#Madrid winning and Bayern losing +
gayemorat · 1 month
Being both a Bayern and Real Madrid fan is hilarious because my dash is filled with wildly different (and violent???) opinions about today's match and I'm over here like a sports mom just wanting both teams to have fun
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uniteds · 1 year
part 2 of stuff that happened in the 2022/2023 football season that should send us into a coma but we’re too desensitized:
for part one go here.
1. the bayern board deciding to sack nagelsmann before the most important game of their season because he showed up to work on a skateboard
2. related: nagelsmann finding out he was sacked through social media while he was away on a ski trip
3. also related: nagelsmann getting dumped the same weekend he lost his job. 
4. todd boehly getting advice on what to do with chelsea from james corden (known west ham fan) and hiring frank lampard
5. tuchel and conte fight
6. the ghana coach taking a selfie with heung min son while son is sobbing after losing in the World Cup
7. the five minutes where both spain and germany were out of the World Cup
8. mourinho being in (and being sampled in!) stormzy’s music video
9. psg’s director of football going down to the field to curse them out
10. aguero turning up to the world cup celebrations in a full kit 
11. the pope summoning atletico madrid’s physio all the way to the vatican to treat him
12. arsenal bottling the title (2023 version)
13. rebekah vardy tried to trademark the phrase wagatha christie
14. luis enrique saying ferran torres will never play football again if he did the pacifier celebration after scoring
15. jose saying the only club he doesn’t have any feelings for is tottenham hotspur
16. mason mount having a stalker
17. jack grealish discovered what a camel is
18. the saudi team getting new cars during the World Cup
19. cho gue sung telling ronaldo to fuck off and then getting flooded with marriage proposals 
20. the princess of spain having a crush on gavi
21. luton town promoted so now you have to walk through some guy’s garden to get to their stadium
22. the gio reyna and gregg berhalter usmnt saga
23. the pogba/mbappe witch doctor saga
24. ac milan sacked maldini and now the players all wanna leave
25. conte’s press conference where he basically said “it’s the history of the tottenham” 
26. barcelona winning the league at espanyol and then the espanyol fans chasing the barca players off the pitch
27. the one pitch invader who pushed eddie howe
28. ac milan having to answer to their ultras after a match
29. calum wilson and antonio laughing at richarlison for flopping
30. klopp doing his hamstring and adding to liverpool’s injury problems
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cussima · 26 days
REMINDER: assume in your favor (story time)
i just manifested the wrong team to win by assuming throughout the whole thing that they could win, i just kept thinking "they could at any time turn the whole match around" and guess what they did. this is the thing about assuming, you're doing it constantly, you either do it for what you want or you don't. this is great, personally, i just learned firsthand and very consciously that you can so easily manifest negative circumstances by not keeping your thoughts in check, if i had stopped myself from thinking that (because i didn't) then real madrid would've lost today, or even better, they would've gone to the penalty kicks, and they would've lost then !! (i loove penalty kicks) also how easy and gullible this reality is, because real madrid started losing the game and then they turned it around in the last few minutes (when i started thinking -> affirming they could)
and okay it's definitely on me because i got distracted (sp was watching the game and i kept thinking to myself "oh but i don't want him to be sad afterward when his team loses :(" ) which is also a perfect example of how we sacrifice so much of what we want for somebody else and best believe i'm reacting to the 3d by posting this ! new semi finals will come, at the end of the day i could just revise this (don't want to, idgaf) BUT this shows i'm still a master manifestor bc heyyy 😋 ★★ UPDATE ★★ APPARENTLY BAYERN DID A LAST MINUTE GOAL (which i missed but affirmed for) AND WAS DISQUALIFIED (bc i was bitchin' out whining about it writing this post 😭) ᯓ this is your proof that you're in charge bby !!
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
An unbearable fan (R��ben Dias x Reader)
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**So I was requested this the other day and it's kind of funny huh? Me writing from the POV of a Madrid fan. Just in case you didn't know it was fiction, this is the definitive proof 😅 anyways, it’s just banter and a bit of angst and fluff for all of you to hopefully enjoy! ❤️**
Word count: 1238
There were downsides to any relationship and that included a relationship with a football player. All the travelling, all the emotions that went up and down depending on the result of that specific day…it could be a lot. But when the player didn't play for the team you loved with all your heart, things could get a bit messier.
Luckily for you, Rúben played in England. Your team played in the Spanish League. So the chances of him playing against Madrid were so small…but there still was a chance.
