#Marius de Romanus appreciation week Day 1
fenicenera83 · 1 year
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MARIUS de ROMANUS Appreciation Week:
DAY 1 - I am a son of Rome - A young Marius during his service in the Roman army.
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
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-I am a son of Rome
or BOTH!!!!
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faerywhimsy · 1 year
Day 1 - Father
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It wasn’t daybreak yet, but it would be soon. The room Daniel was asleep in had windows to the outside. Marius shook his head indulgently. Crossed the room. For a moment, he just watched the sleeping boy, still new enough in the blood that his unconscious chest rose and fell with the habit of breath it no longer needed to take.
And then Marius kissed Daniel on the forehead. This miraculous child of his own child, who Marius had never thought to wish for. Under his guardianship all the same.
Marius would take care of him, no matter what came.
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nonvaleantredeo · 1 month
Marius de Romanus Appreciation Week, day 1
Prompt: I feel that there is nothing more artistic than to love people (V. van Gogh)
The Vampire Chronicles x Versailles tv series crossover, because Marius love lovers and after loosing Amadeo trying to take his almost paternal care on "lovers that couldn’t be blessed"
Also this was part of ny personal challenge "under 500 words" and I write this in my native language as I plan to write several etudes for this week
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Homo vanitati similis factus est; dies eius sicut umbra praetereunt
Предрассветная дымка и свет зажженной свечи наполнили небольшие покои светом. Единственный брат короля с надеждой открыл глаза, ожидая увидеть своего возлюбленного во сне, напоминающего ангела, однако фаворит был полностью одет и сосредоточенно писал, почти сливаясь с мебелью в тусклом свете.
С облегчением выдохнув, он стал торопливо запечатывать конверт и прятать его за подкладку жилета. Филипп не должен узнать, никто не поверит, посчитают заговорщиком и вновь отправят в тюрьму. Наспех зашив жилет, шевалье столкнулся с полным непонимания взглядом Филиппа. Столь раннее пробуждение и прошлые достижения шевалье не могли не настораживать. Он молча разорвал жилет под стоны шевалье о красоте ткани.
– Ты не посмеешь открыть его, это личное
– Бывший заговорщик не успел выйти из тюрьмы и уже пишет тайное письмо и так прячет его? Маршалю будет интересно его прочитать. – на конверте значилось всего одно слово «Учителю». Будучи уверенным, что оно адресовано очередному преступнику, воспользовавшемуся доверчивостью шевалье, Филипп открыл конверт.
«Мой спаситель, не в силах выразить словами свою признательность и благоговение перед Даром, полученным мною; Ваше появление в ту ночь и мое спасение это подарок небес. Неукоснительно я следую Вашим словам и познаю новую природу, минула неделя с Вашего ритуала, при дворе никто не заметил изменений, произошедших со мной, охота моя остается в тайне. Однако я хочу просить Вашего совета и благословения, сердце мое не подвластно моему разуму, покорить его и отдалиться от господина его – все отдал бы я, чтоб не совершать того. Учитель, мне тяжело смотреть в его печальные глаза, чувствовать его разочарование каждый раз, когда я отдаляюсь от него. Позвольте мне привести его к Вам, позвольте забрать из мира солнца, стремящегося опалить всех, кто не готов поклоняться ему, как язычник. Мы скроемся от всех; его жена погибла, мы вместе последуем за ней, чтобы смерть наша вернула солнце к земле и подарила нам вечность»
Безумные мысли одна за другой сменялись в голове Филиппа: он кого-то убил и его шантажируют, он был на черной мессе, он против короля...
– И каждый день, когда я не смогу прикоснуться к тебе, почувствовать тебя, станет днем моей смерти, ты помнишь?! Пойми, это не из-за твоего брата, только ради тебя. Он давит на тебя и не дает тебе сиять, звезды правят ночью, когда солнце скроется за горизонтом, пойдем со мной на другую сторону, ты увидишь красоту и полет, ты узнаешь то, о чем не мог и мечтать. Для брата короля не может быть другой стороны, скажешь ты, но она есть. Другая сторона человека. Обещай, сегодня после ужина выйти в лес. Мы будем ждать, он не нападет, он все расскажет, и ты сам выберешь уйти, как выбрал я. Молчи, любовь моя, ты в гневе, но дай мне договорить. Единственное, о чем я жалею, что гложет мое сере и не дает мне спать спокойно это ты. Чувствовать твой запах, слышать струны твоей души, и не иметь шанса прикоснуться это невыносимо. Приходи в лес ночью, моя звезда, обещай, что придешь.
