#whoops posted this to the wrong blog for a second
fuckingfinwions · 4 months
the end of a letter from Crown Prince Maedhros, lord of Himring, to his father, High King Feanaro, lord of Ethel Sirion, sole ruler of the Noldor
aka what if Harem-verse Fingon landed in the Rape Magic Slavery AU
In addition to the regular business discussed above, there is one more matter I must bring to your attention.
A week past, a second elf claiming to be Findekano son of Nolofinwe woke up in bed alongside the normal one. There are no other signs of intrusion into my fortress, though I have moved my bedroom and doubled the night watches to be sure. To all the tests I have devised, he is an Noldorin elf. (I have included a list of those tests and their results on the next page.) I do not deem the matter to be a threat at this time, and the second Findekano is much less skilled in combat than the one who has been here for centuries.
For clarity, I will call the new arrival “Cevamo” for the rest of this letter, and the one who has fought beside me so loyally and obediently “Fingon”. I admit it in inelegant to use a Quenya name in otherwise Sindarin writing, but given Cevamo claims not to speak the latter I deem it fitting.
Cevamo claims to be from a song that is similar to our own up through the arrival of the Noldor in Valinor, but changed melodies centuries ago. I have no source beyond his word, but I am skilled at telling when people were lying to me and I do not think he was.
In the Tirion Cevamo is familiar with, High King Finwe (may he soon walk again under the stars) saw that Nolofinwe would seek to usurp your place, long before Morgoth was released. Therefore he placed Nolofinwe in service to you, even from the day he came of age, to use even as you do now. That Tirion has never seen its people divided, with none to oppose thee in your rights.
In addition, Cevamo claims that male elves can get pregnant where he is from. (I have not tested this, but if you have a use for a grandson of Nolofinwe I will order Cevamo and Fingon to attempt it.) He claims that in the song he knows, he was born of Ngolfin and sired by Feanor, as were Aredhel and Turgon. He is aware though that he is not a prince or any sort of nobility, and instead exists for the use and pleasure of Feanor and his family. He also claims that the counterpart to myself bred him, and he bore a son. He is accustomed to staying in one wing of the palace and it’s courtyard, and speaking to no one except his father and brothers and the house of Feanor.
Cevamo is extremely biddable, and demands very little. He has stayed in my rooms the entire time save only for one trip to the training grounds to assess his skills, and has not complained about the restrictions. I have not attempted the spell on him for two reasons; I wished to wait for your commands, and I do not know what I could do that he would object to. Cevamo does not harbor any taboos, whether about acts or incest, though he expressed a fear of strangers.
The main weaknesses Cevamo has shown are that he has lived an incredibly sheltered life. He has never spoken to outsiders, for fear they would trick him into discontent with his lot. He has never held a sword, nor a bow, nor a spear nor can he fight with his bare hands. His horsemanship is adequate for a sunny day in a quiet field in Valinor. His education in music and dance is vast, but politics and history is very little. I am certain that Cevamo could not play the role Fingon currently does on our front lines, nor could he take over Fingon’s duties in court without Ngolfin or myself giving him every line.
Despite all this, I think Cevamo may be useful in the war. Morgoth does not have agents close enough to spy on our politics, but I have often routed orcs watching our fortresses. If Cevamo were to walk along the walls or go for short trips outside the city, Morgoth could be distracted from Fingon leading even a small army north to attack. In a year or so when Cevamo is a stronger rider, he could travel with me to Ethel Sirion, and Fingon could hold Himring; this would demonstrate to our people Ngolfin’s continued allegiance, while keeping the orcs hard-pressed. It’s true Cevamo would not know what Fingon would say, but he could be passed lines for a day or two and then retire with an “illness.” On a more personal note, Cevamo is very relaxing to interact with, and I hope to have him demonstrate to you and Ngolfin soon.
At the moment, the only ones who know of Cevamo’s presence are himself, my valet (who first saw him), myself, and Fingon. My valet does not know Cevamo’s alleged history, and does know better than to spread around what I’ve ordered him to keep private. I will keep this secret until I receive guidance from you on how to best use this strange occurrence for the glory of the Noldor and vengeance against Morgoth.
With deepest love and respect,
Prince Maedhros of Himring
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hillnerd-art · 1 year
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OCs* from my fic 'Waking Up’ which I have been working on :)
Hah you can tell which ones I did earlier vs which ones were done when I was warmed up. Man, next school year I need to draw more :P
*Gawain Robards isn't an OC- but we know literally nothing about him besides his name- so *shrug*
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ihm-bread · 4 months
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fields of mistria demo time
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What You Do to Me
Pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting will be blocked
Notes: This was an abandoned Kinktober prompt from forever ago, so. Enjoy.
Not beta-read. Will probably spot 80 typos as soon as I post. Also posted it to the wrong blog the first time, whoops.
Length: 4.9K
Warnings: Best friend's dad Jake; age gap; praise kink; scent kink; masturbation; oral sex (female receiving); vaginal fingering; finger sucking; safe sex
Summary: You'd had a crush on your best friend's father for as long as you'd known the guy. It had been years. You'd gone on dates with other people; you'd had a couple of relationships, but you were never able to get the man fully out of your head. Jake made you so nervous, and it didn't take much—a hand on your back as he passed you in the kitchen, a smile across the table, a cheeky wink as he said pointedly said something so deeply uncool that Rebecca groaned in frustration. He was so intimidating, and brilliant, and gorgeous—and despite your intelligence, he just scrambled your brain.
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GIF by stilinskiderek
“I’m sorry about this.”
It had to be the fifth time you said it, but you seemed not to be able to think of anything else to say. You almost never could when Mr. Seresin was nearby. The soft chuckle that he loosed now did absolutely nothing to lessen your embarrassment—which was insane.
You'd been coming to the man's house for years, but you couldn't shut off the part of you that was so nervous in his presence. He glanced back toward you, shifting your duffel bag in his hands as he watched you hang up your coat on what had essentially become your hook in his home. 
“It’s alright,” He insisted. “Are you hungry?”
You were starving, but you didn’t want to inconvenience the man more than you already had. Your old college roommate and best friend, Rebecca Seresin, wouldn’t be home for a full day, so you’d be alone with Mr. Seresin the entire time.
It was your own fault—you’d misread one of her messages and thought that she would be home when your train got in. You just wanted to keep yourself busy for the next day and not bother Mr. Seresin any more than you already had. 
“No! No,” You fibbed, shaking your head. 
But his little smile and knowingly raised brows told you that he didn’t buy your insistence for a second. 
“Well, I was planning on ordering pizza anyway. You’re more than welcome to it when it gets here.” He turned away from you, adding, “Make yourself at home. I’ll go put your bag in your room.”
You bit your lip. Your room. It was his guest room, but you'd stayed there so often that he'd come to think of it as yours. It made you giddy. You’d been to the Seresin home so many times over the last few years, a few of your standard toiletries and a couple of spare pairs of clothes had their place in the guest room. When Rebecca had first invited you over for Thanksgiving break years ago, you couldn’t have known that you’d wind up spending so much time at the Seresin house. 
You knew where everything was, you did the occasional load of your laundry, you knew where they hid the spare key. You were comfortable. Well—you were usually comfortable. Finding yourself alone with Mr. Seresin like this was pretty out of the ordinary.
You'd had a crush on your best friend's father for as long as you'd known the guy. It had been years. You'd gone on dates with other people; you'd had a couple of relationships, but you were never able to get the man fully out of your head. Jake made you so nervous, and it didn't take much—a hand on your back as he passed you in the kitchen, a smile across the table, a cheeky wink as he said pointedly said something so deeply uncool that Rebecca groaned in frustration. He was so intimidating, and brilliant, and gorgeous—and despite your intelligence, he just scrambled your brain.