And so when Madrid beat Chelsea and City beat Bayern, it was time for a second semifinal in a row between your team and your boyfriend's. And you hated it.
For the first leg, the teams played at the Bernabéu. Being back there was special for you. And it helped you daydream about Rúben playing there in the future…but for the home team. A girl can dream.
The match ended in a draw and Rúben should have been given MOTM because he drove your attacking players insane. They don't call him "the wall" for nothing.
"Just 1-0 at home, and we're in the final".
"Yeah, good luck with that", you said, rolling your eyes. "My boys were just warming up yesterday. They saved all the magic for the Etihad".
"You lot are really into saving the magic for the last minute. It gets annoying, you know?"
"Not to us!", you shrugged.
The banter continued during the next week but what changed was the nerves you felt. Rúben being in the final was great but you couldn't just root against your team. They had already been in a similar position the previous season and it broke your heart. But also, you were happy he lost and that made you feel like a horrible person. You tried not to show it in front of him but he wasn't dumb.
"Are you wearing that?", he asked, pointing at your outfit.
"Yes. What's wrong with it?"
"You always wear my shirt to matches. But I guess you're just making it clear again you want me to lose".
"It's not that but, it's my team…imagine Madrid and Benfica played each other! You'd want Benfica to win and I wouldn't blame you".
"You don't play for any of the teams. That makes the difference. I get you want them to always win but you should make an exception when they play against me!"
"I'd be happy if you win…".
"I doubt it".
You didn't want to say more because it'd only make things harder to fix later. But driving in silence was going to make you go insane.
"Good luck".
"It almost sounded like you meant it".
"Rúben, I do mean it".
"You mean you want me to do well while my team is destroyed. But it's a team sport. What I do means nothing".
"Tell that to Benzema".
He ignored your comment and left to join the rest of the team without saying goodbye.
Why couldn't they draw another team instead of yours???
Rúben wasn't completely wrong. Whatever happened, you wanted him to be the best player on the pitch. It could be someone else who messed up when your team scored.
And he was one of the best…but then again, so was Bernardo who scored a brace. And Julián only needed a few minutes on the pitch to seal their pass to the final. 4-0, how did that happen?
Apart from Rúben doing well, you wanted just a simple 0-1. No team needed to be humiliated this time. But yours was and it was against one of your biggest enemies. Pep.
When you saw Rúben waiting for you by the car, you noticed his smile and that pissed you off. So you couldn't want your team to win but he could laugh after humiliating you? Bit unfair, that.
"You feeling ok after that?"
Your response was to look inside his trousers' pockets, which confused him. "Did you take Karim out already? Nice, he needs the fresh air".
"You're joking?"
"It's that or telling you to go to hell. I'm trying to be diplomatic".
The day after the match, you were off work so sleeping in sounded like the best way to start your day. By the time you woke up, Rúben was long gone and so you made it to the kitchen expecting it to be empty.
And there was no Rúben there but it looks like he had time to buy, and print, all the newspaper articles about the match before leaving to train. He even checked the Barcelona press to find the most insulting headlines.
But two could play that game.
"Did you read the news today?", he asked when he got back home.
"I've never been a newspaper person. I prefer to get my news from Twitter".
"From Madrid fan accounts? I bet they are real objective".
"Are you a comedian now?"
"Come on…", he said, hugging you. "Forgive me for annihilating your team".
"Should we talk about last season, Dias? Stop it!"
"Such a sore loser", he laughed.
"Well, I'm not used to losing unlike others".
The weeks that passed between the semifinals and the final had helped you two forget your little fight. But you were still petty and had a surprise saved for Rúben.
"It's so tiring to pack for just a couple of days. I've checked the weather so many times to bring the right clothes".
"You can always use that as an excuse to go shopping there".
"You're right. But…can you help me? I don't know if this outfit is right for the match?"
When he got there, his smile disappeared.
"I can't stand you".
"Is it good or not?"
"When did you buy an Inter shirt?"
"When I saw the newspapers you left for me".
"It was a joke", he said, annoyed.
"This is a joke too".
"A joke is supposed to be funny".
"Really, Rúben? So you thought I would laugh at what you did to me?"
And it was back to square one. But at least this time you travelled separately. And, even if he pissed you off so much since he beat Madrid, you still wore his shirt to the match. You didn't even wear a Madrid one to the semis and he really thought you'd wear an Inter one now? Silly boy.
