#Madarsa Education UP
amichandsaini · 6 months
0 notes
azeez-unv · 9 months
Madarsa education is a form of Islamic education that is offered by religious institutions in many countries, especially in South Asia.
Madarsas teach students about the Quran, the Sunnah, and other aspects of Islamic faith and culture. Some Madarsas also offer modern subjects such as mathematics, science, and languages.
Madarsa education can be helpful for students to pursue their higher studies and job opportunities in several ways.
It can provide students with a strong moral and ethical foundation, based on the values of Islam.
It can foster a sense of identity and belonging among the Muslim community, and promote social cohesion and harmony.
It can enhance the students’ knowledge and skills in Islamic studies, which can open up opportunities for further education and careers in fields such as Islamic law, theology, history, and education.
It can also equip the students with basic literacy and numeracy skills, which can help them access mainstream education and employment opportunities.
It can expose the students to different languages and cultures, which can improve their communication and intercultural skills.
It may not be recognized or accredited by the government or other educational institutions, which can limit the students’ options for higher education and employment.
It may not be able to keep up with the changing demands and expectations of the modern society and economy, which can make the students less competitive and adaptable.
It may not be able to provide adequate resources and facilities for the students, such as qualified teachers, textbooks, libraries, laboratories, and computers.
It may not be able to address the diverse needs and interests of the students, such as gender equality, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation.
Therefore, Madarsa education needs to be reformed and modernized, in order to improve its quality and relevance, and to enable the students to achieve their full potential.
To introduce a standardized curriculum and assessment system, that covers both religious and secular subjects, and that is aligned with the national and international standards and benchmarks.
To provide training and professional development for the Madarsa teachers, to enhance their pedagogical and subject matter knowledge and skills, and to adopt learner-centered and interactive teaching methods.
To upgrade the infrastructure and equipment of the Madarsas, to provide a conducive and safe learning environment for the students, and to facilitate the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in education.
To establish linkages and partnerships with other educational institutions, such as universities, colleges, schools, and vocational centers, to facilitate the students’ transition and integration into the mainstream education system and the labor market.
To involve the stakeholders and the community, such as the parents, the religious leaders, the civil society, and the government, in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Madarsa education programs, and to ensure their support and participation.
Madarsa education is an important and valuable form of education for many Muslim students, and it can contribute to their personal, social, and economic development.
However, it also needs to be improved and updated, to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
By doing so, Madarsa education can help the students to pursue their higher studies and job opportunities, and to become productive and responsible citizens of the world.
It depends on the state and the institution that issues the madarsa certificates and degrees. Some states and universities have recognized the madarsa education as equivalent to the formal education system, while others have not. Here are some examples:
Andhra Pradesh
In Andhra Pradesh, the Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has a form for madarsa institution degree equivalence, which means that the university accepts the madarsa degrees as equivalent to the formal degrees for admission purposes.
West Bengal
In West Bengal, the West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education (WBBME) has issued a notification that the Alim Examination of the board is equivalent to the Madhyamik Examination of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, which is the state-level secondary school examination. The notification also specifies the revised syllabus and curriculum of the Alim Examination to make it compatible with the Madhyamik Examination.
Tamil Nadu
In Tamil Nadu, the University of Madras has a list of certificate courses offered in the university departments, but it does not mention any madarsa certificates or degrees. This implies that the university does not recognize the madarsa education as equivalent to the formal education system.
Therefore, the equivalence of madarsa certificates and degrees varies from state to state and from institution to institution. If you want to know the specific eligibility criteria for a particular course or university, you should contact the concerned authorities directly.
According to a report by Observer Research Foundation, there are six states where Madarsa education is recognized as equivalent to formal education and receives state funding. These states are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bengal, and Assam. In these states, Madarsa certificates are at par with the school boards and enhance the employability of Madarsa-educated children.
However, in other states, Madarsa education is not recognized by the government and does not follow the national curriculum or standards. Therefore, Madarsa students may face difficulties in pursuing higher education or finding jobs in the mainstream sectors.
Schemes for Madarsa Modernization - Ministry of Education.
Role of Madarsa Education in Empowerment of Muslims in India.
இந்தியாவில் மதர்சா கல்வி
மதர்சா கல்வி என்பது இஸ்லாமிய கல்வியின் ஒரு வடிவமாகும், இது பல நாடுகளில், குறிப்பாக தெற்காசியாவில் உள்ள மத நிறுவனங்களால் வழங்கப்படுகிறது.
குர்ஆன், சுன்னா மற்றும் இஸ்லாமிய நம்பிக்கை மற்றும் கலாச்சாரத்தின் பிற அம்சங்களைப் பற்றி மதர்சாக்கள் மாணவர்களுக்கு கற்பிக்கின்றன. சில மதர்சாக்கள் கணிதம், அறிவியல் மற்றும் மொழிகள் போன்ற நவீன பாடங்களையும் வழங்குகின்றன.
மதர்சா கல்வியானது மாணவர்கள் தங்கள் உயர் படிப்பு மற்றும் வேலை வாய்ப்புகளை பல வழிகளில் தொடர உதவியாக இருக்கும்.
▪️மதர்சா கல்வியின் சில நன்மைகள்:
இது இஸ்லாத்தின் விழுமியங்களின் அடிப்படையில் மாணவர்களுக்கு வலுவான தார்மீக மற்றும் நெறிமுறை அடித்தளத்தை வழங்க முடியும்.
இது முஸ்லீம் சமூகத்தினரிடையே அடையாளம் மற்றும் சொந்தம் என்ற உணர்வை வளர்க்கவும், சமூக ஒற்றுமை மற்றும் நல்லிணக்கத்தை மேம்படுத்தவும் முடியும்.
இது இஸ்லாமியப் படிப்பில் மாணவர்களின் அறிவு மற்றும் திறன்களை மேம்படுத்தலாம், இது இஸ்லாமிய சட்டம், இறையியல், வரலாறு மற்றும் கல்வி போன்ற துறைகளில் மேலதிக கல்வி மற்றும் தொழில் வாய்ப்புகளைத் திறக்கும்.
இது அடிப்படை கல்வியறிவு மற்றும் எண்ணியல் திறன்களுடன் மாணவர்களை சித்தப்படுத்துகிறது, இது அவர்களுக்கு முக்கிய கல்வி மற்றும் வேலை வாய்ப்புகளை அணுக உதவும்.
இது பல்வேறு மொழிகள் மற்றும் கலாச்சாரங்களுக்கு மாணவர்களை வெளிப்படுத்த முடியும், இது அவர்களின் தொடர்பு மற்றும் கலாச்சாரங்களுக்கு இடையேயான திறன்களை மேம்படுத்த முடியும்.
▪️மதர்சா கல்வி சவால்கள் மற்றும் வரம்புகள்
இது அரசு அல்லது பிற கல்வி நிறுவனங்களால் அங்கீகரிக்கப்படாமலோ அல்லது அங்கீகாரம் பெறாமலோ இருக்கலாம், இது மாணவர்களின் உயர்கல்வி மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்புக்கான விருப்பங்களைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தலாம்.
