#magento social login
elightwalk-technology · 6 months
Discover Our Best Magento 2 Extensions for E-commerce Business
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As an eCommerce business, staying up to date on the latest technology and innovations is vital to Magento 2 Customer Loginstaying competitive and successful. Magento 2 offers an array of features and extensions that have the potential to take your business to a higher level. To help you make the most of this powerful platform, we compiled a list of the best Magento 2 extensions available for your business. Get ready to unlock the full potential of Magento 2 and propel your eCommerce business to success!
Extensions, also known as modules or plugins, can improve various aspects of your Magento 2 store, such as marketing, customer experience, payment methods, shipping, and more. The following are some of the most common types of Magento 2 extensions:
1. Magento - SMTP
Magento SMTP extension helps improve the deliverability of your transactional emails by allowing you to configure Magento 2 to send emails through an SMTP server. SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Improved Email Deliverability:
SMTP is a more reliable method for sending emails than the default mail function used by many web servers. It helps ensure that your transactional emails, such as order confirmations and customer notifications, are successfully delivered to recipients' inboxes.
Reduced Email Bounce Rates:
By using an SMTP server, you can reduce the likelihood of emails bouncing back. This is essential for maintaining a positive sender reputation and guaranteeing that critical communications are delivered to customers without being flagged as spam.
Enhanced Email Authentication:
SMTP allows you to authenticate your emails, providing an extra layer of security. This authentication helps prevent emails from being flagged as spam by email service providers.
Custom Sender Addresses:
SMTP extensions often allow you to configure custom sender addresses and names for your outgoing emails. This can contribute to more professional and branded communication with your customers.
Detailed Email Logs:
SMTP extensions can provide detailed logs of sent emails, such as successful deliveries, bounces, and errors. This can help with troubleshooting and monitoring email activity.
Support for Multiple SMTP Servers:
Some SMTP extensions enable you to configure multiple SMTP servers. This can be helpful for redundancy and load balancing, ensuring email delivery even if one server is temporarily unavailable.
Compatibility with Third-Party Email Services:
SMTP extensions often support integration with third-party email services, such as SendGrid, Amazon SES, or SMTP services from other providers. This allows you to use these services' advanced features and deliverability optimizations.
Better Control Over Email Configuration:
SMTP extensions offer greater control over email settings, enabling fine-tuning of parameters such as timeout, encryption, and authentication protocols.
2. Magento - Social Login
The Magento Social Login extension is designed to simplify the authentication and account creation process for users on your Magento 2 e-commerce store. Instead of manually creating an account or remembering login credentials, customers can use their existing social media accounts to sign in or create an account on your site. This extension typically supports popular social platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
Simplified Registration Process:
Social Login simplifies account creation by allowing users to sign up or log in with their social media accounts, reducing registration friction and improving the user experience.
User Convenience:
Customers appreciate the convenience of not creating and remembering additional login credentials for each website. Social Login leverages the familiarity of social media logins, making it easier for users to interact with your site.
Faster Checkout Process:
For e-commerce sites, Social Login can significantly speed up the checkout process. Users can log in quickly without entering lengthy registration forms, resulting in a faster and more efficient purchase journey.
Increased User Engagement:
By offering Social Login options, you provide users with choices that align with their preferences. This flexibility can contribute to higher user engagement as customers are likelier to engage with a platform that offers the desired convenience.
Reduced Cart Abandonment:
A streamlined registration and login process can help reduce cart abandonment rates. Simplifying the steps required for users to complete a purchase encourages them to proceed with transactions.
Access to Social Data:
Social Login extensions often provide access to specific user data from social media profiles (with user consent). This data can be valuable for marketing purposes, personalization, and gaining insights into customer preferences.
Security Features:
Many Social Login extensions implement secure authentication protocols to ensMagento 2 Customer Loginure the safety of user data. They often comply with industry standards to protect user privacy and maintain the security of the login process.
Customization Options:
These extensions typically offer customization options, allowing you to integrate Social Login seamlessly into your site's design. You can choose which social platforms to enable and tailor the appearance of the login buttons.
