#Maharashtra crisis
nationalistbharat · 1 year
महाराष्ट्र:किस्सा कुर्सी का लेकिन कुर्सी किसकी
वर्षा मिर्जा शरद पवार अपनी सियासत की अलग-अलग परिभाषाएं देते रहते हैं,यह सभी लोग जानते हैं लेकिन कोई अपनी ही पार्टी को यूं पीछे धकेल सकता है- यह कुछ अटपटा सा है। आख़िर ऐसे  भ्रम से भरे संकेत महाराष्ट्र की जनता को क्योंकर मिल रहे हैं? शरद पवार की पार्टी राष्ट्रवादी कांग्रेस पार्टी (एनसीपी ) में बीते वक्त से या यूं कहें कि चार साल से जो कुछ हो रहा है वह पार्टी की साख को तो कम कर ही रहा है, अवसरवादी…
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rightnewshindi · 17 days
Watch: मोमोज बनाने के लिए पैरों से गूथ रहा था आटा, वीडियो वायरल होते ही मचा हड़कंप; आरोपी गिरफ्तार
Watch: मोमोज बनाने के लिए पैरों से गूथ रहा था आटा, वीडियो वायरल होते ही मचा हड़कंप; आरोपी गिरफ्तार #MaharashtraNews #MumbaiUpdates #PuneDiaries #RegionalNews #StateGovernment #TravelMaharashtra #LocalUpdates #MaharashtraCulture #WesternIndia
Madhya Pradesh News: मोमोज युवाओं के बीच लोकप्रिय डिश बन गया है. सड़क किनारे मोमोज के ठेले पर भीड़ देखी जा सकती है. हो सकता है आप भी मोमोज के शौकीन हों. अगर ऐसा है तो जरा सावधान रहें. पैरों से आटा गूंथने का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो रहा है. वीडियो सामने आने के बाद पुलिस-प्रशासन में भी हड़कंप मच गया. जबलपुर पुलिस ने मामले का संज्ञान लिया है. 22 सेकेंड के क्लिप में देखा जा सकता है कि मोमोज…
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newspatron · 2 months
Maharashtra Dam Water Levels: A Tale of Two Realities
What are your thoughts on Maharashtra's water crisis? Share your insights and solutions below!
Maharashtra, the land of dreams and opportunities, is also a land of contrasts. While some regions are drenched in monsoon showers, others are parched and thirsting for relief. This year, the water situation in the state’s dams paints a picture as diverse as its landscapes. From overflowing reservoirs to worryingly low levels, the story of Maharashtra Dam Water Level is one of both abundance and…
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sunnyvinayaknimhan202 · 5 months
Sunny Nimhan - Advocate for Youth Empowerment, Pune's Leading Politician
Sunny Vinayak Nimhan is a strong advocate for youth empowerment, working with young entrepreneurs in Pune. He's a corporator of Pune and one of the most popular politicians in India. His focus includes sports development, women empowerment, and support for startup culture in Pune.
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mhlivenews · 8 months
चिंताजनक! १० दिवसांत राज्याचा पाणीसाठा निम्म्यावर, तुमच्या भागातील धरणात किती पाणी? जाणून घ्या
मुंबई : राज्याच्या पाणीसाठ्यात अवघ्या १० दिवसांत तीन टक्क्यांनी घट झाली आहे. धरणांमध्ये सध्या केवळ ५८.८४ टक्के पाणी शिल्लक आहे. छत्रपती संभाजीनगर येथील पाणीसाठा झपाट्याने घटत आहे. इथे मोठ्या, मध्यम आणि लहान धरणांमध्ये वापरासाठी ३४.५६ टक्केच पाणी उपलब्ध आहे. तर, उजनी धरणात केवळ आठ टक्के साठा उरला आहे.राज्यभरात पाणीप्रश्न आठवड्यागणिक बिकट होत चालला आहे. सरकारच्या पाणीपुरवठा विभागाच्या…
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saurabhshelar · 1 year
राज्याच्या राजकारणात मोठा भूकंप | Ajit Pawar Political Breaking News | M...
