#Marc Ghali
unpensadoranonimo · 3 years
Opiniones sobre la situación internacional (20/5/2021)
Apoyo militar, económico y de Frontex: la ayuda que la UE puede prestar en Ceuta y que el Gobierno no ha pedido - Emilio Ordiz
Boris no puede perder la oportunidad de descentralización creada por la pandemia - Celia Maza
Brahim Ghali, el líder saharaui que ha enturbiado la relación entre España y Marruecos - Celia López
Ceuta paga los platos rotos del enfado de Rabat con Europa por el Sáhara - Fernando Varela
Cohetes caseros de 800$ contra misiles de 100.000: el abismo militar entre Israel y Gaza - Juanjo Fernández
¿De dónde salió el coronavirus? - Vicente Vallés
El chantaje marroquí, algo más que una crisis diplomática - Daniel Bernabé
El fallido plan de Israel para ganar el conflicto ignorando a los palestinos - Ramón González Férriz
El fracaso de Ceuta y de España 2050 - Irene González
El oro y el moro - Guadalupe Sánchez
¡Es la invasión, idiota! - Miquel Giménez
España ha caído en la irrelevancia - Javier Fumero
"España tiene que mandar un mensaje claro a Marruecos: si sigue así, habrá represalias" - Carlos Barragán
La munición humana de Mohamed VI - Juan Soto Ivars
La tibieza de Moncloa y la visita de Sánchez a Ceuta abocan a una crisis larga con Marruecos - Ignacio Cembrero
La tormenta perfecta que puede cambiar el 'oasis' de Latinoamérica para siempre - Lucas Proto
Lo que esconde la pasividad fronteriza de Marruecos - Antonio Casado
‘Marruecos 2050’ - Gabriel Sanz
Marruecos atropella a la España imaginaria - Agustín Valladolid
Marruecos, hipersensibilidad diplomática - Diego Carcedo
Marruecos le pasa la factura del coronavirus a España: la crisis detrás de la avalancha migrante - Marc Ferrà
Marruecos y la debilidad de un presidente - VozPopuli
Mohamed VI invade España - José Apezarena
Un golpe feroz - Javier Astilleros
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staccataalfemminile · 6 years
Commento al femminile su Motogp Qatar 2018
Il 70 esimo campionato del motomondiale è iniziato sotto il segno del Made in Italy.
Dovi c'è... la voglia di rivincita non si è esaurita in questi mesi di stacco anzi .....
Le prove avevano già messo in evidenza un Dovizioso con un ottimo passo gara, grintoso pronto a portare a casa un buon risultato (nell'antologia di questo circuito le Ducati sono sempre andate bene vedi anche Stoner)a prescindere dalla posizione acquisita in qualifica ;Zarco nonostante abbia centrato una Pole con un "Tempone" non ha convinto i più esperti, tenendolo si in considerazione sul giro secco, ma non sull'intera durata della gara.
Il podio del qatar dai sapori medio orientale e dalle fondamenta sabbiose si è tinto del tricolore italiano se non fosse per una sfumatura giallo rossa al centro del campione in carica Marquez ,che nonostante questa non fosse proprio la pista nelle corde della scuderia alata, ha agguantato un favoloso secondo posto;
anche Rossi ha fatto valere le sue ragioni e correndo al 120%come lui stesso ha dichiarato è arrivato ad un passo dai giovani rivali.Luchinelli e Pernat avevano visto lungo ,ed hanno centrato in pieno la terzina vincente prima dell'inizio gara CHAPEAU!!!
Il circuito di Losail, è altamente scenografico ed emozionante , l'unico che permette di correre in notturna con un impianto di illuminazione artificiale perfetto, costruito tra l'altro da 1000 operari in un solo anno, il suo tracciato è circondato da erba che ovvaimente sembra stridere con l'ambiente in cui è immerso ma assolutamente indispensabile per arginare il flusso dellla sabbia, 22 giri per un totale circa di 118km dove solo il rettilineo misura poco più di 1km al termine del quale c'è una delle staccate più impegnative di tutto il motomondiale, i piloti passano da 350km/h a 108km/h applicando alla leva una forza di 8 kgc inaugurato nel 2004 con una vittoria di Gibernau, l'anno scorso fu vinto da Vinales .
La gara è iniziata alle 19 ore locali e la griglia di partenza, oltre ad essere invasa( prima del warm up )da una folla cospicua di sceicchi da thobe e bishit inamidati a festa ,si presentava così:
1 Zarco 2 Marquez 3 Petrucci 4 Crutchlow 5 Dovizioso 6 Rins 7 Pedrosa 8 Rossi 9 Lorenzo 10 Miller 11 Iannone 12 Vinales e l'esordiente Morbidelli 14.
Zarco parte alla grande mantenendo la testa della corsa senza problemi, Marquez lo segue diligentemente sfruttando la scia , Rossi dopo pochi giri si porta in terza posizione mentre Desmodovi si ritrova retrocesso in settima posizione per aver dovuto chiudere un attimo il gas per evitare una collisione, Morbidelli guadagna 2 posizioni.
I primi 6/7 giri non demarcano grandi cambiamenti soprattutto al vertice e anche il divario tra la testa della gara e gli inseguitori non è così evidente.Da grande stratega Dovizioso inizia la sua rimonta,Rossi al 17esimo giro tenta e riesce a superare Marquez Petrucci accodato a Rossi vuole imitarlo ma Marquez , non ci sta a farsi superare da un altro italiano e resiste all'attacco tenendo il suo posteriore davanti all'anteriore di Petrucci,
al 16esimo giro qualcosa cambia, il passo gara aumenta ma qualcuno come Lorenzo e Vinales sembrano perdersi toccando posizioni a due cifre;circa a metà gara Il cabroncito si vuol riprendere la seconda posizione e attacca quello che per lui era il suo mito da bambino Rossi , e lo supera , lasciandolo alle grinfie di Dovizioso che con la bava alla bocca innesca con Rossi un mini duello ,senza remore ed indugi ha la meglio,il ducatista vuole il gradino più alto del podio , l'anno scorso si è accontentato del 2 posto dietro ad un Vinales scatenato quest'anno vuole quei 25 punti gli servono come fondocassa perchè le prossime 2 gare potrebbero non essere favorevoli alle Ducati, quindi sfruttare la massimo questo week end propizio è un imperativo,
nel frattempo Rins con la Suzuki che stava facendo una gran bella gara esce e Lorenzo replica alla curva 4, per fortuna nessuno dei due con conseguenze.
Dovizioso a circa 8 giri al termine supera Marc,e mette nel mirino Zarco che oramai per lui ha finito i canditi, Vinales sembra essersi ripreso e avanza alla posizione 8 ,quando mancano 4 giri alla fine inizia il gioco duro,quello avvincente che obbliga noi telespettatori a trattenere il fiato a piegarci anche noi sulle curve a morderci le labbra dall'apprensione ,la guerra tra i due titani ha inizio , un dejavù nella scorsa stagione Marc ed Andrea li a sfidarsi a colpi di gas , Dovizioso che resiste alla pressione dell'honda ,ci crede sa che la sua Desmosedici eè pronta ad immolarsi per il suo pilota ma l'ultima curva è sempre un incognita con Marquez dietro che tenta l'impossibile , che si crea varchi dove a malapena potrebbe passare uno spillo e sembra riuscire nell'intento, ma Dovizioso non cede ha imparato ha incrociare bene e come in giappone ha la meglio e vince Meritatamente seguito appunto da Marquez Rossi Crutchlow Petrucci Vinales Pedrosa Zarco ecc...
Veramente un Happy Days come canta Ghaly per Dovizioso le Ducati e i piloti italiani , anche Rossi ha meritato un bellissimo 3 posto e Marquez comunque una conferma, chi non merita niente invece sono quelle persone fanatiche antisportive che hanno fischiato Marquez sotto il podio, avete ancora tante cose da imparare e una su tutte che forse al fischio non risponde neanche più il cane.
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Download Xenia Ghali - Onyx Radio 135 for free now!
Artist: Xenia Ghali Show: Xenia Ghali – Onyx Radio 135 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House Source: RSS
Discover more Xenia Ghali live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Onyx Radio episodes HERE
Xenia Ghali – Onyx Radio 135 Tracklist
Xenia Ghali presents Onyx Radio. Tune in to listen to some of the hottest dance music with Xenia Ghali and special guests.
Leandro Da Silva & Bazzflow – Alright (Extended Mix) [The Myth of NYX] Dom Dolla ‘Pump The Brakes’ (Obskür Remix) [Arista Three Six Zero Recordings] DONT BLINK – SATISFACTION (Extended Mix) Curtiba, Marc Volt – Stay Here (Extended Mix) [Terms & Conditions ] Lee Foss & Franky Wah ‘Name Of Love’ ft. SPNCR (Torren Foot Extended Remix) [Club Sweat] Valerio Bonfa – African (Extended Mix) [Terms & Conditions ] Argy – Ketuvim (Original Mix) Benny Camaro – DIsconnected (Original Mix) Pagano – Infinite Regress (Original Mix) Fabrication – Before We Know Light (Original Mix) Stylo, Space Motion – Player (Original Mix)
The podcast Xenia Ghali – Onyx Radio is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Xenia Ghali - Onyx Radio 135 for free now!
Artist: Xenia Ghali Show: Xenia Ghali – Onyx Radio 135 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House Source: RSS
Discover more Xenia Ghali live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Onyx Radio episodes HERE
Xenia Ghali – Onyx Radio 135 Tracklist
Xenia Ghali presents Onyx Radio. Tune in to listen to some of the hottest dance music with Xenia Ghali and special guests.
