#Mai Naoya and a bunch of other Zenin for Maki
Is Gege aware that it’s possible to write character development without killing off characters?
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makipedia · 5 months
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reflections; maki x reader
:not allowed
:master list
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You always dreaded what news you were about to receive when one of the maid's of the Zenin clan would slide open your door with a sheepish look on their face. Every time you heard a certain man's name leave the messenger's lips, a part of you died inside, wondering and dreading what he'd request of you next. To be under the control of the embodiment of misogyny made you gag every time you thought of it, from prepping his dinner to being forced to train with him, it was enough for any non-sorcerer to go insane. But you knew if you didn't follow his request, the consequences would be dire.
But, there were days that weren't spent slugging yourself around with a figurative hunchback from all the misogyny and sexism over your shoulders. Only a handful of times did you see a pair of girls, twins, to be correct, walking around the Zenin estate. One of them had short and messy hair, you thought she looked like a sheepdog, and that it was cute. The other had perfectly cut bangs and her hair stopped at her jawline- her hair was also never messy, if the other differences couldn't spot them out before. On occasion, you'd run into one or both of them while you were both doing chores around the place, often which led to long conversations while you'd both merge duties around the estate to maintain the conversation. That doesn't always have a happy ending- for example, one night when you were sweeping the floors and the twins were doing other people's laundry and happily talking, one of the adults found the three of you and gave you all an earful about how 'you can't merge chores for leisure.'
Nothing lasts forever, and that's what humbled you when you stopped seeing the twins after a while. At the time, all three of you were 14- you were about to turn 15 in a few weeks (though nobody acknowledged it) when you heard that one of them left. Her name was Maki, you remembered, the one who had no cursed energy at all. Her sister, Mai, left shortly after she did. When you overheard one of the adults talking about it, you felt your heart begin to sink a bit; drowning in loneliness. Now for the next few months, you've been moping around the Zenin estate with no one to talk to, no one to share your frustrations about the misogynistic men who controlled you- not just your lord- around the place. It made your skin crawl when you'd pass one of the old men staring at you creepily. Sometimes you wondered if those old men knew how old you were, or if they even cared about that.
Still, here you are, sighing deeply as you reach down the side of the counter, grabbing a dirty rag and placing it in the hot water running from the tap. Thank god nobody else was in the kitchen at the moment, you couldn't take another gross comment from one of the other men today. Washing the dishes alone was better than being forced to lounge around with Naoya and the other adults- not just men, the stereotypical 1950's housewives, too. The pile was big every time you came into the kitchen, though that never stopped you from finishing them quickly, as they were usually just a bunch of small plates, bowls and tea mugs.
"This is the first time I'm not having to tell you," A smug, masculine voice came from the other side of the room. Your eyebrows furrowed at the sound of his voice, clearly irritated; you still grabbed the dish soap, turning the bottle upside down and squeezing roughly to get the minuscule out beyond the entrance. The only noise in the room was the water running from the tap and the whistle that came from the bottle as you were shaking it onto the gray rag.
"I should get one of the other maids to do it, I have a request for you," He continued, stepping away from the entrance, his shoes clacking against the hardwood floor. Each step got louder as he was getting closer, and your skin was crawling by the time he was about half a foot away from you. His arm reached out to turn off the tap, pushing down on the lever, stopping you mid-wash. You turned to look up at him, grimacing at his expression that was equally as smug as his voice.
"Come," He nudged his head towards the doorway. "I need to talk to you about something." He finished as he finally started stepping away from you, slowly, but was still gaining distance. You waited for a moment, glaring at him as he was walking backwards as if to make sure you wouldn't grab a knife to stab him in the back, then ultimately set the dish and the rag down with it before you slowly followed him out.
In fear of giving him attitude, you sighed, collecting yourself to not sound exasperated. "Yes, Sir Naoya?" you ask quietly as you begin to pick up your feet so they're not dragging against the floor. He hums in satisfaction at the title, seeming proud of your obviously fake respect for him. "I'm not evil like those other guys here," he starts, his voice now a bit firm, a heavy contrast to his sneaky, almost villainous, tone from earlier as he turns to face you with his arms crossed behind his back. Now you noticed that he's not wearing his usual yukata- instead he's just wearing a simple black shirt and white pants. "And you're aware that I can announce your release whenever I'd like, right?"
