#Marion Bartoli
driftershunt · 4 months
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Tom Cruise with Marion Bartoli and her family!
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daikenkki · 27 days
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tomcruisefan · 4 months
Gallery: Candids in London's Mission Set
Some Candids of Tom Cruise on the set of Mission: Impossible 8, along with Wimbledom champion Marion Bartoli, her husband Yahya Boumediene and their child. Home > Appearances> Events and Appearances from 2024 > May 12th | Candids in London
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hotnew-pt · 9 days
Atropelado por Nice, OM supera e comemora com o Vélodrome #ÚltimasNotícias #França
Hot News Marion Bartoli vê OM capaz de brigar com o PSG pelo título Para Marion Bartoli, o excelente início de temporada do OM, com 10 pontos conquistados em 12 possíveis, deve dar confiança aos homens de Roberto De Zerbi, que segundo ela têm armas para se envolver na batalha pelo título da Ligue 1 com o PSG. “É verdade que o PSG está bem neste momento. Mas se Bradley Barcola se lesionar, se…
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zehub · 3 months
Législatives 2024 : plus de 160 sportifs signent une tribune pour appeler à voter "contre l'extrême droite"
Les signataires de la tribune, parmi lesquels Yannick Noah, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, Marion Bartoli ou Marie-José Pérec, estiment que l'extrême droite "manipule nos peurs pour nous diviser".
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ponferradinavs · 6 months
¿Cuál es la estatura de Adrián Mannarino, el tenista francés?
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¿Cuál es la estatura de Adrián Mannarino, el tenista francés?
Altura exacta de Adrián Mannarino
Adrián Mannarino, el talentoso tenista francés, es conocido por su habilidad en la cancha y su estilo de juego único. Uno de los datos más curiosos sobre Mannarino es su altura exacta, la cual se sitúa en 1,80 metros. A pesar de no ser uno de los jugadores más altos del circuito, Mannarino ha demostrado que la estatura no es un impedimento para destacar en el tenis de élite.
Con una altura de 1,80 metros, Mannarino muestra agilidad y rapidez en sus movimientos sobre la pista, lo que le permite desplazarse con facilidad y responder a los golpes de sus oponentes de manera efectiva. Su técnica y precisión en los golpes son características que lo han llevado a alcanzar importantes victorias a lo largo de su carrera profesional.
A pesar de no contar con la misma estatura que otros tenistas de renombre, como Rafael Nadal o Juan Martín del Potro, Mannarino ha sabido destacar por su perseverancia, inteligencia táctica y dedicación al deporte. Su altura no define su desempeño en la cancha, sino que es su pasión por el tenis y su constante búsqueda de la excelencia lo que lo ha impulsado a seguir compitiendo al más alto nivel.
En definitiva, la altura de 1,80 metros de Adrián Mannarino es simplemente un dato más dentro de su amplio repertorio de habilidades tenísticas, que lo convierten en un rival a tener en cuenta en cada torneo que disputa.
Estatura promedio de tenistas franceses
Los tenistas franceses han dejado una marca indeleble en la historia del tenis mundial, con jugadores icónicos como Yannick Noah, Amelie Mauresmo, Marion Bartoli y más recientemente, Gael Monfils y Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. Uno de los aspectos menos conocidos sobre estos talentosos deportistas es su estatura promedio.
Según estudios realizados en los últimos años, la estatura promedio de los tenistas franceses masculinos se sitúa alrededor de los 185 centímetros, lo que les otorga una ventaja en la potencia y alcance de sus golpes en la cancha. Por otro lado, las tenistas francesas tienen una estatura promedio de aproximadamente 174 centímetros, lo que les permite desplazarse con agilidad en la pista y jugar con versatilidad.
Esta diferencia de estatura entre los jugadores y jugadoras francesas puede influir en su estilo de juego y estrategia en la cancha. Mientras que los tenistas masculinos pueden aprovechar su altura para imponer su juego y dominar en situaciones de saque y volea, las tenistas femeninas pueden destacar por su rapidez y capacidad para devolver golpes difíciles.