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news-trust-india · 1 year
Maharashtra Political Crisis : स्तीफा न देते तो बच सकती थी उद्धव ठाकरे की कुर्सी -SC
नई दिल्ली। Maharashtra Political Crisis :  सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने आज उद्धव ठाकरे और मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथ शिंदे की ओर से दायर विभिन्न याचिकाओं पर फैसला सुनाया। वहीं कोर्ट ने अपना फैसला सुनाते हुए कहा कि अभी इस मामले में कोई निर्णय लेना जल्दबाजी होगी, इसलिए इसे 7 जजों की बड़ी बेंच को सौंपा जा रहा है।आपको याद होगा कि पिछले साल एकनाथ शिंदे और उनके गुट के कुछ विधायकों ने उद्धव ठाकरे के साथ बगावत कर ली थी और…
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werindialive · 1 year
Uddhav Thackeray claims election can ‘happen anytime’. answers to Sanjay Raut’s prediction of government collapse
Uddhav Thackeray, while addressing a rally at Maharashtra's Jalgaon district on Sunday said that “Elections can happen at any time, even today, we are prepared. The matter is in Supreme Court, and we are hoping that the verdict will be in our favor. After that, anything can happen at any time."
He was on a questioning spree as he raised his queries to the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) and asked them to clarify whether an election under CM Shinde’s leadership will have any competition in Maharashtra as the party has already cleared that the Shinde-led government will only be allotted 48 seats out of total 288. "State BJP chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule has said that Shinde's party will be allotted only 48 seats (out of the total 288). Will the BJP fight the election under a person contesting only 48 seats?" he asked.
Thackeray had to resign from his post of CM last year after a faction of rebel leaders led by Eknath Shinde from the then Shiv Sena government retaliated and joined hands with the BJP. this led to the formation of a coalition government in the state replacing the then Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government. with the rift continuing and intensifying, the Thackeray-led faction of the government moved to the Supreme Court earlier this year. The Election Commission of India (ECI) evaluated the allotment of new symbols to both the groups and identified Shinde-faction to be the right one to be identified as the real Shiv Sena has the poll symbol of ‘bow and arrow’.
Thackeray went further to identify CM Shinde and other rebel leaders as traitors and claimed that his party would clear them completely. "We will see to it that you are finished. We have cleansed the blot on the state created due to the treachery. Maharashtra is the land of brave people and not traitors," he said.
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/03/17 Encontramos a este empresario que estaba triste porque, tras la pandemia, tuvo que cerrar su negocio. Tuvo hasta cuatro restaurantes tanto en este pueblo como en la ciudad en la que yo vivo.
We found this businessman who was sad because, after the pandemic, he had to close his business. He had up to four restaurants both in this town and in the city where I live.
Google Translation into French: Nous avons retrouvé cet homme d'affaires qui était triste car, après la pandémie, il a dû fermer son entreprise. Il avait jusqu'à quatre restaurants dans cette ville et dans la ville où j'habite.
Google translation into Italian: Abbiamo trovato questo imprenditore che era triste perché, dopo la pandemia, ha dovuto chiudere la sua attività. Aveva ben quattro ristoranti in questa città e nella città in cui vivo.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Encontramos esse empresário que estava triste porque, depois da pandemia, teve que fechar o negócio. Ele tinha até quatro restaurantes nesta cidade e na cidade onde moro.
Google Translation into German: Wir haben diesen Geschäftsmann gefunden, der traurig war, weil er nach der Pandemie sein Geschäft schließen musste. Er hatte nicht weniger als vier Restaurants in dieser Stadt und in der Stadt, in der ich lebe.
Google Translation into Albanisch: E gjetëm këtë biznesmen i cili ishte i trishtuar sepse iu desh të mbyllte dyqanin pas pandemisë. Ai kishte jo më pak se katër restorante në këtë qytet dhe në qytetin ku jetoj unë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք գտանք այս գործարարին, ով տխուր էր, քանի որ նա ստիպված էր փակել իր խանութը համաճարակից հետո։ Նա ուներ ոչ պակաս, քան չորս ռեստորան այս քաղաքում և այն քաղաքում, որտեղ ես ապրում եմ։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Намерихме този бизнесмен, който беше тъжен, защото трябваше да затвори магазина си след пандемията. Той имаше не по-малко от четири ресторанта в този град и в града, в който живея.