But all the jokes and digs meant nothing when you saw him lifting the trophy. Your eyes watered immediately and you couldn't wait to hug him.
"You…you won", you said, sobbing and hiding your face in his neck.
"Yeah, sorry about that".
You both laughed and he held you tighter while you cried.
"I'm really proud of you, you know?"
"Even if I beat your team to win the trophies?"
"Yeah", you said, looking up at him. "Even then. Seeing you after you won just…I didn't expect it to mean so much".
"It means a lot to me that it means a lot to you".
You hugged in the middle of the pitch, forgetting about everyone else.
"Besides, you still have a long way to go to catch us so…we like doing charity work and letting others win every once in a while".
Rúben laughed and shook his head. "You are the most unbearable fanbase in the world, you know?"
"I know. But at least you managed to get one of us to be happy you won today".
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kloppoganda · 10 months
Things I Hope Happen in this 23/24 Season
> Arsenal gets relegated
> West Ham fans return to their hooligan roots and start trampling folk in Turin again
> Erling Haaland is arrested for the murder of Roy Keane
> A reunifed Yugoslavia wins the 2024 Euro
> Paul Pogba is tried at The Hague
> Jamie Carragher and Gary Neville are married in a tasteful ceremony outside of Wembley
> Jürgen Klopp tears Pep Guardiola's bald Catalán head clean off his shoulders after Liverpool beats City 27-0
> Kylian Mbappe disappears entirely and goes completely off-grid instead of accepting a concrete offer from Real Madrid, Al-Hilal, or Paris Saint-Germain. He is never seen or heard from again
> Darwin Nuñez wins the Golden Boot
> Arda Güler and Jude Bellingham absolutely rot on the Real Madrid bench
> Marco Reus lights himself on fire after losing the Bundesliga to Bayern Munich by 0.5 points
> Federico Valverde transfers to Liverpool after a messy breakup with Ancelotti, cites reasons for leaving as 'being replaced with children'
> Harry Maguire has the best season of his career and brings Manchester United the Treble, then leaves for City in the Summer Transfer Window
> Harry Kane has a violent nervous breakdown on the pitch after Richarlison scores and strips just for the goal to be ruled offside once again
> Manchester City are found guility of 102,719,273,929,280 counts of violating Premier League Financial Fair Play and are relegated to Iceland's 4th Division
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outsidereveries · 1 month
uefa champions league, semi finals
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rough notes?
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leg 1
BAYERN will do well from what I see tonight, might win the match
the emperor • temperance
REAL MADRID might do a bit worse (compared to Bayern). they'll have many chances to score something but might not succeed at all.
10 of wands • 7 of cups
PSG seem to work really, really hard. they can win tbh but it seems that it's not obvious
page of swords • 5 of cups rx
DORTMUND will probably lose. same as real madrid, will have many chances to score but will probably have bad luck.
10 of wands rx • 7 of cups
leg 2
4 of wands • 2 of cups
DORTMUND .. well .. won't qualify
ace of cups rx • the fool
BAYERN .. will do well?
wheel of fortune • 10 of cups
REAL MADRID will also do well?
the lovers • 10 of swords rx
most likely to be in finals
Bayern Münich
Real Madrid
Borussia Dortmund
least likely
Note: I see the 2nd match between Bayern and Real Madrid being a tie. For tommorow (01.05.2024) is apparently less likely, I see that Bayern might win.
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thommi-tomate · 1 month
Holger Badstuber Column
Hello football fans!
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I regularly get goosebumps at the end of April. And it has nothing to do with the capricious weather, but with the fact that I always remember that breathtaking evening at the Santiago Bernabéu. I see the pictures on social media and I'm right back on the pitch: As a Bayern professional, I'm standing in the center circle, watching Manuel Neuer fill the goal. Finally, we tear off our jerseys in jubilation and celebrate reaching the final dahoam with our fans. The penalty shoot-out against Real Madrid was pure madness, unbelievable, one of the most emotional moments of my active career. It also reminds me how much I still love football.
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Top German teams are among the international elite
The fact that three German teams - FC Bayern, Borussia Dortmund and Bayer 04 Leverkusen - are currently in the semi-finals of the Champions League and Europa League respectively is immensely important for the Bundesliga, which has been much ridiculed of late. Farmers League my ass. Internationally, top German teams are among the elite this year because they don't let themselves down after setbacks, but chase high ambitions with ambition and hard work. We reap what we sow!
