#Mario Fratti
perfettamentechic · 5 months
15 aprile … ricordiamo …
15 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Mario Fratti, drammaturgo italiano. La sua produzione conta oltre 100 opere, tradotte in 20 lingue e rappresentate in 600 teatri di tutto il mondo. Dopo la laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere conseguita all’Università Ca’ Foscari a Venezia, Fratti avviò alla fine degli anni cinquanta una ricca produzione drammatica. È del 1959 il suo primo dramma Il nastro, vincitore del premio RAI.…
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fetichesonoro · 1 month
Fetiche Sonoro: Red
This month’s compilation by Fetiche Sonoro, fresh music just for you:
Wonderful War - Lapsus Planck - 03:27 Tu Presencia - Auxiliadores - 02:57 Causa Efecto - Jessica Sullivan - 03:47 Formas de Volver a Casa - Fantasmas - 03:48 Simples Movimientos - Gold Lake/Anni B Sweet - 04:56 Demasiada Mujer - Jordana B. - 02:35 A Mi Manera - Liana Malva - 02:37 Domingo - Aquihayaquihay/Ximena Sariñana - 03:18 Andate - Nafta - 02:58 Porfa Ayuda - No Fucks/Axolotes Mexicanos - 03:06 Rara - Cintia Lund/Papaya - 02:38 Diamante - Daga Voladora - 03:03 Paloma - Angélica Garcia - 03:31 Milonga Accidental - Alisa Amador - 02:23 Mentiras - Dry Martina - 04:17 A Veces Entra La Mañana - Mani Dii - 03:22 Tranquilo, Mi Corazón - Marilia Monzón - 03:15 Te Buscaré - Chesdana - 03:27 Kravitz - Mabe Fratti - 04:33 Sabor a Fresa - Mermelada de Pepino - 03:09 Antier - Tina Pámpano - 02:41 lili lili lili lili lili lili lili - Melov/Soy Emilia/Mario Puglia - 04:44 La Semilla - Superfónicos - 04:09 Caminar en Cristal - Catalina Ammaturo - 02:24 Prendo La Luz (Jazzaton) - Noa Sainz - 02:55
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londranotizie24 · 2 months
Cosa siamo nel buio, un successo le presentazioni di Tobia Rossi in tutta Italia
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Di Annalisa Valente Tobia Rossi ha trasposto nel racconto Cosa siamo nel buio la sceneggiarura di Hide and Seek, che ha debuttato a marzo al Park Theatre di Londra. Cosa siamo nel buio, un successo le presentazioni di Tobia Rossi in tutta Italia Continua il successo di Cosa Siamo Nel Buio (Mondadori Editore). L’opera letteraria di Tobia Rossi, drammaturgo, sceneggiatore e story editor, segue la messa in opera della piece teatrale Hide and Seek (sempre a firma di Rossi), che nello scorso mese di Marzo è stata rappresentata al Park Theatre di Londra per la Zava Productions, riscuotendo un buon successo di pubblico. Questa stessa piece ha preso vita dalla drammaturgia, sempre di Rossi, Nascondino, che a sua volta ha ispirato questo romanzo, dopo aver vinto il Mario Fratti Award 2019 ed essere andato in scena in Italia, a Londra e New York. Cosa Siamo Nel Buio narra di Gio, che va in seconda liceo, ed è convinto che nessuno lo ami, sia in famiglia che tra i compagni di scuola. E ne è talmente convinto che decide di sparire lasciando come unico indizio una serie di video sul suo profilo TikTok. Va a nascondersi in una remota grotta nel bosco, forse per non essere trovato o forse perché qualcuno finalmente si accorga di lui. Così quando Mirko – il compagno di scuola che Gio osserva da mesi - scopre per caso il suo nascondiglio, le cose cambiano. Mirko diventa un complice, torna a trovarlo nella grotta per raccontargli cosa sta succedendo fuori: le ricerche della polizia, i servizi in TV, le visualizzazioni del suo profilo TikTok che crescono ogni giorno. Finché