#Man in women’s prison
coochiequeens · 2 years
Texas is going to spend more on this guys surgery than they would on an actual woman.
US — Dallas, Texas. The United States Bureau of Prisons (BOP) will fast-track the “gender confirmation” plastic surgery of a genocidal Neo-Nazi commander and serial bank robber who sued the government after a previous request for the surgery was denied. In a June 17 status report, the BOP agreed to act to “quickly” meet the “surgical needs” of Peter Kevin Langan, a male inmate who identifies as a woman named Donna Langan.
Langan, 64, is serving a sentence of life in prison plus 35 years for convictions in 1997 on five counts of Bank Robbery, Using An Explosive Device During A Robbery, and charges related to an assault on a federal officer with a pistol. After nearly two decades in a male prison, Langan was moved to Federal Medical Center, a correctional facility for women in Carswell, Texas, under Obama-era federal guidelines.
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Genocidal Machinations In 1992, Langan had joined with friend Richard Guthrie to create the Aryan Republican Army (ARA). Under the alias Commander Pedro, Langan schemed with cohorts to carry out an “ethnic cleansing.” Lengthy propaganda videos recorded by the ARA contained anti-government, anti-black and anti-Jewish rants, and called for acts of terrorism. The gang amassed an assortment of weaponry and gear, including pipe bombs, guns, a rocket launcher, gas masks, bulletproof vests, getaway vehicles, police scanners, pagers, phone cards, walkie-talkies, phony IDs, hotel rooms, safe houses and storage lockers. To finance its “nuclear, chemical and biological warfare program,” the ARA robbed 22 banks across seven states from 1994 to 1996, which net the gang over $250,000. Life & Crimes The son of a foreign aid official, Langan had a privileged childhood in a Saigon, Vietnam community made up of US intelligence agents and military advisers. His parents, who were Scottish and Irish, had callers of all racial backgrounds during the family’s traditional holiday open house. The boy’s father died when he was aged nine.
A hippie during his early teens, Langan marched for peace and brotherhood. The youth’s life of crime began at age 15 after he dropped out of Wheaton High School and ran away from home. Law enforcement shot the teen in the leg that year as he attempted to flee apprehension for a robbery. During the five-year prison stint, Langan became a white separatist.
In the years following his release from prison, Langan failed at university, a marriage and holding a job. As the struggling handyman and divorced father-of-one watched his siblings thrive, he began to feel “the world was against him,” a close friend said. While living with girlfriend Faith Ford, an IRS employee who identified as a “white Christian,” the disgruntled man began stockpiling weaponry, gathering guns and 10,000 rounds of ammunition. He also dressed his small son in military camouflage. At around the age of 29, Langan tried his luck in Ohio, where he converted to Mormonism and was ordained minister at a church affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan.
In 1993, Langan was arrested in connection with a robbery at a Pizza Hut in Georgia that he committed with Guthrie the prior year. The duo made off with just $1800, but Langan also faced weapons violations carrying the potential for a life sentence.
The Secret Service agreed to set Langan free if he helped them catch Guthrie, who made threats against then-President Bush around the time the duo robbed Pizza Hut. Six weeks following release, Langan skipped out on the deal. With Guthrie, Langan launched a bank robbery spree that would go on for two years.
In 1995, Guthrie’s wild antics concerned the gang, and they cut him out of bank robbery jobs. Going solo, Guthrie robbed two banks before he was captured by the FBI. In January 1996, Guthrie led federal agents to Langan’s dwelling. The FBI fired at Langan’s van 46 shots in 10 seconds, but he emerged relatively unscathed. Guthrie was allowed to plead guilty to 19 bank robberies in exchange for testimony against three ARA accomplices.
