#magic harem slavery au
fuckingfinwions · 1 month
the end of a letter from Crown Prince Maedhros, lord of Himring, to his father, High King Feanaro, lord of Ethel Sirion, sole ruler of the Noldor
aka what if Harem-verse Fingon landed in the Rape Magic Slavery AU
In addition to the regular business discussed above, there is one more matter I must bring to your attention.
A week past, a second elf claiming to be Findekano son of Nolofinwe woke up in bed alongside the normal one. There are no other signs of intrusion into my fortress, though I have moved my bedroom and doubled the night watches to be sure. To all the tests I have devised, he is an Noldorin elf. (I have included a list of those tests and their results on the next page.) I do not deem the matter to be a threat at this time, and the second Findekano is much less skilled in combat than the one who has been here for centuries.
For clarity, I will call the new arrival “Cevamo” for the rest of this letter, and the one who has fought beside me so loyally and obediently “Fingon”. I admit it in inelegant to use a Quenya name in otherwise Sindarin writing, but given Cevamo claims not to speak the latter I deem it fitting.
Cevamo claims to be from a song that is similar to our own up through the arrival of the Noldor in Valinor, but changed melodies centuries ago. I have no source beyond his word, but I am skilled at telling when people were lying to me and I do not think he was.
In the Tirion Cevamo is familiar with, High King Finwe (may he soon walk again under the stars) saw that Nolofinwe would seek to usurp your place, long before Morgoth was released. Therefore he placed Nolofinwe in service to you, even from the day he came of age, to use even as you do now. That Tirion has never seen its people divided, with none to oppose thee in your rights.
In addition, Cevamo claims that male elves can get pregnant where he is from. (I have not tested this, but if you have a use for a grandson of Nolofinwe I will order Cevamo and Fingon to attempt it.) He claims that in the song he knows, he was born of Ngolfin and sired by Feanor, as were Aredhel and Turgon. He is aware though that he is not a prince or any sort of nobility, and instead exists for the use and pleasure of Feanor and his family. He also claims that the counterpart to myself bred him, and he bore a son. He is accustomed to staying in one wing of the palace and it’s courtyard, and speaking to no one except his father and brothers and the house of Feanor.
Cevamo is extremely biddable, and demands very little. He has stayed in my rooms the entire time save only for one trip to the training grounds to assess his skills, and has not complained about the restrictions. I have not attempted the spell on him for two reasons; I wished to wait for your commands, and I do not know what I could do that he would object to. Cevamo does not harbor any taboos, whether about acts or incest, though he expressed a fear of strangers.
The main weaknesses Cevamo has shown are that he has lived an incredibly sheltered life. He has never spoken to outsiders, for fear they would trick him into discontent with his lot. He has never held a sword, nor a bow, nor a spear nor can he fight with his bare hands. His horsemanship is adequate for a sunny day in a quiet field in Valinor. His education in music and dance is vast, but politics and history is very little. I am certain that Cevamo could not play the role Fingon currently does on our front lines, nor could he take over Fingon’s duties in court without Ngolfin or myself giving him every line.
Despite all this, I think Cevamo may be useful in the war. Morgoth does not have agents close enough to spy on our politics, but I have often routed orcs watching our fortresses. If Cevamo were to walk along the walls or go for short trips outside the city, Morgoth could be distracted from Fingon leading even a small army north to attack. In a year or so when Cevamo is a stronger rider, he could travel with me to Ethel Sirion, and Fingon could hold Himring; this would demonstrate to our people Ngolfin’s continued allegiance, while keeping the orcs hard-pressed. It’s true Cevamo would not know what Fingon would say, but he could be passed lines for a day or two and then retire with an “illness.” On a more personal note, Cevamo is very relaxing to interact with, and I hope to have him demonstrate to you and Ngolfin soon.
At the moment, the only ones who know of Cevamo’s presence are himself, my valet (who first saw him), myself, and Fingon. My valet does not know Cevamo’s alleged history, and does know better than to spread around what I’ve ordered him to keep private. I will keep this secret until I receive guidance from you on how to best use this strange occurrence for the glory of the Noldor and vengeance against Morgoth.