Leandro Da Silva & Bazzflow – Alright (Extended Mix) [The Myth of NYX] Dom Dolla ‘Pump The Brakes’ (Obskür Remix) [Arista Three Six Zero Recordings] DONT BLINK – SATISFACTION (Extended Mix) Curtiba, Marc Volt – Stay Here (Extended Mix) [Terms & Conditions ] Lee Foss & Franky Wah ‘Name Of Love’ ft. SPNCR (Torren Foot Extended Remix) [Club Sweat] Valerio Bonfa – African (Extended Mix) [Terms & Conditions ] Argy – Ketuvim (Original Mix) Benny Camaro – DIsconnected (Original Mix) Pagano – Infinite Regress (Original Mix) Fabrication – Before We Know Light (Original Mix) Stylo, Space Motion – Player (Original Mix)
The podcast Xenia Ghali – Onyx Radio is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
Salesforce, Google, Facebook. How Big Tech Undermines California’s Public Health System.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Gov. Gavin Newsom has embraced Silicon Valley tech companies and health care industry titans in response to the covid-19 pandemic like no other governor in America — routinely outsourcing life-or-death public health duties to his allies in the private sector.
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This story also ran on Protocol. It can be republished for free.
At least 30 tech and health care companies have received lucrative, no-bid government contracts, or helped fund and carry out critical public health activities during the state’s battle against the coronavirus, a KHN analysis has found. The vast majority are Newsom supporters and donors who have contributed more than $113 million to his political campaigns and charitable causes, or to fund his policy initiatives, since his first run for statewide office in 2010.
For instance, the San Francisco-based software company Salesforce — whose CEO, Marc Benioff, is a repeat donor and is so tight with the governor that Newsom named him the godfather of his first child — helped create My Turn, California’s centralized vaccine clearinghouse, which has been unpopular among Californians seeking shots and has so far cost the state $93 million.
Verily Life Sciences, a sister company of Google, another deep-pocketed Newsom donor, received a no-bid contract in March 2020 to expand covid testing — a $72 million venture that the state later retreated on. And after Newsom handed another no-bid testing contract — now valued at $600 million — to OptumServe, its parent company, national insurance giant UnitedHealth Group dropped $100,000 into a campaign account he can tap to fight the recall effort against him.
Newsom’s unprecedented reliance on private companies — including health and technology start-ups — has come at the expense of California’s overtaxed and underfunded public health system. Current and former public health officials say Newsom has entrusted the essential work of government to private-sector health and tech allies, hurting the ability of the state and local health departments to respond to the coronavirus pandemic and prepare for future threats.
“This outsourcing is weakening us. The lack of investment in our public health system is weakening us,” said Flojaune Cofer, a former state Department of Public Health epidemiologist and senior director of policy for Public Health Advocates, which has lobbied unsuccessfully for years for more state public health dollars.
“These are companies that are profit-driven, with shareholders. They’re not accountable to the public,” Cofer said. “We can’t rely on them helicoptering in. What if next time it’s not in the interest of the business or it’s not profitable?”
Kathleen Kelly Janus, Newsom’s senior adviser on social innovation, said the governor is “very proud of our innovative public-private partnerships,” which have provided “critical support for Californians in need during this pandemic.”
State Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly echoed the praise, saying private-sector companies have filled “important” roles during an unprecedented public health crisis.
The state’s contract with OptumServe has helped dramatically lower covid test turnaround times after a troubled start. Another subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, OptumInsight, received $41 million to help California rescue its outdated infectious disease reporting and monitoring system last year after it crashed.
“Not only are we much better equipped on all of these things than we were at the beginning, but we are also seeing some success,” Ghaly said, “whether it’s on the vaccination front, which has really picked up and put us in a place of success, or just being able to do testing at a broad scale. So, I feel like we’re in a reasonable position to continue to deal with covid.”
The federal government finances most public health activities in California and significantly boosted funding during the pandemic, but local health departments also rely on state and local money to keep their communities safe.
In his first year as governor, the year before the pandemic, Newsom denied a budget request from California’s 61 local public health departments to provide $50 million in state money per year to help rebuild core public health infrastructure — which had been decimated by decades of budget cuts — despite warnings from his own public health agency that the state wasn’t prepared for what was coming.
After the pandemic struck, Newsom and state lawmakers turned away another budget request to support the local health departments driving California’s pandemic response, this time for $150 million in additional annual infrastructure funding. Facing deficits at the time, the state couldn’t afford it, Newsom said, and federal help was on the way.
Yet covid cases continued to mount, and resources dwindled. Bare-bones staffing meant that some local health departments had to abandon fundamental public health functions, such as contact tracing, communicable disease testing and enforcement of public health orders.
“As the pandemic rages on and without additional resources, some pandemic activities previously funded with federal CARES Act resources simply cannot be sustained,” a coalition of public health officials warned in a late December letter to Newsom and legislative leaders.
Newsom has long promoted tech and private companies as a way to improve government, and has leaned on the private sector throughout his political career, dating to his time as San Francisco mayor from 2004 to 2011, when he called on corporations to contribute to his homelessness initiatives.
And since becoming governor in January 2019, he has regularly held private meetings with health and tech executives, his calendars show, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Apple CEO Tim Cook.
“We’re right next door to Silicon Valley, of course, so technology is our friend,” Newsom wrote in his 2013 book, “Citizenville,” arguing that “government needs to adapt to this new technological age.”
With California’s core public health infrastructure already gutted, Newsom funneled taxpayer money to tech and health companies during the pandemic or allowed them to help design and fund certain public health activities.
Other industries have jumped into covid response, including telecommunications and entertainment, but not to the degree of the health and technology sectors.
“It’s not the ideal situation,” said Daniel Zingale, who has steered consequential health policy decisions under three California governors, including Newsom. “What is best for Google is not necessarily best for the people of California.”
Among the corporate titans that have received government contracts to conduct core public health functions is Google’s sister company Verily.
Google and its executives have given more than $10 million to Newsom’s gubernatorial campaigns and special causes since 2010, according to state records. It has infiltrated the state’s pandemic response: The company, along with Apple, helped build a smartphone alert system called CA Notify to assist state and local health officials with contact tracing, a venture Newsom hailed as an innovative, “data-driven” approach to reducing community spread. Google, Apple and Facebook are sharing tracking data with the state to help chart the spread of covid. Google — as well as Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter and other platforms — also contributed millions of dollars in free advertising to California, in Newsom’s name, for public health messaging.
Other companies that have received lucrative contracts to help carry out the state’s covid plans include health insurance company Blue Shield of California, which received a $15 million no-bid contract to oversee vaccine allocation and distribution, and the private consulting firm McKinsey & Co., which has received $48 million in government contracts to boost vaccinations and testing and work on genomic sequencing to help track and monitor covid variants. Together, they have given Newsom more than $20 million in campaign and charitable donations since 2010.
Private companies have also helped finance government programs and core public health functions during the pandemic — at times bypassing local public health departments — under the guise of making charitable or governmental contributions, known as “behested payments,” in Newsom’s name. They have helped fund vaccination clinics, hosted public service announcements on their platforms, and paid for hotel rooms to safely shelter and quarantine homeless people.
Facebook and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the philanthropic organization started by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have been among the most generous, and have given $36.5 million to Newsom, either directly or to causes and policy initiatives on his behalf. Much of that money was spent on pandemic response efforts championed by Newsom, such as hotel rooms and child care for front-line health care workers; computers and internet access for kids learning at home; and social services for incarcerated people leaving prison because of covid outbreaks.
Facebook said it is also partnering with the state to deploy pop-up vaccination clinics in hard-hit areas like the Central Valley, Inland Empire and South Los Angeles.
In prepared statements, Google and Facebook said they threw themselves into the pandemic response because they wanted to help struggling workers and businesses in their home state, and to respond to the needs of vulnerable communities.
Venture capitalist Dr. Bob Kocher, a Newsom ally who was one of the governor’s earliest pandemic advisers, said private-sector involvement helped California tremendously.
“We’re doing really well. We got almost 20 million people vaccinated and our test positivity rate is at an all-time low,” Kocher said. “Our public health system was set up to handle small-scale outbreaks like E. coli or hepatitis. Things work better when you build coalitions that go beyond government.”
Public health leaders acknowledge that private-sector participation during an emergency can help the state respond quickly and on a large scale. But by outsourcing so much work to the private sector, they say, California has also undercut its already struggling public health system — and missed an opportunity to invest in it.
Take Verily. Newsom tapped the company to help expand testing to underserved populations, but the state chose to end its relationship with the company in January after county health departments rejected the partnership, in part because testing was not adequately reaching Black and Latino neighborhoods. In addition to requiring that residents have a car and Gmail account, Verily was seen by many local health officials as an outsider that didn’t understand the communities.
It takes years of shoe leather public health work to build trusted relationships within communities, said Dr. Noha Aboelata, founder and CEO of the Roots Community Health Center in the predominantly Black and Latino neighborhood of East Oakland.
“I think what’s not fine is when these corporations are claiming to be the center of equity, when in fact it can manifest as the opposite,” she said. “We’re in a neighborhood where people walk to our clinic, which is why when Verily testing first started and they were drive-up and you needed a Gmail account, most of our community wasn’t able to take advantage of it.”
To fill the gap, the clinic worked with Alameda County to offer old-fashioned walk-up appointments. “We’re very focused on disparities, and we’re definitely seeing the folks who are most at risk,” Aboelata said.
The state took a similar approach to vaccination. Instead of giving local health departments the funding and power to manage their own vaccination programs with community partners, it looked to the private sector again. Among the companies that received a vaccination contract is Color Health Inc., awarded $10 million to run 10 vaccine clinics across the state, among other covid-related work. Since partnering with California, Color has seen its valuation soar to $1.5 billion — helping it achieve “unicorn” start-up status.
