#ML Gorilla
iwasbored777 · 2 years
Everyone's stanning Nathalie for shipping Adrienette to get on Gabriel's nerves but remember who shipped Adrienette back during Chat Blanc when both Gabriel and Nathalie destroyed that ship and he loved them because he loved Adrien? Gorilla. Gorilla shipped them since forever. He deserves more love. Gorilla is love. Gorilla is life. Gorilla for president. Gorilla is immaculate. He was there back when no one else was. He saw Adrien crying and he let him go to Marinette. It sucks that y'all don't stan him as much.
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monpetitchattriste · 1 year
As fandom I don't think we talk enough about how Adrien has not only a Ladybug doll (which is obvious) but he also has a Chat Noir doll that he plays with.
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jonathankai · 1 year
After learning that Gorilla was working for Fathom prior to working for Agreste, I really want to see an episode in french dub, where Gorilla just opens his mouth and starts talking in english and proves to be rather talkative guy, maybe cracks jokes and really like idioms. All this severe atmosphere all these years, and it seems like he’s just a foreigner who... never got on good terms with french phonetics, I guess??
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uptoolateart · 1 year
I'm glad to see the Gorilla gets invited to their twisted family meals.
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beezonia · 6 months
Placide with the Cat Miraculous>=D
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Disclaimer this is a younger Placide! Also hate how I drew this again very sorry.
I love and hate you for this but oh my god it gave me an idea for an au
This is Alley cat! A young bodyguard (Emiliè’s specifically) who becomes a very awkward hero every time he transforms!
I was thinking very simply here (I’m sorry it’s not more creative)
But very bouncer esque, still keeping his turtleneck because yes, cats eye pattern because I find them creepy at times and I feel he’d like that shit
I love him actually! Thanks for the request and I’ll probably try draw him again soon!
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taldigi · 11 months
Even though I really do find Felix being Richard's som great angst, character development, and drama fuel, I am curious what do you think Felix would have been like with just normal parents who were rich?
I want to preface: A lot of Felix/Adrien's leg issues are incredibly ablest. They try really hard to frame it as "He's just him! Just has a damaged leg! He plays it off cool!" But a LOT of his problems, goals, and issues stem pretty heavily around his leg as a problem. His personality gets grim, he consistently is frustrated he cannot do sports, and his whole goal of being a doctor and mistreatment of himself and the things he loves to do is centered almost entirely around his leg being damaged. In fact, a lot of why he enjoys being Chat so much is because BEING Chat gives him relief from his disability. This.. isn't really interpretation, this is HOW he was written in the bibles- and it's really bad.
Its important to show that characters with disabilities are just normal people who have to approach the world differently. Precanon does not show that, and I wouldn't trust TA to be able to explore that genuinely.
That being said, the bible does give us insight into what the character was like. So, as (Adrien) Nanty, Felix' parents are absent but doting, and his parents consider him "fragile" after his accident, which is suffocating. He, however, has his bodyguard as his confidant and as a solid, adult presence in his life.
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His story also centered very very heavily around being "good enough" for Ladybug to not take his kwami away. It wasn't just love. His desire to be, and stay, Chat is a freedom to move without pain. He was also super obsessed with sports and "good at everything".
I don't like this very much, especially since I very much prefer the Richard-Felix conflict (emotions as a problem to overcome vs emotions as normal and healthy to experience. aka a "toxic masculinity" narrative which meshes well with a ML narrative about emotions and all) as opposed to him being a bad disability rep w/ his whole personality & the way others treat him soley pivoting around his angst about him being disabled and all.
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So that's my opinion on it. I think it could work, but a lot needs to be reconsidered and pivoted away from.
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lady-charinette · 2 years
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gameguy20100 · 28 days
On a lazy Sunday day, the Dupain Cheng clan enjoys the rarest of all treasures. A quiet day together as a family.
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rel312 · 2 years
Gorilla really is the goat
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copdog1234 · 2 years
As always, I continue to stand by my claim that Gorilla is truly the best adult in Adrien's life, dammit!!
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natedogx15 · 10 months
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 48: Simon Doesn't Say Victory
Previous Chapter
Ladybug and Stormy Weather are still struggling against each other as Ladybug attempts to rip out Stormy Weather's hair tie while Stormy Weather tries to get her off.
"Get off me, you annoying fiery chicken. Don't you know that birds are supposed to be blown away by a storm?" Stormy Weather asks in annoyance as she tries to force Ladybug off her.
"Enough with the weather puns. They're not funny. And chickens can't fly. Now give me your hair tie." Ladybug snaps at Stormy Weather as she reaches for the hair tie again, only for Stormy Weather to turn her body to keep it out of her reach.
"Someone needs to work on their sense of humor." Stormy Weather grunts as she uses her lightning to push Ladybug off of her. Unfortunately, she doesn't do it in time, as Ladybug manages to grab onto her hair tie before getting sent flying back. The force lets her pull the hair tie off and take it.
Quickly realizing part of her hair is loose, Stormy Weather looks at Ladybug in horror. Unfortunately, it takes Ladybug a few seconds to recover from the attack. In that time, Stormy Weather charges at her while firing more lightning to try and make Ladybug drop the hair tie. One such blast manages to graze her hand and cause her to lose it.
"Mine!" Stormy Weather shouts as she dives for it.
"No, it's not!" Ladybug shouts back as she dives, shooting flames to try to burn it as she does so.
