#Marc Mero and Sable
ringthedamnbell · 7 months
Love, Pro Wrestling Style
Brian Damage If my wrestling storyline senses are accurate, it looks like there is going to be an eventual split between Rusev and the ‘Ravishing Russian’ Lana. Lana is receiving loud reactions and chants and she is starting to acknowledge them. Not really a big deal on the surface…but a deeper look into the history of love and pro wrestling might tell a different story. Especially for those…
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guyincognitojr · 7 months
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baddawg94 · 2 years
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WWF Magazine
August 1998
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littlemissplanky · 1 month
Oh you folks are in for a treat because look what I found a match with christian and sable vs Marc mero and Jacqueline here's the match to it also pics too
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The Go Home Show, March 23rd, 1998
The March 23rd episode opens with a Stone Cold promo. He instantly tells Kevin Kelly to shut up because he doesn't want to listen. He mentions what Vince said last week about being champion, and he cant be molded into anything else. Austin will continue to do whatever he wants whenever he wants and nobody can do a damn thing about it. Austin is looking ahead to Mania.
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Slaughter informs Austin that he in fact DOESNT have the night off and will compete tonight and then he does his "Thats an order'' gimmick sayin Mr. McMahon gave the order. He then announces his opponent in The Rock and Austin replies "that's fine, he'll walk through all the trash". Slaughter then tells Austin that if he doesn't wrestle tonight he'll forfeit his main event at WrestleMania.
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Stone Cold has to remind Slaughter he just said he would wrestle the match..in a moment of getting annoyed he hits Sgt. Slaughter with a Stunner and i kid you not the man did a front flip. Old men just don't bump for the stunner like they used to.
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Later on in the night DX comes out to cut a promo. First Triple H wants to see footage from last week and we see his winning the championship.
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Triple H says at Mania Chyna will be handcuffed to "The Chin" (not going to lie I loved all the Slaughter jokes from this time). But it wont be a factor because he owns Owen and he should just stay at home, if the black hart shows up to Wrestlemania then HHH will put him in the wheelchair for good. Shawn points out a fan at ringside and makes fun of her huge boobs and calls her a skank,
all of which didn't phase her in the least bit. He addresses the back and forth banter between Austin and McMahon and compares it to a girl fight with pinches. He said there's a cat fight booked at Mania (probably referring to Sable and Luna in their tag team match with Marc Mero and Goldust). Shawn appreciates the fact that Vince doesn't want Steve to become champ but the truth is Steve doesn't care and neither does he (Shawn). Shawn tell Steve for forget about Vince and stunning Slaughter he needs to focus on Shawn at mania and there's only one way to accomplish his 8 year dream. Shawn says he's the same age as Steve but accomplished so much more throughout his entire run but he's going to give him that one opportunity at WrestleMania. Stone Cold has to overcome Shawn and he also has to overcome one more thing...after feigning amnesia he pulls Tyson into the camera frame and says DX's Mike Tyson is the special enforcer.
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 Tyson says hell knock Austin out if he gets in the way. Shawn asks Mike "who will walk out of WrestleMania STILL champion?" Mike say's
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So I guess he just gave Shawn a new nickname...anyway Shawn then asks whos the baddest man on the planet and Mike says "YOU ARE HEA..." No I'm kidding he knew Shawn was referring to him he says he is. And Shawn ends it by saying DX will rule the wrestling world forever and that's his last promo at least as a performer until his return in 2002.
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In the main event Rock and Austin go for a lock up and Rock gets Steve in the corner,
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Austin flips it around and breaks the hold flipping Rocky off as only Steve can. After more back n forth the camera cuts to DX watching the match in their locker room.
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The Rock gets Austin down but Austin pops up with a Lou Thez Press outta nowhere giving him a boost of momentum. The Rock then ducks a Stunner and bails to the outside. Austin attacks Mark to get at the Rock, he smashes Rock into the steps and once the action get back in the ring Rock begs for mercy but he gets a mudhole stomped in his ass. Rock ducks a clothes line and bails back to the outside. Austin grabs a chair to handle the members of the Nation of Domination at ringside. And while Austin is distracted Rocky comes from behind with a suprise attack and slams austin into the ring steps. Throwing him back in the ring The Rock kicks and chokes Austin in the corner, after letting up for a bit Mark Henry gets a quick choke in while the ref is distracted and the show goes to commercial break. When the commerical break is over Austin is shown having the Rock in a sleeper hold. The Rock escapes by running Austin into the corner and then boom we gets steve in the middle of the ring with the most electrifying move in sport entertainment.