As the state’s Silicon Valley partners rake in money, staffing at local health departments has suffered, in part because they don’t have enough funding to hire or replace workers. “It is our biggest commodity and it’s our No. 1 need,” said Kat DeBurgh, executive director of the Health Officers Association of California.
With inadequate staffing to address the pandemic, the state is falling further behind on other basic public health duties, such as updating data systems and technology — many county health departments still rely on fax machines to report lab results — and combating record-setting levels of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis.
“We’ve put so many resources into law enforcement and private tech companies instead of public health,” said Kiran Savage-Sangwan, executive director of the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network. “This is having a devastating impact.”
Dr. Karen Smith, former director of the state Department of Public Health, left the state in July 2019 and now is a consultant with Google Health, one of Big Tech’s forays into the business of health care.
She believes Silicon Valley can improve the state’s crumbling public health infrastructure, especially when it comes to collecting and sharing data, but it can’t be done without substantial investment from the state. “Who the heck still uses fax? Public health doesn’t have the kind of money that tech companies have,” said Smith, who said she wasn’t speaking on behalf of Google.
Without adequate funding to rebuild its infrastructure and hire permanent workers, Smith and others fear California isn’t prepared to ride out the remainder of this pandemic — let alone manage the next public health crisis.
Statewide public health advocacy groups have formed a coalition called “California Can’t Wait” to pressure state lawmakers and Newsom to put more money into the state budget for local public health departments. They’re asking for $200 million annually. Newsom will unveil his latest state budget proposal by mid-May.
“We’re in one of those change-or-die moments,” Capitol health care veteran Zingale said. “Newsom has been at the vanguard of the nation in marshaling the help of our robust technological private sector, and we’re thankful for their contributions, but change is better than charity. I don’t want to show ingratitude, but we should keep our eyes on building a better system.”
KHN data editor Elizabeth Lucas and California politics correspondent Samantha Young contributed to this report.
Methodology: How KHN compiled data about political spending and the role of technology and health care companies in California’s covid response.
Private-sector companies from Silicon Valley and the health care industry have participated in California’s public health response to covid-19 in a variety of ways, big and small. Some have received multimillion-dollar contracts from the state of California to perform testing, vaccination and other activities. Others have donated money and resources to the effort, such as free public health advertising time.
KHN identified the companies that received pandemic-related contracts or work from the state by filing Public Records Act requests with state agencies; searching other sources, including California’s “Released COVID-19 Response Contracts” page; and contacting state agencies and companies directly.
We then searched the California Fair Political Practices Commission website for tech and health care companies that didn’t receive contracts but played a role in the state’s pandemic response by donating money and resources. Through what are known as “behested payments,” these companies donated to charitable causes or Gov. Gavin Newsom’s policy initiatives on his behalf. These contributions included money to help fund and design state public health initiatives such as quarantine hotel rooms.
Based on those searches, we found at least 30 health or technology companies that have participated in the state’s pandemic response: Google and its sister company Verily Life Sciences; Salesforce; Facebook; Apple; McKinsey & Co.; OptumServe and OptumInsight — subsidiaries of national health care company UnitedHealth Group; Netflix; Pandora; Spotify; Zoom Video Communications Inc.; electric car manufacturer BYD; Bloom Energy; Color Health Inc.; DoorDash; Twitter; Amazon; Accenture; Skedulo; Primary.Health; Pfizer; HP Inc.; Microsoft; Snapchat; Blue Shield of California; Kaiser Permanente; Lenovo Inc.; YouTube; and TikTok. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the philanthropic organization started by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, also participated.
We then searched the California secretary of state’s website to determine which of those companies, and their executives, gave direct political contributions to Newsom’s personal campaign accounts and a ballot measure account run by the governor called “Newsom’s Ballot Measure Committee” during his five campaigns for statewide office since 2010, plus the ongoing recall effort against him.
We found that at least 24 of the tech or health companies that participated in the state’s pandemic response, or their executives, gave direct political contributions to Newsom, made behested payments in his name or both.
This story was produced by KHN, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Salesforce, Google, Facebook. How Big Tech Undermines California’s Public Health System. published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 3 years
Salesforce, Google, Facebook. How Big Tech Undermines California’s Public Health System.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Gov. Gavin Newsom has embraced Silicon Valley tech companies and health care industry titans in response to the covid-19 pandemic like no other governor in America — routinely outsourcing life-or-death public health duties to his allies in the private sector.
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This story also ran on Protocol. It can be republished for free.
At least 30 tech and health care companies have received lucrative, no-bid government contracts, or helped fund and carry out critical public health activities during the state’s battle against the coronavirus, a KHN analysis has found. The vast majority are Newsom supporters and donors who have contributed more than $113 million to his political campaigns and charitable causes, or to fund his policy initiatives, since his first run for statewide office in 2010.
For instance, the San Francisco-based software company Salesforce — whose CEO, Marc Benioff, is a repeat donor and is so tight with the governor that Newsom named him the godfather of his first child — helped create My Turn, California’s centralized vaccine clearinghouse, which has been unpopular among Californians seeking shots and has so far cost the state $93 million.
Verily Life Sciences, a sister company of Google, another deep-pocketed Newsom donor, received a no-bid contract in March 2020 to expand covid testing — a $72 million venture that the state later retreated on. And after Newsom handed another no-bid testing contract — now valued at $600 million — to OptumServe, its parent company, national insurance giant UnitedHealth Group dropped $100,000 into a campaign account he can tap to fight the recall effort against him.
Newsom’s unprecedented reliance on private companies — including health and technology start-ups — has come at the expense of California’s overtaxed and underfunded public health system. Current and former public health officials say Newsom has entrusted the essential work of government to private-sector health and tech allies, hurting the ability of the state and local health departments to respond to the coronavirus pandemic and prepare for future threats.
“This outsourcing is weakening us. The lack of investment in our public health system is weakening us,” said Flojaune Cofer, a former state Department of Public Health epidemiologist and senior director of policy for Public Health Advocates, which has lobbied unsuccessfully for years for more state public health dollars.
“These are companies that are profit-driven, with shareholders. They’re not accountable to the public,” Cofer said. “We can’t rely on them helicoptering in. What if next time it’s not in the interest of the business or it’s not profitable?”
Kathleen Kelly Janus, Newsom’s senior adviser on social innovation, said the governor is “very proud of our innovative public-private partnerships,” which have provided “critical support for Californians in need during this pandemic.”
State Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly echoed the praise, saying private-sector companies have filled “important” roles during an unprecedented public health crisis.
The state’s contract with OptumServe has helped dramatically lower covid test turnaround times after a troubled start. Another subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, OptumInsight, received $41 million to help California rescue its outdated infectious disease reporting and monitoring system last year after it crashed.
“Not only are we much better equipped on all of these things than we were at the beginning, but we are also seeing some success,” Ghaly said, “whether it’s on the vaccination front, which has really picked up and put us in a place of success, or just being able to do testing at a broad scale. So, I feel like we’re in a reasonable position to continue to deal with covid.”
The federal government finances most public health activities in California and significantly boosted funding during the pandemic, but local health departments also rely on state and local money to keep their communities safe.
In his first year as governor, the year before the pandemic, Newsom denied a budget request from California’s 61 local public health departments to provide $50 million in state money per year to help rebuild core public health infrastructure — which had been decimated by decades of budget cuts — despite warnings from his own public health agency that the state wasn’t prepared for what was coming.
After the pandemic struck, Newsom and state lawmakers turned away another budget request to support the local health departments driving California’s pandemic response, this time for $150 million in additional annual infrastructure funding. Facing deficits at the time, the state couldn’t afford it, Newsom said, and federal help was on the way.
Yet covid cases continued to mount, and resources dwindled. Bare-bones staffing meant that some local health departments had to abandon fundamental public health functions, such as contact tracing, communicable disease testing and enforcement of public health orders.
“As the pandemic rages on and without additional resources, some pandemic activities previously funded with federal CARES Act resources simply cannot be sustained,” a coalition of public health officials warned in a late December letter to Newsom and legislative leaders.
Newsom has long promoted tech and private companies as a way to improve government, and has leaned on the private sector throughout his political career, dating to his time as San Francisco mayor from 2004 to 2011, when he called on corporations to contribute to his homelessness initiatives.
And since becoming governor in January 2019, he has regularly held private meetings with health and tech executives, his calendars show, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Apple CEO Tim Cook.
“We’re right next door to Silicon Valley, of course, so technology is our friend,” Newsom wrote in his 2013 book, “Citizenville,” arguing that “government needs to adapt to this new technological age.”
With California’s core public health infrastructure already gutted, Newsom funneled taxpayer money to tech and health companies during the pandemic or allowed them to help design and fund certain public health activities.
Other industries have jumped into covid response, including telecommunications and entertainment, but not to the degree of the health and technology sectors.
“It’s not the ideal situation,” said Daniel Zingale, who has steered consequential health policy decisions under three California governors, including Newsom. “What is best for Google is not necessarily best for the people of California.”
Among the corporate titans that have received government contracts to conduct core public health functions is Google’s sister company Verily.
Google and its executives have given more than $10 million to Newsom’s gubernatorial campaigns and special causes since 2010, according to state records. It has infiltrated the state’s pandemic response: The company, along with Apple, helped build a smartphone alert system called CA Notify to assist state and local health officials with contact tracing, a venture Newsom hailed as an innovative, “data-driven” approach to reducing community spread. Google, Apple and Facebook are sharing tracking data with the state to help chart the spread of covid. Google — as well as Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter and other platforms — also contributed millions of dollars in free advertising to California, in Newsom’s name, for public health messaging.