நவீன சமுதாயம் மற்றும் பொருளாதாரத்தின் மாறிவரும் கோரிக்கைகள் மற்றும் எதிர்பார்ப்புகளுடன் இது தொடர முடியாமல் போகலாம், இது மாணவர்களை போட்டித்திறன் குறைவாகவும் மாற்றியமைக்கக்கூடியதாகவும் மாற்றும்.
தகுதி வாய்ந்த ஆசிரியர்கள், பாடப்புத்தகங்கள், நூலகங்கள், ஆய்வகங்கள் மற்றும் கணினிகள் போன்ற மாணவர்களுக்கு போதுமான ஆதாரங்களையும் வசதிகளையும் வழங்க முடியாமல் போகலாம்.
பாலின சமத்துவம், விமர்சன சிந்தனை, படைப்பாற்றல் மற்றும் புதுமை போன்ற மாணவர்களின் பல்வேறு தேவைகள் மற்றும் நலன்களை இது தீர்க்க முடியாமல் போகலாம்.
எனவே, மதர்சா கல்வியை சீர்திருத்தம் செய்து, அதன் தரத்தையும் பொருத்தத்தையும் மேம்படுத்தி, மாணவர்கள் தங்கள் முழுத் திறனையும் அடையச் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
▪️மதர்சா கல்வியை சீர்திருத்த மற்றும் நவீனமயமாக்குவதற்கான சாத்தியமான வழிகளில் சில:
மத மற்றும் மதச்சார்பற்ற பாடங்களை உள்ளடக்கிய தரப்படுத்தப்பட்ட பாடத்திட்டம் மற்றும் மதிப்பீட்டு முறையை அறிமுகப்படுத்த, அது தேசிய மற்றும் சர்வதேச தரநிலைகள் மற்றும் அளவுகோல்களுடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
மதர்சா ஆசிரியர்களுக்கு பயிற்சி மற்றும் தொழில்சார் மேம்பாட்டை வழங்குதல், அவர்களின் கற்பித்தல் மற்றும் பாடம் சார்ந்த அறிவு மற்றும் திறன்களை மேம்படுத்துதல் மற்றும் கற்றலை மையமாகக் கொண்ட மற்றும் ஊடாடும் கற்பித்தல் முறைகளைப் பின்பற்றுதல்.
மதர்சாக்களின் உள்கட்டமைப்பு மற்றும் உபகரணங்களை மேம்படுத்துதல், மாணவர்களுக்கு உகந்த மற்றும் பாதுகாப்பான கற்றல் சூழலை வழங்குதல் மற்றும் கல்வியில் தகவல் மற்றும் தகவல் தொடர்பு தொழில்நுட்பத்தை (ICT) பயன்படுத்துவதற்கு வசதி செய்தல்.
பல்கலைக்கழகங்கள், கல்லூரிகள், பள்ளிகள் மற்றும் தொழிற்கல்வி மையங்கள் போன்ற பிற கல்வி நிறுவனங்களுடன் தொடர்புகள் மற்றும் கூட்டாண்மைகளை நிறுவுதல், மாணவர்களின் மாற்றம் மற்றும் பிரதான கல்வி முறை மற்றும் தொழிலாளர் சந்தையில் ஒருங்கிணைப்பை எளிதாக்குதல்.
பெற்றோர்கள், மதத் தலைவர்கள், சிவில் சமூகம் மற்றும் அரசாங்கம் போன்ற பங்குதாரர்கள் மற்றும் சமூகத்தை மதர்சா கல்வித் திட்டங்களைத் திட்டமிடுதல், செயல்படுத்துதல் மற்றும் மதிப்பீடு செய்தல் மற்றும் அவர்களின் ஆதரவையும் பங்கேற்பையும் உறுதி செய்தல்.
மதர்சா கல்வி என்பது பல முஸ்லீம் மாணவர்களுக்கு ஒரு முக்கியமான மற்றும் மதிப்புமிக்க கல்வி வடிவமாகும், மேலும் இது அவர்களின் தனிப்பட்ட, சமூக மற்றும் பொருளாதார வளர்ச்சிக்கு பங்களிக்க முடியும்.
இருப்பினும், 21 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் சவால்கள் மற்றும் வாய்ப்புகளைச் சந்திக்க இது மேம்படுத்தப்பட்டு புதுப்பிக்கப்பட வேண்டும்.
அவ்வாறு செய்வதன் மூலம், மதர்சா கல்வி மாணவர்கள் தங்கள் உயர் படிப்பு மற்றும் வேலை வாய்ப்புகளைத் தொடர உதவுவதோடு, உலகின் உற்பத்தி மற்றும் பொறுப்புள்ள குடிமக்களாக மாறலாம்.
▪️மதர்சா கல்வி முறையான கல்விக்கு சமமா?
இது மதர்சா சான்றிதழ்கள் மற்றும் பட்டங்களை வழங்கும் மாநிலம் மற்றும் நிறுவனத்தைப் பொறுத்தது. சில மாநிலங்கள் மற்றும் பல்கலைக்கழகங்கள் மதர்சா கல்வியை முறையான கல்வி முறைக்கு சமமானதாக அங்கீகரித்துள்ளன, மற்றவை இல்லை. இங்கே சில உதாரணங்கள்:
ஆந்திரப் பிரதேசம்
ஆந்திரப் பிரதேசத்தில், மௌலானா ஆசாத் தேசிய உருது பல்கலைக்கழகம் (MANUU) மதர்சா நிறுவனப் பட்டப்படிப்புக்கு இணையான ஒரு படிவத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.
மேற்கு வங்காளம்
மேற்கு வங்கத்தில், மேற்கு வங்காள மதரஸா கல்வி வாரியம் (WBBME) வாரியத்தின் ஆலிம் தேர்வு, மேற்கு வங்க இடைநிலைக் கல்வி வாரியத்தின் மத்யமிக் தேர்வுக்கு சமம் என்று ஒரு அறிவிப்பை வெளியிட்டுள்ளது, இது மாநில அளவிலான மேல்நிலைப் பள்ளித் தேர்வாகும். இந்த அறிவிப்பில் ஆலிம் தேர்வின் திருத்தப்பட்ட பாடத்திட்டம் மற்றும் பாடத்திட்டம் ஆகியவை மத்யமிக் தேர்வுடன் இணக்கமாக இருக்குமாறு குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
தமிழ்நாட்டில், மெட்ராஸ் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் பல்கலைக்கழகத் துறைகளில் வழங்கப்படும் சான்றிதழ் படிப்புகளின் பட்டியல் உள்ளது, ஆனால் அதில் எந்த மதர்சா சான்றிதழ்கள் அல்லது பட்டங்கள் குறிப்பிடப்படவில்லை. மதர்சா கல்வியை முறையான கல்வி முறைக்கு சமமானதாக பல்கலைக்கழகம் அங்கீகரிக்கவில்லை என்பதை இது குறிக்கிறது.
