#Mage Mail
Hey there! Just came here to ask something—do you have the Witch of Light on your itinerary soon? I've loved your work so far, as it's really helped me understand the perspective of the classes and specific classpects, and the Witch of Light is my classpect, so I was wondering if that was coming some time relatively soon, or if I'd be waiting a particularly long while. Not intended to be passive-aggressive, just curious—I'll be glad to read whatever analyses you post in the meantime anyways :3
Hello, Anon!
I want to start this by saying that you are not the only one to ask me this question! To be honest, I've been wanting to dip back into Classpects on and off for quite a bit now. However, there's been a lot of things that have been making it rather tough TvT I'm working on a whole book series - that's one of the biggest ones!
Given that it isn't Homestuck nor Classpect related (unless you somehow wish to count DnD Classes and their subclasses! XP), I haven't spoken about it much here. It's a major passion project almost three years in the making, and while I have loved it, it's also taken up a lot of time and creative spoons! Which, unfortunately, has been a touch come and go for me as of late.
I also am a full time college student now! :D I have a job now, too (alas, even the God Tiered Mage of Light Red Panda needs to make money...), even if it is just a part time gig. Basically, I am born to write these silly analyses and my furry DnD fantasy story, but am having to do these things that leave me prettyyyyy drained by the end of each week X[
I've loved seeing that people do still love this blog and project, even if I haven't been all that active. It serves as a pleasant reminder that people do still love my work, and want to see more, which is so wonderful as a creative person.
It may take a little bit, but I would love to one day complete this project! Which is to say, someday, I will scrutinize the Witch of Light Classpect - and many more before and after that! Unfortunately, seeing through Time is not my speciality, so I cannot give a certain timeline on when this will happen, but I can and will certainly do my best to spare some spoons for this blog.
I am almost certain this is FAR longer than the answer you wanted, Anon, but I wanted to be as honest as possible! I wish I could say this was an April Fool's joke, but alas, I much prefer to use our boop PVP for the day
And thank you - to Anon and everyone who follows this blog - for your continued support and interaction! It truly does mean a lot :'3
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papamagee · 2 years
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sneak peak of an up coming mail vid for you non patreon subscribers 😎
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sondermage · 16 days
WAHHHHHH i had a real eh day but seeing you reblog my old art really improved it soooo much <3333333 tysm FOREVERRRR (i don't mind the old art reblogs at all btw!!!!)
!!! AAA HI!!!!! THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME KNOW i've loooved loved loved looking back through them <33 i hope your days get better asap!!!! :( <3
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gamenu · 25 days
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          [ brow ] sender kisses the bridge of receiver's eyebrow
                                                  -- @13nth
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Give her the smooches!
         "Roxas, I'm fine. I promise." As fine as someone with mana exhaustion could be. But she was feeling a bit stubborn in the moment. What should have been normal training today became a little more intense when heartless showed up.
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          Since she had been demonstrating when they showed up, Nicole was already a little winded when they did. Even if Roxas ran out of mana, he'd be fine. He still has a weapon to fight with. Nicole had to fight defensively, and she did so adequately. Not enough to ever think of joining them on their ventures, but enough from what Merlin had taught her to not die should she ever find herself low.
          What had caught her off guard was just as she had been turning, barely able to see it and step back as one of the heartless scratched at her. It'd had gone for her face, only just barely knicking her eyebrow.
          A pointblank fire had burned the heartless to cinders and darkness.
          Now for her original goal of turning around, it was to check on Roxas. A lot closer than before, he had been coming to her to get the heartless that had snuck up on her. He was more than capable of handling himself and her apparently, but she still worried. Seeing that he had a few scratches on him, she hands him an elixir. "Here ya go, Roxas." It's better that he patch himself up both health wise and mana wise.
          With a comforting and encouraging smile, she wants him to have it. Granted, she didn't have any ether, and hadn't noticed how spent she was until she tried to use just a small cure on herself. Nothing obvious aside from the cut and a few bruises, but it would have helped rid herself of the physical fatigue. The spell hadn't gone off, and her hands were trembling.
          'Wait a sec.' Roxas had told her as he began rummaging through his pockets. Ah, there.
          He had bandaids, the same ones she gave him the other day when they were baking. Just on the off chance he cut himself while working with the food. They were cute and had little characters on them as he unwrapped one and placed it on the cut on her eyebrow. She figures it's a gesture of comfort, much in the same way she had done for him prior, but he kisses where he placed the bandaid. It was cute! Her face scrunched up with joy as she was smiling at him.
         "Thanks, Roxas! I think I'm feelin' a bit better now. Maybe we can stop fer a snack break an' then decide if we jus' wanna chill, 'er try practicin' again?"
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beanphomet · 1 year
So how is Magdas doing
also what are their spheres
Currently in the game Magda is doing... better!
The mage gang ( Malcolm, Laine , Magda as well as two older wizards named Shen and Ace) non lethally took down a marauder last session and Magda got reunited with a family member (Tomâs ) that she's been missing since the beginning of the game. While also being able to take her second family member (Nicola) with her.