Google Translation into Czech: Našli jsme tohoto obchodníka, který byl smutný, protože po pandemii musel zavřít svůj obchod. V tomto městě a ve městě, kde bydlím, měl nejméně čtyři restaurace.
Google Translation into Croatian: Zatekli smo ovog poduzetnika koji je bio tužan jer je nakon pandemije morao zatvoriti svoju radnju. Imao je ne manje od četiri restorana u ovom gradu i gradu u kojem ja živim.
Google Translation into Danish Vi fandt denne forretningsmand, som var ked af det, fordi han var nødt til at lukke sin butik efter pandemien. Han havde ikke færre end fire restauranter i denne by og i den by, hvor jeg bor.
Google Translation into Slovak: Našli sme tohto podnikateľa, ktorý bol smutný, pretože po pandémii musel zavrieť obchod. V tomto meste a v meste, kde bývam, mal najmenej štyri reštaurácie.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Našli smo tega poslovneža, ki je bil žalosten, ker je moral po pandemiji zapreti svojo trgovino. V tem mestu in v mestu, kjer živim, je imel nič manj kot štiri restavracije.
Google Translation into Estonian: Leidsime selle ärimehe, kes oli kurb, sest pidi pärast pandeemiat oma poe sulgema. Tal oli selles linnas ja linnas, kus ma elan, mitte vähem kui neli restorani.
Google Translation into Suomi: Löysimme tämän liikemiehen, joka oli surullinen, koska hänen oli suljettava myymälänsä pandemian jälkeen. Hänellä oli peräti neljä ravintolaa tässä kaupungissa ja kaupungissa, jossa asun.
Google Translation into Greek: Βρήκαμε αυτόν τον επιχειρηματία που ήταν λυπημένος γιατί έπρεπε να κλείσει το μαγαζί του μετά την πανδημία. Δεν είχε λιγότερα από τέσσερα εστιατόρια σε αυτήν την πόλη και στην πόλη όπου μένω.
Google Translation into Dutch: We vonden deze zakenman die verdrietig was omdat hij zijn winkel moest sluiten na de pandemie. Hij had maar liefst vier restaurants in deze stad en in de stad waar ik woon.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi fant denne forretningsmannen som var trist fordi han måtte stenge butikken sin etter pandemien. Han hadde ikke mindre enn fire restauranter i denne byen og i byen der jeg bor.
Google Translation into Polish: Znaleźliśmy tego biznesmena, który był smutny, ponieważ musiał zamknąć swój sklep po pandemii. Miał aż cztery restauracje w tym mieście iw mieście, w którym mieszkam.
Google Translation into Romanian: L-am găsit pe acest om de afaceri care era trist pentru că a trebuit să-și închidă magazinul după pandemie. Avea nu mai puțin de patru restaurante în acest oraș și în orașul în care locuiesc.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы нашли этого бизнесмена, которому было грустно, потому что ему пришлось закрыть свой магазин после пандемии. У него было не менее четырех ресторанов в этом городе и в городе, где я живу.
Google Translation into Serbian: Пронашли смо овог бизнисмена који је био тужан јер је након пандемије морао да затвори своју радњу. Имао је чак четири ресторана у овом граду и граду у коме ја живим.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi hittade den här affärsmannen som var ledsen för att han var tvungen att stänga sin butik efter pandemin. Han hade inte mindre än fyra restauranger i den här staden och i staden där jag bor.
Google Translation into Turkish: Pandemi sonrası dükkanını kapatmak zorunda kaldığı için üzgün olan bu iş adamını bulduk. Bu şehirde ve yaşadığım şehirde en az dört restoranı vardı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми знайшли цього бізнесмена, який сумував, тому що йому довелося закрити свій магазин після пандемії. Він мав не менше чотирьох ресторанів у цьому місті та в місті, де я живу.
