#Magento 2 extensions
elightwalk-technology · 6 months
Discover Our Best Magento 2 Extensions for E-commerce Business
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As an eCommerce business, staying up to date on the latest technology and innovations is vital to Magento 2 Customer Loginstaying competitive and successful. Magento 2 offers an array of features and extensions that have the potential to take your business to a higher level. To help you make the most of this powerful platform, we compiled a list of the best Magento 2 extensions available for your business. Get ready to unlock the full potential of Magento 2 and propel your eCommerce business to success!
Extensions, also known as modules or plugins, can improve various aspects of your Magento 2 store, such as marketing, customer experience, payment methods, shipping, and more. The following are some of the most common types of Magento 2 extensions:
1. Magento - SMTP
Magento SMTP extension helps improve the deliverability of your transactional emails by allowing you to configure Magento 2 to send emails through an SMTP server. SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Improved Email Deliverability:
SMTP is a more reliable method for sending emails than the default mail function used by many web servers. It helps ensure that your transactional emails, such as order confirmations and customer notifications, are successfully delivered to recipients' inboxes.
Reduced Email Bounce Rates:
By using an SMTP server, you can reduce the likelihood of emails bouncing back. This is essential for maintaining a positive sender reputation and guaranteeing that critical communications are delivered to customers without being flagged as spam.
Enhanced Email Authentication:
SMTP allows you to authenticate your emails, providing an extra layer of security. This authentication helps prevent emails from being flagged as spam by email service providers.
Custom Sender Addresses:
SMTP extensions often allow you to configure custom sender addresses and names for your outgoing emails. This can contribute to more professional and branded communication with your customers.
Detailed Email Logs:
SMTP extensions can provide detailed logs of sent emails, such as successful deliveries, bounces, and errors. This can help with troubleshooting and monitoring email activity.
Support for Multiple SMTP Servers:
Some SMTP extensions enable you to configure multiple SMTP servers. This can be helpful for redundancy and load balancing, ensuring email delivery even if one server is temporarily unavailable.
Compatibility with Third-Party Email Services:
SMTP extensions often support integration with third-party email services, such as SendGrid, Amazon SES, or SMTP services from other providers. This allows you to use these services' advanced features and deliverability optimizations.
Better Control Over Email Configuration:
SMTP extensions offer greater control over email settings, enabling fine-tuning of parameters such as timeout, encryption, and authentication protocols.
2. Magento - Social Login
The Magento Social Login extension is designed to simplify the authentication and account creation process for users on your Magento 2 e-commerce store. Instead of manually creating an account or remembering login credentials, customers can use their existing social media accounts to sign in or create an account on your site. This extension typically supports popular social platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
Simplified Registration Process:
Social Login simplifies account creation by allowing users to sign up or log in with their social media accounts, reducing registration friction and improving the user experience.
User Convenience:
Customers appreciate the convenience of not creating and remembering additional login credentials for each website. Social Login leverages the familiarity of social media logins, making it easier for users to interact with your site.
Faster Checkout Process:
For e-commerce sites, Social Login can significantly speed up the checkout process. Users can log in quickly without entering lengthy registration forms, resulting in a faster and more efficient purchase journey.
Increased User Engagement:
By offering Social Login options, you provide users with choices that align with their preferences. This flexibility can contribute to higher user engagement as customers are likelier to engage with a platform that offers the desired convenience.
Reduced Cart Abandonment:
A streamlined registration and login process can help reduce cart abandonment rates. Simplifying the steps required for users to complete a purchase encourages them to proceed with transactions.
Access to Social Data:
Social Login extensions often provide access to specific user data from social media profiles (with user consent). This data can be valuable for marketing purposes, personalization, and gaining insights into customer preferences.
Security Features:
Many Social Login extensions implement secure authentication protocols to ensMagento 2 Customer Loginure the safety of user data. They often comply with industry standards to protect user privacy and maintain the security of the login process.
Customization Options:
These extensions typically offer customization options, allowing you to integrate Social Login seamlessly into your site's design. You can choose which social platforms to enable and tailor the appearance of the login buttons.
3. Magento - Google XML Sitemap
Magento Google XML Sitemap extension is designed to generate and manage XML sitemaps for your Magento 2 store. XML sitemaps provide search engines, including Google, with a structured map of your website, helping them crawl and index your pages more efficiently. The extension automates the process of sitemap creation and updates, ensuring that search engines have access to the latest information about your site's structure and content.
Improved Search Engine Crawling:
XML sitemaps offer a structured overview of website pages. This helps search engines navigate and crawl effectively, increasing visibility in search results.
Faster Indexing of New Content:
The extension helps accelerate the indexing process for new pages or recently updated content. This is particularly crucial for e-commerce sites that frequently add or update new products.
Enhanced SEO Performance:
An XML sitemap generator helps search engines find relevant pages, improving SEO performance. This boosts visibility and rankings for essential pages.
Prioritization of Important Pages:
The extension lets you prioritize specific pages within the sitemap, signalling their importance to search engines. This can be particularly beneficial for highlighting crucial landing pages or product categories.
