#Maria Zaharova
inprimalinie · 1 year
Informațiile momentului despre explozia mașinii lui Zahar Prilepin
În regiunea Nijni Novgorod, sâmbătă,  Audi Q7 al co-președintelui partidului Rusia Justă – Pentru Adevăr, scriitorul Zahar Prilepin, a fost aruncat în aer. Georgiana Arsene Agenția de presă TASS a făcut o sinteză a principalelor informații care se cunosc până la acest moment despre circumstanțele în care s-a produs atentatul, dar și despre starea lui Zahar Prilepin. Circumstanțe și…
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Zakharova fiercely called out NATO: "This is a hybrid war"
Zakharova fiercely called out NATO: “This is a hybrid war”
Foto: Shutterstock Russia’s foreign ministry has attacked the US and Britain for training Ukrainian soldiers, calling it part of NATO’s “hybrid war” against Russia. Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a press conference that Washington had sent instructors to Ukraine to train Ukrainian soldiers in the use of advanced US HIMARS missile systems. She added that Ukrainian forces already use…
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Nurses and senior management in Pirkanmaa are not seeing eye to eye, according to Helsingin Sanomat, after the wellbeing services county Pirha decided to start charging for phone consultations.
Since the middle of last month, Pirha started invoicing call-backs from staff at 30 euros a piece. So far patients have only been billed for calls made by doctors.
Pirha's head physician, Eija Tomás, argued that the new system will actually save patients money.
"The clinic visit fee and the old phone fee used to be 46 euros. If the patient's matter is such that they don't necessarily need to come in person, they now pay only 30 euros for handling their matter over the phone," she said.
Nurses have raised concerns that senior citizens living on modest pensions will lose out as healthcare moves toward telemedicine.
"These people won't become digitally savvy or wealthy, no matter how much we would like them to," one nurse told HS.
Russia's visa regime
Russia is working on easing visa procedures for several countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, reports Ilta-Sanomat, citing statements by Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zaharova.
Ilta-Sanomat asked Jarno Limnéll, a National Coalition Party MP, what Russia's long-term goal is in relaxing its visa rules.
Limnéll, a cyber security expert often cited in the media, said Russia may use visa-free travel as a tool for hybrid influence.
"If this is true, it's certainly aimed at facilitating people's access to Russia, and one reason may be this hybrid influencing and directing people towards the [Finnish] border," he said.
On Thursday the Finnish government has proposed allocating an extra 86 million euros for the Border Guard this year. The majority of the funds would go towards expediting the construction of fencing along Finland's border with Russia.
Borrowers wait for relief
Relief for mortgage holders may be slower than anticipated, reports Kauppalehti, even though Eurozone inflation slowed to 2.6 percent last month.
The 12-month Euribor, the most common reference rate in Finland, is expected to gradually decrease to below three percent around the turn of the year, according to the business daily.
"At the end of last year, we were expecting this [lower rates] a bit too much. Now it's clear that the development seems slower. But interest rate cuts will happen," Danske Bank research director Heidi Schauman said.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Montenegro’s outgoing Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, said on Thursday that the Special State Prosecution had launched an investigation into an unspecified number of people on charges of espionage and creating a criminal organization.
Media reported that police had already detained six Russian diplomats, 30 Russians with temporary residence permits and two Montenegrins, on suspicion of working for Russian intelligence.
Abazovic told the media that action was being organized with Western partners, and refused to say if it related to his official visit to the US last week.
“Searches are carried out at several locations and the action is international in nature. We are ready to protect the national interests of Montenegro,” Abazovic told the media.
The Special State Prosecutor spokesperson, Vukas Radonjic, insisted that police were only searching premises, stressing that no one had been arrested yet.
“There were no arrests so far, so I urge media and public figures to respect the presumption of innocence. Their statements about the ongoing proceedings must not violate the rights of citizens who are being searched,” Radonjic told the public broadcater.
In his interview for Fox News on September 17, Abazovic said that Montenegro was under negative political and economic pressure from Russia and China, stressing that the US can counter that influence in Western Balkan countries.
While the opposition Democratic Party of Socialists DPS and Social Democrats welcomed the prosecution investigation, Interior Minister Filip Adzic said: “We are doing everything to rid Montenegro of any external negative influence and clean the system … These activities are aimed at protecting the national interests of Montenegro.”
Despite strong historical ties, relations between Russia and Montenegro have cooled, particularly since 2014, when Montenegro, seeking membership of NATO, joined previous sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU and the United States over its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula and involvement in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.