Google Translation into Arabic: وجدنا رجل الأعمال هذا الذي كان حزينًا لأنه اضطر إلى إغلاق محله بعد الوباء. كان لديه ما لا يقل عن أربعة مطاعم في هذه المدينة وفي المدينة التي أعيش فيها.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা এই ব্যবসায়ীকে খুঁজে পেয়েছি যিনি দুঃখিত ছিলেন কারণ মহামারীর পরে তাকে তার দোকান বন্ধ করতে হয়েছিল। এই শহরে এবং আমি যে শহরে থাকি সেখানে তার চারটির কম রেস্তোরাঁ ছিল না।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们找到了这位商人,他因为在大流行病后不得不关闭商店而感到难过。 他在这个城市和我居住的城市有不少于四家餐馆。
Google Translation into Korean: 팬데믹 이후 가게를 닫아야 해서 슬퍼하는 사업가를 찾았습니다. 그는 이 도시와 내가 사는 도시에 레스토랑이 네 개 이상 있었습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: מצאנו את איש העסקים הזה שהיה עצוב כי הוא נאלץ לסגור את החנות שלו לאחר המגיפה. היו לו לא פחות מארבע מסעדות בעיר הזו ובעיר שבה אני גר.
Google Translation into Hindi: हमें यह व्यापारी मिला जो इस बात से दुखी था कि महामारी के बाद उसे अपनी दुकान बंद करनी पड़ी। इस शहर में और जिस शहर में मैं रहता हूँ, उसके पास कम से कम चार रेस्तरां थे।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami menemukan pengusaha yang sedih karena harus menutup tokonya setelah pandemi. Dia memiliki tidak kurang dari empat restoran di kota ini dan di kota tempat saya tinggal.
Google Translation into Japanese: パンデミックの後、彼は事業を閉鎖しなければならなかったため、悲しんでいるこのビジネスマンを見つけました。 彼はこの町と私が住んでいる市の両方で最大4つのレストランを持っていました.
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Пандемиядан кийин дүкөнүн жабууга аргасыз болгон бул бизнесменди таптык. Анын бул шаарда жана мен жашаган шаарда төрттөн кем эмес рестораны бар болчу.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami menemui ahli perniagaan ini yang sedih kerana terpaksa menutup kedainya selepas wabak itu. Dia mempunyai tidak kurang daripada empat restoran di bandar ini dan di bandar tempat saya tinggal.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Царт тахлын дараа дэлгүүрээ хаах шаардлагатай болсондоо гунигтай байсан энэ бизнесменийг бид олсон. Тэр энэ хотод болон миний амьдардаг хотод 4-өөс доошгүй ресторантай байсан.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामीले यो व्यवसायीलाई भेट्टायौं जो दुखी थिए किनभने उनले महामारी पछि आफ्नो पसल बन्द गर्नुपर्‍यो। यो शहर र म बसेको सहरमा उनको चारवटा भन्दा कम रेस्टुरेन्ट थिएन।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਸਾਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਕਾਰੋਬਾਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਜੋ ਉਦਾਸ ਸੀ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਮਹਾਂਮਾਰੀ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਆਪਣੀ ਦੁਕਾਨ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨੀ ਪਈ ਸੀ। ਇਸ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਅਤੇ ਜਿਸ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੈਂ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ, ਉਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਚਾਰ ਤੋਂ ਘੱਟ ਰੈਸਟੋਰੈਂਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ دا سوداګر وموندل چې غمجن و ځکه چې هغه د وبا وروسته خپل هټۍ وتړله. هغه په ​​دې ښار او هغه ښار کې چې زه اوسېږم له څلورو څخه لږ رستورانتونه نه درلودل.
