for all of Ethereum.
The client formerly known as Parity is being taken over, but there’s probably going to be a ramp up time.  
In the meantime, running Nethermind and Besu nodes are a concrete thing that anyone can do for the network.  I find the Nethermind client to be particularly easy to run, though the documentation is a bit lacking.  So for a Saturday project, click the link above and get a Nethermind or Besu node running on a Raspberry Pi.
The points in between Geth/Nethermind and Eth on Arm have to do with Stateless Ethereum, the goal of getting network clients to be able to run statelessly.  Those steps include getting the witness size down to be small enough and switching the tree from hex to binry.
Latest eth2 implementer call. Ben Edgington’s notes
Least Authority’s audit report of eth2 spec
Notes from the latest networking call
Mikerah explores hybrid networking architectures for validator privacy
Latest Nimbus client update, full interop is main focus. processing validators and sigs 5x faster
RuntimeVerification: verifying ewasm code
Carl Beekhuizen’s sharded consensus explainer, and why signature aggregation is so vital
The audit of the eth2 spec is now public.  Meanwhile nailing down the final networking for phase0 to get the last multi-client testnets up before the Beacon Chain goes live.
Hashmap-based polynomial commitments
Multi-layer hashmaps for state storage
ZKStudyClub video on polynomial commitments with Justin, Vitalik and Dankrad
Casper CBC achieves liveness even in async networks
The debut of the Eth2x section.  That’s a joke - I dislike the 1x moniker which somehow got hung on Eth1 improvements.  
You probably won’t be clicking any of these links unless you’re into math or a protocol researcher who can fake it.
AZTEC zk-zkrollup with PLONK proofs. Will soon ship 100 private transactions per second on mainnet
Error-correcting code to optimize ZK-rollup verifier
A revamped Nutberry optimistic rollup plan
No shocker here that Aztec is moving into rollup.  It’s an underrated fact that rollup’s massive scaling is about to ship or has already shipped (ie Loopring), though there is still work to do be do to get those rollups to their full thousnds of transactions per second capacity - like optimizing the verifier.
Stuff for developers
Solidity v0.6.x features: fallback and receive
Yul+ from Fuel Labs. Features added to Yul’s low-level intermediate language: enums, constants, booleans, memory structures, safemath
Truffle v5.1.19. fully decode internal function pointers, new –bail flag in TruffleTest
MetaMask Ethereum provider survey
Catching weird bugs in Solidity with invariant checks
Slither v0.6.10 – 5 new detectors, support for Solidity v0.6
Samczsun finds a bug in Synthetix release
Build an API to interact with Compound
Using the debugger in Remix online IDE
Building frontends with React and NetworkJS
OpenZeppelin CLI v2.8, now you can opt out of upgradeability
Survey of upgradeability standards
ELI5smartcontracts: input Solidity code and the website tells you what it does
Nim libp2p tutorial of peer to peer chat
Zeropool’s Fawkes framework in Rust for building bellman circuits
Iden3’s Circom v0.5 – updated tutorial. Open sourced very fast finite field libraries, getting close to being production ready for writing snark circuits.
I’ve always felt like the dev section hopefully speaks for itself. With Yul+,  FuelLabs is supporting the idea that good projects naturally spinoff open source tools.
An annotated version of Vitalik’s Eth2020 roadmap
Another tool to understand/revoke what contracts you have given authority to spend your tokens
Ceramic, a permissionless protocol on Eth & IPFS for tamper-proof documents
All three of these were quite high on the most clicked.  
Ericsson: designing a decentralized marketplace
Hyperledger Besu v1.4.2 – improved onchain privacy groups
I think the Ericsson piece just missed the most clicked tweet.  
Governance, DAOs, and standards
Governance in decentralized networks, a survey paper from Streamr’s Risto Karjalainen
A primer on Moloch v2, how new features improve grants and enable for-profit DAOs
The MKR token is now controlled by its governance
ERC2567: Human-Readable Parameters for Contract Function Execution
EIP2565: Repricing of the EIP-198 ModExp precompile
I haven’t read the Streamr paper, though of course governance is one of the unsolved problems in this space, since governance is an unsolved topic among humans.  