Ties frayed further in 2016 when Montenegro accused Russia of sponsoring a failed coup attempt allegedly designed to stop Montenegro from joining NATO.
In May 2019, Montenegro’s Higher Court sentenced 13 people, including two leaders of the pro-Serbian Democratic Front, two Russian intelligence officers and eight Serbs to custodial sentences of up to 15 years for staging the attempted coup.
But on February 5, Montenegro’s Appeal Court annulled the first-instance verdicts issued in the so-called “plot coup” trial, asking the Higher Court to repeat the trial that former opposition leaders claimed was politically led from start to finish.
After the government’s decision to join European Union sanctions against Russia, on March 7, Russia added Montenegro to a list of “enemy states”. Since March the Foreign Ministry has declared several Russian diplomats personae non grata.
On August 26, the National Security Agency accused Russia of massive cyber-attacks on the government server, which forced the public administration to work offline mode for more than a month.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zaharova on September 1 dismissed Podgorica’s claims as part of a “continuous policy of dismantling relations with Moscow in order to please the United States” Montenegrin officials have since blamed a criminal extortion group, Cuba Ransomware.
Opinion in Montenegro is divided about Montenegrin policy on Russia. The country has a large Serbian population, which is traditionally sympathetic to Russia.
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hadnews-romania · 3 months
Cozmin Guşă susţine că Alexei Navalnîi a fost ucis de "occidentali". Analistul politic reia tema lansată de purtătoarea de cuvânt a Ministerului de Externe al Rusiei-Cozmin Guşă susţine că Alexei Navalnîi a fost ucis de „occidentali”. Analistul politic a reluat ipoteza lansată de purtătoarea de cuvânt a Ministerului de Externe al Rusiei, Maria Zaharova, care spunea că reacţia Occidentului este „autoincriminatoare”,...
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jeintalu · 3 months
See on alles algus
"МВД России объявило Премьер-министра Эстонии Каю Каллас и Госсекретаря Эстонии Таймара Петеркопа в розыск за уничтожение памятников советским воинам.
За преступления перед памятью освободителям мира от нацизма и фашизма надо отвечать! И это только начало."
- Мария Захарова
"Venemaa siseministeerium kuulutas Eesti peaministrer Kaja Kallase ja Eesti riigisekretär Taimar Peterkopi tagaotsitavaiks nõukogude sõdurite mälestusmärkide hävitamise eest.
Kuritegude eest maailma natsismist ja fašismist vabastajate mälestuse vastu tuleb vastutada! Ja see on alles algus."
- Maria Zaharova
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Lotte interne al Cremlino, si sospetta un “deterioramento del regime russo”.
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Lotte interne al Cremlino, si sospetta un “deterioramento del regime russo”. Nelle ultime ore si sono diffuse e poi smentite voci su presunte lotte interne al Cremlino che non permetterebbero di controllare lo spazio informativo russo. Una voce che è stata smentita dalla portavoce del Ministero degli Esteri Russo, Maria Zaharova, rispondendo dal suo canale Telegram. Le voci erano scaturite da una frase della stessa Zakharova ad un convegno durante il quale la portavoce degli Esteri ha detto che il Cremlino non può disporre l’approccio stalinista di controllo centrale delle informazioni interna russa a causa di un non meglio specificate lotte fra élites del Cremlino. Secondo molti osservatori queste dichiarazioni descrivono il deterioramento del regime russo e le dinamiche del controllo dello spazio informativo che Putin avrebbe perso. Intanto gli attacchi nel sud-est dell’Ucraina non si fermano. Si continua a combattere senza tregua. Mosca ha bombardato il centro di Ochakiv -20 mila abitanti- una cittadina 60km a sud-ovest di Mikolaiv. Poi Kherson, la città liberata dall’esercito di Kiev a novembre, dopo diversi mesi di occupazione che però viene presa di mira. Sul campo è a Bakhmut che si sta combattendo senza sosta la madre di tutte le battaglie, simbolo tattico per Kiev e Mosca. Qui la linea di fronte è il fiume della città. Tensioni anche in Moldavia, dove oltre 50 persone sono state fermate dalla Polizia nel centro di Chisinau, durante gli scontri tra la polizia e migliaia di manifestanti antigovernativi. Fonti locali hanno denunciato il tentativo di prendere da assalto il Palazzo del Governo. Il 13 febbraio, la Presidente Sandu ha parlato di un presunto complotto con Mosca per rovesciare il Governo al fine di metterlo a disposizione della Russia. Intanto, fra poche ore riprenderanno a Ginevra i colloqui tra Russia e ONU per l’estensione dell’accordo sul grano che permette l’esportazione del cereale dai porti ucraini fino al 18 marzo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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djtavy · 1 year