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Austin kicks out so Rock applies a Chinlock, no submitting so Rock goes for another peoples elbow but Steve moves out of the way. Steve hits Rock with 3 clotheslines back to back
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and avoids a back body drop but caught that Stunner. Austin wins.. but D Lo tries to run and he too catches a stunner. DX music plays and they come out,
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Shawn says he already turned his lights out once with Sweet Chin Music but this sunday he's going to do it one last time. He leaves for a second before coming RIGHT BACK OUT... I don't know why exactly, but he's in a huff, too took his jacket off and everything lol.
All jokes aside Vince probably told him to go back out there...or he wont get his fanny pack back (sorry I couldn't resist)
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Triple h holds him back. Of course its to stall while the show goes off the air all for building anticipation for a show that really had already sold itself...
Next Stop.. WRESTLEMANIA!!!!
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Are you ready?
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wrestlingfaves · 2 months
Royal Rumble Marathon: 1998
The Rumble has entered 1998.
Warning, spoilers for past Rumbles.
We are now officially in the Attitude Era so expect shenanigans. I haven’t watched the Attitude Era in over a decade but I’m expecting to feel a lot of retrospective cringe.
The undercard:
We see a recap of the previous two months of Goldust’s activities. This is the era where Goldust dumped Marlena and is now accompanied by Luna Vachon. Dustin has ditched his traditional gold attire and now wears a variety of outfits. Tonight’s special is a lime green/purple-striped singlet tights, purple gloves, green and purple-striped face paint with blue hair.  Dustin is also wearing a leopard-print thong over his tights. Luna’s attire is a black/red bikini combo with a clear plastic skirt/tutu. She’s also wearing flesh-colored tights. Luna has half her face covered with the traditional Goldust colors. The other half of Luna’s face has her tattoos.
Goldust (with Luna) vs Vader. Match was fine. The ending comes when Vader (with Luna on his back) delivers a top-rope Vader bomb to Goldust. Dustin is always fun and Luna continues to be a badass. This era of Dustin was crazy but fun. You never knew what Goldust was going to wear.
Steve Austin arrives, threatens to whoop Michael Coles’ ass. The Godwinns are in search of Austin.
We have a six-man lucha libre match: Battalion, Tarantula, El Torito vs Max Mini, Mosaic, and Nova. Sunny is the special guest referee. Fun match.
Soon after this, Sunny’s life begins to spiral, leading to her dismissal from the WWF and a lifetime of self-destruction. It’s a shame as Sunny was a talented performer. Of course, the true tragedy is the man she killed due to her drunk driving.
The Nation of Domination is now in search of Steve Austin. Farooq tells Mark Henry that he has to “prove himself”.
Mike Tyson hangs out with Shane and Vince. I don’t care about Mike Tyson. I don’t care about boxing. Tyson’s rape conviction, and his abusive tendencies, do not make me excited to see him on my wrestling programs. Of course, sitting next to Vince makes Tyson look like an altar boy by comparison.
Recap of the Ken Shamrock-Nation of Domination feud. The Rock is still with the Nation at this point, Mark Henry has newly joined.
Rock promo where he advises Bill Clinton to “not lay down with dogs” (referencing Paula Jones, and yes, the Rock names her specifically) and to “cover his willy”. Remember those cringe moments I said we’d encounter in the Attitude Era. Calling the woman suing a man for sexual harassment, even a President, a “dog” is one.  
Ken Shamrock vs the Rock for the Intercontinental Championship.  The Rock wins via DQ. Shamrock attacks referee Mike Chioda in the aftermath. Fine match.
The Boricuas are now searching for Steve Austin but find the D.O.A. instead. This is the era of multiple factions – mostly centering on race – were running wild in the WWE. Los Boricuas, the Nation of Domination, The Truth Commission, and D.O.A. (Disciples of Apocalypse) were the main factions.
The New Age Outlaws vs the Legion of Doom for the Tag Team titles. The Legion wins via DQ. Back-to-back DQ victories is a questionable call on a pay per view.
