#Manvir Singh Leamington
bhaimanvirsingh · 4 years
Manvir Singh Leamington - Discussing Sikh Gurmat Perspectives
What is today referred to as "Sikh" Marriage by Punjabi's is actually a mixture of Hindu, Islamic, Christian, and Punjabi traditions? Most people without their knowledge follow these rituals in good faith and enjoy them thinking they are an integral part of Sikhi. However, it usually happens that these rituals and customs are contrary to Sikhi and therefore defy the goal of having an Anand Karaj, which is to receive the blessings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Due to a lack of knowledge and awareness of what a "Sikh" marriage should actually be, most people continue to follow the popular culture.
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According to Manvir Singh Leamington, A Sikh would like to invite Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to his home, rather than a deity or goddess. Good luck doesn't exist. Good actions lead to good results. Reciting and singing Gurbani brings blessings. One is embellished according to Gurmat by singing the praises of Vahiguru and living according to the guru's teachings.
A Sikh wears what pleases the guru, not the respected prophets of another religion. The Guru is glad that a Sikh wears the Panj Kakkaar.
Gurbani does not believe in the concept of the "evil eye" and says that reciting the name of Vahiguru eliminates any evil eyes or bad luck. Secondly, a Sikh lives by the principle of considering all other women as his daughter, sister, or mother. Throughout the history of Sikhs, Sikhs have been known for their high morality, without the help or recall of a Sehra or facial veil.
The union of a Sikh couple in Gurmat is linked by Gurbani and the blessings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji when one bow to the Guru and walks around the Guru to indicate that the Guru is the center of their life. The Union of a Sikh is not made of garlands or necklaces but bound by the guru.
A Sikh bears no symbol of any other religion or belief. A Sikh wears the Panj Kakkaar as a jewel and symbol of his commitment to the guru.
According to  Bhai Manvir Singh, as one acts, he harvests. Throwing rice as a blessing is not Gurmat. To wish someone good luck and give blessings in Sikhi is by reciting Gurbani and doing Simran.
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Manvir Singh Leamington
Manvir Singh Leamington Shares the Importance of this special year for Sikhs
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This year a special year for Sikhs as it marks the 550th birth anniversary of the founder of the Sikh faith, Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Manvir Singh Leamington told us that local Sikh communities in Banbury and nearby Leamington-Spa will be celebrating the ‘Gurpurb’ or ‘day of the Guru’ in mid-November and celebrations will continue into the New Year.
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Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Sahib
Leamington-Spa has a large Sikh population, whereas Banbury has a smaller Sikh population. However, both towns and nearby localities have always supported one another in celebrations. Leamington-Spa has a purpose built Gurdwara which was built in 2009 and caters for the communities needs of marriages, funerals, celebrations, festivities, religious education and communal worship. Most of the Sikh community of Banbury use Leamington-Spa Gurdwara for larger family events due to the constraints of the physical space of the locality that has been converted into a small Gurdwara.
Manvir Singh Leamington a Sikh Educationalist from Banbury told us that “this year there will be special event organised by the Sikh community at Leamington Spa on 16th November which will be aimed at bringing greater understanding and awareness of the life, history and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji with the wider public.”
Manvir Singh Leamington added, “This year is a historic year as it is the 550 years. The message, teachings and love of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is not just for Sikhs but for all of humanity. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings and message is truly universal and much needed in today’s world which is being destroyed by greed, anger, intolerance, inequalities, selfishness and cruelty. These were causes of misery, hostility and inner-turmoil 550 years ago, and still today. The remedy for these problems has been given by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Sikh scripture which is timeless and available for all to benefit from.”
Here are five facts about the teaching of Guru Nanak Dev Ji:
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1)  He promoted the Oneness of Humanity Born in 1469, Guru Nanak Dev Ji lived in a time of huge inequality in 15th century Indian subcontinent. Religious segregation, slavery and caste and gender discrimination were rife. Guru Nanak Dev Ji openly talked and acted against this, humbling royalty and nobleman, whilst elevating the poor.
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‘‘Recognise the Lord’s light within all, and do not consider social class or status; there are no classes or castes in the world hereafter” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Ang 349)
2) He is one of the most traveled people in history Guru Nanak Dev Ji traveled tens of thousands of miles to spread the message of the One Formless God. From His birthplace of Panjab, Guru Nanak travelled on foot and ship as far as the middle-east, Africa, Europe and East Asia. Only accompanied by His faithful follower, Bhai Mardana Ji, Guru Nanak Dev Ji is recorded as having visited the likes of the Vatican in Rome 1520, Mecca, Turkey, and Tibet. Millions of people across the globe become his followers, however, over time intolerant rulers destroyed memorials of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and killed his followers, particularly in the Middle East.