il legame tra i due si stringe, rivelando davvero ciò che Gio e Mirko sono nel buio: due anime spezzate in cerca di uno spiraglio di luce. Adesso quindi tocca al libro continuare a far parlare di sé e in Italia, già da fine Maggio, sta riscuotendo un buon successo di pubblico anche grazie al programma di presentazioni dal vivo in località e situazioni interessanti. Prima a Milano, presso la Libreria Noi (https://www.noilibreria.it) un luogo creato con l’obiettivo di costruire una comunità di lettori non solo attraverso la vendita di libri ma con eventi, incontri, laboratori. “Il luogo perfetto per presentare questa storia” lo ha definito lo stesso Tobia. Alla presentazione milanese ha partecipato Gianluca Nativo, giovane autore con già due romanzi all’attivo, entrambi editi da Mondadori. “Ci siamo conosciuti a scuola (è anche un insegnante) – ci ha detto Tobia - abbiamo scoperto un interesse in comune per una certa letteratura per ragazzi, oltre che per la scrittura, e lui con grande generosità mi ha accompagnato in alcuni eventi di presentazione del mio romanzo, facendomi da relatore.” Altri appuntamenti hanno fornito l’occasione per incontrare dal vivo Tobia Rossi e il suo libro: la Pride Week di Alessandria a fine Maggio e la kermesse Mare di Libri a Rimini a metà Giugno. E altri ancora ce ne saranno: di nuovo a Milano (al teatro Franco Parenti il 4 ottobre), in Valtellina, nel Monferrato e in Sardegna. “Io spero tanto che il libro possa anche approdare all'estero – ci confida Tobia - credo che le tematiche che tratta siano universali e quello che accade nel piccolo paese di Mirko e Gio, un paese identificato nel nord dell'Italia, possa accadere tranquillamente ‘alla periferia di qualsiasi impero’. E poi il pubblico britannico, ad esempio, ha già conosciuto e apprezzato la storia attraverso lo spettacolo Hidend Seek, che è stato da poco in scena al Park Theatre, ottenendo un buon consenso di pubblico e critica”. Nel frattempo, chi ha visto a Londra Hide and Seek (o se l’è persa e vuole recuperare) quindi vuole leggere il libro, può acquistarlo on line, o sul sito di Mondadori https://www.ragazzimondadori.it/libri/cosa-siamo-nel-buio-tobia-rossi-9788804781783/  o alla pagina Cosa siamo nel uno su Amazon. Anche perché, come ha spiegato l’autore “questo romanzo amplia il racconto del testo teatrale, crea tutta una serie di percorsi, di personaggi secondari. Dice tutto quello che nel testo teatrale non viene detto, per una questione di sintesi. E’ come se fosse una versione ampliata di quella storia e del suo mondo”.  Se avete amato Hide and Seek, non potrete non amare anche Cosa Siamo Nel Buio. ... Continua a leggere su
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tina-aumont · 7 years
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Photo 1: Actress Tina Aumont wearing pleated checked skirt, short bolero jacket, white shirt, and wide stone-studded cummerbund earrings and rings from Fratti; shoes from Giussani; coiffure by Alba and Francesca of Rome.
Photo 2: Tina Aumont in profile and leaning backwards, wearing coat with tiny peplum and patch pockets by Mila Schon; coiffure by Alba and Francesca of Rome.
Photo 3: Tina Aumont standing in a doorway and wearing calf-length, velvet-collared, checked hacking jacket and straight-leg pants by Ognibene Zendman; shoes by Mario Valentino; coiffure by Alba and Francesca of Rome.
All photos by Henry Clarke/Condé Nast via Getty Images, published in 15th August 1968 US Vogue.
