#Macky: ok so i know he’s excited but is playing it cool so i should too bc slow is safer got it
fluffypotatey · 7 months
OK both. One monkey is convince his feelings are unrequited and he is doing such a good job at hiding his emotions. A+ at secretblonging. The other knows he loves the other, knows the other loves him, and think the other is equally aware of the fact and equally in the decision to do nothing about it. Which is which?
easy answer is A is Macky and B is swk
BUT!!! IT WOULD BE SO FUCKING FUNNY IF SWK THOUGHT HE WAS SO SMOOTH AND SUAVE AT HIDING HIS CRUSH WHILE MACKY IS LIKE “ok, bet, this is mutual that’s fine but we should move slow with this, you know, be careful”
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yzssie · 5 years
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This is for the lovely anon who made this request.❤ ❤ Thank you so much and hope you like it!❤
Also, I hope you’ll all let me know what you think about it, I always appreciate you and your likes, comments, reblogs, asks! I like to interact with my readers because you all show me so much support and that’s why I am still here, writing. So I would love to hear you out! Thank you for everything darlings T_T ! You’re the best!❤ ❤
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Characters: Tom Hiddleston and Reader(Y/N)
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: smut, dom Tom
Summary: Car and dominant Tom Hiddleston. Lol ok let me do something longer, but I think that was sufficient lmao. You’re the co-star of Tom Holland on the third Spider-Man movie and get invited to one of Robert’s famous dinners, where champagne gives you problems, again. (Too many Toms here btw, hope you won’t get confused)
Words: 4.5k
“Excuse me for a second,” Tom Holland takes out his vibrating cellphone and answers it.
“Hello!” his excited tone shows that the person on the other line is someone he likes a lot.
“Hi, kiddo! Heard you're in the US?”
“Yes, Robert! I'm doing a press tour with Y/N for the new Spider-Man movie.”
“Nice to hear it's doing great. As expected.”
“Thanks!” he nervously strokes the back of his head and you suppose that the Robert he's talking to might actually be Robert Downey Jr.
“Hear me out. I saw that both you and Tom, the other Tom, got it? Ahahah, anyways, saw that both of you are in the US so I'm having a dinner or a party whatever you want to call it, tonight, with most of the cast from The Avengers and some staff from Marvel. Have any plans?”
“Well I was supposed to just hang out with Y/N in town,” he looks at you and you shake your head and show him an ok sign to tell that it won't bother you if he can't join you tonight.
“Are you close with her?
“Yea, yea? We are. Why?”
“Is she the one who plays the fire kiddo?”
“Yes, that's her.”
“Isn't she also friends with Sebastian?”
“That's right. You know, they ar,”
“Then she’s also invited!” Robert cuts Tom.
“Ok, Mr. Downey! I mean, Robert!” he chuckles from the excitement.
“Cool, see you at 8pm. Gonna text you my address in case,”
“I have it!”
“Oh, ok, bye!” a soft chuckle is heard from the other side of the phone.
“We’re gonna partyyy!” Tom ends the call and you look at him confused.
“No way Tom, I am not coming to a party full of famous people I admire, yet I don’t know and I am not wearing this!” you sigh when you get out from the fitting room in a black dress that accentuates your forms right where you need, hiding away some parts you weren’t that confident with.
“It’s a party, Y/N! And everyone is nice enough for you to feel comfortable.”
“Yea, me, the most social person on this planet. You do realize you all know each other? I’m just going to be like the third wheel…”
“You are friends with Seb.”
“Yea, you and Seb. Great!” you raise your hands in the air, sighing.
“And Tom,” he adds smirking.
“And Tom?”
“Yea, heard from Robert that he’s also here and he will come.”
“Then there’s another reason to don’t go,” you get back to the fitting room but Tom’s hand stops you.
“Didn’t you say you like him?”
“Shhhh,” you press your hand into his mouth as if a random Tom Hiddleston will appear from the fitting rooms.
