#Made this for the LU Discord Prompt
ra-archives · 1 year
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They are exploring and totally not getting lost, that would never happen.
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sunfloweraro · 10 days
Prompt: How do you wake a sleeping Sky? (Wrong answers only)
Wild makes a terrible choice, one he will come to regret soon.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
“Are you sure this is safe?”
Wild waved Hyrule off. “Don’t worry so much. We’re almost there, we just need to move him a little farther.”
“If you’re sure…”
“You can try and wake him if you’d like?”
Hyrule, wisely, elected not to reply, focusing his efforts tenfold on carrying Sky, bedroll and all, toward the lake. Wild had drawn the short straw this morning, and it was his duty to wake Sky. Knowing better than to try and shake the trained knight awake—Legend had earned a dagger to the side once, and though the wound had been a mere graze, none of them had risked their lives like that again.
“Just in the sand here,” Wild said, and together, they set Sky down next to the water. Phase one of his plan was complete.
Next was getting the hell away from the ticking time-bomb that was an asleep Sky.
“Come on, we need to sit in a tree for this.” Hyrule looked at him funny, but followed, too curious to leave matters be. Together, they clambered up into a tree close enough to see Sky, but far enough away to be out of range when he awoke. Although, if Wild’s plan worked, Sky would have bigger problems than knifing one of them.
Wild pulled out his bow, and Hyrule paled. “Um, Champion, is that a good idea?”
“I won’t hit him,” Wild assured Hyrule. Hyrule did not seem reassured, more so when Wild pulled out a bomb arrow.
But he accepted he wouldn’t be able to stop Wild now. “He’s going to kill us.”
Wild grinned. Drew back the string on his bow and aimed carefully—close enough to Sky that his plan would be effective, while not maiming him in the slightest. A deep breath in—and a brief check to ensure no one else was watching them—and Wild loosed the arrow.
The lake exploded. Water flew into the air unceremoniously, and what goes up must always come down—in this instance, straight onto their dreaming Skyloftian. Sky awoke instantly with a shriek as ice-cold water thundered down on him. “Why?!” he demanded.
Hyrule hummed approvingly. “Good work, Champion. If we’re lucky, he won’t notice us—”
“You two!”
“Hyrule,” Wild said, turning to his friend with a pleasant smile. “Run.”
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twidash-ftw-blysse · 10 months
LU where everything is the same, except they're all dressed as Disney princesses
Sky, Hyrule, Four, and Warriors:
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Legend and Wind:
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Sky (again lmao) and Time:
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Twilight and Wild:
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I decided to draw all the LU boys in Disney Princess dresses for the weekly prompt on the LU Discord server.
Please feel free to disagree with any choices I made LMAO
I think all the Disney princesses are all recognizable, except for MAYBE Legend who is Ariel.
Lmk who your favs are!
Also would like to point out the relationship between Time, Twilight, and Wild and look who they are as princesses ;)
Also screenshots I redrew from Jojo's comic below:
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whatvioletdoes-blog · 3 months
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Slightly cursed meme recreation made for one of the sprint prompts in the LU discord server (the prompt was 'why do I hear boss music?'), you're all very welcome XD
Legend should have known better than to bring out the rupees where Ravio could find him
Original meme under the cut, in case anyone doesn't know exactly what this is based on lol
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binouchetruc · 7 months
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this was originally made for the "artifact" 2h sprint prompt on the lu discord server, and thus kinda about lu time, but it also fits any loz thing where oot!link could end up in botw :P
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geekky-kawaii · 1 year
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Baby four baby four baby four
Made for the weekly prompt on the LU discord serveur 👌
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shams-of-the-wild · 3 months
Burning Under Bloody Moonlight (Drink Sunny Stars)
| [Ao3 Link] |
It was never a good sign when the portals were unexpected, or when it split them up, or when it left them unconscious.
Of course, the latest portal just happens to do all three.