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‘Gender Dysphoria’ During Langan’s 1997 trials, revelations that the ARA commander was in a sexual relationship with a man, and that both identified as ‘pre-operative transsexuals’, sent shock waves through the media. “She is my soul mate and we are lovers,” Mishka Alexander Jackson, who also used the alias Cherie Roberts, told the press. Showing off a silver band on his ring finger and a ring with a large stone that hung around his neck, he claimed to have met Langan at Crossdressers and Friends in Kansas years earlier, and become his life partner. Langan, now responding to the name of Donna, “dressed as a woman and assumed the female role” in the relationship, his paramour revealed. The dramatic paramour burst into tears when a US Marshal stopped him from approaching his “wife” in the courtroom. The Washington Post marveled at the “prissy”-looking Langan, who showed up at trial with “dyed, flowing hair and long, carefully tended fingernails” and looking nothing like the “hardened thug” federal agents said he was. The paper implied Langan was acting. After over two decades in prison, Langan joined two other transgender-identifying male convicts in mounting a legal challenge against Texas Family Code 45.103, which prohibits a person with a felony conviction from changing their name while in custody and within two years of release.
The men, who named Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton in the joint complaint filed December 4, 2019, argued that being denied a name change while “transgender” constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment.”
Langan told the Trans Pride Initiative at the time: I need the legal name change for many reasons, practical as well as to help affirm who I am now. To change the sex on my birth certificate I also need to have a name change to a gender appropriate name, as well as the surgery, and it will help in the approval process towards my surgery. I have gone by Bella Donna or just Donna for over 24 years, I have been forced to use my legal name many times and many people when they want to harass me they call me by my legal name to try and get under my skin or to make me mad. I have tried many times over the years but local laws and or the cost has prevented me from being able to do so. The inmates have not managed to overturn the Texas law, but Langan has won the privilege to undergo the cosmetic surgery he demands.
In a September 2021 complaint against the BOP, Langan claimed to be experiencing “debilitating anguish as a result of severe and inadequately treated gender dysphoria.” Langan said he knew by the age of four that he “had been misidentified as a boy,” and that his “entire life has been shaped by the agonizing tension between the immutability of her gender identity and the often life-or-death danger of publicly living” his “truth.”
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greenbloods · 8 months
i know hotd is still on season 1 and thats the reason but i want more discussion on aegon ii outside the family dynamics. aegon who made his sigil gold because thats his dragons color. the claimant who had to be convinced to take a throne he never really wanted. whose family and advisors were only too eager to fight a war on his behalf that was never his idea to begin with. the boy who was out of commission for most of his own war, recuping from injuries he took while dancing with dragons. the boy who fought again despite that, who flew to dragonstone, who avenged his sons. the king whom they had to poison to finally kill. isnt that what all the boys want in the stories? to bond with dragons and ride and fight, and be brave even when it hurts?
none of this need have happened. the pain did not make him better. but all the same, a man was forged from the boy amidst the fire of war.
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ausetkmt · 8 months
On this day - October 03, 1912
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Incarcerated Black Man Lynched By White Prisoners Inside Wyoming State Prison
On October 3, 1912, Frank Wigfall, a Black man who had been threatened with mob violence at a Wyoming jail, was moved to the state penitentiary for “safe keeping” where he was soon lynched by 100 white prisoners. 
Mr. Wigfall had been accused of assaulting a white woman and was taken to the Carbon County Jail. During the era of racial terror lynchings, charges of sexual assault against Black men, even when made with unsubstantiated evidence, regularly aroused violent white mobs. Shortly after his detention at the jail, a white mob attempted to seize Mr. Wigfall to lynch him. In response, the local sheriff transferred him from the county jail to the state penitentiary for “safe keeping.” The next morning, 100 white prisoners attacked Mr. Wigfall while he was getting his breakfast, one of them producing a rope, and they proceeded to hang him from the balcony inside the state penitentiary.
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The white inmates had been shouting their intentions to lynch Mr. Wigfall from their cells all morning. Notwithstanding their repeated threats, the prison provided no security, which allowed 100 white prisoners to abduct Mr. Wigfall before hanging him by a rope. No one was held accountable for Mr. Wigfall’s death although it was widely known which prison officials and prisoners were culpable.
Mr. Wigfall was one of at least four documented racial terror lynchings in Wyoming. Learn more about how over 6,500 Black women, men, and children were victims of racial terror lynching in the U.S. between 1865-1950.
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submission4 · 8 months
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The Kidnapper
“Ssssshh!!” Cynthia ordered Robbie, quickly handgagging her bound captive. “Are you expecting company??”