You walked deeper into the home, glancing around the familiar surroundings. You’d take your time heading up, you decided. You wanted to shower; you felt so gunky from the hours-long train trip. You walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking through the things in there. 
There wasn’t a lot, so maybe he really had been planning on ordering a pizza before you called him to ask him to pick you up from the station. You eyed the six pack of beer before you glanced back, as if expecting Mr. Seresin to pop up and shoo you away from the alcohol like a bad puppy. When he didn’t, you reached out, taking one of the cans and shutting the fridge. You pushed yourself up onto the counter, opening the beer and taking a sip.
Your stomach flipped at the sound of Mr. Seresin’s footsteps nearing again. You tugged your phone out of your pocket, eyeing the screen and swiping through various apps to occupy your attention. His footsteps slowed, then seemed to still. You could feel his gaze lingering on you. It was a feeling that you’d grown more and more familiar with, and longed increasingly over the last few years. 
“You gonna ID me?” You finally quipped as he came closer. 
“I know you’re old enough. Have been for a while.”
You watched him round to you, leaning heavily on the counter as he drew out his phone. He seemed to swipe through a few things with a deep knit to his brow. You let yourself just watch for a few quiet moments. You’d rarely had the opportunity to look at him like this, to admire his features so openly, without fear of your friend catching you. His tongue poked out, and your stomach fluttered as he swept it along his lower lip. 
“Extra cheese alright for you?” He asked. Your stomach flipped again as his eyes darted up to yours, catching you staring. 
“Sure,” You agreed. You reached out to take a sip of your beer, but he took it before you could, raising it to his lips and taking a deep pull. You scoffed a stunned laugh, brows raising. 
“Excuse you,” You reached out, prying it from his hand, and trying to ignore the skittering of goosebumps that ran up your arm as your fingers brushed his. 
“My house, my beer,” He reminded you. 
“Well, I licked it, so it’s mine.” 
It was juvenile nit-picking, but you didn’t miss the way his gaze dropped to your lips before he hurriedly looked down at his phone, clearing his throat. Hell, you needed to get out of there. 
“I’m gonna go freshen up.” You slid off of the counter, leaving the beer on the counter and sliding past him. 
“Pizza should be here in twenty.”
“Sounds good!” 
The guest room was just as you remembered it—sky blue walls, queen-sized bed, low walnut  dresser and all. You crouched beside your duffel bag, fishing through it for a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeve shirt. You hesitated as you drew them out, lips twisting thoughtfully. The combo was comfy, but it wasn’t the cutest thing you’d brought with you. You reached deeper into the bag, drawing out a pair of tight-fitting leggings and a tank top with a low back and a sweetheart neckline—
No! No, why would you do that? Mr. Seresin wasn’t looking at you that way…But, if he wasn’t looking, what was the harm in dressing this way? 
You shoved the sweatpants and long sleeve top back into your bag before straightening up, stripping off. You kicked your clothing into a pile beside your duffel bag. If you’d only been there a time or two, you might’ve been more wary of leaving your things that way, but the Seresin house felt like a home away from home. You’d neaten up later. 
You headed into the bathroom, kicking the door shut and cranking on the shower. You began to hum that you’d had stuck in your head all day, dropping your clothes on the counter to change into. You got into the shower, tugging the curtain shut. You took your time cleaning up, using the water’s cover to transition from humming to singing softly under your breath. 
You managed to lose track of time, only realizing how long you’d taken when you heard a knock on the door. Your eyes widened as you heard the door open just a little. 
“Pizza’s here.” 
“Okay!” You squeaked, “Thanks!” 
You pushed out a breath as you heard the door close again. You shut the shower off, listening closely for the sound of the bedroom door closing as well. You snagged your towel from the bar outside of the shower, drying yourself off before stepping out. You eyed your outfit again. It was going to be fine—if he really didn’t care, then it really wouldn’t bug him, right? And if he did…A thrill of excitement trickled over you as you dressed. You gave yourself a look in the mirror, eyeing the expanse of your back revealed by your top. You gave a little shimmy, grinning at yourself before opening the door. You drift back into your room, bending down and scooping up your clothes to toss into the hamper. You glanced through it, frowning. 
Didn’t you…
You turned, glancing between where you stood and where you’d dropped your things. 
Where did your underwear go? 
“You’re not seeing anyone?”
Maybe there was some wishful thinking on your part, but you were almost certain that Mr. Seresin was flirting with you—and that question wasn’t helping. The conversation hadn’t just been limited to the typical topics that you tended to discuss with Rebecca present. Sure, he’d asked you about how work was going, but it had moved on to what each of you liked to do in your free time, what you wanted your future to look like, his favorite places that he’d traveled, and where he’d like to go in the future—and now, whether or not you were seeing anyone.
You shrugged a little, poking a few remaining crumbs on your plate. 
“Guys my age just don't interest me. They’re all immature little assholes.” 
“I seem to remember being like that.” 
“You’re not anymore?”
“Ouch!” Jake had laughed, slapping his hand over his heart. “That hurt me.” 
“What about you? Are you seeing anyone?” You couldn’t resist the opportunity to ask. Jake’s brows rose a touch before he gave a short shrug. 
“I haven’t for a while.” 
“Why not?” 
“Just haven’t felt the need.” 
Your brow furrowed, your head tipping to the side as you considered that. 
“Becca’s moved out, you’re here all by yourself…Doesn’t that get lonely?” 
“Work keeps me busy.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” 
Your stomach flipped as Jake’s eyes narrowed. He finally looked down at his food, shrugging again. 
“I don’t think about it much.”
You weren’t sure you believed that—and it certainly wasn't a no.
“You don’t have to do those.”
You kept your focus on the dishes in front of you, even as he joined you at the counter. 
“I really don’t mind.”
“You’re an angel.” 
Angel—that had no right sounding so goddamn good coming out of his mouth. 
“That’s probably a bit much, Mr. Seresin.”
“You can call me Jake, you know.”
“I know,” You chuckled. “Just…Just a habit, I guess.” 
“We’ll have to break you of that.”
The assertion made your stomach a flurry of butterflies. You hadn’t been blind to the speculative little looks that he had given you throughout dinner, or the change in his tone as you’d asked about him being lonely.
“Want another one?” You heard. You glanced back toward Jake to find him taking another beer out of the fridge. 
“Sure,” You nodded, “Thanks.” 
You bit your lip as Jake sidled up beside you again, setting the beer down by the sink and taking a sip from his own.
“I’m gonna head up in a bit,” He warned, “But you’re obviously welcome to stay up, do whatever you want.” 
You nodded, trying to ignore the pangs of inadequacy and disappointment that made a home in your chest. 
“Sounds good,” You fibbed. “Long day?” 
“Yeah, and I’ve got a few emails to wrap and send off before I head to bed.” Jake raised the beer to his lips. “Holler if you need anything, though.” 
“Sure! Thanks. And thanks again, for,” You raised a hand, waving around the kitchen, “You know.” 
“Anytime,” He smiled. He patted your back, holding your gaze. “Goodnight.” 
Damn, his hand felt so wide and so warm against your skin. You fought back a shiver, but couldn’t help pressing back into his touch just a little. 
“Night,” You murmured. You saw a slight flicker in his expression, but before you could read into it, Jake was pulling back, his hand falling away. You turned back to the dishes, sighing as his footsteps receded. You could still feel the warmth of his palm against your skin. It was scant contact, but you were pretty sure you’d be thinking about that all night. 
