#Maedhros is trying to come up with diplomatic and strategic reasons why they should let him have two copies of his boyfriend as sex slaves
fuckingfinwions · 4 months
the end of a letter from Crown Prince Maedhros, lord of Himring, to his father, High King Feanaro, lord of Ethel Sirion, sole ruler of the Noldor
aka what if Harem-verse Fingon landed in the Rape Magic Slavery AU
In addition to the regular business discussed above, there is one more matter I must bring to your attention.
A week past, a second elf claiming to be Findekano son of Nolofinwe woke up in bed alongside the normal one. There are no other signs of intrusion into my fortress, though I have moved my bedroom and doubled the night watches to be sure. To all the tests I have devised, he is an Noldorin elf. (I have included a list of those tests and their results on the next page.) I do not deem the matter to be a threat at this time, and the second Findekano is much less skilled in combat than the one who has been here for centuries.
For clarity, I will call the new arrival “Cevamo” for the rest of this letter, and the one who has fought beside me so loyally and obediently “Fingon”. I admit it in inelegant to use a Quenya name in otherwise Sindarin writing, but given Cevamo claims not to speak the latter I deem it fitting.
Cevamo claims to be from a song that is similar to our own up through the arrival of the Noldor in Valinor, but changed melodies centuries ago. I have no source beyond his word, but I am skilled at telling when people were lying to me and I do not think he was.
In the Tirion Cevamo is familiar with, High King Finwe (may he soon walk again under the stars) saw that Nolofinwe would seek to usurp your place, long before Morgoth was released. Therefore he placed Nolofinwe in service to you, even from the day he came of age, to use even as you do now. That Tirion has never seen its people divided, with none to oppose thee in your rights.
In addition, Cevamo claims that male elves can get pregnant where he is from. (I have not tested this, but if you have a use for a grandson of Nolofinwe I will order Cevamo and Fingon to attempt it.) He claims that in the song he knows, he was born of Ngolfin and sired by Feanor, as were Aredhel and Turgon. He is aware though that he is not a prince or any sort of nobility, and instead exists for the use and pleasure of Feanor and his family. He also claims that the counterpart to myself bred him, and he bore a son. He is accustomed to staying in one wing of the palace and it’s courtyard, and speaking to no one except his father and brothers and the house of Feanor.
Cevamo is extremely biddable, and demands very little. He has stayed in my rooms the entire time save only for one trip to the training grounds to assess his skills, and has not complained about the restrictions. I have not attempted the spell on him for two reasons; I wished to wait for your commands, and I do not know what I could do that he would object to. Cevamo does not harbor any taboos, whether about acts or incest, though he expressed a fear of strangers.
The main weaknesses Cevamo has shown are that he has lived an incredibly sheltered life. He has never spoken to outsiders, for fear they would trick him into discontent with his lot. He has never held a sword, nor a bow, nor a spear nor can he fight with his bare hands. His horsemanship is adequate for a sunny day in a quiet field in Valinor. His education in music and dance is vast, but politics and history is very little. I am certain that Cevamo could not play the role Fingon currently does on our front lines, nor could he take over Fingon’s duties in court without Ngolfin or myself giving him every line.
Despite all this, I think Cevamo may be useful in the war. Morgoth does not have agents close enough to spy on our politics, but I have often routed orcs watching our fortresses. If Cevamo were to walk along the walls or go for short trips outside the city, Morgoth could be distracted from Fingon leading even a small army north to attack. In a year or so when Cevamo is a stronger rider, he could travel with me to Ethel Sirion, and Fingon could hold Himring; this would demonstrate to our people Ngolfin’s continued allegiance, while keeping the orcs hard-pressed. It’s true Cevamo would not know what Fingon would say, but he could be passed lines for a day or two and then retire with an “illness.” On a more personal note, Cevamo is very relaxing to interact with, and I hope to have him demonstrate to you and Ngolfin soon.
At the moment, the only ones who know of Cevamo’s presence are himself, my valet (who first saw him), myself, and Fingon. My valet does not know Cevamo’s alleged history, and does know better than to spread around what I’ve ordered him to keep private. I will keep this secret until I receive guidance from you on how to best use this strange occurrence for the glory of the Noldor and vengeance against Morgoth.
With deepest love and respect,
Prince Maedhros of Himring
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