#Austin Vlogger
austinvlogger · 1 year
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Kill all family vloggers and anyone making money by exploiting their own children. Period. Austin mcbroom and his vile wife catherine will be dealt with.
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paperstorm · 3 months
Someone just posted a call sheet and there’s Judd Marjan pray, Jax is scared" “Bright light & sonic boom as asteroid made impact" as they were all hiding under the firetruck 😳
Jax is the guest star played by a vlogger actor Google says names miles mckenna
AN ASTEROID. Do you think the fictional people of Austin feel a bit like the citizens of New York in all the marvel movies lol. Yeah they got this super sexy first responder team but now catastrophic shit keeps happening
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olreid · 2 years
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[ID: AUSTIN: We actually had a long talk about that, about what does it mean to be a utopian vlogger, end ID]
decided to circle back to twilight mirage rather than continuing on to palisade. nothing on earth is better than the first three characters we meet having the names fourteen fifteen, they marked scars of light in pitch; born in fiercest purpose and beheld as the signet sealed upon our pact, and tender sky. and nothing on earth is worse than the phrase "utopian vlogger."
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 4, eighth episode "Control Freaks" which originally aired March 14, 2023. The episode was written by Jalysa Conway and directed by Toni Garrett. Spoilers ahead!
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***LAST TIME ON 9-1-1: LONE STAR***Paul went out on a date with Asha Fulton - the department advocate from the Professional Standards Division of the Austin Fire Department Internal Affairs. Also, Tommy hit a rough patch in her relationship with Trevor when his daughter, Melody, attempts to break them up.
Now that we're all caught up, let's chat about episode eight - CONTROL FREAKS.  
We begin the episode at Captain Strand's abode. Owen, Mateo, and Nancy are gathered to see TK and Carlos' tuxedos for the wedding. Now Ronen Rubinstein and Rafael Silva are hot just in regular clothes. In formalwear they are absolutely gorgeous. I love that they were wearing simple yet sophisticated black tuxes instead of doing the whole thing where one of them wears white and the other wears black. Even the bowties are black. People really underestimate the simplicity of black and white. Let the pop of color be the flowers and the other decorations. Anywho, I digress! Owen tells them the tuxes don't work and he isn't particularly fond of the pocket squares. He says they're bland like Paul's oatmeal.
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SHAAAAADDDDDDEEEE! Mateo calls the tuxes dope but Owen tells them they're not going for dope. They're going for transcendent. Owen is a bit of a bridezilla, or rather a groomzilla, in this scene and it was so much fun to watch TK and Carlos bond over their mutual annoyance over the situation. 
We then see Marjan on her bike. It's so good to see our Firefox! She's all the way in New Mexico which I reckon isn't that far from Austin, Texas. She comes across a man and a woman standing next to an RV that's on fire. Marjan gets off her bike and tells them to step away from the RV. She uses a fire extinguisher and puts out the small fire. The couple introduces themselves as travel vloggers and Marjan tells them about her Instagram account. She also tells them that she used to be a firefighter. Marjan says she thought being on the open road would grant her some clarity and purpose but all she's found is more road. Marjan diagnoses the issue with the RV. Turns out it's the A/C belt creating the issue. Marjan cuts the belt and tells them they need a new one, especially out in the sweltering desert. She wishes them both luck. When Marjan goes to get back on her bike, she finds a note presumably from the woman, Kiley (Brooke Sorenson) saying Help, he's going to kill me. It is after this scene that I immediately told my mom this is very similar to the whole Gabby Petito and Brandon Laundrie case from a few years ago. I know Lone Star and the OG series parody real-life emergencies but this is one of the first times I can recall one of the shows actually drawing from a real-life situation.