The Rumble entrants, in order of appearance:
Cactus Jack
Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk)
Tom Brandi
The Rock
Mosh of the Headbangers
Phineas Godwinn
8-Ball (Don Harris)
Blackjack Bradshaw (JBL)
Owen Hart (Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette ambush Owen on his way to the ring)
Steve Blackman
D’Lo Brown
Marc Mero (accompanied by Sable)
Ken Shamrock
Thrasher of the Headbangers
Goldust (in silver singlet tights with red knee-high fishnets and a black bikini on the outside of the tights, Luna has also changed her outfit to a silver one)
Jeff Jarrett (accompanied by Jim Cornette)
Honky Tonk Man (Hunter and Chyna stroll out to ringside during his entrance and cause Owen to be eliminated)
Ahmed Johnson
Mark Henry
Kama Mustafa
Steve Austin
Henry Godwinn
Savio Vega (accompanied by the Boricuas)
Dude Love
Chainz (Brian Lee)
Steve Austin wins again, making him the 3rd multiple time winner – Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels are the others.
Rumble Highlights: Cactus-Charlie brawl (minus the unprotected chairshots), Rock-Austin outside the ring brawl and in-ring finale
Rumble Feuds: Cactus vs Charlie, Rock vs Shamrock, Owen vs Jarrett, Owen vs Hunter
More cringe moments: the unprotected, non-gimmicked chairshots Funk and Cactus gave each other. Please, no! Did the Harris brothers have their Nazi tattoos yet? (I can’t see clearly but if so, that is worse than cringe).
First-time Rumblers:  Tom Brandi, Mosh, Steve Blackman, Kurrgan, Ken Shamrock, Thrasher, Mark Henry, Chainz
Surprise Entrants: Honky Tonk Man, 3 Faces of Foley
Quickest Elimination: Tom Brandi
Most Eliminations: Steve Austin
Unite to Eliminate the Big Man spot: Kurrgan
The final match of the ppv isn’t the Rumble (which I dislike). The final match is Shawn Michaels vs the Undertaker for the World championship in a casket match.
Shawn and Taker’s previous match was the first Hell In A Cell match. A casket match seems to be a step down in intensity.
Shawn is accompanied by Hunter and Chyna.  The New Age Outlaws and the Boricuas attack the Undertaker but are run off by Kane. Kane then attacks the Undertaker and throws him into the casket. Kane and Paul Bearer lock the casket and set it on fire.
Shawn wins but severely injures his back when he bumps on the casket during the match. This would lead to Shawn’s post-Wrestlemania match.
Rating: 6 out of 10. Solid undercard, fun Rumble, good main event
Wrestlers and others who have passed on: Howard Finkel, Vader, Luna Vachon, Tarantula (Espectrito II), Torito (Espectrito), the Legion of Doom, Terry Funk, Chyna, Paul Bearer
Total number of deceased individuals: 11 (down 3 from the previous Rumble)
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90s00wcwwwf · 1 year
From London, England it’s Capital Carnage. Ken Shamrock defends the Intercontinental Title against Steve Blackman. L.O.D. 2000 battle The Headbangers. The Rock defends the WWE Championship against X-Pac. Triple H takes on Jeff Jarrett. The New Age Outlaws defend Tag Team Championship D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry and more.
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Dark Match
Mosh vs. Droz
Singles Match
Al Snow vs. Gangrel
Tag Team Match
The Head Bangers (Mosh & Thrasher) vs. LOD 2000 (Animal & Droz)
Singles Match
Val Venis vs. Goldust
Singles Match
Tiger Ali Singh vs. Edge
Tag Team Match
Jacqueline & Marc Mero vs. Christian & Sable
WWF Intercontinental Title Match
Ken Shamrock (w/The Big Bossman) (c) vs. Steve Blackman
Singles Match
Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra)
WWF World Tag Team Title Match
The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & The Road Dogg) (c) vs. The Nation (D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry)
WWF World Heavyweight Title Match
The Rock (c) vs. X-Pac (w/Chyna & Triple H)
Fatal Four Way Match (Special Referee: Gerald Brisco)
Mankind vs. Kane vs. Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)
Full stream-
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divacrave · 5 months
World Wrestling Entertainment 1998
March 16 - Sable vs Luna (RAW)
March 28 - Sable & Marc Mero vs Luna & Goldust (Wrestlemania)
April 6 - Luna vs Matt Knowles (RAW)
April 26 - Sable vs Luna (IYH: Unforgiven)
May 4 - Chyna, Triple H, Billy Gunn & Road Dogg vs Legion of Doom & DOA (RAW)
May 11 - Sable vs Marc Mero (RAW)
May 31 - Sable vs Marc Mero (IYH: Over The Edge)
August 10 - Luna vs Jacqueline (RAW)
August 17 - Sable vs Jacqueline (RAW)
August 30 - Sable & Edge vs Jacqueline & Marc Mero (SummerSlam)
September 14 - Chyna & XPac vs Mark Henry (RAW)
September 14 - Sable vs Jacqueline (RAW)
September 20 - Jacqueline vs Luna (Heat)
September 21 - Sable vs Jacqueline (RAW)
October 3 - Jacqueline vs Starla Saxton (Shotgun)
October 11 - Jacqueline vs Starla Saxton (Heat)
November 15 - Sable vs Jacqueline (Survivor Series)
December 6 - Sable & Christian vs Jacqueline & Marc Mero (Capital Carnage) December 6 - Luna & Kurgan vs Tiger Ali Singh & Babu (Heat)
December 28 - Sable vs Spider Lady (RAW)
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rawiswhore · 7 months
Bret Hart, Sunny x Fem Reader- "Barbie Girl"
This fanfiction is rather weird, but it was based on a dream I had in my sleep.