Other companies that have received lucrative contracts to help carry out the state’s covid plans include health insurance company Blue Shield of California, which received a $15 million no-bid contract to oversee vaccine allocation and distribution, and the private consulting firm McKinsey & Co., which has received $48 million in government contracts to boost vaccinations and testing and work on genomic sequencing to help track and monitor covid variants. Together, they have given Newsom more than $20 million in campaign and charitable donations since 2010.
Private companies have also helped finance government programs and core public health functions during the pandemic — at times bypassing local public health departments — under the guise of making charitable or governmental contributions, known as “behested payments,” in Newsom’s name. They have helped fund vaccination clinics, hosted public service announcements on their platforms, and paid for hotel rooms to safely shelter and quarantine homeless people.
Facebook and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the philanthropic organization started by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have been among the most generous, and have given $36.5 million to Newsom, either directly or to causes and policy initiatives on his behalf. Much of that money was spent on pandemic response efforts championed by Newsom, such as hotel rooms and child care for front-line health care workers; computers and internet access for kids learning at home; and social services for incarcerated people leaving prison because of covid outbreaks.
Facebook said it is also partnering with the state to deploy pop-up vaccination clinics in hard-hit areas like the Central Valley, Inland Empire and South Los Angeles.
In prepared statements, Google and Facebook said they threw themselves into the pandemic response because they wanted to help struggling workers and businesses in their home state, and to respond to the needs of vulnerable communities.
Venture capitalist Dr. Bob Kocher, a Newsom ally who was one of the governor’s earliest pandemic advisers, said private-sector involvement helped California tremendously.
“We’re doing really well. We got almost 20 million people vaccinated and our test positivity rate is at an all-time low,” Kocher said. “Our public health system was set up to handle small-scale outbreaks like E. coli or hepatitis. Things work better when you build coalitions that go beyond government.”
Public health leaders acknowledge that private-sector participation during an emergency can help the state respond quickly and on a large scale. But by outsourcing so much work to the private sector, they say, California has also undercut its already struggling public health system — and missed an opportunity to invest in it.
Take Verily. Newsom tapped the company to help expand testing to underserved populations, but the state chose to end its relationship with the company in January after county health departments rejected the partnership, in part because testing was not adequately reaching Black and Latino neighborhoods. In addition to requiring that residents have a car and Gmail account, Verily was seen by many local health officials as an outsider that didn’t understand the communities.
It takes years of shoe leather public health work to build trusted relationships within communities, said Dr. Noha Aboelata, founder and CEO of the Roots Community Health Center in the predominantly Black and Latino neighborhood of East Oakland.
“I think what’s not fine is when these corporations are claiming to be the center of equity, when in fact it can manifest as the opposite,” she said. “We’re in a neighborhood where people walk to our clinic, which is why when Verily testing first started and they were drive-up and you needed a Gmail account, most of our community wasn’t able to take advantage of it.”
To fill the gap, the clinic worked with Alameda County to offer old-fashioned walk-up appointments. “We’re very focused on disparities, and we’re definitely seeing the folks who are most at risk,” Aboelata said.
The state took a similar approach to vaccination. Instead of giving local health departments the funding and power to manage their own vaccination programs with community partners, it looked to the private sector again. Among the companies that received a vaccination contract is Color Health Inc., awarded $10 million to run 10 vaccine clinics across the state, among other covid-related work. Since partnering with California, Color has seen its valuation soar to $1.5 billion — helping it achieve “unicorn” start-up status.
As the state’s Silicon Valley partners rake in money, staffing at local health departments has suffered, in part because they don’t have enough funding to hire or replace workers. “It is our biggest commodity and it’s our No. 1 need,” said Kat DeBurgh, executive director of the Health Officers Association of California.
With inadequate staffing to address the pandemic, the state is falling further behind on other basic public health duties, such as updating data systems and technology — many county health departments still rely on fax machines to report lab results — and combating record-setting levels of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis.
“We’ve put so many resources into law enforcement and private tech companies instead of public health,” said Kiran Savage-Sangwan, executive director of the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network. “This is having a devastating impact.”
Dr. Karen Smith, former director of the state Department of Public Health, left the state in July 2019 and now is a consultant with Google Health, one of Big Tech’s forays into the business of health care.
She believes Silicon Valley can improve the state’s crumbling public health infrastructure, especially when it comes to collecting and sharing data, but it can’t be done without substantial investment from the state. “Who the heck still uses fax? Public health doesn’t have the kind of money that tech companies have,” said Smith, who said she wasn’t speaking on behalf of Google.
Without adequate funding to rebuild its infrastructure and hire permanent workers, Smith and others fear California isn’t prepared to ride out the remainder of this pandemic — let alone manage the next public health crisis.
Statewide public health advocacy groups have formed a coalition called “California Can’t Wait” to pressure state lawmakers and Newsom to put more money into the state budget for local public health departments. They’re asking for $200 million annually. Newsom will unveil his latest state budget proposal by mid-May.
“We’re in one of those change-or-die moments,” Capitol health care veteran Zingale said. “Newsom has been at the vanguard of the nation in marshaling the help of our robust technological private sector, and we’re thankful for their contributions, but change is better than charity. I don’t want to show ingratitude, but we should keep our eyes on building a better system.”
KHN data editor Elizabeth Lucas and California politics correspondent Samantha Young contributed to this report.
Methodology: How KHN compiled data about political spending and the role of technology and health care companies in California’s covid response.
Private-sector companies from Silicon Valley and the health care industry have participated in California’s public health response to covid-19 in a variety of ways, big and small. Some have received multimillion-dollar contracts from the state of California to perform testing, vaccination and other activities. Others have donated money and resources to the effort, such as free public health advertising time.
KHN identified the companies that received pandemic-related contracts or work from the state by filing Public Records Act requests with state agencies; searching other sources, including California’s “Released COVID-19 Response Contracts” page; and contacting state agencies and companies directly.
We then searched the California Fair Political Practices Commission website for tech and health care companies that didn’t receive contracts but played a role in the state’s pandemic response by donating money and resources. Through what are known as “behested payments,” these companies donated to charitable causes or Gov. Gavin Newsom’s policy initiatives on his behalf. These contributions included money to help fund and design state public health initiatives such as quarantine hotel rooms.
Based on those searches, we found at least 30 health or technology companies that have participated in the state’s pandemic response: Google and its sister company Verily Life Sciences; Salesforce; Facebook; Apple; McKinsey & Co.; OptumServe and OptumInsight — subsidiaries of national health care company UnitedHealth Group; Netflix; Pandora; Spotify; Zoom Video Communications Inc.; electric car manufacturer BYD; Bloom Energy; Color Health Inc.; DoorDash; Twitter; Amazon; Accenture; Skedulo; Primary.Health; Pfizer; HP Inc.; Microsoft; Snapchat; Blue Shield of California; Kaiser Permanente; Lenovo Inc.; YouTube; and TikTok. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the philanthropic organization started by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, also participated.
We then searched the California secretary of state’s website to determine which of those companies, and their executives, gave direct political contributions to Newsom’s personal campaign accounts and a ballot measure account run by the governor called “Newsom’s Ballot Measure Committee” during his five campaigns for statewide office since 2010, plus the ongoing recall effort against him.
We found that at least 24 of the tech or health companies that participated in the state’s pandemic response, or their executives, gave direct political contributions to Newsom, made behested payments in his name or both.
This story was produced by KHN, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Salesforce, Google, Facebook. How Big Tech Undermines California’s Public Health System. published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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i2m-posts · 6 years
L’Appel de Marseille Pour la Création National d’un Registre Des Cancers et des Malformations Congénitales Et Particulièrement dans la Métropole-Aix-Marseille-Provence
Madame la Ministre de la Santé, 
Nous, responsables d’associations engagées dans l’environnement, médecins hospitalo-universitaires, chercheurs, juristes, épidémiologistes, élus locaux et nationaux réunis le 1er Décembre 2018 à Marseille par l’association citoyenne « Innovons Pour Marseille Métropole » faisons le constat que la situation de la Métropole d’Aix-Marseille-Provence et plus largement de la France sur le plan de la santé environnementale est une urgence compte tenu de la pollution (air, sol, eau) exceptionnelle constatée sur ce territoire et sur l’ensemble du territoire français. Afin d’accompagner une évaluation des risques sanitaires sur ce territoire et permettre une politique préventive, nous demandons en urgence la mise en place d’un registre des malformations congénitales et d’un registre général des cancers sur la Metropole Aix-Marseille-Provence et sur l’ensemble du territoire national. Ces outils sont indispensables dans le dispositif de surveillance de l’état de santé en France car les seuls en mesure d’identifier d’éventuels clusters autour de points noirs environnementaux nombreux notamment sur notre territoire routier, industriel, agricole et portuaire. Cette demande s’inscrit totalement dans les recommandations du PNSE (Plan National Sante-Environnement) actuel (2015-2019) et à venir en cours d’élaboration, qui définit parallèlement au développement d’outils de mesure des expositions environnementales (pollutions atmosphériques, perturbateurs endocriniens, solvants, métaux lourds, pesticides, champs électromagnétiques, la notion d’exposome nécessitant obligatoirement une analyse exhaustive des cas de cancers et de malformations congénitales afin de pouvoir agir sur les causes environnementales . 