MAE rus: Zelenski încearcă să atragă Republica Moldova în confruntare cu Rusia
MAE rus: Zelenski încearcă să atragă Republica Moldova în confruntare cu Rusia Purtătorul de cuvânt al Ministerului rus al Afacerilor Externe, Maria Zaharova, a declarat că Ucraina încearcă să atragă Republica Moldova într-o confruntare dură cu Rusia. Zaharova a comentat declaraţiile președintelui Republicii Moldova, Maia Sandu, potrivit cărora instituţiile din Republica Moldova au confirmat…
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zoranphoto · 1 year
KAOS U KOJEMU SUDJELUJE MILANOVIĆ! Svjetske sile vode rat preko kičme malih, opako zaiskrilo zbog njemačkih tenkova. Analitičar ‘razoružava’ propagandu: ‘Nije krimen što ga hvali Lavrov’
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Rusija je iskrivila komentare njemačke ministrice vanjskih poslova o ratu u Ukrajini u propagandne svrhe, rekao je u petak glasnogovornik njemačkog ministarstva vanjskih poslova, ističući stajalište Berlina da NATO ne smije postati strana u sukobu, prenosi Reuters. Podsjetimo, njemačka ministrica vanjskih poslova Annalena Baerbock naljutila je Moskvu komentarima na događaju u Strasbourgu u utorak, kada je, govoreći na engleskom, rekla da “ratujemo protiv Rusije, a ne jedni protiv drugih”. Govorila je dan prije nego što je njemačka vlada objavila da naoružava Ukrajinu naprednim tenkovima Leopard, ostavljajući po strani ranije rezerve o tome bi li takav potez mogao potaknuti Moskvu na eskalaciju rata.     Glasnogovornica ruskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova Maria Zaharova, u objavi na svom kanalu za razmjenu poruka Telegram, koju je u srijedu citirala državna novinska agencija TASS, iskoristila je komentare Baerbock kao dokaz da Zapad vodi “unaprijed pripremljeni rat protiv Rusije”.
Njemačka: Sve je kriva ruska propaganda
Dok je Baerbock često zvučala kao ‘veći jastreb’ od njemačke Vlade kada je u pitanju podrška Ukrajini, Berlin je više puta naglasio da želi izbjeći da NATO savez postane strana u sukobu. Ova zabrinutost bila je dio razloga za odgodu odluke Njemačke o slanju tenkova Leopard u Ukrajinu. “Ruska propaganda kontinuirano preuzima izjave, rečenice, stavove, pozicije vlade, naših partnera i koristi ih za svoje svrhe”, rekao je glasnogovornik njemačkog ministarstva vanjskih poslova.     Kijev i njegovi zapadni saveznici kažu da je ruska invazija na Ukrajinu, pokrenuta 24. veljače prošle godine, jednaka neizazvanom agresorskom ratu s ciljem zauzimanja teritorija. Moskva s druge strane kaže da Zapad koristi Ukrajinu za slabljenje vlastite sigurnosti Rusije.
Milanović: Mi smo u ratu s Rusijom, stvarno? Nisam znao
Izjavu njemačke ministrice vanjskih poslova jučer je komentirao i hrvatski predsjednik Zoran Milanović, koji se i sam nije mogao načuditi onome što je rekla. “Citirao sam ukrajinskog ministra obrane u kojima je rekao da je to proxy rat, da to radi Washington preko Kijeva, ali i Moskva, a onda smo nekoliko dana slušali preko piskarala da je mene pohvalio Lavrov. Što da ja radim? Hvala lijepa. Prođe par dana i njemačka ministrica vanjskih poslova prekjučer na engleskom delegatima kaže da moramo biti jedinstveni jer ‘mi smo u ratu s Rusijom’. Stvarno? Nisam znao, sretno ovaj puta, da završi bolje nego prije 70 godina. Mi nismo u ratu s Rusijom. Neka nju pohvali, očekujem da ju Lavrov zaprosi. Sad smo saznali da smo u ratu s Rusijom, da vidimo kakva je to njemačka ministrica vanjskih poslova. Možda dođu do Krima, ali bez hrvatske legije. Oni koji se žele dopasti radi dva tri posla i karijere u Bruxellesu, neka nastave, ali ne preko Hrvatske.”, poručio je u četvrtak Milanović.   No, tu nije stao s kritikama Njemačkoj. “Sada saznajemo od njemačke ministrice vanjskih poslova da smo u ratu s Rusijom. Pa da vidimo što nam je činiti. Neka se ona i Scholz dogovore tko je kancelar. Ovakvo ludilo nisam vidio”, zaključio je predsjednik.