Legend, understandably, is less than pleased. Especially at Hylia.
{Written during a six hour long, sprint prompt of the Linked Universe discord — Prompt: Stars don't shine, they burn}
Word Count: 2,431.
Warnings: Legend has Chronic Pain and PTSD (and is accidentally Irish), Burns, Blood, Cooking, Swearing, Angst and Hurt/Comfort.
A/N: I ended up rewriting this fic three times and I did not intend to make Legend Irish, but here we are, for context, I'm Irish so I know what I'm doing. Also, thank you so much to those who commented on my previous LU fic, genuinely this is the nicest fandom I've been in. 💚 <3
As a heads up, this fic features some non canon compliant headcanons of mine (I will eventually be making a meta series/fic covering all of them), the ones in this fic are: •Blood Moons last all night (instead of fading after midnight), make all monsters (both overworld/sky and in depths) temporarily stronger for the duration, and turns all overworld/sky monsters into the gloom/malice infected versions for the duration. •The Blood Moons can shoot "meteors" that turn into enemies (such as in the cutscene we're shown of that in game). •Sunny elixirs exist and are made using star fragments, please do not try to follow the recipe in game as unfortunately it will only make Dubious Food.
 Legend awoke with a deep ache in his bones and muscles. The pressure had changed. That was more than easy to tell. The pain was far too strong to be from normal weather changes, especially since they'd just been in Four's era. Fecking portals. Begrudgingly, he blinked open his gritty eyes with a grimace.
 The sand was warm beneath his hands. Warm from the dying light of the sun, washing the sky in a viscous cloudy red. Like blood billowing out of a wound in the darkest depths of the water.
 Red sky at night, sailor's delight.
 It didn't feel like a delight when they were in Wild's era. Especially when the embers and ashes of malice began to bleed from the ground, thin wispy tendrils that clawed and snarled around them.
 Legend pushed himself up off the ground, elbows and knees cracking painfully. Muscles twinging in protest. “Well feck you too.” He grumbled under his breath.
 Waiting a moment so his body would stop trying to complain, he was a hero for the oracle's sake, he took a moment to take in his surroundings. His bag was thankfully only a few metres away, a tad sodden and covered in a fine layer of sand. No sign of anyone else nearby though. Nothing happened as he made his way over to it and slung it over his shoulders with a practised ease. Though his shoes sunk into the sand a little, making each step even more strenuous and painful than usual.
 The beach he was on, was recognisable, luckily. Wild had shown them some photos of it on his slate. Eventide, he had said this island was called. It reminded Legend far too closely of Koholint. Of waking up on the sun warmed shore like a piece of jetsam.
 Then again, Wild had said there was a place on this island called Koholit. Maybe this is what became of the island in the future? Maybe that meant his island had been more than just a dream—No.
 Legend gritted his teeth, he couldn't afford to think like that. Especially when he was alone and there was one of Wild's Blood Moons rising.
 “From the breast of Hylia.” He grumbled to himself 
 He glanced up, the blighted bloody moon began to peek over the treeline. Illuminating the sky and all its numerous scattering of shattered islands hanging in the sky like bloodstained teeth and broken bones.
 A wasp circled around him, distracting him for a moment before buzzing off. But its flight path guided his sight to one sky island that stood out above the rest, a circular looking one that lurked above the island he was on. And on it—aww feck—a Gleeok. A weird looking one, with three heads. It wasn't visible at this distance as to what kind of Wild's Gleeoks it was, but it definitely was one of them.
 Luckily it hadn't noticed him yet. Knowing his luck though…
 Still, the light was waning, and he needed a way to defend himself, so his choice of weapon was more than easy. Nothing better than his good ol' trusty fire rod. Besides, Wild set monsters on fire all the time, and when in Lorule, do as the Lorulians do.
