#MSE Sector
techminsolutions · 7 months
Empowering Micro Enterprises: MSME Minister Launches Rs 20 Lakh Scheme for GST-Exempted Units Under CGTMSE
Transformative Initiative for Informal Micro Enterprises (IMEs) In a groundbreaking move, MSME Minister Narayan Rane has introduced a revolutionary scheme specifically designed for Informal Micro Enterprises (IMEs), with the aim of bolstering their access to credit facilities and alleviating financial constraints. Launched under the esteemed Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small…
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stardustloki · 7 months
Fix the Broken
Mouse droids were harmless, they just cleaned floors and carried messages, tried to stay out from under everyone’s feet. What was even the point of hurting them?
Fox knew why. It was the same reason people hurt him. It was fun.
Fox comes across a broken mouse droid. He decides that, although he can't seem to save anything in this life, maybe he can at least fix the droid.
Read it on ao3 here
Or below the cut
MD-1407 whirred softly as it carried out its cleaning programme, sending out occasional beeps and whistles when its sensors picked up there was another organic about, letting them to know to be careful not to trip on it.
A message from MD-1506 came up on its feed, informing it that there was a particularly tough stain in sector 3a22 which meant '6 wouldn’t complete its area within time parameters. ‘7 acknowledged this request and, based on the conditional, wrote itself a new command line in order to take over some of ‘6’s area. Its current estimate for the time it would take to finish and return to its maintenance station was 9785 seconds.
Its sensors picked up a group of organics moving in its direction and it let off several beeps in the hope they wouldn’t trip on it and send it tumbling across the floor. However, in a way that its processor found hard to handle, ‘7 had been running some calculations recently, and the statistics seemed to show that the number of collisions was too high to be accidental. Did that mean that the organics were deliberately kicking it off route, confusing its sensors? Why?
The organics feet approached. Despite ‘7 doing its best to roll out of the way so it would be able to return to its task quicker, they seemed to be aiming for it. ‘7 let out a mournful wail. But instead of the feet knocking it over, sending error message after error message until ‘7 managed to right itself, the feet just stopped.
Above MD-1407, the organics were speaking, though even with its audio processors working at maximum speed, it didn’t seem able to pick up more than the odd word, which didn’t make sense when strung together. It wondered if its processors were faulty, or if the organics needed an upgrade to their speech drivers. It whined, and tried to find a clear route out from where it was trapped between their feet and the wall. It seemed that whenever it tried to move for a gap, it would suddenly be filled. Why weren’t they letting it get on with its tasks?
Suddenly, there was error message after error message cycling through its code. Its wheels spun but there was no floor to spin on. Error! Error! It shrieked. What was happening to it?
Then things seemed to slow and its gyro- and photo-receptors managed to focus. It was upside down, but far above where it should be, the organics’ photo-receptors and auditory speakers much closer than they had ever been before.
This was not right, this was not right, this was not right.
Put back, put back, put back, it told them. It would need a lot of maintenance if it were dropped from this height. The organics just opened their mouths and made strange noises. ‘7 wobbled in their grip, shrieking as its gyro-receptors sent it feedback that was wrong, wrong, wrong.
One of the organics put their manipulator over its auditory speaker, still making strange noises. Stop, ‘7 whistled. Stop. Its processors were working at full speed, trying to find an algorithm that would explain what was happening, what it should do in this event. It could find nothing.
It pinged the nearby MSE units as it found itself moving through the corridors, at a height it should not be travelling at. Instructions? Instructions?
Power down. Wait for end. it was told. But that was wrong, it wasn’t permitted to go on standby outside of the maintenance bay. 
New instructions? There was no reply, apart from one MSE unit informing it it would take over its duties.
It was dropped on top of one of the units that ‘7 had to clean around whenever he went into the smaller rooms. The top was flat, like flooring, but ‘7 still wasn’t the right way up. Error messages pinged round and round, registering bumps to its outer casing, as its wheels spun uselessly.
Put back , it told them again, though statistically, it didn’t appear the organics were going to listen to it.
One of them reached down, and ‘7 recalculated the statistics, perhaps they would put it down here. Maybe there was something to clean or polish?
Instead, once it had picked ‘7 up, it slammed it down again and again on the edge of the surface. Error messages cycled, too many to process. It wailed.
It took ‘7 a length of time to realise that he was not being hit on something, how long ago that had finished, he wasn’t sure, the number of alerts having overloaded its system.
It ran a diagnostic. Cracks in body and chassis, wheel bent. Communications systems offline. Reboot . Communications systems offline. Reboot. Communications systems offline. Reboot, reboot, reboot. It was then it managed to finish its full scan. It realised that the systems and antennae on the top of its body must have been damaged. It wouldn’t be able to send system updates, it wouldn’t be able to let other units know of its location. Would they still be able to find it?
Why were the organics breaking it?
Next they came at it with long sticks, taking its wheels off. Error. Error. Error. Why didn’t they want it to move? Was this maintenance? It couldn’t be maintenance, it was put into low power mode for that.
Stop. Stop. Stop, it told them. They stuck something across its speakers to make the sound quieter, all the time making those strange noises.
It wailed as they took it apart ( Error. Error. Error. ), until they removed its speakers and it couldn’t make a sound.
Commander Fox stood outside Senator Gillmag’s office, a stack of datapads from the chancellor in hand, waiting to be let in.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long, and was allowed to enter. He did so as unobtrusively as possible, keeping his head down and making his way quickly towards the desk, where he placed them on the the only corner not occupied by bottles or cans of alcohol, either empty, or in the process of being drunk by the beings that surrounded it.
No, he did not want to stay here long. Thankfully, none of them seemed to want a ‘meatdroid’ spoiling their evening either, telling him to get lost as soon as he’d informed them of the datapads’ contents.
He bowed his head, and his eyes caught the broken pieces of droid on the floor, scattered by the desk. He paused. It didn’t look accidentally broken, it looked as if someone had smashed it, prised it apart.
“Sirs, the droid on the floor-” he began, his plan of leaving as soon as he could, temporarily put on hold.
“Defective,” one of the guests slurred.
Privately, Fox doubted that it had been, although it certainly was now. He felt a sudden kinship with the pieces of mouse droid that littered the ground. ‘Defective’ like Fox was when he was punished for the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, for not anticipating how the chancellor’s whims might differ to how they’d been the day before, ‘defective’ like his men were when they were slated for decommissioning. 
He hadn’t been able to save them all, but perhaps - and it was a big perhaps - the droid wasn’t beyond saving. Clones couldn’t be soldered back together, droids could.
“Would you like me to dispose of it for you, sirs?” he asked quickly.
“Pffff, why not?” one of them agreed, much to Fox’s internal relief. “Just get on with it.”