Stormy Weather fires a beam of ice above the hair tie to keep it from burning, and the two superpowered girls soon collide while trying to reach for the hair tie.
The hair tie lands in front of the two as they crash into the ground. Shaking off her daze quickly, Ladybug blasts Stormy Weather off her and looks for the hair tie. She soon sees it lying near her and burns it.
"No!" Stormy Weather shouts as she recovers from the attack.
Unfortunately, while in mid-air, the transformation ends with the hair tie's destruction, causing Stormy Weather to turn back into a confused Aurore. Quickly realizing her situation, she lets out an ear-piercing scream of terror.
Hearing this, Ladybug forgets about the butterfly and quickly catches Aurore.
"Gotcha," Ladybug says as she holds the girl bridal style.
Aurore takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down before looking at the hero in surprise.
"Ladybug?" She asks.
Finally, she seems to realize what happened to her and panics.
"I'm so sorry! Did I hurt Mireille again? Was anyone else hurt?" She rapidly asks the hero, worried about what happened.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. You didn't hurt anyone this time. I managed to stop you in time." Ladybug soothes the other girl while giving her a comforting smile.
Hearing that causes Aurore to sigh in relief before giving Ladybug an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble again. And thank you for saving me from falling." Aurore says that last part while blushing slightly as she realizes her situation in Ladybug's arms.
"No problem. Sorry about not being able to save one of your hair ties, though." Ladybug apologizes as she looks at the loose pigtail.
Quickly putting a hand to her hair when she realizes it's loose, Aurore blushes in embarrassment before panicking.
"My hair! Oh man, are there any cameras around? I don't want to be seen like this. I need a new hair tie. No, wait." Aurore quickly removes her other hair tie so her hair would match.
"This'll work," Aurore tells herself as she fixes her hair.
Ladybug smiles in amusement before setting Aurore down and looking for the butterfly. However, her eyes widen in horror when she sees it's gone. Quickly acting, she flies up and desperately scans the streets, not believing a butterfly could have gotten far, even a magic one.
"Where'd it go, where'd it go, where'd it go? How did it get away so fast? I shouldn't have spent so much time with Aurore. I didn't think it would get so far." Ladybug begins to ramble in a panic as she searches for the butterfly.
With every passing second, her anxiety rises as she worries about what might happen if she doesn't capture the butterfly. However, her attention is forcefully diverted when she sees an army invading Adrien's home.
Looking between the scene and the Paris streets for the butterfly, Ladybug decides to go toward the more immediate problem.
At the same time Ladybug is dealing with Stormy Weather, Cat Noir panics as the gate is broken and the mind-controlled army charges toward the mansion doors.
"Impossible," Gabriel says in faux shock as he stares at the charging mob through cameras.
"You two have to hide." Cat Noir tells them as he runs toward the mansion's front doors to try and keep the army out.
"Let's go, Gabriel," Nathalie tells her boss as she tries to follow Cat Noir's advice.
Gabriel allows himself to be led away by Nathalie toward one of the mansion's secret panic rooms. While that happens, Cat Noir tries to keep the army out. However, it's proving far more difficult due to Simon Says' powers making them stronger than before. Some are even managing to break through the reinforced windows.
"Oh, come on. Black Hole." Cat Noir announces as he creates a long but thinner black hole on the floor behind the front doors and windows.
He quickly backs away and watches as anyone trying to come in immediately finds themselves trapped and unable to escape his power.
"So, glad I chose this power." Cat Noir sighs in relief as he wipes his brow.
His victory is short-lived when he hears crashes in the room next door. He quickly turns toward the direction of the noise to see people coming out of a room and charging toward him.
Acting quickly, he jumps onto the mansion wall and looks down at the people.
"This really is like being in a zombie apocalypse. Scary. Father will probably be investing in better security after this." He mutters as he watches the people try to climb the wall to get him.
Soon, other people enter the mansion and search for Gabriel or attack Cat Noir.
"Hopefully, Ladybug is having an easier time with Stormy Weather than I am with this guy. Because I could really use the help soon." Cat Noir groans as he stares at the zombies trying to attack him.
"Simon Says freeze!" Simon Says' voice rings out in the lobby.
Acting almost instinctively, Cat Noir leaps off the wall just in time to avoid a set of thrown cards.
"Nice move, Cat Noir. If only your skills as a hero were as good as your ability to run away. Then, I wouldn't have gotten this close to completing my challenge." Simon Says laughs as he watches the hero being charged at by his minions now that he's on the ground.
"Hey, that was uncalled for. I think I'm doing pretty good as a hero." Cat Noir complains as he jumps away from the army.
"Ha. You're nothing but a pathetic sidekick. But we can change that quickly." Simon Says laughs as he pulls out some cards.
"Simon Says, become my champion," Simon Says orders before the image of a gladiator appears on the cards, and he throws them at the hero.
Cat Noir dodges out of the way as his mind tries to register the command. When it does, he immediately shouts.
"Oh, that is definitely not something I'm okay with!"
Cat Noir jumps around the lobby as he tries to figure out what to do. He can't hurt the civilians because they're not in control of their actions, but if he doesn't do something, Simon Says might turn him against Ladybug. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind.
Quickly stopping near the trap he set earlier, Cat Noir narrows his eyes at the people charging toward him. Moving swiftly, Cat Noir steps to the side before pushing a couple of them into his Black Hole power, trapping them and lowering his number of enemies. When he sees his idea working, Cat Noir grins.