 Best to try to avoid combat as much as possible though, Wild's monsters had only gotten smarter since his latest quest and whilst already naturally black blooded, they still could get infected, and therefore even stronger and more intelligent than normal, like any other era's monsters. And as if that wasn't enough, Wild said his monsters became infused with malice during the Blood Moons, amplifying their strength even more. Meaning, if Legend stumbled across any of Wild's monsters here, they could be up to three times more dangerous than last time he fought them.
 Thankfully the blood moon never affected any other era's monsters, regardless of black blooded status, otherwise he'd be doubly fecked.
 Of course, at the exact moment he thought that, the blood moon pulsated like a thrashing Podoboo Tower. Strange star shaped meteors of malice burst from the moon's surface, like the moon was an active volcano.
 “Shite!” Legend hissed. A malice-star meteor was heading straight for him. He barely even had time to click his Pegasus boots together. Bolting across the sand, directly horizontal from the moon. Still sinking in a few centimetres, still slowing him down.
 He glanced back at the meteor “Feck! Feck! Feck!” The meteor had swerved to follow him, speeding up as well. He wasn't going to be able to outrun this.
 It slammed into his back.
 Right between his shoulder blades.
 It burned.
 Sending him skidding across the beach from the force. Clothes melting into the wound as the sand raked at his hands and face. Tearing bloody grazes across his skin.
 Finally rolling to a stop, Legend lay still. It burned,  it burned. It burned.
 Distantly, he could hear screaming.
 He wasn't alone then, someone else must be hurt. Feck, he needed to help them.
 Legend went to move, to get up. But the agony from his back flared up. Like flames dancing through his veins. Every movement felt sluggish, as if there were multiple gels clinging to him. That meteor must've been a red zol that split on impact.
 His vision began to burn, spots of black and brown began forming, spreading outwards just like how a piece of paper burns. The screaming seemed to have stopped, he couldn't hear it anymore. Though, he couldn't hear anything else either. It was like he was deep under the water again, with only his heartbeat beating silently in his ears, making his ears twitch in discomfort.
 Arse-biscuits… Was all he could think of as everything faded into darkness.
  A bright light shone in Legends face, he groaned, scrunching his eyes tight to try and block it out. Failing miserably.
 Something cool was being rubbed against his back. Numbing the burning sensation partially. He groaned, trying to wriggle away from the touch. Just because it was making it feel better, didn't mean that he was gonna sit here and let some person touch him. For all he knew, they could be rubbing poison or some shit into his wound.
 “Legend, we're not trying to poison you.” A tired voice said flatly.
 A hand grabbed each of his shoulders to hold him still.
 Legend scoffed, great, he was mumbling in delirium. “'At's what some-un' tryna poison me would say.” He slurred in response.
 “I could actually poison you, if you wanted!” A far too cheerful voice responded.
 “Wild, please for the love of Hylia.” The tired voice groaned.
 Ah. Legend stopped trying to wriggle away. Only one person sounded that hypocritically exhausted with them whenever someone said or did something stupid. That meant Wild and Time had found him.
 A disgruntled bark cut his sludge-like thoughts off.
 “And Wolfie too! He's the one that led us to you after you stopped screaming.” Wild added, as if that wasn't obvious from the bark.
 “Thanks Wolfie.” Legend muttered.
 “Aww no thanks for us?” Wild teased.
 He raised his middle finger in the direction where Wild's voice was coming from. “Feck off.”
 Reluctantly, Legend peeled his eyes open. He was facing a cooking pot over a small fire, one that had clearly been used many times. Wild was to one side of the pot, humming and stirring some sort of strange, golden shimmery liquid. Behind the cooking pot was a large chasm surrounded by viscous pulsating malice and swirls of smoke-like gloom.
 He craned his head up. Time's hands let go of Legend's shoulders as he moved.
 Wolfie was further away—on the side opposite of Wild—sitting between the edge of the beach and the start of the forest. His back was turned to them, facing towards the forest, ears pricked up and shoulders flexing from tension. Clearly on watch.
 “The others?” Legend asked.