"I am," you answer quietly, keeping calm even though you were fearing what he might say next. He huffed for a moment, his shoulders rising and falling as an exhale escaped his lips. You could see his breath condensing in the air, reminding you how cold it was outside, though you chose not to do anything about it. "I've got a request for you. Do you remember Maki? That meek little girl-"
"Yes, I remember." you firmly cut him off, frowning at his unfinished description of the girl. He clenched his jaw, "This is only between you, me and the Head, but I need you to take her out," he finished. Now he seems hesitant, like he regrets what he just said. And you simply stand there, merely appalled by his words. Take her out? In what way? Does he mean murder?
"As in...killing her." he corrected as if he knew what you were wondering. You curled a brow in confusion, staying silent as you kept watching how your breath condensed in the air. "Killing her?"
"You do know what that means, right?" he questioned, lifting a brow and emphasizing the phrase. You narrowed your eyes as you nodded curtly. "Good. Do you want to leave now or wait in the morning before everyone wakes up?"
"The morning would be better, there could still be random people wandering around the estate," you answer bluntly. Naoya nods briefly, undoing his arms and letting them fall to his side. "The Head told me not to tell you this, but I will just because I'm not heartless, but he said if you succeed, then he gives me full permission to release you and let you go from the Zenin clan. But if you fail, he'll have you executed for defiance." He admits, seeming to be taken over by shame a moment later. Now that's a surprise if you've ever seen one. Naoya sounding soft? Around you, of all people? Naoya Zenin, the infamous misogynistic jerk who always bossed people around, was being nice to you, his servant. The other men and stereotypical women would have a stroke if they ever saw this, seeing him be so nice to a presumed low-lifer who's worth nothing better than a servant and a potential weapon.
"Executed for defiance? How is that defiance?" You scowl as you cross your arms. Naoya simply shrugged as he was out of answers for that one. "I dunno, but I'll make sure you leave before everyone wakes up."
"And what will you say when people are questioning about where I am?" you lift a brow, tapping your shoe against the floor. Naoya's silent for a moment as he's chewing on the bottom of his lip, thinking for a solution. "I'll figure that out in a little bit, just don't worry about it."
"Fine," you seemed curt and unbothered, but on the inside, you were filled to the brim with joy that you were finally leaving the Zenin estate for however long it takes. Though it's pretty regretful if you succeed and you're finally free from the sexism and the misogyny. It'd be at the cost of an old friend, somebody you used to talk to and laugh with. Were you even ready for that?
"Alright...are you happy, now that you're about to be free?" his eyebrows shoot up as he's asking you the question, still chewing on his bottom lip. You don't want to seem too excited, so you simply shrug. "At least I'm gonna see other people."
"That's right, I forgot to mention, I heard she goes to one of the Jujutsu Tech schools. I think she goes to the one in Tokyo," he added as he finally let go of his bottom lip. The emotion behind his sharp eyes tells you that he doesn't really want you to leave, which confuses you, because you thought that he sees you as nothing more than his servant.
Naoya sighs for the last time tonight, "Make sure you come up with a good reason for getting into the school- the principal there is a picky man," he reminds you, clenching his jaw at the fact you're about to leave him. "And make it quick, I don't wanna be pressured by the Head if you're taking too long."
"Sure," you replied, staying silent for a moment while he cringes. The clock that's been ticking in the back of your mind ever since you got here has finally stopped ticking- you might not be literally free, but the silence in your head was a signal that you were mentally free from the chains of command and misogyny. You were finally free to think for yourself instead of letting others boss you around and let creepy old men stare at you, to be yourself instead of letting stereotypical women compliment you to your face then talk about how unmannered you are behind your back and giggle at the gossip.
You're finally free from that. Mentally, of course.
"I'm gonna go back to my room now," you finally break the short but thick silence, stepping past the grown man and walking down the hall to the direction of your room which wasn't too far away. The whole estate was large, you consider yourself lucky that you worked in places that were close to your room rather than trekking all the way around the place just for some chores.
Excitement was bubbling in your body, unseen by any peeping walls or peeping toms in the hallways that had you lingering around them. You weren't quite happy; reason being that you'd be leaving to kill an old acquaintance, or even perhaps someone you'd call your first friend, all for your freedom. Your own freedom, something the men and the women at the estate never gave you, that you were always denied from the moment you got sold to the Zenin clan. You were only 6 years old, and you were sold to the Zenin clan, where you'd been staying at the estate for 9 years and were trained to become a weapon, all thanks to your cursed technique. Your stupid cursed technique that you never even asked for. Naoya would sometimes make you train your curse technique into perfection to see if you're worthy of fighting him. Maki would sometimes say that you are, you just lack the combat skills, which was something Naoya never taught you.