En resumen, la estatura promedio de los tenistas franceses puede variar dependiendo del género, pero en general se sitúa en rangos que les permiten destacar en el tenis profesional y competir en los más altos niveles del deporte.
Medición de altura para deportistas profesionales
La medición de altura es un aspecto crucial en el mundo del deporte, especialmente para los atletas profesionales. Conocer con precisión la estatura de un deportista no solo es importante para cuestiones de registro y competencia, sino que también puede influir en su desempeño y entrenamiento.
Para los deportistas profesionales, la medición de altura se realiza con herramientas especializadas y siguiendo protocolos específicos. Un error en la medición podría afectar la clasificación de un atleta en competencias internacionales, por lo que la precisión es fundamental.
La estatura de un deportista puede influir en su rendimiento en diferentes disciplinas. Por ejemplo, en deportes como el baloncesto o el voleibol, la altura suele ser una ventaja competitiva, ya que facilita el alcance y la capacidad de salto. En cambio, en deportes como la gimnasia, donde la proporción corporal es crucial, una estatura más baja puede ser beneficiosa.
Además, la medición de altura también es importante para monitorear el crecimiento y desarrollo de los deportistas jóvenes, permitiendo detectar posibles desviaciones en su crecimiento y tomar medidas preventivas si es necesario.
En resumen, la medición de altura para deportistas profesionales es una práctica fundamental para garantizar la justa competencia y el óptimo rendimiento de los atletas en sus respectivas disciplinas.
Características físicas de Adrián Mannarino
Adrián Mannarino es un talentoso tenista profesional francés conocido por su habilidad en la cancha. Mannarino posee una serie de características físicas que lo distinguen en el mundo del tenis.
Con una estatura de 1,80 metros, Mannarino tiene una complexión atlética que le otorga agilidad y rapidez en sus movimientos en la cancha. Su apariencia física refleja un cuidado por su condición física y una dedicación al entrenamiento constante.
En cuanto a su fisonomía facial, Mannarino destaca por sus ojos oscuros que reflejan determinación y concentración mientras disputa sus partidos. Su cabello oscuro y su característica barba aportan un toque distintivo a su presencia en la cancha.
Además, Mannarino cuenta con una técnica depurada en su juego que le permite desplegar su potencial físico de manera efectiva. Su velocidad en la pista y su capacidad para realizar golpes precisos son aspectos físicos que lo han llevado a destacar en el circuito profesional.
En resumen, las características físicas de Adrián Mannarino, como su estatura, complexión atlética, mirada decidida y técnica depurada, son elementos que contribuyen a su éxito como tenista profesional y lo convierten en un competidor a tener en cuenta en cada torneo en el que participa.
Comparativa de alturas en el tenis profesional
En el tenis profesional, la altura de los jugadores ha sido un factor determinante en el desarrollo de sus carreras. En la actualidad, se puede observar una marcada diferencia de alturas entre los tenistas masculinos y femeninos en el circuito. Los jugadores masculinos tienden a ser más altos en promedio, con una estatura promedio de alrededor de 185 cm, mientras que las jugadoras femeninas suelen ser más bajas, con una estatura promedio de alrededor de 170 cm.
Esta diferencia de alturas tiene implicaciones en el estilo de juego de los tenistas. Los jugadores más altos suelen tener un mayor alcance en la cancha, lo que les permite golpear la pelota con más potencia y dominar en el juego de saque. Por otro lado, las jugadoras más bajas suelen destacar por su agilidad y rapidez en la pista, lo que les permite moverse con mayor facilidad y realizar golpes más precisos.
A lo largo de la historia del tenis, ha habido jugadores de todas las alturas que han dejado una huella imborrable en el deporte. Desde los altos y potentes saques de jugadores como Juan Martín Del Potro, hasta la velocidad y agilidad de jugadoras como Simona Halep, la altura no ha sido un factor limitante para alcanzar el éxito en el tenis profesional.
En conclusión, la comparativa de alturas en el tenis profesional es un aspecto interesante que influye en el estilo de juego y las estrategias de los tenistas. Sin embargo, lo más importante sigue siendo la habilidad, la técnica y la determinación de cada jugador para alcanzar la cima en este apasionante deporte.