3. Magento - Google XML Sitemap
Magento Google XML Sitemap extension is designed to generate and manage XML sitemaps for your Magento 2 store. XML sitemaps provide search engines, including Google, with a structured map of your website, helping them crawl and index your pages more efficiently. The extension automates the process of sitemap creation and updates, ensuring that search engines have access to the latest information about your site's structure and content.
Improved Search Engine Crawling:
XML sitemaps offer a structured overview of website pages. This helps search engines navigate and crawl effectively, increasing visibility in search results.
Faster Indexing of New Content:
The extension helps accelerate the indexing process for new pages or recently updated content. This is particularly crucial for e-commerce sites that frequently add or update new products.
Enhanced SEO Performance:
An XML sitemap generator helps search engines find relevant pages, improving SEO performance. This boosts visibility and rankings for essential pages.
Prioritization of Important Pages:
The extension lets you prioritize specific pages within the sitemap, signalling their importance to search engines. This can be particularly beneficial for highlighting crucial landing pages or product categories.
Efficient Handling of Large Websites:
Managing a sitemap can be challenging for large e-commerce websites with extensive product catalogues and numerous pages. The extension automates this process, making it suitable for websites of varying sizes.
Dynamic Sitemap Updates:
As your website evolves, the extension automatically updates the XML sitemap to reflect your content and structure changes. This ensures that search engines are constantly working with the latest information.
4. Magento - Customer Login
The Magento 2 Customer Login extension enhances your Magento store's default customer login functionality, providing a more efficient and user-friendly experience.
Simplifies the Login Process:
The extension simplifies the login process, allowing customers to access their accounts and complete the purchase process with greater ease. This makes the customer experience smoother and more seamless, eliminating any points of friction that could lead to customer frustration.
Boosts Trust and Ensures Security:
A secure login process is crucial for building trust with customers. Assuring that their data is safe enhances the overall credibility of your e-commerce store. Security features such as two-factor authentication, CAPTCHA, and other measures can contribute to a more robust and trustworthy login system.
Increases Customer Retention:
Optimizing the login experience can contribute to higher customer retention rates. Customers are more likely to return to a website where the login process is straightforward, secure, and user-friendly. A positive experience at this stage can positively impact their perception of your brand.
Easy to Enable:
The simplicity of enabling the extension without complex steps is a significant advantage. It saves store administrators time and ensures a quick implementation process. This ease of use is beneficial for store owners, especially those who may need to gain advanced technical expertise.
Enhance your e-commerce store with top-of-the-line Magento 2 Extensions from Elightwalk. Easily install and use our premium extensions to upgrade the performance and features of your store. Our extensions cater to businesses of all sizes, from small to large enterprises.
Our extensions are a great fit for regular as well as Enterprise versions of Magento 2 and are designed to make the vendor experience effortless. All of our extensions incorporate innovative features and functions to provide you with a seamless e-commerce experience.
Browse through our store and find the perfect Magento 2 extension for your online store. With Elightwalk, you can ensure the success of your business and enjoy the best e-commerce experience.
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mixtube · 10 months
Optimize website SEO on wordpress, shopify, wix, squarespace
SEO Specialist and Software Engineer
I'm a Software Engineer focusing on SEO within the last 8 years where I have gained experience day by day working on over 10K websites from different niches. I use the latest techniques recommended by Google.
About this Gig
Using my professional white hat SEO tricks (developed on working with over 5K websites over the last 8 years), I will make your site being a strong competitor in Search Engines. I can promise you a better SEO score, improvements, and higher rank in search engines in the future. I use the latest methods recommended by Google and always keep up to date with Google algorithm updates. 
Our packages:
 Basic Package
Basic SEO
Basic Meta Description, Title 
H1, H2 Headings 
Standard Packages
Basic Package included
SEO report
Setup Sitemap & Robot.txt 
ALT text for images
BAD Link removal
Setup G.Analytics 4
Premium Package ***Recommended **
Standard Package included
Setup & Optimize G. Search Console
Web Pages Crawling & Fetching
Connect with Google Tag Manager
GA-4 Optimization
Optimize Data Structure
Schema Markup
Broken Links Removal
Connect to Social Media & Advice on how to use them
Advice you for further optimizations
Platforms I work with
HTML, PHP website etc.