Application layer
Uniswap announces v2: token to token pairings, protocol fee, oracles, flash swaps
TheSandbox partnering with Atari to feature their titles
Mailchain’s Dapplaunch, a web3 email marketing tool
You can now play Austin Griffith’s Galleass game on xDai
Maker’s flop auctions successfully concluded for ~253 DAI average price
3 critical trading risks mitigated in Augur v2
Synthetix’s Hadar release includes Brent Crude oil, FTSE100 and S&P Global1200
UMA’s priceless synthetic token design pattern to reduce oracle dependency
Furucombo, a GUI for combining DeFi transactions into 1
TrustlessFund, a timelock for ETH and tokens
LEND721, an NFT borrowing platform, is live on mainnet
I don’t normally include release announcements before they happen, but Uniswap is obviously a special case.
Weekly metric: 5 out of 11 bullet points (counting on low side for DeFi, eg not including Augur) are DeFi.
SDNY judge halts Telegram token distribution with preliminary injunction
If the SEC wins - which it appears they likely will now that they got the injunction - then Silicon Valley investors will have gotten bailed out of the two craziest crypto deals that they invested in at market top - Telegram and Basecoin.  Just like Basecoin, Telegram will likely be forced to return (most of) the cash it raised.
The SEC is providing regulation-as-a-service to those investors.   Interesting that the deal happened mere months after Tezos, and yet very different regulatory treatments.
Vitalik’s garbled circuits primer
Semaphore had to restart the random value generation process
Hive, the community-led fork of Steem, is currently trading for significantly more more than STEEM after Tron’s hijack attempt
It’s pretty great to see that the Steem community managed to fight off the hijacking that was attempted with the (unwitting?) help of Binance and Huobi. While both exchanges backed off, we’ll find out in time whether they really feel like they were misled.  
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Finally, time to shill for my Gitcoin grant here.  If you give because you particularly want the annotated edition to continue, could you add .11 to whatever you give?  eg, 1.11 DAI or .11 ETH or .01011 ETH.  
I put this last week and I believe only one contributor added the 11, so maybe no one likes the annotated version.  🤔   
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planetarduino · 3 years
Using the MKR IoT Carrier Board as a game console
One of the first things many makers try to do when they receive a new piece of cool hardware is write a game for it. This is exactly what Johan Halmén did with his Breakout console that uses the Arduino MKR IoT Carrier board and an MKR1000 to both run and display the game. 
Breakout typically involves moving a paddle horizontally along the bottom of the screen to bounce a ball that can destroy the bricks above it. However, since the carrier board’s color OLED screen is circular, Halmén had to create a different version of this, which he calls “BreakIn.” His game features a bunch of hexagonal tiles in the middle and a paddle that moves around the outside that is controlled by the onboard accelerometer. This lets the player tilt the device to move their paddle quickly and accurately. 
Getting the circular display to work was a bit more of a challenge than a normal square one because coordinates had to be mapped using a bit of trigonometry first. Additionally, figuring out the angle of tilt and the collision geometry took some math as well. But once everything was up and working, the game was very fun to play, as can be seen in Halmén’s demo video below. 
To read more about the code that went into this project, check out its Instructables write-up here.
The post Using the MKR IoT Carrier Board as a game console appeared first on Arduino Blog.
Using the MKR IoT Carrier Board as a game console was originally published on PlanetArduino
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gwydionae · 7 years
11 Questions Meme
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
Write 11 questions of your own
And tag 11 people
Tagged by @sealandangel! ^_^
I am actually procrastinating right now and don’t really have time to make up 11 new questions so I’m gonna be a putz and not tag anyone sorry
What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
Just hanging out at home with my computer, kitty, and whatever random project I want to work on that day. ^_^
If you’re in the CLAMP fandom whats your favorite manga and favorite character and why?  
Hahaha, I don’t know that’d I’d say I was in the CLAMP fandom per se, but I do like my fair share of CLAMP stuff. Perhaps surprisingly I think I’d have to say that Magic Knight Rayearth is my favorite of their manga - a bit cliche by today’s standards, sure, but it was one of the first manga series I read, so it introduced me to a lot of those cliches, haha. I just really like the characters and think it’s a solid story with a nice twist at the end.
As for favorite CLAMP character, I’d probably have to go with both Sakura and Shaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura. My heart says that Shaoran is #1, but I know that without Sakura I wouldn’t like him nearly so much. So for me they come as a package deal. They are just both so sweet and innocently adorable, even if Shaoran starts out a bit grumpy, lol. Sakura is a little ray of sunshine that still gets some nice depth, and Shaoran’s journey through self discovery always makes me happy.
Favorite Anime?
My nostalgic favorite is Digimon (specifically Adventure), so I don’t know that anything will ever be able to topple it from that spot as nostalgia is a powerful thing. I love the characters and the fact that it has some surprising depth for a show based on a toy line. Also the backgrounds are GORGEOUS.