Fox did so, trying to gather up as many of the pieces as he could, placing the small ones inside the semi-intact body of the droid in order to make them easier to carry. He hoped, in his frantic searching, that he’d got them all.
After he’d made his way back to the barracks, he didn’t go collapse in his bunk as he’d planned (it was a stupid idea, he knew, and he’d pay for it in the morning). Instead, he picked up an electronics and soldering kit and took it back to his office, before sitting down on his floor, and beginning to get to work.
It was slow going, even with the schematics brought up on his holopad beside him, especially as he had to be careful with the fragile and twisted shards. Several times, he ran a current through the droid to check his soldering. When he did so, the readout brought up old error message after error message. When he did so once he’d wired the speakers back in place the droid screamed. He shut the power off very quickly after that, whispering apologies.
Fox’s heart ached for what the droid had been through. How confused must it have been, how hurt, how alone? Then he tried to cut that line of thought - he was being stupid, upsetting himself needlessly, droids weren’t sentient. A shard of ice formed in his stomach as he realised that that was exactly what natborns said about him.
Just because someone felt something different, just because it didn’t have pain receptors (oh how Fox wished that he didn’t have pain receptors), didn’t mean that it wouldn’t have been hurt, distressed, wondering why no one was coming to help it?
He knew his brothers in the GAR would have laughed at him getting sentimental over droids, but they could shove it. They weren’t here. They didn’t understand.
Mouse droids were harmless, they just cleaned floors and carried messages, tried to stay out from under everyone’s feet. What was even the point of harming them?
Fox knew why. It was the same reason they hurt him. It was fun.
At last, he felt that he’d done a good enough job, and, after checking that its wheels turned properly, set the droid down gently on the ground, before pressing its activation switch.
A few seconds later it shrieked, terrified. Fox knew that the droid wouldn’t know that time had passed, wouldn’t know that it was in a different place now, and even when it figured that out, wouldn’t know that it meant it was safe. Abruptly, its shriek cut off as if, like Fox, it knew better than to scream, before whirling around and taking itself under the safety of one of the shelving units.
Fox left it there. There would be a time for reassurances, and it wouldn’t be now, couldn’t be, the droid would be too overwhelmed with processing new data to understand anything. But eventually, it would understand that it was safe here, with the guard.
He found himself smiling for the first time in a while. He’d saved someone, he’d actually managed to save someone. Then, Fox collapsed face-first onto the threadbare couch that he’d shoved into the corner of his office.
His next shift began in thirty minutes.
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gemgov · 11 days
Navigating GeM Portal: Tips and Tricks for Successful Bid Participation
Launched in 2016 under the visionary guidance of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Government e Marketplace(GeM) is a revolutionary platform designed to facilitate the online procurement of Products and Services by various Central / State Government Ministries / Departments, Central / State Public Sector Enterprises, Autonomous Bodies, Panchayats, Single & Multi-State Cooperatives etc. Understanding how to bid on GeM portal is crucial for sellers looking to expand their business with government clientele. This blog covers the essential tips and tricks to successfully register and participate in e-bids floated on GeM portal.
Understanding GeM Portal
Before diving into the GeM bidding process, it’s essential to understand the key features of the GeM portal:
GeM is an online platform that brings together Central, State & Local Government buyers and pan-India sellers/service providers for procurement of products and services. Offering a paperless, cashless and contactless ecosystem powered by digitalisation and automation, GeM ensures enhanced efficiency, transparency and inclusivity in public procurement.
The portal eliminates all barriers to entry, enabling marginalised seller groups like MSEs, Startups, Women-led Enterprises, SC/ST Entrepreneurs, Artisans, Weavers, Craftsmen, Self-Help Groups etc., to freely participate in public procurement.
The portal allows exclusive marketplace listing and provides certain purchase preferences to marginalised seller groups, enabling them to thrive in marketplace irrespective of their size and turnover.
Step-by-Step Process for Registering as a Seller / Service Provider on GeM:
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Step 1: Visit GeM Portal
Visit https://gem.gov.in/ and click on ‘Sign up’. Then select “Seller / Service Provider” option from the drop down menu.
Step 2: Select Organisation Type
Select your Business or Organization Type from the drop-down menu. Before proceeding, check the list of documents required for registration and click on all mandatory boxes before clicking on “Proceed”.
Step 3: Review Terms & Conditions
Please review the Terms & Conditions carefully. Check the box to accept the terms and conditions and click on ‘Proceed’.
Step 4: Verification by Aadhaar:
Under “Registration” tab, fill in the organisation’s detail and click on ‘Next’. Check the Aadhaar option to continue verification. Enter your Aadhaar Number and Aadhaar-linked mobile number. Check the box and click on ‘Verify Aadhaar’.Then, fill in the OTP sent to your Aadhaar-linked mobile number.
Step 5: Verification by PAN
Select the option to register through PAN then fill in your PAN card details & date of birth before clicking on “Proceed”.Fill in your PAN-linked mobile number and click on ‘Send OTP’.
Select your role within the organization and click on ‘Next’.
After successful verification of Aadhaar or PAN details, fill in your personal verification information.
Step 6: Verify email ID
You need to confirm if you are the key person of the organisation, before clicking on ‘Next’. Fill in your email ID and click here to receive OTP for verification.
Fill in the OTP and click here to proceed.
Your e-mail address has been successfully verified!
Step 7: Set User ID and Password
Now, set your User ID and Password. Select ‘Create Account’.
Seller registration is complete. The user will now be redirected to the seller homepage to complete their profile!
Navigating GeM Dashboard
After registration, you will have access to your GeM dashboard. This dashboard is your control centre, where you can manage your bids, view orders, update your profile and track payments.
Familiarise yourself with key sections of the Seller Dashboard:
Notifications: All notifications regarding Latest Bids & Announcements will be published in this section.
Summary: This section displays the following information:
Seller rating: The Score of the seller on Parameters of Quality, Timely Delivery, Reliability and Coverage.
Orders: The number of orders awaiting acceptance by the Seller and the total number of orders pending delivery from Seller.
Bid/RA: The total bid notifications received by the seller for participation (1 Week data). The section also displays the bids participated by the seller where the Technical or Financial evaluation is pending.
Products: The total products published by the Seller on GeM portal and the total number of products pending approval for publishing.
Incidents: The Total Incidents raised against the seller where the Seller response (SCN Response) is pending as well as the incidents raised by or raised against the Seller where action has not been taken by GeM.
Transaction Charges: The Total Transaction Charges Amount paid as well as pending by the Seller.
Catalogue Management: Here, you can add or update your products and services.
Orders: View and manage orders received from government buyers.
Payments: Track the status of your payments.
