#Marché Bonsecour
austinvlogger · 1 year
Exploring the Rich History and Vibrant Culture of Marché Bonsecours in Montreal
Exploring the Rich History and Vibrant Culture of Marché Bonsecours in Montreal. Montreal, a city known for its rich history and vibrant culture, boasts a plethora of iconic landmarks and attractions. Marché Bonsecours is a testament to the city’s heritage and enduring charm. This historic market in the heart of Old Montreal has been a beloved gathering place for locals and tourists alike for…
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dailymontreal · 8 months
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Marché Bonsecours
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montrealmagique · 1 year
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Marché Bonsecours, Vieux Montréal
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"L'évadé J. Collingan repris après une chasse à l'homme mouvementée," Montreal-Matin. May 5, 1943. Page 1 & 3. --- J. Colligan, évadé du Palais de Justice, repris après une chasse à l'homme mouvementée -- John Colligan, l'homme aux nombreux alias et aux fréquentes évasions, qui s'est enfui du palais de justice le 20 avril dernier les menottes aux mains, est de nouveau en prison. Il a été capturé de nouveau hier à Côte St-Paul après une chasse à l'homme très mouvementée sur des toits de maisons et des hangars au cours de laquelle les agents provinciaux et municipaux ont risqué leur vie. ---- Les agents n'eurent pas à lutter uniquement contre Colligan mais aussi plusieurs femmes qui leur barrèrent la route et eurent recours à toutes sortes de ruses féminines pour empêcher l'arrestation du filou connu aussi sous les noms de Jack Barne et de Roland Leclerc.
L'arrestation L'arrestation eut lieu à l'arrière de la rue Fulford, environ une demi-heure après que l'alerte fut donnée au directeur adjoint de la su reté provinciale, M. Louis Jargailles. Ce dernier dépêcha sur les lieux le capitaine Albert Marineau, les détectives Florian Langevin et Ro-land Jargailies ainsi que plusieurs agents.
A l'arrivée du capitaine Marineau à 773 rue Fulford, deux femmes lui barrèrent le chemin au pied de l'escalier et voulurent l'empêcher de monter. Elles tentèrent de lui écorcher la visage mais l'officier passa outre et escalada les marches trois à trois.
Elle se déshabille Arrivé au second, le capitaine Marineau constata qu'une femme était en train d'enlever ses vêtements en toute hâte dans la chambre de bain. Il la somma d'ouvrir la porte. Elle lui cria de ne pas entrer car elle était dévêtue. L'officier pénétra quand même dans la pièce juste à temps pour voir Colligan sortir de la maison par un ports de lumière.
Dans une remise Pendant ce temps, la police provinciale avait alerté la police municipale qui avait dépêché une douzaine d'agents sur les lieux. L'on décida de cerner le pâté de maisons contiguës à celle d'ou s'était évadé Coolligan. L'on vit alors le fugitif sauter sur le toit d'un hangar et subséquemment sur le sol pour en suite pénétrer dans une remise à l'arrière ere d'une maison de la rue Fulford.
Le détective Jargailles ne le perdit pas de vue et braquant son revolver sur l'unique issue du hangar, il enjoignit au détective Langevin de pénétrer dans la mansarde et de placer Colligan en état d'arrenstation
Pour reconduire l'évade à la prison de Montréal, l'on prit toutes les précautions nécessaires et deux agents fui placérent des menottes à chacun de ses poignets.
De l'arrivée de la police sur lieux au moment de l'arrestation moins d'une demi-heure s'était écoulée.
La double évasion Colligan, selon son dossier judiciaire, s'était évadé en compagnie d'Emile Bodner. Les deux venaient de quitter la Cour après leur comparution et étaient sur le point de monter bord de la voiture de la prison de Montréal, quand ils trompèrent la vigilance de leurs gardiens, prirent la rue St-Vincent s'enfuirent par une cour conduisant à une cuisine de la Place Jacques-Cartier pour enfin disparaître dans le district du marché Bonsecours. Leurs accusations Bodner était accusé de plusieurs vols, dont l'un 1122 rue Windsor où il aurait vole $260. Colligan devait recevoir sa sentence du juge Cloutier après avoir été trouvé coupable d'avoir vole $276 dans un établissement de la rue St-Catherine ouest,
Legende: John Colligan, l'homme aux nombreux alias, qui s'était enfui le 20 avril dernier les menottes aux mains, avec un autre compagnon.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Montréal, with Marché Bonsecours in the foreground and Ile Ste Hélène, 1900.