 Time sighed heavily. “They're safe, Wind contacted us through Wild's slate earlier, they all landed in Lurelin village, they got beds in the local inn.”
 Legend scowled. “Lucky feckers.”
 A silence descended on the group. Or as silent as Wild's era could get, with the crickets chirping, the fire crackling, the waves lapping gently, and the faint squirming of the nearby malice.
 “Wild.” Legend rasped.
 Wild paused stirring whatever the concoction he was making was. “Huh, yeah?”
 “What the feck was that?” He jabbed a finger up at moon, wincing as it pulled at his back wound.
 “Moon's infected.” Wild replied with a shrug, going back to stirring.
 Time nodded sagely out of the corner of Legends eye, as if that made any fecking sense.
 “What. The. Feck.” Legend hissed.
  “Moon's infected.” Time answered.
 Wolfie made a very unimpressed snorting noise. At least someone was on Legend's side today.
 Legend did not whinge, he responded in a very normal pitch and not at all in an accusing and whiny tone. “Your moon shot a meteor at me!”
 Wild cocked his head to one side and stared at him. “Yep. It does that."
  Legend through his hands up in disbelief. “Since when!?”
 Immediately, regretting the action, as the wound burned again. “Feck it all!” He snarled, flinching viciously.
 “Careful.” Time gently pushed Legend's arms down. “I haven't finished rubbing the sunny cream into your burns.”
 “What—” Legend started.
 “—Sunny cream.” Wild cut him off, launching immediately into an explanation. “It's made using crushed sundelions, a newly discovered flower in my Hyrule, capable of treating malice burns. Helps numb the pain too. It's not as effective as eating Sunny veggie porridge, though. But it works in a pinch, especially on someone who's not capable of eating anything due to the wounds, or unconscious.”
 Legend blinked at Wild. “Still doesn't explain what the fuck is up with your moon.”
 Wild made a strangled I-don't-know noise. “Ganondorf infected the moon with stronger malice during the second quest, which as I've told you all, made it much more dangerous and it kinda never went back to normal after I defeated him.”
 “You didn't mention it could shoot fucking malice meteors.” Legend groused.
 Time patted him on the undamaged part of his shoulder. “Welcome to the moon trauma squad.”
 Legend rolled his eyes, though his faint smile betrayed his sarcasm. “Joy.”
 “To be fair, it doesn't normally hit people!” Wild huffed, waving his wooden spoon in emphasis, splashing a few drops of the golden liquid onto the sand. “The meteors usually get close, and then the malice itself coalesces into a gloom infected monster! You got unlucky, it hit you and turned into a malice fire chu-chu. Which is mildly concerning, because I've never encountered any monsters, throughout my quest, that were both elemental and consumed by malice.”
 Legend snorted. “Oh so Hylia just hates me personally then, I see how it is. The feelings mutual, fecker.” Raising both middle fingers up to the sky.
 “You're not aiming at Hylia. The only thing in that direction is a King Gleeok.” Wild rolled his eyes, a quiet laugh in the tone of his voice.
 Legend sighed in dramatic aggrievement. “Feck 'im too.”
 “Oh definitely!” Wild agreed, then froze for a second. A moment later, his face broke into the happiest expression Legend had ever seen Wild express.
“Brilliant!” Wild stopped stirring and began scooping the golden shimmery liquid into a star fragment shaped glass vial. “It's ready!”
 Legend squinted at him suspiciously. “What's ready and why are you so happy about this. Are you finally poisoning me?”
 “Nope but you do get to try my newest elixir experiment! Starry elixir!” Wild stopped the star shaped glass vial, before shoving it right in Legend's face with one hand. He tilted his head to one side again, a finger from his free hand tapping away at his lip as he began to mumble. “Although, technically, it should probably be called sunny elixir, as it works just like the sunny foods and cream. But it's not made with sundelions despite having the same malice purifying effect.”