Total Order Value & Volume: The Seller can see the Total Orders value and total Order volume of all the orders placed.
Order Statistics: Number of Orders at various stages of the Order Processing Lifecycle.
Tips for Successful Bid Participation
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1. Understand Buyer Requirement
Carefully read the Bid Requirement Document to understand the buyer’s specifications and needs. Pay attention to information like quantity specific in BRD, delivery schedule and other terms and conditions specified by the Buyer. Ensure that your products or services meet the specifications before submitting your bid.
2. Regular Updates
Keep your profile and product catalogue up to date. Regularly update your offerings, prices and certifications. This ensures that buyers have access to the most accurate information about your products or services.
3. Prompt Responses
Timely communication is crucial in GeM bidding process. Respond promptly to any queries or requests for clarification from the buyer. This demonstrates your commitment and professionalism, increasing your chances of winning the bid.
Leverage GeM Tools and Resources
GeM portal provides various tools and resources to assist sellers in the bidding process. Utilise these resources to your advantage:
Bid Analysis Tool: This tool helps you analyse past bids and understand the buying trends pertaining to your product or service category.
Training Modules: Explore the vast library of Interactive & Multilingual Training Courses in 12 official languages, designed to help stakeholders navigate the GeM portal with ease. Visit https://elearning.gem.gov.in/ to know more.
Support: Utilise the GeMmy AI Chatbot for round-the-clock assistance regarding features and functionalities on GeM. You can also reach out to the GeM Helpdesk for any further assistance.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Avoiding common mistakes can significantly enhance your chances of winning bids.
Here are some pitfalls to watch out for:
1. Incomplete Documentation
Ensure that all required documents are uploaded and are in the correct format. Incomplete or incorrect documentation is a common reason for bid rejection.
2. Ignoring Bid Deadlines
Pay close attention to bid submission deadlines. Late submissions are not accepted, so make sure to submit your bid well before the deadline.
3. Overlooking Terms and Conditions
Thoroughly read through and understand the terms and conditions of the bid. Overlooking important clauses can lead to compliance issues and eventual rejection.
Participating in an e-bid on the GeM portal can significantly open up numerous business opportunities in public procurement domain. By understanding how to bid in GeM portal, staying updated, and adhering to best practices, you can enhance your chances of securing a bid on the portal.
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chaitanya · 1 month
Government Schemes Linked with Udyog Aadhar
We're living in a landscape of Indian entrepreneurship where government schemes linked with Udyog Aadhar are more like pillars for MSMEs. Such schemes come with benefits to foster their growth. 
Whether it's technological upgrades or financial assistance, the schemes can pave the way for the MSME sector. If you're a registered enterprise, then get ready to turn your business aspirations into reality. 
What is Udyog Aadhar?
Udyog Aadhar, which is replaced by Udyam Registration, can be described as a unique identification number introduced by the Ministry of MSMEs. With this, the registration process for small businesses gets simplified to let them avail of government subsidies and benefits. However, the primary objective is to promote ease of doing business. Also, provide MSMEs with a robust support system. 
Government Schemes Linked with Udyog Aadhar
There are a range of government schemes linked with Udyog Aadhar that provide comprehensive support to MSMEs. Below, we've mentioned some of the key schemes: 
1) Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP)
The aim of MSE-CDP is to enhance the competitiveness and productivity of enterprises with the aid of cluster development. If you're a Udyog Aadhar holder, then you can benefit from such schemes by being a part of cluster development activities. 
Key Features:
Support in terms of infrastructure development.
Financial assistance to set up common facility centres.
Boost in business networking and market access. 
2) Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS)
When it comes to the textile sector, there is a need for technological upgradation and modernization, which is possible with TUFS. If you're in the textile industry, you can benefit from the scheme by improving your competitiveness and adopting advanced technologies. 
Key Features:
Interest reimbursement on technological upgrade loans.
Financial assistance to upgrade technology.
Support for the purchase of modern equipment and machinery. 
3) Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry, and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE)
For rural and agro-based industries, the scheme aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. As a Udyog Aadhar holder, you can leverage ASPIRE to access financial assistance to promote innovation and set up business incubators. 
 Key Features:
In rural areas, promotion of entrepreneurship. 
Financial support to set up incubation centres.
Support innovative ideas related to business. 
4) ZED Certification Scheme 
ZED, or Zero Defect The Zero Effect Certification Scheme aims to boost the efficiency and quality of MSMEs. With this, you can adopt zero-defect manufacturing practices. So, you have to obtain ZED certification to benefit and improve your market competitiveness. 
Key Features:
Improved efficiency and quality in terms of manufacturing processes. 
Financial support to obtain ZED certification.
Enhanced market reputation and access. 
5) Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
PMEGP can be described as a credit-linked subsidy scheme that aims to generate employment opportunities. It can be possible when there will be micro-enterprises in urban and rural areas. Thus, you can avail yourselves of subsidies to set up new projects. 
 Key Features:
Access to credit along with reduced interest rates.
Subsidy (15–35%) of the project cost.
Promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment. 
6) Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)
CGTMSE comes with a credit guarantee for financial institutions providing loans to MSMEs without any kind of collateral. So, you can leverage this scheme to secure your loans without needing to provide collateral security. 
Key Features:
Reduced risk for lenders to encourage them to lend more to MSMEs.
Collateral-free credit is approximately Rs. 2 crore. 
Boost credit flow in the MSME sector. 
7) National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)
NMCP is chiefly designed to enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. If you're from the manufacturing industry, use your Udyog Aadhar to benefit from components of this program like lean manufacturing techniques and quality management standards. 
Key Features:
Support to adopt lean manufacturing practices.
Financial assistance to implement a quality management system. 
Enhanced competitiveness and productivity. 
8) Stand-Up India Scheme
The aim of the Stand-Up India Scheme is to promote entrepreneurship among SC/ST communities and women. If you're in one of these categories, then you can avail of loans for setting up greenfield enterprises.  
Key Features:
Promote entrepreneurship among SC/ST communities and women.
Loans range from Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 1 crore.
Support to set up new enterprises.
Impact of Udyog Aadhar and Linked Schemes on MSMEs
The introduction of Udyog Aadhar and government schemes linked with it resulted in a positive impact on the MSME sector. We've mentioned some of the key impacts below: 
1) Enhanced competitiveness
There are various schemes linked with Udyog Aadhar, such as NMCP and TUFS, which aid MSMEs in adopting advanced technologies and improving their competitiveness. 
2) Improved Infrastructure and Facilities
MSE-CDP and similar schemes have supported the establishment of common facility centres and infrastructure development. As a result, MSMEs enjoy better resources and facilities. 
3) Increased Access to Finance
With Udyog Aadhar, it's possible to easily access finance and credit for MSMEs. Thus, they can secure the necessary funds for business growth and expansion. 