எனவே, மதர்சா சான்றிதழ்கள் மற்றும் பட்டங்களின் சமநிலை மாநிலத்திற்கு மாநிலம் மற்றும் நிறுவனத்திற்கு நிறுவனம் மாறுபடும். ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட படிப்பு அல்லது பல்கலைக்கழகத்திற்கான குறிப்பிட்ட தகுதியை நீங்கள் தெரி��்து கொள்ள விரும்பினால், நீங்கள் சம்பந்தப்பட்ட அதிகாரிகளை நேரடியாக தொடர்பு கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
அப்சர்வர் ரிசர்ச் பவுண்டேஷனின் அறிக்கையின்படி, மதர்சா கல்வி முறையான கல்விக்கு சமமானதாக அங்கீகரிக்கப்பட்டு மாநில நிதியுதவி பெறும் ஆறு மாநிலங்கள் உள்ளன. இந்த மாநிலங்கள் உத்தரபிரதேசம், பீகார், மத்திய பிரதேசம், சத்தீஸ்கர், வங்காளம் மற்றும் அசாம். இந்த மாநிலங்களில், மதர்சா சான்றிதழ்கள் பள்ளி வாரியங்களுக்கு இணையானவை மற்றும் மதர்சா படித்த குழந்தைகளின் வேலைவாய்ப்பை மேம்படுத்துகின்றன.
இருப்பினும், மற்ற மாநிலங்களில், மதர்சா கல்வி அரசாங்கத்தால் அங்கீகரிக்கப்படவில்லை மற்றும் தேசிய பாடத்திட்டம் அல்லது தரநிலைகளை பின்பற்றவில்லை. எனவே, மதர்சா மாணவர்கள் உயர் கல்வியைத் தொடர்வதில் அல்லது முக்கிய துறைகளில் வேலை தேடுவதில் சிரமங்களை எதிர்கொள்ள நேரிடும்.
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india24h · 2 years
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Students of every faith have the right to get an education in state madrasas: UP Madarsa Education board. https://india24.live/city-news/students-of-every-faith-have-the-right-to-get-an-education-in-state-madrasas-up-madarsa-education-board/  
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Government in preparation for changes in madrasas of UP, will have to pass TET to teach children
Government in preparation for changes in madrasas of UP, will have to pass TET to teach children
Madarsa Education: Yogi government is taking a new initiative to change the education being given in madrasas in Uttar Pradesh. Efforts are now being made to make UP-TET exam mandatory for teachers teaching in madrasas. The Madrasa Board has sent a proposal recommending that TET be made mandatory for teacher recruitment in madrassas. Muslim religious leaders are not considering this initiative of…
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avitaknews · 4 years
मदरसे की शिक्षा को टोपी से टाई की ओर ले जा जा रहे हैं- अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण राज्यमंत्री मोहसिन रजा
मदरसे की शिक्षा को टोपी से टाई की ओर ले जा जा रहे हैं- अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण राज्यमंत्री मोहसिन रजा
विधान परिषद में आज सरकार ने कहा कि सरकार मदरसों की शिक्षा को टोपी से टाई की ओर ले जाने के लिए कृतसंकल्प है। सरकार शिक्षक दल द्वारा वाराणसी के अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण अधिकारी के वक्फ निरीक्षक के साथ मिलकर भ्रष्टाचार किए जाने से जुड़े मामले को उठाए जाने पर उसका जवाब दे रही थी। शिक्षक दल के सुरेश कुमार त्रिपाठी एवं ध्रुव कुमार त्रिपाठी द्वारा शून्यकाल में उठाए गए मसले पर जवाब देते हुए अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण…
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sakettimes · 4 years
मदरसा बोर्ड की परीक्षाओं के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने का आखिरी मौका, ये है लास्ट डेट
मदरसा बोर्ड की परीक्षाओं के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने का आखिरी मौका, ये है लास्ट डेट
लखनऊ: आवेदन की सुस्ती के चलते उत्तर प्रदेश मदरसा बोर्ड (Uttar Pradesh Madrasa Board) ने आवेदन करने की तारीख एक बार फिर से बढ़ा दी है. मदरसा शिक्षा परिषद (Madrasa education council) द्वारा संचालित विभिन्न परीक्षाओं के लिए आवेदन फॉर्म ऑनलाइन जमा करने की तारीख 18 फरवरी तक बढ़ा दी गई है. ऑफलाइन आवेदन स्वीकार नहीं किए जाएंगे. आवेदन फॉर्म मदरसा पोर्टल (Madarsa Portal) पर भरे जाएंगे. इस डिग्री के आगे…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
मदरसा बोर्ड के टॉपर्स के लिए योगी सरकार का तोहफा, पहली बार मिलने जा रहा है सम्मान
मदरसा बोर्ड के टॉपर्स के लिए योगी सरकार का तोहफा, पहली बार मिलने जा रहा है सम्मान
[ad_1] योगी सरकार मदरसा बोर्ड के टॉपर्स के लिए कुछ खास करने जा रही है. टॉप करने वाले छात्र-छात्राओं की डिटेल सरकार ने मांगी है. सरकार की ओर से उन्हें एक लाख रुपये और टैबलेट दी जाएगी. बोर्ड का रिजल्ट आने पर अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण विभाग ने सम्मान राशि की घोषणा की थी. [ad_2] Source link
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prabudhajanata · 3 years
UP Madarsa : मदरसों में अब राष्‍ट्रगान अनिवार्य, जानिए और क्‍या हुए फैसले UP Madarsa: लखनऊ: उत्तर प्रदेश के मदरसे...
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Welcome to Online Quran Academy for the Best Arabic Program
Online Quran Academy USA is an up-to-date course that is done through the net and a whole control machine to hold is in a like way fittingly made. The essential standards rearward of the net rules are communicated to be that those are one more choice and the most ideal way to explore Quran recently because of the momentum conditions individuals are mainly staying in and to get a keep up inside their plans and be good for research Quran they pursue those informational conveyances. Taking Online Quran headings is the simplest extra choice for the Muslim individuals around the field at an overall level. They don't have any the madarsa commitments rather than several Muslim nations so that is the manner in which they're as of now fit for taking the net one wherein they can be prepared for take their bearings and be good for research Quran with right tajweed rules and to have an instructor to manual him/her, later which the periods may be finished through past responsibility. Online Quran Academy is essentially appropriate along these lines and that they fill in and are valuable too for each way. Their carrier doles out the Quran teachers which help their students and manual their way in those disseminations through the technique for a strategy for being secured with all in their troubles in the center.
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Arranging Plans:
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What Are The Online Classes About?
