cherishsscene · 1 year
I’m literally barely keeping afloat with all of the stuff school keeps piling onto me. The only drugs I’m consuming to keep me sane are called Heaven Official’s Blessing, Banana Fish, Sk8 the Infinity, and Beastars
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zwiezraczek · 5 years
Lover [Blurb]
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Part 3: Player - Part 4
Note: It has been almost two months since I updated the Believer blurb! But now, here we are with the final part! I hope you'll enjoy it! Especially you, 🐼 Nonnie! 💕💕💕
You were sitting on this chair for hours, your muscles sore and your jaw clenched every single time one of the men you once directed took your face between his large fingers, tightening his grip on your cheeks until Billy spoke. With every new confrontation, you could feel your mouth bleed and you became accustomed to blood's taste. And to your father coming to give you food and water in order to have a breaking point for Billy, and probably because he still loved you somehow. But you couldn't figure out how.
You closed your eyes. You wished a painless death, because this became too much. Did you spent hours, days or weeks there? You had lost count. The harsh source of light was your only sun, and your moon became this little light they had put in the basement when nobody was there for a longer moment. And during these moments, you imagined yourself kicking their asses, with Billy and escape from there. He whispered a countless number of times that he was sorry about all of this, dragging you into this matter was probably his biggest mistake he said. But you had to open your eyes one day, and you preferred this way than any other.
“Y/N,” he said, as one of the guard left his position for a moment.
“What,” you asked, with a weakened voice and a your throat dry.
“Do you regret being my friend sometimes?” And even in the darkness, you could sense how this question burned his lips and made him wince.
“You're really asking me this, there, while you're living your best life with your BDSM kink,” you snapped in a lower tone in order to keep your voice consistent. “I regretted being your friend, when I found out that you lied about your death, but otherwise never.”
“You don't hate me for what's happening to you?” And before you could reply, you heard gunshots coming from outside the basement.
“What the hell,” you whispered.
Men seemed to be running through the corridors, heavy steps and heavy guns and you knew that this never meant anything good. But you were useless here, and you couldn't even save yourself from there. Neither could Billy with his kinky stuff. You closed your eyes, if you had to die now, you prayed the lord for a painless death.
Somebody opened the door, the light hitting your eyelids and you forced them to open again. You saw an impressive figure in the frame of the door, with a gun in each hand groping around for a switch. And when they finally found it, the basement became this harsh-lighted space again. He ran towards Billy, and you protested, kicking the ground and trying to free yourself from the cuffs, your voice refusing to cooperate in your actions. And then, you saw how calm Billy was when the man detached him and how he almost hugged him.
And then you understood. The Ghosts squad.
The tall masked man came towards you, and knelt right behind your chair.
“We've got you, senorita,” he whispered and you thanked him a countless number of times before getting up and walking, slowly towards the exit. He let you put your hand over his shoulder as he saw you struggling. “What did they do yo you?”
“Ugly shit,” you replied exhaling as walking became even harder than it was before.
“Four, you're doing alright,” he asked Billy and your bestfriend nodded vigorously.
“Have been worse, just take care of her Three,” he said as he looked at you, pain in his eyes.
“Don't worry Four, we're getting out of here,” he said with a smirk.
You noticed that Billy had a gun in his hands, and how much you wished to be less useless and to grab a gun and kill all of these man around, in a furious rage asking for blood. And even more blood than you could imagine. Patiently, the three of you made their way out of your house, with your help now, directing your small group towards the exit of this hell of a house. In the car, somebody was already waiting for you – you recognized the French woman's hair when you sat on the backseat. You closed your eyes for a moment, as you heard the rattle of the engine. You have had enough of all of this. You just hoped you were free.
And as soon as you entered the Ghost's place, Five greeted both of you by making you lay down in order to examine you. Apparently, you were the one who was the most injured of the two of you. Five left Billy on his bed, and came towards you to examine your stomach on to make sure that the bruises you had weren't the sign of internal bleeding, and even if it did hurt when she pressed her hands against your stomach, you seemed to be good, butextremely tired. Way more than Billy.
But then, a rush, you heard someone say to hurry up because Seven was shot. You closed your eyes, and for the first time in a long moment, you slept without any real preoccupation.
“Look who's here, with us,” One teased while he saw you entering the room, “our best solution and our biggest problem!”
You spent the past week laying down on one of the couched they had in their meeting room, trying to recover mentally from what had happened to you. You were first kidnapped, then you discovered that your bestfriend wasn't dead and that you killed a bitch for – almost – nothing, then you learned that your own father supported children traffic, and your father himself made sure to punish you once you dared to step up against him when you helped the Ghosts and you had to pay for it the highest price, but apparently Billy suffered the most because of it. And finally, you landed there, with the Ghosts, without any promise for your future, without any true hope.