4) Promotion of Entrepreneurship
There are schemes such as PMEGP that promote self-employment and entrepreneurship, which leads to the establishment of jobs and new businesses. 
5) Support for Innovation
Schemes like ASPIRE are successful in promoting innovation and encouraging MSMEs to develop innovative and new services and products. 
Now, MSMEs have comprehensive support provided by the mentioned schemes. It's your time to thrive in the market by using government initiatives and contributing to the country's economic growth. 
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udyamregister · 2 months
The Benefits of Having Udyam Registration
In recent years, the Indian government has taken significant steps to support and promote the growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through various initiatives. One of the most impactful of these initiatives is the introduction of the Udyam Registration, a simplified process that provides MSMEs with a host of benefits and opportunities.
 This registration, introduced on July 1, 2020, has replaced the previous system of Udyog Aadhaar and aims to streamline the registration process, making it more efficient and accessible. In this article, we will explore the myriad benefits of having Udyam Registration and why it is a crucial step for MSME registration aiming to thrive in the competitive business environment.
1. Simplified Registration Process
One of the primary benefits of Udyam Registration is its simplicity. The registration process is entirely online and can be completed through the official Udyam Registration portal.
 It requires minimal documentation, with only the Aadhaar number of the proprietor or the managing partner or director being necessary. This ease of registration removes significant bureaucratic hurdles, allowing businesses to register quickly and start availing the benefits without unnecessary delays.
2. Access to Government Schemes
MSMEs with Udyam Registration are eligible for a variety of government schemes and subsidies. These include schemes like the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGS), the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), and the Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP). 
These schemes provide financial assistance, grants, and subsidies that can significantly reduce operational costs and support business expansion and development.
3. Easier Access to Credit
Financial institutions and banks often require Udyam Registration for MSMEs to qualify for various loans and credit facilities. 
The registration helps in establishing the legitimacy of the business, making it easier for MSMEs to secure loans at lower interest rates under schemes like the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS). Additionally, the government has mandated a collateral-free automatic loan facility for MSMEs, further easing access to credit.
4. Protection Against Delayed Payments
One of the significant challenges faced by MSMEs is the delay in payments from buyers, which can severely impact cash flow. Udyam Registration provides a safeguard against this issue. According to the MSME Development Act, registered MSMEs are entitled to receive interest on delayed payments from buyers.
 This act mandates that buyers make payments within 45 days of accepting goods or services, failing which the buyer is liable to pay compound interest with monthly rests to the MSME.
5. Exemption from Direct Taxation
Registered MSMEs can benefit from several tax exemptions and rebates. For instance, under the Income Tax Act, businesses with Udyam Registration can avail themselves of a presumptive taxation scheme under section 44AD, which allows for a simplified method of calculating taxable income. This reduces the burden of compliance and makes tax planning more efficient.
6. Benefits in Tenders and Procurement
The Indian government and various public sector undertakings (PSUs) give preference to Udyam-registered MSMEs in procurement and tenders. This is part of the government’s Public Procurement Policy which mandates that a minimum of 25% of the total annual purchases of goods or services by central ministries, departments, and PSUs must be from MSMEs. 
Additionally, 4% is reserved for MSMEs owned by Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes entrepreneurs. This preferential treatment in government procurement can provide a significant boost to business growth.
7. Reduction in Cost of Intellectual Property Rights
The Udyam Registration also entitles MSMEs to various subsidies and incentives related to the protection of their intellectual property. 
MSMEs can get financial support for patent registration, trademark registration, and other IP-related activities, thereby encouraging innovation and protecting their inventions and brands at a lower cost.
8. Concession in Electricity Bills
Many state governments provide concessions on electricity bills to Udyam-registered MSMEs. This concession helps in reducing the operational costs of businesses, making them more competitive and financially sustainable.
 The specifics of these concessions vary from state to state, but they generally involve reduced tariffs or rebates on the electricity consumption of registered MSMEs.
9. ISO Certification Charges Reimbursement
To promote quality and standardization among MSMEs, the government offers reimbursement for the expenses incurred in obtaining ISO certifications. 
This reimbursement is available to Udyam-registered businesses, encouraging them to improve their processes and product quality, which in turn enhances their competitiveness both in domestic and international markets.
10. Market Access and Export Promotion
Update Udyam-registered MSMEs can benefit from various programs aimed at enhancing market access and promoting exports. The government organizes trade fairs, exhibitions, and buyer-seller meets where registered MSMEs can showcase their products and services. 
Additionally, financial assistance is provided for participation in international trade fairs and exhibitions, which helps MSMEs to explore and penetrate new markets globally.
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jobskenyaplace · 3 months
MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES AUTHORITY TENDER JULY 2024   OPEN TENDER FOR DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE AND UNSERVICEABLE ASSETS. TENDER NO. MSEA/OP/D/02/2023-2024. Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA) is a state agency domiciled in the Minis- try of Co-operatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development. It is man- dated to facilitate the MSE sector in terms of physical infrastructure,…
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msmereg · 3 months
Why MSME Registration is Crucial for Your Business Growth
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In the dynamic and competitive world of business, staying ahead and ensuring sustainable growth is imperative for any enterprise. For Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), one of the key strategies to achieve this is through MSME registration. MSME registration is more than just a formality; it is a gateway to a plethora of benefits that can significantly enhance the growth trajectory of a business. In this blog, we will delve into why MSME registration is crucial for your business growth.
Understanding MSME Registration
MSME registration, also known as Udyam Registration in India, is a government initiative aimed at providing support to small businesses. The registration process classifies businesses based on their investment in plant and machinery or equipment and turnover. The categories are:
Micro Enterprises: Investing up to ₹1 crore and turnover up to ₹5 crore.
Small Enterprises: Investing up to ₹10 crore and turnover up to ₹50 crore.
Medium Enterprises: Investing up to ₹50 crore and turnover up to ₹250 crore.
By registering under the MSME category, businesses can access various benefits and schemes designed to support their growth and sustainability.
Access to Financial Support
One of the most significant advantages of MSME registration is access to financial support. Registered MSMEs can avail themselves of various schemes and incentives offered by the government, including:
Collateral-Free Loans: The Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) provides collateral-free loans to MSMEs, ensuring that lack of security does not hinder their growth prospects.
Subsidized Interest Rates: MSMEs often get loans at subsidized interest rates, making borrowing more affordable and reducing the financial burden on the business.
Priority Sector Lending: Banks and financial institutions prioritize lending to MSMEs as part of their mandated priority sector lending targets, ensuring easier access to credit.
These financial aids can significantly boost the capital flow within the business, allowing for expansion, innovation, and overall growth.
