#Markiplier shaped the humor I have today
somethinginthemyste · 1 month
I just saw some idiot on TikTok say "Markiplier hasn't uploaded anything in 3 weeks. Long time viewers will know this isn't normal." BITCH THIS MAN JUST CAME BACK FROM NOT UPLOADING FOR A MONTH THE FUCK YOU MEAN THIS ISN'T NORMAL. This Man Who Owned Five Ovens habitually erases himself from all of existence for weeks at a time. This Short Ass Motherfucker could be in fucking Korea getting blood drained from his eyes and won't be back for 2 more weeks. This Squirrel King is the same asshole who promised us four times to upload something every day and broke that promise the very next week.
The fuck you mean "long time viewers" BITCH LONG TIME VIEWERS KNOW HOW NORMAL THIS IS. Long time viewers know him uploading every day ISN'T NORMAL. If we get a couple month of content it's awesome! But those are so few and so far in between. Do you really think this isn't normal for the man who legit had people impersonating him on his own channel because he took a hiatus for like half a year. That lucky flannel having motherfucker disappears constantly, then reappears with some unbelievably AMAZING FUCKING QUALITY CONTENT LIKE WHO FRAMED MARKIPLIER OR A DATE WITH MARKIPLIER OR FUCKING IN SPACE WITH MARKIPLIER.
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avenin · 3 months
TAG GAME: 10 Fandoms, 10 Characters
Tagged by the lovely @tonbanereblogs
1. Mr. birdman himself, Revali from Breath of the Wild. The brainrot for that man is unbelievable . Like I actually cannot believe how much I am obsessed wit him. Idk if I wanna be him or be in him but—
2. Stiles from Teen Wolf; that guy formed my personality. He was also the first fandom experience with transgender-ness that made me go “oh wait-“ about my gender. Which was neat! I also just love me a silly little guy 🤭
3. Zim & Dib from Invader Zim. I lump these two together because their weird little toxic co-dependency has me fascinated. I used to want to be Zim when I was in the fandom (many many many moons ago); His odd mannerisms tweaked my pre-teen soul
{realizing very quickly that I have NOT been in many fandoms}
4. This isn’t a show or game but Markiplier was a HUGE influence for me through my teen years. His videos and attitudes really helped shape me into the person I am today and gave me my fuckin goofy sense of humor
Gotta be honest most of my blorbos are from Zelda; I was out of the fandom scene for a good few years and Zelda is/was my reintroduction to fandom life. It’s the first fandom I’ve actually made art for and have tried engaging with. I’ve always been a lurker before this.
Link my GUY. Love how his gender is my gender. Ganon is such a fun and interesting character to play with! Zelda rips my soul to pieces. Love the champions!
anyway, that’s all I really have to say! Thanks for tagging me! Sorry it’s not more interesting haha ^^’’
I tag: @ginneke @naturalld @mommacomms @ghirahimbo @senchee @amiharana @coconi @john---baptist
No pressure to do this but I’d love to see your guys’ things! So tag me if you end up doing it!
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Hello Ladies, Gents, and Anynone else who do not fall under those terms!
Today, I will be talking about how I first got into Onision, or as I used to only know him as: UhOhBro.
So, this was around when I started to grow out of the usual kid youtubers (at around age 10–11) and started to look for more of the teenager targeted youtubers. I started to watch TheRPGMinx, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Shane Dawson, and i think a few other people.
Then there was one that really caught my eye. A channel named UhOhBro with a pretty short video. Looks like Comedy... sure, why not?
I regret that day so much for the pain that it has caused me and my growth.
For probably the first month, i just lightly watched his UhOhBro comedy stuff whenever a new video came out. Probably 2 to 5 minutes, then I go on with my day and forget about it, as its only purpose was to give me temporary entertainment.
Now, i dont think I got too invested into it all until around 12 and a half (i will talk about that time period in a different post). During the months leading up to that though, it was weird to say the least.
I sort of just stopped watching other youtubers, as each day UhOhBro had posted a new video. I also binged a lot of his playlists, as he had thousands of videos on his Channel. This was before his “i rate your bodies”, and all of the stuff involving requests from his forums.
Looking back at it, my humor got more dark and twisted, but yet more childish and immature.
I started to get minorly more self concious and hateful towards my body (i wasn’t the most slim and in-shape of children, and still the same way) but i wasnt necessarily fat. I got more insecure about my sexuality. Was I really gay if I didnt overtly sexualize women?
Was it weird to have romantic feelings towards them?
Was i really unlazy and unhygenic if i didnt wash the entirity of my body (including hair) every day? (Also learned that is pretty bad, even if you moisturize, as it damages your skin and strips the natural oils and wax that protects your hair and skin)
Am i dumb to not be looking up a definition of a common word every five seconds? (You’re an idiot, greg, if you didnt retain the vocabulary you learn in elementary school.)
This was before i started watching “Onision Speaks”, which is before my era of being a cunt to every religious, male, female, and even 1 ib overweight person around me. Those were rough days, but ill talk about it a different time.
I was starting to get weirdly sucked into a trance and manipulation of sorts. Each video he would say you’re beautiful no matter what, but then go on to critique every little fkn thing with an image of a model or actress.
Would say that your sexuality doesnt define you, then go on to essentially one-sided sexually harass andy biersack and any young looking female he found pictures of.