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peterjpotter · 6 months
"Marion Bartoli révèle comment le régime Keto a transformé son corps"
"Connue pour son style de jeu agressif et son titre de championne de Wimbledon en 2013, Marion Bartoli a récemment surpris ses fans en dévoilant sa transformation physique grâce au régime Keto. Cette ancienne joueuse de tennis professionnelle a adopté ce régime alimentaire pauvre en glucides et riche en graisses pour retrouver une silhouette plus tonique et améliorer ses performances sur le court. Dans cet article
keto x marion bartoli
keto x marion bartoli
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pvnwink · 6 months
"Les bienfaits du régime cétogène selon Marion Bartoli"
Le régime cétogène fait de plus en plus parler de lui. Utilisé notamment par la célèbre joueuse de tennis Marion Bartoli, ce régime alimentaire se base sur une consommation élevée de graisses et une réduction des apports en glucides. Ses bienfaits sont nombreux et de nombreux adeptes lui attribuent des effets bénéfiques sur leur santé. Dans cet article, nous nous intéresserons particulièrement aux bien
keto marion bartoli
keto marion bartoli
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outroblogparareblog · 8 months
The Ugly, Unfair Truth About Looking Beautiful by W. Leith
Why, after decades of feminism, do we seem to demand that women in the public eye be extraordinarily beautiful but their male counterparts can get away with being ordinary?
The art critic John Bergerfamously said that, in our culture, “men act and women appear”. He didn’t mean that women didn’t actually do anything, or that men never looked pretty. His point was that this was how men and women were depicted.
Men were supposed to be effective, and women were supposed to be attractive. He was right. And it was a travesty. But that was in 1972; it was a long time ago.
Or was it? Four decades of feminism later I am reading the comedian Angela Barnes’ blog. “I am ugly, and I am proud,” she writes. She goes on to say: “The fact is I don’t see people in magazines who look like me. I don’t see people like me playing the romantic lead or having a romantic life.”
At the top of the blog is a picture of Barnes. And the thing is, she isn’t ugly. Neither is she beautiful. She’s normal looking. She’s somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, just like lots of women you see every day in real life.
It made me think of this year’s Wimbledon ladies’ final between Sabine Lisicki and Marion Bartoli. When Bartoli won, the BBC commentator John Inverdale infamously said, “Do you think Bartoli’s dad told her when she was little, 'You’re never going to be a looker, you’re never going to be a Sharapova, so you have to be scrappy and fight’?”
The first thing I thought was: this woman has just won a tennis tournament! And she’s being judged on her looks! And then I thought: but Bartoli is attractive. Sure, she’s not at the very highest point on the scale – she doesn’t look like a top model. But she’s pretty. And, in any case, why should it matter? She’s a top athlete. Surely that’s what counts.
A sports commentator refers to a pretty woman as “not a looker”. A normal-looking woman thinks she’s ugly. Why?
Because, even though the world is full of normal and pretty women, the world we see – the world of television, films, magazines and websites – is full of women who are top-of-the-scale beauties.
And right now, in the second decade of the 21st century, the situation is more extreme than ever. If you're a woman, a huge proportion of your role models are beautiful. So if you’re normal looking, you feel ugly. And if you’re merely pretty, men feel free to comment on how un-beautiful you are.
As a normal-looking man, I’m in good company. Sure, some male actors and celebrities are very good looking. Brad Pitt. George Clooney. Russell Brand.
But many of Hollywood’s leading men, like me, look like the sort of blokes you see every day, in real life. Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Bruce Willis, Jack Black, Seth Rogen, Martin Freeman, Tom Hanks, Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Brendan Fraser… In fact, you might almost say that most leading men are normal-looking blokes.
It’s true of television, too. Bryan Cranston, who plays the lead in Breaking Bad – he’s a normal. James Gandolfini – he was a normal. And chubby too. Kevin Whately – normal. Ben Miller – normal. TV cops all look normal. Ray Winstone looks normal. Tim Roth looks normal. They portray people who are interesting for what they do, not what they look like.