“Yea, well, remember last time right? I spilled champagne all over his pants,” you facepalm yourself. “God, so embarrassing,” you mutter under your breath.
“IT’S FINE, you know he is nice and he wasn’t bothered,”
“I was! I made a fool of myself!”
“C’mon, imagine how rude it will be if you don’t accept Robert’s invitation! It’s the first time and he doesn’t even know you…”
You squint your eyes at him and stare to each other for like one minute before sighing and going back to the fitting room.
“But I am not wearing the dress!”
“I’m wearing the dress,” you whine when you exit the taxi you and Tom rode.
“It’s for the best, trust me,” Tom smiles at you and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“I will die here, Tom, look at me! If you let me alone for more than 10 minutes I will melt to the floor and,”
“Y/N!” an unknown yet familiar voice startles you.
Oh my god, it’s Robert Downey Jr!
“Hello, uhm, Mr. Downey! Nice to meet you,” you shake his hand and he laughs.
“You can call me Robert. I am glad that you both made it. Kiddo?” he takes Tom in a hug and pats his back.
“I am happy to see you all again. It seems like ages!” Tom says and you are both led inside the house.
“Look Y/N, it might be a little bit overwhelming for you, but don’t worry! Some people are coming with their partners so you can just call yourself Tom’s girlfriend,”
“That would be awkward,” you say and Tom scoffs.
“Trust me Robert, that is going to look disastrous,” he laughs and you do the same. “Besides, I think she would prefer to be called like that for another certain Tom,” your eyes widen and you shut his mouth with your hand.
“Am I one of the Toms qualified for that?” a low chuckle is heard from behind and you just want to curse your existence and Holland’s when THE CERTAIN TOM joins your conversation.
“Tom!” Holland hugs Hiddleston and you’re sure your heart can be heard as it beats like crazy now.
“Y/N,” Tom leans to kiss your cheek and you do the same, trying to regain your composure.
“Hello, Tom,” you smile back at him and you gulp when you see his blue suit matching his eyes perfectly. How can someone look that good? Last time you met him he was looking like a teddy bear, but now you notice that he has shaved his beard and cut his hair, turning back from Tom Cuddleston to Tom Hottieston. You internally laugh at your own joke. Wow, you’re so fun Y/N, way to party, you mentally scold yourself. Though, the way that white shirt is wrapping around his torso makes your legs tremble.
“So you guys know each other, see, there’s nothing to worry about,” Robert states as he looks around. “Now, if you excuse me, I have guests to greet,” he spins around and heads for the door.
“So how have you both been? I have heard the new movie is a big success, I would love to see it soon!” Tom Hiddleston ask you and Tom Holland.
“Very nice actually! The press tours are fun as always, especially that I got stuck with Y/N,” he laughs and pats your back while you softly giggle, shyly rubbing your hands.
“Y/N?” Sebastian’s voice interrupts your conversation, well, more like the two Toms’ conversation as he takes you in a big hug.
“Seb!” you smile in his hug, instantly feeling safer.
“And who is this gorgeous lady?” Anthony Mackie joins you.
“This is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” Sebastian introduces you to him and you excitedly shakes his hand.
“Hi, big fan!” you say. You honestly love Anthony’s humor, you always wanted to meet him.
“Oh oh, thank you, I could have bet that you’re one of Sebastian’s fans by the way you guys hugged. 1-0 for me, Vanilla Ice!” he lightly punches Sebastian’s chest while Seb rolls his eyes.
“Trust me lady killer, she’s just being nice,” Seb adds and you shake your head.
“That’s not true!” you laugh and for a moment you could feel a certain stare set on you.
“That’s what she also told me when we first met, maybe you’re right,” Tom Hiddleston playfully answers to Sebastian’s remark and you blush.
A lady appears and offers all of you champagne. Oh no, not champagne. Pretty sure he will remember that embarrassing moment again…
“I should be careful with it,” you softly whisper and Hiddleston grins.
“It’s fine Y/N,” he takes a sip and sets the glass on the little table next to you. “It was only an accident, I didn’t mind it,” Tom reassures you.