He had a ton of red flags that were very obvious now looking back at them.
But i was a very, very, gullible child.
And continued to be, until around when i was turning 14.
For three to four years, I was manipulated. During those years, i honestly and whole heartedly believe my growth was stunted in some aspects. I know for a fact i have major depression and anxiety. I got body issues now im trying to recover from. I hate presenting myself as feminine, and despise it when any feminine traits of mine are pronounced. just from how much i dont want my body to be sexualized that way out of paranoia. And so much other shit that impacts my life in their minor little ways.
To younger me, he was an Idol in a way. He talked about more serious topics, and seemed to portray a mature and self love message (that later revealed itself to be laced with hypocrisy).
He began to be everything to me.
He was an adult who acted foolishy mature.
I started to love and follow him.
He was becoming my god.
I do not want to end this off on a mad or aggressive note, so I will leave you all with a guideline i like to follow nowadays.
“Find idols and use them to inspire you to do good. Watch or listen to them for entertainment. Listen to their beliefs and support them if you agree. But dont for one second think they aren’t replaceable if they do shitty things. Sure they might make good music, tell funny jokes, seem to have a good stance on certain minority rights, but that doesnt mean shit if they are hurting people. If the things they say directly affect or hurt people (that aren’t bigots of course), then re-evaluate how you look at them. If they apologize and make progress to learning what they did wrong and changing that view, then respect that. It doesnt make what they said meaningless, but it shows they are willing to learn. If they turn out to be non-willing to learn, then drop them in your past. We have so many celebrities and potential idols nowadays, you can find a new one to support. Cherish the ones that have stayed in your life though, for the ones that stay in your heart can truly inspire you.”
That is just a rough outline of it, since im struggling to find where i wrote it out completely. Its very late at night so im trying my incoherent best to write it from memory.
@basement-critics thanks to your blog, or else i probably wouldnt start sharing my journey through hell: beginning at the age of 11
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gay-spaghetti · 6 years
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Hearts and Heroes
After watching @markiplier play the beautiful game known as Hearts and Heroes, I had to draw fan art for it. I’ve been in this community for nearly 4 years now, and this is such an important moment in our history. Watching Mark play the game was hilarious, extremely enjoyable, and obviously super emotional :) If you’re a big fan of Mark, DEFINITELY check out the video. I know you’ve heard it a million times, but we love ya Mark! And I couldn’t be any happier with this amazing and friendly community.
I’m going to be rambling in the rest of this, so click “Keep Reading” if you’re interested. I just wanted to say some “thank you”s to the friends I made because of Mark :) (Oh! And there’s also a super quick, personal message for Mark at the VERY bottom) Thank you regardless, and from the bottom of my heart, I love this family we’ve created over the many years!
First off, to the creators of this game (@hearts-and-heroes)​ : Thank you a million times over for making it! It’s absolutely stunning, and it perfectly represents the diversity of this fandom. It also shows that no one in the community is perfect, and we all can get into fights every so often, but we ALWAYS pick each other back up. We truly are like a family: having fights occasionally, but always standing up for each other and loving each other no matter what. Not only was this game a huge “thank you” to Mark, but it was also a huge “thank you” to everyone viewing the channel and participating in this grand and caring community. Once again, thank you so much for making what I consider to be a masterpiece of a game! (Despite the very few grammatical errors ;P *tease tease* *joke joke*)
Now onto the friends I made!
Leaf ( @leaftooth ​): Thank you so much for being one of the very first online friends I’ve ever had. Though we don’t talk much anymore, I will never forget all the fun we had roleplaying and sending each other art. You’re so sweet and extremely talented, and I’ve always been so honored to be considered your friend!
Kelsey ( @jewfross ​): Thank you so much for being one of the most fun people to talk to. We’ve been talking online for years, and roleplaying with you, sharing art, and simply talking with you never fails to make me smile. You’ve helped developed so many of my characters, and your creativity always inspires me.
Abby ( @mysterypaws ​): Thank you so so much for being such an awesome friend. We haven’t known each other for long, but you’ve come to be one of my greatest online buddies. I love talking to you, and I love your adorable art. Your humorous attitude always makes me so happy!
Ash ( @cinnamon-grump ​): I suppose we’re not “friends” persay, but you’ve definitely become a huge idol for me. Your insanely impressive art inspires me, and your loving and awesome demeanor always puts warmth in my heart. You and I have had some serious talks, and that’s just made us closer. Thank you for being so cool and understanding!
And finally, thank you to the people who run the @colonel-william-protection-army @mayor-damien-protection-squad blogs. Because of you guys, so much art, (including mine), gets shared around this huge community. You’ve help made me feel that I’m truly contributing, and blogs such as yours ensure that people in this community can communicate, socialize, theorize, make friends etc. You guys are awesome!
Thank you all. Each and every single one of you has helped shaped me into the person I am today. I cannot thank you enough for that. I’m excited to see what the future holds for us!  ♡
Quick message for Mark:
The first video I ever watched of Mark’s channel was his VERY FIRST FNAF video way back in 2014. The second was his Draw My Life video, and after that, I was hooked. Since then, I became a better artist, I met a TON of cool people, and I enjoyed some of the best content on Youtube. Like everyone else here, I look up to you, Mark. I know you’ve heard it a thousand times, so I’ll just simply say Thank you for changing my life for the better ♡
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