Now FCB will face the "royals" again - and just like in 2012, the teams will meet as equals, with Manuel Neuer and Thomas Müller from my team back then still involved. Toni Kroos and David Alaba are playing for Real. It's a classic 50:50 game.
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It will be a tough head-to-head race
With both teams unable to play at their absolute best due to injury problems, form on the day will be more crucial than ever - it's the momentum that counts. There will be scenes within the game - certain duels, the play against the ball, the quality of the finishing - that can be decisive. It is important for Bayern that they do not lose the first leg in their own stadium. And: Whoever dominates the midfield will make it to the final.
It feels like Real are more stable there with Kroos, Modric, Valverde and Bellingham. Another point in Real's favor is that they have only conceded 22 goals in the league after 33 games, whereas Bayern have already conceded 38 after 31 games. The Real structure is more stable. On the other hand, FCB are more dangerous in attack with Kane, Musiala and Sané and have regained a certain self-confidence after winning four competitive matches in a row. If every single player performs at 100 percent, Bayern will advance to the final.
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BVB's chances are also good. PSG are guaranteed to have respect for the "CL face" of Borussia, and the fact that the first leg takes place in front of the "yellow wall" is no disadvantage. The momentum from the game against Atléti is still palpable. BVB can do a lot in front of a home crowd, I assume that they will win at home and go into the second leg with a broad chest
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Emotional final for fans
However, this requires good communication between the players in order to keep the lines compact. They also have to constantly annoy PSG's biggest threat, Kylian Mbappé, and stand on his feet. He is easier to pick off in confined spaces. The fans will be hot.
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variabels · 8 months
I'm watching Girona vs Real Madrid and rooting for Girona cuz of memes only for them to be losing 0-2. So, then I tell myself I'll just watch Bayern vs Leipzig because at least the team I'm rooting for will win, Bayern is losing 0-2 too...
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uniteds · 3 months
everyone being like oh this is the best champions league quarterfinals in forever must be like 10 years old or don’t actually watch the teams. like you’ve got a barcelona side being held together by tape and toddlers, a bayern side that’s about to lose its first league title in like a decade, a washed psg side with a poverty midfield, arsenal in the final stretch of the season, dortmund who are just dortmund, and god himself can’t bring himself to watch atleti out of grace. it’s just gonna be madrid vs. city at some point and the winner of that is winning. like it’s so dull 😭
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totalsporteksoccer · 2 years
The all-time best Reddit Soccer Streams
Introduction - Numerous South American and European football teams have risen from mediocrity to dominate their eras since the beginning of the 20th century. The top football teams should have at least one championship under their belts. They must have displayed high technical standards while playing appealing yet successful football. Most crucially, they must have survived a period of fierce rivalry and conflict. Here are the top Reddit Soccer Streams that fit those requirements. They are selected from the entirety of club and international football history.
Spain (2007-2012) - Spain must be considered the greatest football squad of all time after taking home three straight international football championships. Along with the 2008 and 2012 European Championships, they also won the 2010 FIFA World Cup. They won 35 games without losing from 2007 to 2009. This included their ten World Cup qualifying victories, which they won all ten. Their noteworthy players included David Villa, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Carles Puyol, Xabi Alonso, and Iker Casillas. The team was composed nearly entirely of Barcelona and Real Madrid players.
Brazil (1970) - The best World Cup performance of all time occurred at the 1970 FIFA World Cup. Brazil outscored Italy 4-1 in the final, with Carlos Alberto scoring one of the all-time great goals as Brazil scored 19 goals in six games. Greats like Pelé, Gerson, Jairzinho, Rivelino, and Tosto contributed to their gorgeous brand of attacking football.
Barcelona, Spain (2009) - Barcelona won the first treble by a Spanish team ten years after Manchester United's accomplishment. They defeated Real Madrid 6-2 to win La Liga, defeated United 2-0 in the Champions League final, and also won the Copa Del Rey (the Spanish domestic cup).
Manchester United (1999) - The Manchester United team that won the Premier League, FA Cup, and Champions League in 1998–1999 accomplished the feat in a single campaign. Greats like Paul Scholes, David Beckham, Ryan Giggs, Roy Keane, and Peter Schmeichel were among the participants. The 1999 Champions League final was the best example of how hard they competed, as was the case with many of Alex Ferguson's teams. They overcame a deficit to defeat Bayern Munich thanks to two late goals from Sheringham and Solskjaer.