All five of you start to talk about different topics and after more sips of the champagne, you feel more comfortable, especially when Anthony makes jokes most of your conversation.
“Holland man, did you shrink more or is Y/N too intimidatingly tall?” Mackie jokes and Tom’s sarcastically laughs. “C’mon man, let me introduce you to some shorter girls,” he takes Holland away and you all laugh at his lack of reply.
“Tom!” a lady’s voice is heard and you turn around to find an unknown face greeting Hiddleston. He excuses himself from both of you and goes to the lady, kissing her cheeks and starting to talk with her.
“So,” Sebastian says.
“Nu ai de gând să faci nimic?”
(Aren’t you going to do something?)
“Să fac ce?”
“Orice doar să nu te mai holbezi la el ca și cum ar fi un desert și tu ești la dietă de 10 ani.”
(Anything else than staring at him as if he is a dessert and you have been dieting for 10 years.)
“Seb, ai noroc că nu ne ințelege nimeni.”
(Seb, you’re lucky that nobody understands us)
“Astăzi ai șansa de a schimba ceva,” he winks.
(Today you have the chance to change something.)
“Nope. Data trecută am vărsat șampanie pe pantalonii lui și crede-mă, am vrut să intru în pamant. De abia duc o conversație cu el!”
(Nope. Last time I spilled champagne all over his pants and trust me, I wanted to become one with the ground. I can barely have a conversation with him)
Sebastian rolls his eyes.
“O să mori singură.”
(You’re going to die alone.)
“Uhum, mersi de încurajare.”
(Uhum, thank you for cheering me up)
The whole night went smoother than you thought, you met most of the old cast of Avengers and everyone was really nice. You drank a little bit more alcohol than you wanted, because of Anthony. You had some moments when you felt a little bit left out when they were talking about things during filming, but that also gave you a chance to join their conversation when they were explaining to you what happened.
You aren’t drunk, you couldn’t just do that there, but you became more easy-going after three or four glasses of champagne. You are thinking about having some fresh air and excuse yourself from the group. All you could see since one hour ago was Tom Hiddleston’s thighs as he was sitting with his long legs a little bit too spread for your dirty thoughts. Definitely, the alcohol influences you a little bit, you feel as if you could be blunter, more straight forward and you actually did flirt a little bit with him, only to laugh it away because you were afraid of ruining whatever relationship you have with him and it was also too dangerous because of Tom Holland who could spill out the fact that you like him.
Going out in the garden, you wander a little bit around the front entrance when a sudden pair of arms engulf you. Something is instantly wrapped around your eyes and when you open your mouth to say something, one of his hand covers it. You panic as you’re dragged somewhere and you crunch your nose at the smell of his cologne, recognizing it immediately. Or are you imagining things? Are you already drunk? A beep indicates you’re near a car which he unlocked.
“Get in and don’t move, pet” the husky British accented voice sends tingles to your core and you nod, relieved that your senses didn’t leave you. Or did they? You’re currently into a weird kinky situation with the man you crush on and you don’t question anything but just follow what he says. Your rational sense is certainly gone. He closes the door and gets inside the car, starting the engine.
“Hands,” he orders and you show them. Something wraps around them too, and by the feeling of it, you could guess they’re some silk strings, which you’re curious where he got that from. Your breath hitches as he hovers onto your body, putting your seatbelt on. “Now you’re going to be a good girl and listen to me, ok?” he whispers into your ear and you weakly nod. A sudden slap on your thigh makes you gasp. “Words baby girl, I want to hear words.”
“Yes, sir,” you inhale and you could imagine his smirk at the name you called him by. His hand on your thigh wraps around your flesh, making you squirm in the seat.
“Good girl,” he hums and strokes your burning flesh. You arch your back to meet his touch, a soft sigh escaping from your pouty lips as if begging him to taste them. He hisses at your reaction, bulge already painfully yearning for release. He dreamt of having you in this submissive position since last time you have spilled champagne on his lap while you were discussing something trivial.