Google Translation into Persian: ما این تاجر را پیدا کردیم که غمگین بود زیرا مجبور شد مغازه خود را بعد از همه گیری ببندد. او کمتر از چهار رستوران در این شهر و در شهری که من زندگی می کنم نداشت.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kami mendakan pangusaha ieu anu sedih kusabab anjeunna kedah nutup toko saatos pandémik. Anjeunna ngagaduhan henteu langkung ti opat réstoran di kota ieu sareng di kota tempat kuring cicing.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Natagpuan namin ang negosyanteng ito na malungkot dahil kailangan niyang isara ang kanyang tindahan pagkatapos ng pandemya. Mayroon siyang hindi bababa sa apat na mga restawran sa lungsod na ito at sa lungsod kung saan ako nakatira.
Google Translation into Thai: เราพบนักธุรกิจผู้นี้ที่โศกเศร้าเพราะต้องปิดร้านหลังจากเกิดโรคระบาด เขามีร้านอาหารไม่น้อยกว่าสี่แห่งในเมืองนี้และในเมืองที่ฉันอาศัยอยู่
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم نے اس تاجر کو پایا جو غمزدہ تھا کیونکہ اسے وبائی امراض کے بعد اپنی دکان بند کرنی پڑی۔ اس شہر اور اس شہر میں جہاں میں رہتا ہوں اس کے چار سے کم ریستوراں ��ہیں تھے۔
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antoine-roquentin · 1 year
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Part 1 in this series about... something. I’ll figure it out when I write more.
Howard Imbrey was a CIA agent. Having started in the CIA’s WW2 predecessor, the OSS, he was placed undercover in diplomatic roles at American consulates and embassies in Sri Lanka, India, and Ethiopia during the late 40s and 50s. This was a traditional role for intelligence agents: with diplomatic immunity, they would be safe from prosecution, while embassy parties and other events allowed them to pick up gossip from inside the country.
However, it did limit agents and paint a large target on their back. Imbrey operated in a friendly environment in India, where he could rely on British-trained police chiefs as informants in the battle against the Communist Party of India in Maharashtra and Kerala. In other parts of the world, governments would monitor the movements and activities of those who came out of the American embassy, knowing them to be spies.
In 1958, Imbrey was instead embedded in a fake corporation headquartered near the UN in NYC, with a real businessman as his partner. They worked closely with UN diplomats to find actual businesses to promote, to keep the whole thing legit. At the same time, it allowed Imbrey the chance to question the diplomats and businessmen for gossip and to meet with other informants the CIA had already cultivated across the continent. Some of these informants included Cyrille Adoula and Albert Kalonji, head of political parties and breakaway factions devoted to undermining Patrice Lumumba’s elected government in the Congo.
The article attached was important to developing his cover. Initially, it ran in Fortune, owned at the time by Henry Luce’s Time Inc., while the screenshots are from John H. Johnson’s Negro Digest. Luce was historically close to the CIA and the American government in general. He hired CIA agents onto his staff and allowed them to write propaganda as they saw fit. He directed his journalists to publish opinion pieces attacking those who exposed CIA secrets, like Ramparts magazine. At one point in the Congo Crisis, US Ambassador to Belgium William Burden, a friend of Luce’s, phoned him to get him to bury a story on Lumumba. No information has come out either way on just whether the journalist who wrote this article knew Imbrey was CIA or was simply ordered to by higher ups, but it seems likely that the editorial staff of Negro Digest simply saw it as fitting with their focus on black lives and reprinted it unwittingly to the CIA’s benefit. Later on, Imbrey would find another cover as a journalist with a CIA-controlled news outlet in Paris, Brussels, and Rome, which allowed the CIA to fly informants to him.
None of this was known to anyone until 2001, save for a brief acknowledgement of thanks to Imbrey’s wife in a book by Larry Devlin, CIA Station Chief in the Congo. That year, Imbrey suddenly gave two interviews in April and June, and then died a year later. One was to a high school student at a private Episcopal school in Maryland. It’s roughly written, and clearly transcribed by someone who’s writing the names of Congolese officials by ear rather than knowledge, but deserves to be read, not because Imbrey lets his guard down consciously, but rather because of the implicit biases he still has and the distinction between the secrets he wishes to keep and those he feels fine in revealing. Particularly humorous is when the kid tries to ask him about whether the CIA operated independently from the president, and Imbrey denies it, saying “That’s an Arab type of operation.”