"This could work." Cat Noir happily thinks as he backs away and prepares to repeat the process against another couple of civilians.
Simon Says narrows his eyes when he sees Cat Noir's attempt and quickly pulls out some cards.
"Simon Says, become powerless!" Simon Says shouts as he throws a set of cards at Cat Noir's power, trying to cancel it out.
However, instead of doing what they're supposed to, the cards harmlessly fall into Cat Noir's power, like they're ordinary playing cards. Seeing this, Simon Says gets frustrated.
"I am the best hypnotist in the world. There is nothing I can't do or make others do. Simon Says, get out of that hole!" Simon Says screams as he throws another set of cards at Cat Noir's power. This time, he aims for his minions trapped inside instead of the actual power.
The cards managed to hit their intended targets and cause them to try and follow the command. The key word is 'try' as the minions seem unable to follow through with it. Any attempt to free themselves is met with harsh failure as the magic trap keeps them locked inside.
Growling in frustration, his attention changes when he sees a few more of his army getting sent into the Black Hole.
Cat Noir grins as he sends a few more people before turning toward Simon Says. When he does, he sees the frustrated expression on their face, and his smile turns nervous.
"Crowd. What do I say to that expression? I don't have a one-liner ready." He thinks before he can hear shouts.
"Let go of us!" Nathalie's voice rings out as she and Gabriel are being brought out in the arms of the zombies.
"Release us at once." Gabriel orders while glaring at the zombies.
"Fa-Mr. Agreste, Nathalie!" Cat Noir shouts in a panic, almost revealing his identity.
Seeing Mr. Agreste in his custody brings a smile to Simon Says' face.
"Ah, Mr. Agreste. So, we finally meet face-to-face. Now, I can complete my challenge." Simon Says happily comments as he prepares to throw a card at Gabriel.
However, before he can do anything, a fireball comes through the broken front door and slams into him. Ladybug soon follows after it and hovers in the middle of the room while looking toward Cat Noir apologetically.
"Sorry it took me so long to come help! I had to fight Stormy Weather before coming here." Ladybug apologizes to her partner.
"No problem. I'm just glad you're here. Not a moment too late either." Cat Noir says in relief, feeling better about this situation now that it's a two-on-one.
While the two are talking, Simon Says quickly stands up and gives Ladybug a withering glare from the earlier surprise attack.
"How dare you! None of you can stop me from completing my challenge!" Simon Says shouts at them in anger as he pulls out some cards.
"Simon Says, surrender your Miraculous!" Simon Says orders before an outline of the Miraculous appears on his cards, and he throws them at Ladybug.
However, Ladybug blocks the cards by making a wall of fire. The cards burn upon contact with the fire, showing they aren't fireproof. Simon Says' eyes widen in horror when he sees this before looking toward his remaining army.
"Simon Says, stop the heroes!" Simon Says desperately orders before throwing another set of cards at the zombies around him.
The zombies do what they can to try and stop the heroes. There isn't much they can do, though. Ladybug stays in the air and easily avoids any objects the zombies can find to throw at her, while Cat Noir uses his enhanced agility to dodge the zombies charging at him.
"Put them in my Black Hole!" Cat Noir tells Ladybug while tossing one of the civilians into his power.
Hearing Cat Noir's order, Ladybug acts quickly by creating a wave of fire to lead the zombies toward the Black Hole and cause them to fall in.
"Nice plan!" Ladybug shouts with a smile.
Upon seeing his army's defeat, Simon Says backs away in worry before glaring at Gabriel Agreste.
"I won't go down without completing my challenge. I will hypnotize Gabriel Agreste and prove I'm the best hypnotist in the world." Simon Says growls as he pulls out a card and prepares to throw it at Gabriel.
"Simon Says, surrender to me!" Simon Says shouts as a flag appears on his card before he's about to throw it.
However, before he can throw it, Cat Noir tackles him to the ground and holds him down.
"Get off me! You can't stop me! Simon Says, get off me. Get off me, get off me, get off me!" Simon Says screams, ordering Cat Noir to get off him repeatedly.
"A little help here, Ladybug!" Cat Noir asks urgently as he continues to keep the struggling man pinned.
Ladybug quickly flies over to her partner and reaches for Simon Says' deck of cards.
"Give that back!" Simon Says shouts in alarm as he tries to reach for the deck of cards but is kept in place by Cat Noir.
Ladybug quickly burns the deck and snatches the butterfly with her yo-yo, ending Simon Says' transformation.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug screams as she throws the yo-yo in the air and sends millions of magic ladybugs to fix any damage to the city.
After everything is repaired, the civilians leave the mansion in confusion and slight awe as they realize they're in Gabriel Agreste's manor. Mr. Garde isn't letting them spend much time in there, though. He's manning the charge of leading everyone out. While this is happening, Gabriel is talking with the heroes and Simon.
"You have my apologies, Simon. I can have quite the tongue when I'm angry. I shouldn't have said those things to you when you had no idea about this either." Gabriel calmly apologizes while holding his hand out to Simon.
Simon quickly takes the hand with a nervous smile while saying.
"That's okay, Mr. Agreste. I'm sorry for almost kidnapping you and having people break into your mansion."
Gabriel doesn't say anything and only nods before walking away. Simon looks at him in shock and slight nervousness before Nathalie cuts in.
"That's his way of saying all is forgiven. Please don't worry about it." Nathalie tells the man with a smile before leading him out of the house.
