wanderingnewyork · 11 months
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Looking up a path in #Msgr_McGolrick_Park in #Greenpoint, #Brooklyn.
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gracie-bird · 5 months
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The Catholic World in Pictures (Monday, March 9, 1959).
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pinksiamese · 8 months
...so it seems I am finally writing some Midnight Mass fanfic
I know, I know, I'm super late
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alhavaradawnstar · 11 months
shit needs doing so naturally I am thinking about. The swap au
#shakes swap gelebor by the shoulders WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. WHEN WILL YOU LEARNS THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!!#blood. Blood. gallons of the stuff. More than you could drink and it will never be enough/ref He's so. SILLY#gripping mswap like a stress ball and he crumbles into dust. He's like actually living mummified it's fucked up#vampirism 4 him is like. Giving up auriels light so others can have it. Maintaining everything from the shadows. Humanoid church grim. Etc#THEN EVERYTHING WENT TO SHIT!!! vyrthur still creates the prophecy out of like. Grief I guess rather than selfrighteous anger#The fact that gelebor is adamant that vampirism is Good and auriel still loves them pisses him off so much. They have Nothing and#Auriel has done nothing for them. And still he does everything#Checks in on vyrthur. Is horrified at the state of the wayshrine. Vyrthur cleans up. They dont talk to each other for 400 years. Repeat#swapau#mswap is so. goofy lovestruck grin imagining him in the family guy death pose. I need to draw him covered in blood again#Character embodiment of divine madness has yet to experience the divine reckoning. Honey youve got a big storm coming ❤❤❤#lectures you for 3 hours on how while cannibalism is the most literal and therefore most divine eucharist it is still inferior to blood alo#^I'm not christian ik this is inaccurate but I often draw from catholicism 4 him because they have got some WEIRD SHIT to play with#also is the religion of midnight mass and faith both of which are. Huge influences on this au. I cannot stress how much mswap is msgr pruit#he would say the honesty monologue if he had anyone to talk to. Arguing w riley* (*his inner demons)
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jurakan · 2 years
The move was notable not only because Nazir-Ali was once a front-runner for the post of Archbishop of Canterbury, the spiritual leader of the world’s Anglicans. It was also significant because he came from the evangelical wing of Anglicanism, rather than the part that strongly identifies with Catholicism.
I thought this interview was kind of cool!
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anastpaul · 3 months
Our Morning Offering – 6 July – The Octave Day of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles – What Fairer Light?
Our Morning Offering – 6 July – The Octave Day of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles Decora Luce AeternitatisWhat Fairer Light?Attrib. to H Elphis (Died 493) Wife of BL Severinus Boethius c 477– 524)Trans. Msgr Ronald Knox (1888–1957) What fairer light is thisthan time itself doth own,The golden day with beamsmore radiant brightening?The Princes of God’s Churchthis Feast day doth enthrone,To…
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mydaddywiki · 11 months
Mons. Jim Vlaun
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Physique: Chubby Build Height: 5′ 10″
Monsignor James C. Vlaun (August 1961 -) is currently President and CEO of the national television and media network, Catholic Faith Network (CFN). He is a priest of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY and an Emmy-nominated host. Monsignor hosts several shows on the network, including a popular cooking show Real Food and Religion and Rock, a nationally syndicated radio show.
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A native of Queens, New York, who later moved to Long Island, Msgr. Vlaun grew up in a devout Catholic family which explains how he connected food and faith. Plus, it's how he got that lovely NY accent.
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Personally I think he is fantastically cute and if he wants to experience man sex, I am more than willing to help make that dream a reality for him. Accept he wouldn't. He's too devout for that. Until I get hold him anyway :-).
