obsessedwrhys · 1 month
Hello !! I was wondering if I could request a selkie! Reader x Raiden, where they are allies, but raiden doesn't know that the reader is a selkie and while training together and Raiden finds the readers seal skin and the reader tried to seduce him to get it back. Raiden has feelings for the reader and falls into it and ends up confessing to the reader, who then explain the situation??
The Ocean's Tale
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, cursing, some angst? Sorry this request was done slow cause I have like a lot of drafts to clear out. Reader is fem (written according to a selkie's personality)!! Didnt proof read sorry im having a bad day 😔
On the sandy shore near the ocean, you laid on your back as you inhaled the salty scent of the air. Despite just coming out of the water after a long swim, your body was longing for another dive.
Everybody around you knew you had a thing for the ocean.
But they never thought this little interest had a different reason to it.
You were a selkie.
A creature that was just a myth to others... and you'd rather have it stay that way. For your safety and everybody's...
"Now what are you doing out here all by yourself?" A gentle voice spoke from behind you.
You were quick to sit up and once you turned to see it was just Raiden, you relaxed. The presence of him made your face light up. He was a kind man. At first you were sceptical of Liu Kang's choice of choosing him as Earthrealm's champion due to his soft personality, but after the events that has happened, he had proven himself to be worthy of the title.
"I was simply just enjoying the ocean" You said, curling your legs up onto your chest as he sat beside you.
"I see..." He nods, his eyes examining every detail of the ocean view in front of you.
"Were you looking for me?" You teased which easily made him chuckle.
"Would it be bad if I said yes? I was hoping you could train with me" He asked, his focus now settled on you.
"Train with you? What about the others?"
"They've been dragged to this party Johnny was excited about. I just happen to be gone when it happened... but now I need a new training partner" He said and his question had you chew on the inside of your cheek as you thought over his request.
"Mmm... since you asked so nicely... then I'll help you with your training" You said willingly.
Just like that, you walked alongside him on the way to the outdoor training area. It was a large circle that provided just enough space for anyone when in use. A few feet away were a group of beautiful trees that you've ever seen on land. As you stood opposite of Raiden, you watched as he began to warm up his body.
"You seem serious about this" You said, pointing out the obvious.
"How could I not? You are a close friend of Liu Kang's. Even when I got here, all I've heard were praises of you. Every one of them saying how you were a strong opponent, elegant yet so efficient" He said, his words easily making you feel flattered.
"Well then, I hope I do meet your expectations. Shall we brawl?" You said with a playful glint in your eyes which he happily return with a grin and a confident nod.
In a swift move, you charged at him and he was quick to get in a defensive position, readying for your attack. As you closed in the distance between you two, you changed the route of your direction as you elegantly twirl around him to kick him at the back of his leg, which causes him to fall on his left knee. However, what you didn't expect next was for him to counter your punch before switching up to grab you by the arm. In an attempt to pin you to the ground, he began to drag you but you were able to duck down and elbow him on the side.
The fight went on, neither of you backing down. Despite the urge to win, you could see through the way he fought that he was still holding back, not willing to harm you. Which was a stupid yet considerate move because it was this mistake that lead you to your victory. With him on his back, he chuckles to himself as he stares at the way you were towering over him. A proud look on your face.
"I have to admit. You're quite the opponent, Earthrealm's champion" You teased, once again.
"It's an honour that you think so high of me" He said. Traces of sweat already appearing on his body.
You then offered him your hand and he takes it without a second thought. After helping him get on his feet, you decided to go take a seat by the table nearby to rest. It was completely made out of smooth stone to match the beauty of nature. You've always enjoyed the view of the forest... but it doesn't speak to you as the ocean does.
"Uh excuse me but I'm gonna go wash my face. I'll be back" He said and you couldn't help but giggle a bit to yourself as you watch him run off.
"Don't take too long...!" You told him which he shouts back with a simple okay.
Even with him gone, a smile still remained on your face. Not only do you find the way he treats you to be respectful but you also found it adorable. You weren't even his teacher when he was first sent here to train. You were simply just someone who stuck around or watched when you were bored and seeking for entertainment.
You had to admit, out of all the people chosen. He easily caught your attention. Not only was it for his good looks but his smile was radiant. You've never seen such a person before. It was like a breath of fresh air from the amount of men you've met throughout your lifetime.
Putting all these thoughts together now makes it seem like you were admiring him too much.
Guess that make it even between you both.
"I'm back... I happen to find this near the well" Raiden spoke, his hand holding up what appears to be your seal skin.
Your throat went dry when you saw it in his grasp. Fuck... you were sure you hid it perfectly near the forgotten well. How did he even know about that well? It had to be Liu Kang who told him. You watched him sit beside you, clearly not aware of the effect this was having on you.
"The fur is soft... I wonder what it is..." He said, running his hand across the skin. His action causing your breath to hitch as if it was your own skin he was touching.
This is just how the tale goes. A man, a selfish one would steal the skin of a selkie in order to have her betrothed to her. To bear his children.