But as far as a series where my nostalgia does not taint my opinion, there are a lot I could chose from, but the one that really does just stick out the most is Tsuritama. I love that series so much. <3 Yuki honestly means so much to me, and I truly love the entire cast. That and the story is so unique and fun and interesting! Everyone should watch the show about aliens, fishing, dancing, and social anxiety! XD
Favorite Cartoon?
Oh, this one’s a lot easier: Batman the Animated Series! I mean, sure, there are a ton of cartoons I love, but none will ever top that one. The writing, the atmosphere, the characters, the voice acting, the music... it is truly a masterpiece. BtAS Batman is MY Batman (and none of this later season junk where suddenly all of his personality was zapped away and Babs was, like, dating him or something weird and gross like that and Dick was turned emo and Tim was beyond annoying... ok I’ll stop now...).
Favorite Video game?
I don’t care if it’s the cliche answer: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. While other Zelda games may do individual aspects better (Midna = best companion, BotW’s climbing and paragliding, etc), OoT has the best full package and, in my opinion, the most compelling story. It’s not a groundbreaking story, but as you might have been able to tell by MKR being my fav CLAMP manga, I’m not super concerned about a story having to be unique to be good, lol. That and I love Zelda being Shiek and running around like a ninja for half the game! XD
What do you like to collect if anything?
Hmm, don’t know that I really collect anything. I have in recent years made a point to buy more prints from artists at anime conventions despite not really having the wall space to hang them, so I suppose that might count? lol I want to get, like, a large book I can put them all in or something!
Windows or Mac?
...I had a rough time in the computer labs back in college. I did so many art projects in a super old version of Paint Shop Pro on my Windows computer simply to avoid having to use the schools Macs because I hated them THAT much. ^_^;;
What languages can you speak in?
Only English... I can understand some Spanish and Japanese, but it’s very minimal.
Do you like the nightmare before christmas?
Whats your OTP to end all OTPs?
I actually already touched on it: Sakura and Shaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura. <3 It’s just so freaking cute... I won’t start gushing again, though, since, ya know, I already did. XD Just know that I think of it as a super innocent ship - I don’t ship things for the “sexy make out timez” or whatever. I just think they are adorable together.
If you could change ONE outcome in any anime/manga what would it be?
Oooooooooooh that’s rough... See, I’m one of those people who is ok with good characters dying and super bad things happening IF it has significance. So I wouldn’t, like, bring Hughes back or keep Nina from being turned into a chimera, because those are big, impactful moments. So it has to be something that really changed the way I felt about that particular anime/manga...
(I’m... I’m just gonna put this last one under a cut. XD I get pretty heated. LOL It is something that will forever bother me, and if you EVER want to get me going, just bring up Naruto’s Itachi.)
I’ll be honest, the first thing that came to mind is actually from Naruto. I’m not so sure this would be “the ONE” if I actually had time to give this a ton of thought because I stopped enjoying the series even before this happened. But this. THIS was the breaking point. THIS was the one thing that made me turn my back on it completely and despise it with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
Itachi being a “good guy”.
This ruined everything. It ruined Itachi who was once this terrifying villain with no remorse toward the killing of his family and made him into a guy who made some really dumb and pointless decisions that ultimately went against what his supposed main goal was all for a cheap shock twist. It ruined Sasuke who should have finally come to the end of his avenging days and had to deal with the fact that it was just as empty and hollow as everyone told him it would be, leading him an ACTUAL path to redemption, but instead was given a lobotomy by the author and only made incomprehensibly dumb choices that went against literally any amount of sense, all so he could stay “bad” until the very end (or whenever exactly that happened - I’m pretty fuzzy on the whole final... war... thing). It ruined Sakura who continued to pine for a guy 100% not worth pining for because he was literally a scumbag when she could have been trying to help a post-avenging Sasuke come to terms with everything instead.
It ruined Naruto himself - say what you want about Sasuke as a character (I loved him pre-time jump, but I know many hated him and I totally get why lol), but one thing you have to give him is that the rivalry between him and Naruto was almost always interesting and fun. They learned from each other, grew together, and yet still wanted nothing more than to one up the other - good, typical shounen rivalry. Sasuke leaving made sense in the story so I was ok with it, but it DID make me care a lot less about Naruto because suddenly I didn’t find the characters he was surrounded with compelling (I’m looking at you, Sai...). If Itachi had not been revealed as a secret “good guy”, this would have left Sasuke with more chances to interact with Naruto in ways other than “I hate the Leaf and want to kill everyone and that includes you”. We could have gotten so much more from the two of them! Maybe they still would have fought sometimes. Maybe Sasuke would help him out before taking off again. It wouldn’t have necessarily meant that Sasuke would have been around all the time, but it still could have given us bits here and there of the two of them interacting with each other which is what made me like the series so much in the first place.