The only little thing that had kept giving you a little light, was Billy. He stayed with you as much as he could – while he wasn't by Seven's side, Seven who got shot badly but recovered pretty quickly - talking to you, apologizing for what you dragged you into, again. But you didn't regret what had happened, you even enjoyed knowing that you contributed to something “good”. Something that wasn't your first thought, because what once was on your mind was murder, fun and money. But your little adventure taught you something about yourself, that even when somebody was rotten to the very core, they had feelings and weaknesses. Yours were children, your father's you and Billy's you too. But your father was gone now. Along with a lot of his personal guards, the ones knowing about the basement situation – because you could swear that he wasn't able to tell everybody that you betrayed him, ha had to come up with some excuse for your sudden disappearance, and the Ghosts found out that you just ran out, and probably died somewhere, which was pretty much convenient.
And now, you stood among them all, as they spoke about the rest of their plan. You couldn't believe how much had changed in so little time.
“I never wanted to be part of this,” you retorted before standing next to Billy.
“But turns out you're one of us now,” One said with a forced expression as you blinked looking at Billy first. “We've discussed about this, and we can't just let you go into the wild while knowing about us...”
“And because somebody will probably try to kill her,” Billy insisted while looking insistingly at One.
“Yeah, yeah,” One brushed him off, “so, basically we decided you should be part of our team.”
“You're joking,” you blurted, hardly believing what you had heard. The man who called you a 'good girl' once, while you were tied up sitting on a metallic chair said that you were now part of his squad? Impossible.
“Do I look like the Joker,” he asked you while pointing his serious face. You were tempted to say yes.
“Yes you do,” Two said and One just groaned but before he could say anything she continued. “We fucked up your life badly, so the least we can do is to give you another life.”
“Poetic, but not what I was going for,” One remarked. “I was about to say that she had value, and that probably she knew way more than we do about our next target but go on, Two, the floor's yours!”
“I'm in,” you finally said, and Billy looked at you with a little smile, “I don't have any other choice, and I probably can help you with many things, it's good to be bad but maybe it'sbetter to serve a better cause.”
“As an ex hitman, I can confirm that it's way better this way,” Three said with a grin as Two rolled her eyes.
“Welcome to the Ghost's family,” Billy whispered as everybody began to talk again about you entering the squad. You could only smile.
Between missions, you loved to sit in the trailer they had given to you. Your own little place, where you could swear, curse and cry. But mostly, a place where you had to learn to live again. But you weren't alone, Billy was by your side now. And how happy it made you feel, and how relieved you were about all of this. You had your bestfriend back. This was what mattered the most. Even if the price of what you were living was high – as your own father's death that you still couldn't grieve, you couldn't grasp enough courage to grieve him properly without letting your inner rage explode – you were happier than before. Your hunger for blood had stopped, and Three was there to help you as you began to live like somebody normal.
But Billy was your best ally in this game. You could count on him as you never had the opportunity to. During the first nights, he stayed with you, as you held your tears back because everything was too much for you, because it finally had hit you: you were alone again. But he caressed your forehead, kissed it, and reminded you that you would never be alone again. Not on his watch. And often, you would fall asleep between his arms. Feeling safe. And probably loved.
“Y/N,” he whispered during one night, as you had your face against his chest, resting. You only hummed in response. “You don't hate me for what's happening to you?”
“Billy,” you groaned as you pulled away a little from him, “I don't, I promise. I'm thankful I had the chance to find you and to feel freer than be...”
“But you had a stable life,” he cut you mid-sentence, and you could feel his anxiety grow as he spoke. “You had everything you ever wanted and could wish for, and with the Ghosts we destroyed it all because of our stupid plan, a plan to save the world... By crushing yours...”
“Billy,” you whispered as you put your hand on his cheek, rubbing it with your fingertips now. “I'm not regretting anything, and I don't hate you Billy. I will never hate you, I promise. I love you too much to hate you,” the words naturally flowed out your mouth and you hoped that he wouldn't catch it.
“I love you too, y/n, that was why I couldn't bear see you suffering when I died or not so long ago hen they wanted to have information from me,” he said, his eyes glistening in the dark. You felt yourself attracted towards him, your moth making its way towards him before you kissed him, delicately. You never knew how much you wanted this moment until it happened. His lips were soft, and he pulled you closer against him.
“I think the lucky bastard was right,” you whispered as you thought about the man who had mocked you when you spoke with Billy during your captivity, “I do have an undying love for you, Billy”
“And so do I, y/n.”
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