Every time he had touched you, your chest would also stop for a moment to take in the needy sensation of contact. Biting lips, eyes avoiding his stare for so long, smiling eyes, all these betrayed your try to hide your feelings. He also became attracted to you in many ways. You were very quiet at first, a fact which made him want to know more about you. And so he did. He enjoyed your company even if you always met through Holland or social events. He did think of asking you out someday, but he never had the chance. Especially that you were both busy nowadays. You were always making sure to express your admiration every time he was sharing his interests in many things like literature, art. Then, he started to notice your physical appearance. Your curves started to catch his eyes and he was stealing glances at your long legs whenever you were crossing one over another. You were listening genuinely to his words, lips breaking into a shy smile and eyes searching for more.
And that night, that night you unleashed the dark part of him. A creeping blush after too much champagne to handle your conversation and stammering words gave away the attraction you felt for him. Tom Holland left you alone and you were stuck on the chair, uncomfortably alone in a room full of famous and unknown people. He decided to keep you company and sat next to you. You probably didn’t expect him to come over and as time was passing, you were drinking more and more champagne while conversing with him. The alcohol gave you more confidence and you were becoming blunter and more talkative. Until your hands knocked the glass of champagne right onto his lap. You let out a gasp and you started to apologize repeatedly while taking whatever was on the table to dry his pants. He reassured you that there’s no problem and he can take care of it, but you were already patting the champagne stains with a table napkin. That’s what triggered him. Your trembling hands were on his lap, rubbing his thighs, dangerously close to his crotch. You were slightly bent over, giving him a good angle of your breasts and ass tightly wrapped with the thin material of your dress. He imagined you between his legs and he stopped you from doing any more damage to his mind. He became so tense after, that he needed to take some fresh air outside. He then realized that you misinterpreted his reaction as annoyance and you tried to avoid him, which made him more frustrated.
But after what he found out today he will have you, ravish you in any way possible, until you’ll chant his name like a prayer.
“Tom, where’s Y/N?” Holland, obviously drunk, pats his back.
“I don’t know, I think she went out for some air one minute ago,” he answers, keeping a hold of his drunk friend. He couldn’t drink tonight as he came with his car. He probably took one or two sips of champagne comparing to most of the people there.
“Oh, I thought you, she, ya know,” his mouth is already starting to run “spoilers”.
“We what?”
“She’s mad after you man,” Tom finally confirms his suspicion. “I mean, didn’t you see her staring at you? Trust me, she would probably take you right here, right now,” Holland laughs.
“Would she now?” Hiddleston playfully answers but Holland failed to see his already darkened eyes.
“Yea man, she has some kinky shits inside her head, she might look innocent but,” Sebastian suddenly stops Holland from speaking.
“And she’s going to kill you if she finds out what you’re blabbering,” the Romanian man drags him away.
“Please,” you interrupt Tom’s thoughts as you wriggle your lower part, trying to get his hand moving. He slapped your thigh again and you moan.
“Did I allow you to move?” he growls and you bite your lips while you shake your head. He brings his fingers to release your lower lip from your teeth and he forces one in your mouth. You suck on his finger and lick it, gaining a throaty moan. You bite on his finger at the hungered sound of his voice and he grins: “Greedy now, aren’t we, darling?”
His draws out his fingers and they slip between your legs, right inside your panties. His slick fingers outline your clit and then presses down on it.
“Tom,” you cry out his name at the quivering feeling. His fingers draw circles on the swollen bundle of nerves and you wiggle in the seat. Your tied hands grip on his hand working between your legs.
“You’re dripping, lord,” he groans satisfied by your aroused state. His pointer slips easily into your pussy and his lips bury your moan into his mouth. His tongue darts on your lower lip before invading your sweet cave. You become dizzy from all the tantalizing sensations and before you know, your orgasm releases on his long fingers.
“Oh my God,” you sharply inhale and his tongue moves now on your neck, showering your neck with kisses to help your shivering body calm down.