Ok. I’m ok. I’m better now. I just... have a lot of feelings about this... XD sorry not sorry
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dragonslaved · 7 years
My bud, if you wanna be salty, be salty about a video game. Pick one and whine about it and I will sit here and nod with you. :)
let’s talk about dmc (franchise)
I love dmc, I love every (almost) iteration of it, I own multiple copies of 3, 4, and DmC. I’ve poured more money into this single franchise than I have a lot of other stuff (MKR still tops that list though. Holy shit MKR is still the lead). 
For those following me who don’t know: Devil May Cry (DMC) is an action fighting game made by Capcom. Originally, it was being developed as a Resident Evil game, but during development, they got a bit off the mark and decided to still keep what they’d made, but turn it into its own IP. Cool. They released Devil May Cry for the PS2 in 2001, saw a fairly nice reception. 
They went on to develop Devil May Cry 2 (which outside of this post is nonexistent, but will be discussed for the sake of completion) and released in 2003. This one was not done by the same team and Hideki Kamiya was actually pretty surprised it was being developed and a little upset he wasn’t called in on it. It got a harsher review, both because its storyline takes place in an unknown number of decades in the future, the gameplay was not as good, and its difficulty level lowered tremendously for no apparent reason. Its English voice acting left a lot to be questioned (e.g. this iconic ending scene ). The fandom has collectively agreed to ignore its existence it was so disliked. 
Capcom took a break before they started development on Devil May Cry 3, a prequel telling the story of Dante and his twin brother, Vergil fighting over the legacy of their father. It was a hit because fans recognized the Dante they liked, the gameplay was some of the best at the time (2005), and the story was levels above what we received in 2. They shortly after released a Special Edition that had Vergil as a playable character with his own story route as well. 
Devil May Cry 4 was going to be Capcom’s first ps3 title, which made the developers a little nervous because no one had worked with it before, so they focused on using a PC engine. It takes place somewhere between 1 and 2, with Dante as an older, cocky jerk with a heart of gold working with Trisha still. It introduced us also to Nero, a new character the player starts as. It brought a lot of questions and theories that, as far as I know, haven’t had conclusive answers (but I may be wrong and they’re in the manga/novels? who knows). 
Which brings me to DmC: Devil May Cry, fifth game in the franchise, and my salt. I definitely was watching the development of this game and a lot of my salt comes from........ fans. Fan outcry before the game had even come out. Which to an extent, I get: we were ready to see Dante again, ready to play as our idiot with a heart of gold. And we got that! Just not the packaging most fans expected or wanted. Capcom spent several years waffling on whether the title would be a reboot of the existing franchise, a pre-prequel set before 3, or an alternate universe. Ultimately, they went with alternate universe franchise reboot, noted right up at its release. 
It’s not a bad game. There’s parts of it I don’t particularly enjoy (namely: the opening sequence in the strip club that you can’t skip despite being ng+), but that doesn’t take away how fun the game is to play. It’s genuinely fun! I enjoyed more aspects of playing this game than I do most games I rave about. It’s literally the game I plug in when I’m frustrated and need to get in a better mood.  The environments are engaging, the story is cliched but still decent, the characters are interesting. Not the greatest game ever made, but definitely not deserving the hate it received before the first trailer had even released. 
To this day, I don’t know if Capcom will ever work on another DmC title because of its reception or what. I hope they do. Anyway, my salt is that fans ruin everything I enjoy, the end.
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zhantilniiraala · 7 years
Green, orange, grey!
I got a second Orange from @lady-pounce-a-lot​ so I’ll SUPER answer that one.  Under the cut because there’s a lot...I made the actual playlists on youtube and wrote some stuff about the songs :V
green: songs to run to - RUNTIME
MEGALOVANGARANG - some dude on the internet - It’s Toby Fox x Skrillex. You feel the bass dropping down your back.
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy - Good bpm for my running pace. Big Mood.
Turn Me On - David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj - Also an excellent bpm for workin’ out. Music video’s kind of a trip tho.
Xepher - Tatsh - Possibly my favorite DDR song????? It’s really hard.
Dr. Gaster - Shadrow - Nice easy, rhythmic lyrics to distract you from your muscles and lungs complaining. Catchy as shit. Seizure warning video.
I’m In Love (With A Killer) - Jeffree Star - My current song on repeat. Big Big Mood.