Oh, and think of sitcoms. The Big Bang Theoryfeatures four normal-looking blokes and a stunningly beautiful woman. New Girl is about two normal blokes, a guy who’s quite good looking, and two women who are… yes, strikingly beautiful.
When I watch the news, on whatever channel, it’s presented by the classic partnership of an ordinary-looking guy and a gorgeous woman. After the news, I watch the weather. Male weather presenters look like standard males. Female weather presenters look like models.
Footballers look normal. Footballers’ wives and girlfriends look stunning. Daytime television presenters: men look like Phillip Schofield; women look like Holly Willoughby.
A typical Saturday-night judges’ panel consists of two types of people – middle-aged blokes and young, stunning women. Sometimes a normal-looking or ageing woman slips through the net – but then, like Arlene Phillips, her days are soon numbered.
Countdown had an attractive woman and an ageing bloke; when the attractive woman began to show signs of ageing, she was axed – replaced by a woman who was, of course, strikingly beautiful.
Who presents historical documentaries? Guys like David Starkey. Normals. And what happened when a normal-looking woman, Mary Beard, presented a series about the ancient world? She was mocked for not being attractive enough.
In a recent interview Dustin Hoffman, another normal, made a revealing comment. Remember when he dressed up as a woman in Tootsie? “I went home and started crying,” he said. Why?
“Because I think I am an interesting woman when I look at myself on screen. And I know that if I met myself at a party, I would never talk to that character. Because she doesn’t fulfil physically the demands that we’re brought up to think women have to have in order to ask them out… I have been brainwashed.”
Actually, I had some insight into how women must feel the other day. I went to a beauty trade show. Women, many of whom wanted their faces to be more beautiful than they were, were looking at products and procedures that might help. You could have injections of Botox or fillers; you could have your face heated up or cut apart; you could have fat from your abdomen injected into your lips.
The “cosmetic interventions” industry is growing fast: in 2005 it was worth £720 million; five years later the figure was £2.3 billion. More than 90 per cent of the customers are women.
I watched a woman as her lips were injected with Restylane, a dermal filler designed to make faces look fuller, lips more pouty. Her face was being stretched and jabbed, stretched and jabbed. Skin was being hoicked and yanked, and then stuff was pumped into her. It looked like a cooking procedure. It looked like abuse.
Afterwards, she got up. She was shaky on her feet. She had the bearing of someone who had been in an accident. Before and after the procedure she was normal looking.
That’s one thing about cosmetic interventions, says Daniel Hamermesh, a professor at the University of Texas, who is an expert on the economics of beauty. They might help a bit. But don’t expect miracles. “Changes are likely to be small,” he says.
But women increasingly crave beauty – and for good reason. In a world that tells pretty women they are ordinary, and ordinary-looking women they are ugly, increasingly radical “solutions” come to seem normal.
In a 2013 review, the Department of Health reports that, until recently, people were discreet about cosmetic procedures; now they are “celebrated”.
These days beauty is not a bonus – it’s essential. So women, in their tens of thousands, feel a new acceptance of the pain, the fear, the microdermabrasion, the chemical peels, the intense pulsed light.
They try not to think of the procedures that go wrong, leading to more procedures. In the mirror they observe their faces with a new expertise, noting the downward slide of the malar fat pads, the atrophy of collagen. They save money. They book appointments. People yank and jab their skin. Afterwards they still look un-beautiful.
Feminists, most famously Naomi Wolf, tell us they know what’s going on. Just at the point when women were becoming more liberated – the moment when they began to act, as well as appear – the old patriarchy hit back.
In The Beauty Myth she makes a good case. The more power women have, she says, the more pressure there is on them to be beautiful. And passive.
In the past couple of decades scientists, who are mostly male, have stepped into the debate. And what do they tell us? The pressure on women to be beautiful is not a patriarchal backlash, because it’s been there for ever. It’s the same all over the world, whether you’re from a poor or rich country.