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timetogoslumming · 7 years
okay. we got to talking about headcanons tonight, and i got to rambling. so here are some of my newsies hcs.
okay so spot is a vegetarian. know that. you'll pry veggie spot from my cold, dead hands. gay. just straight up gay. but it took him a long time to recognize that. he was raised by a single dad, and his mom is in prison, and he has a much older sister that he's not close to. (i actually have a really detailed backstory for him that im saving for a rainy day.) speaking of rainy days, he loves them. spot is very into that "treat your body like a temple thing". he does yoga. lifeguard. plays a lot of app games? like angry birds, temple run, etc. loves to read. depending on the au, he's either a law student or works in construction with jack. he's got some ptsd from Some Stuff That Happened Once. drives a big ass jeep with loud music, usually either rock or rap, blaring from the speakers. actually a really good rapper, but pretty much no one sees that. likes to read.
sarah is like 90% gay. she'll occasionally make out with a guy for fun, like with jack, but let's be real. when she decides to settle down, it's going to be with a lady. she and davey are twins. she's a botanist with a big interest in environmental conservation (science twins.) very sarcastic. she's the less compassionate twin.
specs is nearly legally blind, but not quite there. he's a ridiculously slow driver. dad friend. bi. dancer at nyu. also plays baseball and the cello, and he's very athletic- he runs every day. specs is incredibly detail-oriented and responsible. also, he and jack are the oldest, and he's kind of jack's secret right hand man. a lot of people think it's race or crutchie before davey shows up, but no. it's actually specs, he just works in the wings. loves crime shows. he and romeo are really into the paranormal- like ghosts and stuff.
in my head, romeo is colombian, so i dont see him as any of the actors that played him. he's gay, but also ace, but flirts a lot just because he thinks it's fun. he and specs have been best friends forever (im not getting too into detail about that but keep reading my christmas au). romeo loves candy, and constantly has like, a bag of twizzlers or pixie sticks in his bag or something. he's really good at crafts, especially making friendship bracelets. like specs, loves the paranormal.
kath has chronic migraines. she ids as queer. she wants to be a reporter, but has a very successful blog, as well. (like a long-form blog, not like tumblr) with a few thousand followers. very politically inclined, and she and elmer talk about politics a lot. she and jack dated for a while, and they had a legitimately good time, but things sometimes just dont work out, and thats what happened with them. kath also really loves youtubers and spends more time than she wants to admit watching makeup tutorials. her dad is pulitzer, but he and her mom never married, so her actual last name is plumber (her mom's maiden name) and she was raised by her and her stepdad, who she adores.
okay so he's diabetic. (btw the mush fc i always have in my head is ephraim.) he's SUPER good with kids. like, they think he's an absolute superhero. he's really, really patient and tells really good stories. he's a big ol stoner. he and blink are best friends (sorry, i dont ship it!!) and he's quite a potty mouth. mush and blink are actually REALLY fratty. also, he plays guitar
albo is colorblind. it gives him a variety of vision problems. albo is obsessed with cryptids: his favorite is bigfoot, and he's also very into aliens. favorite movies: space jam and the fast and the furious. albo is also dyslexic and adhd- he and jack bond over it. as a result, school really isnt his thing, and he just sort of wants to be a mechanic, because cars make sense to him and he loves them. then there's his whole backstory- two older brothers, one of whom is a marine, and then a half sister. his dad cheated on his mom and got the girlfriend pregnant, but he loves his sister a whole lot. albert likes to make a lot of jokes about his colorblindness. he is also pan or queer bc what is projecting, anyway? ummmmm................ he gets really frustrated by how he's treated because of his learning disabilities. he loves dogs and cities and loud noises. also, that boy is a mama’s boy
jack has severe dyslexia, to the point where reading is EXTREMELY difficult and frustrating for him, so he just doesnt do it. he's also got adhd. he's an artist, but for his day job, he's a house painter. or sometimes just generally in construction, idk. i generally make him a painter. he does a lot of odd jobs. jack loves cartoons. his favorite show is bob's burgers. he also loves american ninja warrior. likes to think he's fearless but he's actually pretty scared of thunder. jack unironically loves nickelback
race is a future rocket scientist, obviously. his dream is to get people on mars. he's got severe adhd. he's constantly fidgeting, and his favorite fidget toys are tennis balls or rubiks cubes. ps he can solves a rubiks cube in under half a minute. loves the kardashians- especially khloe. used to do a lot of shoplifting, but grew out of it. scared of horses. not a huge fan of animals in general, actually. queer or pan. totally tells everyone that his favorite color is green, but it’s be real. it’s gold glitter. used to smoke like a chimney but quit, although it was a struggle. 