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In our next scene we see a man named Kevin (Cory Blevins) teaching his son Wesley (Benjamin Stockham) how to drive. Kevin's extremely Type A behavior is stressing Wesley out. So much so that it causes Wesley to hit one of the obstacles set up for his parallel parking test. Kevin chastises him and talks about his perfect driving record. Wesley calls his dad a control freak. They both end up getting out of the car and Kevin climbs into the driver's seat. Shortly thereafter, Kevin starts having an attack which causes his foot to smash down on the gas pedal. We then get a 9-1-1 call from Wesley telling Grace that his car has flew up the road.
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The 126 arrive at the scene and everyone is baffled as to how there is a medium-sized sedan lodged in a telephone pole. Both Kevin and Wesley are still conscious which is a miracle in itself. Wesley thinks his dad is having a heart attack because his grandfather died from a widowmaker. There are live wires all around the car causing sparks to go off in all directions. Judd raises the ladder on the rig and Paul climbs to the top very similarly to how Buck did over on the OG series. Paul first hands Wesley a blanket to use to put over the broken window. The blanket will serve as an insulator. He then places a board int he car and tells Wesley that his dad will need to come out first since he's having a medical emergency. Kevin starts freaking out and tells them that it's not a good idea to leave the car until the electrical company arrives and shuts off the power. Wesley tells his dad to shut up and let him help him. Kevin complies and Wesley ties a rope around his waist. Meanwhile the car is now on fire so it's tick-tock, gotta hurry! Kevin is eased out of the vehicle and now it's Wesley's turn. Wesley manages to exit the car and Judd swings the ladder away from the car just in the nick of time. The car exploded but everyone is safe. The fire is put out and Wesley rides in the ambulance with his dad. 
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Over at the firehouse, TK and Carlos are eating lunch. The rest of the 126 arrive and they are happy to discover that Carlos has brought them street tacos. YUM! Owen says he can't eat tacos because he has a wedding to go to. Oh, Owen. SMH. LOL. He reminds TK and Carlos of the cake-tasting at his house. He also tells them he knows of a gluten-free, daily-free, whatever-free bakery that can make their cake. Owen then starts to rail against sugar. Carlos calls him a dadzilla. Good one, Carlos! TK defends his dad but Nancy tells him that Owen is drunk on power. TK is happy because this is the first time in a long time he's seen his dad so invested. Judd suggests TK and Carlos have a talk with Owen and speaks of the issues he had with Grace's father prior to them tying the knot. Carlos says that someone needs to stand up to Owen and he knows the perfect person. Cue Godfather music.
TK and Carlos go to see Andrea Reyes (Roxana Brusso) and tell her all about Owen taking over their wedding planning. Andrea reminds them that the relationship between in-laws is too important. She cannot interfere. Carlos tells her Owen wants to go gluten-free on the cake and she responds with a resounding Hell to the No!
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Back in New Mexico, Marjan pulls up to a diner. She sees the couple from earlier. A trucker named Patty (played by the amazing Dot-Marie Jones) sits by her at the counter. Marjan is too occupied with staring at the couple to notice. Patty tells her that she's being creepy. Marjan tells her she helped the couple with some engine trouble and when she finished she saw a note on her bike. Marjan can't reconcile the note with the happy couple eating. Patty tells Marjan that if she thinks something's going on, it's worth checking out. It's better to be a kook than for the girl to end up dead. Great advice, Patty! Marjan sees Kiley head for the restroom so she decides to make her move. Kiley hugs Marjan when she sees her and Marjan notices the bruises on her neck. Marjan says she will call the cops but Kiley says there's no use since the police won't do anything. Kiley says she was hoping Marjan would save her but Marjan says there's no room on her bike. She tells the woman to finish her lunch and she will think of something. They both leave the restroom. 
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Marjan returns to her seat and asks Patty where she's headed. Patty tells her she's heading close to Denver. Marjan suggests that Kiley can ride with Patty and Patty seems on board with the idea. An announcement over the intercom lets Kiley and her boyfriend, Grant (Cameron Cowperthwaite) that their RV is ready. Marjan decides to send two pieces of apple pie over to Kiley and Grant to stall them.