"Well, that was a rough day." Cat Noir jokingly tells his partner.
However, he's shocked to find Ladybug grabbing his shoulders with an alarmed expression.
"What's wro-" Cat Noir starts before she jets them out of the mansion and onto a roof for privacy.
She quickly drops her partner down and lands on the roof, pacing as she starts talking.
"We have a huge problem!" She shouts at her partner.
"What happened?" Cat Noir asks his partner nervously.
"While I was fighting Stormy Weather, the butterfly got away!" She tells her with worry and fear of the unknown clear in her eyes.
Cat Noir's eyes widen in shock.
"H-how did I-it get away!?" Cat Noir asks, his voice cracking and stuttering from the shock and worry.
"I broke Storm Weather's hair tie when she was in the air. I had to catch Aurore, and it somehow escaped while I did." Ladybug tells her partner, her pacing increasing as she talks.
"Alright, it's okay. I'm sure nothing too bad will happen. Maybe it'll just turn Aurore into Stormy Weather again. I mean. That's bad, but it's not the worst thing that could happen." Cat Noir tries to placate his partner's worry despite the anxiety he's feeling himself.
"But what if we end up having to fight three villains? We can barely handle two." Ladybug tells him.
Cat Noir has words to counter that. He cringes as he imagines dealing with the Akumas when the numbers are on their side. He tries to think of something while Ladybug begins to panic internally.
"What if this leads to us losing our Miraculous? What if Hawkmoth gets them? This is bad, this is bad!" She screams in her mind as her mind races over the possibilities of her mistake.
"Wait!" Cat Noir suddenly shouts as he hits the bottom of his fist into his palm, a thought coming to mind.
Ladybug pauses her internal rant to look toward Cat Noir, hopefully.
"We still have the Dog Miraculous out. And Barkk did say they'd try to take them down the right path. I'm sure it'll all work out. I mean. It's been close to two weeks since she was released. She must have found someone by then." Cat Noir tells Ladybug while raising a finger as he explains.
Hearing this, Ladybug takes a few deep breaths and nods hopefully.
"Yeah, yeah, that could work. You might be right. But what if they didn't choose someone heroic? We might have another problem to deal with." Ladybug groans as she thinks of that.
Sabrina is entering a relatively average-looking apartment.
"Dad, I'm home!" Sabrina shouts into the apartment as she enters.
She looks around and sees he's not here.
"He must still be on duty. He's probably helping clean up today's attack." She says to herself before walking down the hall toward her room.
Her room looks relatively normal, with unpainted grey walls, posters of different TV shows to add a bit of color, a small TV in the corner, a computer desk on one of the walls, a dark blue single-person bed in another corner with a bedside desk, and a built-in closet.
She sits down at her computer desk chair with a sigh.
"Man, it's crazy how long this has been going on. I wish I could help with something like when I helped Ladybug back then." Sabrina groans to herself in frustration as she looks up at her ceiling.
After a minute of thinking, her head lowers back to her desk to see something odd atop it next to her keyboard. It's a relatively small hexagonal black box with a red symbol on top of it.
"Did Dad get me a gift?" Sabrina asks in confusion as she picks up the box and opens it.
Suddenly, an orange blip of light flies out of the box as she opens it, and Barkk appears in front of her with a grin.
"Congratulations, Pup. You've been chosen to lead this world's events as my wielder and can make your wish come true." Barkk announces with a smirk as she looks at the shocked Sabrina.
Next Chapter
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Gabriel: *gets roasted by a 14-year-old*
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fanartfunart · 2 years
Fly Away Episode 9: Gorizilla
(Féline Sombre & Paon Lilas designs)
Summery: An AU where Adrien never went to in-person school, not getting the cat miraculous, and found the peacock miraculous. -Adrien attempts to get one of the key ingredients to fix the peacock miraculous without clueing anyone into what he might need them for. A trip to the Zoo is in order. (Yes I’m writing this again lol)
(tw for sickness & I’mma say some self endangerment)
Adrien paced his room, frowning, “Okay, okay, so, all I need is meteorite dust, molten gold, and a peacock feather. Totally normal items for me to ask for and not at all suspicious.”
“Yeah!” Duusu chirped, too enthusiastic, "Not suspicious at all!"
"That was sarcasm."
"I knew that!" Duusu exclaimed cheerfully. 
Adrien laughed, nodding. "Okay, maybe I can just… pull some connections. Father has jewelers, I'm sure I can pop into one of those…. If I visit a zoo I'm sure I could find a peacock feather… and… meteor ….dust...is. uh. Something I'll figure out!" Adrien tilted his head, "Zoo first. That's the easiest."
"Whoooho! Let's go!"
"No," Natalie said, not even glancing at him.
"What? It's the zoo! What could possibly happen to me at the zoo?"
"Adrien, your illness got worse after your excursion yesterday. You want to add an allergic reaction to it as well?"
"That…. Is very clear logic." Adrien sighed, gritting his teeth.
Natalie looked up with a frown, "Besides, you should be on bed rest, I don't want you passing out again."
"It was a long photoshoot! I was just tired! I'm fine right now!"
She shook her head, standing up to escort Adrien to his room, a gentle hand on his back. "Come on, back to bed. Is there something else we can do to ease your boredom? A book? ...Miss Chloé might like to visit."
"No…" Adrien sighed, eyes settling on the floor. "I've got everything I could need."
"Hey it's Adrien, wanna go to the zoo with me?"