“Mmmph, Mmmph, mmmph!” replied Robbie hopelessly.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The normalization of misogyny to the point that you are expected to self-censor/censor anything related to what people think of as "women's health" is so fucking infuriating.
Like, not only is it infantilizing as hell to be forced to couch everything you say in ~flowery, feminine language~ it also fucks up people's perspective about what healthcare for women* looks like. Suddenly, the only part of women's healthcare that matters isn't related to the woman, it's related to how she can be a woman of Good Breeding.
Women's healthcare matters - not because it might affect if they can be barefoot and pregnant but because these women are people. Women are inseparable from humanity.
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flymeandtiememaam2 · 3 months
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Jason coukd not believe how this diminutive East Asian flight attendant had been able to throw him over her slight shoulder when he pounced in her in her hotel room and then turn him into a human pretzel until he begged her to let him surrender. The uniformed and pantyhosed minx then tied him up, taking particular pleasure in wrapping several strips of ductape around Jason’s mouth. All this was humiliating enough, but the really unbearable bit was when the little witch sat back on her bed and clicked away on her phone taking embarrassing photo after embarrassing photo of his bound plight. “Mmmmmph!” the anguished man protested bitterly as the young woman zipped the images of the captured mugger around all her social media accounts. “I would ask you to smile,” grinned the stewardess mockingly, “but that is a little difficult for you now, eh?”
Sources: retrorope and Pinterest
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I am an abolitionist I do think that the term "violent crime" as it is actually used is less than useless and that people convicted of so-called "violent offenses" should not be excluded from reform measures. I do believe in the actual total dismantling of the prison system. I do, actually, believe that the way that the label "sex offender" is applied and how the sex offender registry works in reality is a reflection of the injustices and inequities of our system. I don't think that formerly incarcerated people are disqualified for being advocates of their own cause by virtue of the nature of their crime. but there are limits. I don't think we should be overly permissive toward men with a history of rape and domestic violence nor that we should allow them to downplay what they actually did. and I think that abolitionist spaces have a rape and DV apologia problem. I think many activist spaces have long had a problem of protecting predatory men and downplaying violence against women in the movement(s). and I think liberals and moderates and conservatives jump on this to dismiss abolition as a political framework and movement despite the fact that their spaces have the exact same fucking problem. and I think that opponents of abolition are too comfortable with their indifference to the massive amount of sexual violence facilitated by the carceral state and systems of policing
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adgp35 · 1 month
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Jann’s Shower
It was a long journey out of the jungle, towards civilisation and the police headquarters to where Jann of the Jungle would deliver Mulligan, the escaped convict she had at last tracked down and captured before he could do any more damage to her domain. Even jungle women need to shower, but before partaking under the natural flow of a tumbling cascade of water into her favourite rock pool, Jann ensured Mulligan was safely bound and gagged. She wanted no interruptions - lascivious or otherwise - from her cocky captive…
Sources: @direwolf3993 on Tumblr; dreamstime.com
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igiveupmiss3 · 25 days
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Resisting Female Arrest
“Are you crazy, you jerk? Do you want me to break your arm??”
Source: RuhrPott Wache video available on YouTube
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mango-dolphin · 1 year
finished reading matthew ward's english translation of albert camus's The Stranger and can i just say: meursault just like me fr.
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
The thing about the painter analog that people don't get and makes them hate it is that at heart this isn't a serious horror story. This is pure gore not only for the sake of gore but for the sake of camp. Once I was talking of to my dad laughing at the guy who had his face sanded off and he was like yeah not new they did that in Jason already 🙄 which was later reinforced by UrbanSpook admitting this is inspired by those old 80s slasher which should tell you everything.
I'm saying this bc i saw a video pairing it with Playground and the incest game and while I don't know the second I watched a video on playground once and the difference is that that book is trying to tell a story and say something on top of the gore but the later makes it hard to care. Which is kind of the issue another "gone too far" piece of media my beloved A Serbian Film runs into where you cannot take yourself too seriously if you also want to show over the top violence or you'll lose the audience.
OF COURSE there are exceptions like Hostel, Saw and 😏 the human centipede ☺️ (cocksucker for that movie and it's more serious points, though it barely counts bc the gore is very tame save for in 2) and I couldn't exactly tell you what's the difference between what makes them work and what doesn't but still.