TK heads over to Owen's house with Andrea and Carlos. Owen is looking at floral arrangements. Owen tells Andrea she should be involved in the cake-tasting. He has her try two pieces of cake and she likes slice number two. Owen announces the cake is vegan which is shocking to Andrea. Both TK and Carlos try the vegan cake and have to admit that it's delicious. Owen and Andrea appear to be getting along very well which means Carlos' plan to reign Owen in has backfired big time. Owen asks Andrea to help out with flower arrangements and Andrea is thrilled. It appears two monsters have been created!
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Meanwhile, back in New Mexico, Grant is upset over the price of the fan belt for the RV. Kiley suggests posting more videos as a means of getting more money. He blames her for their added expenses. When he goes to start the RV, the engine won't crank up. He lashes out at the mechanic. Marjan walks up and tries to distract Grant while Kiley sneaks away to Patty's truck. The mechanic notices something unplugged and Grant gets suspicious of Marjan. That's when he notices Kiley is gone. Marjan tells him he will never see her again. We then watch as Patty's truck pulls away but Kiley is not on board. Kiley walks back over to Grant. Marjan is seething! Back in Texas, Owen and Andrea look at flower arrangements while TK and Carlos observe. TK is overwhelmed and Andrea says you only get married once - or, in Carlos' case, twice. SHAAAAADDDDDDEEEE! Owen and Andrea are shade assassins! TK and Carlos are not feeling the flower arches and orchids. TK's frustration and anger bubbles over and he snaps. He calls Owen controlling and fires him as their unofficial wedding planner. Carlos also fires his mom.
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Back on the road in New Mexico, Grant is upset with Kiley because she almost left him. Kiley apologizes and tells him she loves him so much. She cries and he tells her she does not get to cry. Grant continues to yell at her and Kiley confesses to leaving a note asking for help on Marjan's bike. Grant tells Kiley that Marjan abandoned her just like everyone does - except for him. He tells her he is the only one who can stand her. Way harsh, Grant! The camera then zooms out and we see Marjan following them very close on her bike. My only concern for Marjan is what if the RV comes to an abrupt stop. She's gonna end up smashing into the rear of the RV.
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Owen and Andrea retreat to the captain's house and have cake. Owen is upset over TK and Carlos' accusations. Andrea says this is not the first time she's been accused of not listening. She talks about Carlos coming out. Since she didn't know what to say, her and Gabriel said nothing. Andrea knows this hurt her son and it's her biggest regret. Owen assures her that Carlos forgives her. Her going overboard with the wedding plans is her trying to make up for sins of the past. She asks Owen what's his excuse.
The RV pulls over at a gas station. Grant forces Kiley to get out. Marjan watches them. After Grant refills the RV's tank, they get back on the road. Grant is playing music really loud and Kiley starts crying. He pulls over on the side of the road and slaps Kiley. Marjan emerges from the rear of the RV and hits Grant with Chekov's fire extinguisher. Grant is knocked out cold. Marjan calls the police and the marriage is taken away. Kiley thanks Marjan and tells her that her purpose is rescuing people. 
In our final scene of the episode, Owen arrives at TK and Carlos' apartment. TK answers the door and tells Owen that Carlos went to dinner with Andrea. Owen tells TK he doesn't have an olive branch but he does give him extra virgin olive oil which I thought was cute. Owen admits to TK that he went slightly overboard with the wedding plans and that he's been insufferable. He says he thought he was doing it for TK but he's been doing it for himself. Owen is scared that planning this wedding will be the last thing TK will need him for. He tells TK that Carlos is going to take great care of him so his job will be over. TK says he doesn't know the first thing about being married and tells Owen he's an amazing father and he will need him when he becomes a parent. TK calls Owen his best friend. The episode ends here.