The other was to Charles Stuart Kennedy, a career diplomat who retired in the 80s and subsequently made a post-retirement life of interviewing other diplomats for the public record. Since many CIA employees were embedded as diplomats, he ended up running into a bunch. His interview is much more detailed and professional, albeit with the same transcription errors on names, and makes for excellent reading for anybody who enjoys salacious historical gossip. Imbrey talks about reading Popeye the Sailor bootleg Rule 34 as a kid, kidnapping fishermen in the Indian Ocean with submarines to train them to use radios to spy on the Japanese Navy (sounds like UFO abductions), supplying porn to the higher ups in the Indian Navy, etc. But two particular moments stand out, one being what may be the single worst denial of American involvement in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba:
Q: Did you get involved at all with the Lumumba business?
IMBREY: No, the only thing I can tell you is they sent out this shellfish compound to chief of station Larry Devlin and he sent it back with an angry note saying, “Don't you know the Belgians are going to kill him, what do you want us to do?” We kept totally out of that one. Then Lumumba really put himself in terrible trouble when he gave a rise of one rank to everybody in the army and then found he couldn't pay the new prices. Then the army rebelled; they put him in an airplane, took him south and they pulled him out of the airplane on the driveway, brought him up to the chief of the Lunda tribe and in Munongo's office and I guess they shot him there or it may not have been there. In Munongo's office they began asking him a couple of questions. Well, this was according to his answers. Munongo took a bayonet and put it right into Lumumba's chest and Captain Gatt, a Belgian, was right there and he fired a bullet in the back of Lumumba's head to put him out of his misery and that was how it happened, but no Americans were involved.
and whatever this is, which happens to coincide with the CIA’s MHCHAOS operation on American soil:
Q: When you came home what were you doing?
IMBREY: That's where we turn off the tape recorder.
Q: All right, well then, we'll just skip over that. When did you take off again where we can talk?
IMBREY: Let's see. I was sent back to Rome in '72. Turn it off for a while and I'll tell you about it.
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infantisimo · 2 years
Night schools have a long history in Maharashtra. The first night school for labourers and agricultural workers was opened in Pune city in 1855, in the face of opposition from people who believed so-called lower castes should receive only vocational training. Later in Mumbai, night schools thrived as learning centres for its mill workers.
Today, in Bombay and across India, especially in its industrial centres, night schools are a vital resource that allow the poor and working class a chance of literacy and a new future.
Pinky found out about the night school from her husband, who had studied there himself before they were married seven years ago. He is now a gardener on contract with Mumbai’s municipal corporation.
Her days are packed. Every weekday morning, she takes her daughter to kindergarten and cleans her tiny one-room house in a warren of makeshift homes that abut a freight railway track. In the afternoon, she looks after her daughter and then takes the bus – if she has the money for it – or walks to the night school. She does her homework after her husband and child are asleep.
Pinky tries not to miss any lessons, but computer classes are a priority. Every Friday, a bus converted into an ad hoc classroom parks outside the night school. With laptops, chargers, and benches to seat two students at each of the ten devices, computer nights always see the highest attendance rates.
On days Pinky does not attend class, she may get a nudging call from Santosh Yadav, the school’s headteacher. He has taught there for 32 years and knows the circumstances of every student – who has lost a parent and who had to drop out of day school for work or a sudden crisis.
The Covid pandemic was a major setback, he said: around 50 students did not return to class after schools reopened. The school now has 140 students, but only around 15 to 20 attend daily; the rest come in depending on when they can get free from their work. It is Yadav who coaxes them to attend and helps them to catch up on the parts of the syllabus they miss. “If even we give up on our students, who will believe in them?” he asks.