But I'm getting off topic I'm not here to say which media is good or not I'm here to point out the painter is not a serious story that asks you to care for the characters it's a over the top schlocky gore that asks you to go GROOOOSS or laugh at the over the top brutality it presents. Which is very standard in horror.
#luly talks#urbanspook#the painter analog horror#also yes actually I'll mention THC again bc that movie is deemed to go ''too far'' which is joked about often in its sequels#in 3 after the inmates at the prison watch the movie they echo the opinions of the public (calling the director sick saying he'd be jailed#etc except for my best friend who GETS IT and is laughing ILY BESTIE) and 2 is a direct response to the reaction of 1#while 1 is an extremely fucking tame horror movie BY ALL FUCKING MEANS (1 surgery scene and its so clean. after that just a tad bit of blood#and some minor infection) they made a movie that ACTUALLY went too far#and i ironically enough hate it despite appreciating this bc it just isn't fun for me. because it's trying a bit too hard.#but in case you don't know. one of the links of the centipede is a pregnant woman. she escapes and gives birth in the car. baby falls on the#brakes. she steps on its head.#pointing it out since children seem to be the point ppl go THIS IS TOO FAR#i personally found the baby squishing the highlight of the movie. second to that is. the barbed wire rape#which i didn't like because i don't enjoy seeing women be raped in my movies but its like#so funny man. literally bro put barbed wire on his cock. like that's just iconic#what shit like this and the painter are trying to achieve is simple shock. and that's FUN.#if you dont find it fun that's literally okay it simply isn't your piece of cake but that doesn't mean its bad or it shouldn't exist.#like i still see ppl insult it like GROW UP... THIS KIND OF HORROR HAS EXISTED FOREVER STOP BEING SUCH A BABY MAN
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nicosraf · 1 year
Hello, if it’s alright could I draw some fanart of my interpretations of the different angels? I must admit I barely passed the half way point on your novel and I’m obsessed with the angels. Although I do have a question where are the women??? Jkjk. But it’s been an itching question since they are gender less beings with many forms. Also do the angels ever take their more biblical form and 🪶🪶🧿🧿🧿🪶🪶 hello brother their fellow angels?
hello! of course!!! I love seeing interpretations!!! (though i do ask not to whitewash, if possible hghghg)
And the women!! Well! The (biblical) explanation is longer than I expected but here ya go:
Angels as genderless beings is.... actually not true. The Bible refers to angels as "sons" of God a couple times – like Job 1:6, Job 2:1 (most explicitly), and Genesis 6. Genesis 6 is pretty important, because if Job is right about angels being the "sons of God", then this chapter says angels are capable of sex and procreation (with women, at least, though I have some thoughts on that). Also, angels exclusively appear as men, in the Bible. When the angels visit Abraham, they're described as men. When they visit Sodom in Genesis 19, and all the Sodom men line up to try and have sex with the angels, the angels are described as men. (In fact, the "gay people are evil" understanding of the Sodom story is entirely contingent on angels being understood as men.) (Fun fact: it's from Sodom, also, that I reasoned all angels are outrageously sexy.)
But why are angels all men in the Bible? Well, the reason is because Eve is supposed to be the first women, and in traditional (sexist) Christian thought, Adam is a man, modeled on God, who is masculine. Because the angels are between them, then they're supposed to be men, or at least man-ish.
I remember when I learned all this I thought it was absolutely hilarious. God and his all-sexy-male angel paradise. Incredible. Perfect.
But in all seriousness, the origin of this idea is that Christianity is really sexist. And the gender of angels is something pretty much every significant angel writer/artist has struggled with, like John Milton in Paradise Lost.
The back and forth about angel gender is actually my absolute favorite thing about Paradise Lost. The most significant line is "for spirits, when they please, can either sex assume, or both;" which clearly states that angels are supposed to be intersex. And yet, all the angels in Paradise Lost are men, use male pronouns, and they're described in almost entirely masculine terms; one instance where that isn't the case is this one line about Lucifer: "his form had yet not lost all her original brightness". Even here, the feminine characterization is just an attachment to the masculine.