Eligibility for Government Schemes and Subsidies
The government has launched numerous schemes aimed at promoting the growth and development of MSMEs. Some notable schemes include:
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): Provides financial assistance for setting up new ventures.
Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP): Aims to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of MSMEs through cluster-based development.
Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS): Offers capital subsidies for upgrading technology and modernizing equipment.
MSME registration makes a business eligible for these and other schemes, providing substantial support in various aspects such as funding, technology, and infrastructure.
Technological and Skill Development Support
In today’s fast-paced business environment, keeping up with technological advancements is crucial for growth. MSME registration provides access to various programs and schemes aimed at technological and skill development. Some initiatives include:
Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme: Helps MSMEs to adopt lean manufacturing techniques, enhancing productivity and competitiveness.
Digital MSME Scheme: Encourages MSMEs to adopt information and communication technology (ICT) tools to become digitally empowered.
Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme (ESDP): Focuses on enhancing the skills of existing entrepreneurs and nurturing new ones.
These programs help MSMEs stay updated with the latest technological trends and improve the skill set of their workforce, leading to increased efficiency and growth.
Credit Rating and Financial Transparency
MSME registration can also aid in obtaining a better credit rating from agencies like CRISIL, ICRA, and others. A good credit rating improves the credibility of the business, making it easier to secure loans and attract investors. It also reflects financial transparency and sound business practices, which are crucial for long-term growth.
Enhanced Business Credibility and Brand Recognition
Being a registered MSME adds to the credibility of the business. It signifies that the business adheres to regulatory standards and is recognized by the government. This recognition can enhance the reputation of the business among customers, suppliers, and potential investors.
Moreover, MSME registration often involves various certifications and compliance checks, ensuring that the business maintains high standards of quality and service. This not only helps in building a strong brand but also increases customer trust and loyalty, contributing to sustained growth.
Export Promotion and Market Development
For MSMEs looking to expand their reach beyond domestic markets, MSME registration can be a game-changer. The government offers various incentives and support schemes for exporting MSMEs, such as:
Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme (EPCG): Allows import of capital goods at zero customs duty.
Market Development Assistance (MDA): Provides financial assistance for participating in international trade fairs and exhibitions.
Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC): Offers export credit insurance to protect against risks of non-payment.
These schemes and incentives can help MSMEs tap into international markets, boosting their growth potential significantly.
Note :- To Update your Udyam Registration Certificate, Click :- Update Udyam Certificate  
In conclusion, MSME registration is not just a legal requirement; it is a strategic tool that can propel your business towards sustainable growth. From financial support and government schemes to market opportunities and technological advancements, the benefits of MSME registration are manifold. By registering as an MSME, businesses can ensure better financial management, increased market presence, and enhanced credibility, all of which are crucial for long-term success. For any business owner looking to take their enterprise to the next level, MSME registration should be a top priority. It opens up a world of opportunities and support mechanisms that can significantly contribute to the growth and development of the business. Therefore, understanding the importance of MSME registration and leveraging its benefits can be a pivotal step in achieving business excellence and growth.
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blueweave8 · 8 months
Middle East and Africa Graphene Market Outlook, Analysis, Forecast 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the Middle East and Africa Graphene Marketsize at USD 402 million in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects Middle East and Africa Graphene Marketsize to boom at a robust CAGR of 25.59% reaching a value of USD 1,577.32 million by 2029. Major growth drivers for the Middle East and Africa Graphene Market include the growing reliance on graphene in various electronic applications, increasing purchasing power of consumers, and surging demand for consumer electronics. With superior properties like thermal and electrical conductivity, transparency, and strength, graphene is integral in manufacturing microchips and transistors, enhancing touchscreen functionality in phones and tablets, and contributing to high-speed computer circuitry. Additionally, the expanding applications of graphene oxide, particularly in transparent conductive films and flexible electronics, underscore its increasing importance. IPC International, Inc. reports a projected CAGR of 3.7% in the global electronic industry from 2018 to 2023, reflecting rising opportunities for the graphene market, especially in Middle East and Africa. However, lack of infrastructure, facilities, and skilled workforce are anticipated to restrain the overall market growth during the period in analysis.
Impact of COVID-19 on Middle East and Africa Graphene Market
COVID-19 pandemic adversely affected the Middle East and Africa Graphene Market. It led to fluctuations in demand and supply chains. The lockdowns and restrictions imposed to curb the virus impacted production and distribution. While some sectors, like healthcare, witnessed increased graphene demand for applications like sensors and coatings, others, particularly in electronics and automotive, faced setbacks. However, the market displayed resilience, adapting to new norms. The pandemic highlighted the need for innovative graphene-based solutions, and ongoing R&D efforts aimed at addressing global challenges further underscored the market's potential for post-pandemic recovery and growth.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/middle-east-and-africa-graphene-market/report-sample
Middle East and Africa Graphene Market – By End User
By end user, the Middle East and Africa Graphene Market is divided into Automotive & Transportation, Aerospace, Electronics, Military & Defense, and Construction segments. The aerospace segment holds the highest share in the Middle East and Africa Graphene Market by end user, due to graphene's transformative impact on aircraft structures. Graphene's lightweight, robust, and electrically conductive properties enhance aerospace materials, leading to the development of lighter, more efficient components, contributing to the sector's dominance in graphene adoption.
Middle East and Africa Graphene Market – By Country
Regionally, the Middle East and Africa Graphene Market is segmented into Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Nigeria, Algeria, and Rest of MEA. Saudi Arabia holds the highest share in the Middle East and Africa Graphene Market. The rising demand for graphene in various industries, including electronics, composites, and energy storage, has propelled the market growth in the kingdom. Also, increased research and development initiatives in Saudi Arabia, coupled with the versatile applications of graphene in sectors such as automotive, healthcare, and electronics, have further driven its adoption. The robust presence of manufacturing and technological advancements in the MEA region underscores its significance in the expanding graphene market.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in the Middle East and Africa Graphene Market include Nanowerk, Dexterous DMCC, Medad Holding LLC, MSE Supplies Ltd, Directa Plus, Haydale Graphene Industries plc, Graphenea, XG Sciences, and ACS Material. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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timesnew7 · 1 year
Home care innovator CareLineLive closes £3m funding round, led by Oakglen, to fuel UK & international expansion
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- The investment round, led by Oakglen, will support CareLineLive’s continued expansion, including into Ireland and Australia, and increase its team size by 50% in three months London, UK, 17th January 2023: CareLineLive, the all-in-one home care management software, today announced a £3 million investment round. Led by Oakglen, the investment will fuel CareLineLive’s expansion and business growth as it continues to innovate the home care management software sector in the UK and internationally. Set up by Josh Hough in 2014 after being frustrated at the lack of access to information regarding his Grandfather's care, CareLineLive is an all-in-one, purpose-built home care management system. Working closely with a number of home care agencies, CareLineLive has developed an innovative, easy to use, cloud-based home care management system for agency owners and managers.