Efficient Handling of Large Websites:
Managing a sitemap can be challenging for large e-commerce websites with extensive product catalogues and numerous pages. The extension automates this process, making it suitable for websites of varying sizes.
Dynamic Sitemap Updates:
As your website evolves, the extension automatically updates the XML sitemap to reflect your content and structure changes. This ensures that search engines are constantly working with the latest information.
4. Magento - Customer Login
The Magento 2 Customer Login extension enhances your Magento store's default customer login functionality, providing a more efficient and user-friendly experience.
Simplifies the Login Process:
The extension simplifies the login process, allowing customers to access their accounts and complete the purchase process with greater ease. This makes the customer experience smoother and more seamless, eliminating any points of friction that could lead to customer frustration.
Boosts Trust and Ensures Security:
A secure login process is crucial for building trust with customers. Assuring that their data is safe enhances the overall credibility of your e-commerce store. Security features such as two-factor authentication, CAPTCHA, and other measures can contribute to a more robust and trustworthy login system.
Increases Customer Retention:
Optimizing the login experience can contribute to higher customer retention rates. Customers are more likely to return to a website where the login process is straightforward, secure, and user-friendly. A positive experience at this stage can positively impact their perception of your brand.
Easy to Enable:
The simplicity of enabling the extension without complex steps is a significant advantage. It saves store administrators time and ensures a quick implementation process. This ease of use is beneficial for store owners, especially those who may need to gain advanced technical expertise.
Enhance your e-commerce store with top-of-the-line Magento 2 Extensions from Elightwalk. Easily install and use our premium extensions to upgrade the performance and features of your store. Our extensions cater to businesses of all sizes, from small to large enterprises.
Our extensions are a great fit for regular as well as Enterprise versions of Magento 2 and are designed to make the vendor experience effortless. All of our extensions incorporate innovative features and functions to provide you with a seamless e-commerce experience.
Browse through our store and find the perfect Magento 2 extension for your online store. With Elightwalk, you can ensure the success of your business and enjoy the best e-commerce experience.
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hardinternetkid · 6 months
How to upgrade Magento version 2?
Upgrading your Magento store? Sounds like a plan! Jumping onto the latest Magento version can improve your store’s security, speed, and cool new features. This upgrade Magento gig might seem a tad overwhelming, especially if you need to be deeper into the platform’s nitty-gritty. This complete guide on how to upgrade Magento will hand-hold you through the whole shebang—from backing up your store…
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skilliq · 1 year
Magento 2 Certification Course - Boost Your Career With Mastering Skills
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Magento is a feature-rich Open Source Content Management System (CMS) designed for the creation of both small and large eCommerce websites. It is designed with the Zend Framework and includes both basic features and eye-catching themes for constructing online commerce websites. It is regarded to be a fantastic platform for expanding eCommerce websites because it includes distinct features that improve the overall buying experience. Magento comes with a variety of options for advertising enterprises and eCommerce websites.
Why Become a Magento Developer?
Magento 2 is quickly becoming the most popular course for all newcomers, as it complements all previous successes by delivering enhanced functionality for all current E-commerce enterprises. Year every year, Magento's popularity grows. It is one of the most effective e-commerce platforms on the market.
Many people who do not hold bachelor's degrees in science or engineering aspire to be at the forefront of Magento eCommerce development. This could be because they have a strong interest in the eCommerce business. Even though breaking into the field as a non-programmer may be tough, learning the following skills will surely assist.
Continuous improvements to its features and capabilities are expected to be a major source of success for the executors. Professional Magento developers must accomplish various responsibilities to manage the backend and frontend procedures of Magento commerce development, which are divided into two categories:
Frontend Magento Developers: As the name implies, frontend developers work on or code for the front end of a website. The primary purpose of this position's developers is to ensure that Magento website designs (made by web developers) are effectively executed on the web.
Magento Backend Developers: Backend Magento developers are responsible for integrating the work of Frontend Developers and building web services. They create website functionalities by combining Magento extensions and bespoke code.
Developers with experience deploying, testing, troubleshooting, and operating in the Magento Cloud environment, as well as exploiting Cloud platform features to optimise project operations and performance, should apply.
Why Choose SkillIQ for Magento 2 Course Training?
SkillIQ is Ahmedabad's top IT Training Institute, offering Professional Training in 40+ IT Courses. SkillIQ, the first Magento development course training centre, covers the fundamentals to advanced levels of learning with live project training, assignments, interview questions, and job placement support to get recruited as a Magento developer by top IT firms.
You've come to the right site if you're seeking for Magento Course Training With Certification. You can also look at our courses for further inspiration.
For detailed inquiry Contact us on: +91 7600 7800 67 / +91 7777-997-894 Email us at: [email protected]
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softprodigystore1 · 1 year
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Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification is a powerful extension that helps your online store stand out. It allows you to sustain the interest of your customers while recovering the lost sales. The best thing about this extension is you can understand their preferences. Based on this information, you can determine whether or not to restock items. If you want to use Back In Stock Notification, hire a reliable provider of Magento 2 extensions.Hopefully, this post offered useful information to you. To read more informative content, visit SoftProdigy. We also sell premium Magento 2 extensions like Advance Prescription Lens Configuration.