You shut off the sink, looking around. The house was so quiet. What the hell were you going to do? You supposed you could watch something? They had, like, every streaming service known to man, but you didn’t really want to watch anything. You sighed heavily, resigning yourself to a night of reading and fantasizing in your bed.
He shouldn’t have taken them. What the hell was he thinking? Jake eyed the pillow that he’d tucked your underwear beneath, swallowing thickly. He’d spotted them as he’d been leaving the guest room, just plopped atop a pile of clothing next to your duffel bag. He’d been thinking about them all throughout dinner—the dirty little secret waiting for him in his bedroom. He found himself listening for your footsteps, but…Nothing. Maybe he could just sneak them back into your room without you noticing? He could—He was sure he could. 
Jake lifted the pillow away, taking up the scrap of black lace. He hesitated, heart pounding in his chest before he raised them closer. He took a whiff, then moaned quietly, pressing his face fully into the fabric as his dick twitched in his pants. Fuck, he could get addicted to that scent. He glanced back toward the closed door. You wouldn’t be up anytime soon, right? You’d probably stay downstairs, watch something before you headed up. He’d have time to put them back. He could be quick. 
Jake hurriedly stripped off and grabbed some lube before he climbed onto his bed, taking up your panties again. He laid back, grasping himself in his slicked hand and holding the panties to his face with the other. He drew a deep breath in through his nose, humming low in his throat as he jacked his hardening cock. 
You’d been damn near irresistible at dinner. The swell of your breasts had been tantalizingly visible as you’d leaned over your plate. The low back top exposing the expanse of your smooth skin had nearly driven him to distraction when he’d seen you at the sink, and the leggings you’d opted for had made him want to peel them off of you and bend you over the goddamn counter.
Were you still downstairs, laid out on the couch? He’d seen you make yourself at home before, one leg on the cushions, the other on the floor. Jake wanted to push your thighs wide and bury his face between them. He wanted to feel you grind against his lips, hear the little gasps and whines he was sure you’d make. He’d felt you press against him in the kitchen—he was willing to bet you’d be fucking gag for it. 
Jake took in another heady breath, groaning, “Fuck,” Aloud before he could stop himself. 
You froze at the curse. You’d been on your way to your bedroom when you’d heard it. Was Jake…Okay? Maybe he’d stubbed his toe, or dropped his phone behind the bed, or— 
Your jaw dropped, heart pounding as you heard him moan. There was no way he was making that sound because of a stubbed toe. You bit your lip, creeping closer and pressing your ear to the door. You couldn’t hear as much as you could if you just….Opened the door a little. 
You bit your lip, shaking your head. No way, there was no way you were going to do that. It would be a gross invasion of privacy, he’d surely kick you out of the house if he caught you. But you could listen just a tiny bit more, right? You pressed your ear even closer, letting your eyes slide closed as you heard him panting, cursing.
Was he naked? Had he just tugged his cock out of his sweatpants for a quick one? You slipped your fingers beneath the band of your leggings, toying with your neglected, tingling clit. You breathed softly between your parted lips as you ground against your hand, straining to hear the needy grunts and groans on the other side of the door. Fuck, you had to be quick. If he caught you—
Your heart plummeted into your stomach as you heard him say your name. Your fingers stilled, eyes popping open as you stood outside of his bedroom with your hand in your pants. Could he see your feet beneath the door? Had you made a sound and not realized? What as he going to do—
Jake groaned your name again, the sound chased with a ragged-sounding, “Angel…Mm, fuck, smell so fucking good…” 
You slowly slid your hand out of your pants as you stared down at the doorknob. You could just hardly hear him over the blood roaring in your ears. You swallowed thickly before you raised your shaking hand to the knob, slowly turning it. You opened it slowly, wary of the door creaking. You finally opened it just enough to see the bed. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of Jake splayed out on top of the sheets, thrusting up into his hand as he pressed something to his nose. He murmured your name again, thighs tensing as his thumb swept across his cock head. You got a better look at the fabric in his hand as your focus adjusted to the dim light of the room. 
You swallowed thickly. You could still leave—he hadn’t seen you. But when would you ever have another chance like this? You’d caught him red-handed. You drew in a deep, steadying breath as you gathered your courage.
“Finish answering those emails?” 
You watched as Jake started, scrambling back and yanking his sheets up to cover his body. You took in his wide, almost wild eyes, and the flush rising in his cheeks. He swallowed thickly. 
“What are you doing in here?” 
“Looking for those,” You nodded toward the panties where they were still balled in his fist. His grip tightened on them as his glance darted to the lace. You climbed onto the bed, straddling his hips. 
“What are you doing?” He asked lowly. You shifted in his lap, thrilling at the feeling of his cock beneath his sheets. 
“What we’ve both been thinking about.” 
“This isn’t right.” “Neither is stealing my panties, but that didn’t stop you.” 
He heaved in a deep breath, jaw going tight. 
“I shouldn’t have taken them and I’m sorry. You—” He sucked in a breath as you shifted in his lap again. “You need to leave."
“Why? So you can finish the job up here yourself?” You searched his face, letting your focus travel down to his broad shoulders and muscled chest. You’ve often seen him in sweat-soaked shirts, caught the slightest patch of skin as he’s raised his shirt to swipe at his forehead, but the glimpses have always been so brief, and few and far between
“I mean I could, but…” You leaned in, raising your pussy-slicked fingers to his face, sliding them against his lower lip, “Then we’d both have to deal have our fun alone.” 
Jake’s tongue swept across his lips, just barely grazing your fingertips as you pulled them back. You watched his eyelashes flutter, his nostrils flare as he took in the scent of you. He tipped his chin up, tongue darting out to sweep across your fingertips. You smoothed your hand over his cheek, stomach swirling with butterflies as he turned his face into your palm. You pressed closer, brushing a kiss along his tight jaw. Jake drew in a deep breath, shaking his head. 
“We shouldn’t,” He mumbled—but the insistence wasn’t nearly as stern as it had been just a few moments okay. You rolled your hips down against him, resting your forehead against his. 
“Do you want me?” 
“That’s not the point.”
“Then what is?” You reached down, taking hold of his hand. He let you lift it, fingers trailing gently over your side, around to the band of your leggings. You let it linger there for a moment before you guided it beneath the fabric. You sighed softly as his fingertips grazed your aching clit, and smiled as he reached further down, swiping against your  slick folds.
“You feel that? What you do to me?” You whispered, tipping your hips into his touch. “That’s all for you, Jake.” 
You heard him moan low in his throat, and your heart stuttered as he tipped his chin up, his lips brushing yours. 
“Fuck, angel,” He murmured, “What are you doing to me?” 
Jake’s lips crashed into yours, sending you swaying back, then into him again. You moaned, parting your lips and sharing heated kisses. You whined as Jake leaned back and slid his hand from your leggings, wary that he was changing his mind. Instead, you watched as he lifted his fingers to his lips, sucking them into his mouth before he shoved them into yours. 
You gagged at the sudden intrusion, raising your hand and grasping his wrist as he stroked his fingers along your tongue. You sucked in a greedy breath as he yanked his hand away again, grasping the backs of your thighs and tipping you onto the mattress. You pulled your top up, tossing it off as he grasped your waistband, tugging your leggings down and flinging them away. Your mouth fell open as he dove between your legs, his shoulders pressing your thighs wide. Your eyelids fluttered as his tongue swept across your pussy. 