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CareLineLive team The announcement comes alongside the UK government providing the NHS with extra funding to secure short-term care placements to relieve pressure and free up beds. CareLineLive has been working with NHS Trusts – such as Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSE) – since June 2020 on a service that bridges the gap between being medically ready to leave hospital and their social care provider providing care, which reduces hospital delays and reduces readmissions. Other NHS Trusts have been slow to implement MSE’s proven model. This investment will be used to increase CareLineLive’s engagement within the NHS, local authorities, and other enterprise customers. With operations currently in the UK, Jersey, Ireland and Australia, the investment will help CareLineLive to fuel further growth in the UK and internationally. The investment will allow the company to scale its team and to accelerate its product development activities. Josh Hough, CareLineLive co-founder and MD, commented: “The home care sector is currently facing many challenges, from staff shortages to a lack of funding, often making it hard to deliver quality care for clients. To combat this, our mission is to streamline paper-based and other legacy processes, improve carer communication and ultimately give them back more time to do what they love best: caring. This investment will allow us to increase our sales and marketing activities and help us to continue to develop our product offering to meet the needs of carers, agencies, those receiving care, and their families. We’ll also continue our investment into delivering exceptional customer service, which is a key market differentiator for CareLineLive.” Nick Crawford, Group Co-CEO at Oakglen, added: “We are pleased to have made this investment in CareLineLive, and look forward to working closely with Josh and his team to support them in realising the significant potential of the business. CareLineLive has established itself well in a large and growing market, which we think will benefit from demographic tailwinds over the coming years. We believe that the strength of the product, the focus on customer service, and the domain expertise of the management team provides a great foundation for growth. We’re excited to see what Josh and the team will achieve in 2023 and beyond.” To find out more about CareLineLive visit its website here: https://carelinelive.com/ -END- About CareLineLive CareLineLive is an award-winning, all-in-one home care management software system for domiciliary care agencies. The company was set up by Josh Hough after being frustrated at the lack of access to his grandfather's care. Working closely with a number of home care agencies, CareLineLive has used the latest technology to develop for agency owners and managers an innovative, easy to use, cloud-based homecare management system. Its award-winning platform leads to increased efficiency, capacity and compliance through digitising workflows, automating procedures, increasing revenue opportunities and decreasing overheads. CareLineLive completes the ‘circle of care’ and gives agencies and carers ‘more time to care’ and is operating throughout the UK, Ireland, Jersey and now Australia. https://carelinelive.com/ Contact information Leah Jones, [email protected], +44 7876 117760 About Oakglen Oakglen is an investment group with interests in the real estate, private equity and financial services sectors, in the UK, Europe and North America. Oakglen’s private equity division has an extensive track record investing in B2B SaaS businesses and in helping its portfolio companies expand both domestically and internationally. In addition to being a source of capital, Oakglen will provide operational support and expertise to help CarelineLive meet its ambitious growth objectives. Home care innovator CareLineLive closes £3m funding round, led by Oakglen, to fuel UK & international expansionRead more:  https://timesnews7.com Read the full article
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data-patrons · 1 year
Time Series Analysis with Python Libraries - Data Patrons
Time Series Analysis Overview
Time series analysis is a statistical technique for analysing and modelling time-dependent data. This type of data is common in many sectors, including economics, finance, medical, and engineering. Time series data is distinguished by its temporal nature, with measurements made at regular intervals over time. The basic goal of time series analysis is to find patterns in data, estimate future values, and construct models that can explain the time series' underlying mechanisms.
Python Time Series Analysis Libraries
Python for data science in NCR is an open-source programming language that has evolved into the industry standard for data science and machine learning. There are several Python libraries for time series analysis, making it easier for data scientists and analysts to work with time series data. Some of the most popular Python libraries for time series analysis are:
Pandas - Pandas is a data structure library for efficiently handling and manipulating time series data. It also has resampling, interpolation, and time zone handling functions.
NumPy - is a library that supports efficient numerical computations, such as time series data processing. It contains mathematical procedures, statistical analysis, and linear algebra functions.
Matplotlib - Matplotlib is a visualisation package used in time series analysis to create graphs and charts that display time series data.
StatsModels - is a library that includes a variety of statistical models for time series analysis, such as ARIMA, SARIMA, and VAR models.
Prophet - Prophet is a time series forecasting library created by Facebook. It develops models that can handle various time series patterns, such as seasonality and trend, using a Bayesian method.     
Python Time Series Data Analysis
The steps for analysing time series data with Python are as follows:
Step 1: Gathering Data
Preparing the Deep python course training institute in NCR data is the initial stage in time series analysis. This entails loading the data into a Pandas data frame and configuring the time series index. A datetime object representing the time of each observation should be used as the time series index. Pandas has several functions for dealing with time series data, including resampling, shifting, and rolling.
Step 2: Visualization of Data
The time series data will now be visualised. Visualization is a key stage in time series research because it provides insights into the underlying patterns and trends in the data. Matplotlib is a popular package for making time series data visualisations. It has tools for making line plots, scatter plots, and bar charts.
Step 3: Analyze the Data
The next stage is to analyse the data. This entails employing statistical models to detect patterns and trends in data. Stats Models is a popular time series analysis package that includes a variety of models such as ARIMA, SARIMA, and VAR models. These models can anticipate future values, identify seasonal patterns, and discover anomalies.
Step 4: Model Assessment
The fourth step is to assess the models' performance. The actual values of the time series data are compared to the predicted values of the models. To assess the performance of the models, metrics such as mean absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE), and root mean squared error (RMSE) can be utilised.
5th Step: Forecasting
The final stage is to forecast the time series data's future values. Prophet is a popular time series forecasting library that use a Bayesian method to construct models that can handle a wide range of time series patterns, including seasonality and trend. It has functions for forecasting and visualising the results.
Time series analysis is an effective method for analysing and modelling time-varying data. Top Python course training institute in NCR includes various time series analysis libraries, including Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib.
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24x7newsbengal · 2 years
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mseenvironmental · 2 years
Why Asbestos Testing is needed on Las Vegas Homes built before 1990?
Many individuals are curious about the appearance of asbestos. The answer is that it is a naturally occurring silicate mineral found on Earth.
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, builders and other manufacturers began to use asbestos because of its excellent physical features, including tensile strength, resistance to fire, heat, chemical, and electrical damage, and sound absorption.
The United States published asbestos-related warnings in the 1970s. The Clean Air Act of 1970, the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986, and the Asbestos Prohibition and Phase-out Rule of 1989 all govern the asbestos ban.