Both Tomâs and Nicola are still getting better from the effects of the marauder which was slowly turning them into marble, although one of them might not fully recover without extra magical help. Despite that, she's optimistic that things will finally start looking up for both her family and her friends. It all feels a lot more managable now and if everyone was able to solve such a difficult situation with such elegance, then they will be able to solve everything else as well.
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(unrelated pic of her and her magic eyeball friend that she keeps in her backpack)
Magda is still a new mage so she's not super strong but her spheres are Entropy, Matter, Prime and most importantly Forces.
Thank you for the question!
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tunapesto · 1 year
good luck with funger im too scared to play it but ragnvaldr is my favorite
😭😭 im just following guides n reading up on the mechanics to help .. knowing my way around a game really makes me feel less intimidated by it and there are spoiler free guides out there if it ever interests u o7 also YESS ragnvaldr is very cool i just recruited him (#1 priority)
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tiredstudents · 10 months
"He's so young looking!! Boys have so much luck with their skin routine..." @from-past-the-stars ((sshhh I'm so anonymous rn))
Get it off your chest. Send my muse an anonymous confession that's been bothering yours for a long time. I can't say anything...only publish.
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makerscockandballs · 2 years
What's your fave minor AU for Dragon Age. Mine is instead of burning down the barn Anders instead always had an affinity for Spirit Healing and his first magical act was accidently channeling a Spirit to heal himself and the Spirit was all like helped him transition.
Ohhh I love that. Little Anders returning to his parents and they notice something is different about him. Like yeah he could tell them. If they got really chill about a bunch of stuff really quick
I don't know a specific AU right now (havent read lots of fanfic) but I think it would be really sweet to have Anders meet the Hawke family on one of his escape attempts. Seeing a glimpse of a family full of mages that loves and protects them. Where it's normal.
It would be heartbreaking to him because he never got to have that himself, but also inspiring. This is something that exists, it's something people like him deserve, something worth fighting for.
Either he ends up getting captured again but the experience stays with him as something warm and good, or he stays with the Hawkes somehow, like as a farmhand. The former would make for a super interesting reunion in Kirkwall, both having their lives completely changed since they last met as kids/teenagers. The latter would lay the groundwork for an adorable childhood friends to boyfriends romance with Hawke though.
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mabaris · 1 year
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shoutout to heroforge for allowing me to explore such concepts as "bethany, if da2 had armor upgrades like inquisition"
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lelianaslefthand · 1 year
i love video game spam mail in general but erectile dysfunction ones specifically are so funny to me like
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on my way for some Special Sauce
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nyaing · 1 year
Hello I see you’ve taken a liking to The Spot :) whatever u do don’t imagine his little spot on his face turning into a heart when looking @ u!!!! -sincerely, also a ATSV self shipper (I just thought it was a rlly cute idea for yall OMG)
GIGGLES thats so cute so sweet....ive just a moment ago been sent a drawing of him w a heart on his face hess so cutes...
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royal margarine is a bisexual old man‼️ the game wants us to believe he is straight but i know his Secret‼️‼️
Extremely true, Monty, my wise and learned mutual ‼️
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gamenu · 8 months
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          [ goodbye hug ] a hug given to someone before they leave from claude!
                                                  -- @lumoire
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         "--!" Looking rather surprised when Claude turned to hug her, it had caught her off guard so much she didn't hug him back for a moment. When she did, it was tight and rather lingering. She didn't want to let go.
          He was her friend more than anything else, and she was always anxious whenever they had to fight. Apparently, he was concerned about her lack of sleep so she was sitting this battle out.
          But. . .
          She didn't want to. She still wanted to fight and help out as much as she can. Everyone here was her home too, and well. . .she apparently looked like such a sad little puppy sitting there. Claude's hug was warm like he was, personality, laugh, everything. And she knew he'd be alright. He always was. But then why was she shaking? . . .fatigue. It had to be the fatigue.
          Although, it was probably better that they let go of each other now. The longer they held on, the less she wanted to release him.
          When they finally did part, she smiled. It was a smile that betrayed how worried she felt, and how much like a let down she felt as since she couldn't fight. But he gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder before heading out with one last small wave.
          Everyone was going to come back. She's absolutely sure of it. Besides, how else were all of them supposed to get up to no good again if they all couldn't join in? Claude had a way of roping people into his mischief and fun. Maybe they could do something once everyone was done patching up and better.
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somegrumpynerd · 1 year
Matt’s (hopefully) gonna be streaming undertale on monday and I’m gonna be in his chat being so normal about it
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soulsbetrayed · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
Heard you were known as 'Waver the Failure' eh mage boi
He seized up immediately.  God, who said that much about him that someone ended up that horrible nickname.
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“How? Who did you hear that from?!”  His voice cracked as he looks absolutely livid.
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tiredstudents · 8 months
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"Daniel, do you think having a pet would be good for me?" A random question that struck her, perhaps considering getting one. (from @multiverseofmisfits)
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"Well, getting a pet means that you'll need be more responsible. While I have faith in you Furina, I suggest at least waiting until you're in a more grounded position."
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"Though I think it could be really fun to adopt a pet....sooo...."
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