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So, a big complaint by viewers, or maybe a vocal few on Reddit, is that Lone Star is lacking this season on emergencies and rescues. This episode had only one emergency unless you count Marjan rescuing Kiley from Grant. Last week we only had two emergencies. While I think this is a valid critique of the show, as a long-time fan of this show, it's never been the emergencies and rescues that drew me in. I love the characters and I love their various relationships. This episode was short on the emergencies but I loved seeing the interaction between TK and Owen and Carlos and Andrea. Besides this is Austin, Texas. I sincerely doubt the 126 are responding to emergencies at the same rate the 118 are. Especially huge emergencies like cars hanging off cliffs or tsunamis wiping out thousands of people. The 126 probably spent the bulk of their time responding to small house fires and traffic accidents and let's face it, no one wants to watch those types of emergencies. We want the big ones. The bizarre ones. That is how I reconcile the lack of emergencies in my head. 
It looks like we're getting closer to a Tarlos wedding. I'm excited to see these two tie the knot. I'm so glad Owen is involved in the wedding planning especially since he's been a bit preoccupied with stopping terrorist plots at the beginning of this season. One of the things that really endeared me to this show is the relationship between Owen Strand and his son. I love that we got a lot of Owen and TK this episode. They are alike in so many ways but this episode was a reminder of how different they are. Owen is so fussy about details and TK could care less. I love how TK defended Owen to his friends. I think TK understands deep down that Owen is trying to make up for not showing up to things when he was younger and now that Gwyn is gone, he is the only parent. On the flipside, I like that we are getting more insight on Carlos and his relationship to his parents, especially his mother, Andrea. It would've been so cliche to have them be the super conservative Mexican family who turns their back on their gay son but they're not those parents. They love their son even if they haven't always understood him which is all that matters. I hope we get more Andrea and Gabriel.
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As for Marjan, I like they we are following her on the road. It's giving Marjan a chance to shine away from the 126. Another thing I like about this being on the road plot is that technically she could go back to the 126 since that couple dropped their case against her but that's not the whole reason why she left in the first place. I think Marjan will appreciate the 126 and being a firefighter more after she has a chance to learn more about herself. I look forward to seeing what happens next with her.
Overall, this episode was pretty great. It did give filler episode vibes at times but the scenes with Owen, TK, Carlos, and Andrea are so important. Admittedly I did miss having Grace in the episode but we did get her voice at least. I think once we start getting some Nancy and Mateo stopies, I'll be extremely satisfied because so far those  two characters haven't had a real storyline this season. Perhaps we'll get that soon. Until next time ...
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what-if-rpg · 1 month
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↪ Have you heard about COLTON CLARINGTON? HE is 29 and hails from FORT BRAGG, NC. Looks exactly like AUSTIN BUTTLER, and is TAKEN.
"I'm a lost cause…baby don't waste your time on me; I'm so damaged beyond repair, life has shattered my hopes and my dreams."
FULL NAME: Colton "Colt" Grey Clarington DATE OF BIRTH: October 15, 1995 SEXUALITY & GENDER: Bisexual & Cis-Man RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE & NEGATIVE TRAITS: Determined, Hardworking, & Kind. Perfectionistic, Aloof, & Sarcastic. OCCUPATION: Restauranteur (Owner) & Food Blogger CITY: Los Angeles, CA
Colton, who more frequently goes by the nickname Colt, is into astrology. He is a Scorpio, and he fully believes in the personality he inherited from his Sun sign. He is very passionate, loyal, and intense, going full-throttle and head-first into any and everything he decides to set his mind to. However, he can also be stubborn- very. His perfectionistic tendencies often lead to very little patience. Though he is kind, he is not one to be crossed.
Unlike his father, Colt diverted from the political and military lifestyle. From a young age, he had a passion for cooking, one that was only built upon as he grew. After graduating high school at the age of 16, two years early, he was sent to live in Paris for a year, to train under the best chefs the city had to offer. From there, he was accepted to Le Cordon Bleu, one of the best culinary schools in the world. Upon graduating at the age of 21, he used a bit of his trust fund money to open his first restaurant, L'Aube, located in LA, California. Now, 8 years later, L'Aube has locations in LA, NYC, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Miami. He has written two cookbooks and is a popular food blogger and vlogger. 
