#Makku speaks
devilsrecreation · 1 year
Coming up with at least one headcanon for some minor characters in TLG cuz I’m bored
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You know how I hc that Pua used to be just like Makuu? He was actually 10x worse. Waaaay more cold hearted and disrespectful than Makku was. He didn’t even give animals a warning that they were in his territory, he just attacked
He spent his whole life fighting, which is why he has the best technique of all the crocodiles. It’s also why he easily won the mashidano against the crocodile leader before him
He redeemed around the time when Mufasa was king, specifically during Kupatana. Like Simba with Makuu, Mufasa decided to give Pua a chance since he was the new leader of the crocs at the time. But unlike everyone else, he took the time to bond with Pua, able to understand where his opinions were coming from while teaching him how important the circle of life really is. Through his royal friend, Pua eventually saw the error of his ways and promised to better himself from now on
This song is 100% him and his redemption during Kupatana
He was totally the dad figure in Makuu’s life. Kiburi’s too. All the crocs in Makuu and Kiburi’s float, honestly
Come to think of it, he was a father to basically all the reptiles in the pride lands. Always the guy you’d go to for advice
Makuu used to look up to him as a hatchling and he knew it. Used to rub it it everyone’s face back then, but he’s since chilled out as all the hatchlings grew up. He won’t lie, he still misses those days. Being Makuu’s idol kept him motivated to be a good leader and role model
He honestly wasn’t surprised when Kiburi started a mutiny. Kiburi has always been really independent and had different views than his fellow crocs. Even then, he never saw it as a bad thing. He doesn’t even think Kiburi’s a bad croc, he just made a bad decision….a REALLY bad decision. He blames the dry season (and later Scar ofc). It brings out the worst in animals, especially reptiles
Speaking of Kiburi, he visits him in the Outlands just as much as he visits Makuu. And ya’ll, when I say Kiburi actually smiles whenever he sees the old croc, I mean it. It’s not his usual semi-amused smirk, it’s a genuine smile cuz literally everyone else sucks compared to him. And not only that, but Pua tells Kiburi not what he wants to hear, but what he needs to hear: “You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone else, because you are a good leader in your own way. Nobody can take that away from you”
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Because the wiki says he’s basically the crocodile version of Chungu, I’m gonna go ahead and say they’re close friends
I learned that crocodiles like to give each other piggyback rides for fun and Tamka does that very thing to the rest of his float. He did it when they were all kids, he still does it now. He doesn’t even stop at crocodiles, he’ll gladly do it to everyone else in the Outlands. He loves it
He can’t ride on other crocs though cuz of how big he is. He could when he was little, but not today
He’s always been the biggest croc, even as a hatchling. So big, he basically did a barrel roll out of his egg
Maaaaay or may not be related to Pua (they look very similar)
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He’s the youngest out of the entire float (both Makuu’s and Kiburi’s)
Because he’s the youngest, Kiburi has made a promise to protect Nduli at all costs since he knows Nduli looks up to him (and he kept following him everywhere lmao). He’s kind of a big brother to him
He’s pretty close with Cheezi and they love hanging out together. Cheezi’s trying to teach Nduli how to stick his tongue out (nobody told either of them crocodiles can’t do it)
No headcanon here. Just an eepy Nduli :3
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Okay first off, can I just say what a cinnamon roll he is? He’s freaking adorable and I wish he came back cuz they made every single other leopard a villain. Like, he should’ve helped the Guard at SOME point!
Is friends with pretty much everybody in the Backlands and no other animal would dare pick on him cuz he’s a big sweetie. You mess with him, you mess with the entire Backlands (unless you’re another leopard but Mapigano doesn’t bother him anymore so it’s okay)
His goal in life is to befriend one of every animal in Africa, which is exactly why everyone likes him
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Has met pretty much all the other leaders in the pride lands during her visits and they absolutely adore her. Even Makuu doesn’t really mind her company
Thurston tries to hit on her but she keeps friendzoning him (girl please, you’re too good for him)
General headcanon:
Talking to your dead relatives isn’t just a lion thing. Other animals can do it too with their own species, they just don’t know it yet
Even Ushari can make himself known to other snakes if he wants to (which he does), but other animals can’t see him
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pinkanonwrites · 9 months
Did you see what's coming for the newest expansion of ffxiv? :D is there anything you're super excited about?