Следующей ночью из тюрьмы Пинероло был похищен узник, чье лицо скрывала железная маска.
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fenicenera83 · 1 year
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MARIUS de ROMANUS Appreciation Week:
DAY 1 -Father - Baby Marius in his daddy's arms cuddling him in ancient Rome 💕
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
Marius de Romanus week starts in three days!!!
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✦Marius de Romanus week starts in three days!!! On August 14 we will kick off our " Marius de Romanus appreciation week" event to celebrate our beloved Marius, our precious vampire Daddy. We kindly ask you to tag your posts with " Marius de Romanus appreciation week" so we can easily find your work. If perchance, you find that we have missed one of your works, please contact us here so that we can make up for it.
✦There is only one rule to respect and treat with love the character being celebrated during the week, as always.
✦There will be two prompts for each day of the week, plus one bonus day, before the event closes. You can decide to treat only one prompts or both, the choice is yours. As usual, any kind of work is accepted, fanart, fanfiction, headcanon, moodboard, etc… The prompts related to Marius, can be either about his mortal life or his immortality.
The prompts for Marius de Romanus week are as follows:
DAY 1 - Filius Romae/ Pater⋆⁺₊ ( I am a son of Rome/ Father)
DAY 2 - Sacrarium/Prime Minister⋆⁺₊ ( Sanctuary/Prime Minister)
DAY 3 - Marius imprudentis/ Marius rationalis⋆⁺₊(SassyMarius/ Marius rational)
DAY 4- Viri:sussurri et animi/ Mulieres: exaruit rosis⋆⁺₊ (Husband: Whispers and Souls/Wives:Dried Roses)
DAY 5 - Nuntiusnotas,nuntius mensam/ Ode ad Botticelli⋆⁺₊ (Messy notes, messy desk/Ode to Botticelli)
DAY 6 - In virtude misericordiae/ Cor Nobile⋆⁺₊( Believe in the power of tenderness/ A noble heart)
DAY 7 - Describere in cute/Sonus amicitiae⋆⁺₊ ( Draw on his skin/The sound of friendship)
BONUS DAY - Dominus⋆⁺₊
Thank you to all who will participate!For any questions or needs, please contact us here, we will be happy to help you with doubts, questions, etc… We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are very happy to be able to celebrate Marius, and look forward to the event!
⋆⁺₊✧Thank you all!
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕦𝕤 𝕕𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜 is coming!
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Welcome to our Coven! And welcome to our events!!
During the month of August we will have ongoing 「 ✦ Marius de Romanus ✦ 」 appreciation week!
⋆⁺₊✧Hello everyone! Appreciation week for our beloved daddy vampire is approaching! Please note that it will begin on August 14 and end on August 20.
The week will be focused on celebrating Marius de Romanus and our love for him. ✧The only rule is total respect for Marius and only work that celebrates his beauty as a character will be accepted. All kinds of work, fanart, aesthetics, poems, fanfiction, moodboards, etc. will be accepted.
We have decided to give two prompts per day and they will be as follows:
DAY 1 - Filius Romae/ Pater⋆⁺₊ ( I am a son of Rome/ Father)
DAY 2 - Sacrarium/Prime Minister⋆⁺₊ ( Sanctuary/Prime Minister)
DAY 3 - Marius imprudentis/ Marius rationalis⋆⁺₊(SassyMarius/ Marius rational)
DAY 4 - Viri:sussurri et animi/ Mulieres: exaruit rosis⋆⁺₊ (Husband: Whispers and Souls/Wives:Dried Roses)
DAY 5 - Nuntiusnotas,nuntius mensam/ Ode ad Botticelli⋆⁺₊ (Messy notes, messy desk/Ode to Botticelli)
DAY 6 - In virtude misericordiae/ Cor Nobile⋆⁺₊( Believe in the power of tenderness/ A noble heart)
DAY 7 - Describere in cute/Sonus amicitiae⋆⁺₊ ( Draw on his skin/The sound of friendship)
BONUS DAY - Dominus⋆⁺₊
Thank you to all who will participate!For any questions or needs, please contact us here, we will be happy to help you with doubts, questions, etc… We will get back to you as soon as possible. We are very happy to be able to celebrate Marius, and look forward to the event!