 “Wild… do I even want to know what you've put in that?” Time asked dryly.
 Wild perked up like a dog. Practically vibrating in excitement. “Four plain chu-chu jellies, and a star fragment! Pretty simple, really. The chu-chu jellies melt into a thick gelatinous water when boiled and stirred, a the star fragment dissolves into stardust, which sticks to the gelatin in the water and once mixed thoroughly, it produces an elixir that fills you with pure light, thereby purifying the malice or gloom! The glow only lasts a few seconds unfortunately, so it's no use as a bright elixir.”
 “That definitely sounds potable.” Legend responded, laying the sarcasm on thick.
 Wild snorted. “You'd be surprised, usually it's more effective if you use dragon horns, or gibdo guts, but I thought you'd want something a little easier on the taste buds.”
 Pursing his lips, Legend glanced at Wild. “Thanks…” He said it perhaps a tad too genuine, as Wild launched forwards, tackling him into a hug.
 “Watch it!” Time snapped.
 Wild stuck his tongue out at him.
 Wolfie barked gruffly in laughter.
 Legend would join in with the laughter, if it weren't for Wild squeezing him like a like-like. He made an awful wheezing noise.
 “Oops, sorry Legend!” Wild apologised, properly handing him the stoppered elixir.
 Legend grimaced. “Why couldn't you just cook me up some sunny foods, you said they were more effective than the cream, yeah?”
 “It's not as effective as this elixir, trust me!” Wild beamed at him. “Once you've downed it, your burns will heal in a flash and you'll feel good as new!”
 Time cleared his throat. “And you've tested this before, right Wild?”
 Wild slapped his hand against his chest in mock offence. “Of course I have! Flora and I have started to drink this all the time whilst exploring the depths!”
 “Urgh, feck it, fine.” He shut his eyes and downed it in one go like a very large shot.
 Immediately he pulled the vial away from his lips, coughing and spluttering. “Feck's sake, Wild. Even the strongest whiskey I've had doesn't burn as bad as this.”
 “It's got stardust in it! Of course it'll burn, besides it's hardly as strong as Goron spice!” Wild argued.
 “Don't remind me.” Legend croaked, though his malice burns had already started shining with golden light.
 “Alright, rest up Legend.” Time instructed. “Wild will make us a boat to reach Lurelin, tomorrow at first light. Wolfie, Wild, and I will alternate between watches.”
 Legend nodded, not even bothering to put up a token fight tonight, already flopping back onto the ground. “Whatever.”
Thank you for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed this oneshot!
This honestly wasn't supposed to be another Wild gets to info dump whilst cooking fic but I clearly have discovered my niché in this fandom.
Kudos, comments, join collection requests, and bookmarks are all much appreciated!
— As always, Criticism and/or rude comments are not welcome regardless if you try to soften them with compliments/compliment sandwiches.
Otherwise, as per usual, I'll be over the (blood) moon to receive any comments, whether it's as short as <3, emojis/kaomojis/emoticons, extra kudos, or as long as a whole fic reaction comment! No matter the comment, you'll each have my undying love and gratitude.
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this is incredibly low effort and im not super proud of it but here you go (made for the lu discord prompt in like 30 min lol)
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myolympusgarden · 2 years
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also made for the weekly prompt on the LU discord! nothing but cuddles >:D
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zarvasace · 11 days
I made a lil guy inspired by your lil guy for the weekly prompt challenhe on the LU discord server
*hands him over*
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Just a guy
Oh my goshhhhhhh he's so cute!! I love that fun background and the dramatic lighting! Give the boy a ponytail! Flailing 💙
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cirquedumoi · 8 months
Lo, another fanfic! Once again for a LU Discord prompt, this time for Legend Week. Proofread by Oh Sibling Dearest (@thorns-for-the-sake-of-flowers), who also pointed put that I was massively overthinking how to write the middle of the fic. Anyways, Legend & Wind get stuck in a cave, and neither have a particularly good time. (From Legend's P.O.V)
As a sidenote, I had their pronouns picked out before realising I'd never use Legend's, so have them anyways lol:
Legend: Ce/Cir/Cirs/Cirself (Genderqueer)
Wind: He/Him
Wild (mentioned): They/He (Genderfluid)
((Ao3 link))
Thank whatever deity was listening that neither of us got seriously hurt. However, it did mean that now we had no way of getting help from the others. I could only hope they heard the collapse.