It’s the same in cities with glass skyscrapers as it is in tribal societies that have hardly changed since the Stone Age. That, they say, is because it’s an essential part of the human condition.
In The Evolution of Desire, David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, says that it all comes down to the basics of sex. Men are attracted to women who look fertile. Women are attracted to men who will make good providers. That’s why men want their female partners to be a bit younger than they are. It’s also why women are attracted to older men – men with a proven track record.
Throughout history, in other words, women are desirable when they look healthy and unblemished. Symmetrical features are a sign of health; a narrow waist and wide hips are a sign of fertility. Women like symmetrical features too. But they don’t mind wrinkles or grey hair; in ancestral times, if a guy had grey hair, he was a proven survivor.
I’ve never heard any woman say anything negative about George Clooney’s grey hair. And I can’t imagine John Inverdale ever making a comment about Andy Murray being a normal-looking bloke.
And if, like David Buss, I’d interviewed 10,000 people in 37 different cultures, and found that, all over the world, women want men to look like strong providers, grizzled or not, I’d tell you that this was not surprising.
The writer Eva Wiseman recently identified a new journalistic genre, which she calls “first person pretty”: articles by women who are, or at least feel, attractive – but whose attractiveness is a double-edged sword, attracting jealousy and spite.
“These pieces illuminate from the inside our anxiety about our bodies, our internalised misogyny,” she wrote. How did we get here and why is the situation so extreme?
I recently read a debate about online porn that asked: why are female porn stars much better looking than male? Why is porn all about normal-looking blokes having sex with beautiful women?
It’s because the consumers of porn are, by and large, normal-looking blokes. In other words, that’s where the money is – the normal-looking blokes have it. They want to identify with the male actors, which would be more difficult if the male actors were as beautiful as the women. The male gaze leads from money to female beauty. It’s brute economics.
Since then, in an increasingly mediated, monetised society, the old ideal has hardened and intensified. Sponsorship and advertising endorse conservative values. The internet has brought us porn on demand, which focuses the male gaze. And porn is a hub that radiates outwards – towards fashion, music, films and novels.
As the feminist writer Ariel Levy pointed out in her book Female Chauvinist Pigs, lots of women seem to want to become pornographic versions of themselves, mainly because it works. It places them in the dominant culture. They felt they couldn’t beat men, so they decided to join them. Some wore T-shirts with the slogan porn star.
As Levy says, “Only 30 years ago, our mothers were 'burning their bras’ and picketing Playboy, and suddenly we were getting implants and getting the bunny logo as supposed symbols of our liberation.”
And Catherine Hakim, senior research fellow of sociology at the LSE, might just agree.
In her book Honey Money, she points out that, just as men in patriarchal societies have always tried to control the way women dress, so have some feminists. “Why not champion femininity rather than abolish it? Why does no one encourage women to exploit men whenever they can?” she writes.
The other day, a man said to me, “Look, women have money these days, they have independence, they don’t want to be judged on how they look. So why don’t they turn their backs on all this va-va-voom dressing, all the make-up and high heels and beautification?”
And the answer is, I don’t know. I’m a man. I don’t live in a world of being judged on my looks. Or a world in which to look normal is to look ugly, or in which I can increase my power several notches just by how I dress.
What’s complicated for women is simple for men. Just think of John Malkovich, another normal-looking leading man. On being asked what he most disliked about his appearance, he said, “I don’t think about it. I’m a geezer. Who cares?”
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daikenkki · 1 year
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dennisfineny · 1 year
Unlikely Tennis Major Winners and Finalists
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At the professional level, the sport of tennis consists of four major tournaments, sometimes referred to as Grand Slams: the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open. While these tournaments have predominantly been won by the sport’s most accomplished competitors, a number of lesser-known, lower-ranked players have had considerable success at major events.
Tennis tournaments are single elimination events. The singles draws at major events consist of 128 players, with 32 players being seeded so that higher-ranked players do not meet until the later rounds. Despite this arrangement, a number of unseeded players have advanced to major finals.