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rightnewshindi · 17 days
महाराष्ट्र के बीड में शिक्षक ने 11 वर्षीय बच्ची के साथ किया रेप, अरबी भाषा की पढ़ाता था ट्यूशन
महाराष्ट्र के बीड में शिक्षक ने 11 वर्षीय बच्ची के साथ किया रेप, अरबी भाषा की प��़ाता था ट्यूशन #MaharashtraNews #MumbaiUpdates #PuneDiaries #RegionalNews #StateGovernment #TravelMaharashtra #LocalUpdates #MaharashtraCulture #WesternIndia
Maharashtra News: महाराष्ट्र के बीड शहर में 11 वर्षीय बच्ची से कथित तौर पर दुष्कर्म करने के आरोप में 30 वर्षीय एक शिक्षक को गिरफ्तार किया गया है। शिक्षक बच्ची को अरबी भाषा का ट्यूशन पढ़ाता था। पुलिस ने शुक्रवार को यह जानकारी दी। पेठबीड़ पुलिस थाने के निरीक्षक ए. के. मुदलियार ने बताया कि आरोपी (पीड़िता की पहचान छिपाने के लिए उसका नाम उजागर नहीं किया) अपने घर पर बच्चों को उर्दू और अरबी पढ़ाता था।…
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projectourworld · 1 year
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Nashik, India. A man crosses the dry bed of the Koparli dam in Peth Taluka village. The Indian state of Maharashtra is facing a water crisis of unprecedented scale. Photograph: Ritesh Shukla/Getty Images : Courtesy Guardian #water #crisis #india
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thesportsgrail · 2 years
Mumbai Sustainability Summit 2023
💡Theme- Ideas & Action for smart and sustainable Mumbai Metropolitan Region
About the event
✅ Mumbai Sustainability Summit will provide a valuable platform for exchange of views from eminent personalities, experts and thought leaders in various areas of environment impact and sustainability.
✅ The summit will bring key stakeholders together from government, corporate sector, academia, nongovernmental organizations and civil society at large and will influence opinion makers, increase awareness about the environment crisis, mitigation strategies and roles of various stakeholders
❓Who can join?
🔹 NGOs Founders/Trustees and Fundraising Team
🔹 CSR Professionals
🔹Companies offering sustainable goods & services
🔹Sustainability Enthusiasts & Startups
🔹University Students
Registration Details:
✅Registration Charges : 100/-
💱Refundable Deposit : 400/-
💰Total Fees : 500 /-
🗓 Date: 12th January 2023
⏰ Time: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
📍 Venue: Yashwantrao Chavan Centre, 7/8, General Jagannath Bhosle Rd, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400021.
▪️We will be refunding the deposit in cash at the end of the Summit. We would require you to carry your Aadhar card along for identification.
▪️We will permit only those whose identification number is registered with us
🔗Registration Link
Click on the following link to read more about the summit:
Click on the following link to read more about the award nomination:
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mhlivenews · 1 year
मराठवाड्याचा पाणीप्रश्न पेटणार; येत्या १३ ऑक्टोबरला पाणी परिषद करणार उपोषण
म. टा. प्रतिनिधी, छत्रपती संभाजीनगर : मराठवाड्याच्या न्याय हक्काच्या पाण्यासाठी मराठवाडा पाणी परिषदेतर्फे १३ ऑक्टोबर शुक्रवारी सकाळी दहा वाजता मराठवाडा विभागीय कार्यालयासमोर एक दिवसीय लाक्षणिक उपोषण करण्यात येणार आहे.पाणी परिषदेच्या वतीने प्रसिद्धीस दिलेल्या पत्रकात म्हटले आहे, ‘हैदराबाद मुक्तिसंग्राम अमृतमहोत्सव वर्षानिमित्त १६ सप्टेंबर रोजी छत्रपती संभाजीनगर येथील मंत्रिमंडळाच्या बैठकीत…
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upscexpress · 2 years
Speaker’s Role in Defection
Speaker’s Role in Defection Q. Why is this in News? A. Hearing a case related to the Maharashtra crisis in 2022 and whether a speaker facing a notice for his removal can disqualify MLAs in his assembly, the Supreme Court (SC) on February 15, 2023 maintained that Speakers should be the first authority to decide on disqualification. Earlier in 2016, the SC in the Nabam Rebia case had held that a…
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