With deepest love and respect,
Prince Maedhros of Himring
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norel-ravenclaw · 2 years
Writing Prompt Lists For Romance & Smut
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Feel free to use this list, anything on it, edit it, repost, whatever!
🚩 Triggering and disturbing concepts throughout, scroll down only if you are willing to see them.
This list is for me lol, it has my likes and tastes only. Please suggest anything you'd like to see here, but to have everything you want, please use it and edit it yourself.
Power Imbalance
1. Social standing difference
2. Maid / Butler
3. All grown up
4. Boss & assistant
5. Villain
6. Big & smol (size difference)
7. Protector / Bodyguard
8. Guardian
9. May-December love / Age gap
10. Dom & sub
11. Enforcement & Prisoner
12. Professor & Student
13. Kidnapped / Abduction
14. Obsession
15. Slavery
Marriage & such
16. Innocent cohabitation
17. Arranged marriage
18. Marriage before romance
19. Altar diplomacy (political marriage)
20. Marriage pact
21. Love triangle
22. OT3 / Harem AU
23. Bachelor(ette) auction
24. Secret admirer
25. First love
26. One bed~
27. Forced proximity
28. Amnesia
Magic & Paranormal
29. Love potion
30. Gods / and mortal
31. Cursed
32. Mythology
33. Incubus / Succubus
34. Demon / Angel
35. Fae (tricked into being lover?)
36. Witch Coven
37. Soulmates
38. Vampires
39. Mermaid
40. Werewolf pack / mates
41. Dreamscape
Power Imbalance
1. Enforcement & Prisoner
2. Protector / Bodyguard
3. Guardian
4. Arranged marriage
5. Maid / Butler
6. Villain
7. Boss & assistant
8. Social standing difference
9. Age gap
10. Professor & Student
11. Uniform (school, military, holy, ect.)
12. Amnesia
Y'all REALLY Kinky
13. Kidnapped / Abduction
14. Abduction as seduction: a kink where the abductor/kidnapper treats the victim in a loving manner
15. Master & Slave
16. Stalker
17. Harpaxophilia - sexual arousal from being the victim of a robbery
18. Pet play
Magic & Paranormal
19. Love potion
20. Gods / and mortal
21. Mythology
22. Incubus / Succubus
23. Demon / Angel
24. Fae (tricked into being lover?)
25. Witch Coven
26. Vampires
27. Mermaid
28. Werewolf pack / mates
1. Praise & Reassurance (technically kinks right? maybe?)
2. Voice kink
3. Overstimulation
4. Edging
5. Size difference
6. Quirofilia - sexual arousal to hands
7. Blindfolds
8. Dirty talk
9. Tripsolagnophilia - massage fetish
10. In bath
11. Toys
12. Bondage (Vincilagnia: kink for being tied up and at the mercy of another person)
13. Collar & Leash
14. Enforcement / Prisoner
15. Begging
16. Discipline
17. Maid / Butler
18. Somnophilia - arousal or sexual acts with a sleeping person
19. Thigh fucking
20. Katoptronophilia - sexual arousal from doing a sexual activity in front of a mirror
21. Plugs & vibrators in public
Hot damn...
22. Consensual non consent/dubious consent
23. Hair pulling
24. Choking
25. Pet play
26. Voyeurism
27. Exhibitionism
28. Age gap
29. Triolism (threesome)
30. Fear play
31. Kidnapping / Abduction
32. Abduction as seduction: a kink where the abductor/kidnapper treats the victim in a loving manner
33. Master & slave
Remember your safe words and protection kids! ~
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ask-sibverse · 4 months
Can we know more about the consorts in harem? Do they have roles? Can we get from the favorite to the least?
Very few of the harem has actual official "roles," although that's more to the nature of why they're in the harem.
