#Madoka! Zyna
aidendh ยท 3 years
Magic Mi Mi {Crossover/Madoka}
{Madoka Magica}
(Soul gem matches eyes (sometimes) and dictates the outfit color)
(Zyna Hyanokai)
[Only if Kyubey can get past Jackson]
- Wishes for an unending buffet
(Is able to summon food using her magic // often comes across extra food)
Gem: Brown swirl (bow pin)
Color: Magenta
Theme: Chef
Weapon: Skewer
Power: Triple Truffle* Triples her target's attack
"I can wish for anything?... Ok then, I wish for an unending buffet!"
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''I can wish for anything?... Ok then, I wish for an unending buffet!''
Power: Triple Truffle* Triples her target's attack
Gem: Brown swirl (bow pin)
(Tai Georgia)
- Wishes she could always protect her friends and family
Gem: Amber shield (chest plate)
Color: Amber
Theme: Warrior
Weapon: Shield
Power: Barricade* Summons a wall of huge shields
"I only need to wish? ...Ok, I wish I had the power to protect everyone!"
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''I only need to wish? ...Ok then, I wish I had the power to protect everyone!''
Power: Barricade* Summons a wall of huge shields
Gem: Amber shield (chest plate)
(Avery Harmony)
- Wishes she could sing
Gem: Blue star (necklace)
Color: Blue / Silver
Theme: Pop star
Weapon: Microphone
(Can extend into a staff)
Power: Pop step* She can rejuvenate her target
*I wish I could fuel others with a beautiful voice*
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*I wish I could fuel others with a beautiful voice*
Power: Pop step* She can rejuvenate her target
Gem: Blue star (necklace)
(Lilly Camerie)
- Wishes people would help each other
Gem: Beige heart (neck charm)
Color: Yellow
Theme: Superhero
Weapon: Head piece
(Can attach to other weapons)
Power: Assist* She can make others want to help her (including familiars)
"So my wish effects my powers. Hm... I wish that more people would help each other."
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''So my wish effects my powers. Hm... I wish that more people would help each other.''
Power: Assist* She can make others want to help her
Gem: Beige heart (neck charm)
(Jackson Hyanokai)
- Kyubey is weary of him and knows that he is a Changling
(Cade Georgia)
[Happens after she's saved by her MG sister]
- Wishes that their weren't any consequences for turning into a Magical Girl
(Only for MGs after her and herself)
(MGs become wondering souls (witches) after using up their life force)
(Life force can be replenished by taking it from wondering souls or killing another MG)
(Wondering souls gradually replenish their life force, and can become 'normal' again)
Gem: Grey diamond (hair clip)
Color: Silver
Theme: Angel
Weapon: Bow
Power: Celestial Arrow* She can purify despair/dark energy
(Uses up her life force instead)
"That was a Magical Girl..? ...Alright! I wish that there won't be any consequences for becoming a Magical Girl!"
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''That was a Magical Girl..? ...Alright! I wish that there won't be any consequences for becoming a Magical Girl!''
Power: Celestial Arrow* She can purify despair/dark energy
Gem: Grey diamond (hair clip)
(Daniel Harriet)
- Other antagonist
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