YESSSSSSSS oh my god I watched the trailer and I'm foaming at the mouth I can't wait. Okay lemme go over a few things I'm particularly excited for real quick
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After so much grief and agony and war and fear its super exciting to see our scions go on what is essentially a tropical treasure hunt!! Don't get me wrong I loved the emotional catharsis that Endwalker took me through but I'm ready for my guys and gals to have some fun in Tural, which looks absolutely beautiful!!! I was a little afraid that with the completion of the previous main story we could lose connection with them but it looks like everyone will be there! Alphinaud and Alisaie are basically my adopted kids at this point so I'd be heartbroken if they were phased out of the story. And of course, my beloved Urianger! <3 <3 <3 <3
It looks like some characters will be joining us on a more permanent basis which should be super fun, namely Erenville and the as-of-yet unnamed Hrothgar woman on the boat in the trailer. Speaking of which...
HROTHGAR WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!! I have no plans to change my current Viera WoL cause i have a lot of lore around her but I'm so excited to see a bunch of big, buff, adorable lion women all over the place.
Pictomancer looks VERY compelling. I'm a Samurai main but I'll definitely be giving it a try as soon as it's available. And Krile becoming a Pictomancer is so perfect for her, she looks so so cute!!!!
A new limited job sounds really interesting! I never got too into Blue Mage but Beastmaster sounds like something I'll be goofing around with a lot.
Honestly though? More than anything? I'm excited to embark on a new adventure with my friends in my Free Company. FFXIV was introduced to me by a close friend and we went through Endwalker together over Discord, so I'm really hoping to do the same with them and all the other FFXIV friends we've made together.
So Kelp, Chrom, Makku, even though you'll never see this post since you aren't on tumblr much/at all, I can't wait to explore the New World with you!
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c3s6 · 2 years
I finished it! At like, 2 or 3am??
I will now explain this song:
This song is about Makku’s death. The song is set around a time when he gets old, slows down, and dies off. Although he’s immortal, this song implies there’s no parts left to fix him, and also assumes he’s a G3 in Kaku’s part.
First, Elliot sings about Makku crashing down. “One day, I heard a loud loud crash. I didn’t think much, but the old Makku died”
“I try to cry, no tears come by.” Elliot sings about his inability to cry any tears. (is this canon? can Elliot cry tears?)
Then lead singer then switches to Kaku.
“The foam will rot, his voice now soft” refers to a problem in slot loader G3 iMacs where the foam surrounds on the inbuilt speakers dry up, making the speakers sound terrible. This happens on any speaker with foam surrounds. This, in turn, makes Makku speak softly.
“A hammer to his face, the screen is cracked. His face is gone, forevermore” refers to his CRT screen breaking with a hit from a hammer.
The song does not imply who used the hammer.
I took inspiration from this video. In the video, if you look closely at the green light on the machine as it gets hit with the hammer, it turns off as soon as the hammer breaks the screen.
All and all, I find this song kinda sad but I never cried from it.
Besides it’s the first time I’ve made a dark sounding song.
Let me know how dark it is.
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bigcurvesbigheart · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 13?
What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this — optional.
On her side, with a pillow supporting her midsection. Too thicc to do anything else.
Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc.
This feels repeated from that 5 unusual characteristics, so I'm going with boob mole again
Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?
Pochaco speaks in a mostly normal Tokyo accent in "Modern Standard Japanese", but she has a little Kansai-ben in her soul.
For us America fucks, it's kind of like she's mostly Newscaster, aka "normal English", as much as that doesn't actually mean anything, but she twangs a little Kansasy, sometimes. Sample sentence, "Hey, I'm back from the store, why ain'tcha cleaned the kitchen, yet?"
Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
I'm looking at Kansai notes for tics, lol. I like her replacing "desu" with "ya", and sometimes slipping up -nai/-hen. "Referring to the McDonald's fast-food chain as 'Makudo', and regarding the term 'Makku' exclusively as a computer brand." Okay that one's adorable for her.
What are their chief tension areas? 
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"My neck and back, the reason for which is a complete mystery, of course."
How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
Positive, for sure! She used to be pretty bashful and embarrassed to be more heavyset, especially for her height, but the more erotic component to her modeling, alongside Sonico's general message of body positivity definitely have her feeling good about herself, these days.
Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts?
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I joke, of course. Pochaco can think on her feet, but if she's not given time, she tends to be pretty short-sighted. Impulsive, you might describe her as.
Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something? 
She got pretty embarrassed during her first photoshoot, and had to take a trip to an onsen to decompress for a few hours. Everyone was really enthusiastic about working with her, and she got overwhelmed with the combination of that and having to try to look sexy.
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nurunuru-kurokuro · 5 years
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((Here they are! And I am Makku. So here’s their deal:
Horny School boy: Teylo
-constantly thinking about sex
-Decietful but cutesy
Occult leader: Keris
Themes around black magic. Not so much religious or worship. Witch study.
