#Lilly Camerie
aidendh · 2 years
Magic Mi | TokyoMewMew New! P2
[P6 of Tokyo Mew Mew New! OCs]
[P2 of Gen 2]
-:Café Mew Mew (England Branch):-
Zyna - Maid Outfit
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A Café Maid who is banned from the Kitchen
Often recommends dishes and drinks to the customers
Mew Tapioca
Tai - Butler Suit
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A Café Butler who is great with Children
They go by They/Them Pronouns
Mew Mochi
Avery - Maid Outfit
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A Café Maid who supplies the background music
She is happily expressive with the customers
Mew Plum
Lilly - Maid Outfit
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A Café Maid who helps keep her Colleges coordinated
She looks out of the needs of both Customers and Colleges
Mew Cream
Jackson - Butler Suit
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A Café Butler who easily charms the customers
Sometimes switches Shifts with Scarab
Scarab (Alien)
(Scotch and Olea also make a return)
-:Cade Georgia:-
[Tuxtla Quail-dove]
[Dark Blue's Vessel]
Name: Silver Maiden
Power: Purity (Pure Energy)
Weapon: Celestial Bow
Attack: Coelestis Tempestas* Energy Arrows
[Celestia's Storm in Latin]
Cade Georgia
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A Younger Sister with a strong sense of Justice
She heavily looks up to her Older Sibling, Tai
Her favorite hero is Mochi
Silver Maiden
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Dark Blue
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Power: Purity (Pure Energy)
Weapon: Celestial Bow
Attack: Coelestis Tempestas* Energy Arrows
[Continued in P3]
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aidendh · 2 years
Magic Mi | Tokyo Mew Mew New!
[P5 of Tokyo Mew Mew New! OCs]
[P1 of Gen 2]
Alias: Food (Must match color)
Animal: Red Data Animal (Endangered)
Color: Main (Must match food)[+Accent]
Mew Mark: Must be symmetrical (based on Animal)
Weapon: Resemble an instrument
Power: Ribbon (Alias Pun)* Description
-:Zyna Hyanokai:-
Alias: Tapioca
(Tapioca Peals in Bubble Tea)
(Matches her trim color)
Animal: Pygmy Hog
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Color: Pink
Mew Mark: Left side of her Left Shoulder
Weapon: Tapourine, Chakram (Tambourine)
"Tap, Tap, Ta-pourine!"
Power: Ribbon Tapi Charm* Aligning the heart of her Weapon with her ribbon-broach, it starts to sparkle. She then starts tapping it around and throws it into the air, only for it to bump/fall onto her Target, making them Lucky
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Animal: Pygmy Hog
Weapon: Tapourine, Chakram (Tambourine)
Attack: Ribbon Tapi Charm* Luck
-:Tai Georgia:-
Alias: Mochi
Animal: Iberian Lynx
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Color: Red
Mew Mark: Nose, cut threw by their scar
Weapon: Mochi Sticks, Nunchucks (Marching Baton)
Power: Ribbon Mochiyaki Flare* Snapping their Weapon into one, they start spinning and twirling their Weapon causing it to glow and heat up, sending out an Inferno of Flames
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Animal: Iberian Lynx
Weapon: Mochi Sticks, Nunchucks (Marching Baton)
Attack: Ribbon Mochiyaki Flare* Flamethrower
-:Avery Harmony:-
Alias: Plum
[Plum Blossoms]
Animal: Bali Myna
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Color: Pastel Blue
Mew Mark: Back of her Neck
Weapon: Plum Flute, Bow (Flute)
Power: Ribbon Plum Blossom* Snapping her Weapon into a Flute, she starts to play a soothing melody, causing glowing music to surround her then move to her Target and Rejuvenates them
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Animal: Bali Myna
Weapon: Plum Flute, Bow (Flute)
Attack: Ribbon Plum Blossom* Rejuvenation
-:Lilly Camerie:-
Alias: Cream
(Team Leader)
Animal: African Wild Dog
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Color: White
Mew Mark: Back of her Left Knee
Weapon: Cream Ball (Shaker)
Power: Ribbon Cream Whisps* She starts eagerly shaking her Weapon and then drops it into keepy-uppys, causing a Whisp like ball of Wind to appear each time to aid each Ally on her team
(Wind balls)
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Animal: African Wild Dog
Weapon: Cream Ball (Shaker)
Attack: Ribbon Cream Whisps* Balls of Wind
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aidendh · 3 years
Magic Mi Mi {Main Characters}
Lilly Camerie // Zeta
(Lilly Camerie) / (Zeta)
1st June
Mi (Disguised): Heart charm
Fave: Milkshake
Gets cold really easily
Year 8 - Year 9, Redvine Secondary school
Heroic, Childish, Leader
Pale blond
Pale brown eyes (beige)
"Mi Mi Spirit!"
Hero: Teamwork
Mi (Powered): Star charm
Color: White
Animal: Dog
Theme: Spirit
Weapon: Boomerang
Power: Wind O' Wisp* Summons wind spirits for adaptable support
Cure: "Mi Mi Val, Cleanse!"