You shuddered at the slick, heated slide of his tongue against your plumping cunt. His lips brushed, then wrapped around your clit, sucking it tenderly. Your mouth fell open with a moan, your hand sliding down into his closely-cropped hair. You didn’t need to urge him on, or plead. Jake tipped his head from side to side, teasing you messily. You could feel the wet slip of your juices spreading between your thighs with each lash of his tongue. You raised your other hand to your breasts, smoothing your thumb over your pebbling nipple, arching up as your pleasure began to swell. 
You felt so close so quickly, and riled up further as he speared a finger into your throbbing pussy. You felt his head lift, his tongue sweeping from side to side as he pumped and curled his finger, then added another. You bit your lip as your cunt clenched around him, unable to help leaning into the sensation. 
“Jake,” You warned, “I’m— Oh god.” Your warning was bitten off as Jake’s eyes crinkled with his smile. He didn’t let you get another word in as he leveled sucking kisses to your clit. Your mouth fell open, your grip tightening on his hair as your hips bounded down against his lips. He groaned against you, the vibration sparking every nerve in your body as you let yourself go, your eyes squeezed shut as waves of pleasure pulsed through your body. You sagged back against the mattress, heart pounding as Jake drew his fingers from you. His kisses trailed up over your belly, brushing across your breasts before he caught your lips in a filthy kiss. You shivered at the taste of your arousal as it lingered on his tongue. 
You felt his hardened cock brushing against your slick inner thighs as he ground against you. You reached down, curling your fingers around him, and thrilling at the feeling of him in your grasp. You’d seen him earlier, of course, but the light had been dim, and now, with your fingers wrapped around him, he felt so damn big—Not just long, but thick. 
“What do you want, angel?” Jake murmured between kisses. “Anything, ask for anything, I’ll fucking give it to you.”
“I want you to fuck me, Jake.” 
A wide grin split across his face as he pressed his hand between your legs, palming the slick, tender flesh.
“Your wish is my command.” 
“That too much for you?” 
You would’ve been more self-conscious about your needy whimper if it wasn’t for the slight note of strain in his voice. You’d know that you were in for a wild ride when you’d rolled the condom on, but this was next level. You swallowed thickly, your eyelids fluttering and blinking against the well of pleasurable tears. 
“N-no,” You breathed. 
“Good girl. Almost there, angel.” 
“How much more is there?” 
Jake chuckled through your incredulous question. 
“You’re taking me so goddamn well.” His praise made you arch up against him, your breasts brushing against his muscles as you pulled in a shuddering breath. 
“Fucking made for my cock—mm.” His voice dropped to a breathy murmur as his hips finally pressed flush against yours. Your nails dug into the strong, tanned skin of his shoulders. Your cunt clutched at him greedily, adjusting to the almost harsh way his girth spread you. You let your eyes slide closed as he planted his knees on the mattress, levering your hips against his and gaining better purchase. 
Despite your somewhat leisurely preparation and the tender way that he eased into you, the first snap of his hips was almost brutal. Your moan choked out of your throat, a broken yell of his name leaving you as your nails dragged harshly across his skin.
“You have any idea—How long I’ve wanted you?” He grunted between deep thrusts. “How badly I wanted to—fuck—bend you over the goddamn counter earlier?” 
You couldn’t stop the satisfied, thrilled grin that spread your lips, finally certain that your flirty gambit had hit the nail on this particular head.
“You mean you didn’t just steal my panties for fun?” 
Jake huffed a strained laugh as he dipped his head down for a deep, searching kiss. You curled your arms around his shoulders, keeping him close as your hips drove up against his. He broke your kiss with a gentle nip to your lower lip, and a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“Hold on tight, pretty girl.” 
He set an almost furious pace, the sounds of your slapping skin nearly drowning out your whimpers. Your arms tightened around him, clinging to him as he took and took and took. You peered up at him almost wondrously, watching the flex and clenching of his muscles; the roll of his hips; the shine of your juices on his condom covered cock as he fucked you. Your toes curled in the sheets as your legs wrapped around his. 
“Jake,” You moaned, “You feel so fucking big—Fuck, just like that.” 
His growl-edged groan tore through you as his pace seemed to stutter a little. 
“Harder?” You begged. He chuckled cruelly, thumbs swiping against your hips.
“Angel,” He shook his head, “Any harder and I’d break you.” 
You tipped your head back against the pillows, surrendering to his whims—his thrusts, curses, kisses, nips, bites. You cunt throbbed as he drew his cock back, the tip still nestled in your entrance. He watched you closely, eyes dark with want as you strained against his grips and tried to draw him back in. 
“Do you think you could cum just like this?” He murmured. “Hm?”
“I want your cock, Jake.” 
“You have it, angel. You feel that?” You whimpered, wriggling against the sheets as he eased himself back in, inch by tortuously slow inch. “You feel what you do to me?” 
You nodded blearily, growing closer to your orgasm as he grasped your wrists in one of his hands and pulled them up over your head. He curled close again, chest brushing yours as his hips ground into you deeply.
“Jake,” You sighed, forehead knocking against his, arching up against him. “I’m almost—fuck, ‘m so close, please.” 
Jake grinned brightly, sliding his hand between the two of you and toying with your tender clit. Your jaw dropped at the onslaught, your pussy tightening and throbbing as you came. Jake followed close behind, a low, rough growl pushing against your neck as he followed close behind. Your eyes closed as his hips bounded, then stilled. He sighed into your neck, breath hot against your neck as the two of you settled. He tipped his head up, nuzzling your temple as you smoothed your hands over his back.
He drew out of you slowly, your cunt aching and clenching as he pulled away. You swallowed thickly, peering up at the ceiling as you heard Jake get out of bed. It was chased by the click of him turning on his bathroom light, and the hush of running water. 
Oh…God, that was good, but you hadn’t thought about this part. Was he going to ask you to go back to your room? Should he even have to ask? You know what, maybe you should just go right now, before he had to say anything—
You propped yourself up on your elbows as Jake climbed back into bed, gently pushing your thighs apart and wiping you down. You bit back a bashful smile as he pressed a kiss to your hip. You watched him lob the washcloth toward the hamper before he cuddled close, propping his hands up beside your elbows. 
“Going somewhere?” He asked. 
“You’re in one, angel.” Jake lowered his head, brushing his lips against yours. “But you’re welcome to go back to yours if you like.” 
You leaned up, taking his lower lip between your teeth and giving it a tug, grinning as he pressed closer, lowering the both of you back onto the sheets.
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa​ ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices​ ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @lorecraft ; @kmc1989
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freebooter4ever · 7 months
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Geno collection part 2: quick doodles version. I’ve been holding off on posting this one because i wanted to write my usual yearly blurb summary underneath but i’ve been struggling to put it into words which is a new one for loquacious me. What to say about geno…
Normally i’m very logical about my favorites - i know exactly why i picked them and there's a list of reasons. This time left me confused. One minute i’m insisting i’m not going to root for pittsburgh, even though its my city, and i'll only do ONE drawing of sid as a homage. But then there's this photo of some dude sitting on the boards in a blue jersey - you can’t even see his face it’s all about the Attitude and his posture - and it’s the most compelling hockey photo i’ve seen yet. Who is this guy, how the fuck is he so sexy, he's just SITTING, he's not even skating? And then i find out his name (and whoops it’s that guy i already decided to hate, guess i have to rethink my snap decision), and then i start noticing things. And noticing more things, and reading old blogs, and more, and more…
And next thing i know ive got over 271 doodles in my sketchesdone folder, and a favorite that was never supposed to be a favorite, and also a new sculpting project.