Marinette blanched, glancing at her phone to check the number, "Adrien whose phone are you calling me on?"
"Public phone!"
"Where's your phone?"
"I have it, don't worry. I just can't use it. My cell is monitored," Marinette gave Tiki a concerned glance. Adrien continued over the line, apparently unconcerned, "Anyway, will you go to the Zoo with me? We can try and get some ice cream on the way back?"
"Oh! Uh. Sure! When are you thinking?"
"...As soon as you can, preferably. I put a cardboard cut-out of myself in my bed but I'm not sure how effective it will be."
Marinette frowned, "Adrien, did you sneak out...to go to the zoo?"
"Uh," Adrien was quiet for a long moment. He whispered something, before nervously saying, "Yes?" Distantly, she could hear someone shout "Is that Adrien Agreste?" He laughed nervously "Sorry I think I have to run. I'll wait for you! Bye!"
Marinette sighed, glancing at Tiki. "Something is wrong with that boy."
Tiki gave a slight inclination of her head that might've been an agreement. Marinette shook her head and got up, "I guess a trip to the Zoo would be a good break. Come on Tiki, I've got to go tell mama and papa, unlike some boys."
Marinette glanced around the entrance of the Zoo, confused. Adrien wasn't there. She huffed. If this was some elaborate long con with him and Chloé-
"Psst. Marinette," a bush whispered. 
She yelped, flailing. "Talking Bush!" She pointed her purse at it like a weapon. "I don't need magic powers, thank you!" 
The bush rustled and Adrien rose from underneath it. He brushed himself off, a twig sticking out of his otherwise perfect hair. His face was a splotchy red, flushed. He looked… weirdly normal. Like a kid, not a rich model. 
"Sorry," he said, "I've been getting chased around by fans and I think a few journalists. I uh…" He muttered, "Usually my bodyguard stops them from getting too close." 
"Huh? Oh. You snuck out, right. What's got everyone so crazy about you?"
He laughed nervously, "I wouldn't say everyone! I'm crazy about yoooh-oh I mean you're not crazy about me! Not that I'm not crazy about you- I mean- whaaat?" he cringed. He hung his head, heaving a sigh that almost crackled with the breath, "I've had a long day."
Marinette frowned, walking forward to place a hand against his back. He straightened up; practically perfect posture. His face burned red. Marinette blinked and fumbled backward, raising her hands as if in surrender. "Oh! Sorry. I just- your breathing-"
"Huh?" He muttered airily. Almost breathlessly.
"Are you okay? You seem to be breathing weird."
He blinked and nodded, "No no I'm fine. I passed out during a photoshoot yesterday but I'm fine now!"
"What!? And you're at the Zoo running everywhere?"
He deflated, heaving a sigh.
Marinette huffed, "No wonder you look so flushed, come on, sit down. I'll call my parents-"
"No!" He looked panicked, just for a moment. Marinette frowned. He winced as he looked at her face, "Sorry I just- I really needed to get out of the house."
She sighed, and grabbed his hand to drag him to a bench, "You need to take care of yourself."
"I found him!" Someone shouted, snapping a photo, "With his girlfriend!" A crowd of chaos started to form.
"Ga-wha?! I'm not his earl-friend! Deli that! Delete!" Marinette sputtered. 
Adrien grimaced and pulled her along as he raced off in a random direction, desperate for a new hiding spot. He gasped as he spotted a walk-in habitat and rushed in. 
The caretaker asked something that Adrien assumed was some sort of money thing and pulled out the first bill that came out of his wallet. The zookeeper looked bug-eyed at the cash. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah sure, certain, please," Adrien said, glancing back through the window to check if his fans noticed them turn into the exhibit.
"Okayyy," the zookeeper whispered and handed them an abundance of seed sticks. "Enjoy the exhibit."
Adrien pulled Marinette in and finally had a moment of pause. He glanced at the sticks, then at the exhibit in front of them…. The aviary. 
He sneezed. 
"Bless you," Marinette whispered. Adrien groaned, rubbing his face. Marinette hummed and walked further in, holding out a stick for a parakeet to land on and start pecking at. Adrien glanced around. Peacock, peacock, were there any peacocks in here? He sneezed again, startling a few birds that had gathered around him. Marinette gave him an odd look. 
"So. Why the Zoo?" She muttered, "Not that anybody needs a reason to go to the zoo, I just- you seem really really invested here."
"I...uh- uh achoo!" He sniffed and rubbed his eyes. "Uh. I like...birds."
Marinette giggled, "What a coincidence then. Any particular kind?"
"Peacock?" he gasped, glancing out the window to the bird strutting freely outside. 
Marinette lifted her head, glancing at him, "Really?" 
He sneezed again, groaning. 
"Are you okay?"
He pinched the bridge of his nose and held the seed stick some of the birds had landed on as far as he could. He nodded. "Yeah fine." He muttered nasally.
"Are you crying?" She whispered, glancing at his red, watery eyes.
"No, it's allergies." 
"Oh! What are you allergic to?" 
He sighed, bowing his head in shame, "...Feathers."
Marinette glanced at him "What? Oh my goodness, Adrien!"
He sneezed, throwing himself into a coughing fit. He dropped his seed stick and the parrot flew away.
Marinette sighed, and pulled him up by his collar. "No matter how much you like birds I'm not going to let you suffer for it." Marinette huffed, dragging him by his collar to the exit. He sneezed again. 