3) Championing Gender Equality In the Indian subcontinent at the time Guru Nanak Dev Ji was around, women had very few rights and considered inferior to men. Widows were often burnt alive as their husbands were cremated and women in general were not allowed to remarry. Guru Nanak preached against this discrimination and sought to improve the respect of women:
‘‘From a woman, man is born; within a woman, man is conceived; to a woman he is engaged and married. A woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to a woman man is bound. So why call her women bad? From her, kings are born. From a woman, a woman is born; without a woman, there would be no one at all.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Ang 473)
4) He has different names in different cultures Guru Nanak is revered in many different cultures and as such has been given various names. In Afghanistan He is commonly called Nanak Peer. He is also known as Nanak Rishi in Nepal, Baba Nanak in Iraq, Nanaka-Chraya in Sri Lanka and Nanak Lama in Tibet. These are just a few examples.
Sikh shrine where Guru Nanak visited in Baghdad, Iraq.
5) He invented Langar Guru Nanak Dev Ji started the Sikh concept of “Langar” over 500 years ago as a child. Langar is the Sikh concept of volunteers selflessly providing free food to anyone, regardless of faith or background. This is essentially a free vegetarian meal served all day, every day, in every Sikh Gurdwara (communal place of worship). In recent years, to ensure this service gets to those who really need it, many volunteers take their work onto the streets to the homeless and hungry.
  “One who works hard for what they eat, and from that shares with others- O Nanak! They know recognize the true way of living.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Ang 1243).
Langar being served
Manvir Singh told us, “Guru Nanak Dev Ji challenged the minds of those who had divorced themselves from society and public life and lived the lives of recluses. Guru Nanak Dev Ji asked spiritual people and people who had attained inner peace to share their goodness with the world and be of public service to beautify society, rather than escape it.”
Inder M Singh, Chairman of Chardi Kalaa Foundation writes, “Guru Nanak’s vision is a World Society comprising God-conscious human beings. To these spiritual beings the earth and the universe are sacred; all life is part of a Universal Unity.  We are all connected. According to Guru Nanak the reality humans create around themselves is a reflection of their inner state. The current instability of the natural system of the earth – the external environment of human beings – is only a reflection of the instability and pain within humans. The increasing barrenness of the earth’s terrain is a reflection of the emptiness within humans…”
He adds, “Guru Nanak advocated a highly disciplined life with a focus on spiritual progress, while remaining engaged fully in the world around one and upholding one’s responsibilities.”
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bhaimanvirsingh · 4 years
Importance of Amrit - Bhai Manvir Singh
A talk that took place in Huddersfield in 2017, highlighting the life-changing effect of Amrit and its inner meanings. Importance of amrit explained by Bhai Manvir Singh.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 4 years
The truth behind 1984 explained by Manvir Singh Khalsa in Slough  November 2011.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 4 years
Manvir Singh Khalsa Katha Derby Smagam Sunday Evening Rhensabhi
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bhaimanvirsingh · 4 years
Manvir Singh UK Vichar at Shepparton Gurudwara Sahib
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
Bhai Satwant Singh, Bhai Beant Singh & Bhai Kehar Singh Shaheedi
Kaum de Heere, Katha Vechar by Bhai Manvir Singh.
A channel dedicated to promoting the pure message of Gurbani through keertan and lecture videos. Please subscribe to the channel and share our videos to help spread Guru's message.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
Bhai Manvir Singh Veechar
Bhai Manvir Singh shares his Veechar. Bhai Manvir Sing is a really inspirational Gurmukh living in the United Kingdom.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
The Life of Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji - Manvir Singh Khalsa
Lecture by Manvir Singh Khalsa about the life of Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji and what we can learn from their life. We apologize that this lecture is incomplete - the full lecture recording was partially corrupted and only the audio recording remains.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
Khalsa Camp - Manvir Singh UK - Sikhs in World Wars
Manvir Singh UK does a talk in English and Punjabi on the Sikhs who fought in the World Wars.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
Sakka Nankana Sahib - Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa
Sakka Nankana Sahib briefly explained by Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
Bhai Manvir Singh - Give a message of unity for the Younger Generation
In this hectic world, people do not easily trust other people. It will take more time to know about the person. Most people consider a one-man army as the best and better way to stay away from the problem, but it is a completely wrong statement. “Unity is strength” this quote was strongly believed by the great personality Bhai Manvir Singh, one of the famous and popular Gurbani artists. You can easily get or reach success when you are united with each other. When you trust your gang or group, then you are able to face any kind of situation.
