#Marie Adlai
the-black-bulls · 3 months
Asta: So, you and Grey just got married.
Gauche: Yeah.
Asta: She walked down the aisle, said her vows, you said yours, now you're married. By law.
Gauche: That is true.
Asta: And Noelle is pregnant. With our child.
Gauche: That's also the truth.
Asta: So... do you forgive me for being Marie's first crush when she was ten?
Gauche: Absolutely not.
Asta: DUDE.
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meircury · 18 days
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gauche trying to imitate marie (he looks scary)
the original meme credits to @/kronkydei_ on twitter!
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saiyef · 1 month
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1phoebe1 · 10 days
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{The Fight I’m Excited For🪞🎨}
(I cant draw rill DONT COME FOR ME)
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jaycrakhead · 2 months
The Magician
This is part of the GreycheDrama tarot art, it's just a "solo" card for Gauche
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Pov: You're Rill
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colucana · 10 months
Greyche week, Marie
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“BROTHER, GREY LOOK!! Sister Theresa and Gordon help me designing your future wedding!”
Sweet Marie deserves the world
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Big Brother Opinions!
Morgen: I love my big brother Nacht so very much~! He's just the best~!
Langris: Although my big brother Finral is a bit of a loser, he's got a good heart.
Leopold: My big brother Fuegoleon is the coolest and strongest and bravest and kindest and-!
Mimosa: My big brother Kirsch is smart and capable in battle. I just wish he was a little less...
Marie: Even when big brother Gauche acts like a dummy, I love him very much!
Noelle: Big brother Solid is... a shithead to say the least. Big brother Nozel is trying.
Ichika: My big brother Sukehiro can go die in a ditch for all I care. I want to tie his ankles to two different carts and then have the two carts drive in opposite directions.
Marie: (shaking and afraid)
Mimosa: That's... it's something.
Leopold: Yikes okay.
Noelle: What did the captain do?!
Morgen: Ha ha. Well that's certainly an opinion...
Langris: JEEZ LADY! The hell kind of opinion is that?!
Morgen: Oh, like you’re one to talk? Remember the Royal Knights Exam?
Langris: I was being influenced by an elf soul.
Ichika: Weak. All of the hate for my brother is my own.
Morgen: I think we should bring this conversation to a close...
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getblackout503 · 4 months
Chapter 6 has arrived, hope y’all enjoy it
Gauche had woken up early so that he and Marie could go to the clover mall when the day was at its nicest. He and his angel sister walked around for hours looking at different stores, and Gauche offered to buy Marie as many dresses she wanted but she denied, due to the fact Gauche would always buy too much. But can you blame him, he believed his sister deserved everything, from a young age they were orphaned, their family having taken away their inheritance when their parents died, leaving them for the streets where they for several years have lived until Teresa found them. He promised himself he would give everything Marie deserved, whether that be toy, dresses, or love, but recently he has noticed she seems like she wanted something, not toys or material objects. More so, he would see her stare at couples walking with their kids, and Gauche knew what she wanted; a family.
Gauche didn’t know how to give her that, it was something he couldn’t buy or gift her, sure they had the Teresa as well as Rebecca and her siblings, but he felt like that wasn’t enough for her, but how do you give your sister a proper family, the only would for that would be getting adopted or him getting into a relationship, which both were out of the question. He wouldn’t let either of them get adopted, mainly because he’s already an adult and Marie already had a guardian, and second he had no time for a relationship, being a spy meant he was always too busy, and he could never trust people outside the organization. So what was he to do?
“Brother?” Marie’s voice brought him out of his thoughts.
“Yes Marie?”
“When are you going to get me a sister?” Her question shocked Gauche.
“When are you going to get me a sister?” She asked again. Marie wasn’t dumb, she knew as well that she couldn’t get new parents, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t get a new member to her family. The only problem is she knew her brother, she also knew he didn’t really like relationships, but she hoped that someday her brother would find a nice woman to be her sister, even if it meant she would have to bug him about it for the rest of their lives. That was a risk she was willing to take.