Hopefully you readers won't be offended over it, but viewer discretion is advised...
On a "Monday Night Raw" episode that aired in the summer of 1997, there was a moment where Bret Hart was sitting backstage with Sunny sitting on top of one of his thighs and straddling it, where his leg was placed in between her legs.
During this moment, Bret had his long hair hanging down (although he usually does have his long hair hanging down) whereas Sunny showed no emotion in her face, she wasn't smiling as usual or anything.
Bret may have accused Shawn Michaels of having Sunny days (meaning Shawn had sex with her), but now Bret's having some Sunny days of his own by having her sit on his leg!
Speaking of sitting, you were sitting on the floor right next to Bret on the right side, where you were wearing a short white nighty with lavender colored spaghetti straps.
What you wore was similar to a negligee Suzanne Somers wore on "Three's Company", this one:
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Laying around you on the floor were these various Caucasian Barbie dolls with blond hair.
You were holding a My First Barbie doll from 1996 in one hand that was dressed in a baby pink colored teddy romper from 1980 and a Loving You Barbie from 1983 wearing a towel from the Glamour Bath and Shower set that was wrapped around and covering her naked body.
Some of the Barbie dolls around you were the Sixties Fun Barbie, Walmart's 35th Anniversary Barbie, a Party Time Barbie dressed in a psychedelic mod teddy from 1980, Locket Surprise Barbie, Southern Belle Barbie, Sunflower Barbie, Blossom Beauty Barbie, Tropical Splash Barbie, Birthday Surprise Barbie, Sparkle Eyes Barbie, a Russell Stover Candies Barbie that was wearing just a white Fashion Fun tank top with matching short shorts from 1980, a Party Time Barbie dressed in a hot pink teddy from 1980 from the Beauty Secrets doll, and a City Style Barbie dressed in a white lacy Fashion Fun teddy.   
Another doll in that pile was a Barbie knockoff known as Rich and Famous from 1985 that was wearing just a blue towel that was cut shorter to reach her upper thighs.
While you love these Barbie dolls around you, you wish some of the Barbie dolls from your youth---such as Peaches & Cream Barbie and the 1988 Superstar Barbie as well as some current Barbie dolls in 1997 like those Marilyn Monroe Barbie dolls---could've been with you in this promo.
Many of those Barbie dolls laying around you are dressed beautifully and you hate that they're laying on the floor since their beautiful gowns will get dirty, but the floor isn't luckily covered in mud or anything.
Into the camera, Bret Hart stated that he put you in your place.
Because you were the valet for Hunter Hearst Helmsley---who was a rich, classy, aristocratic blueblood, sometimes you would escort him to the ring while you were dressed as Peaches N Cream Barbie, Perfume Pretty Barbie, Magic Moves Barbie, and Crystal Barbie---Barbie dolls from your childhood and youth.
Maybe this is why this moment of you sitting down with Barbie dolls around you exists.
Sable was a female wrestling valet/manager in the WWF in 1997 and she did look like Barbie, maybe she could've been in this promo sitting on the floor with those Barbie dolls instead of you.
Not to mention at the end of the year Sable had that storyline of Marc Mero controlling and abusing her.
At the end of 1997, Aqua released their massive smash hit "Barbie Girl".
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guyincognitojr · 7 months
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c4rniv0re · 2 years
watching sable & jacqueline in wwf like
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salistar-smythe · 3 years
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stormymoxx · 3 years
They don't have Scarlett with Karrion because they know it would be Sable and Marc mero all over again
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jasvvy · 4 years
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wrestlingfaves · 2 months
Royal Rumble Marathon: 1998
The Rumble has made it to 1997.