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fdspodcast · 11 months
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🎙 S2E1 / Jeannick Martins-Desjardins, assistante monteur 🎙
C'est la rentrée de la Feuille de Service ! Et qui dit rentrée, dit changements, alors ne zappez surtout pas l'introduction de cet épisode : j'ai plein de nouvelles à vous annoncer 🥳
Dans le premier épisode de cette nouvelle saison, j'accueille Jeannick Martins-Desjardins, assistante monteur; avec qui on parle en long, en large et en travers de post-production et de toutes ses étapes. Parce que oui, une fois le film tourné, il faut bien le monter ! Et vous seriez surpris du nombre de gens qui ont leur mot à dire dans le processus de finalisation d'un film !
Bonne écoute ✨
Le temps d'un été de Louise Archambault (2023)
Rodéo de Joëlle Desjardins-Poquette (2022)
Arsenault et fils de Rafaël Ouellet (2022)
Exposition World Press Photo 2023 - Marché Bonsecours, Montréal
Royal de Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard (livre)
Royal au Théâtre Jean-Duceppe (Montréal), mise en scène Virginie Brunelle et Jean-Simon Traversy
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Happy Saturday! 🎊🥳😍 Shop your favorite #ethicalbrands @boutiqueespaceurbain 🎊🥳🔥✊🏿👊🏿 @pphotonewb . . . . . Boutique Espace Urbain 6529 Plaza st hubert Montreal, Quebec Boutiqueespaceurbain.com [email protected] 514-274-6529 Mon: Closed Tues-Wed: 10-18h Thur-Fri: 10-21h Sat-Sun: 10-17h #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #dreamlikemartin #challengelikerosaparks #herstory #history #newmonthnewgoals #newyorkcity #bostonblackhistory #montrealcity #montrealmoments #montrealphotography #blackgirlmagic #blackexcellence #blackhistoryfact #blackhistorymatters #moisdelhistoiredesnoirs #onlineshopping #versatilemedia #womeninbusiness #womenfashion #buylocal #buyhandmade #buyblack (at Marché Bonsecours) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppvgVRghpb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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munschcanada2022 · 2 years
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On fait un saut au marché Bonsecours.
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toutsurlevin · 2 years
Une occasion en or de découvrir des vins d'importation privée
Une occasion en or de découvrir des vins d’importation privée
Comment acheter des vins qu’on ne trouve pas à la SAQ ? Voici le mode d’emploi pour avoir accès à plus de 1200 vins en importation dont 600 que l’on peut acheter à l’unité du 15 au 17 octobre à Montréal et le 18 octobre à Québec C’est en effet au Marché Bonsecours à Montréal et au Manège militaire des Voltigeurs de Québec qu’aura lieu le Salon des vins d’importation privée. Des pépites à…
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thesuburbanerd · 3 years
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at Marché Bonsecours, Vieux-Montréal https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOE4bFpfFS/?igshid=ju23hvp8rk0q
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dailymontreal · 4 years
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Marché Bonsecour
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montrealmagique · 3 years
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Vieux Montréal
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"Promenade historique dans Montréal," Le Petit Journal (Montreal). May 20, 1934. Page 13. --- Un groupe de membres de la Société historique du Canada, dont le siège est à Toronto, et de la Société historique de Montréal ainsi que plusieurs autres fervents de P'histoire, ont fait samedi après-midi une promenade historique, à pied, à travers la partie la plus ancienne de la ville de Montréal, celle qui borde le fleuve.
