#MURDER DRONES VERSE / dancing in the dark til we fall apart
needlxd · 1 year
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« …i am not picking sides. but hypothetically, if i did... i have plenty of evidence against j and v. »
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needlxd · 1 year
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@bytepire: "maybe it's not okay right now. maybe it won't be for a while. whichever it is, i won't leave you."
when it gets hard || sentence starters.
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there's a mix of uncertainty and wonder to k's optical display. her head even tilts to one side, &for a few moments she studies the other, as if trying to find any sign of deceit in either her actions or tone. not that she really expects that sort of thing out of uzi. she has n's rather complete trust, after all, and k trusts n entirely. which has earned her more than her fair share of lectures & unpleasant retaliations from j & even v at times, but not once has that trust wavered. which simply means she places her trust & faith in uzi as well.
still, hearing that she won't be left alone? that's a shock to the system, no matter who it comes from.
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« i'm not leaving either. » it takes a few moments to get her bearings again, but k is able to make her signs confidently once she does. « i'm tired of... losing people, anyway. i'm sick of it, & everything the humans have done. so... i'm not leaving anyone behind again. that includes you― so don't you dare go counting yourself out from being one of us now. »
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needlxd · 1 year
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@bytepire: "don't just repress everything! that's dumb, and it'll hurt your brain." murder drones verse...
when it gets hard || sentence starters.
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indignation displays in a narrowing of the eyes on her screen, mouth open to make a retort that would have been impossible anyway, with her voice software corrupted & offline anyway. but she stops herself regardless, pout now marring features as her arms cross over her chest. shoulders slump, & gaze briefly averts, before it's all released in a muted sigh. finally, hands rise to sign, if a bit hesitantly.
« i still think repression is a better option than just letting it out. well, in the usual rage - y way that tends to end with people dead. » a vague gesture is given to toward the pile of bodies that surrounds the ship― a lot of which she has & will continue to contribute to, lest she overheat and possibly combust ( or will she just shut down? ), before signs return once more. this time, her expression is a bit calmer, if a tad more perplexed.
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« ...what's the point, anyway? talking about it doesn't really make it go away, & neither does letting it all out in a fit of rage or... whatever fuels the whole thing. so why bother? besides, technically i don't have brain that it'll hurt. »
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needlxd · 1 year
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@wildkaart: ( from N! ) "I'm here for you. No matter where or when, I'll always be here for you."
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optical screen flickers― eyes previously squeezed shut now flickers into something softer, a little less tense, as her gaze shifts toward n. a smile, too, graces her features, however strained it may be. k is still rather upset, but it's hard not to feel comforted in the company of perhaps the only one to ever offer that sort of comfort. j and v certainly aren't the types for it, even if she does regard both of them highly and cherish them just as much.
...well, in the case of j, she did. but now j is a mangled mess, courtesy of uzi's railgun. even if k has come around to the idea of finding out more about themselves, it's hard not to be upset at the apparent loss of what she'd go as far as to call family.
but she does reach over to give n's hand an appreciative squeeze, before she goes on to sign― ah, maybe they can find a way to repair her voice program, if they're going to explore around here?
« you always have been, » she reassures with the gestures of her hands, and even a lean of her head against their shoulder. « and i'm always here for you, too. just because we fought back there doesn't mean that's changed. otherwise, i wouldn't be here now, ready to help you and your new friend. »
it's then that her expression becomes something a little bit more solemn again, muted sigh falling past her lips. « i just wish j could have been here too. v, too― but at least she's alright. just... chained up. » k doesn't think that will last long, though. but maybe v will have the decency not to try and kill the trio again if and when she does free herself.
« ...are we really going to get out of here, though? off of this planet? where would we even go...? »
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needlxd · 1 year
I might forfeit icons for Kit's Murder Drones verse, but I'm gonna say she's probably in a situation similar to V, in the sense that. She did join V and J in fighting against Uzi and N in episode one, but wasn't destroyed like J. She comes around quicker to the idea of working with Uzi and N though― mostly because she trusts N's judgement and finds herself just as curious about their history and purpose. So she goes along with the pair during the whole Eldritch J fight, and from there on out.
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needlxd · 1 year
So it's easily decided. Murder Drones verse Kitiara is a dissassembly drone I shall dub K for now-- and also I'm making a sideblog for V. I love her already
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