I guarantee 100% Money Back.
It is necessary for your platform login details and a Gmail) account to setup GWT, GA-4, GTM
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Expanding Ecommerce With WhatsApp Share Cart Extension
In E-commerce, easily sharing products with friends and family is crucial. It's no secret that social media has become an integral part of our lives, and WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging apps worldwide. That's why adding a WhatsApp share cart extension to your Magento 2 store can help expand your eCommerce business.
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You need to understand it to get the advantage of this Magento 2 extension. Therefore, this blog helps you get a brief idea of this amazing extension to help e-commerce businesses grow exponentially. Let's begin with understanding the share cart on WhatsApp extension Magento 2 and how it works in your store.
What Is A Whatsapp Share Cart Extension?
It is a Magento 2 plugin that allows your customers to easily share their shopping carts with others via WhatsApp. With just a few clicks, they can share the products they want to purchase with their friends and family using WhatsApp. This extension is very useful in the current trend of the WhatsApp business. 
How Does It Work?
When customers browse your store and add items to their cart, they will see a "share cart" button. When they click this button, they can share their cart via WhatsApp. The Magento 2 WhatsApp share cart extension will generate a link to the customer's shopping cart, which they can then share with others.
The person who receives the link can see the products in the cart and add or remove items as needed. Once they are ready to purchase, they can check out and complete the transaction. This extension is a great help for your customers as it makes their online shopping experience more comfortable and personalized. 
Benefits Of Using The Extension
Increased social media exposure
You increase your store's social media exposure by allowing your customers to share their shopping carts via WhatsApp. The more people see your products, the more likely they will purchase.
Increased online sales
When customers share their shopping carts with others, they act as brand ambassadors for your store. They are recommending your products to people they know and trust, which can lead to increased sales.
Improved customer experience
It can improve the customer experience by making it easier for customers to share their shopping carts with others. It can be particularly useful for customers shopping for gifts or collaborating with others on a group purchase.
Easy to use
It is easy to install and use. It requires no coding or technical knowledge so that non-technical users can install and configure it.
How To Install A Magento 2 Whatsapp Share Cart Extension?
There are several share cart extensions available for Magento 2. Choose the one that best meets your needs and purchase it from the developer's website. You can buy this extension from the highly trusted e-commerce development company Webiators Technologies. 
Once you have purchased the extension, download the installation files. The files will typically be in a compressed format, such as ZIP. To install the extension, login to your Magento 2 admin panel and go to System > Web Setup Wizard. 
Click on the "Extension Manager" tab and then "Add Extension". Choose the installation files you downloaded in step 2 and follow the prompts to install the extension. Once the extension is installed, you will need to configure it. 
It typically involves entering your WhatsApp number and customizing the share cart button. Before launching the extension, test it to ensure it works correctly. Add some products to your cart and try sharing them via WhatsApp. 
A WhatsApp share cart extension is a simple but effective way to expand your eCommerce business. Installing and configuring this extension for Magento 2 is easy and requires no technical knowledge. Buy it now to experience the benefits. 
Visit Us, https://store.webiators.com
Original Source, https://bit.ly/3GYuJZC
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shahab82-love · 2 years
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USEFUL PRESTASHOP ADDONS FOR ONLINE STORES https://addons.prestashop.com/en/2_community-developer?contributor=301729 #prestashop #presta #addons #seo #schema #href #product #tab #tabs #tags #geoip #banners #tabs #popup #rich #snippet #opengraph #visitors #url #social #geolocation #modules #social #html #sfk #twittercard #login #translate #zoho #jivo #onlinechat #popups #free #ecommerce #opensource #ecommerce #magento #opencart #symfony
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plugincity11 · 2 years
Check out these 5 Magento Plugins to sky-rocket your digital store.
Magento Plugins is a renowned open-source platform that has achieved substantial progress in recent years. 12% of online store owners use Magento. Companies of all sizes and types favour this framework because it enables them to build a successful Digital Marketplace. Magento is prevalent for a variety of reasons, along with its adaptable content managerial skills, mobile-friendliness, SEO compatibility, and personalized system integration.