Madrid Real (1955–1960) - The Real Madrid team of the late 1950s, led by Alfredo Di Stéfano and Ferenc Puskas, dominated world football. They five consecutively won the European Cup (Champions League) from 1956 and 1960. This culminated in the 1960 championship game, which saw them defeat Eintracht Frankfurt 7-3 in one of the all-time great football performances.
Conclusion - These were the all-time best soccer streams, according to Reddit Soccer Streams. However, if you want to read in more detail about the top 10 soccer streams, you can refer to Total Sportek.
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swamyworld · 3 days
Edin Terjic urges Dortmund to give underdog status and trophy heartbreak Borussia Dortmund
The Borussia Dortmund The head coach, Edin Terzic, wants his players to embrace their underdog tag against Real Madrid and use past disappointments to fuel their desire to win the Champions League. As Carlo Ancelotti’s side seek their 15th European Cup at Wembley on Saturday, Dortmund have not reached a final since losing to Bayern Munich at the same venue in 2013 – and suffered the misery of…
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Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals https://www.merchant-business.com/terzic-dortmund-ready-to-thwart-madrids-perfect-record-in-champions-league-finals/?feed_id=4870&_unique_id=6657b702b4d78 Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals Google News Edin Terzic believes Borussia Dortmund can end Real Madrid’s winning streak in the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium on Saturday. Madrid have won all eight finals they have played in since the Champions League replaced the European Cup in 1992, including five Champions League wins in the past 10 seasons and 14 European titles in total. Terzic said records are to be broken but Dortmund needed to perform at the highest level. “We have to have the belief that we can achieve big things,” Terzic told a news conference. “We have to give it our all to bring the trophy back to Dortmund. It’s been a long time coming.” Dortmund won the tournament in 1997 and reached the final again in 2013, losing to Bayern Munich in an all-German clash. “The most important thing is, if you want to win the Champions League, you have to beat the champions,” Terzic said. “We’re now playing against the undisputed champions. “what do you want?” pic.twitter.com/yOABIBqBgN — Borussia Dortmund (@BlackYellow) May 27, 2024 “They’ve been through this 14 times and won it five times in the last 10 years, but our goal is always to put it down to one game.” “We’ve been in eight Champions League finals and we’ve never lost. But it’s not what happened in the last eight that matters. The only thing that matters is the next game. It’s time to end that losing streak.” Dortmund finished this season’s Bundesliga in fifth place, narrowly securing a place in next season’s Champions League and were favourites to win it in 2023, only to narrowly miss out on the league title in the final game of the season. But Terzic said the difficult experience from a year ago has contributed to their success this season. “At the time I said I wanted to leave that chapter of my life behind, but this day has been part of our path to success from that point on,” he said. “Now we are here with the same fans who came to London a year ago after that bitter match. [on the final Bundesliga matchday]”They’ve been cheering us on and singing for us for hours, and now it’s time to give back and hopefully have a chance to celebrate with us.” Source of this program “My fashionable brother says this plugin is beautiful!!” “Edin Terzic believes Dortmund can end Real Madrid’s winning streak in the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium on Saturday. Madrid have won all eight of their previous matches…” Source: Read more Source link: https://www.soccernews.com/terzic-dortmund-ready-to-snap-madrid-s-perfect-champions-league-final-run/372053/ The post Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy! Global, GoogleNews
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Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals - #Global #GoogleNews https://www.merchant-business.com/terzic-dortmund-ready-to-thwart-madrids-perfect-record-in-champions-league-finals/?feed_id=4869&_unique_id=6657b701e2a43 Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals Google News Edin Terzic believes Borussia Dortmund can end Real Madrid’s winning streak in the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium on Saturday. Madrid have won all eight finals they have played in since the Champions League replaced the European Cup in 1992, including five Champions League wins in the past 10 seasons and 14 European titles in total. Terzic said records are to be broken but Dortmund needed to perform at the highest level. “We have to have the belief that we can achieve big things,” Terzic told a news conference. “We have to give it our all to bring the trophy back to Dortmund. It’s been a long time coming.” Dortmund won the tournament in 1997 and reached the final again in 2013, losing to Bayern Munich in an all-German clash. “The most important thing is, if you want to win the Champions League, you have to beat the champions,” Terzic said. “We’re now playing against the undisputed champions. “what do you want?” pic.twitter.com/yOABIBqBgN — Borussia Dortmund (@BlackYellow) May 27, 2024 “They’ve been through