So. Why? his expressions are a joy to draw. he looks like he escaped from an animated film. He's got that elusive quality where half of what i want to draw is physical and the other half is in his movements, and body language, and personality. It drives me crazy because i am terrible at capturing that second half so i’m never fully happy with any of my doodles. That glow of personality, the look in his eyes - how the fuck do you draw that? I don’t know.
His body alone is also interesting - unique proportions. He's long, with lots of muscle, but also soft? I could cry over it probably. Actually i just study, and study, and want to throw my computer at the wall when i get it wrong in my art yet again for the thousandth time.
He's funny. But he's sneaky about it. If you dont pay much attention he seems like this kind of slapstick guy. But underneath the surface goofball he almost miserly keeps to himself how sly his humor can be. You get the feeling that he doesn't miss much, even if he doesn't comment on it. Yet even that's hilarious - how in some interviews it's obvious he's mentally checked out. All so you're thrown for a loop when in other interviews he's the most vivacious guy in the room. Which is the real evgeni? only he knows. :P well, and obviously the lucky few who know him personally.
I have a small confession. I’ve been sending him art. Look - the missing the playoffs thing happened - and i was suddenly overcome with concern that they might not get as much fanmail as usual. And that was so sad. And then i realized i had all these drawings. And a printer. I could send fanmail. (i have only sent famail once before. this was a very anxiety inducing undertaking) Normally i don’t like the subject of my art seeing my art, it’s just supposed to be for us. But i carefully picked out each drawing - mostly the ones that were more badass or powerful in the traditionally masculine sports sense. I definitely avoided any of the thirsty ones (duh) and tried not to use any of the more personal ones of his face where it was obvious i was just drawing him instead of him as a hockey star. And tried to be respectful and desperately hoping my art wouldn’t accidentally insult him somehow or be inappropriate. i have zero idea if i succeeded and it only worries me sometimes.
So there you go. The year of geno.  \o/ nothing in this list has any logic to it
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suterbuyout2024 · 6 months
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tagged by @fedorovista and @folie-a-dewey!! thank u!!
9 favorite albums in no particular order under the cut:
*** just as a sidenote, because i like too much music, i'm doing albums i like as cohesive units. albums that hold together and tell a story. albums that i listen to from start to finish because the songs go together in a particular order in my mind, for whatever reason.
strange trails by lord huron. world's most perfect story album. need i even elaborate. maybe my favorite album of all time. the musical & lyrical motifs that carry through the whole thing, the examination of romance and death and the way they intertwine, the whole convoluted multi-character storyline that underlies it. if you like folk music and undeath and evil women, please for the love of god listen to this album.
we were dead before the ship even sank by modest mouse. world's second most perfect story album. now, if you were to ask me, hey, what IS the story this album is trying to tell? i couldn't begin to answer. but this album is just. omg. the tone is so cohesive throughout while still allowing for changes in register, concept, and overall sound. also has the best opening line to an album in the history of albums.
so much for stardust by fall out boy. okay this one's a gimme but come on. pop-punk retrospective on the state of the world since 2016? with lyricism that makes me weep? came out just weeks after i the birthday where i realized that i wanted to be alive for the first time in like three years? it's not even close.
jenny from thebes by the mountain goats. NOW LISTEN. i knowww it's just the most recent mountain goats album. why, you might be asking, did i not go for beat the champ instead? and the answer is i can only choose 9 albums and i think jenny from thebes is underrated. life-changing lyricism with orchestral instrumentation that could tear me in half. also i've talked so much about it on this blog i think it would be wrong of me not to mention it.
in sickness and in flames by the front bottoms. talk about cohesion!!!!! a whole album that is essentially a love letter to all the messiest parts of a relationship! all the characters are so interesting and flawed!! and every single one of the songs are unapologetically horny to boot. also just the transitions between songs are soooooooo good. not to be the 'jerk/the truth' guy but um. the switch from jerk into the truth is one of my all-time faves.
doom days by bastille. i'm an apocalypse junkie. next.
science from an easy chair by have gun, will travel. this is entirely the wrong blog but HEY. if anyone out there likes the terror, this album is for you. it's a story concept album about ernest shackleton's expedition to antarctica aboard the endurance. the first song i heard from it was the rescue party, which is one of the most atmospheric story-focused folk songs i've ever heard. just unbelievably emotional and smart. love it.
lungs by florence + the machine. you've seen my recent posts. howl & kiss with a fist & i'm not calling you a liar & rabbit heart & my boy builds coffins &. well. you get it.
mixtape for the milky way by mixtape for the milky way. hi fellow minnesotans. go listen to jeremy messersmith's side project album about being raised in a fundamentalist christian cult. go on. noooo it won't hurt you. don't worry it's not heartbreaking at all. it's not my favorite album of his since the silver city or anything haha that would be crazy. 👀
ok that got way too long whoops BUT thank you to the folks who tagged me!! i love chatting music so if u see this & want to make your own PLEASE tag me !!!
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drowning-in-neon · 5 months
Posting here cause I don't wanna go to the effort of painstakingly restricting who can see my post, and there's not really any IRL friends who follow my blog anymore I don't think, so it's safe lol
Vent below lol
I'm just. I don't know why I'm so easily forgotten/replaced, or why I'm only ever the second or third choice, or why I feel like a second thought so often, if I'm thought of at all.
I know some of this is obviously my BPD, and lingering struggles from my ex fiance dumping me, but the more time that passes, the more I feel evidence is piling up that it's just....facts.
I mean, the obvious stuff with being replaceable or unimportant and forgotten is just. How many people disappear from my life without any real explanation, or even goodbye, and it doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest.
But it's also other things? Like...
A friend told me that they were throwing a party for their boyfriend, who is also a friend of mine, and said they wanted me to come, and they'd send me an invite.
They never sent an invite, and when I gently nudged them for the date today, they were like "oh whoops haha the party was last night actually" and like.
Oh. Okay.
Idk man, I just wanna know what's wrong with me so I can fix it? Like clearly something was wrong with me for my ex fiance to dump me like he did; clearly there's SOME reason why I'm not good enough or just not enough in general for the person I'm still so frustratingly head over heels for. There has to be a reason my childhood friends just. Stopped one day, and never reach out or really respond at all when I try to say hello or give well wishes.
SOMETHING must be wrong with me, and I don't know why the fuck people won't tell me what it is so I can fuckin FIX it. I can't change if I don't know what to change!!! Fuck!
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buttercupjosh · 8 months
Opinion/Rant: To start, I’m bringing up something that occurred back in 2020 but myself and some others didn’t see the actual video until 2021. This post is a bit long but please bear with me. Anyways, I’m bringing this up now because I’ve noticed throughout 2023 and throughout part of 2024, there’s been a big resurgence of Vince content on here (yeah, I already know he’s cute and a talented player, I used to hold space for him on my blog and post about him in the past) but a part of me feels like people have either forgotten about what he did or they just don’t know what occurred so this post serves as an educational post for those who may not know (or a reminder for those who may have forgotten) and is not intended by any means to cause any drama. I also do share some of my opinion on what happened in this post as well.
For those who don’t know or remember, back in 2020, Vince used to do live streams of him playing video games on Twitch during COVID lockdown and during these streams, he would play music while he played games. On one of these game streams (I don’t know which specific one it was from), Vince was singing along to some song and the n-word came out of his mouth (the video of the incident is at the very end of this post). Yeah, I know he listens to a lot of rap and R&B and I’ve seen some people say that he was drunk when it happened and that the song was choppy but that doesn’t excuse him saying it. According to others who watched the stream when it was fully available, Vince allegedly didn’t apologize for using the word and when he was called out for it in the stream chat, he allegedly got a bunch of people to harass the person who called him out.