Magento plugins cover a wide range of topics, such as content personalization, payment and safety, advertising, and customer service. Using the correct plugins can assist you in fully personalizing and optimizing your e-commerce shop to maximize total sales. This blog will cover everything you need to know about the best Magento plugin to use in 2022. So, without any further ado, let's get started! 
AheadWorks Magento Extension 
If you want to maximize your blog posts or include a great URL structure in Google sitemaps, the AheadWorks Magento plugin is a must-have. This is among the few Magento SEO components that support multiple online stores. You can framework your digital store for best-in-class SEO effectiveness by incorporating this extension into your eCommerce website.
This best Magento SEO extension will also assist you in categorizing your sitemap into workable documents. It can also graph the images on your website to improve search engine ranking. One of the most significant advantages of this extension is its ability to detect long URLs and transform them into SEO-friendly URLs.
Klaviyo is an extremely powerful email marketing and automation tool which provides a 360-degree view of the customer as well as a comprehensive set of features. It is one of Magento's finest free email advertising apps. You can fragment and evaluate your clients with Klaviyo, enhance customization, optimize definite texts, and enhance your return on investment.
It offers useful data such as promotional interaction, website browsing actions, purchasing habits, past purchases, the amount spent, and much more. The advertising options with this type of data are limitless, and it can help you speed up your growth. It also provides one-click incorporation with third-party tools, cutting-edge data science for better outcomes, and richer categorization based on business requirements.
Product review reminder 
Online reviews are becoming crucial for acquainting prospects with an e-commerce shop and empowering them to make an initial purchase. User reviews influence 93 per cent of customers' buying decisions, and 91 per cent of 18-34-year-olds believe customer reviews as much as personal advice.
Product Review Reminder is an extension that helps you get customer reviews by streamlining most of the procedure. Consumers are sent a customer review clear indication the certain number of days after making purchases and are rewarded with something like a coupon for providing feedback. You can even post reviews to your shop and are using them to attract more customers. This allows you to post positive customer reviews, which leads to increased revenues.
One-step checkout extension
The OneStepCheckout extension is one that can help you get more revenue from your regular traffic.According to studies, online customers abandon their cart (s) due to the slow pace, the complex nature of filling out paperwork, unexpected expenses, and so on.The most important factor in triggering high converts is addressing the cart abandonment problem. One Step Checkout is a paid extension, but because of its amazing features, over 25,000 Magento stores worldwide use it.
It is compatible with both the Magento 1 and Magento 2 platforms. It combines checkout and payment on a single page. The extension is the best-selling Magento product because it is well-coded and has the end to end support, which the Magento community praises.
Social login 
Users can log in using social networking sites like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn, with this Magento plugin named social login Icon set. This allows users to log in without inputting their passcodes repeatedly because they can use their social account details instead. When it comes to dealing with customer service, the extension is simple and effective.
The social login extension is available for free download from Magento's website, but you must already have a profile on the social media platform you would like to use.You'll also need a server that facilitates SSL strong encryption so that your clients can hook up safely when using their social media profiles to log into your digital store.
To wrap it up! 
Extensions may assist you in earning money from your digital store. You can simplify your job and increase your productivity by using the right kind of plugins for your online business. Begin using these Magento plugins right away to enhance performance, improve customer engagement, and boost sales for your digital store.It is critical to consider which functionalities are most essential to you and your business when selecting the best extension.
You can improve your productivity and organize your work more easily by using the best type of add ONS for your online company.Begin using these Magento plugins right away to enhance efficiency, drive engagement, and increase conversion rates for your online store.And if you are looking for a perfect place to browse and buy Magento plugins, PluginCity has some the amazing and highly beneficial add-ons. 
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Ecommerce Portal Solution
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Best Ecommerce Portal Development Company - Grow Your Brand, Drive More Revenue
CruisePro is a leading ecommerce development company that can help you set up the functionality you need for your eCommerce website or mobile app.
Based on the types of products and services you offer and your target market, we'll help you match your company's procedures and best practices with your eCommerce solution.