“Fuckin’ hell that sucked,”
“Usually I’d tell you off for swearing, Sailor, but you’re not wrong. It’s also not like the others are here to tell you off,” Being honest, I never really cared about swearing, but it’s funny to see the reactions.
“As if yer ever serious about it,” Wind retorted, smirking. A frown soon overtook that, though. “I hope the others heard that. Not that I hate ya or anything, this is just…”
“Not ideal. I get it,” I sighed. “So much for ‘quality bonding time’,”
“Ha, yeah. Wonder what happened, though. Things don’t normally fall down on their own,”
“I can't feel any magical bullshit here, so it was probably going to happen regardless of who came in next.” I mean, something could've happened, but it was unlikely that it was anything against us.
“Sucks that it had to be us. Also, I'd be surprised if ya don't have something to help,” Wind's statement was fair enough, however I very much did not have anything we could use. That would've been due to Wind's (and Time's) insistence that we shouldn't need much. Just our luck.
“At least you have your necklace,” I hoped it'd work. He'd never let me have a look at it before, despite my curiosity.
“Ah, yeah!” He pulled his necklace out from under his shirt. A faint glow outlined his face as got to work on trying to get through to Wild. I also wasn’t sure why it could connect to Wild's slate, their magic was completely different to the Sailor's. After what I guessed were a few attempts, Wind sighed. The glow faded, darkness again swallowing the cave.
“He's not answering. I guess they don't have the slate with them,”
“Might be swimming. The gods know they wanted to,” From what Wind had said before we split off, the beach wasn't too far from here. Besides that, the Champion had a knack for finding new places.
“Yeah, maybe,” He sighed, a soft thump bouncing around the walls as he sat down. “Why did we have to go to this cave? We could've gone with everyone else, or at least found a better cave,”
“Well there were, and still are, lots of crystals in here, and I know you like them. Also, you wanted to ‘explore the wilderness’. And drag me along,” Could just be an effect of the collapse, but I was starting to get a headache.
“Ye wanted to come! It's also not like I overly wanted to look in here. For all I know, us just walking in here made it collapse!”
“I’m sorry, are you trying to imply that I caused this mess!?” How dare he, the idiot didn’t- no, couldn’t do anything to stop this either. That did not make it my-
“I didn’t really mean to, no.” I barely caught him staring at me through the darkness. I did miss him mumbling something else though. Which… Is fairly out of character for the one who likes to make his thoughts known.
“If you're going to say something, could you speak up?” That came out harsher than I meant. A sigh came in response.
“Are ye?” What did he-?
“Am I what?”
“I- I don’t think this was yer fault despite what I said, neither of us could’ve stopped it,” He started, seeming to catch himself before he started rambling. “But… do you?"
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randomkduck · 10 months
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so the lu discord server has weekly prompts, and the one for last week was "run", so I came up with this.
Doodled in like, an hour.
This made me overcome my "it needs to be perfect if I'm drawing on my computer or I will die" mentality, which was great, so expect a lot more hyper-fixation doodles in the future (hopefully)
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queensilver · 2 years
I wrote a True Drabble for the LU Discord servers weekly prompt. Please enjoy
The echo of rain falls on wet stone, petrichor filling the air.
Life stirs below the soil, hiding from the terrors above.
Footsteps walk through tall grass, leaving destruction in their wake.
Water reflects the light of glowing plants and fairy light, casting it back at the one who nears.
Footsteps silent as the dead, of the dead.