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leviathan-supersystem · 6 months
You seem knowledgeable on the USSR, can you do a debunking of this post, or link me a source which debunks it?
i don;t have time to address every claim made here, but it jumps out to me immediately that the source they're referencing, "More than a Century of Antisemitism: How Successive Occupants of the Kremlin Have Used Antisemitism to Spread Disinformation and Propaganda" is quite literally published by the US Department of State, and that this document in turn uses as one of it's major sources the Romanian defector Ion Mihai Pacepa, a controversial figure who's various claims have been frequently called into doubt even by those sympathetic to his cause.
for example, in this book review by the national catholic register [link], the author of the review, who is plainly sympathetic to Pacepa's anti-communist goals, nonetheless casts doubt on many of the claims he makes:
In the article “Moscow’s Assault on the Vatican,” published in 2007, Pacepa  claimed he convinced legendary Vatican diplomat Msgr. Agostino Casaroli — later cardinal and secretary of state under Pope John Paul II — to let three Romanian agents, posing as priests, peruse the papal archives. Under scrutiny, Pacepa’s story began to unravel, with doubts expressed by historians and Vatican experts. Then the reason Pacepa claimed to have credibility with the Vatican collapsed: He said he had engineered a “spy trade” in 1959, exchanging jailed Romanian Archbishop Augustin Pacha for two spies caught in West Germany. But Archbishop Ioan Robu of Bucharest showed photos of the bishop’s 1954 crypt, explaining the heroic man was already dead when Pacepa claimed to have liberated him.
Vatican diplomats Cardinals Giovanni Cheli and Luigi Poggi were involved in negotiations with Romania and the Soviet bloc. Cardinal Cheli called Pacepa’s allegations “untruthful scenarios,” while Cardinal Poggi declared them “the product of a troubled mind and soul.” Archbishop Robu, who was consecrated by Cardinal Casaroli, emphatically calls the Pacepa account false: “We would know, it would be in our memories, if Romanian spies gained access to the Vatican Archives. It didn’t happen.”
In Disinformation, Pacepa credits KGB operations with everything from plotting the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy to provoking the rise of Islamic extremism. In each scenario, he portrays himself as a witness to history — when his true rank and job description would never explain access to these events or decisions.
another similarly anti-communist catholic source is the catholic review, the official publication of the archdioces of baltimore. [link] they write:
Mr. Rychlak, the author of two books on Pope Pius and World War II, said he thinks Mr. Pacepa’s account needs to be verified in the Soviet archives. “Pacepa’s timing is questionable. Why hasn’t this story been revealed until now? I hope the United States government will declassify any information it has on this important matter, to spare the time a Freedom of Information Act request takes,” said Mr. Rychlak. John Cornwell, the British author of a 1999 book, “Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII,” told CNS he has never heard the claims described by Mr. Pacepa and considers them “most unlikely.” “As a supporter of NATO and the Western Alliance, it’s not inconceivable the pope could have been targeted (by the KGB). But I haven’t seen any credible documents indicating anyone doctored material,” said Mr. Cornwell, whose book was criticized by church officials for its negative portrayal of Pope Pius. Former colleagues of Mr. Pacepa, 79, expressed doubts about his story. “Between 1960 and 1962, when he pretends he ran Vatican spies, he was in Bucharest, assigned as a deputy in the techno-scientific section of Securitate (the Romanian secret police), where he stayed until he defected in 1978,” said a former high-ranking Securitate officer who would not allow his name to be used. “In the chain of command he would not have had direct communication with the KGB generals. If he did, that would make him a Soviet agent, not a Romanian one,” the source added. “In 1959, Pacepa was in Germany under diplomatic cover. He was a captain in Cologne with a degree in chemistry and belonged to the techno-scientific section. Again, the KGB generals wouldn’t have taken him into consideration,” said the source, who believes Mr. Pacepa is trying to build a “mysterious aura” for himself in his later years. “Why did he wait 29 years (since his defection) to reveal this? If it’s true, it would have made so much sense to put it on the table in 1981, after the Soviet-Bulgarian plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II,” the source said. A former Romanian diplomat of the communist era, who has advised the U.S. government, expressed “deep doubts” about the account. “Pacepa is not a serious source,” said the former diplomat. “His book ‘Red Horizons’ (1988) is about one-third fiction. He takes some real facts, and then invents. “I’m afraid he is just trying to bring attention to his persona. He invokes the Vatican because the Romanian Securitate has been exhausted and is a marginal issue,” he added. “Pacepa does not document. Given the gravity of the affirmations he makes, in order to be credible, he must unveil the source, himself, or otherwise it is fiction,” said the retired diplomat.
given Ion Mihai Pacepa's overall track record, i would certainly like to see some other source verifying the various claims that the "More Than A Century Of Antisemitism" cites from him, most especially the claim that the USSR distributed copies of the Protocols in arabic in the middle east, a claim I cannot find any other source for.
