#Marilou Danley
npr · 7 years
Las Vegas Shooter's Girlfriend Denies Any Knowledge Of Plans To Commit Violence
In a statement read by her attorney, Marilou Danley acknowledged that 64-year-old Stephen Paddock purchased her a ticket to the Philippines so she could visit her family there. Danley's statement also mentioned wired funds, which were meant to help her buy a home there, which Danley took to mean Paddock was going to break up with her.
"It never occurred to me in any way whatsoever that he was planning violence against anyone," Danley's lawyer Matthew Lombard read from her statement.
"I have not made a statement until now because I have been cooperating with the authorities and I have voluntarily flew back to America because I know that the FBI and Las Vegas Police Department wanted to talk to me and I wanted to talk to them."
As authorities began investigating the mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday night, Marilou Danley quickly became someone they wanted to talk to.
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Las Vegas Metro Releases 81 Pages of Investigation
The Las Vegas Metro Police released 81 pages of investigation from the October 1 massacre, and also held a press conference for the first time in 3 months. The report was written by detectives working on the case, and according to Sheriff Lombardo, releasing it is not something they standardly do on such a major case. “I’ve lost a lot of sleep over this,” bemoans Sheriff Joe Lombardo, of the…
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traceecalifornia · 7 years
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Here’s what you need to know about the shooting that occurred last night on the Las Vegas Strip.
•A single gunman opened fire from atop a perch at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on Sunday night, leaving more than 50 people dead and 200 injured.
•The shooter is suspected to have been Stephen Paddock, a 64-year old white male who was a local resident. Officers located the suspect in the 32nd floor of the hotel, pursued him and he is now dead.
•Bystanders urgently rushed to aid the injured, using their hands to plug wounds and clothing to stop the bleeding until cops arrived.
•Authorities are searching for Marilou Danley, identified as his companion. In addition, police are on the hunt for two vehicles described as a Hyundai Tucson with Nevada license plate 114B40, and a Chrysler Pacifica Touring with license plate 79D401.
•Directly across the street from the violent scene was the final night of the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival, where country music star Jason Aldean was the night’s headliner; other performers included Big & Rich, Jake Owen, Luke Combs and Dylan Scott.
•This event is considered to be the deadliest shooting in modern US history.
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priceofliberty · 7 years
Shooter confirmed to be Stephen Paddock, 64, who opened fire from 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay Hotel. He has since been shot dead by police. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/861277/las-vegas-shooting-mandalay-bay-gunman-stephen-paddock-suspect-shooter http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4939872/Active-shooter-reported-Las-Vegas-Mandalay-Bay-Resort.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/stephen-paddock-las-vegas-gunman-shooting-police-identify-white-male-latest-update-a7978361.html https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4527652/las-vegas-shooting-mandalay-bay-route-91-festival-latest/ https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/02/las-vegas-gunman-suspect-is-stephen-paddock-64-of-mesquite.html
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hagmannreport-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on The Hagmann Report
New Post has been published on https://www.hagmannreport.com/from-the-wires/what-fbi-agents-allow-las-vegas-shooting-person-of-interest-marilou-danley-to-go-free-after-meeting/
WHAT?! FBI Agents Allow Las Vegas Shooting ‘Person of Interest’ Marilou Danley To Go Free After Meeting
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In yet another strange turn of events, Las Vegas shooting ‘person of interest’ Marilou Danley is allowed to go free after meeting with FBI agents at Los Angeles International Airport Tuesday evening. ABC News reports: Alleged Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock’s girlfriend is back in the United...
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wowmagazine2016 · 6 years
Marilou Danley: Feds Scramble after Las Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Lists FBI as Place of Employment on Loan Application; ‘She Might have Been an Asset’
Marilou Danley: Feds Scramble after Las Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Lists FBI as Place of Employment on Loan Application; ‘She Might have Been an Asset’
Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock, worked for the FBI, according to credit application data the Australian national reported as part of a loan application.
Posted in TRUEPUNDIT.Com, on August 24, 2018 by Investigative Bureau
That’s the same Danley whose fingerprints were found on Paddock’s horde of ammunition packed into unused rifle magazines.
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investmart007 · 6 years
LAS VEGAS | Las Vegas gunman became unstable but didn't raise suspicions
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LAS VEGAS | Las Vegas gunman became unstable but didn't raise suspicions
LAS VEGAS — In the months before unleashing a hail of bullets into a Las Vegas concert crowd, Stephen Paddock burned through more than $1.5 million, became obsessed with guns and increasingly unstable, and distanced himself from his girlfriend and family, according to an investigative report released Friday.