Fairy light vanished, plants dim.
The mother rises with a blessing and a curse.
Fabric made anew, magic woven in place of threads.
Marked skin with fey delight.
Departure without realizing the toll.
The magic he now attracts.
The world had changed.
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mermain123 · 2 years
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I posted 710 times in 2022
25 posts created (4%)
685 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 333 of my posts in 2022
#sailor moon - 18 posts
#drops of moonlight zine - 16 posts
#xd - 13 posts
#linked universe - 12 posts
#sailor moon zine - 12 posts
#sailor moon 30th anniversary - 9 posts
#lu wind - 9 posts
#i love it - 8 posts
#yes - 5 posts
#painted ceramics - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#i have made her the fairy i give all the treats too to try and get as many possible skills as ossible
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Four & Wind (Linked Universe), Four (Linked Universe) & Shadow Link, Shadow Link & Wind (Linked Universe) Characters: Four (Linked Universe), Red (Linked Universe), Shadow (Linked Universe), Green (Linked Universe), Blue (Linked Universe), Vio (Linked Universe) Additional Tags: written for the discord group i'm part of, Prompt: Familial connections, Shadow exclusively refers to Four by the name "Rainbow", No Beta Summary:
Shadow likes to observe the chain while hiding. And something about Wind in particular always stood out to him. After eavesdropping on a brief conversation with Time, Shadow thinks he's finally figured it out.
13 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Madoka rebellion thoughts
so i was watching someone talk about Madoka rebllion and he went into detail about the scene where madoka and homura talk in the flower field. well i noticed the lines talking about how madoka would never make a decision that would make it so she could never see anyone ever again. especially knowing how sad it would make everyone. it’s no debate that this conversation is what drove homura to make the decision she did at the end
but i started looking at the wording of that again. the way they kept emphasizing how madoka would never make a decision where she could never see everyone again.
nd i realized....she didn’t. the big wish she made at the end of the series? she will still eventually see everyone again when she purifies them. she never made a wish that would leave her aloe. she exsists at all times all at once. and is with all the magical girls she saves.
homura misunderstood what happened
just 1 interpretation at least
15 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
fic advice?
so i have an idea for a linked universe fic where the chain meet wind because he saves them from the temple of the ocean king. aka, the temple that without the phantom hourglass/sword will SLOWLY DRAIN THE LIFE OUT OF YOU
the problem i have is...why would the chain just not turn back when they felt what he temple was slowly doing to them? like it should not be hard to realize you are starting to feel weaker and weaker the longer you’re in the temple.
(i don’t know if bellum was reason the temple did that but for the sake of this fic i can pretend he wasn’t)
18 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Time and Wild headcannon
I think Time and Wild both suffer from bad cases of insomnia.  this is because even when they know it’s unrealistic both of them are afraid of sleeping too long again. they’re afraid of losing everything by falling asleep again. 
Time has had years to get this under control but he still suffers from sleepless nights sometimes. meanwhile wild just finished his adventure recently and so this is a major issue and he often needs to be reassured that he won’t sleep too long. he won’t miss anything by sleeping.
Time is the only one who can really comfort wild when he has these panic attacks because he knows exactly what he’s going through.
76 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The fact that Splatoon 3 is not in my hands at this very second is a crime.
684 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whatvioletdoes-blog · 2 months
You know what, been a bit since we last shared any LU fanart of our own, and I noticed the contrast between these two sprint prompts is so silly XD
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Tiny Four and Tall Four! So so silly, the idea for the first one was from @1caru in the LU Discord Server, as you can see on the screenshot XD
I have no excuses for the second one except it was written in my fanarts list for who knows how long
Some of the funniest stuff I've made in a very long time have come out of those sprint prompts lmao between extremely tall high heels Four and the meme recreation with Ravio and Legend
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naviizeldablog · 3 years
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tfw you have to actually pay your taxes but your boyfriend wants some attention
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