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Understudies who explore the Quran in like manner can recall their improvement through the strategy for a technique for overwhelming unmatched Arabic sentence construction and talk, records of the Islamic certainty, and maintenance of the Quran. Anyone can endeavor to be higher from how they're at present and being close to Allah is the most direct way. These right course periods are communicated to be gainful inside the record of definite deeds. Any person who announces to be a Muslim ought to be good for reviewing and relating the Quran so he/she may be fit to talk about the Quran.
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Online Quran Academy USA ought to be enjoyed all around due to the truth the control machine rearward of the exhibit screen preparing you Quran is probably prepared for fill in what you really want on your conceivable outcomes.
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joyceneves07 · 6 years
HRD Ministry suggested setting up National Madarsa Board
HRD Ministry suggested setting up National Madarsa Board
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In an attempt to capture the details of the unregistered Madarsas in the nation and to bring under the same system to ensure their academic standards, HRD Ministry’s NMCME has suggested setting up a national level Madarsa board. The idea to capture the unregistered Madarsa was suggested by the member of National Monitoring Committee for Minoritiesʼ Education (NCME) Afzar Shamsi. “There are two types of Madarsas, one which is ‘registeredʼ which are roughly 20 percent and the other one are ‘unregisteredʼ which are around 80 percent. All the data which the government is having is based on registered Madarsas,” Shamsi said, as quoted by the minutes of the meeting. “There is a need to capture the details of the unregistered Madarsas and bring them within the ambit of registration so that a clear picture is available,” he added. Another member Jamshid Khan said, “Madarsa boards in some states are defunct. While some states have these boards, some like Maharashtra do not have any Madarsa board”. “It is suggested that there should be an all-India level Madarsa board with a suitable system for accreditation to ensure academic standards,” Jamshid added. “Madarsa should be linked with skill development council. In order to facilitate the spread of information amongst the Madarsas besides making it available on the website, there should also be a move to spread an awareness campaign in their areas in which we members can contribute,” another panel member Suman Kumar said. The NCME meeting was chaired by the Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar. The main function of the NCME is to monitor the schemes aimed for the welfare of the minority community.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/hrd-ministry-suggested-setting-up-national-madarsa-board-8674
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xtractinfo · 3 years
How Charges Against Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui By UP Police Unbiased ? Who is Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui ?
What Media said about Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui?
Renowned Islamic Scholar Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui has been arrested by the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (UP ATS) team from Meerut in connection with the conversion case. The ATS has made major revelations in Lucknow after interrogation in the case. According to the ATS, he was funded from abroad through Hawala. He was carrying out large-scale conversions to influence the people and implement the Shariah system and change the population ratio. Maulana Kaleem's activities were suspected to be suspicious. The UP ATS had been keeping an eye on him for a long time.
From Where Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui was arrested?
Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui (64 years) along with other Maulanas along with other Maulanas had come to a function at imam Shariq's residence of Masjid Mashaullah in Humayunnagar at Lisarigate in Meerut at 7 pm on Tuesday. After Isha's prayers at 9 pm, he left for Phulat by car with his companions. Meanwhile, the family called him but found the mobile switched off. The family informed Imam Shariq in Meerut. Family members and acquaintances launched a search but did not get information. A crowd of people then gathered at Lisarigate police station. The commotion continued till late in the night. After some time it was learnt that Maulana was arrested by the ATS. Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui and three Maulana and driver Salim, a resident of Phoolat in Khatoli area of Muzaffarnagar, were picked up by the security agency on Tuesday night. The four Maulanas were questioned by lucknow ATS overnight. The investigating agency has since made a major revelation in the case today.  
What did UP Police Say about Maulana Kaleem Siddique?
According to Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (UP ATS), Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui, a resident of Muzaffar Nagar, UP and  lives in Delhi, carries out illegal religious conversions under the guise of various social, religious and educational institutions for which funding is done from abroad. He misleads and misleads non-Muslims and converts them and then puts them into this work. Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui was picked up by the ATS on suspicion of conversion. Islamic scholar Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui was the target of the security agency for suspected activity. The agency was already aware of Maulana's visit to Meerut. That is why the investigating agency caught him during his return. Interrogation revealed that Maulana Kaleem jamia imam operates a trust called Waliullah. He also funds several madarsas for which he is sent huge sums of money from abroad through hawala. Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui has been accused of carrying out countless conversions. Tell us that Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui of Phulat is one of the Islamic scholars. He is also the director of Jamia Imam Waliullah Islamia, a madarsa in Phulat. The ATS investigation revealed that under the guise of Maulana Madarsas, Pagame inspires people to convert to Islam by showing greed or fear of things like Jannat and Jahannum on the pretext of spreading the message of humanity and later train them and convert others.
About Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui
Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui, who is an Islamic Scholar was born on 23rd September 1957 at Phulat, a village in Muzaffar Nagar district, Uttar Pradesh, India. He was a brilliant student in his childhood and He had secured 57th rank in Pre-Medical Test. But Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui did not go for MBBS and instead of Medical Degree he preferred to Islamic Studies and graduated from famous Islamic Institution in Uttar Pradesh, Darul Uloom, Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow. He also did his B.Sc degree in Chemistry. He runs a Madarsa or vocational institute in his locality and facilitates training courses for graduates of other Madarsas for skill development and preparing them for a better and prosperous life. Maulana is very much inspired by Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (Ali Miyan). Maulana Kaleem Siddique has established Jamiyat Imam Waliullah Trust for Charity and Preaching Islam or Da’wah work. Maulana has started several Schools and Madarsas in various parts of UP and other states in India. These institutions are being monitored and controlled by the some State Centers. Maulana Kaleem Siddique also publishes magazine “Armughan” in Urdu, “Sarva Shanti” in Hindi and “Al-Khair” in Arabic. He has established an NGO named World Peace Organization (WPC) which works for peace and communal harmony in India. He is a famous Preacher of Islam in India and He is delivering tremendous social works for the socio-economic upliftment and development of the society. And it is worthy to mention that due to his social services to the deprived class regardless of religion, caste and creed, Maulana has emerged as a brother to the whole humanity. Maulana kaleem Siddiqui has immense pain, love and care for everyone he encounters with. He never wants money, vote or fame for his services to the society.
Is Preaching Religion A Crime?
If a person attracted by the beauty of a religion, He hopes for salvation there and he willingly converts to that religion, is it unconstitutional?
If someone helps the above person to do the same thing, that is help him to convert to his chosen religion, is the helper a criminal constitutionally?
And now If someone explains the beauty of his religion to others and some attracted to the religion and want willing full conversions, is the person who explained a criminal?
The Constitution of India’s Article 25 guarantees the freedom of conscience, the freedom to profess, practice and propagate religion to all citizens.
The conversion of religion is not new and it cannot be done forcefully except few cases. Thousands of people converted daily and mostly converted to Islam globally. Fortunately thousands of people converted in India in the hand of Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui. Practically it is not possible to convert forcefully thousands of people providing them money. Definitely for the real beauty of Islam, people are attracted most to this religion. Surely, Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui used to explain the beauty and real value of Islam to the people and many attracted to Islam. It is not digested that forcefully and instead of money people are converting to Islam, globally almost in every country there are such conversions to Islam, then who is funding them.