Edit: also i should note that one of the major thrusts of the "More Than A Century Of Antisemitism" document is to smear all criticism of Azov in Ukraine as somehow antisemitic, which is just ludicrous. regardless of how you feel about the war in Ukraine, there are legitimate criticisms to be made of Azov Battalion and the role they have played there.
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church-history · 1 year
A brief comparison of the liturgical prayers of the TLM (traditional Latin Mass) and the Novus Ordo.
Most practicing Catholics know that major revisions were made to Roman Catholic Mass in 1969, but aside from the language of the liturgy, what has changed?
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The Latin Mass has nearly twice as many prayers as the New Mass.
Of all the rotating prayers (orations) 83% are unique to the TLM. In the new missal, 669 of the original 1,273 orations have been removed, and of the remaining, only 13% were left unchanged.
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Even the number of times the priest kisses the altar, genuflects, and makes the sign of the cross, has been severely reduced
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A Different Cycle of Scripture Readings
The new Roman missal has a three year cycle - a well intentioned attempt to expose the laity to more scripture in the Mass. However given the nature of the three year cycle, it's inevitable that the readings will not align as appropriately and succinctly as the specially chosen readings of the older one year cycle when it comes to specific feasts and the liturgical seasons, a choice of quantity over quality unfortunately.
I leave it to the reader to decide for his or herself whether the older one year or newer three year cycle is preferable.
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The Last Gospel
Catholics who have never attended a Latin Mass may be surprised to learn that following communion and dismissal, there is a lengthy gospel reading called The Last Gospel (John 1:1-14).
Why the last Gospel?
From the notations of the 1962 Roman Daily Missal:
The Mass began with the longing cry of the Old Testament: "Send forth Thy light and Thy truth!" It could not be concluded in a more worthy and more sublime manner than with the words of St. John: "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory as of the Only-Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
And according to Catholic author Msgr. George J. Moorman, in his book, The Latin Mass Explained:
This reading, in the course of time, was added to the Eucharistic service on account of the great reverence the early Christians entertained for this portion of the Gospel and because it contains a summary of the benefits of which we are made partakers through Christ’s Sacrifice. The service was introduced by the prayer of the priest: ‘Send forth Thy Light and Thy Truth!’ It could not be concluded in a more becoming manner than with the words, ‘AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.’ At the words ‘AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH’, the priest and the people kneel on one knee in token of adoration of the mystery of the Incarnation, which is expressed in these words, and to indicate that the Son of God came from Heaven to earth. When the priest has finished the reading of this Gospel, the server answers, ‘Deo Gratias’—‘Thanks Be To God.’ These are the last words of the Mass.
Unfortunately this beautiful gospel passage and it's place of honor have been completely removed in the New Mass, and it's omission may even (as a matter of personal opinion) have contributed to the enormous number of people who leave Mass early immediately following Holy Communion.
Dearest Reader, I have attempted to be objective and only present facts in the above, however it may be clear to those of you who are familiar with my blog, where my biases lay. I am a Latin Mass Catholic, I love the traditional liturgy and will never stop advocating for the timeless Mass of ages that has brought untold numbers of faithful to the Lord for over a millennia. However, I make no judgment on the faithful who prefer the New Mass, nor do I mean to suggest that the Novus Ordo is in any way invalid. I only ask that all consider the information I have compiled and do your own research, that you may come to your own well informed conclusions. God Love You!
If any have questions or further interest in the topic of the Traditional Latin Mass my DMs are open or you may send an 'ask', I will answer or redirect you to the best of my ability.