Our ecommerce portal solutions offer our clients the best ecommerce web development technologies to help them achieve their business goals. Our developers are familiar with Magento, WooCommerce, Drupal, and other popular ecommerce platforms.
We have a skilled team of eCommerce developers that have developed a wide range of eCommerce web solutions based on cutting-edge technology. Our eCommerce development team offers all of the sophisticated capabilities you may require to help your business flourish.
Furthermore, we offer entire online shopping experiences that will increase your sales, traffic, customer retention, and ROI (return-on-investment) on your eCommerce development services with us.
With the CruisePro eCommerce portal solution, you can facilitate the buying process for your customers, expand your business’ outreach, and increase your revenue. We design a completely functional B2B Ecommerce solution for your business using the latest cutting-edge technology.
Our Range of E-Commerce Portal Development Services:
Custom eCommerce Development:
Our eCommerce development team helps you find the right technology, platform, and framework to build online purchasing solutions tailored to your business size, whether it's a startup or a large corporation.
POS Software and Payment Gateways
Integrate a payment gateway or online Point of Sale (POS) system into your eCommerce shop to allow consumers to make online purchases.
Customer Data Analytics:
Ecommerce analytics may help you understand your customers' shopping experience and patterns, identify roadblocks, enhance the User Experience of your digital shopping solution to decrease cart abandonment, and boost customer satisfaction.
Ecommerce App Development:
At CruisePro, we create effective B2B and B2C Ecommerce mobile apps that help you connect with customers in a very engaging way. We provide Ecommerce mobile applications that are integrated with the latest features and give easy navigation, seamless checkout, quick speed, and a stunning UI or UX design.
How does an eCommerce portal solution work?
In today’s economy, eCommerce portal development solutions are essential. An online eCommerce marketplace may help you expand your brand's reach to a larger audience. It can assist you in attracting and retaining more consumers, resulting in increased revenue.
We can design and develop end-to-end eCommerce solutions, including web and mobile applications, to help you get more clients and grow your online business. Our agile web development process is adaptable to any organization and promotes growth.
Our eCommerce web development solutions include a sophisticated user interface, payment gateway, shipping API integration, extensive security features, easy-to-manage product inventory other features.
B2B and B2C Ecommerce Portal Development Services
CruisePro, a highly recognized e-commerce website design and development company, provides unrivaled e-commerce design and development solutions to both B2B commerce businesses and B2C commerce businesses.
If you want to provide a large inventory of products to your customer base, you'll need a user-friendly E-Commerce Portal.
Key Features of the e-Commerce Platforms:
User experience
Mobile eCommerce
Seamless Adding to Cart
Product Detail Page
Product Search
Login and Signup (Email/OTP)
Social Media Login
Benefits of Ecommerce Website Development.
Attract New Customers with Search Engine Visibility
Selling Products globally
Stay open 24*7/365
Offer Huge Information
The highly scalable and secure process to expand your business online
For more details, Pls visit our website
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magecomp · 5 years
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velanapp · 5 years
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User-friendly facebook lite login allows online shoppers to easy login using their social accounts. Magento social login extension supports basic templates, fetching profile from the social account and are integrated into the checkout page. Buy now to get benefitted.
Further details... visit our website
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elightwalk-technology · 5 months
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Magento 2 Social Login Extension
With the help of Magento 2 Social Login extension, customers can log in to the any websites by using their social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Google etc.
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pixlogix · 2 years
Top Magento 2 Social Login Extension
The Magento 2 Social Login Extension is primarily designed to allow you to quickly log in to the Magento Store without having to deal with the complexity of the registration process. It's time to say goodbye to the complex registration process and ignore the load of unnecessary required fields.
The Magento 2 Social Login Extension is a simple and powerful tool for integrating Magento user accounts with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and many other social media channels. Signing social media is the perfect idea to increase customer satisfaction. For more info - Magento 2 Social Login Extension
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xmagestore-blog · 4 years
Upgrade your Online eCommerce Store with Magento 2 Social Login Extension
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If you are currently running a Magento eCommerce business, there are various ways to extend the website functionality far beyond the limits. One of the most wanted and sought after features to include in your online store is the social login like Magento 2 Facebook login, Magento Instagram extension. Having been on the e-commerce market for a decade, this functionality aims to simplify the registration and login procedures by letting Magento website customers sign up via social networks.