There might be some political agenda behind this case and Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui defamation might help some Political leaders to gain advantages in the upcoming UP Assembly Elections. Moreover, Maulana’s social works and services not only limited to Muslim community, non-muslims are being benefitted as well. He is a popular figure in Hindu Community of the locality too. Recently, Maulana Kaleem also attended the Rashtra Pratham and Rashtra Sarveshram programme organized by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat in Mumbai on 7th September 2021.
Is Foreign Fund illegal?
Many religious and non-religious, non-government organizations are getting fund from abroad and utilizing social works, religious works etc. India has Acts like FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010) for regulating and utilizing those funds. Christian Missionaries are raising huge funds from abroad and where they are utilizing those funds? All we know that their mission is not only education or upliftment of the society but also religious conversions. Is government monitoring their money led conversions? Why it is irritated when Muslim organizations get fund from abroad? UP Police circulating that Maulana gets 3 Crores from abroad and 1.5 Crores from Bahrain, is it not monitored by External Affairs Ministry or is it not regulated by FCRA, how foreign funds received without the consent of External affairs ministry?
There are many such questions that prove that there may be some dominating politics going on in the State UP and in some other states. Inspecting and monitoring activities of Organizations is good but targeting a particular religion and dominating them somehow degrading the values of Secularism in India Republic.
If Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui is arrested intentionally for some political gains, polarization of voters etc, Then It is very unfortunate for our country. India Republic is a Secular Country and the Constitution of India guarantees some freedom to each and every citizen irrespective of Religion, Caste and Creed. So the beauty of this country should not be stained. And yes, unbiased, proper and honest inspections must be done to each such case and Truth must come out. Lastly, as an Indian we believe in “Satyameva Jayate”
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shystoryrebel · 3 years
He was one of the part time and replacement taxi drivers that used to work and live near our society building.  He came here to work in the month of January after the massacre of Hindus by Jihadis in Punditwari, Anantnag. There were many drivers working as drivers there at all times. Some of them work in day and some at night. Some work only on holidays. They all stay in dingy little servant quarters near the parking area in different residential societies. Generally they do not keep their families with them due to financial constrains and problem of insufficient living space. Most of these drivers were Muslims and were illiterate and lazy difficult fellows who were, it seems happy to survive some how. Amidst the dirty and dusty bodies of cars their poverty and laziness was in tune. But in glaring contrast, they were very attentive and caring to the commands of local tough, bearded, skull capped maulvi.
  Sigris were cold in pundit helmets,
People here were fuels to jihadi guns,
Wailing widows crying for slaughtered kins.
Terrified returning homeward their tired way,
As world a towering inferno to them.
The air was carrying a sad silent tone,
Weeping birds complain to moon and stars
Crying about the lost ones,
Who will never be seen again?
No memorials erected for those slaughtered,
As they were not mad vote machines.
In that method less madness,
Some might have slaughtered with a fire within,
Or arms that might have raised an empire,
Or hands that might have rocked the oceans,
Some great Vivekananda might be there,
Or some cherished Tendulkar,
Might have lost his blood.
All merit they had but sad fate,
Slaughtered for a status and crown
And their shivering bones remained,
Unprotected from insult and bloodbath.
Let not power mock their toll,
Sad destiny and remorseful smile,
And rude kotwals of secular trade dancing,
Multicultural dons will remain their,
To curse names and race for their trade
Bestowed with a treasure hidden.
On unclaimed pyre lie their corpses,
Unfortunate, cursed and unattended,
Nation mocking their poor faith,
Alas! Poor pundits of Death Valley.
              So I was surprised when I first met Ram Sunder Razdan last winter when I was going back to Khurja, in his taxi, for the winter vacation. He was absolutely different from other drivers. He was of average height, strongly built, sharp and attractive features, shining and pointed black moustache with some aging hairs, hiding the upper lip. He did justify his name by his decent and graceful mannerism. He was a retired army man. His uniform was always ironed with clear crease and shoes always polished, true to his army background. He was so different from his dull and lazy fellow drivers, with ugly Kabuli looks, in mismatched uniform, soiled shoes, ill mannered behavior that he was actually a pleasure to see in true sense. He was simply a mismatch to that ghetto like environment.
A clay pot that contains milk will be ranked higher than a golden pot that has dirt in it. It is not the outer glamour but the inner wisdom that makes a person valuable.
             When first time I met him in the tin shade counter, made by the taxi drivers for their rest and wait. There he was getting harsh up-brandings from Mr.Hassan Farooqui. Mr Farooqui resides in our society in a flat and is in his forties and recently returned from America after the bombing of 9/11. All the time he used to vent his frustration on every body on his run from that dream land due to the extra ordinary watch kept on Muslims in America after 9/11. Mr.Farooqui has mysterious business and in the society considered being rich. He is very arrogant of his possessions and he boasts it with gold chain in his neck and left wrist decks with expensive Rolex gold watch and the HTC Heur cell-phone in his long kurta pocket. He is dwarf sized, bulky and fast going bald. His face has loose skin and black patches due to excess intake of imported whisky. In himself he is a class ready to plunge anywhere for the sake of quick and easy money. People uses to whisper that of late, he supplies young and notorious boys for stone pelting on security forces to get heavy bucks from across the border.  
              Farooqui is a fat and modern consumer like any other neo-rich. He was a fast and quick buyer to live and enjoy, seeing a purpose for his life. He consumes to live and lives to consume. If some thing new and branded is not added to his catalogue of things he may wind up and die but he was faithful to the preaching of Holy Quran like a sarkari babu loyal to his work and files and constitution of India.
              Again back to the encounter between Farooqui and Ram Sunder Razdan. Ram sunder sitting on a broken, loosely tied cot and Farooqui in front of him, furiously shouting, and another man who looked wealthy like Farooqui, gold watch and chain, gesticulating abusively and shouting in the same manner. It seems both were very angry with Ram Sunder Razdan for some reason. Normally I usually ignore Farooqui and his bad company because it was their routine shouting session on one or the other. Farooqui is the president of the housing society and he was proud of his president ship. Due to this position he was always in demand, some time by trouble shooter communal separatist leaders or some time by law enforcing bodies to get his help in restoring peace and order. He was a very cunning interlocutor.
              But it was Ram Sunder Razdan—his bright confident face and high bearing with an inmate pride in himself, a sense of defiance to these owls and injured pride like a wounded tiger made me stop to look over the wrangling with an awe and shock. A totally astonishing thing happened. Ram Sunder Razdan said to Farooqui and company, “But sir it was not my mistake, I was just driving the car,” in clear and chaste manner but a little bit of rural accented English. It was a very interesting dramatic scene. Farooqui is stupefied and cannot believe his ears nor can his friend. They were looking side to avoid that insulting situation in my presence.  Ram Sunder Razdan is also elated on this unexpected upper hand. Farooqui and his friend is now red faced and started barking out like a mad dog. These two gentlemen have their education in madarsas.