⋆⁺₊✧Thank you all!
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fenicenera83 · 1 year
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⸙͎ We are happy to announce Marius/Armand Appreciation week! ⸙͎
We would like to celebrate our favorite ship, with all those who like us, love Marius and Armand. In an atmosphere of positivity and friendship, we would like to bring together all those, who for the most diverse reasons, have drifted away, from their OTP. Our desire is to be able to celebrate with those who like us deeply love and respect both the characters and the ship itself.
All types of work will be accepted: Fanart,Fanfiction,Headcanon,MoodBoard, Aestethics, Poetry, Web Waves and even quotes from Anne Rice's books. The only rule is that the content must celebrate the love of the ship, and respect and value both characters with affection.
We would like to ask everyone if you would kindly tag your work with " Marius/Armand Appreciation Week" so we can share everyone's work. We also ask you to please contact us if we accidentally missed any of your work so we can add it. We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for the effort and time you have decided to devote to the event. Thank you!
We will give two different prompts per day, and we will also accept latecomers!
Start is 16 of July and end is 22 July.
⸙͎ DAY 1 -Venice Era/ Blood as Honey
⸙͎DAY 2 -Renaissance/Black Wings
⸙͎DAY 3 -Blue Eyes/Messy Auburn-Hair
⸙͎DAY 4 -A myth of ancient Rome/A painting with a secret
⸙͎DAY 5 - Carnival in the Golden Age/Phantom of the Opera
⸙͎DAY 6 -Russian AU/Cyber Punk AU
⸙͎DAY 7 -Ancient Rome AU/Masquerade Ball
✎A special thanks to @the-apostates-martyr , @fofoqueirah, and @clairer4rt Who helped us organize. Thank you very very much!
We take advantage of this program to announce that from August 15 to August 22 we will host Marius de Romanus appreciation week, to celebrate the character of Marius. We will close with a week in September from September 13 to September 20 dedicated to the ship Marius/Daniel, to celebrate Daddy and Pretty Boy and their love. We hope you will participate in all three events. Thank you!
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faerywhimsy · 1 year
Day 6 - Believe in the Power of Tenderness
Breaking my drabble streak for @saintrayne, without whom this idea probably wouldn't have happened (yet).
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Officially, this fills the Day 6 prompt for Marius Appreciation Week. Thank you to the de Romanus coven for keeping me motivated <3
Unofficially, it's also for the de Landen squad, and primarily @fofoqueirah, and @allegra-writes, who are basically part of all my squads at this point.
Soft as Strength (7184 words) by faerywhimsy Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Vampire Chronicles Series - Anne Rice Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Benedict/Rhoshamandes (Vampire Chronicles), Armand/Daniel Molloy, Armand/Marius de Romanus, Armand & Benedict (Vampire Chronicles), Armand/Daniel Molloy/Marius de Romanus Characters: Armand (Vampire Chronicles), Benedict (Vampire Chronicles), Rhoshamandes (Vampire Chronicles), Daniel Molloy, Marius de Romanus, Allesandra (Vampire Chronicles), Bianca Solderini, Santino (mentioned), Everard de Landen (mentioned), Magnus (mentioned) Additional Tags: Kneeling, Children of Satan (referenced), Trinity Gate, Armand is Amadeo for part of this but there's no tag for that, Nobody kidnaps Viktor, maybe he doesn't even exist here who knows?, no one does it like the de landens, Blood Drinking, Marius' crypt within Trinity Gate, The new Palazzo boys Series: Part 3 of TVC Oneshot AUs Summary: Armand is offered the unique opportunity to learn from Benedict that softness doesn't necessarily need to equal fragility, and then comes to some interesting conclusions because of it. A version of events that does occur in Trinity Gate, but where Lestat doesn't simply cut off Rhosh's hand (and arm, Jesus, Lestat).
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
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Welcome to the Marius de Romanus Appreciation Week!
It is with great joy that we kick off the event for our beloved Marius!
Today, August 14th, the event of our Congrega begins to celebrate Marius de Romanus. The event will run until August 20, with a bonus day, with a special theme, before closing.
We kindly ask you to tag your posts with " Marius de Romanus appreciation week" so we can easily find your work. If perchance, you find that we have missed one of your works, please contact us here so that we can make up for it.