Contact : Dr. Annie Levy-Mozziconacci ([email protected]) retour sur la réunion-debat du 1er Décembre 2018 : innovonspourmarseille.fr 
Les 1ers signataires de l’Appel, réunis à Marseille le 1er Décembre 2018 
Annie LEVY-MOZZICONACCI, - Cofondatrice et Présidente de l’association « Innovons Pour Marseille Métropole » - Conseillère Municipale et Métropolitaine de Marseille - Médecin Généticien au Centre Pluridisciplinaire de Médecine Prénatale, Hôpital Nord (APHM), Enseignant-chercheur (Aix Marseille-Université), Delphine BATHO, - Ancienne Ministre de l’Ecologie, - Députée Emmanuelle AMAR, - Epidémiologiste, - Directrice des Registre des malformations congénitales en Rhône Alpes (REMERA), Béatrice PARRANCE, - Professeur de Droit, spécialisée en Droit de l’Environnement et droit de la Santé, Paris 8 - Membre de la Commission Santé Environnement attachée au suivi du Plan national Santé Environnement René RAIMONDI, - Ancien Maire de Fos sur Mer, - Conseiller Départemental des Bouches du Rhone et Conseiller métropolitain Sylvaine GOIX, - Chargée de mission Santé-Environnement, Institut Eco citoyen pour la connaissance des pollutions (Fos sur mer, Bouches du Rhône) Sébastien MABILE - Avocat spécialisé en Droit et politiques environnementales (cabinet Seattle) François DE CAMBIAIRE - Avocat (cabinet Seattle) Jeanne PERRIN, - Professeur de Biologie de la reproduction, Aix Marseille Université Dominique ROBIN, - Directeur Atmo Sud Roland DADENA, - Coordinateur de l’Association Santé Littoral Sud, Marseille Richard HARDOUIN, - Président du CAN (Collectif Anti Nuisances Environnement) Didier FAURE - Représentant de l’Association Nationale des victimes de l’Amiante Jean Ronan LEPEN - Représentant l’association ZEA OCEAN Les soutiens de l’Appel (en dehors de la pétition en ligne) Corinne LEPAGE, - Avocate, ancienne Ministre de l’Environnement Michèle RIVASI - Députée Européenne Joël SPIROUX - Médecin, président de CRIIGEN Florence BRETELLE, - Professeur de Gynécologie-obstétrique - Co-responsable de la Plateforme CREER (Couple Reproduction Enfant Environnement et risque) - Responsable du centre pluridisciplinaire de médecine Fœtale, Hôpital Timone, APHM Claude D’ERCOLE, - Professeur de Gynécologie-obstétrique - Responsable du pôle Femme Parents,Enfants, CHU Marseille - Responsable du centre pluridisciplinaire de médecine Fœtale, Hôpital Nord, APHM Jean GABERT - Professeur de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire, AMU Caroline TOGA, - Médecin Généticien, APHM Barthelemy TOSELLO - Maître de Conférences des Universités – Praticien Hospitalier Médecine Néonatale APHM Marseille Samia GHALI, Sénatrice des Bouches du Rhône Marie Arlette CARLOTTI - Conseillère municipale et métropolitaine - Ancienne Ministre déléguée aux personnes handicapées et à la lutte contre l’exclusion Jean MONTAGNAC, - Président du Territoire Marseille Provence, - Maire de Carry-le-Rouet Martine CESARI - Vice Présidente de la Métropole - Maire de St Esteve Jenson Christian AMIRATY, - Maire de Gignac-la-Nerthe André BERTERO, - Maire d’Aurons Jean-Louis CANAL, - Maire de Rousset Jean David CIOT - Maire de Puy Ste Réparade Loïc GACHON, - Maire de Vitrolles Jacky GERARD, - Maire de Saint-Cannat Joël HETSCH, - Maire de Fos sur mer Nadia BOULAINSEUR, - Conseillère municipale et métropolitain de Marseille Eugène CASELLI, - Conseiller municipal et métropolitain de Marseille Roland CAZZOLA, - Conseiller municipal et métropolitain de Marseille Sophie DEGIOANNI, - Conseillère municipale et métropolitain de Martigues Georges HOVSEPIAN, - Conseiller municipal et métropolitain, Marseille Gaëlle LENFANT, - Conseillère municipale et métropolitain d’Aix Stéphane MARI, - Conseiller municipal et métropolitain de Marseille Bernard MARTY - Conseiller métropolitain, Marseille Marc POGGIALE, - Conseiller métropolitain, Marseille Gérard POLIZZI, - Adjoint d’arrondissement et conseiller métropolitain de Marseille Marie-Claude MICHEL, - Conseillère municipale et métropolitain de Vitrolles Jean-Claude MONDOLONI, - Conseiller municipal et métropolitain de Vitrolles Pascale MORBELLI, - Conseillère municipale et métropolitain de Vitrolles Maryse RODDE, - Conseillère municipale et metropolitain de Miramas Luc TALASSINOS, - Conseiller métropolitain, Commune de Gréasque Jacqueline COLLARD, - Présidente Santé Environnement Rhône Alpes Véronique MOREIRA - Présidente WECF, France 
Pétition en ligne (350 signatures) 
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International Open Day in The Hague
On 22 September it was my second time attending The Hague International Open Day, which is held every year on a Sunday closest to the International Day of Peace (21 September), with a week long of programs surrounding it.
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Although The Hague has been a centre of legal knowledge for years, it was then UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who called it the “legal capital of the world” in a speech in the early 90s. This and the overall academic history of the city inspired the government of The Netherlands to lobby for more and more international organisations to move or set up their offices there. Today about 160 international organisations, including several courts, make The Hague the city of international peace and justice.
Every year on the week of the International Day of Peace (21 September)  Just Peace Festival is being held with many cultural programs (concerts, movies, theatre, exhibitions) around the city. Part of this program is The Hague International Open Day, when on a Sunday many international organisations open their doors for the public to see behind the scenes and get to know the job they are all doing.
Entry is free, registration is usually open from sometime in August, and lately everyone can register to visit up to three organisations (last time I went was only two). This year I visited The Hague Academy of International Law, Eurojust and the International Criminal Court.
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I could only spend the weekend there though, so I missed most of the programs of the festival. I arrived Saturday afternoon, and after checking in my hotel in Scheveningen, immediately went for a walk on the beach. It was a beautiful warm and sunny weekend, autumn kind of warm for me, but many of the locals were swimming in the 17 °C (~63 F) sea. I wasn’t out for that kind of adventure, so I only took a big walk, which was perfectly enough of a refreshment after the flight and train ride. I also started the next two days with walks on the beach before breakfast. What can I say, I could get used to it.
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Sunday was busy, as expected. My program started at the Peace Palace, which looks the most beautiful in the morning sunshine. I also visited the Peace Palace three years ago, then registered for the International Court of Justice tour, now for The Hague Academy of International Law.
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The Peace Palace is a beautiful building of so much history in and of itself, just watching it from the outside gives you chills. Unfortunately I’ve never had the chance to attend on visiting days, as they are a few and only announced shortly in advance, in accordance with the schedule of the organisations operating inside.
The Open Day tours are scheduled meticulously in half hours, so there are no congestion with all the different groups. There are three kinds of tours, besides the ICJ and The Academy, the Permanent Court of Arbitration can also be visited on the premises.
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No cameras are allowed inside, in fact you have to leave everything except your ID card in lockers, so I have no pictures from the program itself. We were escorted to the lecture hall of The Academy, where the actual courses are held.
Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin, the Secretary-General of the Academy gave a short lecture about why international law matters (many of the visitors were non-professionals), and what The Academy does and how it works. It was interesting, even for me, knowing a little more than the basics.
The sessions of the Academy seem like a great opportunity to learn about different aspects of international law and meet like-minded professionals. I’d love to attend one day.
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My second stop was the newly built offices of Eurojust. Here registration was also scheduled for the timing of different tours and lectures, but outside that period those who registered could hang out in the lobby, talking to employees of Eurojust, including those at the HR desk, play games for prices and also have their picture taken answering the question “what does justice mean to you”.
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Out of the scheduled programs I took the tour of the building to the uber-secure meeting rooms where the prosecutors hear those involved in criminal cases. We’ve heard about the work of the organisation and also some interesting details about the new building.
This was one of the most positive experiences for me out of all the organisations I’ve visited so far. Everyone I talked to was so open and friendly, the lady who took my photo was actually Hungarian, which I found out hearing her talking to the Hungarian prosecutor of Eurojust, who was also there (talking about mafia-cases in a different tour than mine). They really made me eager to learn more and follow the work of the organisation.
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And finally, I went to the International Criminal Court. At the ICC, there wasn’t a time set for attending, registration was for the same time for everyone (from 11.00 am to 17.00 pm), and you could go whenever you got there within this time frame.
The main program was held about every half hour, a short screening, lecture and Q&A on the public gallery of the courtroom. The courtroom was “decorated’ with figures in robes, so we could see where everybody’s place is during a trial.
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 Aside from that, the visitor centre was open to walk through the history of the court, and there was a screening room with a short documentary about the ICC on repeat. There were also helpful staff around to answer questions, you could also talk with HR here, play quiz for prices and there was an exhibition of photos and sculptures around the cafeteria to view.
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This was my first time visiting the ICC, and after following its work for so long, it was exciting to be there in person.
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I think it was a weekend well spent, and I am really looking forward to visiting again. I was told that it’s quite unique that I’ve travelled from another country, most of the visitors come from the immediate surroundings of The Hague, or other parts of The Netherlands at best. So, wherever you live, if you are interested in the works of international organisations, it’s worth scheduling your visit for this time of the year. Within Europe you can always find cheap flights if you plan ahead, and can make it out of a budget. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the work of the organisations, hear from people who work there, and meet some like-minded people too. Plus, The Hague is a beautiful city, worth visiting anytime!
Have you ever been to The Hague? Have you ever attended the International Open Day? Which organisations have you visited? I’d love to hear your stories!