On the men’s tour, Mark Edmondson holds the record for lowest ranked player to reach a major final. He was ranked No. 212 in the world entering the 1976 Australian Open and eliminated the No. 5, No. 12, and No. 13 seeds in succession to reach the semifinals. Edmondson achieved one of the greatest upsets in grand slam tennis history when he eliminated Australian legend Ken Rosewall, the top seed at the event and a winner of eight major championships. Edmondson won in four sets, then eliminated No. 2 seed John Newcombe to become the lowest ranked major winner of all time.
Just two years later, No. 177 John Marks received a walkover against No. 2 seed Jose Luis Clerc at the Australian Open. Marks essentially assumed Clerc’s position in the tournament, advancing to the finals with wins over seeded players such as John Alexander and Arthur Ashe, the latter in five tight sets. However, Marks fell short of another Cinderella run, losing in the final to Guillermo Vilas.
In 2001, Goran Ivanisevic enjoyed one of the most memorable Wimbledon runs in tennis history. The big server had often tangled with Pete Sampras on the lawns of the All England Club in southwest London, losing in three Wimbledon finals. He entered the 2001 event as a wildcard ranked No. 125 in the world. The Croatian eliminated a slew of young talent, including Carlos Moya and Andy Roddick, before eliminating home favorite Tim Henman in a five set semifinal. Ivanisevic capped off his campaign with a marathon five set victory over Patrick Rafter, completing the fairytale run.
Gustavo Kuerten, ranked No. 66 in the world, won Roland-Garros on his second attempt, in just his third major tournament. The grand slam victory, which included wins over Thomas Muster and Yevgeny Kafelnikov, was his first tournament win.
While impressive, few players on the men’s tour can stand up to the unlikely run of Emma Raducanu at the 2021 US Open. The 18 year old, ranked No. 150 in the world, had to play three matches in a qualifying tournament to enter the main draw, which she did without dropping a set. She went on to win the major, also without dropping a set, to become the only qualifier on either the men’s or women’s tour to win a major. Her opponent, fellow teenager Leylah Fernandez, was ranked No. 73 in the world.
The only lower ranked woman to reach a major final is Kim Clijsters, who played in the 2009 US Open as an unranked player. The Belgian initially retired from tennis in 2007, then began her professional comeback a few weeks prior to the US Open. She received a wildcard for the event, ultimately defeating Venus and Serena Williams, Li Na, Marion Bartoli, and No. 9 seed Caroline Wozniacki to win the event for the second time in her career.
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jogallice · 1 year
Roland-Garros 2023 : la transition du circuit juniors vers le circuit professionnel, « un passage délicat vers un autre monde ».
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
Tennis : depuis 2000, douze Français et cinq Françaises ont remporté un tournoi du Grand Chelem juniors. Parmi eux, seule Marion Bartoli a réédité la performance chez les professionnels.
JamesO's insight:
Via l’agence JamesO Média❗️N.D.L.R. : article de presse (temps de lecture : 6 minutes) publié par Franceinfo (France Télévisions) le mercredi 24/05/23.
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Marion Bartoli, her story with Tom Cruise
The former tennis player struck up a friendship with Tom Cruise, who enjoyed her victory at Wimbledon in 2013. To measure the impact that success at Wimbledon can have on the notoriety of a tennis player, just ask Marion Bartoli. The former French n°1 has already recounted her meeting with Pierce Brosnan, her idol, a few years ago. Thanks to his success on the London lawn in 2013, Bartoli was…
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mrklei · 2 years
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Marion Bartoli
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kritere · 2 years
Alexis Sanchez travolto a sorpresa dalla stella del tennis: “300mila euro al mese e poi…”
DIRETTA TV 3 Marzo 2023 Dopo il tremendo flop in Coppa di Francia, pesante attacco ad Alexis Sanchez da parte dell’ex tennista Marion Bartoli. 0 CONDIVISIONI Il Marsiglia ha fatto una figuraccia in Coppa di Francia, vanificando dunque la precedente impresa contro il PSG. L’eliminazione nei quarti di finale per mano dell’Annecy, attualmente al decimo posto in seconda divisione, ha causato non…
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