(Credit to The Mass of the Ages project for images above)
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bi-guy01 · 18 days
I'm a 55 year old with a classic dad bod. Any gay or trans. In Polk county,GA. Preferably with shaved/close trimmed cocks,(Don't like pubic hair) who are willing to train me in oral/anal sex, please contact me via Tumblr msgr. I am a former straight guy who is currently single and interested in gay sex. Really want to try sucking cock and swallowing cum!!!!
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angeltreasure · 2 years
“Lord, do not quench the smoldering wick, have mercy on the poor sinner that I am, and grant me still to serve my brethren with a humble spirit. Amen.”
- Bernard-Marie, O.F.S., Translated from the French by Rev. Msgr. C. Anthony Ziccardi, S.S.L., S.T.D.
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bylagunabay · 2 months
Notes from an Exorcist
“Mary Magdalene is a powerful figure in the in the New Testament as she is mentioned by name more than just about anybody. She was possessed but Jesus liberated her, and she now is a powerful intercessor in exorcism as you would imagine.” Msgr. Stephen Rosetti, Exorcist
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henrysglock · 11 months
Salem's lot possible by king inspo for tfs? Was watching a vid about it and it has random things (very similar 1980s poster, Ralph/Danny brother dies at 12, becomes vampire, Father Callahan/Father Newby, Marsten House/Creel House, "original evil" haunting of house tied to csa) that just remind me of the creels, was curious if you had any thought abt the show or book
So sorry for taking a few weeks to get to this, Nonnie!! This time I actually have a reason for the wait, though: cross referencing.
(This is going to be a long post...)
I definitely think 'Salem's Lot is an inspo for The First Shadow for a few different reasons.
First things first, a lot of 'Salem's Lot is giving ST3 and the flayed, with One as a (supposed) Barlow figure and Will as a Danny type figure carrying on from ST1/2. However, as we know, Will and Henry exist as something of a repetition, and the Creel house does seem to function similarly to the Marsten house at first glance, as you said, with Henry being that era's Danny figure. (I'm going to come back to this later).
We also have some cool visual connections.
First off, like you said, we have the poster (and the book cover for good measure, since there's similarity there too):
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Then we have iconic shots from the movie itself being replicated:
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A third one comes, however, from a third source: Midnight Mass
As I've talked about before, the church in The First Shadow promo art is a near carbon-copy of the church from Midnight Mass:
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There are also a fair number of other similarities. For one, the window silhouettes:
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For another, the birds and cats:
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(Added context: The TFS leaked audition tapes talk about cats being killed in Hawkins with no known suspect, much the same as the cats being killed on Crockett Island by the "angel" vampire in Midnight Mass.)
Further, the setup of the Midnight Mass rec. center as compared to set pieces for The First Shadow...as compared to the Rainbow Room in NINA:
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And, while not strictly related to The First Shadow, there is an interesting detail to note across all three sources. The eyes:
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(This also comes through in Annihilation (on the ST4 movie board) when altered Lena and the alien doppelgänger of her husband Kane reunite. Both of their eyes shimmer and glow, much the same way as the monster-fied humans pictured above.)
I bring all this up now in relation to 'Salem's Lot because 'Salem's Lot was a clear inspiration for Midnight Mass, to the point where Flanagan easter-eggs it into the show:
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We also have other overlapping references, such as Se7en, which appears both in Midnight Mass and on the ST4 movie board:
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So the question we're all asking is "why the tangent about Midnight Mass? How does that tie in, besides being a 6-degrees-of-separation thing."
Here, I'd like to posit a connection between the three: Barlow, Brenner, and Pruitt's Angel.
In Midnight Mass, Father Paul Hill (Msgr. John Pruitt), is a "newcomer" who brings a vampire (read: Angel) to Crockett Island. In truth, he's the missing Msgr. John Pruitt, who was restored to youth by the vampire's blood after an ill-fated trek to Jerusalem (much like 'Salem's Lot's Father Callahan). It is he who does most of the dealing on the vampire's behalf, feeding its blood to his concentration and convincing the people that becoming a vampire is a miracle...all while transforming into a vampire himself.
In 'Salem's Lot, Kurt Barlow is the vampire responsible for Danny's death and turning. He's the newcomer to the Lot who buys the Marsten house and hides within it. He does most of his dealing via Richard Straker, his human familiar.