gay. hecka gay. he realized that he was gay when he played soccer and realized that he didnt want to be the soccer player, he just WANTED the soccer player. loves animals but snakes especially. also really likes alligators? anxiety, but like, the kind of anxiety where if you try to talk to him, he'll get pissed. let him be alone. started as a business major for practicality but switched to zoology. RIDICULOUSLY sarcastic. very flirty. has had multiple relationships before jack. scared of heights. doesnt love horses, but he'll deal with them. loves lord of the rings more than almost anything. hates getting his hair wet. VERY good at mario kart. he used to speedrun it and at one point, he was 14th in the world. 
okay so: crutchie's disability can be a few things, depending on  the universe im using, but i generally do it as either a degenerative disorder or a major injury that was never treated properly so it never healed. hates mornings. so much. terrible loser. will literally fight you if he loses. sarcastic. can be kind of an asshole. wants to be a runner. : ((( crutchie is THE best wingman. like, you’re trying to impress someone? call up the big leagues aka crutchie
sarcastic motherfucker. news junkie. super skeptical. questions everything. trouble with his eyesight. he's the kind of guy who replays arguments in his head thinking up comebacks he should have used. he'll text you at 3 am like "AND ANOTHER THING"
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migrantdramaturgies · 6 years
Programme and booking- Migrations: Harbour Europe
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The three plays of Migrations: Harbour Europe are the result of a Europe-wide call we launched in 2018 in collaboration with LegalAliens Theatre. The aim was to find texts addressing the theme of migration in an original and non cliched manner, avoiding the pitfall, noted by Chimamanda Adichie of “falling for the single story, reducing complex human beings to a single narrative”.
The plays will be presented at the Arcola Theatre, Studio 2 from 1.30pm on the 5th, 6th, 7th of February 2019, directed by Becka McFadden and performed by a multilingual international cast: Luiana Bonfim, Daiva Dominyka, Lara Parmiani, Stelios Trakas.
Every reading will be followed by a Q&A/debate curated by Dr Szabolcs Musca (University of Lisbon/ New Tides Platform UK/ Migrant Dramaturgies Network).
by Chiara Boscaro (Italy)
Translated by Lara Parmiani
DATE: 5th February 2019 @1.30PM VENUE: Arcola Theatre Studio 2, 24 Ashwin St, Dalston, London E8 3DL
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A woman arrives in a foreign city. All around her, a language she can’t speak. Unable to give a name to things, she lives on the margins of society. Who is she? A refugee escaping war? Or somebody looking for a better place to bring a new life to the world? A modern morality play with the charm of a fairytale and the depth of an old myth, Chiara Boscaro’s play focuses on language as an empowering tool, helping us delineating the borders of our personal world.
To book, click here
CHIARA BOSCARO is an Italian playwright whose work has been translated into Catalan, French, English and Finnish. Plays include “07.09.2012”, co-written with Marco De Stefano (PIIGS Selection, Barcelona, 2016), “Bedda Maki” (winner of 2016 Una commedia in cerca d’autori), the international project PENTATEUCO featuring a series of monologues, and “La citta’ che sale”, also co-written with Marco Di Stefano and winner of the 2018 Mario Fratti Award in New York.
The reading will be followed by a Q&A chaired by Dr Bernadette Cochrane (University of Queensland, Australia).
by Hala Moughanie (Lebanon/France) Translated by Ruth Valentine
DATE: 6th February 2019 @1.30PM VENUE: Arcola Theatre Studio 2 24 Ashwin St, Dalston, London E8 3DL
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A man and his wife live in the suburbs of a city full of trash. On hearing “migrants from the war” are arriving, they decide to build a barbwire border around their makeshift property. But the encounter with two migrant women heading to the sea, has a surprising outcome… Funny, surreal and poetic, The sea is my nation is about exile and love, visible borders and invisible fault lines.