Ruski mediji opet pozitivno o Predsjedniku RH
Zanimljivo, istog dana, Milanović je još jednom završio u ruskim medijima i to u pozitivnom tonu, što se u kontekstu trenutne ruske agresije na Ukrajinu ne promatra nimalo blagonaklono.   Ovoga puta u fokusu je bila njegova izjava o isporuci njemačkih i američkih tenkova, što će, po njegovom mišljenju, produžiti tamošnji sukob. “Isporuka zapadnih tenkova Ukrajini produžit će rat. Ako se Amerika i Rusija ne dogovore, a to zasad nije na vidiku, rat neće biti gotov. Nadam se da se neki razgovori vode, inače idemo dalje, prema Trećem svjetskom ratu. Što se tiče tenkova, i ruski i američki jednako gore”, rekao je Milanović , a ruski mediji navode da je predsjednik RH naglasio kako Hrvatska neće sudjelovati u neprijateljstvima protiv Rusije.
Možda će izgorjeti
“Možda će ovi tenkovi izgorjeti, možda će doći do Krima, ali bez Hrvatske. Za to ću se uvijek zalagati. Oni koji žele nekome ugoditi u Bruxellesu, mogli bi to podržati, ali ja neću”, nastavio je Milanović, a prenio TASS. Milanović je zbog svojih izjava o ratu u Ukrajini i ranije bio vijest u ruskim medijima, a posebno je glasno odjeknula nedavna izjava ruskog ministra vanjskih poslova Sergeja Lavrova, koji ga je ‘pohvalio jer je govorio iskreno i pošteno o tome da SAD i NATO u Ukrajini indirektno vode rat protiv Rusije’.
Adut kojim ga HDZ optužuje za tešku rusofiliju
Milanovićeve izjave o ratu u Ukrajini mogu se interpretirati na razne načine, često se to čini u krajnje negativnom kontekstu jer se u vremenu rata u Ukrajini, koji jest ruska agresija na tu zemlju bez obzira na to što se može raspravljati o uzrocima, motivima dionika i sličnom,  Zapad (Europa i SAD) svrstao na stranu Kijeva kojem pruža vojnu i logističku podršku, a u javnosti se svi odstupajući tonovi vrlo brzo teško etiketiraju. Jasna je ta polarizacija i na hrvatskoj političkoj sceni, koju često koristi premijer Andrej Plenković kada predsjednika i oporbu naziva ‘rusofilima’, posebno one saborske zastupnike koji u Saboru nisu podržali obuku ukrajinskih vojnika u Hrvatskoj. Milanovića su HDZ-ovci i danas nazvali ‘karijesom s Pantovčaka koji je opet heroj u ruskim režimskim medijima’ te koji ‘gorljivo širi teze koje je već izrekao Putinov glasnogovornik Peskov’, a radi se o tome da će zapadni tenkovi u Ukrajini ‘gorjeti kao i svi drugi’.