On Reve (Dream)'s side his two most "favored" consorts would probably be Ink and Blue. Blue was a royal guard who had to quit due to an injury, and Ink was a child who had grown up in the castle alongside Reve. In all honesty Reve would marry either or both, but an archaic rule is that the royal family can only marry non-nobility with approval from the majority of the kingdom's noble families aaaaand they've been fighting over that for the last decade. Blue's main "job" would probably be keeping Ink out of trouble.
Tied to second would probably be Killer, Dust, Axe, and Error (whom I keep forgetting to mention because bitch get out of your tower and talk to people). Killer and Dust were friends with the current Emperors since their teenage years, and when issues handling their LV forced them to quit, Dream officially made them a part of the harem so they would have access to the best medical care in the kingdom (and because they were all quietly pining for each other.) Axe is a refugee from the famine and general disaster of the Horror Kingdom, having arrived around 8-9 years ago with his two brothers, Hōra and Vega (sibverse Horrortale variants). He helps Kumo manage the castle staff and kitchens. Error is from a tribe of similar skeletons overseas. A few years ago, foreign traders raided his area to capture monsters to sell as slaves. Error had been "gifted" to Dream to gain favor, but slavery was already made illegal by that point. With no way to return home Dream made him a consort and keeps an eye out for news of any of his missing family. He doesn't have an official duty, but he does make clothes for the Emperors and harem, when Ink isn't bothering him.
On Nox's (Nightmare) side Mari is the favorite hands down. She was gifted to the royal family as a child (when slavery was legal) and the twins' mother took a shine to her, working to free the girl and raising her as though she was being trained to be the future Empress. She assists Nox and Reve with all of the duties an Empress would fulfill, staff and event organization, dealings with nobility of the Apple kingdom, and raising the Emperors' siblings and wards (there are currently no heirs from either Emperor.) Second to her would be Swad and Killer. Swad was...well without spoilers he was a slave owned by the previous emperor that Night found after his death and fell in love with. (Harem AU Swad is closer in personality to how he behaves in the far future of sibverse due to Plot Reasons rather than the common portrayal of Swad). He is still recovering from things both magical and physical the previous Emperor did to him, and as such does not have any duties.
"Lower ranked" would be Yuki, although that's because he's a prickly bastard no matter what timeline (affectionate). Yuki fled the war in Ukiyo with his brother, Kumo, because he refused to lead a war he could clearly see Ukiyo would not win. He bartered for safety for himself and his brother with the strict requirement that neither of them be required to serve in a military. The next best thing was adding Yuki as a consort and allowing Kumo to serve as matron/head of staff (which he's very good at).
And now we have Kage and Yume on Reve's side, lol
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magibigbang-blog · 5 years
Fic Summaries Post
We apologize for the delay in this post- between people dropping and unforseen health circumstances in the mod team, things were a bit delayed. Thank you so much for your patience! The artist claim form will go up tomorrow at 1 PM EST, so that people have a chance to read over these and decide which fics they are interested in drawing for. 
With no further ado, let me present our stories!
FIC 001 Ships: Sinbad/Judar Characters: Sinbad, Judar Rating: M Warnings: Graphic Violence Additional Warnings: Mentions of slavery and abuse Summary: Somewhere between the painful burn of his clogged lungs and the bloody petals falling from his lips, Judar remembers a distant past and a broken slave with exquisite golden eyes. A slave who now is the mighty king of Sindria. soulmate!AU,   Hanahaki!AU
FIC 002 Ships: Sinbad/Judal Characters: Judal, Sinbad Rating: M Warnings: no major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: Nothing in particular, I’ll keep you guys updated as I continue to work. The rating might be explicit depending on... how explicit I decide to go with nsfw :’). Summary: In a world with no use for kings nor magi, Judal has never felt more alone. It’s only the rumors of a certain king’s return to the world that reignite his sense of purpose; however, it is the fate he so desperately abhors that brings Sinbad back into Judal’s life, and he finally begins to understand the love of fate.