To book, click here
HALA MOUGHANIE was born in Lebanon but migrated to France aged 10. In 2003 she returned to her native country, where she works as a playwright, journalist and teacher. Her writing is focused on exploring the memories and wounds of war. Her first play, Tais-toi et creuse (“Shut up and dig”) was awarded the RFI Theatre Price 2015, selected by the Cross-Chanel Theater (UK) and is currently being translated into English. Her latest play Alma was produced in 2018 as part of Fissures during the Festival des Francophonies en Limousin. In 2018 she was awarded the Prix d’aide à la Création – ArtCena, and the Prix du Quartier des Auteurs du Tarmac.
The reading will be followed by a Q&A chaired by Dr Roxane Paire (France).
CLOSED LANDS by Simon Grangeat (France) Translated by Laure Fernandez
DATE: 7th February 2019 @1.30PM VENUE: Arcola Theatre Studio 2, 24 Ashwin St, Dalston, London E8 3DL
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A mix between reportage, traveller’s diary and medieval Passion play, this powerful and evocative ensemble piece traces the history of modern walls – real and metaphorical – drawing progressively closer and more intimate. Is history bound to repeat itself?
To book, click here
SIMON GRANGEAT is a French playwright whose writing mixes documentary, verbatim and fiction in unique theatrical form. Work includes Du Piment dans les yeux, Une si jolie mariée, Un Cœur Moulinex, Deux pieds demain, Divines désespérances, T.I.N.A. – une brève histoire de la crise, Faut-il désespérer du monde ou mourir en riant?  and the collection of plays for young people, Les Méchants. His plays has been widely performed in France at Comédie Française, Collectif À Mots Découverte, Théâtre du Rond-Point, C.D.N and  translated into Catalan, English, Spanish, Hungarian and Greek.
The reading will be followed by a debate chaired by Dr Szabolcs Musca (University of Lisbon/ New Tides Platform, UK). Invited speakers: Dr Vicky Angelaki (University of Reading), Dr Graca P. Correa (University of Lisbon), Dr Bernadette Cochrane (University of Queensland, Australia), Dr Alison Jeffers (University of Manchester), and Dr Roxane Paire (Independent scholar, France).
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senzabarcode · 6 years
INSCENA! Italian Theater Festival NY 2019
INSCENA! Italian Theater Festival NY 2019
In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY 2019. Aperta la selezione di spettacoli da inserire nella settima edizione del Festival di teatro italiano a New York e l’iscrizione al Premio Mario Fratti.
Kairos Italy Theater e KIT Italia annunciano la nuova edizione di In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY 2019, il primo festival di teatro italiano a coinvolgere tutti i cinque distretti della città,…
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paoloferrario · 7 years
Il paese delle facce gonfie, di e con Paolo Bignami, lunedì 8 gennaio 2018 ore 15.30 presso la Piccola Accademia in via Castellini, 7 a Como
l’Associazione culturale Teatrame presenta  Il paese delle facce gonfie di e con Paolo Bignami musiche dal vivo di Bruno Venturini Premio Mario Fratti 2017 Premio Tragos, Sezione Monologhi 2017 Segnalazione Speciale Vincenzo Di Lalla secondo al premio Un bagaglio di idee 2016 testo pubblicato da  “la mongolfiera editrice”  lunedì 8 gennaio 2018 ore 15.30 presso la Piccola Accademia in via…
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collegegirldiariess · 6 years
7 Days of Doing Stuff: Part 6
Day 6: Saturday, March 2
Half of my day today involved recovering from the Friday night festivities, but that didn’t stop me from continuing the streak. It had become a challenge for myself. This was actually one of my favorite nights of the week, but I don’t have a crazy amount to write because nothing too interesting happened.