He wheezed as Marinette finally released him into the outdoors, practically pushing him out. He stumbled forward and knelt on the ground.
"Honestly! What were you thinking?" She pulled him up, brushing off his clothes and hair, and dragging him towards a bench. He sighed, miserable, and propped his head in his hands.
"I wasn't," he muttered.
Marinette frowned, sighing.  She rubbed his back. "Sorry. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Allergy medication?"
"I don't have any. I'm not usually allowed anywhere with feathers." He sighed, "Look I-" Adrien's eyes landed on a familiar hulking figure. He gasped. "Time to go."
"Huh? But none of your fans are-" Marinette gasped as Adrien pulled her along, racing along the pathway.
"Bodyguard," Adrien explained, stumbling slightly as he raced up the path.
"But won't he help with the fans?!"
"Yeah, by taking me home!" Adrien turned a corner, frantically looking around. Someone shouted his name. Marinette frowned and pulled him away, into a bush. Once hidden, she fluffed up his hair, and took off her jacket.
She tied it around his waist and got out a pair of novelty glasses. She handed them to him.
He tilted his head, "Why do you have these?"
"You'll look like a tourist, just go with it."
He shrugged and put them on. "You sure this will work?"
"Honestly I could've stopped at the hairstyle you look like a completely different person with messy hair."
He laughed. "Uh… thanks?"
She sighed and pulled him up to his feet. "How about we take a very slow stroll and then take you back home. Okay?"
He looked at the ground. "…Sorry I dragged you into this."
She smiled and shook her head, "It's been fun."
He nodded, and they fumbled their way out of the bushes. Adrien cheerfully pointed out a variety of animals as they walked through the zoo, unharassed.
Marinette chased a peacock away from them, much to Adrien's disappointment.
He bought them ice cream, much to Marinette's elation.
"So I'm guessing everyone is looking for you because of the passing-out episode?" Marinette said between bites of ice cream.
"Oh! No uh. Adrien the Fragrance came out early. Since I can't do enough photoshoots, my father is pulling from the projects that were waiting for release..." He nervously picked at his ice cream, frowning.
"I think I saw that this morning… Feathers huh?"
Adrien laughed, "Photoshopped."
"I hear models are often photoshopped a lot."
"The Adrien Agreste Trademark Brand is all naturally sourced," Adrien struck a pose and winked, earning a laugh from Marinette.
"Made out of the finest fake feathers." She giggled. It was an absolutely wonderful sound. He was determined to hear more of it. She caught his gaze and tilted her head, turning to look to her left in an attempt to follow the line of sight. "What are you looking at?"
Adrien flushed and nearly said 'you' if not for her insistence earlier that they were Not Dating coming to his mind. "Uh… looking for a peacock…"
Marinette made a strange face and smiled awkwardly, "Why do you like peacocks so much?"
He laughed, rubbing the back of his head, "Do I need a reason? They uh, they're pretty? And they can fly and a lot of them roam free in zoos which is cool. They're fun."
She nodded and shrugged, "I suppose they have their charm. They seem like nice creatures. If dramatic."
He hummed. It was quiet for a moment. What do normal people talk about at a zoo? "Uh, do you have a favorite animal?" Ugh, that's a lame question.
"I'm obsessed with hamsters."
"Oh, they're adorable!"
"I really want one, someday! I'm going to name h- oh bodyguard." 
"Bodyguard is a weird name for a hamst-" Adrien yelped as Marinette grabbed his arm as his bodyguard ran towards them. The pair ran. The man got close enough to grab the jacket tied around his waist. Adrien fumbled and the knot came loose. The bodyguard was left holding a jacket while Adrien and Marinette raced off down another path. 
They panted as they escaped into the Polar exhibit, and Adrien was happy to see a layer of glass between him and the penguins as he wheezed his breaths.
"Are you okay? Sorry I didn't give you much warning."
He waved her concerns away and coughed into his elbow. "Ugh my legs feel like jello," he muttered, sliding onto the floor against the wall, watching the penguins mill about. 
Marinette sat next to him. He closed his eyes, head in his hands, elbows propped on his knees. "Maybe I should've stayed home…"
She sighed and leaned against him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "I can call my parents and we can play some video games. All the excitement, none of the running."
"You…still want to hang out?"
"Like I said earlier. It's been fun, I just wish you were being safe." She poked him in the side, and he wheezed a laugh.
"… I just- I wanted-" He frowned. He couldn't exactly say he needed to get a peacock feather now could he?
Marinette hummed, apparently understanding him anyway. She squeezed his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I know."
A roar erupted in the distance.
Marinette looked up "Akuma?" She glanced anxiously at Adrien and scrambled up to a stand. "UH let's find somewhere to hide."
Adrien yelped as she pulled him along. 
She raced around a corner and jumped fences and weaved through crowds. She held his hand the entire time. 
Thundering footsteps came closer and closer until a massive hand scooped them up. They screamed. Adrien clamped a hand over his breast pocket to protect the kwami. Marinette struggled and kicked as the hand curled around them both.
Adrien glanced up at Gorizilla, wide-eyed. "Are you… my bodyguard?"
Gorizilla humphed in response, taking them further and further away from the zoo.... Adrien watched the building shrink with a distinct sense that he would never be able to go back again. Dread welled up in him and he pushed it down.
He glanced at Marinette, pressed against him. Oh wow, they're close. His face went red. "Marinette, I'm so sorry-"
"It'll be fine! We'll get out of this." She insisted, determined.