“Did I allow you to cum though?” he whispers into your ear and your breath hitches as he bites on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you reply.
“Oh, you’ll be,” he bites on your cleavage this time and your chest raises up.
“Can I see now please?” you beg, “Touch?”
“No, you didn’t quite listen to me, pet,” he mockingly sighs and you whine. His touch leaves now from everywhere and the car’s motor starts. However, he takes off his tie which he used it as a blindfold and you finally meet his hypnotizing blue eyes. You stare at each other for some seconds, the eye contact intensifying the tension between you two.  A faint blush could be seen on his cheek also and your eyes wander on his torso, then down where his bulge is painfully big. You bite your lips and you glance at him again. He smirks seeing your reaction, “We’re going to get to that part too.”
He grabs the wheel and leaves the parking lot.  
“I hope I didn’t pass out from the champagne and this is a dream,” you mutter and he chuckles.
“Let me show you how real it is again,” his hand travels to your legs but this time he grips the dress and raises it up till your waist, exposing your soaked panties from the last orgasm. The coldness of the leather seats makes your burning skin cool down a little bit. He tugs down your panties and takes a quick glance at your glistening pussy before returning his eyes on the road. “Shit,” he moans.
You close your eyes and sink into the seat as his fingers are rubbing your folds, teasing your entrance.
“Mmm,” you moan when he adds two fingers this time. “Please.”
“You haven’t been a good girl as I told you, love,” he steals another glance at you and the grip on the steering wheel tightens. He curls his fingers inside you, hitting a sweet spot in a matter of minutes. “Hold it in,” he orders and you bite your lips. How could you hold it in? Your body is already writhing from the oversensitivity and you scream when you come undone for the second time.
He sighs but he’s half proud of how easily he can pleasure you. He stops at the traffic lights and takes in your whole state. Few sweat drops could be seen on your temples while you are trying to breathe normally.
“This calls for a punishment,” he undoes his belt and pulls down a little bit his pants and boxers, revealing his rock hard erection, already precumming at your sight. He releases your seat belt and yanks your head by your hair in front of his lap. You struggle a little bit to find a good position because your hands are still tied and you finally stroke his whole shaft with one slow lick. His legs shudder to your wetness, grip tightening more on the wheel. Your tongue darts his tip, circling it before finally take him into your mouth. You both moan at the contact and you try to relax your neck muscles to take as much as you can. He grips a fist of your hair, trying to focus on the road when the lights go green. He wasn’t expecting this to be so distracting and after a few sucking, he stops you. You stubbornly go back to what you were doing, trying to get as much as you can from him.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’ve said stop,” he shouts, but you bob your head faster and the car suddenly makes a left turn and the engine stops. “Goodness,” this time his hand pushes you down further and you’re trying you’re best to don’t gag. Seconds after, his shaft pulsates into your mouth, releasing his seed. You swallow it and get up to see that he stopped into an empty parking lot on the highway. He roughly makes you straddle his lap and his lips ravish yours, hands squeezing your waist. He peels off your dress and you try to undo his shirt but end up ripping the buttons open. Your mouth lands on his torso, tracing your lips on his pecs, enticing a low sound from his throat. You lick his Adam’s apple next and you arrive at his jaw, feather-like kisses covering his skin. His heart might swirled at your actions because he cups your cheek and makes you look at him, the same deep staring of his blue crystals devouring your soul.
“I will ravage you, consume everything you have for me,” his eyes land on your black lacy bra, “Over and over again,” he groans into your ear and he suddenly plunges into you. You moan loudly and arch your back over the wheel. He starts slow and deep, making sure to fill you up until there’s no space between you two. He undoes your bra and takes one of your breasts into his mouth. He grazes his teeth over your nipple while the other hand massages and pinches the other one. You start to jump faster on his lap and he hisses.
No, he wants to make you beg, make you cry for not listening to his orders. You must be punished.
He ceases your movements, holding your waist down and you whine.