✦There is only one rule to respect and treat with love the character being celebrated during the week, as always.
✦There will be two prompts for each day of the week, plus one bonus day, before the event closes. You can decide to treat only one prompts or both, the choice is yours. As usual, any kind of work is accepted, fanart, fanfiction, headcanon, moodboard, etc…
The prompts for Marius de Romanus week are as follows:
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DAY 1 -Father/ I am a son of Rome
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DAY 2 - Sanctuary/ Prime minister
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DAY 3 - Sassy Marius/ Rational Marius
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DAY 4- Husbands- whispers and souls/ Wives - dried roses
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DAY 5 - Messy notes, messy desk/ Ode to Botticelli
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DAY 6 - Believe in the power of tenderness/ Noble Heart
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DAY 6 - Draw on his skin/ The sound of friendship
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Banners are free to use, if you want use them for accompany your works.
Thank you to all who will participate!For any questions or needs, please contact us here, we will be happy to help you with doubts, questions, etc… We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are very happy to be able to celebrate Marius, and look forward to the event!
⋆⁺₊✧Thank you all!
A very Special Thanks to:
for their beautiful fanart!
✦We remind you that we will meet again, after the closure of the Marius event, on the first of September, for a three-day mini-event. On September 1st we will dedicate a day to Marius, on September 2nd we will dedicate a day to Armand, and on September 3rd a day to Daniel. The prompts for the mini event will be two for each character and will be announced next week. We also remind you that from September 14th to September 20th we will host the Marius/Daniel appreciation Week event, to celebrate the couple. Prompts for this event will be released by September 5th.
Thank you all for your attention and have fun!!
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
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Ꮼ𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕚 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟! In September, our coven will hold a mini-event in anticipation of the Marius/Daniel Appreciation Week event beginning September 14. The mini event will begin on September 1 with a day dedicated to Marius de Romanus, on September 2 a day dedicated to Armand, and on September 3 a day dedicated to Daniel Molloy. You can choose to address both prompts or choose just one. We remind you that the time will be only one day per character. As usual, we ask you to respect and care for Anne Rice's characters. Any type of work will be accepted: fanfiction, fanart, moodboard, poetry, etc...
The prompts will be two for each character and will be divided into day/ mortal, night/immortal. The prompts are as follows:
ᏬDAY 1 - Marius de Romanus: A frenetic day in ancient Rome/ A serene night in the artist's workshop
ᏬDAY 2 - Armand: An adventurous day hunting with dad/ A lonely night at Trinity Gate
ᏬDAY 3 - Daniel Molloy: A fragrant reporter's day/ A caotic night of dance
Please remember to send your submissions via ask box or private message to: http://deromanuscoven.tumblr.com This is to make sure that everyone who wants to participate is included and that their work is displayed on the coven blog. We thank you for your patience and support, which means so much to us!
ᏬThanks in advance to all who will participate!
After the mini event we will meet again on September 14th for the beginning of the Marius/Daniel appreciation week.
Have fun!!
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
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Welcome to Marius/Daniel Appreciation Week!
It is with great joy that we kick off the event for our beloved Marius and Daniel!
Today, September 14th, the event of our Coven begins to celebrate Marius/Daniel ship. The event will run until September 20, with a bonus day, with a special theme, before closing.
We kindly ask you to tag your posts with "de romanus coven events" so we can easily find your work. If perchance, you find that we have missed one of your works, please contact us here so that we can make up for it.
✦There is only one rule to respect and treat with love the characters being celebrated during the week, as always.
✦There will be two prompts for each day of the week, plus one bonus day, before the event closes. You can decide to treat only one prompts or both, the choice is yours. As usual, any kind of work is accepted, fanart, fanfiction, headcanon, moodboard, etc…
The prompts for Marius/Daniel week are as follows:
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DAY 1 - The feel of red velvet/Round glasses and a typewriter
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DAY 2 - Our garden in Rio/Guardian angel
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DAY 3 - Remember ... Rebel!!/ Golden retriver
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DAY 4- A season/Orange and cinnamon
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DAY 5 - 80's disco inferno/Red sweater that smell of him
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DAY 6 - Homemade gift/Bless this love that heal me
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DAY 7 - This immense fire/Moonlight and nightmares
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BONUS DAY - Daddy and pretty boy
Banners are free to use, if you want use them for accompany your works.