Las Vegas and other cities have banned using asbestos
All across Las Vegas and Neighbouring Cities, there are naturally occurring deposits of asbestos. Workers in sectors including manufacturing, construction, and industry faced exposure risks. Both inhabitants and staff of the state's casinos have been exposed to asbestos.
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that is carcinogenic. Which suggests the possibility of cancer being caused by any encounter with this substance. Inhaling a lot of asbestos fibers can result in asbestosis, a scarring of the lungs produced by fibrous tissue, and mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the chest and abdomen. Many illnesses don't manifest symptoms until at least twenty hours after the first breath was taken. Asbestos does not release cancer-causing fibers until after it has been destroyed. Because of that, asbestos is now prohibited everywhere in the world.
Asbestos Inspection in Las Vegas
Visual inspections alone are insufficient to detect the presence of asbestos, hence further testing is required. It is necessary to gather samples of allegedly asbestos-containing fibers and send them to a lab for examination. To find asbestos in your home, you can purchase test kits online, but we advise spending money on professional testing. With home testing equipment, mistakes can happen, and if the task is not done safely, there is a serious risk to health.
This type of testing should only be carried out by a qualified asbestos testing firm, such as MSE Environmental since doing so ensures your maximum protection against asbestos exposure.
Houses Built in Las Vegas Before 1990
The United States was forewarned to stop using asbestos in 1977. Despite this, materials containing asbestos may still be found in many homes constructed after that time. Asbestos was often used in thermal insulation and surface materials. All other residential structures built before 1985 are most likely to have their asbestos levels tested, with the exception of those with four or fewer housing units. The reason for this is that these structures do not meet the EPA's Asbestos NESHAP Standard.
When is Asbestos Testing Needed?
A typical individual, like you and I, cannot tell if a certain substance contains asbestos. Only highly qualified specialists are capable of doing this. Even if you have no reason to believe that any of the materials in your home contain asbestos, it is still preferable to seek expert assistance. These experts can and will assist you in the removal of asbestos if it is discovered within your house. Managing the asbestos issue might endanger your life, so you don't want to take any chances.
As one of the top environmental consulting firms in Las Vegas, MSE Environmental works to ensure that all residential and commercial buildings are free of asbestos. With over two decades of industry experience, we offer very detailed and skilled asbestos consultancy services.
By Erik Lundgaard |January 30, 2023 |Categories: Asbestos
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udyamregister · 4 months
The Benefits of Having Udyam Registration
In recent years, the Indian government has taken significant steps to support and promote the growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through various initiatives. One of the most impactful of these initiatives is the introduction of the Udyam Registration, a simplified process that provides MSMEs with a host of benefits and opportunities.
 This registration, introduced on July 1, 2020, has replaced the previous system of Udyog Aadhaar and aims to streamline the registration process, making it more efficient and accessible. In this article, we will explore the myriad benefits of having Udyam Registration and why it is a crucial step for MSME registration aiming to thrive in the competitive business environment.
1. Simplified Registration Process
One of the primary benefits of Udyam Registration is its simplicity. The registration process is entirely online and can be completed through the official Udyam Registration portal.
 It requires minimal documentation, with only the Aadhaar number of the proprietor or the managing partner or director being necessary. This ease of registration removes significant bureaucratic hurdles, allowing businesses to register quickly and start availing the benefits without unnecessary delays.
2. Access to Government Schemes
MSMEs with Udyam Registration are eligible for a variety of government schemes and subsidies. These include schemes like the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGS), the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), and the Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP). 
These schemes provide financial assistance, grants, and subsidies that can significantly reduce operational costs and support business expansion and development.
3. Easier Access to Credit
Financial institutions and banks often require Udyam Registration for MSMEs to qualify for various loans and credit facilities. 
The registration helps in establishing the legitimacy of the business, making it easier for MSMEs to secure loans at lower interest rates under schemes like the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS). Additionally, the government has mandated a collateral-free automatic loan facility for MSMEs, further easing access to credit.
4. Protection Against Delayed Payments
One of the significant challenges faced by MSMEs is the delay in payments from buyers, which can severely impact cash flow. Udyam Registration provides a safeguard against this issue. According to the MSME Development Act, registered MSMEs are entitled to receive interest on delayed payments from buyers.
 This act mandates that buyers make payments within 45 days of accepting goods or services, failing which the buyer is liable to pay compound interest with monthly rests to the MSME.
5. Exemption from Direct Taxation
Registered MSMEs can benefit from several tax exemptions and rebates. For instance, under the Income Tax Act, businesses with Udyam Registration can avail themselves of a presumptive taxation scheme under section 44AD, which allows for a simplified method of calculating taxable income. This reduces the burden of compliance and makes tax planning more efficient.
6. Benefits in Tenders and Procurement
The Indian government and various public sector undertakings (PSUs) give preference to Udyam-registered MSMEs in procurement and tenders. This is part of the government’s Public Procurement Policy which mandates that a minimum of 25% of the total annual purchases of goods or services by central ministries, departments, and PSUs must be from MSMEs. 
Additionally, 4% is reserved for MSMEs owned by Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes entrepreneurs. This preferential treatment in government procurement can provide a significant boost to business growth.
7. Reduction in Cost of Intellectual Property Rights
The Udyam Registration also entitles MSMEs to various subsidies and incentives related to the protection of their intellectual property. 
MSMEs can get financial support for patent registration, trademark registration, and other IP-related activities, thereby encouraging innovation and protecting their inventions and brands at a lower cost.
8. Concession in Electricity Bills
Many state governments provide concessions on electricity bills to Udyam-registered MSMEs. This concession helps in reducing the operational costs of businesses, making them more competitive and financially sustainable.
 The specifics of these concessions vary from state to state, but they generally involve reduced tariffs or rebates on the electricity consumption of registered MSMEs.
9. ISO Certification Charges Reimbursement
To promote quality and standardization among MSMEs, the government offers reimbursement for the expenses incurred in obtaining ISO certifications. 
This reimbursement is available to Udyam-registered businesses, encouraging them to improve their processes and product quality, which in turn enhances their competitiveness both in domestic and international markets.
10. Market Access and Export Promotion
Udyam-registration MSMEs can benefit from various programs aimed at enhancing market access and promoting exports. The government organizes trade fairs, exhibitions, and buyer-seller meets where registered MSMEs can showcase their products and services. 
Additionally, financial assistance is provided for participation in international trade fairs and exhibitions, which helps MSMEs to explore and penetrate new markets globally.