Ce pelerinage du souvenir s'est fait sous la direction de M. Victor Morin, président de la Société d'archéologie et de numismatique de Montréal et membre de la Société historique. Le savant cicerone a réuni ses compagnons à la place d'Youville où se trouve le monument de la Société. Ils se sont ensuite dirigés vers l'emplacement du fort de Montréal, sur l'ancienne Pointe- à-Callieres (ainsi nommée en mémoire du gouverneur de ce nom), ont fait halte à la Place Royale (ancienne Place d'Armes), se sont acheminés par la rue St-Paul vers l'ancien site du château de Maison- neuve, de l'ancien hôpital de l'Hotel-Dieu, vers la place Jacques-Cartier, où se trouvait le château de M. de Vaudreuil, vers le marché Bonsecours, très ancien lui-même, et construit sur l'ancien emplacement du palais de l'Intendance. De là ils sont entrés à l'église de BonSecours, la plus ancienne de la ville de Montréal, ont continué jusqu'à l'ancienne rue Fripponne où se dressaient les magasins du Roi, puis sont montés à la rue Notre-Dame pour cheminer vers l'ouest en faisant une station au Château de Ramezay, riche de souvenirs canadiens, en s'arrêtant devant l'hôtel de ville et le vieux palais de justice où se trouvait autrefois l'église des Jésuites. Sur la rue Notre-Dame, ils ont passé plus loin devant les emplacements d'édifices aujourd'hui disparus, comme la maison Duluth, où se trouve maintenant l'immeuble Duluth. Après un arrêt sur la Place d'Armes, au pied du monument Maisonneuve, fondateur de la métropole, ils ont continué leur route vers le gratte-ciel de la Banque Royale, y sont montés à la terrasse et ont contemplé l'étendue de la ville actuelle, qui forme un si grand contraste avec celle du dix-huitième siècle.
C'est la cinquième promenade his- torique qu'organise M. Morin.
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spockvarietyhour · 3 years
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Shoving ice upon wharves in front of Motnreal, Kell Bros, 1860.
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randomoranges · 5 years
I worked on this all day. This is the AU version. Gonna work on the canon version this week, I guess. Lamao.
Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel
 Edward stepped inside the apartment and locked the door behind him, “I’m home,” he called out after he noticed that Étienne’s shoes were there, therefore letting him know that his boyfriend was home. He put down his bag, changed out of his shoes, and made his way inside, trying to locate said boyfriend. He found Étienne in their living room, sprawled on the couch, book in hand and Edward laughed to himself, silently amused at the scene.
 “Hey,” Étienne said after a moment as he bookmarked his page, before putting his book down. Edward walked over to him and Étienne shifted over to make room for him, “Hey yourself,” Edward replied before levelling himself with Étienne to kiss him hello. Étienne was quick to wrap an arm around Edward and to hold him close, taking advantage of the moment, and Edward was only too pleased to end it just yet, “This is nice,” Étienne murmured when they pulled away, eyeing Edward’s plush lips that only asked to be kissed again and again and again, “This is very nice,” Edward agreed with a small laugh that made Étienne grin, before he pulled his boyfriend in for another kiss.
 Edward loved these moments – loved how natural they felt and how good they made him feel – loved the feel of Étienne’s fingers combing through his hair and the softness of his lips against his own. Time could stop during one of these moments and he would be perfectly content. He loved how easy these moments were and how Étienne was always willing to indulge in just one more kiss – how sometimes it would lead to more, and other times they were content just being together, holding each other close without a need to talk, lost in their own little private bubble for two.
 They spent a moment or two of the early evening making out on their living room couch with no rush and no pressure. Étienne held him close and every time they pulled back, Edward was rewarded with the softest of smiles painted on Étienne’s lips and his heart tripped over itself once more. Green eyes that looked at him with such tenderness and love that Edward could only capture Étienne’s lips for another kiss. And another. And another...
 “How was your day?” Étienne asked, what felt like a lifetime later, when Edward was resting on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart, while Étienne rubbed his back in soothing circles. Edward didn’t move, far too comfortable, but he didn’t have to, for this too was part of their normal routine – of something he looked forward to and that he couldn’t think he could live without anymore.
 “Not too bad, and you?” Étienne’s hand travelled up to his scalp once more and Edward let out a small, little content sigh, practically inaudible, safe for Étienne’s well attuned ears.
 “Productive; got a lot done, even made dinner,” Edward made a questioning sound at that, curious as to what he could have concocted, “Found an interesting recipe for veal scallops wrapped with prosciutto and sage – you’ll just have to cook them; figured it could go well with some grilled veggies – so I made those. I made that salad you liked from last time and I got some fresh fruit to go with the left over mini-sponge cakes and I made some whipped cream to go with.”
 Edward’s mouth watered at the sound of that and he pecked Étienne’s chin in response, “You spoil me, Bouclé, all of that sounds amazing,” Étienne beamed and had it not been for the fact that he was comfortable, here in his lover’s arms, Edward would have gotten up to get the last of dinner ready, but instead he indulged just a little longer, stretching out this moment for as long as he could.
 “Are you free this Saturday?” Edward asked, tracing nonsensical patterns on Étienne’s chest with his finger, as the sun started to set and painted their living room in golden, amber light.