Bhai Manvir Singh and his united Pathway
The trust you have to keep in the other person will not come easily, and it will take much time. Union is strength is also the best example for the organization. Manvir Singh UK has reached his success with the help of a unique and united pathway. Some people will do the work without depending on others, but it will not work out correctly all the time.
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Bhai Manvir Singh has great confidence and believes in the united pathway. He has conducted a different variety of workshops for the younger generation. He always takes some responsibilities to register the good things for the upcoming generation. Manvir Singh clearly understands that the statement unity is strength not only applicable for the organization or company. But also it is perfectly suited for life.
Unity need for Survival
You can get more knowledge and confidence with the help of the Bhai Manvir Singh workshop. He always has a conversation about the life experienced things which help the people to overcome. When you have a confident and best understanding with your trusted person, then they will always be with you in any kind of harsh situation. They will not leave you alone to face any situation, and you can also get some confidence to overcome.
When you are not attached to another person, then it is difficult to tackle a critical situation. No one will be there for you to handle the situation, which is one of the worst feelings ever. With the money, you can buy the house, not members. With the money, you can buy food, not hunger. With the money, you buy a watch and not a time. But with unity, you can achieve anything.
The best motivator for the Younger Generation
When you follow a great personality like Bhai Manvir Singh, then you can easily reach success, and also you can find a better solution to overcome every problem. He has strongly had spiritual beliefs, and he also acts as the best motivator for the upcoming generation. He has experienced many harsh and difficult situations, but they never give up trying.
Bhai Manvir Singh says, if you want to reach success, you should not lose your hope and confidence and keep trying. It will help to reach success. He has covered many people who attended and believed with the help of his workshop. Slow and steady wins the race like unity and self-confidence will help to overcome a problem. Anyone can reach success when they are believed to be unity is strength.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
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Manvir Singh Leamington - MOH Workshop at TSC
Manvir Singh Leamington presenting a workshop presentation on MOH at Toronto Singhs Camp.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa view on Sikh - Bondage or Liberation
According to Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa, being enslaved to Sikhi is the purest kind of liberation. Following his ideas and views will help you grasp what life is and how to live it. Sikhi Speaks is a Maoleyo initiative to find solutions to certain unanswered topics in the Panth.
It is not simple to be a leader with a motivating personality. Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa was a strong believer in the need for hard effort without giving up hope. During his childhood, he did not have spiritual or Sikh beliefs. However, he subsequently developed a strong Sikh faith, and he also encouraged others by explaining Sikh.
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Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa devotes most of his time to the youth and works as a Religious Studies teacher and encourages Sikhs
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa was born in the UK. He has a strong moral compass, and his workshop will inspire others to achieve achievement. Everyone finds Manvir Singh Khalsa's life path intriguing and interesting. You can have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with the help of his workshop and speech.
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa has delivered multiple seminars on various themes, but each one includes motivational words. You will get fantastic information and confidence from his publications and courses.
Manvir Singh UK's strong view on Sikhs
With the assistance of the Manvir Singh UK workshop, you may have a better experience and a strong belief. His life experience was addressed at the workshop of the living guru Granth sahib Ji. Gurbani, a million suns worth of light, is also a component of it. Both the sea and the waves are formed of water, yet they serve different purposes and have different forms, according to Manvir Singh.
Manvir Singh UK spiritually explores life, beginning with your mind. Everything revolves around the mind. It has the ability to regulate everything, whether it be joy, happiness, or sadness in your life. You can do anything and anything once you have calmed your mind.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
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Guru Granth Sahib Ji - The Living Guru - Manvir Singh Khalsa
Manvir Singh Khalsa explains about the living Guru of the Sikhs. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the living Guru of the Sikhs.