“Marie” Gauche sighed. “I’ve told you already, I’m not looking for a relationship, they take too much time away from what’s important”
“But they are also important,” She retorted. “Do you want to be alone forever, big brother?”
“Of course not, but right now is not the time” He told her. ‘Especially with the situation with Grey’
“Then when, big brother?” She asked with a pleading look on her face.
“When I’m ready”
“When I’m ready, okay?” He said with a stern look.
“Fine” Marie said a bit down.
“How about we go to build-a-bear?” Gauche asked try to make her feel better, causing Marie to gasp in excitement.
“Of course, anything for you my little angel”
“Okay!” she said cheerfully.
As they got closer to the shop Marie started running off. At first Gauche thought nothing of it, until he saw she was going to run into two women, but before he could stop her it was too late as she and one of the women collided, both falling down. “Marie!” he called out as he went over to his sister.
“Don’t run off like that, you could have gotten hurt, not to mention you ran into-” It was only now Gauche realized who the two women were. Vanessa and Grey, the former helping Grey get up. Now he was screwed, the girl that made him feel weird and the biggest teaser in the whole organization was standing in front of him and his sister, both greeted him. Gauche was going to greet them back, but then his sister said something to Grey that Gauche wasn��t prepared for.
“Will you be my sister”
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yellowgreendinno · 8 months
Gauche/Marie Adlai headcanons
The door to his room, against popular belief, does not have a Marie carving in it, but its still recognizable. Its a wooden... thingy. nobody knows how to get in. Except Gordon and Grey. One day, Grey was gonna go talk to Gauche into his room, and Vanessa happened to be in the hallway, and saw Grey crouching down on the floor. She knocked thrice, and pushed. When the door moved VERTICALLY, Vanessa realised the door was a fucking mirror. A full body mirror turned around and used 👏 as 👏 a 👏 door 👏 so it can be pushed to the other side, right? here's where Gordon comes in. He just runs and jumps up, kicks the upper part with his feet and goes in without knocking. When Marie grew up and visited Gauche at the HQ, she was smart as fuck. She twisted a thingy the mirror had on the side, and it disconnected itself from one side, making it a door. Nobody knows aside from Gauche, though.
Gauche is able to resist Marie's eye magic. And Julius was like OmAiGodEyEMaGic. Gauche did not hesitate.
Marie had resembled child innocence, but as she grew up, she took after her brother's resting bitch face when she wanted.
She and Gauche are very similar in personality, know each other's favourite things, they have inside jokes...
like this one time, Marie told bullies as a kid that "my brother's a magic knight and he'll put you in jail" so now whenever anyone annoys Gauche after Marie became a magic knight he'll say "and my sister's a magic knight and she'll put you in jail".
Gauche has a shirt Theresia gave him that says "Mad Man", so Marie got one that says "I'm with Mad Man"
They prank Theresia to piss her off.
And they both know Mereoleona and Fuegoleon to a personal level.
Gauche's mirror eye was caused my Marie.
When she was a baby, she couldn't control her eye magic, so she basically made Gauche's eye turn into a mirror as a combination of eye and mirror magic.
Marie joined the Coral Peacocks squad, and whenever she hears there'll be a joint mission, she crosses her fingers and prays to gods above for it to be with the Black Bulls.
Both of them became really busy people, but once a month they go to park in their hometown to chill out
She knows Nash and Recca, both magic knights themselves.
Once, Marie heard the famous "Gauche, you hurt Grey and I'll hurt you" and Marie said "No, you hurt him and I'll hurt you" and slapped her across the face.
Gauche knows how to sing. Like he knows how to sing. Its a sight only Marie has seen, but if you hear him, you'll fall in love.
Which takes me to the next point, Marie also knows how to sing, and they both play various instruments, so they often do music duos with songs they wrote together in a treehouse in their hometown.
They sound something like the Bon Iver band and Taylor Swift, but younger.
She understood Gauche's reason to protect her so much over time, and ended up protecting him as well.
They have nightmares about the day Gauche almost died at the same time.
They just feel it, and Marie just waits at the door of the church and Gauche takes a broom there, and they ask "are you okay?" at the same time its so cute ^_^. Then they fly in their brooms (Gauche has an amulet Marie gave to him and she has a piece of Gauche's old shirt tied to it, mind you) to their old treehouse.