As someone who’s Black, it hurt me a lot to hear Vince say the n-word, even if it was for a second. For those of y’all who defend him and act like what he did wasn’t wrong or trying to come up with excuses for him, you don’t fully understand how painful and harmful his actions were. Just because I’m Black (I personally choose not to use it) and other Black people say it freely, that does not mean the word is okay for just anyone, regardless of race, to use in any context. Just because Vince didn’t say it to me or anyone directly, that doesn’t mean what he did is acceptable. To me, hearing a non-black person use the N-word any capacity is extremely personal because it’s been used towards me in a negative way by non-black people throughout my life. It also bothered me that Vince allegedly didn’t have the decency to even say “whoops, sorry I said/did that” when he was called out for it on the game stream and allegedly resorted to downplaying the situation and having people harass the person who called him out. I am not trying to play the victim but I am trying to educate y’all on his actions and to also let y’all know why some people don’t like him.
Another thing I’m going to note is that you cannot always automatically assume that someone you don’t know personally has put in the work privately over something they were exposed for publicly if they haven’t shown any public sort of proof of some growth. That means you can’t come to me and say “he may have learned from using that word” when there’s no public evidence anywhere that he has. If you choose to believe he has, then that’s your opinion. To me, Vince could have publicly shown some sort of growth by doing something as small as posting a blackout Tuesday post during the height of Black Lives Matter movement in June 2020 or liking a tweet of support from that time or maybe even participating in some of the Kraken’s Black history related stuff (like how Grubauer and Blackwell talked about Black hockey history with J.T. Brown and Everett Fitzhugh) (I know February is right around the corner with Black History Month and if Vince does something then, maybe my viewpoint on him may shift a bit). Yes, I did see a video of Vince talking about his thoughts on BLM and he did make valid points about how not everyone has to be posting online to protest injustice. However, Vince didn’t clearly say anything that showed he did something about it offline besides using an example of how if a rapper goes to a protest, everyone knows who the rapper is and if he were to go, no one would know who Vince is and also saying “who’s to say I’m not going to protests or donating to certain charities”, without saying he actually did those things. (A good example of a player being called out/exposed for something but fixing what they did is when Quinn Hughes didn’t use Pride tape once but later on, he used the tape and even made inclusive comments during the NHL pride tape controversy last season).
I AM NOT SAYING OR IMPLYING VINCE SHOULD BE CANCELED OR THAT HE IS A RACIST OR A HORRIBLE PERSON BUT HE SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE BY HOCKEY FANS. Holding him accountable means that if you want to, you can still like him for the benefit that he has on your team or recognizing his talent or some of his community work but you can also remember what he did in the back of your mind. (Think about/keep that in mind when you post about him too).
I know that it’s not always easy to hold someone that’s on a team you like or someone you liked beforehand accountable (there are several players on teams that I like who help my team succeed and players that I’ve admired before but I don’t like or agree with certain, questionable things that they’ve done) but if accountability looks like no longer holding space for them on your blog through posts or putting them up on such a high pedestal in your life or to stop thinking they can no wrong, that’s fine too. Holding a player accountable looks different for everyone and there’s no set formula/guidelines for that.
If you still want to support him after seeing this post and watching the video below, then that’s on you. If you choose to not support him anymore or at all, that’s on you. However you choose to feel about it is valid and I respect that (even if I see it differently). I know that he’s never going to address or acknowledge this and I understand that it happened back in 2020 but his silence on the matter nor should the amount of time that has passed shouldn’t stop fans at all from holding him accountable.
(Again, this post is me sharing my opinion on something Vince did, educating those who may not have known about it and also reminding those who may have forgotten this happened. Again, I’m not saying or implying that he is a racist or should be canceled. All I’m trying to say is that he should be/start to be held accountable by hockey fans. We all hold our own bias when it comes to things and I’m not using this post to try to push anyone towards a certain side either. Again, I’m also not saying he’s a horrible person either. Interpret all of this information however you want/choose to.
Also, if you’re even thinking about sending me a hate anon for this, go touch grass or get better hobbies. Better yet, if you send me a hate anon, just know it’ll go into the trash with your garbage words.
Lastly, I am also going to say that I do not tolerate nor support/agree with anyone going after anyone who still chooses to support Vince or chooses not to support him and if you do that to someone, you’re a very scummy person. Also, I am not going to send anyone anything about this either because I got all of my thoughts out here and respect others’ opinions so if you somehow get a hate anon about it, it’s not from me because I dislike the feeling of getting one and wouldn’t want to put someone else through that).
Video Info:
Twitter/X Link to Video
Actual Video from Twitter/X for those who don’t use Twitter/X
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hotpinkmoon · 2 years
Can u rank ur boys by popularity?
James It's far away the more popular sure, but which one is the least?
Judging by the notes and asks I got.
James is at the tippy top! I check the top posts button thing on my blog and it is filled with James posts. I thought he's was going to be outrank but no he's still going strong.
Seth is in second place. I honestly didn't expect him to be a top favorite by a lot of people. I thought he's going to be in 4th place.
Xavier is in third place. I thought he was going to be a second favorite but this place is fine too. As long he isn't in 4th place.
Speaking of 4th place...
Poor Max is in last place. I thought he was going to be the most popular, but I was wrong. I think this is my fault for this since I made him the most dangerous and I did explain his bad traits early on rather than his good traits. Whoops...
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epickiya722 · 2 years
As usual, just my reactions as I watch the episode. There's jokes, there's opinions, some "meta" (I'm the last blog to be considered analytical honestly), all that good stuff.
Now, knowing this is Bakugou episode, I do not care for any antis. I don't, I really don't.
I'm already SCREAMING!!!
Aizawa thinking about his reasons to live and CUTTING OFF HIS LEG!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
"You really are the cool one, Eraser Head". Yes, but.... BECAUSE YOU SHOT HIM!! VILLAIN, YEAH, WHATEVER FINE!!!
Those faces Shigaraki made though... nightmare fuel...
Daiki put his soul into voicing Deku for the "SENSEI" part. As usual, loving his work.
Also, Yuki, too, for Todoroki because I felt that urgency when he came up on the scene.
Oh, my other 1A kids!!!
"There is a massive villain heading north..." AAAAH CRAP!!
... someone should have snapped his neck. Seeing the hero students with devastating on their faces... BROKE ME. Especially, Sero. He's always smiling so when he's not I just... uuuuggghhh...
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*Cuts to Tokoyam and a mummy-looking Hawks* Damn... 🥲
"... they didn't see us as a threat." Because they're stupid. I'm glad they're stupid though because you're alive.
I'm sorry, I just hate seeing the kids upset.
"In thay case, all hope is lost." See, right there, Mineta. You already underwater with the fandom. Not on thin ice. You are under the ice. Shush.
Honestly, this shot is hilarious. But I'm still mad at Dabi.
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MIC, PLEASE PUNCH THAT PIECE OF CRAP AGAIN!! I WANT HIM QUIET!! (I'm so used to his glasses that this threw me off but...)
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That was a mistake, I'll admit. X-LESS WAS DUMB AS HELL!! Why didn't he just carry Shigaraki out when Mic had Garaki?! That some dumb ass horror movie crap and I made a post about that!
What... the... hell... IS THAT?! *some funky looking Nomu*
OH CRAP, NATIVE!!! *cries in manga reader* Fun fact, KENN voices him!
"Shigaraki will crumble the society saturated with so-called heroes." FALSE! That's AFO's doing. Shigaraki is just a puppet like everyone else he uses, hate to say it.