"I- It's all my fault you're in this with me. I didn't-" 
Marinette huffed, looking around her surroundings analytically, "Don't try to shift this all on yourself. Féline Sombre will find us and Ladybug will fix everything. Just. It's going to be okay." She nervously chewed her lip despite the determined look in her eyes.
He frowned and nodded "Okay."
Gorizilla leaped up onto a skyscraper and roared. Loud enough that the superheroes would have to hear.
A quiet beat. Silence stretched. Ladybug usually showed herself by now.
Without warning, Féline Sombre appeared from the shadows. Her baton poised above her head to smack Gorizilla in the head. He roared and swiped a hand at them. Féline laughed as they backflipped out of the way, extending the baton to catch herself.
"Are you supposed to be King Kong? All we need is a Helicopter!" She said, switching to walking across the top of a billboard, extending the baton to poke at the hand keeping Marinette and Adrien. It didn't budge. 
"Feline!" Marinette shouted, "He's too strong! You'll need more bark than bite!" 
Adrien tilted his head, confused. Feline, however, grinned.
Gorizilla snarled and broke the billboard from under her. The hero flipped so she was on top of the flat of the board.
"Cat got your tongue?" Féline chirped and they leaped up to stand on the akuma's head. 
Gorizilla growled and swatted at them, only to smack himself as they jumped off and onto his arm.
She ran to Adrien and Marinette. "Alright guys, I'll get you out." She wiggled her baton between Marinette and Gorizilla's thumb, extending it to give herself more leverage. 
A large hand scooped them up and captured them. "AUGH! Hey!"
Marinette looked frantic. "Féline!"
Adrien sucked in a breath, glaring at the skyline, "Where is Ladybug?!"
Féline Sombre grimaced, "She has to be on her way"
Hawkmoth's glowing light mask appeared on Gorizilla's face. "Get the cat's ring while you still can!" Hawkmoth demanded, "Ladybug will arrive soon enough." 
Gorizilla humphed, thumping his fists together. Adrien waved at Feline with a nervous smile as they got brought closer. Féline struggled, ignoring the trapped pair for the moment.
Gorizilla leaned forward to scrutinize what he was doing, frowning. He did not have enough hands for this... And that ring was tiny.
Marinette looked between Féline and their baton. "Stick a fork in him!"
"What?!" She stared at Marinette for a moment, then looked up at Gorizilla. "Oh!" She extended her baton to poke him in the eye.
He dropped Marinette and Adrien with a pained cry. 
Adrien struggled to keep a hold of Marinette's hand as they fell. The wind whipped around them. Adrien could feel Marinette's racing pulse against his hands around her wrist
Féline Sombre screamed, "LADYBUG?!"
Adrien looked around frantically, between Marinette and the captured Féline, "I- I… I need to tell you something!"
Marinette looked at him like he was insane. "Can it wait?!" She shrieked. She managed to grab his waist, pulling them closer.
"Du-" He was cut off by his own sharp yelp as Féline Sombre managed to stop their descent, grabbing the back of Marinette's shirt. She hung off of her baton.
"Gottcha," She breathed out softly.
"He let you go?" Marinette gasped, looking at Gorizilla on the tower.
Féline shrugged helplessly, "Hang on tight-" she pulled the pair up and closer to her, and leaped off her baton so she could make her escape down to the ground. 
Adrien groaned. He heaved his breaths while he looked up at Gorizilla, half blindly fumbling down the skyscraper. "I can act as bait. He's after me. I'm sure we can figure out how to trap him for Ladybug." 
"Adrien no that's-" Marinette gasped 
"I'll be fine. Féline won't let me get hurt." He smiled at the cat hero, then looked at Marinette, "Go. It's my turn to protect you."
Marinette frowned, "Don't you dare do anything stupid like trying to fight him yourself." 
"I won't," He said with a smile. Marinette huffed, then ran off to hide.
Féline looked up at the approaching figure and then at Adrien. "...Think you can get him to the river?"
Adrien grimaced as he glanced in the direction of the river, pressing a hand against his chest. "Maybe…"
"Lucky charm!" Ladybug yelled as she almost skidded to a halt in front of them. In a flash of light, a perfume bottle fell into her hands.
"Ladybug!" Féline cheered, "He's after Adrien and we need a plan."
Adrien frowned.
Ladybug nodded, "I've got it. Adrien, guide him over the subway. Kitty, destroy the street under him."  Ladybug tested the perfume on her wrist and sniffed, tilting her head "Adrien?"
He huffed and straightened up, "Yes?"
"No I mean- the smell… it smells like you?"
Adrien groaned, "Wonderful, magic can copy Adrien The Fragrance."
Ladybug tilted her head. "I'll …figure it out. Time to get into action, he's almost here."
Adrien sighed, "Then I'll need a head start." He took in a deep breath and ran off. Féline took off after.
Gorizilla thundered close behind. Féline called "Cataclysm!" And destroyed part of the road just as Gorizilla nearly reached Adrien, falling through the gap. He growled and thrashed. Ladybug hopped over, looking for what the akumatized object could be. "Where would it be?"
Gorizilla roared and pounded his fists against the street, causing more of it to crumble. He ducked under the street. Ladybug gasped and lassoed Adrien with the yoyo, closer to herself.
The street erupted as Gorizilla's hand came out to swipe out where Adrien had been.
"Get off me" Adrien nearly hissed at Ladybug, detangling himself.
