#Magical Skellies ✨
pokegalla · 1 year
@camilliasinensis asked for lore on Tatsuo so of course. I must deliver✨
(The link is the previous post on what Tatsuo looks like!)
When he was born, he had unique and powerful magic flowing through his bones that made him have genetic mutations of dragon features including wings, a tail, large claws, even his eyes. It was not only his looks…..but his strength. As he grew up he constantly had to be gentle or else he’d break something.
Now with these…..”Defects”. It caused him either trouble or negative attention to himself. Constantly breaking things, getting bullied by his freakish looks, even terrible rumors that made people fear him. Things would get so bad for his family that they constantly had to move town to town. Tatsuo felt….guilty about it. And it didn’t help that his parents were slowly getting tired of having to do all this just for him. So one day his parents…..abandoned him. And oh that was a terrible idea. He wouldn’t stop crying in the streets, searching for his family….so bad people decided to torment the poor boy, taking advantage for their own entertainment and possible cash considering he was a “freak” and tried roughing him up to capture him. And…..they cut his wings off. That was the final straw. He killed those people and ran away, now always wandering the AUs….always seeing the worst in people.
He thinks Unity in the multiverse is impossible as he believes people can never change and once they are horrible, they always will be. He’s a stubborn and hard headed guy when it comes his ideals and sometimes in what he wants. Now he follows his own way, even if it might be irrational or potentially harmful to both himself and others.
(Now you know why he’s a rival to my character! Cause you can imagine how pissed he would be meeting her-
Lisa: Everyone can change if they really tried! Everyone has a little good in them! It’s all about perspective and hard work!
Tatsuo: *His backstory🧍‍♂️* bout to end this girl’s whole career-💢)
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nulltune · 2 years
((kldjKFLSJDF SHAKES AND THROTTLES YOU BECAUSE I'M GLAD YOU LIKE MY ICONS >:'( (i love the new moon girl icons btw the white rose is so pretty-)
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^ happy moon girl which i love sm but have never used ic orz but i'm putting this here bc it's cute and i love it and i love YOU SKELLY AND!!!!!! OFC I LOVE UR ICONS!!!! the colors are really nice and just s c ream cascu 2 me....!!! confession: i am absolutely obsessed with ur mobile header 😳 it just looks soooo neat to me!! sth abt it is just so..... magical. i love it! and honestly i just love everything abt ur cascu in general!! you absolutely nail the ✨vibes✨ he has okok and i mean that in icons and graphics and your (very beautiful) art and just!! everything!! LISTEN I COULD GO ON, BUT WE'D BE HERE FOR HOURS SO LIKE tl;dr i luv u. i luv ur cascu. i luv ur icons.
AND AAAAAA TYSM SKELLY!!! THAT MAKES ME VERY HAPPY HEHE ik icons aren't important but 👁👁 IDK WHY BUT IM OBSESSED WITH FIXING UP MINE EVERY OTHER MONTH OR STH!!!! SMH!!!! and it's such a minor thing but i'm glad u could tell it's a white rose 🥺🥺 idk how Da Hell i didn't notice for so long but when i did it drove me bonkers how the flowers in my old icon border weren't like white roses at all GDJDGCH so yes! that was my villain origin story main reason for remaking my icons for the nth time!
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star-ocean-peahen · 3 years
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨
Hi My favorite Twin!!! <3
I. Cannot think of anything else right now so I will switch to things I like about my life
1. all my mutuals. all of you guys. bonnet kiwi mama lava tellie linkle sunny skelly master-of-fluff vi feral-korok scruffy clelery hyrules-feral-hero philosophersapprentice into-september (i still cannot BELIEVE you follow me) mulder lin nick i love all of you guys so much. so much. you have all helped me so much in the months i've known you guys. thank you all
2. the sky it's wonderful. there's also sunsets which HAVE to be magical
3. the fact that some people out there made up some funny little guys in their heads and now i know the funny little guy too and that makes me happy
4. legos. i love legos. esp. lego elves have you SEEN the dragons
5. mermaids
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