-attracted to the macabre
-somewhat playful
I’m planning on voicing them as well as drawing them.))
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
is being called hot even a compliment if it’s followed by a “also did I hear feet?”— I’m offended, anon. also leave makku alone, my inbox is open so annoy me about me instead, omg. and is “—“ actually that uncommon? I use it too much it’s a force of habit— but I’m not creeping up at your house, hmph. I have made my way out of the forest though and I’m gonna go on run now, you should get some sleep. I’d offer to fuck you to sleep but we’ve only just started speaking, I’ll try to not be so blunt, hah.
- 💤
I... that's an excellent point.
Hm. In a place where even standard punctuation is a rarity, I would say yes.
You aren't now that you've been caught. I'm wise to your tricks, anon.
Enjoy your run. Wait, running on two hours of sleep? What madness is this? Be careful not to overexert yourself.
Ah.. again, we wouldn't want you overexerting yourself. Careful
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
I think I speak for a majority of your anons when I say that I'd very much like for Makku to rearrange my guts... and no, I don't really care if that's in a sexual sense, or a homicidal one. - 🥀
Why not have both, as a treat
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m-a-k-k-u · 4 years
I don't see how liking Makku is having low standards lol.
He's honestly, if we put the constant drinking aside unless we want to take into account he would be the best person ever to drink with, a honest man that's not afraid to speak his mind, open to communication of any kind, has a job and seemingly makes enough to support himself, has hobbies of his own he enjoys, HE IS 6ft SOMETHING AND HAS BIG HANDS and the list honestly goes on if anybody else in the harem wants to add something.
You realize that now that the holidays are over I only drink like once a week, right? Lol thanks for your kind words, anon.
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nurunuru-kurokuro · 5 years
((I also did a cute little recording of a small skit in Japanese just to practice. May well be continuing with it at some point. Music isn’t mine:
File Select Super Mario Galaxy Music Extended - https://youtu.be/KiUx7B3uX9s ))
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nurunuru-kurokuro · 5 years
((This is how Teylo and Keris met. Now everything IS mine apart from the song. the song is:
Undertale OST - Quiet Water (Extended) https://youtu.be/hx102NjYwqk ))
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
speaking of music i’m surprised that anon only added a few songs to their playlist because i ended up adding everything on your music tag to mine 💀 your taste is just that good tbh, keep ‘em coming makku!
That must be an interesting playlist. Thank you anon, I'm glad you enjoyed them
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
Hey, do you ever think about what it means for the lore of bleach that it is possible to be born in soul society, you can literally be born as a dead person? You know, since the people coming to soul society after dying were already judged to be not awful enough to get sent to hell, the only people in soul society to have the potential to be truly awful people are the people born there... so like for example the noble houses, everyone with a lineage, everyone belonging to a family who had the opportunity to amass influence and wealth over generations... so statistically speaking the people in power are likely to include several bad apples while the people judged to be good will never get any political power, because they start with nothing in the poorer rukongai areas. Makku, i can't stop thinking about that.
I haven't thought about that specifically but the whole soul society concept is pretty confusing to me.
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
Makku I thought Octoanon made u smile 🥺 🐙 speaking of them how are u octobby
No fair using anonctopus against me lol they are fucking amazing.
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luvtonique · 7 years
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Full Service Playing Cards Series 3 Crowdfunding Is A Go!
Jay’s infamous pony flavored playing cards are back!
If you don’t know, we’re talkin’ 52 cards, 2 jokers, all with the same card-backs as the first two serieses so you can mix-and-match all you want!
52 images, 2 joker cards that explain which artists drew which cards and where to find more of their art, and a whole bunch of horses!
Featuring Guest Art from:
- ShoNuff44 (NSFW)
- Ralek / Dileak
- Phurie / Cauldroneer (NSFW)
- Kom
- AphexAngel
- Makku (NSFW)
- IWillBuckYou (NSFW)
- Stunner (NSFW)
- Lil Miss Jay (NSFW)
and hopefully more!
Q: Important question Jay forgot to add earlier, WHAT CHARACTERS ARE EVEN IN THIS DECK?
A: Good question! Here’s a list!
I paid for Series 2 out of pocket and it was a terrible idea and logistically speaking I won’t be doing that ever again. So this time we’re making like Series 1 and crowdfunding it again! :D
Initial Goal: $3000
This will pay for: 300 decks, my flight to Maryland for BronyCon 2017, and the labor of me and all the artists to have this deck done by July 4th.
Stretch Goals are every $1500 after that, adding 100 more decks and giving me and the guest artists more for our labors.