In my opinion, John Milton wants to explore angel gender (and angel homosexual sex, too, btw, as per angel Raphael telling Adam all about the gay sex angels are up to), but Milton is held back by the pretty clear Bible teaching that angels are supposed to be male or at least male-ish. (Also, my friend Cas is much more of an academic about John Milton, angels, and angel gender, and I'm mostly parrot-ing him because he's much smarter than me, so they're your guy if you have questions). I like Milton's ideas of angels being between gender, though, and I plan to do a lot more with that:
I played around with the bizarre idea of God and his all-male paradise, but ultimately, the angels in ABM are not male. There is no such thing as male because there is no such thing as female. Like Milton, I think they're between genders.
Why do they use he/him pronouns, then? As a nod to the "all angels are male" Christian teaching, and (on a more personal level) to explore tenderness and queer gender expression (all the makeup and jewelry and dressing up) in he/hims. (Plus, it's a tiny jab at machismo, which is incredibly attached to Mexican Catholicism and an enormous source of pain for me, so now I get to make Catholicism gay and girly and laugh to myself). But, lastly, pronouns don't equal gender. Men can use she/her, women can use he/him. (Especially coming from a Mexican perspective, it's pretty common to hear gay men use feminine pronouns to refer to themselves.)
But what about their bodies? Do they not have masculine bodies, then? As I mentioned in this ask (where I discuss the trans-ness of the ABM trilogy and angels and also God) and this ask (where I discuss angel sexual organs), I stay vague because you have the room to imagine whatever you want. Specifically, angels are intersex but what that means for their physical bodies is basically up to you.
(But why would you write vaguely? Because ABM is about gender and queerness, and the fact that it can't be easily understood and it takes on a life of its own for each reader is the point !)
ABM and its sequels are about angel gender trouble and gay feelings, so don't worry, you have a lot to look forward to in that regard.
Oh and about the "biblical forms".... :) no spoilers
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submission4 · 1 month
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Women’s Words
How do women do it? I asked myself disconsolately as Jimmy and I trudged past the hijab-clad young woman (who had told us her name was Shazna) into the waiting closet with our hands securely bound behind our backs with a combination of dressing gown belts and scarves. Shazna, like all her sex, seemed prenaturally possessed of the skills of persuasion, cajoling and coaxing to get me and my friend to see the error of our ways, put down our replica guns and agree to be captured by the young woman. I suppose the tying up that followed was inevitable, if a little ignominious, but did she really have to gag us and lock us up to? After all, after we had agreed to surrender,mee were doing entirely as she asked. But then her words changed too, from sweet concerned female reason to what the Americans call “woman trash talk”. We couldn’t give a reply to her mocking rhetorical question as we walked towards the open closet door, thanks to the ladies tights Shazna had laughingly tied around our mouths, (with the words, “Ooh, these nylons look better on you than me, chaps!”) but she knew how we felt - totally humiliated!
Source: Pinterest
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flymeandtiememaam2 · 6 months
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Once More For Instagram!
I had unwisely seized Amanda, the British Airways stewardess from behind as she entered her hotel room, far earlier than I had expected. I put on my most convincing scary stage-villain voice as I clapped a hand over the young woman’s mouth. “I just wanted some of your panties and tights, slut,” I snarled, “but now you’ve interrupted me, perhaps I’ll just the peel the ones you’re wearing right off you!”
Before I had even finished speaking, I found Amanda had pushed her shapely backside hard into my stomach, pushing the air out. As I gasped in pain, and my grip around her mouth loosened, the stewardess seized my wrist with both hands and the next thing I knew, I was flying through the air as she threw me over her shoulder and I landed painfully and ignominiously on my back on the floor. I lay there groaning and blinking as the light flicked on and the uniformed woman pinned my wrists to the carpet and she swung her legs either side of me to straddle me. There was no way I was going to endure the inevitable female face slapping that would accompany her schoolgirl pin (I remembered them well from my schooldays), so I quickly surrendered. “I give up, miss,” I whined.