With those revelations, police announced they were closing their 10-month investigation without a definitive answer for why Paddock, a high-stakes gambler, amassed an arsenal of weapons and carried out the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
“By all accounts, Stephen Paddock was an unremarkable man whose movements leading up to Oct. 1 didn’t raise any suspicion,” Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. “An interview with his doctor indicated signs of a troubled mind, but no troubling behavior that would trigger a call to law enforcement.”
Paddock left no manifesto or “even a note to answer questions” about his motive for a rampage that killed 58 people and injured more than 800 others, Lombardo told reporters.
The FBI is expected to release its final investigative report, including a psychological profile of the gunman, later this year, Lombardo said, noting that authorities want to leave “no stone unturned.”
“The FBI’s assessment may shed a better light on Paddock’s personality and what motivated him, but I don’t know if they can provide a motive,” said police Sgt. Jerry MacDonald, a key investigator in the case.
One of Paddock’s brothers told investigators that he believed the gunman had a “mental illness and was paranoid and delusional.” A doctor believed he may have had bipolar disorder, the report said.
Paddock’s girlfriend said he had suddenly stopped being affectionate and constantly complained of being ill. Marilou Danley told investigators that he said doctors could not cure him but told him he had a “chemical imbalance.”
In its final report released Friday, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department found Paddock acted alone and no one else will be charged, said Lombardo, the elected head of the police department.
Earlier this year, U.S. prosecutors charged an Arizona man accused of selling illegal armor-piercing bullets found in Paddock’s room at the Mandalay Bay hotel-casino. Douglas Haig has pleaded not guilty and maintains he sold tracer ammunition, which illuminate a bullet’s path.
The report included a summary of 14 of Paddock’s bank accounts, which contained a total of $2.1 million in September 2015. Two years later, the amount had dropped to $530,000. He “wasn’t as successful in the gambling as he was in the previous years,” Lombardo said.
Investigators said Paddock paid more than $600,000 to casinos and over $170,000 to credit card companies. The analysis said he also made nearly $95,000 in firearms-related purchases.
The report gave no other information about the casino purchases. High-rollers like Paddock are often given credit lines at casinos. Paddock bought more than three dozen guns between 2016 and 2017. Danley told investigators that she noticed he was buying large amounts of ammunition, but he dismissed her concerns by saying it was cheaper to buy in bulk, according to the report.
She told police that she accompanied Paddock to gun stores and gun shows and helped him set up a gun range in Nevada. Danley told authorities he tended to be obsessive when he dove into a new hobby, and she considered the behavior part of that same pattern, said Detective Trever Alsup, the lead investigator in the case.
Paddock’s mother, Irene Hudson, told investigators she did not understand why her son would carry out an attack and believed he “must have developed some type of ‘brain tumor,'” the report said.
An autopsy did not find anything unusual with Paddock’s physical condition, even after a microscopic brain examination by experts at Stanford University.
A brother, Eric Paddock, described his sibling as a “narcissist” who only cared about people he could benefit from.
Survivor Megan O’Donnell Clements, who attended the music festival with three friends, said she had come to accept that a motive would likely never be found but “to see it written out and finalized” in the police report was gut-wrenching.
“It’s worse. It’s not closure,” the resident of Wilmington, Delaware, told The Associated Press. “To know for real that we’ll never really know, it’s kind of horrifying. I just don’t understand what would have driven someone to that, and to have absolutely no answers, even if I had in my brain accepted that, it’s just really hard to swallow.”
The final details of the investigation came after police released 13 batches of investigative documents, 911 calls, police reports, witness statements and video over the last three months. They have illustrated chaos, heartbreak and heroism from first responders, concertgoers and family members.
Police body camera recordings earlier made public showed officers using explosives to blast through the door of a 32nd-floor hotel suite to find Paddock dead on the floor from a self-inflicted gunshot. There were 23 assault-style weapons, including 14 fitted with rapid-fire “bump stock” devices, strewn about the room and a revolver near Paddock’s body.
Authorities concluded that Paddock fired for 11 minutes, using multiple weapons outfitted with target scopes and bump stocks. Eight incendiary rounds were directed at an aviation fuel tank at the nearby airport. Two hit the tank, but it did not explode.