In Marie's fifteenth birthday, Gauche gave her a box full of their mother's clothes.
Marie didn't like Grey at first, she thought she'd take her big bro away.
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matchaandmayhem · 6 months
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Role announcement: Many thanks to the cool folks at Okratron for having me back as the voice of Marie in the Black Clover mobile game! The global version is out now!
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the-black-bulls · 2 months
[Vanessa and Finral babysit Marie]
Finral: I cannot believe you laughed!
Vanessa: I’m sorry. You know I have two weaknesses: children cursing and old people rapping.
Finral: Nessa, we have to tell her it's a bad word before it's too late.
Vanessa: No. That just gives it more power. The less we make of it, the better. Let's just pretend like it never happened.
Finral: Okay. Yeah, maybe it... maybe it didn't. Maybe we... maybe we misheard.
Vanessa: Yeah. Maybe she said "truck." Or... or "duck." Or "luck." She could have said "yuck."
Marie: Can I have some ice cream?
Vanessa: No, honey, if you're hungry, you can have some fruit.
Marie: Fruit? Fuck.
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meircury · 3 months
Band AU
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Bonus their biggest supporters
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saiyef · 1 month
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Rules in the Clover Kingdom in order not to get your ass beat:
1. Never Throw food away in front of Charmy
2. Don't destroy Charmy's garden
3. Don't interupt Yami while taking a shit
4. Don't call Asta short, he Will deck you
5. Don't get in between Luck and Magna's fights.
6. Don't look or even think of harming Marie
7. Don't threathen Gordon's friends in front of him
8. Don't insult Asta in front of Yuno and Klaus
9. Don't make Mereolena mad.
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acacia-may · 2 years
Our Corner of the World
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Description: When pre-wedding jitters and nervousness start to get the better of Grey, her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Marie, knows just what to do, and though it may be bad luck for the groom to meet with the bride before the wedding, Gauche is willing to take that risk if that's what it takes make sure that their wedding day is one of the happiest days of Grey's life.
Rating: G
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort due to Grey's social anxiety, but it's really just soft fluff here
Fandom: Black Clover
Genre: Wedding Fluff and Hurt/Comfort
Relationships: Grey/Gauche Adlai and also Grey's sisterly bond with Marie and her friendships with the other Black Bulls ladies, her trusted bridesmaids.
Characters: Grey, Gauche Adlai, Marie Adlai, Vanessa Enoteca, Noelle Silva, Secre Swallowtail, and Charmy Pappitson.
Word Count: 1880
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site. Thank you for reading!
Many thanks to @lyranova for this request and the opportunity to write about this pairing! Much love, dear!
Story Below the Cut
“You look so beautiful!” exclaimed Marie with a bright smile as she bustled around Grey with her bouquet of flowers. Blushing, Grey twisted her hands as she looked at herself in the mirror. She could agree that the wedding gown itself was stunning—an unrepayable gift from Vanessa when Grey hadn’t found one she liked while shopping—as was the sparkling bracelet that Noelle had lent her for her “something borrowed.” She wasn’t so sure about herself, however, even though her friends had been up since six that morning helping her get ready.
Even so, she replied in sheepish gratitude to her soon to be sister-in-law, “Thank you.”  
“Gauche won’t know what hit him when he sees you in this dress,” Vanessa laughed with a wink as she finished pinning Grey’s veil to her intricate updo.
Grey’s blush deepened. “You…you really think he’ll like it?”
“Oh, honey, he’s going to love it,” said Vanessa before Noelle chimed in.
“You could walk down the aisle wearing a potato sack, and he’d still love it.”
Vanessa playfully rolled her eyes. “Are you really comparing my tailoring to a potato sack?”
Frowning, Noelle bristled. “I just meant that Gauche loves her so much, he would be dying to marry her today no matter what she was wearing.” She sighed before turning to Grey with a smile. “But really you’re stunning—no one will be able to take their eyes of off you.”