Corset Theme - Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt OST - Never actually watched this show but this kind of music is my jam.
Shake It Off (The Perfect Drug) - Isosine - Good good mashup. This playlist is largely about good bpm + distracting lyrics.
Planetary (GO!) - My Chemical Romance - MCR’s latest album has some good shit. Also somebody made a sweet MTT music video for it.
I Tried to Kill Everyone But a Time Traveling Skeleton Kicked My Ass - Megalovania remix #52 - Mostly like this one for the name but it’s a very good workout jam too.
Let Me Hit It - Sporty O - Because I’m a memetastic fuck.
Wonderland - Caravan Palace - Starts a little slow but has a great funky beat.
Only - Nine Inch Nails - Because songs that make me run good are also songs that make me want to punch someone in the face.
Bleed It Out - Linkin Park - Because songs that make me run good are also emo as shit. I’m annoyed by the censoring of this song on youtube.
London Bridge - Fergie - Strong association with my cross country days for this one.
orange: songs you want other people to associate with you - IT ME
Losing Touch - The Killers - This entire album is one of my all-time faves. Good good lyrics. Gives me them nostalgic feels.
Lapis Lazuli Remix - some other dude on the internet - Midi files are love. Midi files are life.
MC MetalChriser - Toby Fox x MC Chris - Yo mama is a bitch. See you in the Sarlacc Pit.
Bill Cipher Theme - Double Cleff - Triangles.
Reality Check Through The Skull - DM DOKURO - Good good remix of a few good skeleton songs. I’m a sucker for ridiculous names for remixes. And organ music.
Come Undone - Isosine - Isosine is the king of mashups. Ignore the anime music video, it’s the only extant copy of the song I could find on youtube.
Hikari to Kage wo Dakishimeta mama - Magic Knight Rayearth OST - Because many years of my life and places in my heart belong to MKR.
Beetlejuice (Dubstep mix) - Figure - Tim Burton shit is my jam, particularly the ghost with the most.
Pancreas - Weird Al Yankovic - My life philosophy finds its backbone in the music of Weird Al. He’s one of my heroes.
The Adventure Zone Wonderland Megamix - Griffin McElroy kind of - Lots of people didn’t seem to like The Suffering Game. I loved it. Possibly because I love suf f e r  i  n    g
Waters of Megalovania - Toby Fox x Justice - My ringtone in perpetuity.
Birdy Nam Nam - The Parachute Ending - Weird-ass music videos are very me.
The Last Unicorn - America - Wouldn’t be the person I am today without this movie.
Inner Universe - Yoko Kanno - Still need to watch SAC in its entirety. Used to sing this song in high school. I’m a nerd.
The Mind Electric - Joe Hawley - Again, ignore the music video. This is a song that was released in reverse, you have to play it backwards to get this weird weird track with weird weird lyrics. Biiiiig Mood.
grey: songs to listen to on a rainy day - IT GON RAIN
Never Be Alone (Tasty Release) - TheFatRat - Rainy day music needs a particular....mood. It’s hard to articulate but this song is it.
Storm Coming - Gnarls Barkley - More of a general thematic one.
Lone Digger - Caravan Palace - No particular reason. But I really like this song.
The Spine - Transistor OST - Game done got good music. Melancholy is a good word for most of it.
Blumenkranz - Kill la Kill OST - I think slower beats are good for rain, mostly?
Voidfish (Plural) - Griffin McElroy Remix - I spent so long looking for a good remix of this song and this one is veeeerrry rainy day-ish.
Build That Wall (Zia’s Theme) - Bastion OST - What are you doing not playing Bastion. Same people as Transistor. I’m very excited for Pyre.
Singularity (TheFatRat Remix) - The Tide ft. Steffi Nguyen - Very...flowy? I’d like to be sitting in front of a fire on a rainy day with this song playing.
Colors - Halsey - I guess most of this playlist is vaguely sad but not TOO sad? That’s what I think of with rainy days.
It’s Raining Somewhere Else Remix - SharaX - Or sometimes, it’s raining right here.
Float (TheFatRat Remix) - Pacific Air - Another one of those songs with that same mood. At least I’m consistent.
Delilah - The Dresden Dolls - I love singing this one~
Protège-Moi - Placebo - I don’t know any french, but I sure do like this song.
Marry The Night - Lady Gaga - Makes me want to stand outside in a rainstorm. Gigantic Mood.
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cryptswahili · 6 years
5 Signs From CES 2019 That Crypto Is Ready for the Mainstream
If you have doubts about the future of crypto, look no further than Las Vegas.