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cagrreports21 · 2 years
Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target Market Overview 2022: Growth Report explores industry trends, Business Statistics, Regional Analysis
CAGR Reports has included analytical data of Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target Market to its massive database. The report comprises various verticals of the businesses. The report is aggregated on the basis of different dynamic aspects of the market study. The statistical report is compiled by means of primary and secondary research methodologies.
The study further also presents the details on financial attributes such as pricing structures, shares and profit margins. A distinctive feature of the report, it includes a summary of top –notch companies such as Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target. The competitive landscape of the Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target Market is presented by analyzing various successful and startup industries. The economic aspects of the businesses are provided by using facts and figures.
List of Top Key players:  
American Elements
Kurt J. Lesker
MSE Supplies
Advanced Engineering Materials
Stanford Advanced Materials
ALB Materials Inc
QS Advanced Materials
The market study covers the lucrative market scope of North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Africa on the basis of productivity, thus focusing on the leading countries from the global regions. The report also highlights the pricing structure including cost of raw material and cost of manpower.
Report Details : https://cagrreports.com/chemicals-materials-market-research-report/global-cerium-fluoride-sputtering-target-market-status-trends-and-covid-19-impact-report-2022/
Key benefits of the report:
●       This study presents the analytical depiction of the global Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
●       The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the global Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target market share.
●       The current market is quantitatively analyzed from 2022 to 2028 to highlight the global Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target  market growth scenario.
●       The report provides a detailed global Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target market analysis based on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in coming years.
The report further also offers a clear picture of the various factors that demonstrate as significant business stimulants of the Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target market. This market study also analyzes and presents more accurate data which helps to gauge the overall framework of the businesses. Technological advancements in the Global Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target sector are accurately examined by experts. Macro and micro factors of the Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target market are further explained in detail. To discover the global opportunities, several methodologies have also been listed in the report.
Questions answered in the Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target market research report:
●       Which are the leading market players active in the Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target market?
●       What current trends would influence the market in the next few years?
●       What are the driving factors, restraints and opportunities in the Cerium Fluoride Sputtering Target market?
●       What are the projections for the future that would help in taking further strategic steps?
Get a Quote : https://cagrreports.com/contact-us/
Contact Us
CAGR Reports +447305924133 10 Burlington Road, SL1, 7BQ, UK www.cagrreports.com [email protected]
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trainingcenter · 2 years
Tips On How To Turn Out To Be An Data Scientist Or Data Analyst In Malaysia?
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They can also grasp Black box techniques, Neural Network programming, and Data Visualization strategies. Propel yourselves to nice heights in your Data Science career with the aid of this program from the most effective Data Science training institute from Malaysia. The credit of the course counts as Core Course , Elective Course and Data Science Research Project .
This business-relevant capstone project under the experienced guidance of an trade skilled is the cornerstone of this Data Science with Python course. In this immersive studying mentor-guided live group project, you'll go about executing the info science project as you'd any business downside in the actual-world. Data science is a vast subject and folks can't gain expertise in it inside six months or a 12 months. Learning information science requires specialized technical skills together with data of programming fundamentals and analytics tools to get started. However, this Data Science course explains all the related ideas from scratch, so you will discover it easy to put your new expertise to use. If you are a novice or intermediate in Data Science, you will must master many ideas.
Advance your profession in analytics by way of our Tableau training and achieve job-ready expertise. Learn this exciting branch of Artificial Intelligence with a program that includes fifty eight hrs of Applied Learning, interactive labs, 4 arms-on tasks, and mentoring. With our Machine Learning training, master Machine Learning ideas are required for a Machine studying certification. This Machine Learning on-line course will give you the talents needed to turn into a profitable Machine Learning Engineer today. This Machine studying program will allow you to grasp the topic's core areas, including statistics and computer science, to efficiently leverage the predictive power. It's a super course for aspiring knowledge scientists, data analysts, and others who need to construct their profession in the related area.
You'll purchase a great understanding of machine studying tools used for tackling real-world issues. It's a perfect course to study ML efficiency metrics, together with recall, R-squared, confusion matrix, MSE, prevision, accuracy, and so on. Additionally, you will additionally study to create packages appropriate with both Node JS and browser.
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Special Scheme for Settlement of NPA In the MSME Sector
RBI or Reserve Bank of India, which is the central regulating authority for all banks and financial institutions in India has issued a special scheme for settlement of NPA in the MSME sector. This is a non-discretionary One-Time Settlement Scheme for the recovery of NPAs under MSE Sector as a part of the Recovery Policy. It is an important step to control NPA in India.
As per the guidelines about compromise settlements, negotiated settlements where a borrower offers to pay, and the bank agrees to accept in full and final settlement of its dues an amount less than the total amount due to the bank under the particular loan contract.
The bank has to waive off or write off some amount of the loan. It will be called the sacrifice by the bank, which will be done on a one-time basis.
It is not possible to lay down precise guidelines that can be uniformly followed for all NPA contracts. It is because each account is unique as far as the circumstances necessitating its consideration as a recovery option is concerned. However, a broad framework can be decided.
The guidelines for the special settlement of NPA in the MSME sector will help in controlling NPA in India.
Time of Compromise
The opportunity cost of funds is an important aspect when we look into the NPA settlement. It is the fund that could come in handy at a later period. It should be calculated to establish the comparative benefit of “today” or “later”. When the value is assessed on the basis of NPV or Net Present Value, it will give a pragmatic dimension to the approach while recovering a Non-performing Asset.
The guidelines issued by the RBI are indicative and objective. They should be considered as a framework as mentioned above. The decision should be taken based on the intelligence and decision-making ability and expertise of the officials. Also, the decision should protect the interests of the bank.
The issuing bank should ensure compliance with the following guidelines
The hierarchy level of the sanctioning committee may be the same as approval authority.
The sanctioning authority exercised the powers judiciously and adhered to all guidelines issued by the bank.
There was no laxity in the conduct and the supervision of the advances after disbursement to the borrower. It is a very important aspect. If it is followed well, then the possibility of NPA will come down.
The staff that handled the process of sanctioning the loan acted transparently. There was not an act of omission or commission on their part. If any debt proves irrecoverable because of such reason, then it should be considered seriously.
It should be ensured that all possible expedient steps to recover the dues are taken. The settlement has to be in the larger interest of the bank. And there are no further prospects of recovering the debt.
It is possible that the bank enters a compromise settlement with all willful defaulters or fraudulent borrowers without prejudice to the criminal case filed against the borrower. Such cases of compromise settlement must be vetted by an appropriate approval authority as mentioned by the bank.
When banks prepare the compromise settlement in NPA accounts for the MSME, it will ensure that the Net Present Value of the settlement amount should be more than the net present value of the realizable value of securities.
The special settlement process for the MSME sector is for the larger interest of industries in India. It is a step taken to control the growth of NPA. It is for the betterment of the overall economy.
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