 “I don’t have anything planned, why?” Edward smiled – it was a game they played, even after over four years of dating, where they still asked each other out on dates, and Edward loved that they still did this – that even though they were used to each other – had been living together for seven years – there was still magic in their relationship and that they were able to find new things to do together, as well as revisit old favourites – that instead of growing bored of one another, they still thrilled at the idea of spending even more time together.
 Edward hesitated for a moment, before he answered. The much awaited for Ferris wheel had finally opened up in the old port about a week or so and Edward... wanted to ride it. The romantic in him yearned to go there with his boyfriend, hold his hand as the pod gently turned, and then kiss him when they would inevitably stop at the highest point, even if it was Montreal’s latest tourist attraction and that the whole thing was a little cheesy.
 “Eddy?” Edward looked up to Étienne’s questioning face and mentally prepared himself for his idea to be shut down, even though, deep down, he knew that wasn’t Étienne’s type of thing to do.
 “Promise you won’t laugh?” He started and that certainly got Étienne’s attention who nodded, “I... wanted to ask you out for Saturday.” He started, trying to buy himself some time. Étienne seemed pleased with the idea of having a date with him on Saturday and it gave him the courage to go on, “I know it’s lame and tacky and over-priced and cheesy and stupid and hyped-up, but... dyouwannagototheferriswheelwithme?” He blurted out and braced himself for whatever reaction Étienne might have.
 He expected a gentle turn down, or some remark that they could do something better, or that Ferris wheel’s were for dummies, or anything else really, but instead Étienne blinked, taking a moment to decipher what it was Edward had just told him, and then he laughed.
 Étienne actually had the decency to laugh at him.
 Edward was vexed.
 “You said you weren’t going to laugh. Never mind. Forget I said anything. I knew it was a stupid idea.” Edward made to get up, the earlier magic of the moment fading, but Étienne was quicker, trapping him with his arms, impeding him from leaving, kissing the side of his face and telling him he was being a silly goose.
 “Hey, no, I wasn’t laughing at your idea, promise,” He tried to reassure Edward, “It’s just – now, you promise not to laugh,” Edward eyed him suspiciously, made no promise, but Étienne took it as a sign to go on, “But... I wanted to take you there – I wanted to go on opening weekend, but we were busy, and then you started with your classes and there hasn’t really been a moment to go since then... It’s a new thing we haven’t tried yet – figured we owe ourselves the pleasure of at least trying it out once,” He laughed, a little sheepishly, sounding almost embarrassed, and Edward couldn’t help but laugh as well, because of course Étienne would have wanted to try the new “in thing” in the city – even if it was a tourist attraction. “I thought, maybe we could get dinner, before or after, then ride the wheel... just you and me... see the sights and the view.” Étienne babbled, his cheeks pinking and Edward grew fond all over again.
 Edward loved this man. He loved how thoughtful and caring he was. He loved how shy and embarrassed he could get over silly little romantic gestures. He loved him more with each passing day. “It’s a date then,” Edward said, a tentative smile blooming on his face, as he reached out for one of Étienne’s hands.
 “It’s a date,” Étienne murmured back. And if he sought another kiss, Edward was only human.
 On Saturday, they agreed to have an earlier dinner, before heading out to the wheel. Étienne found them a nice little restaurant in the Old Port they hadn’t been to yet, and they stretched out their date to include a late afternoon stroll through the Old Port, enjoying the exceptionally hot September day (Étienne was enjoying it more than Edward, but it was worth it just to see Étienne smile). They walked through the cobblestoned streets, hands linked together as they took in the bustling streets ripe with the last of the tourists and locals alike. They walked their usual route, the one they did when they came to the Old Port, walking from City Hall, to Marché Bonsecours, then back, down to the waterfront, up to Pointe à Callière, going up one street, down the next, stopping by the last of the exposition on the former parliament, and all the while, Étienne regaled him with interesting historical tidbits of his favourite part of the city, his fondness for it contagious, and of things that had happened on previous visits he had made here, as a boy, as a kid, as a teenager, as a young adult, and Edward felt like he had been there beside Étienne on all those adventures.
 Their walk led them to Gibby’s, and Étienne had them walk through the courtyard, after he paused to read their menu, as he often did, dreaming of the food, reminding Edward of the one and only time he had come here, with his parents, when they had celebrated a wedding anniversary and had received gift coupons from friends, “One day, I’m going to take you to this restaurant,” He vowed, pulling Edward closer to drape his arm around his shoulders, and Edward said nothing to that, knowing Étienne was serious about his declaration, and already looking forward to it.