The Consumer Technology Association’s CES is the biggest trade show in the world and the biggest event hosted in Las Vegas every year. Over 2.7 million net square feet of exhibit floor space is set aside for over 182,000 tech industry professionals to learn the latest trends in consumer technology.
I drove to Las Vegas with a small production team to catch up with the blockchain and cryptocurrency developments at CES 2019. As the winter rolled on (registration was last fall), it became clear through the programming and exhibitors that crypto is a force to be reckoned with this year.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the crypto and blockchain highlights from CES 2019 in Las Vegas.
1. Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets Are Legit Tech
Wallets and exchanges shined throughout CES, with Ledger and Trezor both showing off their offerings. Both are available at major retailers and could be expanding their presence in the market in 2019.
Ledger introduced the Nano X, which is a Bluetooth-enabled hardware wallet and a step up from its popular Nano S, which sold over 1.5 million units as of the end of 2018. The Nano X can hold up to 100 crypto assets, six times more than the previous version. Ledger is also launching the Ledger Live mobile app that supports Nano S and Nano X users.
Meanwhile, I got a hold of a Trezor Model T and bought some Bitcoin to get started in cryptocurrency investing myself. My 2019 resolution is to invest $100 in a new altcoin every month this year. I’ll work on comparing wallets more once I do.
Kevin Love from Bundil, the Shark Tank-funded crypto investment app, was also on hand discussing the benefits of crypto investing.
2. Retailers Are Crypto-Curious
Retail’s biggest pushback against accepting crypto as payment is volatile pricing, but they’re not necessarily against blockchain technology. CES 2019 had a range of informative sessions throughout the week to demystify crypto for merchants.
During “The Great Crypto Debate”, MakerDAO (MKR) President Steven Becker and Bitcoin Foundation’s Brock Pierce participated in a roundtable discussion about the viability of crypto as both currency and technology.
And Pundi X(NPXS) hit CES in a big way, showing off its new blockchain-based phone at CES Unveiled. Called “Function X, ” the phone runs on Android 7.0 and the company plans to released 5000 phones to proof the concept before licensing their tech to other manufacturers.
If you don’t already know Pundi X, it has point-of-sale devices and a crypto wallet, which, when combined with this phone, creates an end-to-end, blockchain-based connection between retailers and customers.
3. Esports, Media, and Marketing Are Decentralizing
Advertising, video games, and media in general are among the leading use-cases of blockchain technology. Tracking creative materials from sounds and images to more complicated work can be frustrating, and it’s hard to know what’s effectively reaching who at the right times.
“Blockchain and Advertising: The Possibilities and Realities” paired CTA’s Jack Cutts with Sara Bruno at Arent Fox, MIT Media Lab’s Michael Casey, and Brian Wong from Kiip to discuss how blockchain technology relieves the biggest pain points for ad agencies, including nearly $20 million lost to ad fraud.
Casey joined more speakers from Nexus, BTC Inc, and Entertainment AI in another talk on how blockchain is remaking the media and entertainment business.
And gaming (especially esports) could be found all over the CES floor, from conferences detailing how developers like Blizzard are adapting to modern digital economies to hardware companies like Nvidia, Razer, and Intel featuring pro gamers at their booths.
4. The Future Is Mobile-First
Blockchain is a fundamental technology in the future IoT environment, and CES 2019 made this very clear. IBM’s Jason Kelley and EY’s Louise Keely were among the participants CBS’s Teena Maddox spoke with about cities around the world dipping their toes in blockchain technology.
From smart cities to supply chain and operations, blockchain technology is working with IoT to create a mobile-first world.
Autonomous cars, flying drones, home entertainment, robot and voice-activated assistants, smart homes, and so much more technology was on display. It’s more clear than ever that we’ll be connected to technology wherever we go.
5. ICOs Are Complicated
We cannot possibly say enough about the shift from ICOs to STOs in 2018 and beyond. If you don’t know why, CES 2019 had a surprisingly poignant 90-minute session called “True Confessions: ICOs, Crypto, Tokens and VCs” with Yahoo Finance/USA Today’s Rob Pegoraro discussing the pitfalls of ICOs with people who lived through them.
Tim Draper (Tezos), Matthew Roszak (Bloq), and Sam Trautwin (Carbon) were among the people discussing their experiences. Draper has by far the most interesting story, and if you’re not familiar with the Tezos soap opera already, click the link above. What’s even more interesting is the lessons learned. None of the speakers are pulling back from crypto – they’re just applying the lessons learned and moving forward.