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magentobrain · 2 years
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magespark · 2 years
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evrigsolutions · 2 years
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pixlogix · 2 years
Prioritizing Your Magento 2 Extensions to Get the Most Out Of Your Business
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Things to Consider Before Instaling Magento2 Extensions
The quality of Magento 2 extensions depends on the work you put into it. Before installing any extension and introducing them in the market check it is up to the mark. While many professionals understand it, they create excellent extensions. Not everyone in the industry understands it, some junk extensions hamper the industry's name. 
 What’s the best way to check code?
It is recommended to install Magento 2 extensions manually instead of using Magento connect manager or marketplace to install it in a live environment. Installing manually will help you to detect codes of newly created extensions before introducing them to the market. Yes, it takes time but checking everything before introducing it to the market for usage is the best step for healthy Magento stores. 
Good extensions from reputed providers are worth investing in. The quality extensions can save hours for store owners to add extra functionality to their stores. There may be issues caused by using too many extensions. 
This raises the question - How many extensions are enough to invest in?
There is a large number of extensions to help your store, but after the number increases, it stops being helpful and starts to cause more problems. One poorly coded extension may start causing problems for too many extensions. The best part is you can use as many extensions as you need if followed some steps carefully.
How can you know whether an extension code is good?
When reviewing extensions, I think it’s important to review with quality in mind, but at the same time have realistic expectations. You’re looking for solid code which is free from obvious red flags, rather than gold standard coding where every line of code is best practice from the current year.
When reviewing the extensions, think about the quality, but at the same time have realistic expectations. You want to create a solid code that is bug-free instead of standard coding, where every line of code sticks to best practices.
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raillingfarrell · 1 year
How do I add the best seller product in Magento?
To add the best seller products to your Magento store, follow these steps:
Login to your Magento 2 Admin Panel.
Navigate to the Catalog menu and click on Products.
On the Product page, select the products that you want to add to the Best Seller list.
Click on the Action dropdown and select Update Attributes.
In the Update Attributes popup, select the Advanced Pricing tab.
In the Best Seller field, enter a number to represent the popularity of the product.
Save the changes by clicking on the Save button.
Hope it helps you.
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hardinternetkid · 9 months
Top 7 Must-Have Magento 2 Extensions for E-commerce Success
As one of the most potent eCommerce platforms, Magento has developed into the most dependable one. Businesses of different sizes and sectors favour this platform to launch a successful online store. And the most widely used version is Magento 2 Extensions. It offers the best themes and add-ons for online retailers, and each one of them has impressive characteristics. They assist in properly…
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cynoinfotech · 12 hours
Magento 2 Easy Popup extension is a powerful tool designed to help store owners create and manage popups effortlessly. Magento 2 Easy popup extension allows creating different types of popups to engage customers, promote products, collect leads and more. This extension is an essential tool for any Magento store looking to enhance its marketing efforts.
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skilliq · 1 year
Top 5 Magento 2 Extensions for Grow your eCommerce Business
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Magento 2 extensions are pieces of software that enhance the features and functionality of Magento 2 stores. These extensions are developed by third-party developers and are available on the Magento Marketplace. These extensions can help store owners to customize their stores, add new features and improve their online shopping experience.
1. Magento 2 Advanced Reports: This extension allows you to quickly and easily view detailed reports and insights about your business, helping you make informed decisions.
2. Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace: This extension allows you to create a marketplace on your Magento 2 store where multiple vendors can sell their products.
3. Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Reminder: This extension helps to recover abandoned carts by sending automated reminders to users who left their carts without completing the purchase.
4. Magento 2 Product Feed Manager: This extension enables you to create product feeds for your Magento 2 store and submit them to various shopping comparison engines and marketplaces.
5. Magento 2 Gift Card Extension: This extension helps you to create and manage gift cards on your Magento 2 store, allowing customers to purchase and redeem them.
Additionally, these extensions can help store owners save time and money by automating processes, simplifying tasks and improving the overall performance of the store. Any e-commerce firm may run smoothly and efficiently using Magento 2, which will increase sales, improve conversion rates, and increase revenue for the stores. Utilize Magentas’ services to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2; they offer you access to Magento professionals.
For detailed inquiry, we will help you to learning Magento 2 Contact us on: +91 7600 7800 67 / +91 7777-997-894 Email us at: [email protected]
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magespark · 2 years
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elenasmith1903 · 2 months
How to Upgrade Booking Process With Magento 2 Reservation Extension
Upgrade your booking process with Magento 2 Reservation Extension. This extension boosts your e-commerce website by allowing customers to easily book and reserve products or services directly from your store. With Magento 2 Reservation extension, you can provide your customers with a better booking experience. They can choose the desired date, time, and quantity of the product or service that they want to book.
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