In The First Shadow, Martin Brenner is a newcomer to Hawkins, establishing his spot in basement of Hawkins National Laboratory. We don't know much about him, but we do know that his later self has a fair amount of vampire coding (not appearing in mirrors, a habit of not dying from things that ought to kill him, etc), as does Vecna, a supposed byproduct of his experimentation. He's also got people who deal on his behalf, such as Connie Frazier and Sam Owens.
I'm not so much saying that Brenner exists as a physical vampire, but perhaps a more figurative one. As you mentioned, Nonnie, vampirism is often used as symbolism of non-consenual acts (see: SA in Bram Stoker's Dracula, CSA in 'Salem's Lot, and grooming in fanatical/fundamentalist church circles in Midnight Mass). They're also used to represent the spread of ideas and practices that are generally thought of as evil or unclean.
Brenner is no different, and his story is far more heavy-handed in this regard.
He may not physically drink blood, but he farms children to to be the figurative (and eventually literal) lifeblood of his scientific endeavors, all of which is possible via abuse of and a fundamental lack of consent from Henry and the children. Brenner may not be feeding on them, but he is feeding on them, if you catch my meaning. And, as we know, Brenner has a penchant for lying and manipulation. He spreads stories that aren't true, that turn people against his victims.
He comes to deliver messages regarding the reliability of the government and the dark underbelly of control and abuse that spreads under the patriot-acclaimed shining goal of "progress", much like Pruitt's fanatical church and its "miracles" that can only end in slaughter, or the blind eye being turned to a predator on the loose in the town of Jerusalem's Lot, in which the steady spread of vampirism denotes the fact that each blind eye becomes complicit in the spread of abuse.
Brenner, then, seems to be both the Barlow and the Pruitt of The First Shadow: A newcomer who does horrific things in pursuit of a selfishly "selfless" goal: scientific progress.
As such, I'd like to alter a conclusion slightly: Both the Creel House and Hawkins National Lab seem to be the Marsten house of Stranger Things, no?
And on that note...
Vecna/One and Brenner seem to exist as two sides of a coin: While Vecna/One literally sucks the life force from his victims, Brenner does so in a more figurative sense. Vecna/One doesn't literally spread lies the way Brenner does (in fact, any lies he might tell are very much contained between himself and his victim), but the way the UD spreads under his control is very much the metaphorical flip-side to that pattern of behavior.
In this respect, they both seem to be Barlows. While Brenner isn't the physical source of the magical terror in Hawkins, he did kidnap a child and through that act corrupt a neutral magical source into what it is today. In this he acts as half of Barlow, with Vecna/One acting as that literal magical source/other half.
Do with that what you will.
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yepthatsacowalright · 2 years
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cuntghoulie · 2 years
Intro + Requests
Hi, I’m Grey! I’m 22 years old, I go by any pronouns! I’m also a writer, and want to start writing for some of my favorite characters!
All readers are GN unless otherwise specified.
Requests: OPEN
If you want to be included in a taglist, comment below any fics or under here!
Characters I will write for:
Dexter Morgan (Dexter)
Bo Sinclair (House of Wax)
Pinhead (Hellraiser)
Tiffany Valentine (Bride of Chucky)
The Man (Hush)
Baby Firefly (House of 1000 Corpses)
Otis Driftwood (House of 1000 Corpses)
Art the Clown (Terrifier)
The Driller Killer (Slumber Party Massacre 2)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
Amanda Young (Saw)
Josef (Creep)
The Lost Boys (The Lost Boys)
Father Paul Hill/Msgr. John Pruitt (Midnight Mass)
Frank Castle/The Punisher (MCU)
Dean Winchester (SPN)
Sam Winchester (SPN)
Castiel (SPN)
Crowley (SPN)
Jack Delroy (Late Night with the Devil)
Kurt Kunkle (Spree)
Mark Hoffman (Saw)
Chromeskull (Laid to Rest)
What I will not write:
SA, DD/LG, p/do content, scat, or otherwise
Everything else is fair game, these are murderers for god’s sake
Yes i’m just writing for my faves, n what about it
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