Grey swallowed hard. “No one…?” Her cheeks grew warm, and her hands began to shake. Her head was spinning just thinking of a room full of people with their eyes transfixed on only her. “Everyone…everyone is going to be staring…at me…” Something twisted in her stomach. She could almost picture it now—a hundred eyes just waiting for her to do something humiliating or stupid like stumble over her dress on her way up the aisle or mess up her vows or…. “I think…I’m going to be sick…” she mumbled with a gulp.
Noelle and Vanessa immediately helped her ease back into a nearby chair before she lost her balance, and Charmy rushed over with some water and light snacks.
“Oh Grey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you nervous,” Noelle apologized as Vanessa patted Grey’s hand and Marie took the other.   
“Everyone gets jitters before their wedding,” said Vanessa with a sympathetic smile. “But you have nothing to worry about—Gauche loves you, and today is about you two starting the rest of your lives together.”
“Vanessa is right, la,” chimed Charmy. “We didn’t even think Gauche could be this happy, and honestly, never really thought this day would come.”
“Charmy!” huffed Vanessa. “Not helpful.”
Charmy shrugged but chuckled, “But the point is that you two love each other, and this is your day. Don’t worry about anybody else.”
Grey swallowed hard. That was easier said than done—especially when an entire hoard of wedding guests would be staring at her and watching her every move. She shook her head. She was so stupid for not having thought about this before. She had worried about so many other things that seemed insignificant now when what she should have been worried about was how she was going to make it up the aisle without getting so nervous she froze in place or transformed into someone else—which she supposed wouldn’t be fair to Gauche, even if he might be better off marrying someone else anyway, someone who wouldn’t be so painfully shy.
“You’re looking green, la. Drink this,” said Charmy handing her a glass of water. Grey took it with a nod, but the idea of drinking anything right now made her stomach churn.
Vanessa stood up from her place beside her. “Don’t worry—this is fixable.” She patted Grey’s shoulder before heading towards the door. “I have an idea of something that might help.”  
“Me too!” added Marie taking off after Vanessa.
Despite Charmy, Noelle, and Secre’s best attempts to reassure her in Vanessa and Marie’s absences, Grey merely sunk further and further into her nervousness and pre-wedding jitters. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized to her friends but stopped herself from burying her face in her hands before she ruined her makeup.
“Don’t apologize,” said Secre. “We’re here to support you.”
“That’s what bridesmaids are for, la,” Charmy insisted.
Grey nodded, but before she could respond, she heard voices echoing from the hallway.
“She needs to talk to you right now,” said Marie’s voice very emphatically.
Another voice sighed. “Okay, but aren’t I not supposed to see her before the wedding…?”
Grey’s face flushed an even deeper pink. Gauche. Gauche was here? Marie went to get him? Why?
“Come on, girls, let’s leave them alone for a minute,” said Noelle ushering the other bridesmaids out into the hall. Grey stared at the partially open door—frozen and unsure of what she should do when Gauche knocked on it.
“Grey? Is everything okay in there?”
Grey swallowed hard, wondering if he was going to walk through into the room, but he waited on the other side of the door where she couldn’t see him.
“It’s fine,” she squeaked, but he knew her far too well to believe that—even without the hitch in her voice.
“Are you sure? Do you want me to come in? I’ll close my eyes,” he added dryly.
Grey nodded, before realizing that Gauche couldn’t see her, but it seemed he didn’t have to as he walked through the doorway very slowly with his eyes closed and his arms outstretched in front of him. He looked very debonair in his suit and the little pink flowers in his boutonniere.
“I’m sorry Marie came to get you,” she said when he reached the center of the room. Gauche stopped walking.  
“She was worried. I think the other girls are worried too.” He paused. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”
Grey swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, I—”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing. You feel how you feel and that’s fine,” he answered matter-of-factly, but there was something kind in his voice that made Grey’s mouth twitch in the corners. “Are you…having second thoughts about getting married?”
“No. Not at all. Never,” she reassured him. “I was just…nervous…because I…”—she paused and gulped—“Don’t you think everyone will be staring at me?”