FIC 003 Ships: Juhaku, background Alimor & Hakuei/Paimon Characters: Hakuryuu and Judal Rating: T Warnings: No Major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: none Summary: Modern Figure Skating AU. Ren Hakuryuu is an up and coming prospect in the figure skating world. He’s been trained all his life by his coach and aunt, former champion Arba, to surpass her and gain prestige for himself in their chosen sport. However, his first attempt to move onto the world stage is soured when he meets Judal, an equally skilled skater who is seeking the exact same thing and being coached by Solomon to achieve it. Much like their trainers, each of them is instantly put off by the other and are determined to leave everyone else in the dust in pursuit of the gold medal. However, as they train for competition, they find their fierce rivalry developing into something much deeper.
FIC 004 Ships: Judal/Hakuryuu Characters: Judal, Hakuryuu Rating: T Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: Does it count as major character death if one of the characters is dead before the story starts? Also mentions of magic bullshit violence/death/ghosts Summary: Hakuryuu stumbles upon a dead amusement park, now inhabited by the ghosts of past patrons, magical creatures, and Judal, a former employee who PROBABLY should have died from all the bullshit he did in the park after hours. Hakuryuu is clued into the world of magic and has run from his mother's magical cult, with plans to gather power and fight back.
FIC 005 Ships: Sinbad/Ja'far Characters: Ja’far, Sinbad, and a small orphan girl... Rating: Not Currently Sure Warnings: Graphic Violence Additional Warnings: I’m not entirely sure what I want to do yet in terms of darker content, but there could potentially be disturbing themes or imagery, as well as physical harm to either an animal or a child... Summary: In the wake of loss, Ja’far finds himself incapable of moving on in his life. Drakon, concerned by his lack of self care, relieves him of his work and insists he travel. Upon heading to the only land untouched by his former fiancé’s legacy, however, Jafar learns he can’t truly outrun his despair. Mistania, instead of a new start, brings him a stranger with the exact face and voice of a man he once thought dead. Now, set into the turmoil following a revolution, he’s on the run with an amnesiac, a dog, and refugee princess. What has his life become... Longer summary/planning document can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Az6dKCZOM3hQkAtzvWo-VsK9MkjiSvqfVkOIE7_N1qE
FIC 006 Ships: Kouen/Judal, Sinbad/Ja'far Characters: Kouen, Judal, Gyokuen, Kougyoku, Kouha, Koumei, Hakuryuu, Hakuei, Sinbad, Ja'far Rating: T Warnings: No Major Archive Warnings Apply Additional Warnings: None Summary: When the only way to access his inheritance is to get married, Kouen has to turn to Judal, his right-hand man. Kouen will do anything to protect his family, but falling in love with his new husband makes it just a bit more complicated.
FIC 007 Ships: Gyokuen/Hakutoku Characters: Gyokuen, Arba, Hakutoku Rating: M Warnings: No Major Archive Warnings Apply Additional Warnings: Some sexual content, unsure of how explicit it will be Summary: Growing up as an orphan, Gyokuen wanted nothing more than to have a family of her own. But being a person who regularly starts fights, it was unlikely for her to get married. That is, until a traveller named 'Toku' expressed interest after she beat him in a fight. But that was just the beginning of her problems as soon, a curse her family had been harboring comes to haunt her, the very same curse why she was abandoned in the first place. And that curse has a name; 'Arba.' As time went on, 'she' claimed more and more of her family's lives and Gyokuen cannot do anything but watch as she killed them with her own hands.
FIC 008 Ships: SoloShe, AlaKou Characters: Aladdin, Kougyoku, Solomon, Sheba Rating: G Warnings: No Major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: none Summary: Post-Final Arc! It shouldn't have been possible, but in front of Aladdin stood King Solomon and Queen Sheba. Something gone wrong with the Rukh, but Aladdin's just happy he gets to meet his parents.
FIC 009 Ships: Gen, with some Badr/Esra Characters: Sinbad, Kil, Yamuraiha, Maader Um Mariadel, Falan, Arba, Ja'far, Badr, Esra, Fatima, Masrur, Mystras Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings apply Additional Warnings: Canon typical violence, abuse, guns, starvation, eating disorder mention Summary: Thousands of years after the events of Magi, Sinbad was reborn and lives his life as a High-school student in New Remano. When he meets a mysterious girl with a link to a past that he cannot remember and discovers a plot against him he must fight to stop history from repeating.