But this wasn't a selfish man in front of you.
He was kind. He was anything but selfish.
But still, he is a man.
"Do you happen to know what this is?" He asks, tilting his head slightly to the side. You look at him as you try to think the right thing to say.
Soon an idea pops in your head.
As if a light bulb had been turned on.
"Well..." You place your hand on his.
"Does it matter? If it was left there then it was probably unimportant... so why don't you focus on me instead?" You spoke. Your fingers drawing cirlces on the back of his hand.
"Oh... uhm..." He clears his throat, seeming to get flustered from your touch.
"Yes... you always seem to have a thing for me. I'd like to hear your perspective on that" You leaned in, using your other hand to support the weight of your head. He blushes as he chuckles softly to himself.
"Ah... was I too obvious? I hope I haven't made you uncomfortable"
"Uncomfortable? Oh you haven't done that. Now tell me your story hm?" You said which made him look at you with a shy smile, at the same time your hand was slowly inching closer to your seal skin as subtly as you could to try to take it back.
"Since you asked... I guess it was your grace that I was attracted to. You must get this from a lot of guys but you are undeniably beautiful. We may not talk all the time but I always find myself enjoying all of our little conversations" He said. You nod, acting as though you were giving him your 100% attention but your mind was set on one goal. To get your skin back.
"You have a certain charm to you. I uh... I actually find it one of the reasons I enjoy all of my time with you. Seems like you never fail to make me laugh"
Almost... almost... just a bit...
Your fingers were inches apart from the edge of the skin for you to just pull it back but suddenly Raiden grabbed you by your other hand which made your body jerk slightly. At first you were afraid he had caught you in your act and has grown suspicious but the heart eyes he was giving you was telling another story.
"I hope it's not too much that I ask for more of those moments. More of us talking. More of your constant jokes... I'm guessing what I'm saying is that I'm in love with you" His words leaving your lips parted in shock.
This wasn't what you had expected to happen.
"I'm in love with everything about you... and I understand if you find me silly to develop these feelings even from the lack of understanding we have of each other... but I'm willing to change that. I'd love to learn more about you, what you like, what you enjoy doing—"
"Ho-Hold on..." You said, your hand abandoning the grip on the seal skin so that you could place your palms on his chest.
"I'm still processing this..."
"Of course, take your time" His concern growing when he sees the visible confusion on your expression. Did you not feel the same?
Was he a fool for confessing so soon?
"I uh... ah... I don't know to explain this" You said and he seemed utterly lost in the situation.
"What are you referring to?"
"Raiden... forgive me but I didn't mean to come off as though I was trying to flirt... I was simply trying to distract you in order to get this back" You said, nodding at the seal skin placed on the table.
"This?" He gently holds it up.
"Is it something of yours?" He wonders, still struggling to paint the picture of what's happening.
"If I told you, would you promise not to tell a soul?" You asked and he nods almost immediately.
"You will not hear a word from me about your secret" He reassured. You reconsider, thinking of the possible consequences before finally choosing to open your mouth to speak.
"Do you know what's a selkie?"
"A what?"
"A selkie. They are a creature, a myth, cursed with the body of a seal. But every once a year, they are able to transform back into their human form... if they wished to return to the sea, they would need to put on what's called a seal skin, its so that they could turn back into their cursed form" You explained as best as you could.
Judging from how his brows raised out of shock, you weren't sure if he would still keep his promise of not telling your secret.
"Is... are you..." He was stumbling over his words. Though you nodded as you knew exactly what he was trying to ask.
"Then this must be yours. I apologise, I must have caused you to worry" He kindly returned your seal skin back to you which you accepted with a relieved smile.
"It's alright... I'm just glad nothing escalated from there" You said.
But something did escalated from there.
He just confessed to you!!
How could you have forgotten?
From your dry throat, you couldn't help but take a long sip of your water. It wasn't just you who felt awkward. You could sense it from Raiden as well just from notising how his eyes were shifting around the garden. He doesn't know what to say. He's probably afraid that he just ruined this friendship between you two.
"About what I said—" "What you said just now—" The two of you spoke at the same time and it made the situation worse.
Man you're both are hopeless.
"Um... sorry, what is it that you wanted to say?" He asks after the moment of silence. You smiled slightly at him for his kind gesture.
"What you said... about how you wanted to know me more... that you've fallen in love for me..." You said, trying to repeat the few words you remembered being uttered out of his mouth. Somehow you saying it made him feel embarrassed but he tried his hardest to hide that.
"Are you sure that's what you want? I'm a wild catch" You grinned. Even though you were testing him, he didn't seem fazed by it, it was as though he was up for the challenge.
"I understand what I want. I also understand that to have your love was never easy. If it were, my opportunity would have been missed" He then leaned his body closer to yours. For the first time you felt intimidated by his confidence.
"Just give me a chance... I promise it'll be worth your every second" He said. From the way he was looking at you, how could you say no?
"... you have my attention" Your response making him smiling joyfully. This moment marking a start to something pleasant between you both...
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