this 14 times and won it five times in the last 10 years, but our goal is always to put it down to one game.” “We’ve been in eight Champions League finals and we’ve never lost. But it’s not what happened in the last eight that matters. The only thing that matters is the next game. It’s time to end that losing streak.” Dortmund finished this season’s Bundesliga in fifth place, narrowly securing a place in next season’s Champions League and were favourites to win it in 2023, only to narrowly miss out on the league title in the final game of the season. But Terzic said the difficult experience from a year ago has contributed to their success this season. “At the time I said I wanted to leave that chapter of my life behind, but this day has been part of our path to success from that point on,” he said. “Now we are here with the same fans who came to London a year ago after that bitter match. [on the final Bundesliga matchday]”They’ve been cheering us on and singing for us for hours, and now it’s time to give back and hopefully have a chance to celebrate with us.” Source of this program “My fashionable brother says this plugin is beautiful!!” “Edin Terzic believes Dortmund can end Real Madrid’s winning streak in the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium on Saturday. Madrid have won all eight of their previous matches…” Source: Read more Source link: https://www.soccernews.com/terzic-dortmund-ready-to-snap-madrid-s-perfect-champions-league-final-run/372053/ The post Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy! Global, GoogleNews BLOGGER - #Global #GoogleNews
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merchant-business · 5 days
Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals https://www.merchant-business.com/terzic-dortmund-ready-to-thwart-madrids-perfect-record-in-champions-league-finals/?feed_id=4868&_unique_id=6657b7009cac2 Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals Google News Edin Terzic believes Borussia Dortmund can end Real Madrid’s winning streak in the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium on Saturday. Madrid have won all eight finals they have played in since the Champions League replaced the European Cup in 1992, including five Champions League wins in the past 10 seasons and 14 European titles in total. Terzic said records are to be broken but Dortmund needed to perform at the highest level. “We have to have the belief that we can achieve big things,” Terzic told a news conference. “We have to give it our all to bring the trophy back to Dortmund. It’s been a long time coming.” Dortmund won the tournament in 1997 and reached the final again in 2013, losing to Bayern Munich in an all-German clash. “The most important thing is, if you want to win the Champions League, you have to beat the champions,” Terzic said. “We’re now playing against the undisputed champions. “what do you want?” pic.twitter.com/yOABIBqBgN — Borussia Dortmund (@BlackYellow) May 27, 2024 “They’ve been through this 14 times and won it five times in the last 10 years, but our goal is always to put it down to one game.” “We’ve been in eight Champions League finals and we’ve never lost. But it’s not what happened in the last eight that matters. The only thing that matters is the next game. It’s time to end that losing streak.” Dortmund finished this season’s Bundesliga in fifth place, narrowly securing a place in next season’s Champions League and were favourites to win it in 2023, only to narrowly miss out on the league title in the final game of the season. But Terzic said the difficult experience from a year ago has contributed to their success this season. “At the time I said I wanted to leave that chapter of my life behind, but this day has been part of our path to success from that point on,” he said. “Now we are here with the same fans who came to London a year ago after that bitter match. [on the final Bundesliga matchday]”They’ve been cheering us on and singing for us for hours, and now it’s time to give back and hopefully have a chance to celebrate with us.” Source of this program “My fashionable brother says this plugin is beautiful!!” “Edin Terzic believes Dortmund can end Real Madrid’s winning streak in the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium on Saturday. Madrid have won all eight of their previous matches…” Source: Read more Source link: https://www.soccernews.com/terzic-dortmund-ready-to-snap-madrid-s-perfect-champions-league-final-run/372053/ The post Terzic: Dortmund ready to thwart Madrid’s perfect record in Champions League finals appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy!
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kylewalker-peters · 27 days
the thing is on paper bayern is the better team to have in the final just based off how they're not great this year and we've beat them once but we only ever win the der klassikers that don't bloody matter and i think at least if we lose to Madrid it won't be as haunting
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nahkyl · 1 month
okay but the question is ARE WE GOING TO THE FINAL? lowley I prefer to lose to bayern that madrid because everyone know bayern got our asses anyway, but also the trauma of losing another final against bayern lmaooo
Well as of now, we’re not going to the finals.
Dortmund is doing a lot better and I don’t know how we’re winning without Lucas lmao
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