Colt is an avid reader. He has a miniature library in his condo, and it is ever-growing. Despite his busy schedule, he sets aside time each day to read, for no less than an hour. On the weekends, he makes time to read for an hour and a half. Literacy is important to him, and he loves the ability to be transported through reading. 
Despite his success in other areas, Colton has been unlucky in love. At heart, he is a hopeless romantic. But, he has always had a difficult time picking partners. He is bisexual and has been hurt more than once by exes, both men and women. He has been in a couple of terrible relationships- his first and only boyfriend to date was a true narcissist, and his last girlfriend (really, his last partner) was essentially using him for his money and clout while cheating on him with someone he thought was a good friend. The truth was revealed two weeks before Colt had been planning to propose. The relationship ended when he was 26, and he has been single ever since. 
JULIE & WILLIAM CLARINGTON (Parents): Colt has a complicated relationship with his parents. While he does love them and is grateful for them and all they've done and provided, he has trauma from the way he was raised. The staunchness, the strictness of the Clarington household, the expectations they were forced to meet...Colt grew up feeling as though he just wasn't ever good enough, and did go through a rebellious phase because of this. HUNTER CLARINGTON (Older Brother): Colton has always loved and looked up to his older brother, always feeling as though he was the better child. He did his best to mimic Hunter in their younger years, though he worries they have grown apart a bit since adulthood. PATRICK EAST (Best Friend): Colt and Patrick met, oddly enough, at a wine tasting in LA. On a rare afternoon off, Colt decided to attend a wine-tasting solo and ended up being seated next to Patrick. The two hit it off quickly, and the rest is history. They've been friends for 7 years. DEVON MOORE (Friend/Manager): Devon is the big-boss-manager of each L'Aube location, and delegates where Colt is too busy to. The two met in culinary school, and have been close for nearly 10 years.
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behindlizzy · 2 months
Hey Hey, Is Liz here! Welcome to Behind Lizzy! Where all the IRL photos will be! If you wanted my PW for the Private Account to enter just go to my other account “ITZSUGARLIZZY!” You send ms in DM’s for the PassWord for enter this private account!
All photos of me or either my Tablet or my Plushies would be in one place. So yeah oh also pets too,Lol, Cannot forget about them.
Anyway that is all needed to say now for introducing!
Name: GiGi V!
Birthday: 24th July,2000
Sexuality: Straight (but single and loving it!)
Gender: female
Main mascot OC: ItzSugarLizzy
Occupation: Video editor, Gacha Editor,Vlogger, Bracelet making.
Fav Oc: Austin of course 💚🍭
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jenifersohowe · 7 months
#shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortfeed #shorthistory #history #politics #culture #society #education #educationnews #people #politicalnews #americanews #americatv #americatoday #tv #channel #news #newshorts #newupdate #entertainment #entertainmentnews #pressnewstv #press #journal #reels #reel #blogger #vlog #youth #junior #children #parenting #parents #familyvlog #family #capitalnews #capitaltv #capitaltalk #capital #city #citynews #country #humanrights #american #nativeamerican #usa #unitedstates #caribbean #asia #europe #australia #europenews #africa #africanews #australianews #dubai #dubainews #dubaivlog #middleeast #middleeastnews #vintage #vintagejournal #vault #vinyl #vinylcommunity #texas #texans #texasnews #texasliving #texascountry #texasmusic #musicnews #musicindustry #musicindustrynews #news #newshorts #newsupdate #new #newstoday #newsheadline #newsupdates #newslive #presidentsday #usa #usanews #usanewstoday #goodmorningamerica #goodmorningbritain #austin #houston #dallas #dallasfortworth #fortworth #elpaso #sanantonio #metropolitan #suburban #colleyville #downtown #downtowndubai #downtowndallas #socialmedia #socialjustice #justice #network #networking #filmindustry #filmindustrynews #industrynews #washingtonpost #newsletter #politicsnews #thenewyorktimes #latimes #education #aducational #educationalnews #culture #heritage #americanheroes #nobel #nobelprize #awards #award #honor #respect #talent #respectshort #leaders #leader #leadership #CEO #genius #prodigy #creator #creative #tech #technews #technology #future #generation #innovation #revolution #mercy #charity #medianews #media #mediaonenews #mediaone #digital #digitalart #podcast #podcasts #podcaster #podcasters #broadcast #broadcasting #broadcastnews #local #localnewstoday #public #publictv #publicnews #bbc #bbcnews #nbc #nbcnews #nbcnightlynews #abcnewsaustralia #abcnews #abcnewsalbania #cbsnews #cbs #cbs_broacasting #foxnews #foxnewschannel #foxnewslive #cnn #cnnnews #hollywoodnews #starnews #magazine #magazin #newspaper #teslanews #financenews #businessnews #leadernews #celebritynews #vlog #vlogger #vlogs #vlogging #blogger #blog #publishing #publishingcompany #manufacturing #community #world #worldnews #worldwide #globalnewstoday #globalnewsnetwork #newsnetwork #mediatalk #pressmeet #entertainmenttv #life #living #countrylife #countryhumans #countryside #tiktoknews #socialmedianews #bollywoodnews #telegramnews #houdtonnews #houstontexans #marketingnews #marketing #marketingdigital #marketingstrategy #marketinganalysis #marketingonline #copyright #healthmagazine #healthandwellness #healthylifestyle #forumnewsnetwork #brandnews #trendnews #stylenews #technologynews #countrynews #constructionnews #designindustry #americanheritage #sportnews #sport_news #onlinenews #online #ad #artwork #arte #artandcraft #ceogroup #statement #wellness #work #workshop #working #workhard #memorialday #diary #collection #exhibition #carnews #designblog #recovery #beauty #naturebeauty #nature #maturity #consolidation #subtainability #products #production #opnews #topproducts #top #tips #tipsindustries #productdesign #appstore #onlinestore #playstore #applestore #amazonstore #musicstore #appletv #amazon #sonytv #sony #disneytv #amazontv #networktv #service #information #project #report 
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ashleyheyneblog · 8 months
Catherine and Austin McBroom of 'The ACE Family' announce their divorce 💔
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austinvlogger · 1 year
Top Family-Friendly Destination in Austin: Volente Beach Must-See!
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jendoe · 2 years
🖊️🖊️ + Austin, Kate, & Toby hehe ❤️
🖋 Despite living in Canada and Maine for almost three decades, he does not handle the cold all that well. He has to put on several layers before he feels even remotely warm.
🖋 Not a coffee person. Definitely prefers tea. Always with a little bit of honey and lemon.
🖋 Her favorite fruit is blackberries! Back in Jackson, she had a couple bushes of them. She'd say it's the only thing she misses about home besides the people.
🖋 Likes to keep her hair out of the way with a bandana. Usually braided or pulled back. She can't function when it's in her face, but still keeps it long regardless.
🖋 He has (had? lmfao) a samoyed named Bijou! Most spoiled dog in all of France. He was actually taking her for a walk when he was taken by the entity... oops...
🖋 While he preferred to work with Raine because she'd been his best friend since their teenagehood, she wasn't the only person he edited video for. Mostly urban explorers who he'd met through her, and one lifestyle vlogger who paid really well.
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what-if-rpg · 1 month
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Welcome to the family, LAINE! Your application to COLTON CLARINGTON (FC: Austin Butler) was accepted. We’re really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Colton "Colt" Grey Clarington CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 29 & October 15, 1995 OCCUPATION: restauranteur/owner/food blogger FACE CLAIM: Austin Butler HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: fort bragg, nc & los angeles, ca SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: bisexual & cis man RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, hardworking, & kind NEGATIVE TRAITS: perfectionistic, aloof, & sarcastic CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC:"i'm a lost cause...baby don't waste your time on me; i'm so damaged beyond repair, life has shattered my hopes and my dreams."