Analitičar: Nije krimen Milanovića što ga hvali Lavrov
Vanjskopolitički analitičar Branimir Vidmarović za Dnevno.hr komentirao je tendenciju ruskih medija da prenose izjave hrvatskog predsjednika. “Rusi se hvataju za bilo koji narativ, izjave političara i poslovne zajednice koje liju vodu na njihov mlin i smatraju da ih hvale. To nije nova stvar, to se provlači još od 2001. godine. Kada god netko kaže nešto što bi išlo u skladu s ruskim narativom, ruski mediji to hvale. Nije krimen Milanovića što ga hvali Lavrov. To se Rusi hvale kako bi domaćoj publici mogli reći da u Europi ima dužnosnika koji su na njihovoj strani”, ocjenjuje Vidmarović. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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leontiucmarius · 1 year
Rusia sugerează că Suedia are ‘ceva de ascuns’ în ancheta asupra exploziilor de la Nord Stream
Rusia sugerează că Suedia are ‘ceva de ascuns’ în ancheta asupra exploziilor de la Nord Stream
Autorităţile suedeze şi daneze cercetează patru spărturi în conductele Nord Stream 1 şi 2 care leagă Rusia de Germania prin Marea Baltică şi care au devenit un punct fierbinte în criza ucraineană. Purtătoarea de cuvânt a Ministerului de Externe rus, Maria Zaharova, a declarat că refuzul Suediei de a colabora cu procurori ruşi a fost ‘derutant’ şi a spus că Moscova are dreptul să cunoască…
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inprimalinie · 1 day
Zaharova a relatat despre refuzul autorităților germane de a recunoaște blocada Leningradului ca fiind un act de genocid
Ministerul german de Externe a refuzat să recunoască blocada Leningradului de către Germania nazistă drept un act de genocid, a declarat de reprezentantul oficial al Ministerului rus de Externe, Maria Zaharova. Georgiana Arsene Autoritățile germane refuză cu încăpățânare să recunoască oficial crimele împotriva umanității comise de cel de-al Treilea Reich în URSS în timpul Marelui Război pentru…
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vipromania · 1 year
Incendiu în Ministerul rus de Externe: pompierii din Moscova au intervenit de urgență
Incendiu în Ministerul rus de Externe: pompierii din Moscova au intervenit de urgență
Alarmă de incendiu vineri seară, la una dintre clădirile Ministerului rus de Externe. Mai multe echipaje ale pompierilor din Moscova au ajuns la locul incendiului. Maria Zaharova, purtătoarea de cuvânt a MAE rus, a oferit explicații pe rețelele de socializare. “O posibilă cauză este un scurtcircuit. Angajații Ministerului Situațiilor de Urgență lucrează în acest moment. Nu au fost victime.…
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coinrehberim · 2 years
Zaharova: "Kiev rejiminin dünyada barış ve istikrara ihtiyacı yok"
Zaharova: "Kiev rejiminin dünyada barış ve istikrara ihtiyacı yok"
Kiev rejimi dünya istikrarı ve gıda güvenliği ile ilgilenmiyor. APA’nın haberine göre, Rusya Dışişleri Bakanlığı sözcüsü Maria Zakharova, Ukrayna Dışişleri Bakanı Dmitry Kuleba’nın “bütün ülkeler Rusya Federasyonu’nun tahıl anlaşması kapsamındaki yükümlülüklerine geri dönmesini talep etmeli” açıklamasına yorum yaparken bunu söyledi. Zakharovaa bunun hakkında “Telegram” kanalında yazdı: “Kiev…
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mariacallous · 1 year
Authorities in Moldova’s breakaway Transnistria region on Wednesday condemned a recent law passed by the Moldovan parliament prohibiting separatist actions.
“Together with the president and the government, we are obliged to defend the rights and freedoms of our citizens, the right to live on free land,” said the deputy chairman of the Tiraspol Supreme Soviet [parliament], Galina Antiufeeva.
The regime in Tiraspol claims the new provisions of the Criminal Code of Moldova endanger the rights and freedoms of all residents of the region.
The regime is, however, accused of systematically violating human rights in the small pro-Russian enclave and of suppressing any form of free expression.
On February 2, Moldova’s parliament adopted a law introducing criminal penalties for separatism in its final reading. Sixty deputies out of 101 backed the law.
Under the new regulations, those guilty of separatism can face prison terms.
The new law provides penalties for financing and inciting separatism, plotting against Moldova and collecting and stealing information that could harm the country’s sovereignty, independence and integrity.
From a technical point of view, Moldovan authorities may now detain any separatist leader in Transnistria based on the new law.
Russian authorities have slated the law on the same grounds as the pro-Russian authorities in Tiraspol.
The changes in the penal code were proposed by 16 deputies of the ruling Action and Solidarity Party, PAS, including the speaker of parliament, Igor Grosu.
Authors of the initiative cite the need to establish and apply a system of legal and criminal measures against those who undermine the state’s integrity, sovereignty and security.
The document provides for the completion of the Criminal Code, criminalizing acts related to the crimes of espionage and treason, as well as the organization or establishment of illegal information structures on the territory of Moldova.
Russia illegally stations about 1,700 soldiers in the region and has a significant influence on the political class in both Tiraspol and the southern autonomous region of Gagauzia.
Both areas are subjected to heavy Russian propaganda directed against the pro-European government in Chisinau.
Tiraspol claims the law creates the basis for the criminal prosecution of almost every citizen in Transnistria. Out of around 300,000 inhabitants in Transnistria, over 220,000 are also Russian citizens after a massive campaign of Moscow to offer Russian passports over the last decade.