Me and a girl (Catherine) I met during that one night out with the girls from the Facebook group had been texting since then, and we had loosely made plans to do something on Saturday. Originally we were going to get other girls from the group to come, but we didn’t really make the effort to get a group together. It all worked out though because one of my close friends was having a pregame at his place with a bunch of our college friends. 
Catherine and I went to the pregame which was a lot of fun. We hit up the Buckhead bars which is only fun with a good crew these days (it’s full of rowdy/fratty college kids), but I had a blast. It’d been a while since I’d gone out there, it felt like college all over again with the crew we had. One of my best friends (the one I had wine Wednesday with) also met us out with her friend from high school, so we ended up having a really fun group. The night actually involved us ending up back at the pregame spot where even more friends met up. After more catching up, Mario Kart, and sobering up, I finally made it home at almost 5AM.
Spoiler alert: Yep, I slept in SUPER late again. It was necessary.
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luciamosca14 · 6 years
INSCENA! Online il bando con scadenza il 15 settembre
INSCENA! Online il bando con scadenza il 15 settembre
Aperta la selezione di spettacoli da inserire nella settima edizione del Festival di teatro italiano a New York e l’iscrizione al Premio Mario Fratti.
Kairos Italy Theater e KIT Italia annunciano la nuova edizione di In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY 2019, il primo festival di teatro italiano a coinvolgere tutti i cinque distretti della città, realizzato in collaborazione con le principali…
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through-my-memoirs · 9 years
Liliane Montevecchi sings Folies Bergere from the last preview of the original production of Nine [Broadway, 08.05.1982]
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clevernews · 9 years
Το διάσημο μιούζικαλ Nine των Arthur Kopit και Maury Yeston, σε απόδοση από τα ιταλικά του Mario Fratti και βασισμένο στο 8 1/2 του Fellini παρουσιάζεται από τις 28 Οκτωβρίου στη σκηνή του Πάνθεον σε σκηνοθεσία του Γιάννη Κακλέα από ένα θίασο εκλεκτών συνεργατών: O Βασίλης Χαραλαμπόπουλος μαζί με τις Μάρω Κοντού, Κατερίνα Λέχου, Νάντια Μπουλέ, Αγορίτσα Οικονόμου, Έλενα Παπαρίζου, Κατερίνα…
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larryland · 9 years
In New York: a Venetian School for Gigilos and vengeful wives from playwright Mario Fratti
In New York: a Venetian School for Gigilos and vengeful wives from playwright Mario Fratti
“The Academy” by Mario Fratti is a play about a school for gigolos in postwar Venice. Directed by Stephan Morrow, presented by Theater for the New City October 8 to 25, 2015. L to R: Michael Striano, Nick Palazzo, Taylor Petracek, Kellan Peavy, Fergus Scully, Tucker Lewis, Kate Rose Reynolds, Stephan Morrow. Photo by Jonathan Slaff. Midway through its run off-off Broadway, we wanted to be sure…
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allinfoit · 9 years
“MARIO FRATTI FRA ITALIANO E INGLESE”, UN LIBRO INTERESSANTE - Il saggio di Emanuela Medoro sulla ricerca linguistica del grande drammaturgo italo-americano
“MARIO FRATTI FRA ITALIANO E INGLESE”, UN LIBRO INTERESSANTE – Il saggio di Emanuela Medoro sulla ricerca linguistica del grande drammaturgo italo-americano
L’AQUILA – E’ uscito di recente, pubblicato da REA Edizioni (L’Aquila, 2015), un interessante volumetto di 118 pagine curato dall’anglista Emanuela Medoro: “Mario Fratti fra italiano e inglese”, un mini laboratorio sulla ricerca linguistica del grande drammaturgo italo-americano, nato a L’Aquila, che dal 1963 vive a New York. (more…)
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lorettadorsogna · 12 years
Tutto bene. Io sono un ottimista.
Mario Fratti, 2012
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paoloferrario · 7 years
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il drammaturgo PAOLO BIGNAMI è il vincitore della edizione 2017 del premio Mario Fratti, 23 maggio 2017
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