She took a step back, looking confused. She shook her head and refocused. "...He can smell you." She looked at the perfume. "AH HA! Féline, we're going fishing, grab your pole." 
Ladybug grabbed Adrien by the waist and brought him up to a rooftop.
Féline held her baton out and after a moment, Gorizilla emerged from underground to try and climb out. Ladybug leaped down, emptying the perfume bottle on Gorizilla's face. He groaned and clamped his hands over his face, stumbling backward. Féline Sombre tripped him and the massive Gorilla fell to the ground with a rumbling thunk.
Ladybug searched his pockets, taking out Marinette's jacket. She tore the fabric and the purple butterfly fluttered out.
Adrien sighed and watched Ladybug purify the butterfly. He closed his eyes, lethargic. The heroes high-fived, clapping their hands together.
Féline Sombre came up to get him. "I have to go, but do you want me to take you home?"
"No," he muttered. "...my bodyguard is right here."
Féline nodded, "Okay. Good luck." She gingerly placed Adrien down and winked. Then vaulted away.
He stood there, for a moment, looking at the ground while Ladybug talked to his bodyguard. Her low tones didn't reach his ears, but he could've sworn she said Marinette's name. He raised an eyebrow, glancing up. She smiled at him, her earrings beeping, and ran off. Adrien sighed and walked over.
"I'm sorry for all the stress I must have put you through. I- I just missed my friend. I know it's no excuse- I…" He shuffled his feet, looking dutifully at the ground. "I'll try not to do it again."
A large hand clasped over his shoulder. He looked up as his bodyguard tugged the jacket over Adrien's shoulders and messed his hair up. He gaped "Why-"
His bodyguard grinned, putting a finger to his lips, and then walked off, miming searching.
Adrien grinned. 
Marinette ran up to him with a wave. "You're alright!!"
He nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I am… and I think I just got permission to stay out a little longer?"
Marinette smiled. "Sure. Let's go…" She watched him for a moment as they walked. "What were you going to tell me? When we were falling."
He stilled "...Uh…" He brushed a hand over his breast pocket. He glanced at her and shoved his hands into his pant pockets. "Just-" He shrugged, blushing, "I think you're my best friend."
Marinette looked at him wide-eyed for a moment. "Oh." She smiled. "I'm always glad to be there for you."
Adrien opened his eyes slowly. Bathed in the pink softness of Marinette's room. "I fell asleep," he croaked, voice rough, "...Sorry."
"It's fine, I think you needed it… it gave me time to make something, too."
He turned and looked at her. She was sitting at her desk, fiddling with something. "You uh. Said you liked peacocks, right?"
"...Kinda yeah."
"Well. I- found a feather on the ground when I chased that one earlier. I couldn't possibly give it to you as it was because you're allergic and that'd just be dumb- but…" She held out a charm bracelet, with a small peacock feather sealed in a clear locket, framed in gold. 
He tapped the case, blinking a few times. Something wet trickled down his cheek and he rubbed his face. "Oh. This is… you made this… for me?"
She nodded "Do you like it?"
"I love it." He said softly, turning the object around in his hands. He felt breathless. Like everything slowed down. She was smiling at him. He stared at the feather secured away in the glass. Two beautiful pieces of glimmering hope. Right in front of him. "You're amazing." It came out soft.
She laughed and shrugged, and time resumed as normal. "It wasn't that hard, just had to find something it would fit in. It was more work to match the colors with the bracelet itself," She laughed again, almost nervous "...The greens go nicely with you, I think."
He smiled, and brought up the bracelet to his face, "It matches my eyes, doesn't it?" He hummed and nodded, looking back down at the object, "You're a truly wonderful designer. Really. I couldn't imagine anything better, and I live fashion."
Marinette flushed, "I-sh veb bah" She stuttered, groaned, and flopped back onto the floor "…Shut up."
He grinned and decided to give her the requested mercy, even if he really wanted to keep complimenting her. "Want to play those games we planned to do now?" he said instead.
She sat up immediately, gaze fierce and determined. An enthusiastic yes.
Later, he'll have to find something to replace the feather. But for now. His best friend Marinette just gave him the most precious thing in his possession.
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dreamwreaver · 1 year
Theory that would make me hate the sentimonster plotline less;
Adrien isn't a sentimonster, but the gorilla is. He's silent, never speaks, always obeys, but is ultimately kind. Emilie used the peacock to make someone that would always protect her little miracle child no matter the cost, and it's why he doesn't have a name that's an actual name, but rather just a nickname that expresses the sort of affection she wanted.
Let's remember, Gabe and Emilie were explorers, emilie likely saw various ape families and how protective they were of their young. She wanted someone who would always be there for adrien, someone who never got sick, never grew old, never died. So she created a human equivalent of that and that's what made her sick.
Felix can still be a senti, maybe colt assumed the fertility issues were on Amelie's side instead of his own and took it out on her. Maybe the dick move gabriel pulled was in part an act to get Amelie away from the marriage her parents arranged, if not for love of his sister in law but for love of emilie who didn't want her sister to suffer. Maybe he didn't realize colt would turn his ire into felix instead.
I'm just saying, we saw adrien start to break away from his father's influence. You know who we didn't?
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uptoolateart · 1 year
I love how angry Cat got over the Gorilla being turned to plastic. Like that was his breaking point.
How far our boy has come from the days when he purposely kicked the Gorilla down an open elevator shaft in S1....
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the-bluespirit · 2 years
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