The head of Transnistrian diplomacy, Vitaly Ignatiev, stated that the new law “is a threat to the negotiation process” between Moldova and Tiraspol and escalates tensions between the parties.
At the end of last year, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, also criticized the draft law.
“The adoption of the respective amendments in the penal code will not contribute to the improvement of relations between Chisinau and Tiraspol against the background of a ‘cooling’ of the dialogue between the two banks of the Dniester and a break in the activity in the ‘5+2’ format,” Zaharova said.
She said the amendments to the law would blur the principles underlying the Transnistrian settlement – namely, the principle of equal positions of the parties.
“We believe this legislative initiative would be justified if the Transnistrian conflict was finally resolved. But, unfortunately, this is still far from it,” she added.
Representatives of Moldova and Tiraspol are due to hold a new round of negotiations this month. But Tiraspol has yet to express its readiness for such a dialogue.
On the other hand, PAS deputy Oazu Nantoi, said there has been no progress in the negotiations with Tiraspol for years.
“During the so-called negotiation process, Moldova followed the path of unilateral concessions, which allowed the regime on the left bank of the Dniester to feel comfortable, shouting that it is an independent state. The so-called negotiation process was a farce behind which the corruption of those from Chisinau and their friendship with those from Tiraspol was hidden,” Nantoi told Radio Free Europe.
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Zaharova žestoko prozvala NATO: "Ovo je hibridni rat"
Zaharova žestoko prozvala NATO: “Ovo je hibridni rat”
Foto: Shutterstock Rusko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova napalo je SAD i Britaniju jer uvježbavaju ukrajinske vojnike, nazivajući to dijelom “hibridnog rata” NATO-a protiv Rusije. Glasnogovornica Maria Zaharova rekla je na konferenciji za novinare da je Washington poslao u Ukrajinu instruktore koji obučavaju ukrajinske vojnike za korišćenje naprednih američkih raketnih sistema HIMARS, prenosi…
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jeintalu · 10 months
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Venemaa Välisministeeriumi pressiesindaja on eile, 8. augustil 2023, teinud väga kummalise postituse.
Nimelt on ta avaldanud plakati järgmise tekstiga (tõlge vene keelest):
"Kui teid segavad mälestusmärgid, kui teid segab keel, kui teid segavad tähtpäevad, kui teid segavad linnade ja tänavate nimed, siis tähendab see, et te ehitate oma riiki võõrale territooriumile."
Näiteks skulptuuridest.
Zaharova näib arvavat, et mitte Nõukogude Liit, mille tuumikuks oli sotsialistlik Venemaa, pole oma mälestusmärke valesse kohta parkinud, vaid teised riigid on oma territooriumi valesse kohta parkinud.
Nad on oma riigi ehitanud nõukogude mälestusmärkidele liiga lähedale, koguni nende ümber.
Zaharova on selles postituses reetnud oma alateadliku hoiaku, et igal pool, kus venelased on vallutamas käinud ja oma skulptuure püstitanud, on Venemaa territoorium.
Need skulptuurid on samasugused territooriumi tähistajad nagu koertel uriini sirtsutamine postidele.
Fundamentaalne eeldus, mis Zaharova ja ka Putini sõnavõttudest aeg-ajalt läbi kostab, on see, et sellised riigid nagu Baltiriigid või Ukraina astusid kõik Nõukogude Liidu koosseisu vabatahtlikult.
Sest ilma selle väära eelduseta ei saa kuidagi mõistuslik olla tema hoiak nende skulptuuride suhtes.
See muide väga sarnaneb ameeriklaste hoiakule, et Venemaa, Iraan ja Hiina on oma riigid USA sõjaväebaasidele liiga lähedale parkinud.
Zaharova on tark ja erudeeritud naine ning väga osav Lääne ideoloogiate kritiseerija.
Aga tema arusaam, et Venemaa algab sealt, kust algavad teise maailmasõja skulptuurid, on kliiniline.
Sellise hoiaku puhul ei maksa Venemaal üldse lootagi, et nn "russofoobia" Venemaa naaberriikides vaibuks.
Kõige sellega ei taha ma sugugi öelda, et ma Ukrainas, Poolas ja Baltikumis toimuvat skulptuurisõda kuidagi pooldaksin.
Endiselt olen seisukohal, et erinevat liiki usuhullud, kes omavahel skulptuuri- ja kultuurisõda peavad, ei lase normaalsetel inimestel elada.
Plakatil on kujutatud sovetiaja skulptuuri Kiievis, millel hiljuti sirp ja vasar Ukraina vapi vastu vahetati.
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