 Even if they didn’t dine at one of the most upscale restaurants of the city, they still had a lovely dinner together at a nice little restaurant, tucked away at a perfect table for two with a splendid view. Edward was immensely pleased with himself when he was able to outsmart Étienne for the bill and he rubbed it in his boyfriend’s face as they headed towards the wheel. He had to take his victories where he could and if it meant gentle teasing, then so be it. “You better watch your step, Murphy, I’ll get my revenge.” Étienne promised, stepping up to him to place his arm around his waist and Edward knew better than to add any oil to that fire, instead choosing to remain pleased over this one victory, especially considering that Étienne had gone ahead and bought the tickets for the wheel ahead of time, much to his chagrin.
 They didn’t have to wait very long and the person working the wheel didn’t bother filling up the pod with other people, so they had the entire pod to themselves, which was exactly what Edward had hoped for. The pod was modern and spacious and Edward was amazed that you could even control the temperature in it. “Did you know you could actually have a VIP pod with champagne and glass floor?” Étienne asked him, reading off from the information display panel. “If you have a special occasion to celebrate or want to do something a little different...” They both looked at each other and for a moment, Edward wondered if they were both thinking of something – some grand gesture for the future.
 “Sit next to me?” Étienne shifted from the other side of the pod and went to sit next to Edward, finding his hand and giving it a squeeze, leaving ideas of future grand romantic gestures up in the air.
 At first, the pod went up a little and then stopped, as people were let off and others welcomed in. It gave them a chance to observe the view and take all the photos they wanted, which Étienne seemed to be determined to get, between documenting the view of the city from every which angle, and getting as many photos as possible with Edward, “This one looks so good!” Étienne declared, showing his phone to Edward for his approval, “I’m changing my background photo to this one, is that okay?” Edward nodded and Étienne tapped away on his phone for a moment, until the photo was changed and that same pleased little smile returned to his face – the one Edward loved so much.
 “Send me the photos? Not right now, but at some point? Please.” Étienne promised and they settled in for the ride, Étienne placing his arm around Edward’s shoulders once more, where it seemed to belong, if it wasn’t holding on to his hand. Edward rested his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder and they were both quiet as the wheel started turning, taking in the sights around them, the quietness of the pod, and the presence of the other. It was nice, being here with Étienne, and his boyfriend had timed it perfectly so that they were here as the sun started to set, painting the sky in breathtaking hues of pinks, oranges, yellows and reds, golden light reflecting off the windows of the city’s skyscrapers, almost making it seem as though they were on a brilliant, bright fire.
 Edward turned back to Étienne, to make a comment about the view, but the words died on his lips when he saw the look of utter content and peace on Étienne’s face. Instead, his heart sped up at the sight of Étienne bathed in this golden light and Edward took a moment to observe this beautiful spectacle for himself, drinking in the sight and committing it to memory, wishing he could capture it and have it forever.
 Edward loved that they had this – that they were able to carve out time for themselves and that they still took pleasure in each other’s company. In moments like these, he was reassured that he and Étienne were still on the same page and that they still wanted the same thing – that what he felt for Étienne was exactly what Étienne felt for him. In moments like these, Edward could see their future develop before his eyes, could see themselves growing old and grey together, and even if it was a little frightening and overwhelming, there was also something exciting and comforting about it. In moments like these, he was so very glad he could do it all with his best friend by his side.
 The pod silently continued its upward ascend and just as Edward had wanted, they got to spend a moment at the very top. Edward felt silly for feeling this way, but as he thought of sharing a kiss with Étienne, here at the summit of the wheel, he grew nervous and whatever bravado he had vanished, evaporating with the lingering summer heat. He opened his mouth to say something, but found himself unable to articulate his wish, and Étienne was too busy looking at the view of the St-Laurent to notice the internal struggle he was going trough.
 “Étienne...?” He managed to say and his boyfriend turned to look at him. For the briefest of moments, it was hazel and green and Edward raised a trembling hand to caress Étienne’s cheek. Étienne leant into the contact, getting infinitely closer to him, Edward feeling his body heat, getting a whiff of Étienne’s aftershave, and he wanted nothing more but to furrow his face in the crook of Étienne’s neck and drown in the smell.