Warning for past Rumbles.
The undercard:
Goldust (accompanied by Marlena) vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley (accompanied by Curtis Hughes) for the Intercontinental title. Hunter wins via the Pedigree. Hughes is no Chyna.
Rumble hype vignettes form Bret Hart and Mankind.
Farooq (Ron Simmons, accompanied by the Nation of Domination and other individuals) vs Ahmed Johnson. Ahmed wins via DQ and brawls with the Nation afterwards. This was an early version of the Nation of Domination that featured PG-13 and Crush.
Vader vs the Undertaker. Paul Bearer shows up mid-match and gets pushed around by Taker. Taker wins.
Rumble hype vignettes from Steve Austin (no longer the Ringmaster, he is now “Stone Cold”) and Davey Boy Smith who states he’s going to win the Rumble as he is “bizarre”.
A six-man tag team match features the following wrestlers from AAA: Hector Garza, Perro Aguayo, and El Canek vs Jerry Estrada, Heavy Metal, and Fuerza Guerrera. An attempt to counter the luchadors of WCW or an addition due to the pay per view taking place in Texas? The team of Aguayo, Garza, and Canek won. Unsurprisingly, this is the most athletic and fastest-paced match of the undercard.
Once again the Rumble is not the final bout of the pay-per-view. While I would normally agree that the World title match should end the ppv, the Rumble is the exception. The Rumble should always go last.
The entrants in order of appearance:
Crush (accompanied by Clarence Mason)
Ahmed Johnson
Fake Razor Ramon
Phineas Godwinn (accompanied by Hillbilly Jim)
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Bart Gunn
Jake Roberts
Davey Boy Smith
The Sultan (Rikishi) (accompanied by the Iron Shiek)
Mil Mascaras
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Owen Hart (accompanied by his Slammy trophy)
Goldust (accompanied by Marlena)
Marc Mero (accompanied by Sable)
Latin Lover
Savio Vega
Jesse James (aka Road Dog)
Bret Hart (Steve Austin’s “Oh Crap” face when Bret’s music was fantastic
Jerry Lawler
Fake Diesel (aka Kane)
Terry Funk (3 months from now Funk will be headlining ECW’s first ppv – Barely Legal)
Rocky Maivia (pre-the Rock but not yet drowned out by “Rocky Sucks” chants)
Flash Funk
Henry Godwinn (accompanied by Hillbilly Jim)
First-time Rumblers: Ahmed Johnson, Phineas Godwinn
Surprise Entrants: Pierroth, Mil Mascaras, Cybernetico, Latin Lover, Terry Funk
“Oops! I ‘accidentally’ eliminated my friend” spot: Owen eliminates Davey Boy
Commentator joins the Rumble: Jerry Lawler, first time this spot is used in the Rumble
Winner: Steve Austin (though Austin had been eliminated by Bret but the refs didn’t see it). Bret has a hissy and asks Vince when he’s going to do something about it – one of the few references to Vince’s actual role in the company before he adopted the “Mr. McMahon” character.
Most Eliminations: Steve Austin with a total of 10, tying the previous record held by Hulk Hogan.
Quickest Eliminations: Jerry Lawler, Fake Razor Ramon
Highlight of the Rumble: Bret vs Steve (the pair has around 4 minutes to themselves in the ring and then focus on each other for the rest of the Rumble)
Feuds in the Rumble: Bret vs Steve, Mankind vs Terry Funk, Hunter vs Goldust, Ahmed vs the Nation), Vader vs Taker
The Road To Wrestlemania: Bret vs Steve
The WWE’s roster was thin at this point as 5 of the 30 participants were not members of the roster and another 6 participants pulled double-duty on the card.
Shawn Michaels (accompanied by Jose Lothario) vs Psycho Sid for the World championship. Shawn defeats Sid to regain the championship but will forfeit the title soon afterwards due to “losing his smile”.
Wrestlers and others who have passed on: Jacques Rougeau Sr., Crush, Vader, Paul Bearer, Hector Garza, Perro Aguayo, Fake Razor Ramon (Rick Bognar), Davey Boy Smith, Iron Shiek, Owen Hart, Terry Funk, Jose Lothario, Pat Patterson
Total number of deceased individuals: 13 (up 3 from the previous Rumble)
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