lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 1 year
when we went on a tour with lovejoy bc were in the band like leandra trumpet<3
wilbur x reader pls:)
literally in love
musician!bur x fem!reader
warnings: reader called "girlfriend", panic, insanely cute fluff
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a/n: this request is my literal everything !! i was literally blushing the entire time i wrote this
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We were in the van on the way to our next gig. Well, their next gig. It was my first one joining Lovejoy, and I'm so grateful I was given this opportunity.
Wilbur looked at me and grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Y/n, you're going to do lovely, darling. They'll love you!"
I smiled at him, but I was still in doubt. "What if they only like me because they find out we're dating? I don't want anything to happen to your career because of me-"
Wilbur placed his hand lightly over my mouth. "Love, please don't worry about that! They'll love you for you, and if they don't, they better watch out!" he joked.
I laughed and kicked my feet up into my seat and leaned my head on Will's shoulders. He kissed the top of my forehead and started scrolling through the Lovejoy fanart on Twitter, showing me occasionally the ones he really loved.
A couple hours later, we finally got to the destination of the gig. The adrenaline ran through my veins, and I was so incredibly nervous-excited. I grabbed my trumpet case and some wires and headed inside to the dressing rooms. I found my room with a sign on it that said my name and headed inside, leaving the door behind me open just in case the sound directors needed to come in.
My back was facing the door as I oiled my trumpet valves, making sure that it was perfect for tonight. 5 hours until show time. I paused and sighed nervously.
I suddenly felt someone come behind me and hug me. "W-who is that?! I will literally beat your ass." I said in panic.
The someone behind me laughed. "Nice to see you too, darlin'." Wilbur chuckled.
"Oh, hi Will. Is everything on stage okay?" I said, turning around to face him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
He nodded. "Yeah, everything's alright. Just wanted to check in on you before the show."
"I'm doing fine. I just need to tune with Leandra and I'll be okay."
Wilbur hm'd in response. He grabbed my chin and pulled it upwards to look at him directly, and kissed me on the lips. I swear, my legs folded for this man. I wrapped my hands around his neck and smiled into the kiss. He pulled away and nuzzled his nose on mine.
"I love you. Go tune with Leandra now, I don't want you sounding like shit." he joked.
I sneered. I grabbed my trumpet case and Will leaned against the wall frame and crossed his arms and legs, looking and me and my every move. As I walked out, I flipped out and heard a dramatic gasp faintly as I walked farther out to meet Leandra.
Leandra and I took 20 minutes to tune, and another 20 to practice a bunch of songs that we were performing tonight. I knew all the lyrics and notes by heart from hearing Wilbur at the studio or constantly leaving their songs on repeat, but it was always important to practice just in case.
We both got called in with the rest of Lovejoy and their openers to do a soundcheck. Eventually, everything worked out perfectly and we were ready to go. Ash had checked the windows and had said the queue had already started to wrap around the building.
Wilbur squeezed my hand in reassurance and smiled at me before walking over to Joe and Mark.
Leandra and I made a few Tiktoks that we would post after the show, and the nerves were starting to set in. I grabbed my phone off the stand and walked back over to Will and hugged him from the side. I accidentally startled him a little, but I laughed at it and dug my face more into his sweater.
I peeked my head up and stood back up. "How the actual fuck are you wearing a sweater? You're going to be dying of heat on stage!" I said. Mark and Joe laughed at my comment.
"Gonna make sure I serve for the edits." Wilbur joked, winking at me. I felt heat brush onto my cheeks. Will laughed at my reaction.
Our sound director then came in and gave us our earbuds for on stage. Will surprised me by ordering a custom pair with my favorite color that matched his. Everyone else had either black or white ones to go with their outfit.
I stared at the earbuds and then looked at Wilbur. "Will, they're going to see the matching ones and go feral."
Wilbur laughed softly. "That's the point, darling. I need to make sure everyone knows you're mine." I felt myself blushing again and I hit his shoulder.
Leandra looked at us. "You two are disgusting and adorable at the same time." she said, laughing.
Wilbur smiled and looked down at me and kissed me quickly.
And then after that, all I knew was that we were going on stage. Walking on fucking stage. Leandra was assuring me that the crowd will love me, and we were both quickly fixing our valves. I was pretty sure the crowd saw two stands for the trumpet, one for Leandra and one "mystery stand" for me.
All of us came on stage, and the bright lights instantly hit me and I could already feel myself starting to heat up. The crowd cheered and I could see some people wondering who the fuck I am. I laughed in my head at them. Wilbur did his usual introduction, and now, he was supposed to introduce me.
"Now, you guys may be seeing a lovely trumpet player next to Leandra in the back there," he said, pointing at me. Leandra and I waved. "That is y/n! Everyone say hello." he said, dragging out the 'o'. The crowd yelled in response.
Wilbur grinned and grabbed the microphone. "Y/n, could you come up for a second, please?" I nodded in agreement, and walked over to the front of the stage, stepping over the many wires and gadgets on the stage floor.
I grabbed the microphone. "Hey!" I said, smiling.
I gave Wilbur the microphone back. "Y/n is my very lovely girlfriend," the crowd yelled in surprise at his words. "And she'll be playing in the back there tonight! Now, how do we think about getting started?"
The crowd screamed in agreement once again. Wilbur grinned and looked at Mark to start playing the drumkit.
Throughout the gig, Wilbur's energy went skyrocketing. It was honestly really cool to see him like this right near me. He looked at me a couple times during certain lyrics, and I never missed a singular beat with my trumpet. Leandra looked at me with approval.
"Thank you so much for tonight, Brighton! Good night!" Wilbur yelled into the mic. All of us walked off the stage and all hugged eachother.
Wilbur came up to me and kissed me. "You did amazing out there, darling. I told you they would love you!"
I smiled. "Thank you. You sounded great as well." I said, kissing him again and hugging him. Wilbur swayed us from side to side slowly as we hugged. "I'm literally in love with you." I said, softly in his ear.
Let's just say I will definitely be doing this again.
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this took 2 hours to write but it was 100% worth it !! this might be my new favorite....
please support me by liking, replying, reblogging, sending me an ask/request or following my blog! it keeps these works to keep coming out. requests are open as of now!
love you xoxoxo
@lovejoypebblesbrains thank you for the ask!!
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sunshine-on-marz · 1 year
the brainrot levels of that is INSANE as someone w curly hair
This gets posted early bc I have 0 clue how to make this a fic but the world must see this idea
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