Colton, who more frequently goes by the nickname Colt, is into astrololgy. He is a Scorpio, and he fully believes in the personality he inherited from his Sun sign. He is very passionate, loyal, and intense, going full-throttle and head-first into any and everything he decides to set his mind to. However, he can also be stubborn- very. His perfectionistic tendencies often lead to very little patience. Though he is kind, he is not one to be crossed.
Unlike his father, Colt diverted from the political and military lifestyle. From a young age he had a passion for cooking, one that was only built upon as he grew. After graduating high school at the age of 16, two years early, he was sent to live in Paris for a year, to train under the best chefs the city had to offer. From there, he was accepted to Le Cordon Bleu, one of the best culinary schools in the world. Upon graduating at the age of 21, he used a bit of his trust fund money to open his first restaurant, L'Aube, located in LA, California. Now, 8 years later, L'Aube has locations in LA, NYC, Atlana, Las Vegas, and Miami. He has written two cookbooks, and is a popular food blogger and vlogger. 
Colt is an avid reader. He has a miniature library in his condo, and it is ever-growing. Despite his busy schedule, he sets aside time each day to read, for no less than an hour. On the weekends, he makes time to read for an hour and a half. Literacy is important to him, and he loves the ability to be transported through reading. 
Despite his success in other areas, Colton has been unlucky in love. At heart, he is a hopeless romantic. But, he has always had a difficult time picking partners. He is bisexual, and has been hurt more than once by ex's, both men and women. He has been in a couple of terrible relationships- his first and only boyfriend to date was a true narcissist, and his last girlfriend (really, his last partner) was essentially using him for his money and clout, while cheating on him with someone he thought was a good friend. The truth was revealed two weeks before Colt had been planning to propose. The relationship ended when he was 26, and he has been single ever since. 
PARENTS: Julie & William Clarington- Colt has a complicated relationship with his parents. While he does love them and is grateful for them and all they've done and provided, he has trauma from the way he was raised. The staunchness, the strictness of the Clarington household, the expectations they were forced to meet...Colt grew up feeling as though he just wasn't ever good enough, and did go through a rebellious phase because of this. SIBLINGS/OTHER IMPORTANT FAMILY: Hunter Clarington- older brother: Colton has always loved and looked up to his older brother, always feeling as though he was the better child. He did his best to mimic Hunter in their younger years, though he worries they have grown apart a bit since adulthood. *i am open to other Clarington siblings, but would prefer Hunter be kept eldest if possible.  BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND: None Currently (but open) CLOSE FRIEND: Patrick East- best friend: Colt and Patrick met, oddly enough, at a wine tasting in LA. On a rare afternoon off, Colt decided to attend a wine tasting solo, and ended up being seated next to Patrick. The two hit it off quickly, and the rest is history. They've been friends for 7 years. OTHER: Devon Moore- friend/manager: Devon is the big-boss-manager of each L'Aube location, and delegates where Colt is too busy to. The two met in culinary school, and have been close for nearly 10 years.