He's so pretty when angry! 💚 Don't blame him though. Whoop his ass, Deku!!!
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Shoto just randomly shooting ice in Endeavor's direction and Endeavors confused reaction. Why did that tickle me?
Whoa, damn, that was fast. Endeavor did that flash, quick FLAME ON!
OH MY GOSH HE IS PISSED!! Rock Lock is me. "Okay. Whoa, kid. Damn. You are angry."
"What day is it?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry, nah. I knew that was coming and honestly, I also didn't think they would add that in. That is funny as hell. "Has it been four months?" Yes, it has, my guy!
"His body is falling apart." Deku was also probably thinking "Good".
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Bakugo warning Midoriya about staying away from Shigaraki. OMG 😭 see, HE DOES CARE!
... every time I see Shigaraki's forehead it's like *SMACK* "FOREHEAD!!" I feel this way about a lot of characters... he does not have eyebrows.
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I love how they show just air wisps and not close-ups because it reminds me of those cartoon fight clouds where all you see is shoes flying. So you know it's bad.
THAT FACE!! BAKUGOOOOOU! Before any ass thinks they're being funny, that is not an angry face. That's a face of worry.
I'm glad I know got an animated version of this panel.
Hearing Deku talk all calmly after just shouting in rage is whiplash. Daiki Yamashita, everyone!!
"What is wrong with your hair?" 🤣🤣🤣 My broccoli looks just like that when I don't pay attention.
Bakugo casually walking in the background while Uraraka yells at him. 🤣
How dare this episode make me cry and then laugh.
... Gang Orca got his own line of water? Makes sense.
The Bakugo and All Might talk... okay I cried...
Okay, Deku smacking Shigaraki around reminds me of a rabbit playing with a yo-yo.
Bakugo telling them what's going on with Deku... Yes!!
Rock Lock saying "kids". That's the dad in him and I love him for it. I hope his wife and son are doing okay.
AFO... Omg... why are you here? Why do you exist?!
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I'm just realizing they didn't give us the title of the episode until that moment. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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We're getting OFA NEXT EPISODE!!
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hexingneon · 2 years
I just watched the first episode of Earthspark and have I got THINGS to say
DW NO SPOILERS (minor maybe? I'm ranting about characters)
I'm freaking out about this holy crap this looks amazing!? I ALSO REALLY LOVE THRASH & TWITCH they are absolute bbys <3 But Bee will always be my top fav. Elita coming in with the swing as well! Never really liked the femmes but I like her sm already. The way she's introduced is PERFECTION! Also the fact that the dad (Don't remember his name) loves Bee is just- I can RELATE
I'm going to have a field trip with my self insert now HFNNGFGH I'm getting a ref sheet done for her.
Have this very crappy drawing of Twitch I did a while back for this
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WHY DOES TUMBLR NUKE THE QUALITY? Click on it to see it more high res
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trashcanfills · 2 years
Hello there I am moon walking my way to ask you a question 🙋‍♀️ can you ( when you have the chance) make a one shot where the creator reader is playing genshin and sees childe, dainslief, yanfei, Yelan, kazuha, ganyu, kequing, yoymia, Mona, Eula, and Hu Tao
and screams for them because they look so cool and takes pictures and the characters hear her and smile because they were favored while the reader is farming their materials like crazy. Also sorry to bother you the reason why I am asking is because I did not get these characters so I am desperate 🥹🥹🥹 it would make me happy if you could make time to make it when you are not busy😅😅☺️
Tumblr is a bitch and glitched while I was answering this so I have to redo this like the second time, but first of did u send this to the wrong blog?
Because you seem to be making a request from me and in my pinned post u can see that I dont take requests and only entertain ideas/suggestions that seem cool and interesting. Plus Ive only been in the genshin fandom for like LESS THAN THREE months and have written rather general sagau headcanons BECAUSE I still dont grasp a good amt of the character cast.
So whoops my dude uhhh try asking another genshin sagau blog perhaps?
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blur-from-the-north · 5 months
AI training statement
I don't usually do text posts on this blog, much less random rants.
Anyway, Tumblr recently decided to do a Business Move where they sold image data to AI training companies.
First, I was like "Ha ha ha ha HA! Tumblr really is a good source for that stuff." I mean, this blog of mine is deliberately an outlet of mediocre photography.
To be perfectly clear: This blog is my outlet for publishing photos that i've deemed neat. They're not necessarily my best work. Some may be excellent like that. Some may be good. Some may be not. Many indeed may be not.
So I was kind of torn about this. Should I keep opted in to this shit? Contribute to the eventual model collapse where people ask AIs to generate good pictures with tags "Nikon D780", "Stylistic", "black and white", and end up with random nonsense?
Another thing was that I actually believe in open sharing of my work, and I really don't mind people reblogging my stuff or even sharing my work elsewhere (with proper attribution/back links).
But I ended up disabling the third-party sharing.
Why? Well, primarily, because I didn't consent to that in the first place.
Also, second thing to consider:
I was actually reminded that this thing was a thing when I was watching Super Eyepatch Wolf's The Bizarre World of Fake Video Games. One Tumblr blog mentioned by the author had disappeared. Commenters said that that could have been due to Tumblr's AI policy change.
OK, so there are art blogs in Tumblr that take art much more seriously than I do, obviously. And they might not even be aware of this policy change.
Granted, whatever AI company is foolish enough to download Tumblr data is going to get a whoooooole lot of incomprehensible nonsense shit, outright Content of Halfassery, and Weird Nerd Shit, and go "whoops! Didn't mean to add any of that!"
But they might catch an occasional bit of brilliance.
Without them knowing it.
Tumblr did a booboo. The usual way websites do this stuff is to recognise that users have the ultimate rights under copyright laws, and that the websites ask limited rights to do whatever they need to do to operate technically, and whatever exceptions there are are specified explicitly. Tumbrl's TOS already tried to cover their butt:
You also agree that this license includes the right for Tumblr to make all publicly-posted Content available to third parties selected by Tumblr, so that those third parties can syndicate and/or analyze such Content on other media and services.
An example of what it means to "make all publicly-posted Content available" to a Tumblr partner for distribution or analysis would be licensing the Tumblr "firehose," a live feed of all public activity on Tumblr, to partners like search engines.
...and despite that policy change, this thing was not added to the "examples". The examples are just about things that you expect Tumblr to do as part of third-party integration, like analytics and search engine stuff. Not stuff like, oh, agreeing to send all of the data to AI companies, and adding opt-out feature afterwards. Funny how that works!
Maybe it's high time Tumblr clarified this particular part of TOS. I'm not a lawyer, I'm a software developer nerd an an an amateur artist, I've learned a lot about intellectual property stuff as a consequence, but this stuff is still murky and Tumblr just straight up deciding to "donate" content to AI companies without users' explicit consent is straight up wrong.
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costalservices · 1 year
Top 10 Signs It’s Time for a Website Redesign
When was the last time you Googled your website and looked at it with a critical eye? Do it now. Go ahead, we’ll wait.
Oh good, you’re back. Were you impressed with your website, or were you a little embarrassed, and wondering how it got this bad? If your website is more than 5 years old, you may have noticed one or more of our top 10 signs it’s time for a website redesign.
Let’s take a look.
1.     Your Website Takes FOREVER to Load
Web users, including you. We’ll bet, are used to websites that load in the blink of an eye. How did your website do? Did you see the little spinning wheel of terror? Did images take a long time to load, bit by bit? Were you frustrated at how slow it was and wondered if something was wrong with your internet?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you need some serious updating. Why?