FIC 010 Ships: no ships expected, potential for otome game style harem teases Characters: Kassim, Kouen, Koumei, Kouha, Hakuryuu Rating: T Warnings: No major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort Summary: Kassim lives and stays in Balbadd as it's reformed by the Kou Empire, which has moved in as canon. He approaches the princes to change Balbadd back and ends up working with them (begrudgingly) to aid Balbadd's integration. This allows him to interact with them, his own people, and help work out the hidden scars of the royal family. Now that he's finally talked to his own family, he doesn't want to see the one in charge of his home destroy themselves and everything around them.
FIC 011 Ships: Gen, maybe some ship tease for Ja'far/Masrur, Ja'far/Drakon, and obviously, Ja'far/Judar. I suppose there could also be hints of Ja'far/Sinbad, due to some reminiscing about the past--however, I want the artist to know that I am trying to write Ja'far as a person who is learning to become more independent and self-motivated, rather than motivating himself with Sinbad's goals and pining constantly for Sinbad's return. Characters: Ja'far, Judar, and supporting/somewhat major roles from every ex-general of Sindria. Any other characters would have brief appearances. Rating: T Warnings: Graphic Violence (canon-typical) Additional Warnings: Canon-typical violence Summary: The world has changed and there's work to be done. With the shifted landscape, changes in leadership, and the departure of a certain king, there's a never-ending stream of challenges to be overcome. Oh, and the brat magi of Kou has up and vanished without a word of warning. Well, Ja'far is sure they can do without. Like with all cockroaches, he's a pest that always turns up eventually. And besides--he's far more concerned about the black cat he stumbled upon in the gardens, found wounded and mewling in hunger. Sure, its personality is a bit aggressive, and it claws him every time he tries to pet it, but that's only natural for such a frail, scared little animal, likely separated and lost from its mother. And he's always had a soft spot for cats, as Drakon would say… The first chapter will be from Ja'far's perspective and the rest is Judar begrudgingly witnessing the events through his cat body and getting used to his short bout as a cat. Basically, this fic will explore the changed/re-emerging relationships between Ja'far and the other ex-generals after the end of the final arc, and will attempt to explain how Judar and Ja'far--two polar opposites that fell in hate at first sight some years ago--reach a mutual understanding and tolerance of one another in this new world. I definitely do see this as a multi-chapter fic that will stretch beyond 10k words and the required scope of Big Bang!
FIC 012 Ships: Gen Characters: Hakuryuu Rating: Not currently sure Warnings: No major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: Canon Death, and Canon Violence Summary: Hakuryuu wondered what his place was with his family before his family massacre as he was the youngest son. Even now with his new siblings, he still struggles to find a place among them. With meeting Alibaba and the other he felt as if he had finally gain a place where he can be himself but again he stuggled to find himself accepting the hand he was dealt and goes off with Judar.
FIC 013 Ships: Gen, potential background sphintitus Characters: aladdin, ja'far, scheherazade, yunan, ugo (as a cat), yamuraiha Rating: T Warnings: No major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: this deals w the aftermath of living under the influence of a cult, so certain gaslighting/brainwashing/false worship fall under it. specific ptsd, possibly, and panic attacks, with adjusting to normal society. Summary: modern au. deals with aladdin, after the cult al thamen is disbanded, and the only life he's ever known getting thrown on its head.
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List of Alternate Universes
Alien Invasion AU – In which the story deals with an alien invasion when canonically it does not ever happened.
All Human AU – In which characters who are canonically non-human are now humans, with corresponding changes to their backstories.
Alpha/Beta/Omega AU – Often referred to as A/B/O or even Omegaverse. It is a growing trope of AUs originated in kinkmemes in which characters can be Alphas (dominant males or females), Betas (ordinary working class), or Omegas (submissive males or females).