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callmekateagain · 4 years
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jenifersohowe · 7 months
#short #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortdesigns #shortfood #shortmusic #shortsports #shortfashion #channel #channel24 #channelstv #channelsubcribe #channelpages #channeli #channelinews #news #newshorts #newsupdate #new #newvideo #newdesign #newfashion #headlinews #headline #headlines #headshot #musicindustry #musicindustrynews #musicnews #music #musica #musician #songwriter #musicproducer #design #designnews #designing #designs #fashion #fashionbeauty #fashionblogger #fashionstyle #fashiontrends #fashionindustry #clothing #clothingbrand #clothinghaul #clothingstore #clothingindustry #vintage #vault #vinyl #vinylcommunity #newmusic #american #nativeamerican #people #peopleandvlogs #vlog #blogger #blog #vlogs #vlogger #vogue #voguemagazine #magazine #magazin #newyorktimes #washingtonpost #CEO #ceovision #ceomindset #ceogroup #leadership #leader #leaders #leadershipdevelopement #leadershipskill #amazon #amazonshorts #amazonefinds #amazonfba #amazonprime #amazongadgets #amazonhaul #amazonproducts #amazonas #amazonseller #amazonshopping #shopping #shoppinghaul #shoppingvlog #shoppingonline #shoppingmall #mall #mallofamerica #worldnews #world #worlwidenews #worldwide #starnews #starnewsexpress #americanexpress #americanews #america #americatv #americanenglish #peoplevlogs #beauty #beautytips #beautiful #beautyblogger #beautynature #beautycare #beautyproducts #musicvlogs #musicblog #designtechniques #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyhabits #healthyvlog #fashionvlog #fashionvlogger #fashionvlogging #tv #tv9 #tv9newslive #tvshow #tv9d #tvnews #tvnewsonlive #entertainment #entertainmentnews #entertainmentvideo #sony #sonypictures #sonytv #sonysab #sonymusic #sonyalpha #sonyliv #appletv #appleiphone #applepodcasts #apple #applemusic #applewatch #appleringtone #applestore #appletvplus #spotifypodcast #spotifymusic #spotify #tidal #deezer #soundcloud #sports #sport #sportsnews #pandora #iheartradio #iheartmedia #iheart #billboardnews #billboard #billboardmusic #grammy #grammys #grammynominations #grammyhits #awards #award #academia #academy #academic #academyawards #label #record #brand #branding #branded #trend #trending #trendingnews #trendingshorts #style #business #businessnews #businessmagazine #businessmentor #bisinessleadership #businesscoach #businessstrategy #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurcommunity #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurs #community #communityday #communitysupport #capital #capitalism #capitaltv #capitalnews #capitaltvonline #capitallive #local #localnews #localnewstoday #localbusiness #local_news #localfood #cake #cakes #cakedecorating #cakedesign #cakerecipe #cakeideas #minicake #minicakes #cakedecoration #cakeart #cakeshorts #cakelover #reels #recipe #recipes #reelitfeelit #reaction #real #fact #facts #factsdaily #factshorts #playstore #appstore #online #onlinestore #onlinenews #onlineshopping #onlinebusiness #vintagestore #fashionstore #clothingstore #designstore #musicstore #worldmagazine #fashionmagazine #fashionmarketing #musicmagazine #texas #texans #texansnews #texasnews #austin #austintexas #dallas #dallastexas #dallastx #downtown #downtowndallas #downtowndubai #downtownseattle #downtowntampa #houston #houstontexans #houstontx #houstonnews #dallasevents #elpaso #elpasotx #sanantonio #sanantoniotexas #sanantonioblogger #elpasotexas #fortworth #fortworthtexas #fortworthtx #dallasfortworth #dallasfoodie #austinfood #houstonfood houstonfoodie #texasfood #food #foodblogger #foodie #asia #australia #africa #europe #middleeast #dubai #manufacturing #usanews #usanewstoday #valentinesday #valentines2024 #forbes #forbesmagazine #BBC #bbcnews #abcnews #foxnews #CNN #cnnnews #NBC #nbcnews #goodmorningamerica #metropolitan #country #countrymusic #countryliving #countryside #life #lifestyle #suburb #audience #youth #junior #parent #parents #family #blessing #bliss #blissful #happiness 
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requirednoise · 4 years
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austinvlogger · 1 year
Hopewell Junction: A Hidden Gem in Dutchess County, New York
In the heart of Dutchess County, New York, Hopewell Junction is a quaint hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) that exudes small-town charm and a rich history. With a population of 1,330 residents according to the 2020 census, this picturesque community is an integral part of the larger Poughkeepsie–Newburgh–Middletown, NY Metropolitan Statistical Area and the expansive New…
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