Officers found several laptops, including at least one that was missing a hard drive, the report said.
Eric Paddock told investigators that he believed his brother had cheated on the family’s tax preparation. Eric was worried he might be implicated for tax evasion if evidence was collected from his brother’s hard drives, the report said.
When police told Eric Paddock about the missing hard drive, he repeated several times: “Maybe he did care for us.”
Friday’s report further detailed Paddock’s meticulously planning, including researching SWAT tactics, renting other hotel rooms overlooking outdoor concerts and investigating potential targets in at least four cities.
The police department is conducting internal reviews into individual officers’ actions, including one veteran officer who froze in a hallway a floor below where Paddock was firing onto the crowd of 22,000 country music fans.
Another officer accidentally fired a rifle during a blast to breach a locked door in Paddock’s room. Police said no one was injured and the shot did not hit Paddock.
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years
Las Vegas False Flag Update
http://uniteordie-usa.com/las-vegas-false-flag-update/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/How-To-Spot-a-False-Flag-600x579.jpg Las Vegas False Flag Update Second Person Of Interest Identified In Las Vegas Massacre While the FBI’s official report on the Oct. 1 mass shooting in Las Vegas – the deadliest in American history – a judge on Tuesday unsealed 300 pages of search warrant records, including a document that appears to ...
Second Person Of Interest Identified In Las Vegas Massacre
While the FBI’s official report on the Oct. 1 mass shooting in Las Vegas – the deadliest in American history – a judge on Tuesday unsealed 300 pages of search warrant records, including a document that appears to validate claims that shooter Steven Paddock may have had help planning his attack.
That’s because the documents revealed, for the first time, a publicly identified “person of interest” whose name has thus far not been publicly reported as part of the investigation,the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
“Until the investigation can rule otherwise, Marilou Danley and Douglas Haig have become persons of interest who may have conspired with Stephen Paddock to commit Murder with a Deadly Weapon,” according to the Metropolitan Police Department document, which was prepared in October.
Read More: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-30/second-person-interest-identified-las-vegas-massacre
  Clark County Defies Order To Release Vegas Shooter Coroner’s Report
After months of radio silence, new information released earlier this week surrounding the investigation into Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock’s motive appears to have revived suspicions that another person was involved in the shooting.
The newly unsealed documents – which were unsealed by court order after journalists at the Las Vegas Review-Journal and other media sued – revealed that the FBI is seeking a “person of interest” named Douglas Haig. Haig’s name had not previously been connected to the shooting. What’s more, according to what’s been widely cited as his LinkedIn page, Haig had “DOD Top Secret clearance” and worked for top weapons manufacturers and specialized in Military Ammunition, as we pointed out.
Haig’s connection to Paddock and the shooting is unclear, but in another confusing development, Clark County Nevada Coroner John Fudenberg is defying a court order to release the full autopsy report for Paddock – even though Paddock’s body was cremated in December.
According to the Daily Caller, District Court Judge Timothy Williams ordered the coroner Tuesday to immediately release the autopsy. Fudenberg is conferring with others in his office, and no date had been given for his compliance with the judge’s order, the corner’s office told The Daily Caller.
The office also told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the report wouldn’t be released until it was “finalized.”
“The coroner’s office has fought to keep autopsy reports confidential,” according to the the Review-Journal.
It’s difficult to imagine what component of the autopsy could, at this point, be left unfinished; after all, Paddock’s body was destroyed weeks ago. And yet, the coroner has chosen to pay $32,000 in legal costs instead of turning over the final report.
“The shooter’s body was cremated Dec. 21. How can the autopsy report not be ‘finalized’ when the body was cremated more than five weeks ago?” Review-Journal Editor-in-Chief Keith Moyer publicly stated. “The law is squarely on the side of the public’s right to open government.”
An interim report released Jan. 8 gave only scant information about the autopsy and did not release either the autopsy or a toxicology report on Paddock.
“Preliminarily, the injuries noted were on the posterior of both calves and a gunshot wound to the upper palette inside the decedent’s mouth with obvious damage to the upper teeth,” the department stated.
“The cause of Paddock’s death was an internal gunshot wound and the manner of death was ruled a suicide,” the report concluded.