The events of the day had finally caught up to you just as you slid open the door to your tiny room- no smaller than a downstairs cupboard yet no bigger than a high school broom closet, to which there was only a few square-feet difference. Your bed, a simple floor mattress with lame excuses for bed sheets that were extremely thin and do nothing to keep the cold away from you, sat on the floor, waiting for your presence once again. You sigh, slipping off your shoes and shut the door as you simply topple over onto your floor bed. 
It wasn't a rarity that you barely got any sleep- the bare minimum being two hours- the halls outside your room were constantly being bombarded with teases and comments from the immature and adolescent boys roaming around. Even on the rare occasion that you did get some peace and quiet, you were under the mindset that it would happen again. You'd spend your sleepless nights laying flat on your bed and making up scenarios on what would happen if you were to be inevitably set free from the Zenin clan. Though you never imagined it would be to kill your first friend.
When you woke up from your hour-long nap, which was at 4 in the morning, you waited a little while before there was a knock on your door. When Naoya got there, you barely got up from the mattress to shuffle over to the door, opening it and revealing your lord standing before you.
"Good, you're up. Let's go," he said as he quickly turned on his heel to speed down the hallway. You quickly turned back around to grab your bag that you'd packed while you were staying up and walked out of your room, shutting the door and trying to catch up with Naoya as he was already on the other end of the hallway. He turned a bit, watching you catch up to him as he frowned slightly. 
The two of you made your way to the front of the Zenin estate, which was quite the walk. Neither of you said a word to each other while you were making your way down there. Naoya had to sometimes risk it by turning on the lights in the hallway so the two of you could see where you're going. Luckily you two didn't run into anybody on the way to the front, you didn't feel like explaining what you were doing with Naoya so early in the morning.
"We're here," he starts, sighing as he turns to face you. His lips are parted, like he wants to say something, but nothing comes out, and you're still staring beyond the gate. He swallows the lump of words that he wanted to say down his throat, then raises his arm to push open the gate. You watch as the black bars and the black arch move further away as the gate is being pushed open, keeping your eyes hooded as your grip on your bag tightens. Naoya parts his lips again to speak, "See you after a while, I guess."
"See you," you deadpan, marching towards the open gap that was once filled by the gate. Naoya watches with melancholic eyes as your walking figure gets further and further away from him. He wished you didn't have to go, he wanted you to stay here so he could protect you from those creepy old men that you're finally free of. But, as much as he wished, his hopes fell upon deaf ears as you didn't turn back to face him even for a second. It was safe to say you're glad to leave him.
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naoyas90dayfiance · 3 years
In which reality TV shows could the JJK characters be in?
Warning: this is canon, gege told me.
Characters: all I think
Author's note: this is messy.
Naoya Zenin: 90 day fiance.
• Naoya is reality TV gold.
•He's going to ask his "s/o" to walk three steps behind him on international TV.
•His s/o is an actress he hired because he wanted to be on TV and show how superior the Zenin clan is.
•Appears on every spin off.
•Eventually is the new face of Sister Wives.
Gojo Satoru: Love after Lockup
• In real life this man has been to prison CHANGE MY MIND.
• He spent his teenage years in prison for plotting and succeding on stealing money from big banks worldwide.
• Has been to Alcatraz twice.
• Ofc he got a s/o while being in prison. He put on his photo online and people went WILD.
• When he got out he met up with his s/o, acted all nice, charming and cute.
• Fan favorite because he's so wholesome and people wonder why he is on the show. He seems like a regular or even above average guy.
•In the final episode he disappeared and his s/o got swatted. The reason was that Satoru actually stole info and money from the Pentagon using his s/o's IP address.
• Satoru is on the run, please contact authorities if seen.
Geto Suguru: Love after Lockup
• It's canon basically, but i will explain for u.
• Terrorism. Mass murder. And a DIU for good measure.
• Sentence longer and thicker than his D- hair.
• Alpha male in Alcatraz.
• He's not allowed to leave the prison. You two only exchange letters.
• Add hearts when he signs his letters.
• Man so alpha he sends YOU money.
• You two got married somehow.
• Has a tatto on his lip (that says Satoru).
Fushiguro Toji: Gypsy Sisters
• yes, he's the main star.
• He likes the job. He beats up the crap out of his brothers, his uncles, his little cousins, his servants, other clans and even Satoru when he crossed paths with him.