 “Kiss me.”
 Edward blinked and then grinned at his boyfriend. Of course, Étienne would want a kiss as well. Of course, Étienne would want to go for the romantic gesture, even if he liked to say he didn’t do romance and that he wasn’t good at it. Of course. Edward laughed and leaned closer, invading Étienne’s space with his person. Edward nuzzled their noses together, their knees bumping together and Étienne cupped his cheek, his other hand resting comfortably on the small of his back, and his hand was warm and solid against his skin – certain and sure – as he bridged the distance between them and then pressed their lips together. Edward wrapped his arms around Étienne, keeping him close, parting his lips open for Étienne, welcoming him in his personal space, wanting to keep him there for as long as possible, never wanting to let go.
 When they pulled away, slow and gentle, Étienne caressed Edward’s cheek with the pad of his thumb and offered him the gentlest of his smiles, “I love you,” he said, soft, sincere, murmuring it for Edward’s ears only, trusting them with this big and monumental secret, and Edward treasured the words, hung to them and locked them up with all the other “I love you’s” Étienne had told him – with all the other displays of love Étienne had showered him in over the years.
 The pod resumed its turning as Edward snuggled up to Étienne’s side, his boyfriend placing a kiss to the side of his face, and they remained that way, for much of the duration of the ride, as the Ferris wheel looped around a few times, before they had to get off. Étienne was gallant and offered his hand to Edward to help him off, and if both their cheeks were still a little pink and if they still felt like they were up in the clouds, a little dazed, a little drunk on each other’s company, they didn’t comment on it, as they walked away from the wheel, hand in hand.
 “It’s gotta be something else seeing fireworks from up there,” Étienne commented, breaking the silence. Étienne had taken him skating on the refrigerated outdoor rink just steps away from where the wheel was during the winter fireworks, almost two years ago, and even though it had been crowded, the company had been good, the fireworks had been pretty and the bodacious hot cocoa they had shared afterwards had warmed his insides in more than one way. Last year they had returned, minus the skates, to sit on a bench and watch the show, and it had been just as nice and just as romantic. “We should come back during the fireworks, maybe this summer,” Étienne offered and Edward didn’t hate the idea, especially if it meant he could have another wonderful evening such as this one, “All things considered, even if it’s meant to be a tourist-trap, it was nice,” He added, mirroring Edward’s thoughts.
 “D’you want to go for a walk?” Edward offered, looking towards the waterfront. Étienne nodded – of all the things they did, if Étienne had to pick one of his favourites, he would have to say walks with Edward. Whenever the weather was nice out, after supper, if Étienne wasn’t working with an extremely tight deadline, they would go for a walk around the neighbourhood, catching up on their day, wrapped in their little bubble, immersed in their own world. And even if Étienne had a deadline, he still tried to carve out a little fifteen minute break to step out with Edward – to get fresh air and spend time with his boyfriend.  Even if they couldn’t always go, even if he couldn’t always make it, it was important to Étienne and he treasured every little walk they went on, no matter its length. Sometimes, they would stop for ice cream, sometimes they would cut through the park, and sometimes they would only go around the block, but it was a reprieve from the same-old-same-old of the day and Étienne welcomed it.
 With time, Edward came to realise that as much as Étienne loved new experiences and thrived on trying new places, new bars, new restaurants, he also viscerally craved these small, nondescript, domestic, intimate, quiet moments. For as much as Étienne could go on about all of the latest trends, deep down, he was a simple guy who craved comfort and love and Edward was more than happy to oblige – more than pleased to be the one who got to share it with Étienne.
 They made it to a quieter part of the waterfront, away from the crowd of the wheel, and Étienne leaned against the railing, Edward joining him, bumping their shoulders together. From here, they could see the Bisophère, looming on the horizon, illuminated in pinks and mauves, and on the other side, Habitat 67. Edward liked to tease Étienne about his infatuation with the place, but he thought it was endearing and sweet at the same time, how much he loved this monument from a time before he was even born. Étienne had taken him on a tour, about a month or so ago, and he had been quite excited, since it was the first time since 1967 that they were offering tours of the place, and it had been interesting, all things considered.
 “You’re something else, you know?” He told him, smiling, his mind swimming with thoughts of all the different things they had done together, of the dates Étienne had taken him on, of the ridiculous things Étienne had said and done.