              ‘You talk to me in English! How dare you talk?’ Shouted Farooqui.
           ‘I just said that I was driving, and I am not a rustic. I do speak English’, Ram Sunder Razdan replied to Farooqui and company in Hindi.
           ‘I will boot you out.’
           Ram Sunder Razdan kept quiet at this and some how controlled his anger.
           I intervened and try to remain neutral ‘what is the matter, Farooqui sahib?’
              With a sigh of relief he turned and looked at me. Normally he considers me as an insignificant fellow in the society and never pays any attention to me but that day he treated me with respect and glad to see me there as a person who can pull him out of that tight position. He treated me in a very friendly manner.
              ‘Ah Sharmaji, good you are here,’ he tried to speak in English but soon good sense prevailed and he switched over to Hindi which was worse than his English. ‘My friend Basher Mohammad (here the troubled man smiled and I responded back with smile), came to talk to this man to hire a driver and this rough idiot driver asked him about his identity.’
              I come to this stand very frequently and every body knows me well here and I was never subjected to this type of enquiry. He wanted to bring a person who can vouch for me and when I refused, he very harshly refused me to give any driver or taxi to me.
             I felt very uncomfortable in being involved with such type of stupid thing but still I spoke hesitantly, ‘he was right and more over due to terrorism and insurgency one has to see the anecdotes of a person before working for him and he doesn’t know you.’
             To support his friend Farooqui shouted, ‘He insulted my friend,’ but there was not any conviction this time in his tone.  
             Due to terrorism and insurgency in the Kashmir valley only a Muslim name was enough to create a sense of discomfort in any body’s mind.
             ‘These rules have been made by the government agencies for our safety, and Mr.Razdan was following the rules what he has been told to follow and these are for our safety.’
             Farooqui and Basher Mohammad glared at me and then Farooqui said angrily, “Sharmaji I am going to complain to the society welfare committee and your father about your attitude.” I simply smiled at his threat and ignored his comments. He quickly entered the lift and his friend followed him like a scooter’s extra tire (stepni).  
              Later on, my servant Krishna told me that his name was Ram Sunder Razdan and that he was a Brahman. I learnt from Krishna that the other driver did not like him, thought him to be arrogant due to his mannerism, education and army background. But they thought this was because Ram Sunder Razdan was of a ‘higher’ caste and all the other being Muslims, uneducated and ill-mannered. He was very reserved by nature and kept to himself. In his free times, he reads English and religious books in the drivers’ room. Children used to come to him to get their homework done in a very smooth and correct manner. All this according to my servant was bad behavior, but he agreed that he was the best driver working at that taxi stand and highly liked by ladies and children. He was very smart, efficient and did his job excellently and very competently. For his competency women and children used to give him good tips. This made male family members and other taxi drivers jealous of him. Even he used to help society ladies and children without any extra charge for their minor works, like dropping and picking their children from the school whenever they miss the bus. On this other taxi drivers started spreading all type of rumors about his character.
              Mr.Hassan Farooqui did complain to my father but he did not pay any attention to him nor did he say thing to me. But after that incident, Farooqui, with his wounded pride, started misinformation campaign against Ram Sunder Razdan. He criticized Ram Sunder for every thing and any thing. He called him inefficient and said rash while driving. He even claimed he had caught him driving under the influence of wine. He was bent on getting him booted out, come what way. But the problem was that no one was sympathetic to these two fools and other residents, especially women and children were opposed to this tirade, so Ram Sunder stayed there.
              Hassan Farooqui couldn’t digest this reality that a poor miserable little Kashmiri Pundit driver had answered back a Muslim here in Kashmir in this manner and that too in English. He was sure; it was just to insult him in front of his friend and worse, in front of me. He was very upset about the insult in ‘English’.
              In his blind arrogance he never even realized that he could ever have been wrong. He had always been wealthy and the rich and wealthy are always right; and he had no doubt about his conviction. On the other hand, Ram Sunder Razdan, on his part remained the same in his behavior towards Hassan Farooqui and his friend and did nothing that was counter productive except he stopped offering ‘Salaam’ to Farooqui and his friends, while he could offer ‘Salaam’ to other persons and this made Farooqui furious with no end.
              After that incident, I came to know more about Ram Sunder from talking with him every now and then for five-ten minutes when I had free time. He felt highly obliged to me for my timely intervention on that ‘fateful’ day for which he profusely thanked me. The other drivers also realized his worth by that time. Ram Sunder would read to them, news and stories from English newspaper and magazines, around the world as English newspapers and magazines were much more informative than the poor local Kashmiri newspapers. They had unofficially elected him as their president and I thought that he possesses all the leadership qualities, as he came from a race that was once leaders and most intelligent thinkers of that state. His fore fathers must have waged wars against the British and Muslim rulers amidst the beautiful natural heavenly beauty. But now due to the communal politics of the state governments and central governments in the name of secularism these Pundits are forced to lead the life of refuses in their own country and were toiling hard for daily meal.
               Ram Sunder Razdan was an educated person. He was intermediate pass from the Commerce and Arts Government College; Anantnag, the very same college, his father used to teach Sanskrit there, but was killed by Islamic terrorists. Ram Sunder Razdan has to leave his studies and his village and had to join army that he liked. Razdans did not have much land and property and some of it had to be sold for his sister’s wedding and brother’s studies. He himself had married when he was only twenty and now his one son and daughters were living in a refugee camp in Delhi. Unlike other Muslim drivers who had big families, he has small but sad family. The income from the farm was nothing as he had to leave the farming due to the terrorists’ threat and local people usurped his land and gave nothing in its return. His younger brother had to discontinue his studies due to the terror threat.
   After the retirement from the army he got a job as a teacher in a school near Shrinagar, but after a year without pay and with no hope of the situation ever improving, he quit the job and left the place and came to Shrinagar. Drifting from one job to other, sometimes working as a helper in a grocery shop, sometimes even as a laborer. In Kashmir, it was very difficult for Hindus to get a good job. Hindus are considered as children of lesser God. Fed up with all these, he finally started this driving job. He would tell me all his past things without any hesitation to reduce his pain. I could feel his pain beneath his silence. He hadn’t met his wife and children since a year and this made him more sad and gloomy.  
   God send me on the earth, an innocent being,
Untouched by the black and white doing,
But the world branded me as a Brahmin,
And a curse fallen on this urchin,
A child of lesser God,
The entire honor was forbidden to this pod.
  Education, help, livelihood;
All was snatched by Robin Hood,
Some branded it as social equality,
But it was state cruelty,
Other’s called it secular passion,
But it was ugly repression,
All the isms kill human rights,
They are the Janus face of racial might.