• If you tune TLC at 2AM on Saturdays you can see the episode where he beats the shit out of Naoya.
• His show gets 12 seasons and it's still on-going.
• Sometimes you can see Megumi in the background chilling with his phone.
• Idk why but he got into a fist fight with Yuuji. Sukuna had to step in. The twins got beaten and sent to the hospital.
Mei Mei: Owner
• Owns TLC.
Shoko Ieri: My Strange Addiction
• She collects Furbies.
• One looks very much like Satoru.
• She's on the FBI Suspect list.
• She might have helped Satoru, idk, i'm not a snitch.
Nanami Kento: Beat Bobby Flay
• The challenge was to make the best sanwhich.
• He didn't beat Bobby Flay.
• Also on FBI Suspect list.
• They think he helped Gojo rob the Pentagon.
• he did.
• shhh.
Fushiguro Megumi: Ghosted
• He ghosted Yuuji.
• But Yuuji wants to know why.
• In the reunion, Megumi tells Yuuji he ghosted him because he was snapchatting him too much
• They ended up together again.
• Barely speaks. Doesn't want to be there. Still think the extra cash is nice but he's now worried he might not get a job because he humillated himself publicly.
Yuuji Itadori: Ninja Warrior.
• He won.
Ryomen Sukuna: Catfish.
• He used Uraume's photos.
• He catfished Ijichi.
• He got money from Ijichi.
• He got gifts from Ijichi.
• He got money from Jogo.
• He got gifts from Jogo.
• Nev and Max first thought it was Hanami who was doing the catfish.
• Never got caught.
Kugasaki Nobara: 90 day fiance.
• She met someone overseas.
• Only interested in tourism and doesn't plan to follow through the 90 days.
• Only there for IG followers.
• She's already dating Maki behind the scenes.
• High key the cutest participant on the show ever
Zenin Maki: Ninja Warrior
• She won c:
Panda: NatGeo's Wild Life.
• I saw him there last week.
Inumaki Toge: The Bachelorette.
• He pranks everybody.
• The lady thinks he's the sweetest and funniest.
• The dudes hate him.
• He doesn't get the final rose.
• He gets a bunch of attention after the show and becomes more famous than the lady.
• fuck her. Now he's rich.
Aoi Todou: My Strange Addiction.
• For collecting way too much of Takada-chan's merch.
• He needed another HOUSE to fix so much sh1t.
Kamo Noritoshi, Choso, Miwa, Momo: an educational channel for kids.
• They have an educational channel together.
• Noritoshi hosts a show teaching about science.
• Choso's show is about values and the importance of family and friendship.
• Miwa has numerous shorts about physical education.
• Momo has a show about crafting.
• Comfort channel c':
Mai Zenin: Married by Mom and Dad.
• They stepped in so Naoya won't take her as a wife xd.
• They married her to a wealthy man overseas.
• Proceeds to become part of Housewives of Beverly Hills.
• Living her best life.
Yoshino Junpei: True Crime Show Host.
• He enjoys to report the weird shit that happened to his bullies afterwards.
• Good for him. Good for him.
Mahito: Investigation Discovery Special
• They made a whole 4 hour documentary about this bitch.
Okkotsu Yuuta: Love after Lockup
•He's dating Rika.
• She was convicting for 10 accounts of first degree murder, vandalism, armed robbery, selling illegal substances, exotic animal trafficking, and car theft.
• He says she's the love of his life.
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charmspoint · 3 years
What do you think about the rest of the second year students?
If I tell you my fav jjk characters in no particular order are nobara maki inumaki yuuta gojo geto and choso and that i love them all so much that they are constantly shifting places in that line up to the point where im hardly ever able to tell who i love the most would that answer your question?