“Please move,”
“I think you forgot your position here, pet,” he slaps your ass and you moan.
“I’m sorry, sir, please, forgive me,” you look at him and he smirks.
“I am afraid I can’t do that so easily,” he sweetly smiles at you and licks the other breast, tongue flicking your bud. You try to move but he’s pinning you down quite strongly and you find yourself begging for him to move. You need him, you want to be completely engulfed, owned by him.
He takes you off him, throwing you on the backseat. He undresses himself completely and lunges forward you. He takes you into another messy kiss before he traces down a line from your jaw to the valley of your breasts, to your stomach and stops right between your legs. His hands bury under your ass, groping it. You feel his breath hitting your core and you moan when his tongue finally makes contact with your clit.
“Ahh,” you scream when he nibbles it. The pain mixes with the pleasure from his fast licks and you reach for roof handle to overcome the expecting orgasm, but he stops. “No,” you desperately beg.
He turns you over and takes your hands at the back, tying them with the previously used tie. Your ass is now higher than your upper body, exposing your drenched vagina. He hisses at the wetness waiting for him as you wiggle your butt a little bit but he slaps you again.
“Impatient, aren’t we?”
“Sir, I need you, please!”
“Do you now, pet?” he strokes your abused butt cheek and slaps the other one too.
You yelp and nod.
“Let me hear your pretty mouth begging, babygirl,“ he slaps you again and your breath hitches.
“Please, I beg you, I will obey to you from now on, just,” you don’t finish the sentence as his chest presses your back and he dips into you. Your face lays on the leather from the power he slams into you and he raises you up. He supports your frame by grabbing your breasts, playing with them as he hastily thrusts into you. Only slapping sounds and moans could be heard now inside his car. He starts to breathe heavily into your neck as he feels his dick clasped by your tight walls, indicating that you’ll cum soon.
“Cum now, pet, feel me inside you,” he groans and he gets rougher until you finally orgasm, encouraging him to do the same. He slows down his movements as he spills everything he kept in, inside you, few strokes needed to empty himself all the way.
You collapse onto the backseat and he does the same, however, he tries to support his weight a little bit with his arms.
“This, was, fantastic,” he breathes and tugs away your hair to kiss your back.
You moan as a reply, still trying to recover from everything. “So it isn’t a dream,” you smile and he chuckles.
“Luckily you have Holland to spoil everything,” he tries to get dressed.
“What?” you turn over, confused at his words, but he only kisses you. “That shit,” you mutter.
“Now, be a good girl and let me drive until my hotel,” he kisses your forehead and slides on your dress.
A/N: Who else had that interview with Tom Holland playing in mind while reading that line? =))))
Taglist opened! Please tell me which one you would like or if you want to be removed/changed. If you can’t see your tag please tell me and I am sorry!!!!! Thank you <3 (crossed usernames means that tag isn’t working T_T) 
TOM/LOKI GENERAL TAGLIST: @drakesfiance, @cutiepotpie177 , @brokenthelovely , @heart-shaped-hell , @ultrailoveharrystylesblog , @mooncrow123 , @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms , @powerstrangerdacre , @abrunettefangirlnerd , @darkprincessloki92, @little-moonbeam-666 , @youreawizardjulie , @writingmi , @lokislilslut , @abelstnbhd, @januarycalendargirl , @yuna-belikova , @joyofbebbanburg , @timevortexheart , @captainrainbowpanda , @thesisterofthedevil , @spunky-89 , @unlikelytigerqueen , @loreleyfromouterspace , @bitchwhytho , @justafandomsuckup , @this-side-of-midnight5 , @gabealien12 , @asgardianfloozy , @lokissidehoe , @witchbitch-stuff , @dawnlaufeyson , @captainchedder , @bloominess , @yurio-plisetksy , @buckybarneslovesteve , @casuallyobsessivewitchcraft , @uhh-katie-griffiths , @belindak04 , @what-a-fantasy , @lotus-eyedindiangoddess , @marveloushiddleston
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