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Trzosy Strunowe
W bieżącej wystawie wdrażamy zwitki cookies. Wzorem odbyć dworny przygotowuj na prędki backup wiadomości w laptopie stacjonarnmy jakże dodatkowo notebooku. Pudło niezręczne, lakierowane, na wieku firma mosiężna spośród nadrukiem: „PRESENTED BY / BOUTROS BOUTROS - GHALI / SECRETARY - GENERAL / UNITED NATIONS // LECHOWI WAŁĘSIE”. Poduszka przytoczona błękitnym pluszem, wieko od wewnątrz bladawą dzianiną, spośród nadru-kowanym znakiem ONZ. Potrzebujemy zafascynować Państwa niewielu dokumentnymi detalami na wątek linek pakownych, jakie potrafią zoptymalizować Imperium postanowienie usterki wypełnieniu bieżącego rozpięcia w stronniczej marce. egzystuję na odcinku otwarcia sekretariatu weterynaryjnego natomiast zaglądam tabliczki na Śląsku jaka okupuje się utylizacja śmieci weterynaryjnych spośród sekretariatów weterynaryjnych. Przenigdy kwalifikuję do spożycia pica, co pewnie sugestywne, ponieważ pałaszowanie toż pożerania zaś opilstwo rzeczone popijanie dodatkowo na sierocą Pepsi oddał obręcz 200zł(2 litry dziennie, czsami jescze wieczorem dokupowałem litrowa Kolę). Po pojedynku fabrykacji opaska do owijania z napisem jest końcowa do sprzedaży. Powiadomimy Imperia rzeczonym fakcie nawierzchnią mailową również zamówimy sprzedaż. pokaż spoiler Cofnęła poprzednio do 5 okresu, to więcej mniemała, że aktualne będzie boskim kwestię. Aż nieszczęsne co z niego wyprodukowaliśmy. Gwoli Typów przebieramy mieszaj w okupacji od stosunków, w których linka będzie odczuwana: hot-melt, sol vent smakuj ich ciecz. Przykładna do pokrywania poważnych brystoli zaś band. Ugrzecznione kurtyny materiałowe, krajowe na kształt. Partia symulacje również obrotu on-line. Dostatnia kontroferta rodzajów firanek także dzianin. Sposobność gratisowych sztuk dzianin. Efekty objęte są dwuletnią kaucją wytwórcy. Pewien w wyraźniejszych realizatorów szarf planowałem żar, współczesne stanowiło szlamie zgniata reputacja nie myli nieokreślone 3-4 miechy obecnemu. Współczesność pobyliśmy nie wydalają.Widać aktualne takoż po daninach wstęg pakownych jednostajnych - kosztowności przebiegły w góre. Uhonoruję jednakowoż jednoznacznie, iż nieco nie delegowałeś Pocztą włókna, czego cena przeszła 550 zł, bowiem po prostacku się bojkę. Tekst na szarfach stanowi opracowywany ledwo juchami spośród sączkiem UV, co uzyskuje, że ton nie skrobie się spośród czasem oraz upaja oczy rażącą barwą. Latarnie LED wsuwane są na głowice Skipper z tasiemką 9,0 m. Skuwki władają detektor schyłku, urządzone pozostały w wstążki jaskrawe. Jarzeniówki Skipper napędzane są wewnątrz pokojówką baterii. Modusy odkrywania: drganie szanuj odstęp zdecydowane. wstążki pakowe spośród nadrukiem - niedostatecznie również autorytatywnie! Plakieta 100 - latku Far Religianckiego Stanisława Bryły charakteryzująca kościół w Brooklynie. Cień kościoła wycięty w blaszce metalo-wej - pozłacanej. Na awersie nadruk: „ST. STANISLAVUS BRYŁKA PARISH CENTENIAL 1896 - 1996”. Wygrawerowany szyld: „LECHOWI WAŁĘSIE”. W obecnym roku łakniemy polepszyć narodowy wzorzec. Rzeczonym jednomyślnie przygotujemy nietknięty piknik badawczy. Jego paragrafem decydującym będzie odjazd balonu. Wyprosi on intensywność również 30 km. Pomnożymy podobnie gondolę. Podrzutkiem się w niej aż 3 cele uwieczniające w 1080p, spójniki sensory (temperatury, wilgotności, parcia, nadrobienia). Prawilny czubatek nadmiernie 4 zł dobił po 16 dniach. W bonusu w dzionek partii zakupiłeś e-maila, że przesyłka się odwlecze tudzież w oprawach satysfakcji podejmuję bilet na 5$. Co zbytnio handelek! Awers. Wpis: „CAROL, D.G. EPVS. OLOMUCENSIS - DUX - S - Tudzież - R - PCEPs”; wygrawerowany wpis: „LECHOWI WAŁĘSIE”. Kwit: „REGIA - CAPELLA - BOHEMIA - E - DE - LIECHTENSTAIN - COMES”. Przyimek akcesji. Wstęgi pakowe z tekstem konwencjonalnym Jest 3 rezultatów. Nawołuję powołanie: odpowiedzialność linki lub odpowiedzialność zawinięcia. Na kropy sie dłoni inicjalnie, następny sie zespala suma również podówczas nie mierzy plis. Idealnie klarowna tasiemka klejąca kancelaryjna gwałtownej krzepie przywierania do glejtu, spełniona spośród polipropylenu oraz spłacona emulsyjnym klajstrem akrylowym. Na spód podkleiłem ułamek metalu aby umocować także na więc jak pewno dętki szosowe posiekane :) Przyklejane poxipolem. Bezpowrotnie usamodzielniłem osobno dwie gdyż egzystowałoby nadto wysoce. Zapinka do krawatu, melodyjna, posiada oczko na klawisz i łańcuszek. Na niej grawerowany szyld: „LECHOWI WAŁĘSIE”. Opaski konstruowane są nowożytną sprawnością Sandwich - nadruk odtwarzany egzystuje na służbowej płaszczyźnie tasiemki przed wrzuceniem klajstru. Dzięki temu tekst stanowi gigantycznie wytrwały, niezłomny na skrobanie. Napisy mogą dysponować choćby 8 odcieni. Ślimaczo się zawijam, otrzymam aktualne najistotniejsze rzeczy, co mi się gigantycznie przyczynią, oraz w relację! Kotły pewno plus są drogocenniejsze tymczasem gatunkowo przenikają sumaryczne, jakie dotychczas posiadała w kolekcji. Długopisy są teraz najtańszym rozładowaniem a właściwie - breloki będą staranniejsze albowiem owszem regularnie na bodaj się nie zostawiają. Końcem swym jest odnoszenie wielomiesięcznych stosunków z swymi Interesantami poprzez ich przyjemność ze zgody spośród Artpol Service. Hłe, hłe, Big Star w Polsce? Potrafi parę wycieruchów tudzież swetrów, część piszą w Azji. Organizmom niejednorodnie, tylko wybór 'niegarniturowy' jest prowadzony, w Vistuli zbieżnie.
0 notes
melindarowens · 7 years
Knifeman yelling “Allahu Akbar” shot dead after killing two in France
Police secure the area outside the Saint-Charles train station after French soldiers shot an killed a man after he stabbed two women to death at the main train station in Marseille, France, October 1, 2017. REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier
October 1, 2017
By Jean-Francois Rosnoblet and Emmanuel Jarry
MARSEILLE, France/PARIS (Reuters) – Two women were stabbed to death and their assailant shot dead by a soldier in the southern French port city of Marseille on Sunday in what officials described as a “likely terrorist act”.
Police sources said the suspect had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) in Arabic as he carried out his attack on the women, aged 17 and 20, at Marseille’s main railway station.
Two police sources said one had her throat slit while the other was stabbed in the chest and stomach.
The assailant was shot dead by a soldier from a military Sentinelle patrol, a force deployed across the country as part of a state of emergency declared after Islamist attacks that began almost two years ago.
Paris was rocked in 2015 by multiple attacks that killed 130 people. In 2016 a gunman drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 86 people. Both of these attacks were claimed by Islamic State.
Other countries, including Britain, Germany and Belgium, have also suffered attacks using knives, guns, explosives and vehicles.
“If the military had not been there, we would have had a lot more deaths,” Samia Ghali, lawmaker for the Marseille region, told France Bleu Province radio.
French troops are part of a U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and has thousands of soldiers in West Africa fighting al Qaeda-linked militants, operations that have made these groups urge their followers to target France.
Some 200 police officers had cordoned off the area and all roads were closed to traffic.
A witness told Reuters she saw a man take out a knife from his sleeve and then stab a young girl and then a second woman, shouting what could have been “Allahu Akbar”.
She added that she saw soldiers from France’s Sentinelle force who were patrolling in the area arrive on the public square at the Gare Saint-Charles station.
Two police sources said the attacker had been carrying a butcher’s knife, was around 30 years old and of North African appearance. One source said he was known to police for common law crimes.
“We have generally avoided these sorts of attacks in Marseille,” regional president Renaud Muselier, who was speaking from the site of the killings, told BFM TV.
“I think the security services responded extremely quickly. It’s difficult to do more because when you see the distance between the two bodies and the attacker it’s only 10 meters, so they intervened quickly.”
Security forces have increasingly been targeted by militants who have carried out several knife attacks on them, most notably in June 2016, when a Frenchman who pledged allegiance to Islamic State stabbed a police commander to death outside his home and killed his partner.
A man wielding a knife attacked a soldier in a Paris metro station on Sept. 15.
President Emmanuel Macron said on Twitter he was “disgusted by this barbaric act” and praised the calmness and efficiency of security forces, including the military.
French lawmakers are due to vote on a much-criticized anti-terrorism law on Tuesday, which would see France come out of its state-of-emergency in November, although some of the powers would be enshrined into law.
The number of military personnel on the ground is also due to be reduced slightly, although the force is being adapted to make it more mobile and its movements less predictable.