“Of course, they’ll be staring at you—you’re the bride and also the most beautiful woman in the room.” There was something about how matter-of-fact his tone was when he said it, that made Grey blush. “But you don’t have to pay them any attention.”
“I’m not sure I can do that…” stumbled Grey, and he reached out his hand to her.
“Do you want me to take the attention off you? I could cause some kind of scene or ask Luck or Magna or Asta to do it—they might even cause a commotion without being asked.” He shook his head slightly, but she could see the twitch of a smile in the corners of his mouth as she stifled a laugh.
“You’d do that?”
“I’d wear a clown nose up on the altar if that’s what it would take to get you to marry me,” he said with that dry, deadpan humor of his. “When you walk down the aisle, I just want to see you happy—because I know that it will be one of the happiest moments of my life, and I hope it’ll be one of the happiest moments of yours too.”
“Gauche…” She stopped herself from hugging him—though she desperately wanted to. “You really mean that?”
Nodding, his face softened as did his tone as he continued, “I do. I can’t wait to start my life with you, and that’s what this about. Not some big ceremony or big reception or all the attention—it’s about promising to spend our lives together.” He leaned forward, and Grey moved so he could gently kiss her forehead. “And if you still get nervous, that’s okay—just look right at me, at how happy I am to be marrying you. Pretend we’re the only ones there—like it’s our little corner of the world.”
 “Our little corner of the world,” she repeated, and Gauche nodded—gently clasping her hand in both of his and giving it a tender, reassuring squeeze. Grey took a deep breath allowing a feeling of calm to wash over her. Perhaps Marie had been right to get him, had known that there was something about Gauche that helped her feel safe and secure, even confident but, most of all, loved. He couldn’t have been more right—this was about the rest of their lives, and she was so blessed that she would get to spend the rest of hers with him.
“Why do you put up with me?” she asked with a bit of a playful smile.
“Because I love you, you goofball,” he teased dryly squeezing her hand again. “Now do you want to get married or what?”
Even though he couldn’t see her, Grey hoped Gauche could feel her joy as she beamed at him with a confident, “Yes.”
Grey and her bridal party, save Gauche, gathered excitedly—waiting for their procession down the aisle. Grey trembled more with excitement than nervousness now and hugged Marie tightly multiple times, thanking her profusely for getting her brother to help her through her pre-wedding anxiousness.
“It really was the perfect plan, thank you,” she whispered, and Marie smiled brightly at her.
“I’m glad I could help, and I’m glad you’re going to be my sister.” She hugged her again before she pulled away with an inquisitive shake of her head, “But what was Vanessa’s idea?”
Grey’s brow furrowed. In all the excitement, she had completely forgotten that Vanessa had said she had a plan of her own. “I don’t—” she began but stopped. She quickly scrambled to cover her gasping mouth with her hand as Captain Yami walked over wearing a brightly colored, obnoxiously floral-print shirt.
“Ca…Captain…” stumbled Grey as most of the bridesmaid and groomsmen stifled laughter.
“At least not everyone is going to be staring at you now,” quipped Vanessa giving her a pat on the back.
“She made this ridiculous thing,” Captain Yami grunted with a huff and a shake of his head.
“You really don’t have to—” Grey began to insist with blushing cheeks, but the Captain cut her off.
“Only for you, Grey.” He paused and his lopsided grin faded as he glanced over at their companions. “So don’t the rest of you knuckleheads start getting ideas.”
As the music began to play, the Captain linked his arm with hers preparing for their procession. Grey’s heart pounded as they finally moved in front of the doors, and when they finally opened, she realized she had been so foolish to worry. Her eyes found Gauche immediately—he had never looked happier, and as she walked down the aisle, she didn’t even have to pretend that there was nothing and no one else there with them. There really was only him and the look of indescribable joy and love on his face, as if they really were in their own little corner of the world.
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colucana · 10 months
Greyche week, role swap
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First meeting
"sister do you think everything is alright over there?"
"Erhmmmmm, he doesn't look like he needs help"
In a world where Gauche "escaped" his step-sisters, he decided to take a broom with himself, for protection obviously. Don't worry the fire was minimal and put out before it became troublesome
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