Because Google takes page load speed seriously. It’s one of their biggest factors in determining if your website provides a good user experience (UX.) Slow websites get bumped down further in the search engine results pages (SERPs).
An indication your site is horribly slow is if there’s a big increase in your bounce rate. That’s because a majority of users will abandon a website if it doesn’t load in 3 seconds. How fast (or slow) does your website load? Use the Google site speed tool.
2.     The Look and Content Are Outdated
Web design has come a long way over the years. Any website built more than 5 years ago may have a clunky, out of date look and feel to it. This is especially true if you used a free website builder to create it.
Another thing to look for is if your content is outdated. Do you have product and services listed that you no longer provide? Have you changed locations but your website still refers to your previous location? Does your About page list employees who no longer work there?
If your website looks outdated and the content is no longer accurate, you need some major updates to your web design, and maybe a full website redesign.
3.     You Can’t Make Updates
We just talked about outdated content. If you or an employee are having trouble making simple updates like adding a blog post or updating a product description or adding a new image, or if you have to get a 3rd party to make those updates, you may be ready for a website redesign.
Website platforms such as WordPress make it easy to add new content and delete other content. Just be sure you keep up with WordPress maintenance.
4.     Your Website Isn’t Mobile Friendly
This is another big issue with websites built more than 5 years ago. They’re not mobile-friendly. And in Google’s book, that’s almost a mortal sin. How mobile friendly is your website? Take the mobile-friendly test.
Up until this point, we’ve talked about Google and mobile friendly. But prospective clients are even more important. With more and more people using mobile search, it’s important that you provide them with a website that looks good on all devices.
No one wants to swipe, pinch, and expand your website on a mobile phone. In fact, according to Google, if your web design isn’t mobile friendly, visitors are 5x more likely to leave and go to a competitor’s site. Whoops.
By making sure your website redesign utilizes responsive web design, you automatically have a mobile friendly website. Ta dah!
5.     Your Website Isn’t Secure
By this, we mean that your website uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Look up at the search bar on this page and you’ll see a little padlock symbol. That means our website is secure.
Try searching for and visiting your own website again. Does it say Not Secure in the search box? Is there a danger triangle symbol? Does Google throw up a warning to go back to safety? That’s the last thing you want. If users feel insecure visiting your site, they will leave and go to a competitor.
Again, it’s time to update your website to be secure.
6.     Your Website Is Complicated and Hard to Navigate
If your website has a huge number of pages that visitors never go to, or it’s hard to figure out where to find information about your services or product specifications, you may need a website redesign. A redesign can streamline things, combine pages, delete others altogether, and create clear and easy to use navigation bars.
Making your website easy to use provides a better user experience, and encourages site visitors to stay longer.
7.     You’re Not Harnessing the Power of SEO
Another sign you may need a website redesign is if you’re not taking advantage of the power of SEO (search engine optimization). It’s much easier to implement an SEO strategy on a new, mobile-friendly website with a good content management system.
It can be more costly to try and implement SEO in an existing, older site, because it can be more labor intensive due to the web platform and other factors.
Small Business SEO: A Beginner’s Guide
SEO Statistics You Need to Know
8.     It Has Lots of Technical Issues
An older website is sort of like an older car. The older it gets, the more technical problems you’ll run into. And depending on what platform you use, or if the website builder you used to build your website has gone out of business, you may be spending more time on fixing issues than you do on adding new content.
And if you don’t know how to fix the issues yourself, you need to hire someone to do it. Sometimes, it’s better and more cost effective to upgrade with a website redesign.
9.     You’ve Rebranded
Some brands use the same logo and keep the same name with the same products and services for decades. Other brands go through a metamorphosis over the years. If you’ve recently rebranded, you DEFINITELY need a website redesign. Your website and all of your marketing materials need to reflect your brand as it is today – not what it was 3 years ago.
10.                        All Your Competitors Have New Websites
OK, this last one is subjective. But go ahead. Check out your main competitor’s website(s). Do they look slick (attractive)? Is it easy to get around the site? Did it load in the blink of an eye? Is it easy to use on your phone?
Now think about your own website. Does it come up short when compared to your competitors? If you think so, prospective clients think the same. Most internet users judge you based on your website. If you’re not making a good impression because your site is slow and hard to use, they’ll head on over to a competitor’s website in a heartbeat.
Schedule a Website Redesign Consultation Today
If your website needs an overhaul for one or more of the above reasons, we can help. We offer affordable websitedesign services along with local SEO services. By redesigning your website with SEO in mind, your new website will be a double threat to your competitors.
Since the majority of people go online to research companies before buying their products or scheduling their services, it’s important that your website looks good, loads fast, is easy to use, and easy for people to find.
To schedule a consultation, use the contact form or call 410-420-9390 today. We work with small businesses from all over, with a focus on central Maryland.
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rockshortage · 2 years
moaning sexually while consuming my second lángos in a row
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heroes-writing · 5 years
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(I tried to figure out what you meant on the last half before, but I never got a reply back... ;w; So I’m just going with what I do get!) Please enjoy!
Word Count: 528
- To say that he’d freak out would be an understatement. In a blur of movement that breaks the ground beneath him in a long line shattered concrete-- He’d immediately catch his s/o who’s been dazed/ knocked out/or even sent flying into the sky team rocket style… With all the care he can manage, he’d hold them to his chest, and for one terrifying second he’d try and determine if they were breathing or not.  
Genos would come running too, no doubt somewhere close by. The two heroes would look over Saitama’s s/o until Genos would place a hand on their slack face and say: “They need urgent care, sensei! Here—I’ll take care of this monster—”
Genos, with something like shock in his face, would freeze. Saitama would silently press (Name) into Genos’s arms and fix their hair idly before looking at the blonde.
“Take care of (Name) for a minute, Genos…” Saitama would then press a hand against the cyborg’s shoulder, who’s looking like he’s seen a ghost.
Saitama’s next words are grave: “I’ve got to take care of this thing…”
With the loud crack—like thunder, or the sound barrier being broken, Saitama would uppercut the monster before it could say another word.
It would fly into the sky screaming all the while and burn up in the atmosphere…Genos, wide eyed and slightly afraid, would wonder if Saitama did that intentionally before scurrying away to the nearest hospital.
-In a moody whiplash, Saitama would almost be back to his usual doughy faced self. Sweat would be pouring down his forehead, and Genos would have to be the one to suggest ways to calm him down. In fact, Genos would have to be the levelheaded one for a good while in Saitama’s place while they take his s/o to the hospital.
- After the main problem has been resolved, Saitama would need to wait for his s/o to be treated. During this point in time he might be barred from their hospital room (since his luck is usually that bad). He’s their boyfriend, but he isn’t family, and they probably don’t have him on their emergency contact list yet.
It would piss him off, but Genos would step in and pull some strings. After (Name)’s stabilized and regained consciousness, Saitama would be allowed to visit them. He’d quickly get some flowers or an ugly bear or something from the giftshop and offer it to them at once.
Then, as if remembering himself he’d ask them, “What the heck were you thinking???”    
“(。・//ε//・。) I-I kind of forgot you were invincible for a second…eheh?”
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-His s/o would get a stern talking too FOR SURE. It would be one of those rare moments of Saitama giving some real wisdom that would stick with his s/o for a long time.
They’d be laying down in bed with a few cracked ribs, a broken arm, and a lot of bruises, but they’d be okay! Saitama would sleep at the hospital and generally be a nuisance to the staff, but he’d have a strong protective and nurturing streak while his s/o recovers.  (๑´•ω • `๑)
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“Here, (Name)! Have a banana!”
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