Since the Magento 2 Instagram integration functionality for Magento 2 is not available by default, you can implement it either manually. Recently, there is a growing tendency to integrate Magento 2 Facebook login buttons into business strategy using social login like Magento 2 Facebook login, Magento Instagram extension. Among the variety of Magento 2 modules available on the e-commerce market, the solution provided by xMagestore is one of the most feature-rich. So, let’s take the Magento 2 plugin as an example to find out the benefits of Magento 2 Instagram or Facebook extension and discover the implementation process step by step.
Benefits of Integrating Facebook or Instagram Extension into a Magento Online Store:-
Quick registration & authorization processes. Since consumers don’t have to fill out any personal information in the various fields, they can quickly sign up and log in to the website.
Increased security. Social media platforms like Facebook or Google have an additional layer of security that makes your customers’ privacy more protected.
One-click return experience:- Once visitors have registered on a Magento e-store with social login, their return experience will be cut down to a single click.
Mobile Friendliness:- Smartphone users are more likely to stay on the website if there is easy access to the site via social credentials.
A reliable source of clients’ information:- Since a large percentage of visitors give false or incomplete information when registering on a website, access to social media can provide more accurate data.
Why Choose and What to Expect from Social Login Extension? :-
Social Login Extension( Magento 2 Instagram extension & Magento facebook extension) provided by xMagestore has been professionally developed to help website users quickly access the Magento e-store and place orders by logging in with social media platforms. Packed with lots of helpful features, the module aims to add the influence of powerful social media channels into the Magento website. The main benefits that make users gravitate towards it are:
Social media networks and services support enables you to offer your customers quickly login and registration.
User-experience personalization helps you to build a personalized experience by displaying a consumer photo from social networks anywhere on the website.
Rich profile information collection allows you to launch personalized marketing campaigns and more targeted promotions by using reliable profile customers’ data.
Social login for multiple pages makes it possible to display social login and registration buttons, as well as the customer’s photo anywhere on the website.
Website social media share buttons provide customers with a chance to share your site with their friends once they’ve registered an account.
Risk-free login and registration processes let you avoid issues with incorrectly entered email addresses by retrieving verified emails from social network accounts.
Compatible with custom and 3rd party templates means that the extension works flawlessly on any Magento theme no matter whether it is a custom theme or a popular theme like Ultimo, Shopper, Fortis, etc. – it supports them all.
So, if you want to optimize customers’ experience and integrate social login functionality into your online business, Magento 2 Social Login module( Magento 2 Instagram extension & Magento facebook extension) is a good way to go. Easy to use and manage, the Social Login module will help customers avoid long and complicated forms, improve your data quality, as well as eliminate spam and bot registrations.
Visit Here>>
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mageants · 5 years
10+ Best & Premium Magento 2 Social Login Extensions 2019
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Check out the list of Best 10+ Social Login Extension by MageAnts and select the best among all and allow your customers to login/register to your site via any of their social media accounts. To know more visit https://www.mageants.com/extension-review/social-login/ 
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shahab82-love · 2 years
USEFUL PRESTASHOP ADDONS FOR ONLINE STORES https://addons.prestashop.com/en/2_community-developer?contributor=301729 #prestashop #presta #addons #seo #schema #href #product #tab #tabs #tags #geoip #banners #tabs #popup #rich #snippet #opengraph #visitors #url #social #geolocation #modules #social #html #sfk #twittercard #login #translate #zoho #jivo #onlinechat #popups #free #ecommerce #opensource #ecommerce #magento #opencart #symfony
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magecomp · 5 years
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velanapp · 5 years
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Magento Social Login Extension | Magento Social Integration
User-friendly facebook lite login allows online shoppers to easy login using their social accounts. Magento social login extension supports basic templates, fetching profile from the social account and are integrated into the checkout page. Buy now to get benefitted.
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