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bhaimanvirsingh · 3 years
Motivational effective pathway of Bhai Manvir Singh
Bhai Manvir Singh is a well-known celebrity. He powerfully accepted that hard work and spiritual trust would assist with arriving at progress. Manvir Singh was born in the United Kingdom, and he has an interest in the Sikh way of thinking and history. Today, not every person is experiencing or communicating spirituality similarly.
This is the tale of Bhai Manvir Singh of the United Kingdom, who needed to keep his Kesh unshorn hair and return to Sikhi. It was a Mona who trimmed his hair and became keshdhari (one who quit trimming his hair) and saved the Gurus Rehat for Sikh discipline. He also recorded and added his past experiences and battles to keep Kesh. Manvir Singh UK accepts his story isn't anything strange, yet he accepts it could be helpful in the future.
Bhai Manvir Singh-An inspiring individual for the youth
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In this world, everybody needs to make a hard effort to progress. If you put in the hard effort today, you can undoubtedly become a celebrity like Manvir Singh Khalsa. He effectively drives his life with the assistance of more information and abilities. He gives several plans to the youths that can cause them to make an awesome and great pathway. His live shows and recorded videos will inspire individuals and relax their lives.
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa gives Mindfulness and Meditation to assist you with a healthier lifestyle. Your everyday progress will improve as you hear inspirational thoughts, and you will be more experienced to settle on the ideal choice. The in-depth viewpoint thinking will further develop your life. His thoughts will promote psychological wellness by developing memory, attention, feeling guidelines, and self-awareness. You can make the environment you need with these inspirational and spiritual thoughts. His contemplation will stimulate you for the whole day, and they will motivate you to be a great person.
Educational Training
Bhai Manvir Singh was a brilliant and talented student in his school days. He has shown his interest in all of the extracurricular exercises. He also enrolled his name emphatically in several fields, and also his inspirational thoughts will make the younger generations to follow. Bhai Manvir Singh is a Sikh instructor and chaplain at Khalsa foundation. He did his Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and religious examinations at King's college London. He has also finished his master of philosophy, M.Phil and PGCE secondary school at the University of Birmingham.
As indicated by Bhai Manpreet Singh, General Secretary of the Sikh World Parliament, Bhai Manvir Singh’s book is a smart and exploration-based text and progressive manual for Sikh Rehat Maryada. It is intended to help Sikh generations to know and follow the vital standards of the Sikh lifestyle, referring to authentic proof and discoveries.
His experience and accomplishments
Bhai Manvir Singh is an incredibly moving Gurmukh who lives in the United Kingdom. Bhai Sahib, born in a Sikh family as a Mona person with little hair, changed over to Sikhi during his pre-adulthood. He currently does a lot of Sewa for the young, works as a Religious Studies educator, and inspires Sikhs who are imprisoned.
Bhai Manvir Singh Ji is a spiritual Gurbani craftsman situated in the United Kingdom. He appreciates Gurbani reading, Shabad Kirtan, Sikh philosophy, and history. Bhai Manvir Singh is a boosting Gurmukh for adolescents. 
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa has been applauded for his work on the historical backdrop of the Sikh Panthic Rehat Maryada, otherwise called Akal Takht Rehat Maryada and Panthic Rehat Maryada. The Sikh World Parliament, as a team with the Khalsa Foundation and United Sikhs, among other Sikh associations, distributed this book on the Sikh Rehat Maryada, which has been converted into English. This is the introductory book composed by a Western-born Sikh that investigates and shows the authority report of the Sikh set of principles in English, first published in 1936.
Creator of Sikh Rehat Maryada
For over 80 years, the Sri Akal Takht Sahib and Panthik foundations have perceived and involved the Sikh Rehat Maryada archive as an authority reference point and quotation. The Sikh Rehat Maryada: History, Guiding Principles, and a Contextual Translation & quot - a 388-page hardcover book gives an advanced and new context oriented translation of the first Sikh Rehat Maryada record. It also incorporates later versions over a long time.
The most powerful record written in the mid 20th century is the Sikh Rehat Maryada. Manvir Singh composed the Sikh Rehat Maryada after over a time of exploration. This book is required reading for all Sikhs and non-Sikhs who need to find out about the historical code of the Sikh set of principles Sikh Rehat Maryada, including how it was made and why Sikh researchers made it.
Bottom line:
Anybody can get notoriety when you put more exertion and hard work. Bhai Manvir Singh is a famous spiritual Gurbani craftsman, and his example of overcoming the story has propelled numerous adolescents. You can also take its statements and inspirational story into a great personality.
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