   He was very well informed and well read which was very amazing for a man of this humble background. Reading was a passion to him and very often he used to discuss the things that he had read in the newspapers and books and what he felt about them. I realized that he had a very sharp and intelligent critical bent of mind, much sharper than me even though I was a student and teacher of literature. His perception about things was remarkably very acute. Perhaps ups and down of life had taught him so much about the world and its realities.
   He started borrowing books from me though I am not as well read in Hindi literature as I should have been because Hindi is my mother tongue. But the knowledge of Hindi is not going to fetch any dividend in this English controlled economy. Moreover if Hindi books are seen in any house it was considered as a sign of educational and social backwardness. In Kashmir Hindi can also jeopardize individual safety. Among the books were collections of Munshi Premchand, Shivani, Guleri, Yatri. He was such a voracious reader that he returned back the borrowed books the very next day.
  During my evening and morning walk time we would sit in the park and talk about the books and stories, their characters and life in general and feared life in Kashmir in particular, until I went back to my flat. Now he stopped saluting me and begins greeting me with Ram Ram which made me very glad and comfortable as I was not his army officer or boss. He has tremendous love for his wife and he would wear a saffron colored sweater, symbol of patriotism and bravery, knitted by his wife over his white uniform.  
  In the first week of January he sent a little note to me, requesting to borrow five hundred rupees, which he will repay during the summer season when the tourism season is on its peak. At home his wife needed that money urgently to deposit the exam fee of his school going kids. He also wrote in the note that he is now penniless and he had no money left even to take his meals. He wrote that he had not eaten any morsel for two days and now having difficulty in driving. It was a short, formal and very decent letter as was his manners.  
  I had gone out so my wife came down with the money and gave to him. She also gave some food to Ram Sunder.
 When Mr.Hassan Farooqui.came to know about this help, he mocked me and my wife about this and named Ram Sunder a lazy impotent bull. He was under this wrong impression that probably Ram Sunder and other drivers consume wine at night because he had heard loud noises from some where and that is where all money is wasted. But I ignored him. This made him more jealous of me.
  Hassan Farooqui was a highly religious man. He was very liberal in giving donations to mosques, madarsas and other Islamic institutions and bodies. He used to read prayers five times a day and regularly used to organize Quran reading at his flat. But shockingly enough has no respect for any other religion or any other human being of different faith. I wondered what kind of God he believed in. His God must be a small and narrow God.
  On the occasion of Eid all were partying and marry making. All were greeting each other and a big party was organized in the open ground of our apartment building. Since I do not like such extravaganzas and think these are wastage of time and money and hence are social evils. I did not go down to attend the party and instead preferred to read Wounded Civilization, by V.S Naipaul but my wife joined the party and came back home after midnight. Hassan Farooqui’s organized a separate party in his apartment, stealthily. Some westernized, convent educated, youngsters were invited in that party. In that party liquor was served and consumed very liberally. Majority of the residents were unaware of such a party. But many friends of Hassan Farooqui failed to turn up on account of Eid. They did not like the idea of such a party on the holy occasion of Eid. Moreover in Islam consumption of liquor is considered an un-Islamic act.  
  Due to all these factors, the food was left untouched because more food than needed was ordered. Large quantity of meat, chicken, biryani, paneer, egg curry, malai kofta, rasgulla, and gulab jamun was left untouched with no one to consume. By that time ladies went in hiding and the remaining gentlemen were so much intoxicated that they were in no position even to stand forget about eating.
  In the midst of this jam session, one of the gentlemen, drunk heavily, suggested to call all the taxi drivers, from the taxi stand, so that the food is not wasted. He requested Zafar, who was there watching this drama silently and having number of pegs of his own, ‘Zafar sahib, go downstairs and call all the taxi drivers from the stand to eat, as someone has to consume all these left over items.’
  So Zafar went to the taxi stand and called all the taxi drivers present there to come upstairs. All the taxi drivers rushed except Ram Sunder Razdan. All the drivers gulped the food very fast and went back to the taxi stand. A number of them had disturbed stomach the next morning. As Ram Sunder picked a plate up started taking items for himself, Hassan Farooqui rushed to him and loudly, sarcastically said, ‘Oh Mr. Ram Sunder Razdan, I hope you must be hungry as always, you probably might not have seen or eaten such delicious food ever in your life, so eat carefully, keeping in mind your stomach, don’t over eat all these fabulous dishes.’ And then he laughed boisterously and patted Ram Sunder on the back very roughly. Ram Sunder felt very insulting and humiliating and that his heart and mind were sinking. He quietly put the plate on the table and walked out, aware of everybody’s eyes drilling on him. The other drivers ignored Ram Sunder’s humiliation and enjoyed and filled themselves up to brim.
  What happened next was very sad and unfortunate; may be tragic but ‘tragic’ is reserved for certain other groups and categories, which does not definitely include the minor and insignificant character like Ram Sunder Razdan. Moreover he was a pundit and in the valley and elsewhere in India pundits are considered insignificant human beings. On that tragic night Ram Sunder did not go to work. After the party died naturally and all the people gone to sleep, Ram Sunder sat in a corner and brooded over his miserable life and what had happened. All the tragic and past events reconstructed in his mind. He was hopelessly sad and full of pain and hurt. He started thinking about his family. He thought about his beautiful, innocent wife, who still looked pretty in spite all the pains in her life. Locals had tried to kidnap her before they flee from the village; about his loyal but equally unfortunate brother and his beloved land and village but now thirsty for his blood. Although the land possession was very small but it was full of life and dreams but all wasted
  He remembered how on one fateful night he hear the shouts of Allah Ho Akbar and terrorist with green flags in their hand, appeared suddenly  and started raining bullets. With great difficulty they could save their lives but the village and the small chunk of land was lost to him forever. He wept inconsolably that night in a temporary refugee camp, holding his wife tightly and their son sleeping calmly, unaware of the storm that has uprooted their lives and future. It was the beautiful face of his wife and innocent calm face of his son who made him leave his village for a new beginning. Otherwise chivalrous army man inside him was awakened to retaliate and teach a lesson to those butchers.
  It was again his wife’s and son’s faces, that night, around two o’clock after midnight that rocked the balance of his mind. With his bare but strong hands he broke the wooden walls of the cabin. With his blows he broke the glass door, the wooden chairs and cot and telephone system. His hands were bleeding profusely, fingers fractured. Other drivers got a chance to settle their jealousy. Instead of stopping Ram Sunder they rushed to the near by police post. When they came back with four policemen and they all beat him up mercilessly. Ram Sunder became unconscious, but by that time that taxi office was totally converted into trash. One of the taxi drivers rushed to inform me, knowing his closeness with me. I woke up and went downstairs with my wife. Some other residents also followed me to see the humiliation of Ram Sunder.