She hauled me to my feet, put me in an armlock with one hand while she examined her open underwear drawer with the other. “Ew!” Amanda remarked at the sight of scattered nylons and panties. “Well, if you like them so much..” she laughed as she then tied my wrists tightly behind my back with pantyhose. Once I was safely bound, the stewardess squeezed my nose and forced a pair of panties into my open mouth before tying the gag in place with another set of tights. Soon, propped up against the wall, ankles also lashed together, I stared pathetically as the woman sat nonchalantly on a table opposite, legs crossed provocatively and snapped pic after pic of me with her phone. “Once more for Instagram!” she beamed as I “Mmmmphed” sadly in reply. “Before I call the girls in reception to come and collect you!”
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pulpman2 · 10 months
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Dirty Angel
“Oh, Mikey honey, you really are a sap!” laughed Candy Nolan, notorious liquor store thief and former leader of all female gang the Dirty Angels, as she pointed his own gun at aghast prison officer Mike Driscoll. “Do you really think I would ever kiss a loser like you? Now, keys, quick!” Mike cursed himself as an idiot. How often had the hookers and woman coke heads come onto him as he locked them up, hoping for favours or even cash if they flashed him their boobs? Mike was wise to such female chicanery, but Candy had seemed different- intelligent, ironic and super sexy and she genuinely seemed to like him. Now here in solitary, he felt they could at last get to know each other better during his night shift. However, it had all been a scam, a cheap lousy trick. Infuriated, Mike looked down the barrel of his gun and then into the cold brown eyes of the female criminal. He had been well and truly trapped, he realised, with no other guards on this block and no other inmates - it was called solitary for a reason. Candy allowed herself a slight smile as she seized the cell door keys from the hapless man. “Good boy.” she told him mockingly. “Now turn around and put your arms through the bars toward me.” Mike sighed heavily . “Witch!” he spat out bitterly as he turned round.
Candy had prepared well for this night. She reached for her bunk on which were several strips of material she had torn from her uniform dress. Once Mike’s arms were safely through the cell bars, the woman put the gun down and then pulled Mike’s wrists towards her before swiftly and expertly tying them tightly together. “You’ll never get away with this, you lying tramp!” the anguished officer told the sardonically smiling woman while she bound him. “No?” replied Candy with a smug chuckle. “Just watch me, lover!” Then she cleave gagged Mike with another strip of her torn dress and then opened the cell dooor while the officer looked on in helpless impotence. Once out of the cell, Candy stood in front of the tied and gagged Mike, and ran her hands down her dress, smoothing it over her curvaceous figure. “You like the shorter style, Mike?” she taunted her captive, the ripped uniform revealing her nyloned legs way above her knee. “I figure this look will get me a ride across the state line, along with your gun of course!” She laughed, leaving the bound man fuming at his own uselessness, knowing his keys would let Candy out of every door in the block. “See you in another life, sweetheart.” was Candy’s parting shot.
My interpretation of the story behind the cover to Cell Cutie, Larry Kent Detective #96 (1961).
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yesstaffnurse1 · 4 months
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Rogue’s Gallery
I stared sullenly at Fiona as the blonde bespectacled specialist nurse took picture after picture of me while I glared at her over the tape gag she had pressed so firmly over my mouth. My hands were also tied behind my back, and my ankles were similarly bound as I looked up at the night nurse who had surprised and captured me, just as I was in the act of downloading the formula for the anti-ageing drug Vitalean which my research lab had developed, aiming to sell it to commercial companies desperate to get their hands on it.
“These are for a rogue’s gallery I’m going to post on every pharmacy, research and medical website I can find, Terry,” Fiona told me with a slightly smug smile on her handsome features, “warning them not to touch you with a barge pole! Hopefully it will be enough to end your career - even after you’ve got out of prison!” I continued to glower at the self-satisfied grey-uniformed witch who had bound me. “Fmmp oppph, bmmmph!” I told her. She just laughed. “That’s why I gagged you, sweetie!” she grinned and dropped her phone into the pocket of her uniform dress at last. “Now are you ready for a little walk of shame down the corridor to the security office?”
“Ggg tggn hll!” I retorted. “Whatever, babe!” remarked Fiona, crouching to untie my feet before she hauled me off to face the music.
Source: Nurses Uniforms and Ladies Workwear on Flickr
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