And that’s what gives me hope for blockchain and cryptocurrency moving toward 2020. Everyone has their hand in it, and the projects have gotten as sophisticated as any other technology at CES this year.
We’re in the right business.
The author is (finally!) invested in digital assets, including Bitcoin, which is mentioned in this article.
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The post 5 Signs From CES 2019 That Crypto Is Ready for the Mainstream appeared first on Crypto Briefing.
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You Can Now Buy Digital Land in a Virtual-Reality Blockchain World. Welcome to Decentraland
You Can Now Buy Digital Land in a Virtual-Reality Blockchain World. Welcome to Decentraland
Today, Decentraland launches its second land auction, allowing users to purchase digital “parcels” of land on the blockchain.
If you’re getting visions of the virtual-reality world in Ready Player One, you’re not far off. Decentraland aims to build a VR world, complete with avatars, games and virtual real estate.
Today’s auction will sell off 9,331 parcels of land, each 10m x 10m in size, in the virtual metropolis of Genesis City.
What is Decentraland?
Decentraland is a 3D, virtual-reality space where users can explore, purchase, and build upon blockchain land. It’s built on the Ethereum blockchain and utilizes a native cryptocurrency called MANA.
The virtual world is broken up into “districts,” and each district contains “parcels” of land. The world is finite, meaning land will ultimately be scarce, powering a true real estate market within the platform.
Decentraland hopes to encourage developers to build games and applications into the platform, increasing the value of land and creating a true community. 
Of course, this being blockchain, it’s decentralized: “Decentraland is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single agent with the power to modify the rules of the software, contents of land, economics of the currency, or prevent others from accessing the world.”
Decentraland Genesis City Map: Marketplace Big Money Behind Decentraland
Decentraland is partly funded by one of the cryptoverse’s largest investment funds, Digital Currency Group (DCG). DCG has investments in Coinbase, CoinDesk, Ledger, and blockchain.com among others.
Despite backing many of the world’s largest blockchain companies, it only owns five cryptocurrencies – one of them is Decentraland’s MANA. As DCG explains “We own MANA and LAND, and have been actively exploring other initiatives to accelerate the development of the decentralized metaverse.”
As part of that acceleration, DCG recently launched Metaverse Ventures to back projects building on Decentraland. Metaverse Ventures is “a wholly owned subsidiary of DCG that will invest exclusively in companies building products and services for Decentraland.”
Among the ventures backed so far include Vegas City, a region of land with 7,000 parcels complete with Vegas-style entertainment in virtual reality. They have also invested in Artie, which is building VR and Augmented Reality (AR) avatars for the virtual world.
Decentraland Land Auction, December 2018
The Decentraland auction begins today using a Dutch auction system. The price starts high and gradually lowers until someone purchases the land. 
Decentraland will auction 9,331 parcels in this round, each starting at 200,000 MANA (about $12,000). The price will drop each day until the parcels reach 1,000 MANA (about $60), assuming they’re not snapped up beforehand.
Thanks to recent partnerships, users can also purchase land with ZIL, SNT, BNB, Dai, and MKR. To learn more about purchasing LAND, see the video below.
The Decentraland auction starts today.
Crypto Curious? Subscribe to the Block Explorer newsletter to get exclusive crypto insights before they appear on the site.
Source link https://ift.tt/2C1EmWd
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courtneyvbrooks87 · 6 years
You Can Now Buy Digital Land in a Virtual-Reality Blockchain World. Welcome to Decentraland
You Can Now Buy Digital Land in a Virtual-Reality Blockchain World. Welcome to Decentraland
Today, Decentraland launches its second land auction, allowing users to purchase digital “parcels” of land on the blockchain.
If you’re getting visions of the virtual-reality world in Ready Player One, you’re not far off. Decentraland aims to build a VR world, complete with avatars, games and virtual real estate.
Today’s auction will sell off 9,331 parcels of land, each 10m x 10m in size, in the virtual metropolis of Genesis City.
What is Decentraland?
Decentraland is a 3D, virtual-reality space where users can explore, purchase, and build upon blockchain land. It’s built on the Ethereum blockchain and utilizes a native cryptocurrency called MANA.
The virtual world is broken up into “districts,” and each district contains “parcels” of land. The world is finite, meaning land will ultimately be scarce, powering a true real estate market within the platform.
Decentraland hopes to encourage developers to build games and applications into the platform, increasing the value of land and creating a true community. 
Of course, this being blockchain, it’s decentralized: “Decentraland is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single agent with the power to modify the rules of the software, contents of land, economics of the currency, or prevent others from accessing the world.”