  Ram Sunder was in the taxi office. They had tied him up like a bull with the cord used to pull the defective cars. His entire body became blue due to merciless beating and was badly swollen and his hands were badly bleeding. His eyes were open but blank and expressionless like aliens. I untied his hands and legs but he lay there on the floor motionless. As was expected, no other male member came down to see Ram Sunder. But strangely enough their women folk were seen sobbing and children crying to the condition of there dear Ram Sunder. No body took him to the hospital. I tried to take him to the hospital but no one helped me there. I could not understand what to do. Even I failed to understand whether Ram Sunder was dead or alive.
                    nai’nam chindanti śastrāni nai’nam dahati pāvakah
na cai’nam kledayanty āpo na śosayati mārutah
 acchedyo’yam adāhyo’yam akledyo’ śosya eva ca
nityah sarvagatah sthānur acalo’yam sanātanah
 Weapons do not cut this spirit (Atma), fire does not burn it, water does not make it wet, and the wind does not make it dry. Atma cannot be cut, burned, wet, or dried. It is eternal, all-pervading, unchanging, immovable, and primeval. (2.23-24)
    In a far off place near the main city mosque, a tall leader, Maulana Mohammad Faheem wearing, long kurta, short salwar and round skull cap roaring that we will die for secularism and ultimately for Kashmiriyat and a Nazim, standing on a wall top, fingers in his ears, reciting Islamic prayer, “ Allah ho Akbar.” Some where in the fields a bull was yelling. A group of stone palter boys were hitting the poor bull to safeguard their secular traditions and Kashmiriyat.
  Mute nation, counting coffins,
Stands dazed by the pyre,
Waiting for the next victims,
To be put on pyre.
  Country deaf and dumb,
Shrouded in fear, numb,
Wailing widows, children orphaned,
Flashed across the streets like lambs.
  Up on a platform,
A wolf in whites, roaring,
Loudspeaker blowing,
Jai ho, jai ho, jai ho,
Nation salutes the resolute spirit.
Living race can’t wait five years,
Think and decide today.
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bengalbytes · 3 years
UP Madarsa Board Class 10, 12 Exams 2021 Cancelled Due To Covid-19 Pandemic
UP Madarsa Board Class 10, 12 Exams 2021 Cancelled Due To Covid-19 Pandemic
UP Madarsa Board Exams 2021 Cancelled: The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to cancel the Uttar Pradesh Madarsa Education Council Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations 2021. The decision has been taken as a precautionary measure keeping in mind the current Covid-19 pandemic. According to the news agency ANI, an official release regarding this decision has also been released.  According to…
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Questioning a professor’s religion | Opinion - analysis
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Sharing his thoughts on India’s famed syncretic culture, internationally acclaimed poet, Munawwar Rana, while talking to Hindustan Times recently recalled how “several Hindu students belonging to the lower castes used to study in a Rae Bareli madarsa, Alamgiri Masjid, in the 1950s as they often failed to get admission in mainstream schools. Hindi was taught as ‘Aa’ (the Hindi alphabet) se Allah and ‘Ra’ se Ram.”The masjid was established by Aurangzeb, the sixth Mughal emperor, who ruled over South Asia for almost five decades. Then Allah and Ram did not represent the Muslims and Hindus nor were they taught ‘ha’ se Hindu and ‘ma’ se musalmman. No one had then raised objection to Muslims teaching Hindu students in a madarsa .Today, in the 21st century, the religion of a professor has unfortunately taken precedence over his qualifications as agitating students of faculty of Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vijnam of Banaras Hindu University demand removal or transfer of Dr Feroze Khan as he is a Muslim. The students ended their dharna on Friday after the Kashi unit of RSS came in support of Prof Feroze Khan.But why did the issue arise in the first instance? The answer perhaps was given by senior Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) leader, Indresh Kumar, when he had told the media in Lucknow on Thursday: “The protest is not against any particular religion. If the teacher assures that he will follow the traditional way of Sanskrit teaching by performing all rituals, the issue will be dissolved.”But the fact is that many a Muslim teachers have taught Sanskrit just as Hindus have taught Urdu language. After all, music, culture and language never had any religious or regional boundaries.For instance, UP’s deputy chief minister and higher education minister, Dinesh Sharma, is famous for his proficiency in Hindu religious practices. He too had picked up some lessons in Sanskrit from a Muslim professor, Wallullah Khan, when he was studying at the Government Jubilee Inter College in Lucknow.The agitating students, who owe their affiliation to the Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad, cannot find any fault with Sharma’s learnings and leanings though he studied under a Muslim professor.BHU was founded by the BJP’s icon Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya. His grandson, Justice (retired) Girdhar Malviya, has not only backed the appointment of Prof Feroze Khan, but is confident that the BHU founder would have also approved it had he been alive.In fact MM Malviya, a firm believer in composite culture, had then invited Mahesh Prasad to join the Urdu department. Prasad, a renowned scholar of Arabic, Persian and Urdu, later became its head. Today, on the same campus, one hears slogans against the appointment of a Muslim professor staining its glorious century-old years history of social and communal amity.In neighbouring Allahabad, the Sanskrit department was headed by a Muslim Prof Kishwar Jabin Nasreen.Move further east of UP. Prof Ashab Ali joined as assistant lecturer on an ad hoc basis to teach the vedas at the Department of Sanskrit in DDU Gorakhpur University way back in 1977. He started sporting a beard and wearing a skull cap after Haj in 1997. Still, Hindu students fought for him when the authorities overlooked his claim on promotion while giving it to two Hindu professors.Why this ruckus today with seers also taking a plunge in support of the students? Aren’t we becoming an intolerant society raising questions that were not raised previously when many Muslim professors were teaching Sanskrit? How many of us ever tried to know the caste or the religion of our teachers?Amid all the commotion, Dr Feroz Khan has gone underground. Though he is not accessible, it was indeed a pleasure to watch Feroze Khan’s father on television the other day singing a bhajan. While Feroz has made it to the prestigious BHU as a Sanskrit professor, his other three siblings still sing bhajans, portraying the rich cultural diversity of India.But they stained BHU’s glorious history of communal amity. Why did the government take so long to react? Source link Read the full article
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Online Quran Academy Provide Online Quran Classes
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airolcus · 5 years
UP Madarsa Board declared results for the 2019 exams
UP Madarsa Board declared results for the 2019 exams
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UP Madarsa Board results for the exams held in 2019 have been released by the UP Board of Madarsa Education. Students who had appeared for the exam can now check the results using the roll numbers. The result is available on the official website of the UP Madarsa Board. The results have been released for all the classes i.e. Aliya, Amil, Kamil and Fazil. According to the reports more than 5000 students appeared for the exams. The exams were held at 13 different examination centers which were spread across the state. Steps to check the UP Madarsa Board Result 2019 Visit the official website of the UP Madarsa Board – madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.inClick on the link for the results. The link is available on the homepage of the websiteSelect your class from the drop-down menuEnter your 10 digit roll number in the space providedClick on the submit buttonYour result will be displayed on the screenDownload the result and take the print out for future reference
Source: https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/up-madarsa-board-declared-results-for-the-2019-exams-9366
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