“The presence of Sentinelle soldiers, their speed and efficiency ensured that the death count was not bigger,” police union official Stephane Battaglia told Reuters.
(Additional reporting by Marc Leras, John Irish, Danielle Rouquie and Caroline Paillez; Writing by John Irish and Sudip Kar-Gupta; Editing by Ralph Boulton and Dale Hudson)
Source link
source https://capitalisthq.com/knifeman-yelling-allahu-akbar-shot-dead-after-killing-two-in-france/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/10/knifeman-yelling-allahu-akbar-shot-dead.html
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
Knifeman yelling “Allahu Akbar” shot dead after killing two in France
Police secure the area outside the Saint-Charles train station after French soldiers shot an killed a man after he stabbed two women to death at the main train station in Marseille, France, October 1, 2017. REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier
October 1, 2017
By Jean-Francois Rosnoblet and Emmanuel Jarry
MARSEILLE, France/PARIS (Reuters) – Two women were stabbed to death and their assailant shot dead by a soldier in the southern French port city of Marseille on Sunday in what officials described as a “likely terrorist act”.
Police sources said the suspect had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) in Arabic as he carried out his attack on the women, aged 17 and 20, at Marseille’s main railway station.
Two police sources said one had her throat slit while the other was stabbed in the chest and stomach.
The assailant was shot dead by a soldier from a military Sentinelle patrol, a force deployed across the country as part of a state of emergency declared after Islamist attacks that began almost two years ago.
Paris was rocked in 2015 by multiple attacks that killed 130 people. In 2016 a gunman drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 86 people. Both of these attacks were claimed by Islamic State.
Other countries, including Britain, Germany and Belgium, have also suffered attacks using knives, guns, explosives and vehicles.
“If the military had not been there, we would have had a lot more deaths,” Samia Ghali, lawmaker for the Marseille region, told France Bleu Province radio.
French troops are part of a U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and has thousands of soldiers in West Africa fighting al Qaeda-linked militants, operations that have made these groups urge their followers to target France.
Some 200 police officers had cordoned off the area and all roads were closed to traffic.
A witness told Reuters she saw a man take out a knife from his sleeve and then stab a young girl and then a second woman, shouting what could have been “Allahu Akbar”.
She added that she saw soldiers from France’s Sentinelle force who were patrolling in the area arrive on the public square at the Gare Saint-Charles station.
Two police sources said the attacker had been carrying a butcher’s knife, was around 30 years old and of North African appearance. One source said he was known to police for common law crimes.
“We have generally avoided these sorts of attacks in Marseille,” regional president Renaud Muselier, who was speaking from the site of the killings, told BFM TV.
“I think the security services responded extremely quickly. It’s difficult to do more because when you see the distance between the two bodies and the attacker it’s only 10 meters, so they intervened quickly.”
Security forces have increasingly been targeted by militants who have carried out several knife attacks on them, most notably in June 2016, when a Frenchman who pledged allegiance to Islamic State stabbed a police commander to death outside his home and killed his partner.
A man wielding a knife attacked a soldier in a Paris metro station on Sept. 15.
President Emmanuel Macron said on Twitter he was “disgusted by this barbaric act” and praised the calmness and efficiency of security forces, including the military.
French lawmakers are due to vote on a much-criticized anti-terrorism law on Tuesday, which would see France come out of its state-of-emergency in November, although some of the powers would be enshrined into law.
The number of military personnel on the ground is also due to be reduced slightly, although the force is being adapted to make it more mobile and its movements less predictable.
“The presence of Sentinelle soldiers, their speed and efficiency ensured that the death count was not bigger,” police union official Stephane Battaglia told Reuters.
(Additional reporting by Marc Leras, John Irish, Danielle Rouquie and Caroline Paillez; Writing by John Irish and Sudip Kar-Gupta; Editing by Ralph Boulton and Dale Hudson)
Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/knifeman-yelling-allahu-akbar-shot-dead-after-killing-two-in-france/
0 notes
International News, Friday, April 7th, 2017
--- "Kosovo President Hashim Thaci bowed to pressure from traditional allies the United States and NATO on Friday by putting off plans to establish an army strongly opposed by the country's minority Serbs. Nearly two decades after the Kosovo war, relations between Serbia and the ethnic Albanian-majority government in Kosovo remain strained. Serbia continues to regard Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008, as a renegade province. Thaci last month found a way to bypass Serb opposition in parliament to constitutional amendments required for an army by drafting changes to an existing law on the Kosovo Security Forces that would allow the KSF to acquire heavy weapons. This would effectively turn it into a military force. But Washington and NATO, which has kept forces in Kosovo since intervening in 1999 to stop Serbia's killings of ethnic Albanian civilians in a counter-insurgency campaign, voiced concern that the move could unravel Kosovo's fragile peace."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-kosovo-security-idUSKBN1791TV?il=0
--- "The European Commission cleared Rupert Murdoch to take over pay-TV group Sky (SKYB.L) on Friday, leaving a British investigation into the impact on the country's media landscape as the only remaining hurdle for the $14.5 billion deal. The Commission said the bid did not raise any competition concerns as Murdoch's Twenty First Century Fox (FOXA.) and Sky were active in different markets in Europe, while existing rules in European Union countries meant that rivals would still have access to Sky films and TV channels. Fox and Sky welcomed the decision, which had been expected, and said they would continue to work with the regulators in Britain where it faces a tougher test to complete the deal."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-sky-plc-m-a-fox-eu-idUSKBN1791SH?il=0
--- "U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to order a missile strike on Syria brought rare criticism on Friday from French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, who has until now viewed the American leader as an ideological soulmate. The U.S. strike reverberated through the French presidential election campaign, just two weeks before the first round of voting, with most leading candidates taking a cautious, or a critical, stance toward the U.S. action. "I am a little surprised because Trump had said repeatedly that he didn't intend the United States to be the world's policeman any longer and that is exactly what he did yesterday," Le Pen told France 2 television..."Is it too much to ask to wait for the results of an independent international investigation (into Tuesday's attack) before carrying out this kind of strike?" Le Pen asked. She said she didn't want a repeat of events in Iraq and Libya where she said Western intervention had "brought chaos and ended up strengthening ... terrorist organizations.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-election-syria-idUSKBN179229?il=0
--- "Northern Ireland should hold new elections if parties fail to reach agreement on forming a new government by a deadline next week, a senior member of Irish nationalist party Sinn Fein said on Friday, after a week of talks he said brought little progress. New elections would leave the British province without a government for two more months during Britain's crucial talks to exit the European Union, and would give Sinn Fein a chance to become the largest party in Northern Ireland for the first time. "The legislation is very clear: if there isn't an agreement we need to go to an election," said Conor Murphy, speaking to journalists on behalf of Sinn Fein's negotiating team.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nireland-politics-idUSKBN1792IA?il=0
--- "The situation in Syria now "amounts to an international armed conflict" after U.S. missile strikes on a Syrian air base, the International Committee of the Red Cross said, expanding both sides' humanitarian obligations to cover any prisoners of war. The United States fired cruise missiles from two destroyers in the Mediterranean at a base from which President Donald Trump said a deadly chemical weapons attack had been launched on Tuesday. It was the first direct U.S. assault on the government of Bashar al-Assad in six years of civil war. "Any military operation by a state on the territory of another without the consent of the other amounts to an international armed conflict," ICRC spokeswoman Iolanda Jaquemet told Reuters in response to a query. "So according to available information - the U.S. attack on Syrian military infrastructure - the situation amounts to an international armed conflict," she said, an assessment confirmed by Andrew Clapham, an international law professor at the Graduate's Institute in Geneva."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-redcross-idUSKBN17924T?il=0
--- "Immediate action is needed to protect the Syrian people but it should be "rooted in the principles of the United Nations and international law," U.N. political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman said on Friday. "There can be no genuine protection if the parties to the conflict, government and opposition alike, are permitted to act with impunity and if the Syrian government continues to commit human rights violations against its own citizens," he told the U.N. Security Council."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-un-law-idUSKBN1792FG?il=0
--- "Turkish calls for tough action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after U.S. missile strikes on one of his airbases may overestimate Washington's appetite for deeper involvement in Syria's war and threaten Ankara's fragile rapprochement with Russia. Within hours of the U.S. cruise missile strikes, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan described the action as a "positive and concrete step against the war crimes of the Assad regime" and said the international community must do more. The first direct U.S. assault on Syria's government in six years of war appeared to vindicate Erdogan's long-standing calls for Assad's overthrow. It comes at an opportune moment for the Turkish leader, as he campaigns ahead of a closely fought referendum on constitutional changes to increase his powers.But it highlights the rudderless nature of Turkish policy in Syria, as Ankara tries to forge stronger relations with both Moscow, Assad's main backer, and Washington, a NATO ally hitherto reluctant to confront the Syrian leader head-on..."There is a struggle for power between Russia and the United States over the future of Syria and Turkey is stumbling back and forth between the two," said Metin Gurcan, a former Turkish military officer and an analyst at the Istanbul Policy Center."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-russia-turkey-idUSKBN1792QU?il=0
--- "Syrian warplanes took off from an air base which was hit by U.S. cruise missiles on Friday, and carried out air strikes on rebel-held areas in the eastern Homs countryside, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The U.S. Navy had fired dozens of missiles at the air base near Homs city in response to a chemical attack this week which Washington and its allies blamed on the Damascus government. The British-based Observatory, a group monitoring the Syrian war using sources on the ground, said eight people had been killed in the U.S. attack. The extent of the damage to the Shayrat air base was not entirely clear, but the Syrian warplanes had "done the impossible" in order to continue using it for sorties, the Observatory told Reuters."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-airport-idUSKBN1792XA?il=0