 “In a good way, I hope.” Étienne asked, returning Edward’s smile. Edward laughed and playfully pushed at Étienne’s shoulder, which made Étienne half drape himself over his boyfriend in retaliation.
 “The best way,” Edward thought to himself.
 “Hey, wanna get some ice cream?” Étienne offered. Edward didn’t even need to think about it and nodded, making Étienne beam. Edward followed Étienne, who was already on about this great place he knew, not far from here, and Edward wondered, not for the first time, how it was that Étienne knew all these places. As they headed back towards Pointe à Callière, Étienne snaked his arm around Edward’s waist once more, but this time, he let his hand rest in Edward’s back pocket. It was a little bold and a little daring and Étienne looked at Edward, asking him if this was okay, and even if it was a little different and his heart sped up a little, Edward’s response was to do the same – he could do this here, it was okay here.
 Edward thought for sure they were going to one of the regular ice cream parlours they went to when they went to the Old Port, but Étienne, ever full of surprises, led them through one street and the other, until they found themselves in front of what appeared to be a convenience store.
 “The dep? Really? Curly, I thought you were against these places,” He teased, curious as to why they were here of all places, knowing how adamant Étienne was about locally made ice cream (and other goods).
 “But this is the oldest dépanneur and they make their own ice cream, Édouard,” Étienne declared, opening the door for him, “You have three options; vanilla, the swirl of the day, or a combination of both – trust me, this place is good.” Edward had no doubt about that – would trust Étienne with close to anything when it came to food and the city of Montréal, (would trust him with so much more and then some) and therefore nodded and queued up.
 He laughed when Étienne told the girl behind the counter that he would be paying for their order and not to accept any money from Edward, and when she handed them both their ice cream cones (swirl of the day for Étienne, half-and-half for him), Edward had to admit that the ice cream presented rather nicely and that he would have never guessed it came from a dépanneur. Étienne looked self-satisfied when Edward declared it was absolutely delicious and they chose to eat it outside, sitting on one of the benches by what was regarded as the birthplace of the city of Montreal.
 “Thank you for such a nice date; I had a really good time – like always,” Edward laughed and handed Étienne a napkin when some of his ice cream leaked onto his hand.
 “You’re welcome, and I had a really good time as well – we can do this again any old time, but who says it’s gotta be over?” He asked, grinning, leaning close.
 Edward noticed that Étienne’s cheeks had pinked all over again and he quirked an eyebrow, intrigued, wondering whatever else it could be that was running in his boyfriend’s mind, “Oh? What were you thinking about?”
 “Well, night’s still young. Figured we could go back home, take it nice and easy, we could pick up from where we left off on the Ferris wheel, I could make love to you...” He said it so casually, so easily, but Edward could tell from the way Étienne was holding in his breath that he was a little nervous, for some strange reason, even though it wasn’t as if they had never slept together.
 “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Edward started, “Why don’t you lead the way back, Beautiful?”
 They took the time to finish their ice cream, enjoying the warm evening, stretching out the moment for what it was worth, in no rush for this part of their date to end, and once they were done, they headed back towards their apartment, chatting about this and that, in their own little bubble once more, where they liked it best.
Étienne couldn’t believe he was here, again, after so many years. Sitting in the Ferris wheel, with Edward  next to him. He had been quite surprised when Edward had come up to him, the other day, with the strangest of requests.
“This is going to sound a little lame and tacky,” He had started, “But... I’ve always wanted to ride that Ferris wheel in the Old Port and I don’t want to go alone, would you care to go with me?”
 And so here they were now, the same little pod making its way towards the summit of the wheel, and Étienne looked away from Edward, focusing instead on the view around him, immersing himself in the colour of the trees, the sprawling skyline, the shape of the white, fluffy clouds against the clear, blue sky.
 When they reached the summit, the pod stopped, giving them a moment at the top and Étienne’s mind replayed a similar moment from a lifetime ago. He was stuck reminiscing, trying to focus on anything but his erratic beating heart, that for a moment, he thought for sure he was dreaming, when he felt Edward reach over for his hand.
 Étienne turned and spared a glance to the other man and then checked the space between them to see if it was real – and sure enough, Edward’s hand was there, entwined with his, but Edward was also looking out his own window, seemingly deep in thought. For a moment, Étienne thought maybe it had been accidental, but upon closer inspection, Étienne noticed the smallest of smiles gracing Edward’s lips.
 Étienne smiled in return and looked back out his window once more, giving Edward’s hand the gentlest of squeezes.
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