Thank you to all who will participate!For any questions or needs, please contact us here, we will be happy to help you with doubts, questions, etc… We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are very happy to be able to celebrate Marius/Daniel, and look forward to the event!
⋆⁺₊✧Thank you all for your attention and have fun!!
✦We remind you that we will meet again, after the closure of the Marius/Daniel event, the last week of October in which the coven will hold a Halloween event in which the Marius/Armand/Daniel trio will be celebrated.
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Appreciation week for Marius/Daniel is coming!
Please note that it will begin on September 14 and end on September20.
The week will be focused on celebrating Marius/Daniel ship and our love for them.
✧The only rule is total respect for them and only work that celebrates the beauty of the couple will be accepted. All kinds of work, fanart, aesthetics, poems, fanfiction, moodboards, etc. will be accepted.
We have decided to give two prompts per day and they will be as follows:
DAY 1 - The feel of red velvet/Round glasses and a typewriter
DAY 2 - Our garden in Rio/Guardian angel
DAY 3 - Remember ... Rebel!!/ Golden retriver
DAY 4- A season/Orange and cinnamon
DAY 5 - 80's disco inferno/Red sweater that smell of him
DAY 6 - Homemade gift/Bless this love that heal me
DAY 7 - This immense fire/Moonlight and nightmares
BONUS DAY - Daddy and pretty boy
We are giving the prompts in advance, so that those who want to participate, can take their time to create their work.
Thank you in advance to all who will participate!!!
Please tag your works 'de romanus coven event' thanks!
For questions information or curiosity contact us here thank you!
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
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ᏬWelcome to our September mini event!!
This event will take place during the first days of September, and will be followed on September 14th by the start of the Marius/Daniel appreciation week. Each day will be dedicated to a character and will have two specific prompts. The first prompt will be about the character's mortal life and will take place during the day. The second prompt will be about his immortal life and the night.
You can choose to address both prompts or choose just one. We remind you that the time will be only one day per character. As usual, we ask you to respect and care for Anne Rice's characters. Any type of work will be accepted: fanfiction, fanart, moodboard, poetry, etc...
The event prompts are as follows:
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DAY 1 - Marius de Romanus: A frenetic day in ancient Rome/ A serene night in the artist's workshop
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DAY 2 - Armand: An adventurous day hunting with dad/ A lonely night at Trinity Gate
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DAY 3 - Daniel Molloy: A fragrant reporter's day/ A caotic night of dance
ᏬThanks in advance to all who will participate!
After the mini event we will meet again on September 14th for the beginning of the Marius/Daniel appreciation week.
Have fun!!
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deromanuscoven · 1 year
Marius de Romanus appreciation Week is coming!!
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⋆⁺₊✧Hello everyone! Appreciation week for our beloved daddy vampire is approaching! Please note that it will begin on August 14 and end on August 20.
The week will be focused on celebrating Marius and our love for him. ✧The only rule is total respect for Marius and only work that celebrates his beauty as a character will be accepted. All kinds of work, fanart, aesthetics, poems, fanfiction, moodboards, etc. will be accepted. There would be no need to write it down, but just to be clear, we love Marius, and no, we do not need anyone to try to convince us that we should not.
We have decided to give two prompts per day and they will be as follows:
DAY 1 - Filius Romae/ Pater⋆⁺₊
DAY 2 - Sacrarium/Prime Minister⋆⁺₊
DAY 3 - Marius imprudentis/ Marius rationalis⋆⁺₊
DAY 4 - Viri:sussurri et animi/ Mulieres: exaruit rosis⋆⁺₊
DAY 5 - Nuntiusnotas,nuntius mensam/ Ode ad Botticelli⋆⁺₊
DAY 6 - In virtude misericordiae/ Cor Nobile⋆⁺₊
DAY 7 - Describere in cute/Sonus amicitiae⋆⁺₊
BONUS DAY - Dominus⋆⁺₊
We are giving the prompts in advance, so that those who want to participate, can take their time to create their work, and make us and all Marius' lovers happy with what you all gift us!
The link to our Coven is:https://deromanuscoven.tumblr.com/
There we will hold the event, and all subsequent ones, come find us in our Coven!!!
Thank you in advance to all who will participate!!!
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