(Mi Mi)
Name: Val
Color: White
Animal: Beagle (Dog)
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A heroic girl that loves to help others
Her year's class representative
Mi: Heart charm
Mi Mi: Val (a white beagle)
A superhero with the aid of spirits
Power: Wind O' Wisp* Summons wind spirits for adaptable support
Mi: Star charm
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aidendh · 3 years
Magic Mi Mi {Crossovers/TMM}
{Tokyo Mew Mew}
Alias based on food
(Zyna Hyanokai)
Alias: Cherry
Animal: Pygmy hog (Pig)
Color: Pink
Weapon: Cherry Charm - Tambourine
Power: Ribbon Cherry Charm!* Shaking and tapping the tambourine to build up energy, she then hits it against her target and makes them lucky
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Animal: Pygmy hog
Weapon: Cherry Charm (Tambourine)
Attack: Ribbon Cherry Charm!* Makes her target lucky
(Tai Georgia)
Alias: Pepper
Animal: Iberian lynx (Cat)
Color: Red
Weapon: Pyre Stick - Batton
Power: Ribbon Spice Inferno!* Spinning her batton around, it builds up a spark that grows into a flame and unleashes a fire attack
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Animal: Iberian lynx
Weapon: Pyre Stick (Batton)
Attack: Ribbon Spice Inferno!* Fire attack
(Avery Harmony)
Alias: Plum
Animal: Bali myna (Bird)
Color: Blue
Weapon: Star Flute - Flute
Power: Ribbon Plum Note!* Playing an enchanting melody, the music dances around her before seeping into her target, healing them
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Animal: Bali myna
Weapon: Star Flute
Attack: Ribbon Plum Note!* Heals her target
(Lilly Camerie)
Alias: Lemon
Animal: African wild dog (Dog)
Color: Yellow
Weapon: Wind Tube - Groan Tube
Power: Ribbon Sour Wind!* Covering the two ends and shaking the tube, an energy starts to build up before releasing a wind attack
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Animal: African wild dog
Weapon: Wind Tube (Groan Tube)
Attack: Ribbon Sour Wind!* Wind Attack
(Jackson Hyanokai)
Alias: Bean
Animal: Brookesia micra (Chameleon)
Color: Green
Weapon: Prism Shield - Steel Drum (Shield)
Power: Ribbon Bean Prism!* Spinning his drum around him, the light deflects off of it and onto him, making him invisible
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Animal: Brookesia micra
Weapon: Prism Shield (Steel Drum)
Attack: Ribbon Bean Prism!* Invisibility
(Daniel Harriet)
- With the Aliens
Alias: Amon! (Oyster)
(Oyster - What the Aliens call him[he doesn't like it])
Animal: Urial (Ram)
Color: Grey
Weapon: Shell Bell - Cow Bell
Power: Ribbon Shell Surge!* After banging his bell, he can bring one (non-mew mew) into a feral state
(they won't see friend from foe)
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Animal: Urial
Weapon: Shell Bell (Cow Bell)
Attack: Ribbon Shell Surge!* Brings their target into a feral state
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aidendh · 2 years
Here is a set of my Magic Mi Mi OCs from a Picrew I found
I still haven't decided on an animal for Cade as she doesn't become a MG in MMiMi, I just know it won't be the same as her sibling's Lynx
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aidendh · 3 years
Magic Mi Mi {Crossover/Madoka}
{Madoka Magica}
(Soul gem matches eyes (sometimes) and dictates the outfit color)
(Zyna Hyanokai)
[Only if Kyubey can get past Jackson]
- Wishes for an unending buffet
(Is able to summon food using her magic // often comes across extra food)
Gem: Brown swirl (bow pin)
Color: Magenta
Theme: Chef
Weapon: Skewer
Power: Triple Truffle* Triples her target's attack
"I can wish for anything?... Ok then, I wish for an unending buffet!"
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''I can wish for anything?... Ok then, I wish for an unending buffet!''
Power: Triple Truffle* Triples her target's attack
Gem: Brown swirl (bow pin)
(Tai Georgia)
- Wishes she could always protect her friends and family
Gem: Amber shield (chest plate)
Color: Amber
Theme: Warrior
Weapon: Shield
Power: Barricade* Summons a wall of huge shields
"I only need to wish? ...Ok, I wish I had the power to protect everyone!"
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''I only need to wish? ...Ok then, I wish I had the power to protect everyone!''
Power: Barricade* Summons a wall of huge shields
Gem: Amber shield (chest plate)
(Avery Harmony)
- Wishes she could sing
Gem: Blue star (necklace)
Color: Blue / Silver
Theme: Pop star
Weapon: Microphone
(Can extend into a staff)
Power: Pop step* She can rejuvenate her target
*I wish I could fuel others with a beautiful voice*
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*I wish I could fuel others with a beautiful voice*
Power: Pop step* She can rejuvenate her target
Gem: Blue star (necklace)
(Lilly Camerie)
- Wishes people would help each other
Gem: Beige heart (neck charm)
Color: Yellow
Theme: Superhero
Weapon: Head piece
(Can attach to other weapons)
Power: Assist* She can make others want to help her (including familiars)
"So my wish effects my powers. Hm... I wish that more people would help each other."
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''So my wish effects my powers. Hm... I wish that more people would help each other.''
Power: Assist* She can make others want to help her
Gem: Beige heart (neck charm)
(Jackson Hyanokai)
- Kyubey is weary of him and knows that he is a Changling
(Cade Georgia)
[Happens after she's saved by her MG sister]
- Wishes that their weren't any consequences for turning into a Magical Girl
(Only for MGs after her and herself)
(MGs become wondering souls (witches) after using up their life force)
(Life force can be replenished by taking it from wondering souls or killing another MG)
(Wondering souls gradually replenish their life force, and can become 'normal' again)
Gem: Grey diamond (hair clip)
Color: Silver
Theme: Angel
Weapon: Bow
Power: Celestial Arrow* She can purify despair/dark energy
(Uses up her life force instead)
"That was a Magical Girl..? ...Alright! I wish that there won't be any consequences for becoming a Magical Girl!"
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''That was a Magical Girl..? ...Alright! I wish that there won't be any consequences for becoming a Magical Girl!''
Power: Celestial Arrow* She can purify despair/dark energy
Gem: Grey diamond (hair clip)
(Daniel Harriet)
- Other antagonist
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