Read More: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-01/clark-county-coroner-refuses-release-vegas-shooter-coroners-report-despite-court
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scottholleran · 7 years
The March of 'Me, Too', Media and the Women Who Knew
Who Knew
The distinction between media and social media is, as I’ve forecast, disappearing. Years ago, when gossip tabloids first started reporting, accurately as it turned out, about the American president’s sexual dalliances, the establishment media, such as the New York Times, driven by competition with the rise of the Internet and sites such as Matt Drudge’s aggregation website, followed suit. This…
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noticiassoltas · 7 years
Namorada de atirador diz que passava dias na cama "aos gritos"
Namorada de atirador diz que passava dias na cama “aos gritos”
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Marilou Danley Fonte do FBI revelou o que disse a namorada de Stephen Paddock sobre o homem que matou 59 pessoas e feriu mais de 500 num festival de música em Las Vegas. A namorada do atirador de Las Vegas, Marilou Danley, disse à polícia que Stephen Paddock apresentava “sintomas de problemas mentais”. Contudo, nunca suspeitou que este pudesse cometer um ato como o que matou mais de 50 pessoas.…
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whytehousetv · 7 years
Girlfriend of Las Vegas Shooter Releases Statement Through Lawyer A lawyer for Marilou Danley — the girlfriend of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock — read a statement on Wednesday night.
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Just another day making TV magic. For a piece on the Las Vegas shooter's girlfriend, Marilou Danley, we had very limited elements of her to use - a single photo of her and her first marriage divorce papers. So I went to work developing concept ideas for animations to spruce the piece up - a page spread of her divorce papers and map with a plane mimicking her recent travels. Check out how the animations turned out! http://snpy.tv/2yrPds9 (H/t to the animators who helped me bring this to life!)
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More Questions - Las Vegas Shooting Inconsistencies
More Questions – Las Vegas Shooting Inconsistencies
The Las Vegas shooting inconsistencies, as well as facts, appear to be a deep rabbit hole, and many are wondering if the Feds are lying about some of the issues. At the very least, it appears Paddock was assisted.  And he did NOT just “snap” – all of it was premeditated, and meticulously planned. “Do you think this was all accomplished on his own? You’ve got to make the assumption he had to have…
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traceecalifornia · 7 years
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New Details Emerge About the Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Shooting
As the body count rises to now 58 confirmed deaths and 500+ injuries resulting from last night’s Las Vegas shooting that occurred near the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, new details emerge about the act of terror and the shooter, Stephen Paddock.
According to MSN, the massacre was directed toward the open lot across the street from the shooter’s hotel room window on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay. His target was the crowd of people attending the last day of the three-day Route 91 Harvest festival that began on Friday. Jason Aldean, country star, was performing on stage at around 10:08pm local time when the shooting commenced, focusing in on the estimated 22,000 people in the audience.
Clark County Sheriff’s Department have questioned “person of interest” and Paddock’s roommate Marilou Danley but later concluded that she was not involved in the shooting. Danley is currently out of town visiting the Philippines and authorities say they will speak with her further when she returns.
After speaking with Paddock’s brother, police learned that their father was an armed bank robber who was on the FBI’s most wanted list in the 1960’s.
Police say that at least 10 rifles were found in the hotel room at the Mandalay Bay where Paddock had been staying since Sept 28. A Mesquite police spokesman has said that ammunition was found in the gunman’s home.
This event is considered to be the worst mass shooting in modern American history. The attack at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in June of 2016 that left 49 people dead and 58 injured is responsible for the second highest death toll.
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urdutahzeeb · 7 years
لاس ویگاس کنسرٹ پر حملہ آور کی گرل فرینڈ کو بھی اندازہ نہیں تھا کہ وہ ایسی حرکت کرے گا
نیو یارک:(یو این آئی)گزشتہ دنوں لاس ویگاس میں اندھاندھند فائرنگ کرکے 58افراد کو موت کی نیند سلانے والے بندوق بردار کی گرل فرینڈ میریلیئس ڈینلے نے کہا کہ اسے اس بات کو کوئی اندازہ نہیں تھا کہ اس کے پارٹنر کا منصوبہ کیا تھا۔اس کا دوست ”رحمدل، چاق و چوبند اور خاموش طبع “ تھا۔ اس نے پولس کو یہ بھی بت...
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hagmannreport-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on The Hagmann Report
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Five Huge Unanswered Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting
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Three days after 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened fire on Las Vegas concertgoers late Sunday night, several huge questions remain unanswered. WHO, if anyone, helped Paddock carry out his operation? Clark Country Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said at a press conference Wednesday night that he assumes...
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