Want to help crowdfund? You can do so by pre-ordering decks, reblogging this post, donating to my PayPal donate button on http://www.jayisbutts.com, or by commissioning me in my special Full Service Casino-Themed commission type going on during the crowdfunding!
(More info about Full Service Casino commissions as well as various Potentially Going To Be Asked Questions below the break!)
Q: Alright, how do I order?
A: Glad you asked! After donating whatever amount you want, please send an e-mail to [email protected] exclaiming that you’ve made a donation and which reward tier you want. Please include your full name from your PayPal account so I can cross-check and verify your donation.
Q: What the heckle and jeckle is this anyway?
A: This is the third series in a full set of 54 bicycle deck playing cards, each holding a unique image of a My Little Horse character!
Q: Do you have galleries of the first two serieses?
A: Yep!
- Series 1
- Series 2
Q: Will this be available at BronyCon 2017 and EQLA?
A: Yep! Assuming I get a table for EQLA.
Q: Aren’t you also doing a re-do of Series 1?
A: Yep! This crowdfund will help that get off the ground too!
Q: Are there any backer rewards?
A: Yes!
- $30, you pre-order a deck of Series 3.
- $80, you pre-order a deck of Series 3 AND Series 1 Enhanced Edition
- $150, you pre-order both decks and (NEW) you get to pick any single one of Jay’s cards to have him draw an alternate costume for it. Nude, futa, bondage leather, nothing but pasties, Titty Vixen variant, Lil Miss Rarity variant, Overwatch outfit, whatever you want! (DIGITAL ONLY: I cannot spare the cash to order custom cards for backers and I can’t mail individual cards out anyway sorry. D:)
- $257, you get all of the above, 2 huge posters of whatever two cards you want, and your name on the back of the box.
Top donator gets their OC as the Ace of Clubs in the Series 1 Enhanced Edition, where Ace Sleeves was before (he was the top donator for the Series 1 crowdfund).
Q: Are there any other ways I can help out?
A: O’course! You can reblog this post, tell your friends, order a Full Service Casino commission, or just send a donation to my donate button on http://www.jayisbutts.com
Q: How about a Full Service Casino Commission? What is that?
A: It’s either of these:
- $50 (Full Service Casino): Your OC or a character of your choice dressed up in a slutty Casino-themed outfit, working at Full Service Casino. It can be as raunchy as you want! $75 if you want two characters. Celshaded quality, same as the card examples above.
- $100 (Full Service Treatment): Your OC or a character of your choice fucking Full Service herself. Any pose, any fetishes that Jay’s okay drawing, any amount of nut. You can even get her preggers I don’t care, she’s into it.
To order: Send a Submit to http://www.eidimissions.tumblr.com/submit and explain the details of what you want. Say either “I’d like a Full Service Casino Pic” or “I’d like to Fuck Full Service” in your message somewhere.
Full Service references here.
She’s a rich milf horse.
Q: If I get one of those commissions, will that count towards the backer levels?
A: If you get the Full Service Casino, I’ll give you 20 towards the backer reward levels, and if you get the Full Service Treatment, I’ll give you 40 towards the backer reward levels.
Q: Will my donation count towards the Series 1 Enhanced Edition crowdfund?
A: Sort of and not really. You CAN pre-order a Series 1 EE deck, but when that crowdfund happens it’ll be starting fresh at a new initial goal.
Q: Are these cards porn?
A: No, they’re all SFW but teasing pinups. No sexual organs or nipples will be seen.
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
Ahh, I see. I got a little put off by the number of episodes. I don't think I have it in me to commit to so many episodes now lol. Speaking of anime art styles, I think one of the best I've come across is actually from an anime I saw very recently. It's called Dorohedoro.
(I also really really loved POTN's art style but that's not a manga, really. It's a manwha and it's super stunning.)
Oh, you should def check out Bunny Girl Senpai, then. I think you might enjoy it. I liked the unique way they've tackled issues people face during puberty.
And, Black Lagoon and Dorohedoro, if you haven't. (I saw that you mentioned you like getting new recommendations to watch)
Have an amazing day/night Makku!
I think we have very different tastes but I hope you enjoy them
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
Whats got everyones feathers so ruffled tonight being rude pricks. Ought to not speak ill of something they seem fortunate enough not to have to deal with themselves. Plus why do you have to go out of your way to be like that for no reason. So often ur blog is just chill and funny asks surrounded by manga caps. I don’t understand people these days. I need a cup of tea after all this to go with my painkillers. Have an extra drink for me if ur drinkin makku. 🌿
I don't know where they even got that from to be honest. My blog has been pretty damn chill lately. Some people really need to reconsider hitting that ask button.
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