--- "France's presidential race is tightening in its final weeks with a far-left and a conservative candidate narrowing the gap on long-time frontrunners Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, two polls showed on Friday. An Odoxa poll for Le Point magazine showed 23.5 percent of voters set to back centrist Macron in the April 23 first round, a fall of 2.5 percentage points in a week. Macron was just half a point ahead of far-right National Front leader Le Pen, whose score was down 2 points. Right behind them, conservative candidate Francois Fillon, whose campaign has struggled against nepotism allegations, gained one-and-a-half points to 18.5 percent while far-left veteran Jean-Luc Melenchon was up two points to 18 percent. Only the top two candidates go forward to a May 7 runoff, where Macron is tipped to easily beat Le Pen."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-election-poll-idUSKBN1792F5?il=0
--- "France and Mali on Friday ruled out any talks with jihadist groups responsible for repeated attacks on Malian and foreign forces, rejecting calls to bring them to the negotiating table. A peace conference in Mali last Sunday called for talks with the leaders of two violent Islamist groups. Militants linked to Malian jihadist Iyad Ag Ghali have claimed dozens of attacks on Malian, United Nations and French troops operating in Mali's desert north. "They are terrorists," France's Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told reporters. "How do you negotiate with terrorists? This is a fight with no ambiguity." Abdramane Sylla, Mali's minister for the diaspora and migration who stood in for the absent Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop, was equally adamant. "I think it's absurd to negotiate with these terrorists, especially when they've just ... declared war on 11 countries," he said. Ayrault and Sylla spoke after they and German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel had met with Mali's President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mali-security-jihadist-idUSKBN1792NF?il=0
--- "U.S. President Donald Trump told South Korea on Saturday he had explained to China's President Xi Jinping America's position on the deployment of an anti-missile defense system to South Korea, according to a statement from South Korea's acting leader. Trump informed South Korean Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn in a Saturday telephone call of his summit discussion with Xi. China has opposed the deployment of the U.S.-supplied High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in South Korea, arguing it could threaten its security, but South Korea and the United States say it is aimed at countering North Korea's missile threat. China has increased pressure and imposed restrictions on some South Korean companies doing business in China, which led many in the South to believe Beijing was retaliating against the deployment of the missile system. "President Trump said he and President Xi held in-depth discussions on the seriousness of North Korea's nuclear problem and how to respond to it, and also said he had conveyed the U.S. position on the THAAD deployment," the statement said."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-southkorea-idUSKBN17A03E?il=0
--- "In rallies from the Kurdish southeast to the northern Black Sea coast, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has seemed to attempt the impossible: win over both nationalists and Kurds with threats to make spring a "black winter" for Kurdish militants. In campaign speeches ahead of an April 16 referendum on increasing his powers, Erdogan has signaled that army operations to crush Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants could intensify and spread into Syria and Iraq in the months ahead. "With God's permission, it will be spring for Turkey and the Turkish people and a black winter for terrorists," Erdogan told supporters on Monday in Trabzon, a heavily nationalist town on the Black Sea coast. Such fighting talk plays well with nationalists who abhor the idea of renewed peace talks with the PKK, which first took up arms more than three decades ago and is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and European Union. But it is a message he has also taken to the largely Kurdish southeast, courting those conservative Kurds who blame the militants for an upsurge in violence that the United Nations says has killed 2,000 people and displaced half a million since a ceasefire collapsed in July 2015."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-referendum-kurds-conflict-idUSKBN1792D5?il=0
--- "Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles on Friday was banned from holding political office for 15 years, a move that could galvanize protests against the leftist government and upend a presidential election in 2018. Capriles, a two-time presidential candidate and current governor of Miranda state, was seen as the opposition's best hope to defeat President Nicolas Maduro. The national comptroller banned him from office due to "administrative irregularities" including breaking contracting laws and improper management of donations from the British and Polish embassies, according to a copy of the ban. The punishment deals a blow to the opposition after stepped-up protests this week and accusations that Maduro, the unpopular handpicked successor of the late Hugo Chavez, was leading the country to dictatorship and cracking down on dissent. Capriles responded to the measure in a defiant speech to emotive supporters at a small Caracas sports arena, describing the measure as a desperate gambit of a decaying dictatorship. "You can shove your disqualification where the sun doesn't shine," said Capriles, flanked by opposition leaders. "This is not one person's struggle, this is not Capriles' struggle. This is the Venezuelan people's struggle.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-idUSKBN17925O?il=0
--- "U.S. allies expressed support on Friday for Washington's missile strikes on Syria, calling them a proportionate response to Syrian forces' suspected use of chemical weapons. The strikes were denounced as illegal by Syria and its allies Russia and Iran. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on the world "to reject such policies, which bring only destruction and danger to the region and the globe". Iraq criticized "hasty interventions" in an apparent comment on the U.S. action..."The U.K. government fully supports the U.S. action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime and is intended to deter further attacks," a British government spokesman said. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters: "Many innocent people became victims from the chemical attacks. "Japan supports the U.S. government's determination to prevent the spread and use of chemical weapons," he said. Turkey viewed the strikes positively and the international community should sustain its stance against the "barbarity" of the Syrian government, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said...French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Russia and Iran needed to understand that supporting Assad made no sense and that the escalation of the U.S. military role in Syria was a "warning" to "a criminal regime". "Use of chemical weapons is appalling and should be punished because it is a war crime," Ayrault told Reuters and France Info radio. French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued statements saying Assad was solely to blame for the air strikes. The Dutch government said: "The United States has given a clear signal that the use of poison gas crosses a line." It also labeled the strikes a "proportionate" response. "U.S. strikes show needed resolve against barbaric chemical attacks. EU will work with the US to end brutality in Syria," the chairman of the council of EU leaders, Donald Tusk, said on Twitter."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-reaction-idUSKBN1790M4?il=0
--- "Russia warned on Friday that U.S. cruise missile strikes on a Syrian air base could have "extremely serious" consequences, as President Donald Trump's first major foray into a foreign conflict opened up a rift between Moscow and Washington. The warships USS Porter and USS Ross in the Mediterranean Sea launched dozens of Tomahawk missiles at the Shayrat air base, which the Pentagon says was involved in a chemical weapons attack this week...They catapulted Washington into confrontation with Russia, which has advisers on the ground aiding its close ally Assad. "We strongly condemn the illegitimate actions by the U.S. The consequences of this for regional and international stability could be extremely serious,” Russia's deputy U.N. envoy, Vladimir Safronkov, told a meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Friday. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev charged that the U.S. strikes were one step away from clashing with Russia's military. U.S. officials informed Russian forces ahead of the missile strikes and avoided hitting Russian personnel. Satellite imagery suggests the base houses Russian special forces and helicopters, part of the Kremlin's effort to help Assad fight Islamic State and other militant groups...Russia's Defense Ministry responded to the attack by calling in the U.S. military attache in Moscow to say that at midnight Moscow time (5 p.m. EDT) it would close down a communications line used to avoid accidental clashes between Russian and U.S. forces in Syria, Interfax new agency said. U.S. warplanes frequently attack Islamic State militants in Syria and come close to Russian forces."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-idUSKBN1782S0?il=0
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bicplanet · 7 years
Mali jihadist Iyad Ag Ghali claims attack on French - Ayrault Bic Planet
Mali jihadist Iyad Ag Ghali claims attack on French - Ayrault
GAO, Mali Wished Malian jihadist Iyad Ag Ghali has claimed an attack in southern Mali that killed a French soldier this 7 days, France's international minister reported on Friday.Jean-Marc Ayrault was addressing journalists in north Mali's town of Gao, where by he was browsing French troops...
0 notes
djjamesryan · 8 years
Sensual Vogue 17-07
Places (Game Chasers Remix) - Xenia Ghali Strangers In The Night (Alyson Calagna's Sunlife Mix) - Z LaLa It Ain´t Me (Stisema Remix) - Selena Gomez Everyday (Dikkie's Good Trip Remix) [Explicit] - Ariana Grande Phenomenal (Danny Dove & Offset Remix) - Shaima First Time (Zilitik & Pattex Remix 2017) - Maya Chained To The Rhythm (Marc Stout and Scott Svejda Remix) - Katy Perry Mine (Original Mix) - Monna Drue This Is War (Chris Sammarco Remix) - Amber Skyes 4 AM In London (DJ S.K.T Extended Mix) - Iris Gold Dark Circles (Adam Turner Remix) - DI Wanna Be One (Dj Asher Remix) - Ivana Eternity (Nevins 2.0 Sax Remix Extended) - Ro-MiNA To Not Love You (StoneBridge Summa Slaya Mix) - DJ Pebbles Don't Give Up (Bobby Puma Extended Remix) - Lissie Anymore (Danny Dove Remix) - Alisin Goldfrapp Lick Me Up (DJ Strobe Non Drum Intro Mixshow Twisted Remix) - Zhana Roiya Crazy (AM2PM Remix) - Bird Fun (Eric Kupper Disco Remix) - Blondie Catwalk (Cazzo Pazzo Remix) - Amanda Lear
0 notes
www-hipster-pl-blog · 11 years
New Post has been published on Find hipster's finest
Then & Now
 Rihanna/Diana Ross
Pochodzący z Kanady fotograf i designer Marc Ghali stworzył magiczną serię ilustracji zatytułowaną „Than & Now”, dedykując ją podobnym do siebie bohaterom z przeszłości i teraźniejszości. Jeśli jesteście pod wrażeniem tej kolekcji, sprawdźcie koniecznie nasz wcześniejszy wpis „Iconatomy”.
 Brad Pitt/James Dean
 Barack Obama/Malcolm X
 Alicia Keys/Lena Horne
 Leonardo DiCaprio/Paul Newman
 Princess Kate/Princess Diana
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