Decentraland Genesis City Map: Marketplace Big Money Behind Decentraland
Decentraland is partly funded by one of the cryptoverse’s largest investment funds, Digital Currency Group (DCG). DCG has investments in Coinbase, CoinDesk, Ledger, and blockchain.com among others.
Despite backing many of the world’s largest blockchain companies, it only owns five cryptocurrencies – one of them is Decentraland’s MANA. As DCG explains “We own MANA and LAND, and have been actively exploring other initiatives to accelerate the development of the decentralized metaverse.”
As part of that acceleration, DCG recently launched Metaverse Ventures to back projects building on Decentraland. Metaverse Ventures is “a wholly owned subsidiary of DCG that will invest exclusively in companies building products and services for Decentraland.”
Among the ventures backed so far include Vegas City, a region of land with 7,000 parcels complete with Vegas-style entertainment in virtual reality. They have also invested in Artie, which is building VR and Augmented Reality (AR) avatars for the virtual world.
Decentraland Land Auction, December 2018
The Decentraland auction begins today using a Dutch auction system. The price starts high and gradually lowers until someone purchases the land. 
Decentraland will auction 9,331 parcels in this round, each starting at 200,000 MANA (about $12,000). The price will drop each day until the parcels reach 1,000 MANA (about $60), assuming they’re not snapped up beforehand.
Thanks to recent partnerships, users can also purchase land with ZIL, SNT, BNB, Dai, and MKR. To learn more about purchasing LAND, see the video below.
The Decentraland auction starts today.
Crypto Curious? Subscribe to the Block Explorer newsletter to get exclusive crypto insights before they appear on the site.
Source link https://ift.tt/2C1EmWd
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bobbynolanios88 · 6 years
You Can Now Buy Digital Land in a Virtual-Reality Blockchain World. Welcome to Decentraland
You Can Now Buy Digital Land in a Virtual-Reality Blockchain World. Welcome to Decentraland
Today, Decentraland launches its second land auction, allowing users to purchase digital “parcels” of land on the blockchain.
If you’re getting visions of the virtual-reality world in Ready Player One, you’re not far off. Decentraland aims to build a VR world, complete with avatars, games and virtual real estate.
Today’s auction will sell off 9,331 parcels of land, each 10m x 10m in size, in the virtual metropolis of Genesis City.
What is Decentraland?
Decentraland is a 3D, virtual-reality space where users can explore, purchase, and build upon blockchain land. It’s built on the Ethereum blockchain and utilizes a native cryptocurrency called MANA.
The virtual world is broken up into “districts,” and each district contains “parcels” of land. The world is finite, meaning land will ultimately be scarce, powering a true real estate market within the platform.
Decentraland hopes to encourage developers to build games and applications into the platform, increasing the value of land and creating a true community. 
Of course, this being blockchain, it’s decentralized: “Decentraland is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single agent with the power to modify the rules of the software, contents of land, economics of the currency, or prevent others from accessing the world.”
Decentraland Genesis City Map: Marketplace Big Money Behind Decentraland
Decentraland is partly funded by one of the cryptoverse’s largest investment funds, Digital Currency Group (DCG). DCG has investments in Coinbase, CoinDesk, Ledger, and blockchain.com among others.
Despite backing many of the world’s largest blockchain companies, it only owns five cryptocurrencies – one of them is Decentraland’s MANA. As DCG explains “We own MANA and LAND, and have been actively exploring other initiatives to accelerate the development of the decentralized metaverse.”
As part of that acceleration, DCG recently launched Metaverse Ventures to back projects building on Decentraland. Metaverse Ventures is “a wholly owned subsidiary of DCG that will invest exclusively in companies building products and services for Decentraland.”
Among the ventures backed so far include Vegas City, a region of land with 7,000 parcels complete with Vegas-style entertainment in virtual reality. They have also invested in Artie, which is building VR and Augmented Reality (AR) avatars for the virtual world.
Decentraland Land Auction, December 2018
The Decentraland auction begins today using a Dutch auction system. The price starts high and gradually lowers until someone purchases the land. 
Decentraland will auction 9,331 parcels in this round, each starting at 200,000 MANA (about $12,000). The price will drop each day until the parcels reach 1,000 MANA (about $60), assuming they’re not snapped up beforehand.
Thanks to recent partnerships, users can also purchase land with ZIL, SNT, BNB, Dai, and MKR. To learn more about purchasing LAND, see the video below.
The Decentraland auction starts today.
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Source link https://ift.tt/2C1EmWd
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