Angel/Demon AU – When angels and demons exist (in the case of canons that don’t have them) or a character is recast as one of them. However, these kind of AUs don’t necessarily have to have both beings in the story as some tend to focus on only one of them.
Arranged Marriage AU – Similar to the Marriage Law AU, only the difference is that not all the characters are required to be married. It is mostly focused on only one pairing and it is usually a pairing that wouldn’t normally get together such as crack ships or doomed ships. In some stories it is a plausible idea, but in others it is not.
Bakery AU – When most of the cast of a story works at a bakery while the rest are customers.
BDSM AU – Is when the entire cast is either a dominant or a submissive and BDSM relationships are considered the norm. Be advised that while a healthy BDSM relationship is consensual and not dangerous, if handled incorrectly it can result in abusive behavior which is offensive and considered bad BDSM etiquette.
Bookstore AU – When most of the casts works at a bookstore. If not, usually a few of the characters work there, while the rest of them are customers. Another version is the Library AU, in which one or two of the characters are librarians, while the rest of the cast spend their time looking for particular books.
Business AU – In which the story is set in a building and the characters are employees. Sometimes it is focus on one character who works as a secretary and another character as their boss.
Circus AU – In which the story is set in a circus and the characters are circus performers or customers.
Coffee Shop AU – Also known as Barista AU. In most cases, one half of the main pairing is the barista and the other is or becomes their favorite customer; in some stories the whole cast works at a coffee shop.
Crime AU – In which the characters of a story are various type of criminals, such as burglars, bank robbers, gangsters, drug dealers, smugglers, hitman/fixer and so on. This AU focuses on their criminal lives. It is similar to the Mafia AU.
Darkside AU – Is when the canon villain of the story succeeds in their mission and the AU story focuses on the outcome of it.
Desert island AU – Or an uninhabited island AU, in which a character or most of the characters of a story are trapped on a deserted island, usually from being shipwrecked or their plane crashing.
Dystopian AU – Is set in a dystopian society that is not the original setting of the canon.
Fairy Tail AU – In which canon characters are put into situations and/or settings from fairy tales, such as Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty,  Little Red Riding Hood, etc.
Fantasy AU – In which the story takes place in a fantasy universe where magic or magical abilities is normal, technology is nonexistent and supernatural creatures exist.
Flower Shop AU – Similar to the Coffee Shop AU and the Bakery AU, but instead the entire cast works in a flower shop. Or one of the characters works there and the rest are customers.
Genderswap AU – In which one or more characters in the story switch binary sexes, such as depicting a male character as a cis woman.
Harem AU – Or Reverse Harem AU is when a story that doesn’t contain any polygamous or love triangle relationships turns into one. Usually the main character has something happen to them that attracts the other characters to them, be it from a love potion, experimental perfume, spell gone wrong, and so on.
Haunted House AU – Or Haunted Castle AU, in which a character moves into a new home or castle and doesn’t know that it is haunted (usually by a ghost, sometimes a demon or some other type of creature) or they are dared by their friends to spend the night in it.
High School/College AU – In which the characters are shown in high school or in college together. They are often done with characters who canonically meet later in life, altering or entirely overwriting their original backstories. Similar to this AU is the Boarding School AU and the Elementary School AU.
Hogwarts AU – In which the characters from other stories are placed into the setting of Harry Potter. These can be coexistent with Harry Potter canon, or ignore it entirely. But they are often portrayed as students of Hogwarts instead of teachers that work there.
Hospital AU – In which the characters of a story are doctors, nurses and patients in a hospital (sometimes it is set in an asylum).
Hooker AU – Where one or more of the characters is a sex worker. The more common is the Pretty Woman-type fantasy of a hooker with a heart of gold, rescued from life on the streets by a client. Sex work of all kinds is portrayed: brothels, escorts, street prostitution, “call-girls” as well as strippers and go-go boys. Most of the time one character of the pairing is the hooker and the other the client, though some stories have both characters as prostitutes (sometimes along with other canon characters, in either a brothel-type setting or living on the streets).