I love first years but second years are my fav squad by far i wish we got more of them and im looking forward to the movie so! much! More under cut cuz this bitch got stupid long
I love Maki so much, it’s actually her story line with Mai that got me actually invested into jjk. Like before that i was liking it but when i read that i was like OWO I NEED MORE NOW. I just love like....normal siblings storylines, like legit ask me about Choso i love Choso so much for this exact reason but we are talking about Maki now. I love how her background with Mai is very complicated and you can’t really call one or the other right. Like of course Maki has every right to leave an abusive household on her own terms and Mai has no excuses in wanting her to stay in said abusive household just so they can be together but you can also understand how abandoned and thrown away Mai would have felt at that moment. Like sure theyd probs treat her a little better then Maki because she can actually see curses but they also still clearly treated her badly and as a servant because her technique is weak. You can understand how she would have felt betrayed by being left behind by the only person who should have been on her side in this horrible situation. I just really love Maki and Mai and by god i hope they get to met again and talk and work together MAKI AND MAI TEAM UP PLEASE. I’m not sure can their relationship ever be really good i feel like there's a lot there to work through but i also really want them to start working through it. Aside from that I just love her cuz shes Maki and she’s a badass. I love women who are so fucking driven and ready to fight their way to the top when the world has given them crappy cards. She’s a fighter and she’s a survivor. She’s made from tough stuff, she has survived being fuckin set on fire. I LOVE her redesign its so fuckin good like holy shit i already thought she was cool but now she looks like 10 times cooler the cape the fuckin cape. Anyway i like her a whole bunch i hope her and megumi work something out about the zenin clan and id also like to see more of her thoughts from her about that whole situation. Because she’s not able to prove herself and win over the clan like she wanted to :(. But i guess that doesnt really matter anymore with the whole situation going on. She has already proven herself to be tougher then Naobito and by god i hope she puts Naoya into the ground, actually i hope this is where her and Mai will team up and put him into the ground together.
I also really love Yuuta, like he has the same soft boy protag vibes as Yuji but he also looks fucking depressed and anxious 90% of the time which just makes it all the better??? Like i love Yuji, but Yuuta has been through so much shit, he’s been terrorized by a curse of his own making for years, Rika had probably hurt a bunch of people because of him and like you can see it in his face, that dudes a wreck, have you see his fucking eyebags he hasnt slept in 25927 years and i love him so much. He’s so kind and caring and god if i dont love characters who go absolutely stupid feral for their friends. When the fanbook came out and it was like his biggest stress atm is not being with his friends i was like ;-;. I’m just a sap, I love him, I love how much he has progressed from this anxious stressed out kid to someone who can act calmly and tactically and even offer valuable advice to his underclassmen, he has grown so much! It’s just nice to see him coming into his own and becoming more confident into himself and his power. I’m really fucking sad hes gonna be separated from the squad again after JUST saying he doesnt want to be away from everyone again. Anyway his oscar worthy performance in Shibuya really fuckin got me like, the whole time i was thinking ‘noooo Yuuta wouldnt do this nooo its gojos student they are basically step brothers by teacher he wouldnt do this’ BUT i wasnt sure! I still felt like him becoming all fuckin feral for his friend was perfectly in character and also like really thematically interesting from the stand point of two protagonists clashing together. But honestly im glad he was just putting on an act, idk would my heart be able to handle villain Yuuta for long ;-; Another thing I like about Yuuta is Rika, like man I LOVE Rika, half of my upcoming curse!Gojo au is based on what Yuuta and Rika are. I was SO fuckin hyped to see her return like I was as hyped for Rika’s return as I was for Yuutas. Sure we don’t know if that’s ACTUALLY Rika or something else but god I hope we find out soon. Anyway I absolutely LOVE Yuuta’s n Rika’s dynamic like im feral for this shit. 1. Big monster girlfriend and smol human boyfriend 2. Master and servant allusions 3. THEY ARE AN ACTUAL PARTNERSHIP. Like sure Yuuta is in control but Rika is the one lending him her power and basically agreeing to play along, he needs to earn the strength to wield her. Like they aren’t on completely equal terms and boy would I love if they were cuz completely equal curse sorcerer partnership would be so! Cool! But they are the closest thing to that. Like she isn’t a shikigami like Megumi has or anything like that, her and Yuuta feel like actual partners who depend on each other’s strengths and cover each other’s weaknesses and I DIG THAT SHIT SO MUCH. Would I have loved if they developed a truly equal partnership and that Rika didn’t have to go? Yes. Am I happy with what I got? Also yes. Yuuta monsterfucker king. That whole ‘This is true love’ bit, amazing I love him.
 Panda is the only second year I don’t passionately love ajkkjbj sorry Panda but you’re just Panda. Like I like him, I like the concept of him, I like how he obviously sees himself as not the same as the humans and doesn’t really understand them and I would love to see him explored more, his third core, his relationship with Yaga who’s basically his dad, his relationship with other sorcerers, but I’m not feral about him like I’m about Maki and Yuuta. I think he’s a neat character and a funny joke and I love when he and Toge interact they are prank bros its cute. But that’s p much all I feel about him hjvbjhbj sorry Panda
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