Hunger Games AU – In which characters from other stories are competitors in the Hunger Games.
Ice Cream Shop AU – When the casts works at an ice cream shop. Possibly one of the characters owns it, while the rest are employees or customers.
Law Enforcement/Military AU – In which the cast are policeman, federal agents, soldiers, marines or whatnot and the story focuses on their lives.
Mafia AU – In which the characters are in a mafia.
Magic AU – Incorporate magic in stories where there is no magic present in canon.
Marriage Law AU – It spawn from the Marriage Law Challenge in the Harry Potter fandom, in which the premise is to forced marriage between a Muggle-born to a Pure-blood (or Half-Blood) due to a new decree passed by the Ministry of Magic to help preserve the magical population.
Master/Slave AU – In which the cast are place in an universe where slavery is an accepted economic and cultural institution. Some stories treat this as a significant moral problem to be resisted and overthrown if possible; others treat slavery as an unchangeable institution.
Merpeople AU – Or also known as Undersea AU, in which a story is set in the ocean and the characters are turned into mermaids and merman. Sometimes it’s focus on only one character that becomes a mermaid or merman and another character that is a human. When it’s the latter the AU usually turns into a Little Mermaid type of story.
Modern AU – In which characters from a historical (or pseudo-historical) canon universe are placed into a modern setting.
Monster AU – In which the characters are changed into non-human creatures, such as Incubus/Succubus or other kinds of monsters.
No Human AU – Also known as Animal AU, is the opposite of All Human AU, in which characters that are canonically human are now non-humans.
Noir Detective AU – In which the characters are put in a typical ‘40s or ‘50s film noir environment. Or sometimes as a homage towards the style, in which the characters are still their canon selves, but plot or aesthetics are given a noir slant.
Opposite AU – In which canon personalities and backstories are swapped out with an opposite versions of themselves. Such as a quiet shy character may become loud and outgoing.
Pacific Rim AU – In which the characters are put into the world of Pacific Rim (most often as Jaeger pilots). This AU gained popularity due to the concept of Drift Compatibility that made for excellent shipping interactions.
Pen Pal AU – Is when two characters (who have met in canon) have not met each other in this AU. Sometimes they live in the area and other times they don’t live on the same continent. Usually it is their school that sets them up as pen pals. If not, it is because one of the characters writes a letter to the wrong person/wrong address or they accidentally texts the wrong person.
Pirate AU – When the whole cast are pirates and it is focus on shipboard life, usually it is set in early nineteenth-century Europe. Sometimes it’s pirates in outer space.
Prison AU – In which characters meet for the first time in an prison environment where they have to depend on each other.
Private Detective AU – When one of the characters becomes a professional detective while the rest of the cast are their clients or the detective’s contacts in the police department (sometimes they work in other fields, in which the Detective character calls them in for favors to help solve difficult cases).
Reincarnation AU – In which stories with historical canon setting have the characters become reincarnated into a modern setting and in doing so they are quite similar to their canon selves.
Reverse AU – Is when the roles (and sometimes backstories) of the characters are swapped, such as the hero is the villain and the villain is the hero.
Rockstar AU – In which the main casts is a popular music band or one of them is a solo artists with many groupies which may consist the rest of the characters.
Roommate AU – In which the characters in a fandom are all living together in an apartment or an house. Usually this kind of story is focused on two characters that become roommates.
Royalty AU – Where one or more characters (who canonically aren’t) are members of a royal family. This usually goes hand in hand with a historical period, featuring a Medieval AU or Regency AU, although some works are set in Modern times or even the Future.
Single Parent AU – In which a character has a child or becomes a parent in someway and raises them on their own.
Soulmates AU – Is when two (or more) characters are fated to be together, sometimes through multiple lives and/or into the afterlife. Sometimes but not always, the pairing might have a characteristic or tell to help them find each other, such as identical or complementary birthmarks, tattoos, scars, or an invisible string that ties to their other half which becomes thicker and shorter the closer they get to them. Some stories only need a character to hear (or just see) their soulmate to know who they are.
Space AU – Where a fandom that is canonically set on Earth becomes set in outer space.
Superpowers AU – In which the characters have superpowers and are either heroes and/or villains.
Steampunk AU – In which a story is turned into a futuristic/sci-fi version of a 19th Century, usually Victorian or Edwardian containing clocks, gears, springs, steam power, analog computers, airships, etc.
Vampire/Werewolf AU – In which vampires and werewolves exist (in the case of canons that don’t have them) or a character is recast as a vampire or werewolf. However, these kind of AUs don’t necessarily have to have both species as some tend to focus on only one kind.
Victorian AU – In which characters from a modern or future-set story are relocate to a stereotypical Victorian romanticism era.
Western AU – In which the characters are transplanted into the “Old West”; or sometimes, especially in science fiction stories a Space Western equivalent, which may involve a western-type plot without horses and cattle ranches.
Wonderland AU – In which the story and the characters are turned into their own version of “Alice in Wonderland”.
Zombie Apocalypse AU – Also know as Zombie AU. In which stories that don’t contain an zombie apocalypse have it happen to them.
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
lmao @ if magical-rape-slavery fingon was there insisting on teaching them swordfighting bc clearly they need to murder some feanorions and unlike him theyre not compelled to be unable to do it. is he the only one of the three who actually hasnt been forced to have sex with his father? bc idk if feanor would be into it or if maedhros would be either. also i cant help but think hed be kind of horrified at how little harem resists anything at all. like he himself *cant* but this one *wont*
*would be his thinking. also would servant-fingon punch harem-fingon in the face upon being woken up by sex or would he just yell at him/ask him wtf hes doing?
Servant Fingon is completely on board with learning sword fighting - he doesn't have access to the armory, but if he becomes good enough fighter maybe it would just take one opportunity where it's unguarded. Harem Fingon is willing to learn swordfighting but with no expectation of ever using it. But it's an interesting sport, and he can learn some of the forms to vary his courtyard exercises. (Magic Rape Slavery is almost certainly a better swordsman than any or the Servant-verse or Harem-vese Feanorians, because he's had more practical experience.)
I think you're right that M-R-S Fingon is the only one who hasn't been forced to have sex with his father. Maedhros would be kind of into it, but is not going to suggest it - that would be using Feanor's private property for Maedhros's happiness rather than the success/glory of Feanor/his family. Feanor would be into it only as a demonstration of how total his control over Nolo is, but he's not going to suggest it either - Feanor views it as he gave Fingon to Maedhros as an apology for being captured by Morgoth, and you don't ask for gifts back. (Feanor would totally enjoy threatening Nolo with it though.) M-R-S Fingon had not actually worried much about forced to rape someone before, rather than being forced to cooperate with his own rape. So that's a new thing for his nightmares. 🙃
Magic Rape Slavery Fingon is totally horrified by Harem Fingon. "Won't fight back" is basically the core of it. He can understand that Servant Fingon is working under threat, and the wisdom of waiting for a moment of attack you can actually win. But Harem Fingon doesn't even see a reason to fight back! M-R-S Fingon doesn't think of himself as the type of person who gives up when it matters. That Harem Fingon would makes M-R-S Fingon worry he might as well, under enough pressure and lack of other social contact.
If Harem Fingon woke up Servant Fingon with sex, Servant would freeze first. It's not often that one if the Feanorians keeps him overnight in their bed, but it has happened. But once Servant Fingon was fully awake, he would be angry. I don't think he'd start punching, but he would do whatever it took to break physical contact and get out of the bed. And then start yelling.
Servant's assumption is that Harem is deliberately trying to harm him, because obviously everyone understands that rape is bad, and that "surprise sex you didn't you you wanted" is rape. Especially someone who is also a sex slave, even if Harem has a cushier life in his free time. So Harem must see himself as better than Servant somehow, maybe as "a Feanorian" and therefore having a right to Servant's body. So Servant is going to yell about how Harem is just as low and worthless as Servant is himself.
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